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Predictions of psychics according to zodiac signs


There are myths and legends about this woman. Despite her blindness, the seer from Bulgaria predicted events several decades in advance, which one way or another came true. for Russia carry ambiguous conclusions. In her visions, bloodshed will begin in our country, although not quite long-lasting, but in some areas of the country it may drag on indefinitely. The soothsayer saw that it was the Russian Federation that would become the main reconciliator of all parties on Earth.

According to her, next year Russia can become the main state in the whole world, but not selfish and ambitious like America, but one to which the whole world will come to bow. Slavic associations from all over the world will be formed on the territory of our country. The great soothsayer said that Russia will help all countries next year and may unite with China and India. Modern analysts believe that there are many prerequisites for this. Of course, Vangelia also saw a crisis in the country, but since Russia is a long-suffering power and very strong, it will withstand all the blows of the aggressors with dignity.


An ancient seer from France once said his prediction for 2017 for Russia from the strongest psychics. In his paintings he described people from the east, darkness, and cruel warriors of the great war. He spoke of a war based on religion that would cause countless deaths throughout the world. It’s impossible to believe, but the clairvoyant described in his own way the chemical weapons that would be used during the war. He also saw that people would begin to move to Siberia. His visions of Russia say that our country will suffer the least from world wars and that it will become the country from which a new era of humanity will begin.

Matrona of Moscow

This woman was canonized. In her visions, she saw a huge test for Russia, which would occur on February 10 next year. There is no clear description of the event in Matrona’s account. We can say that the saint predicted the end of the world, which was supposed to happen in February. Most likely, she meant that the morality of people is being lost, and they are becoming more and more embittered and bitter. Humanity itself is engaged in the extermination of each other, morality is disappearing, terrible addictions are devouring more and more of the population.

Wolf Messing

He predicted active participation in the global military conflict for the Russian Federation. Messing spoke about the impending flood that will occur in Siberia next year and Russia's greatest rise throughout the world. Wolf Messing gave his predictions for 2017 for Russia, which are not very different from the strongest psychics of our time. The difference is that he was born in 1899 and could not know what would happen at that time.

Pavel Globa

This modern astrologer predicts that Russia can somehow influence the development of the largest war in the world and one can only guess how the government will behave. If Russia does not become a participant in this war, then no critical situation is foreseen for the country. predicts a favorable future for Russia next year. According to him, our country will become a participant in various newly formed alliances and this will help Russia become the most powerful superpower, strengthening its position throughout the world in the political arena. The country's rise begins against the backdrop of the collapse of European coalitions.

Tamara Globa

The astrologer says that despite the current difficulties in the country, the foundation of a new economy is being laid right now, which will show its effectiveness in a few years. Tamara admits that localized outbreaks of war will appear, but the government will quickly respond to the emergence of such problems and a peaceful situation will be established. There are many outsiders who want to take over Russian regions where there are deposits of natural resources, but Russia will not give up its territories.

Tamara says in her “predictions for 2017 for Russia from the strongest psychics” that next year will become the starting point for the new history of the country, where religion will occupy an important place. Also, like many psychics, she sees that spirituality should be revived among the population for the integrity of the people and common interests. By moving towards the goal together, the country's rise in all directions is possible.

Fatima Khadueva

A participant in the Battle of Psychics predicts prosperity for Russia in 2017. The country must withstand the attacks of Western aggressors. Russia will experience a rise, despite the global crisis. The implementation of agricultural projects and the improvement of medical care will begin.

Alexander Litvin

Alexander Litvin, a participant in the Battle of Psychics, gives for Russia. The sanctions that European countries and the United States have imposed on Russia will still do their job, and so that the people are not driven into a corner, they must unite more than ever. To do this, it is necessary to cultivate spirituality in people through the media, which will not allow them to lose themselves as a nation. The prosperity of a country depends entirely on the people living in it. If you set goals and achieve them together, you can significantly influence the economic recovery of Russia.

He also sees the beginning of a reshuffling of positions in the government and says that those who truly root for Russia with all their hearts will remain at the helm. Litvin talks about predictions for 2017 for Russia, speaking from the strongest psychics in our country. The good news, the seer believes, will be the level of reduction in corruption in the country. The people will not agree with the government’s decisions, especially on the issue that Russia is being drawn into wars outside the country. The psychic does not see any mass unrest on the territory of Russia, which generally gives a stable assessment of the situation.

Alexander Sheps

A participant in a sensational television program on TNT, who was able to captivate millions of viewers, evokes an ambiguous opinion about himself. Many are skeptical about him, they say that he is an actor and plays his role. Since childhood, Alexander has been able to talk with higher powers and he calls himself a dark magician. He sees a not entirely easy future for Russia and many negative circumstances will appear next year. The crisis that everyone is talking about will still be relevant for Russia for several years to come. He talks about a further increase in prices, an increase in taxes, given the stability of wages, which are not increasing.

All this can provoke rallies. The psychic hopes that the government will come to its senses and will pay more attention to its citizens than to take care of those who have suffered in the world from any circumstances. Sheps says that military conflicts are possible in certain regions of the country, and if the government does not stop the localization of outbreaks, then a civil war may begin in Russia, which, in his opinion, will become one of the reasons for the development of the Third World War. The seer gives a prediction for 2017 for Russia, speaking on behalf of the country's strongest psychics: people will never be able to recover from the fall of the ruble and will continue to give preference to foreign currencies, despite its strengthening.

Sheps also sees a decrease in the unemployment rate among the population and the demand for specialists. The reason for this will be foreign sanctions on many products that were previously on store shelves but are now missing. To replace sanctioned products, new jobs are and will be created, small businesses will rise, thanks to which people will become in demand and will receive good salaries.

These are the predictions given by the strongest seers of ancient and modern times. If we summarize the above, then in general the next year for Russia will not be the most difficult, but very significant for the entire people.

  • The strongest psychics about Russia: predictions for 2016
  • How to relax during the New Year holidays 2017 in Russia: calendar
  • Calendar of significant and memorable dates for 2017 for librarians


01.01.2017 / 16:50


Only Sheps is right. The rest are in Putin’s way.

01.01.2017 / 18:30

Qing Jiao

Matrona told the truth: there will be a coup in February.

12.01.2017 / 11:17


Vanga said that Russia will help all countries. And this is again at the expense of the Russians??? Damn, didn't she say anything else? At least for a minute I want to feel some kind of stability, not to constantly spread rot on us

14.01.2017 / 07:40


If Russia helps others, that’s great, it means it will be able to.

27.01.2017 / 00:50


Lord, lord..., lord, this is a master, only slaves have a master. Have they driven people into such a mess?! , tariffs are rising, there are no wages, there is no work, lawlessness, people cannot get their meager wages for months, and officials buy apartments to store money, Caucasians, Asians are at home here, they kill, maim, and they are acquitted! Everyone can already see who is in power, the Russians are ruled by non-Russians..., humiliating them on their land, what is Solovyov-Shapiro alone worth?! and there is Gundyaev - Who are the Slavs? Barbarians!!! Cattle! speaking an unknown language! ...our people have patience, that’s why they haven’t lost a single war, and it’s over! 2017 will be the expulsion of the RATS!

31.03.2017 / 19:51

Marcel of Orenburg

What will happen to us tomorrow?
USA, CHINA, EUROPE, RUSSIA... who will survive after the crisis and wars???
To whom will the eyes of all humanity and states be turned???
My predictions will be seen and experienced by those who read them at this moment.
CHINA. This is where the entire economic and political crisis in the world will begin. The reason is simple, like everything predictable - overproduction. When you catch up, high economic growth rates are good. But when you catch up and start overtaking and cannot stop, this is not good. All attempts by the country's leadership aimed at curbing economic growth will be in vain due to the extreme corruption of the highest party officials, who already today have huge fortunes and are striving to further increase their fortune. All reductions and closures of enterprises will only be on paper. We already went through this under the communists of the USSR. The Chinese communist millionaires will also fall on the same rake.
The collapse of the Asian stock exchange will lead to the collapse of the American and European stock exchanges. The world seemed to be just waiting for this. Everyone will think only about themselves, as if the end of the world is coming. The stock market boom will cause a political crisis. The world will go crazy because there will be no directors in this crisis.
China, the USA, and the European Union will go down in history, like all the former empires that were striving for world leadership.
All world currencies will lose their value. Naturally, the ruble will also fall. But the outbreak of civil wars in China, the USA, Brazil, Mexico, Europe and many other countries will unite and strengthen Russia. The small states of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, after the self-dissolution of NATO and the EU and the start of hostilities by neo-fascists in Europe, Islamists in Asia, and the civil war in China, will run in a race with a bow to Moscow - to seek protection. Those leaders of these states who are throwing mud at Russia today will have nowhere to run (the entire globe will be drawn into regional wars) and they will simply be trampled by a maddened crowd. Civil wars will divide China and the United States into several independent states with nuclear capabilities. The threat of a third world war will be greater than ever. Russia will mobilize its armed forces and close all its borders, and martial law will be declared in the country. Attempts in Russia to shake up the central government will be stopped very harshly and in a timely manner. Those oligarchs who want to warm their hands in the war will face a tribunal according to the laws of war. After the public execution of several oligarchs, the rest will understand that different times have come. And we must think not about profit, but about preserving the integrity of Russia, as a guarantor of the preservation of peace throughout the world.
The world order, established over centuries, will fall apart in just a few weeks. The banking system will collapse first, then telecommunications and all world trade. The world's oceans will be swarming with pirates. Due to the lack of hydrocarbons, piracy will rise to the state level. The delivery of hydrocarbons to consumers by sea will be reduced to almost zero. The winners will be those states that have pipelines and consumers near their borders. Raw material prices will skyrocket. But the main commodity on the world market will not be oil or gas, but weapons.
Russia will become the main seller of weapons, and in years of crisis they will bring the main income to the state treasury. The largest buyers of weapons will be countries that today maintain neutrality. Selling weapons to Japan and Taiwan would displease their formidable neighbors and lead Russia into military conflict.
There will be no one to finance the UN, and the pitiful remnants of the organization will move from New York to St. Petersburg.
A huge number of financiers and industrialists will move with their money and factories to Russia. Our country will be filled with the descendants of Sarah and Abram, because in many countries, the blame for the crisis will be placed on their heads. Thanks to stability and correct policies, as well as the influx of huge finances and labor into the Russian economy, Russia will become a superpower in 3-4 years. The population of Russia will be almost 500 million people. The Russian ruble will take the place of the dollar. There will be a place in the new banknotes for both Lenin and Stalin, but there will be no place for Gorbachev.
Several states of former China, having united in a military alliance, will test the strength of the Russian border. But having lost more than a hundred million people killed and wounded in just a few days of hostilities and a strip of uninhabited land in addition, they will forever forget the road to the north. But Russia will still accept refugees from China and allocate them land from Alaska to Kaliningrad and from Almaty to Sofia so that they can engage in farming and processing agricultural products. On the condition that their children will study in Russian, and they themselves must pass an exam on their knowledge of the Russian language. Non-Russian speech in government institutions will be prohibited and severely punished. This will apply to all acceding states. Russia will put very strict demands on them. They will lose their statehood, they will be ruled by governors-general from representatives of indigenous Russia.
The Islamists, who are suffering defeats today, will perk up during the crisis and go on the offensive again. The Middle East and the northern half of Africa will be under their influence. To counter them, a new military alliance Russia-Iran-Türkiye will be created. Iraq and Syria will be on fire again, but Russia will not interfere. Full-scale hostilities will be carried out by Turkey, Iran and partly Saudi Arabia until their fall. Russia will help them with supplies of weapons and ammunition.
Russia will also cooperate with the new regimes of Germany, France and ... Italy, which in turn will create a new military and political bloc on an ultranationalist basis.
The neo-fascists of Europe will organize St. Bartholomew's Night for immigrants. In a few months, almost all non-indigenous inhabitants of their countries will be killed.
Great Britain will peacefully divide into England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales, but by maintaining a single army, they will be able to repel neo-fascists from continental Europe. Because the latter will demand that they expel all immigrants and refugees. There will be no major military conflict, because... the islanders will be forced to accept the conditions of the rest of Europe, because Uncle Sam will no longer be behind them.
American soldiers will be abandoned by their government to their fate. The collapse of the United States into small states will lead to the degradation of the once strongest army. The sale of weapons at bargain prices will begin. Ultra-modern weapons will end up in the hands of kings who just climbed out of the tree yesterday. Even those states that do not have a sea coast will buy warships. In just a year or two, once formidable aircraft carriers, military surface and submarine ships, and aircraft without proper maintenance will be turned into a pile of scrap metal.
The European military bloc will take part in military operations on the territory of many states. Hitler's dream will come true - a German soldier will march through New York, Washington and Ottawa. But he will pass not as an invader, but as a peacemaker, in order to stop civil wars and establish a peaceful life in a devastated and bloodless America.
Over the years of the crisis from 3-15 years (in some places they will overcome the crisis in 3 years, in others they will not overcome it in 15 years), the world's population will decrease by almost 2 billion people. The main causes of death will be hunger, disease and war.
In the next hundred years, the Russian ruble will rule the world. Russian language will become the language of international communication. All major financial institutions that will move to Russia will be evenly distributed throughout the country.
The era of RUSSIA will come.
Marcel of Orenburg

The famous psychic Alexander Sheps, who is the winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” made his statement regarding the coming 2017. According to the promising forecaster, Russia's influence in the geopolitical arena will begin to rapidly increase, and powerful countries will begin to seek support from Russia.

According to Sheps, next summer the European Union and the United States will completely lift sanctions from our country and will stop returning to the issue of Ukraine and Crimea. These positive changes will have a beneficial effect on the country's economy. The Russian ruble will gradually strengthen against the dollar, although it will never reach its previous positions.

Speaking about Ukraine, Alexander Sheps predicts another coup for this country, although this time without street clashes and bloodshed. The country's parliament will announce its dissolution, and after this the head of state will also resign. The new political force that will lead Ukraine will begin to establish relationships with both Russia and the European Union.

Charles Johnson's Prediction for 2017

A world-famous amateur astronaut from distant Australia became famous for disproving NASA data regarding the Natalie meteorite, which was recorded in space back in 2011. According to the astronauts, although the asteroid is approaching the Earth, it will not touch its orbit and will not be attracted by the gravitational forces of the Earth.

However, according to Charles Johnson, scientists are simply hiding from us the inevitable collision of the Natalie meteorite with the Earth.

According to Johnson's calculations, a cosmic body 10 times larger than the famous Tunguska meteorite will collide with the Earth on October 25, 2017. The impact will be so powerful that the Pacific Ocean wave will cover a third of all available land, and the columns of dust that rise into the air as a result of the impact will hide the Sun from people for many decades.

The insignificant number of people who survived such a catastrophe will have to go underground, because a new ice age will begin on the planet.

James Hansen's Predictions for 2017

The world-famous climatologist is known not as a predictor or soothsayer, but as a scientist who gives accurate forecasts for the future of the Earth based on the current climate situation. So, speaking about 2017, Hansen said that with the advent of this period, rapid melting of glaciers will begin.

The first alarm bells will sound in the summer, when the southern coast of Australia, as well as the coasts of Italy and Denmark, begin to go under water. Information will also appear that the depths of the sea have swallowed up some of the islands in Oceania marked on the map.

Powerful tornadoes will sweep across the northeastern United States, destroying dozens of fairly large cities. Abnormal heat will be recorded in Australia and Siberia, which will bring with it devastating fires. But Europeans, especially Italians, Czechs and Hungarians, should prepare for rivers to overflow their banks and seriously flood populated areas.

In addition to this, according to Hansen, in 2017 the energy balance of the Earth will be disrupted, which will be the starting point for the disappearance of many species of plants and animals from the face of our planet. And if state leaders don’t get together and decide how to protect nature, in the next 100 years we will lose more than half the population of all animals on the planet.

Prophecies of Nostradamus for 2017

The most famous of all the predictors who lived on Earth, Nostradamus left a lot puzzles for their descendants, which not everyone can solve. His quatrains or centuries contain information that also applies to 2017.

The first prediction speaks of the inevitability of the Third World War, which will affect all major states, including Russia. The confrontation between the countries should end in 2017.

During the war, new chemical weapons will be tested, the consequences of which will result in severe skin diseases.

Europe will suffer the most from the war. The population here will decrease significantly and the European continent will become empty. And then Russia will come out on top, where the remaining European population will begin to gather and settle in Siberia.

Russia will accept everyone and become the new “cradle of civilization.” Later it will be joined by China, which in 2018 will become a completely independent power claiming global leadership.

Nostradamus’ second prediction for 2017 confirms a serious confrontation between Islam and Christianity, but China will intervene in time and be able to resolve the current conflict.

In addition, in his forecasts he associates 2017 with the rise of the global economy. The energy revolution associated with the improvement of solar energy storage methods will provide people with cheap electricity, the transportation of which will not require anything. The energy will spread through the air.

The planet's population will begin to actively explore the depths of the sea. The active development of cities will continue, and scientists will transplant cloned human organs to prolong life.

Another prophecy of Nostradamus was the prediction that in 2017 America will begin to rapidly lose its influence in the world. Some countries will rebel against US aggression, and at the same time a powerful coalition will emerge on the planet led by Russia and the countries that have joined it, possibly India and China. This union will become the main military and political force on Earth for the next 50 years.

Prophecies of Pavel Globa for 2017

For Russia, 2017 will be a very difficult year, but not hopeless. In this difficult year, all countries of the world A serious crisis awaits: unemployment and currency devaluation. The Russian economy will be based on the sale of energy resources, this will allow it to “stay afloat” and strengthen its influence in the world. As for the United States, the country faces ruin and loss of authority.

The astrologer also talks about the reunification of the Russian Federation; the republics of Belarus and Kazakhstan will want to join it. They will likely be followed by the annexation of Azerbaijan and Armenia, as well as part of Ukraine. The unfolding global collapse, the beginning of which we are already seeing today, will cause irreparable damage to Europe and the United States.

The European Union will be on the verge of collapse, and economic instability in Europe will significantly reduce its authority in the world political arena.

Also, this large-scale crisis will not bypass the world currency - the American dollar. A sharp depreciation awaits him. As for China, its influence, together with Russia, will increase. The Chinese currency, the yuan, will also gain stability in the economic market.

Regarding the internal political situation in our country, the astrologer predicts an alarming situation. The revolutionary rebellion and mass protests will grow more and more, the goal of which will be to overthrow the current government.

All these riots will lead to civilian casualties. The risk of terrorist attacks will also increase.

Next year, the whole world will face natural disasters: tsunamis, earthquakes, floods. A large number of disasters, both transport and plane crashes, are also predicted. In Siberia, an astrologer predicts fires.

Despite all these negative forecasts, the astrologer also predicts good news. Scientists will develop new drugs for serious diseases. Russia will be able to overcome the crisis and over time will become the most influential state in the whole world.

Starting from the beginning of 2017, Russia will be maximally focused on the development of its economy and politics. A new, literate elite will come to power, which will be educated and will be able to raise Russia to a high level of civilization.

According to Pavel Globa, it is Russia that will become the driving force that can lead the whole world out of the process of stagnation and push for change.

It will become a country that will unite many states around itself. Without interfering in world politics, and adhering to its own views on current events, Russia will be able to become an independent arbiter in solving many global problems.

Vanga's prophecies for 2017

It is necessary to clarify that Vanga never spoke about exact dates, only approximately about a specific period of time. Many years ago, she foresaw that the world would be on the verge of the outbreak of the Third World War.

In her visions of the economic situation, she saw the beginning of a severe economic crisis that gripped almost all countries of the world and brought hunger and devastation to a huge number of people.

In her predictions, she outlined the possible unfolding of a large-scale military campaign, in which the use of chemical weapons of mass destruction is possible, which in turn will lead to the devastation of Europe.

These events will provoke a protracted demographic crisis that could last a century. Against the backdrop of what is happening, the Middle and Near East will increase its power, and Islam will become the main religion of the world, sending Christianity into oblivion.

Such powers as China and Russia did not bypass Wang in his visions. China will increase its status on the world political stage, and Russia will continue to grow in strength and move toward the superpower status it began in 2016.

Regarding the environmental situation in the world, everything is quite deplorable. The elements will play out in earnest, and terrible cataclysms will come.

An increase in seismic activity in the Indonesian region will lead to the formation of powerful tsunamis and tornadoes, which, in turn, will cause enormous loss of life. The centuries-old glaciers of Antarctica and the Arctic will continue to melt, this contributes to an increase in the water level of the World Ocean and entire states will go under water.

The number of dangerous solar flares will increase, which will lead to an increase in harmful ultraviolet radiation. These outbreaks will contribute to an increase in the incidence of skin cancer. Vanga also foresaw that by 2017, a dangerous viral disease that originated in the West of the African continent would spread.

If in 2015 it occurred in a small number of cases, then in 2017 it will cover entire states and lead to a massive epidemic. The victims of this terrible disease will number in the hundreds of thousands.

The blind fortuneteller believed that a threat should be expected from one of the Arab countries, perhaps it would be Iran, Turkey or Afghanistan. The conflict will break out between two Middle Eastern countries, one of which will decide to use nuclear weapons.

The situation will be reversed at the last minute, while the integrity and, possibly, the existence of the world will be preserved by Russia and China.

The fortuneteller Vanga says a lot of flattering and pleasant things about Russia as a whole in this time period. The main thing that the soothsayer said was the emergence of a leader among the Russian people, to whom in 2017 a powerful coalition will be born, capable of resisting global, American and Western threats in the future.

The ruler of our country will be called the Great in the future. The Russian economic system, according to prophecy, will develop incredibly quickly, this will enable Russia to become a superpower by the turn of 2017-2018.

In addition, Vanga believed that a new faith would arise in our country, which in the future would become nationwide and unite people of different faiths and confessions.

Regarding the Ukrainian situation, the seer saw a deep crisis and a third revolution, the probability of which is close to 100%. The civil strife in this country will be stopped by pressure from Russia, and the new authorities of Ukraine, who will come at that time, will attempt to unite with the Russian Federation.

The rest of the world will live during this period as follows. In 2017, the European Union will be in decline, and many of its constituent countries will deliberately lose contact with each other. Perhaps this forecast indicates the destruction of the European Community as a single conglomerate.

2017-2018 will bring a final weakening of the role of the United States of America. The political crisis in the country will give rise to mass demonstrations and protests among citizens.

“New Year's rituals and ceremonies” You will find out the most effective ones


Gift No. 1. Recommendations for summing up ending year + workbook “Summing up 2016″, which will help you properly analyze the past year.

2016 has already crossed the equator; it cannot be said that this year was favorable for the whole world, and for Russia in particular, a lot has happened in these six months. But some people are already worried about what awaits humanity in the coming year; what are the predictions for 2017? After all, the prophecies of famous clairvoyants and seers often come true. Let's try to look into the near future and find out what awaits us.

The predictions of this blind seer were always taken seriously, because most of her prophecies came true. One has only to remember how accurately she predicted the death of the Kursk submarine or the collapse of the USSR. What, according to Vanga’s prophecies, awaits the world and our state next year? It must be said that the Bulgarian clairvoyant said that this year a war would break out in the East, and the Arabs would leave their homes, and so it happened: due to the flaring military conflict in Syria, thousands of refugees poured into the European continent. And in 2017, Vanga sees the outbreak of a full-scale 3rd World War, which will pit Christians and Muslims against each other.

However, her subsequent predictions refutes the previous one, as the seer believes that the conflict can be avoided if Russia intervenes, appearing as a global peacemaker. And the burden of maintaining world peace will fall on the shoulders of the Russian ruler, for which he will be inscribed forever in the pages of history.

What do the 2017 predictions say? Terrible events await us: riots, complete chaos, the fight against injustice. According to her, the country is facing a real revolution, widespread unrest and even famine. Only those who can take away from another will survive will happen for power.

Predictions of Nostradamus

As you know, the predictions of Michel Nostradamus are quite difficult to interpret; the great clairvoyant encrypted his visions into so-called quatrains. In his opinion, difficult trials are coming in the world in 2017. Due to pollution in France's water bodies, the country will experience a catastrophic water shortage, resulting in unrest among the population. Disasters are also possible, due to which people will have to leave their homes and seek refuge in other countries.

The seer spoke of the sun's rays, which would make people's skin peel off, perhaps he was referring to the attack of atomic bombs. Do not forget that the conflict between North Korea and the United States is growing, and a nuclear war is just around the corner, because the Koreans are testing their bombs at full speed.

Predictions of Saint Matrona

In different sources you can find different predictions by Matrona about what the world expects next year. Perhaps some people interpreted her visions incorrectly. Some sources claim that Matrona saw favorable events in the coming year. And others say that a worldwide revolution is coming, which will affect almost all countries on the planet.

Matrona saw that in 2017 Russia and Belarus would unite again, and it was from this moment that the Russian economy would go up, trade relations with many foreign countries would improve, and agriculture would flourish.

We can also expect relief from many deadly diseases, because... doctors will be able to develop new drugs.

According to several sources, the main components of the preparations will be holy water.

According to other interpretations, the world will be covered in chaos, and in 2017 all humanity will be overtaken by a terrible end of the world. According to Matrona, one day all people will fall dead and fall underground. One can only hope that not all the visions of the great clairvoyant will come true.

Predictions of Pavel Globa

One of the most authoritative astrologers is Pavel Globa; many people try to follow his assumptions about what the stars are saying. Many of his predictions came true with amazing accuracy. He also made predictions for 2017, and according to them, a favorable period awaits us.

According to his calculations, the weight of the Russian state in the world will increase, economic and political problems will be resolved, people will begin to get out of poverty, and the financial well-being of citizens will improve.

Wolf Messing's predictions

The mystery around Wolf Messing has always attracted people; this amazing man was a psychic, a hypnotist, and had magical and telepathic abilities.

Many of his visions came true. One day the prophet went into a trance and saw that in the distant future there would be calm and peace.

Predictions of Paisius of Athos

In addition to astrologers and clairvoyants, many people believe in the predictions of the elders; one of those whose visions came true is Paisius of Athos. One of the most famous seers sees that a terrible war is coming, as a result of which a state like Turkey will completely disappear, and Istanbul will again become a Greek city.

According to his prediction, a third of all humanity will die, a third will become Christians, and another third will leave their homes and seek refuge. Oddly enough, Elder Paisius’s predictions are beginning to come true: the conflict around Turkey is flaring up, a full-scale revolution is brewing in the country, and there are a huge number of refugees in the world.

However, the elder predicts that a war will begin between Turkey and Russia, as a result of which Crimea will pass to the Turkish state. Paisiy sees Russia as a stronghold of Orthodoxy and a world peacemaker.

Charles Johnson's Predictions

The famous Australian astrophysicist also expressed his assumptions about what awaits us in 2017. However, his research is alarming; according to Johnson, humanity is awaiting destruction, which will come from outer space and completely destroy the Earth. The thing is that five years ago NASA scientists discovered a giant space object called “Natalie” approaching our planet at incredible speed.

True, researchers believe that the asteroid will pass by the Earth and not affect it.

But self-taught astrophysicist Johnson made his own calculations, according to which “Natalie” will definitely collide with the planet, and this catastrophe will occur on October 25, 2017!

According to the Australian, the size of the Natalie asteroid is 4 times larger than the Tunguska meteorite, and if it collides with the Earth, our world will practically disappear. Waves from the Pacific Ocean will cover most of the land, and a column of dust and ash will block the sun from earthlings for many years. Only a handful of people will survive.

Predictions of the strongest psychics

We also collected psychic predictions for 2017, many of which seriously frightened people. Thus, according to popular climatologist and person with paranormal abilities James Hansen, recent climate studies have shown that next year climate disasters may hit the planet. Water may leave the land area, sharp warming and melting of glaciers will begin. Hansen believes that rare species of animals and plants will begin to disappear completely, and only humans can stop these natural disasters by restoring the energy balance on the planet.

But the winner of one of the seasons of the show “Battle of Psychics” Bakhyt Zhumatova believes that in 2017 the whole world will experience only favorable events. For example, she predicted a speedy recovery from the economic crisis and prosperity for her country, Kazakhstan. According to a Kazakh psychic, the terrorist organization ISIS will cease to exist. True, Bakhyt also sees terrible things: a flood in Japan, a large number of Japanese refugees will be forced to seek refuge in Kazakhstan, the states of Afghanistan and Israel will completely disappear.

Another winner of the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexey Pokhabov, predicts that energy prices will rise sharply in 2017, which could affect the excitement of the masses and even lead to a revolution. And only those states that have a sufficient supply of natural resources will prosper.

To believe or not to believe the predictions of saints, prophets and psychics is everyone’s business. We will soon know whether their prophecies will come true or not. Perhaps people are waiting for completely different events that no clairvoyant can see. However, it is worth knowing that only a person himself can influence his future, you need to think about it right now, then many mistakes cannot be corrected.

Predicted difficult times. According to the seer, the coming period is destined to become decisive for all humanity. It is difficult to say exactly what the prophecy left to descendants implies. Meanwhile, experts in the field of secret knowledge came to the conclusion: we are talking about some kind of global catastrophe or epidemic.

Astrologer Pavel Globa in its forecasts pays more attention to the economic and political atmosphere on the planet. According to his authoritative opinion, the global crisis will subside and many countries will begin to gradually strengthen their domestic economies from 2017. However, ordinary people will have to deal with the consequences of recession and desolation for a long time, which will be reflected in a far from decent standard of living.

Renowned climate scientist James Hansen, specializing in natural anomalies, draws information about the future from more mundane sources. The professor predicts the rapid melting of glaciers, which will entail dire consequences. According to an American researcher, part of Australia, as well as the coasts of Denmark and Italy, are at risk of going under water. Many countries with territories adjacent to seas and large rivers will face large-scale flooding of populated areas due to strong overflow of water from their banks. At the same time, Siberia, in conditions of abnormal heat, will be overwhelmed by fires, destroying everything in its path.

In works left as a legacy Blavatsky and Tsiolkovsky, 2017 is referred to as the beginning of a new era, which will be marked by a breakthrough in the development of high technology. An interesting prophecy of the mediums of his time was a hint of a special rapprochement between planet Earth and the cosmic world. The indisputable facts of the existence of other civilizations will be revealed, and life outside the solar system will make itself known. But there are also caveats: depending on how rationally the relationship of earthlings with nature and space develops, humanity will either benefit or end its mortal existence.

Psychic Alexey Pokhabov in his forecasts he focused on the prospects for the global economy. According to him, the coming period will bring a significant increase in prices for natural resources, the reserves of which are rapidly being depleted. In such conditions, prosperity awaits only countries that still own sufficient deposits and engage in mining. The clairvoyant Bakhyt Zhumatova touched upon a very relevant and painful topic: she predicts a weakening of global terrorism. Of course, all the evil on the planet will not disappear in the blink of an eye, and the coming times will be shaken by more than one bloody act. But the existence of large-scale groups is doomed, and by the end of 2017, the majority of the planet will find the calm of peaceful life.

What awaits us in 2017: predictions of astrologers

Many eminent astrologers have proven in practice that their predictions really coincide with events occurring in the future. This means that you should still listen to the words of the servants of the stars in order to draw the right conclusions and try to avoid making some mistakes. In anticipation of the coming year, let's turn to the predictions of experts who draw information from the celestial bodies.

Greatest Genius Leonardo da Vinci He left as a legacy to his descendants several vivid prophecies, among which the upcoming 2017 is mentioned. A man who had unique, versatile abilities and was passionate about astronomy, already in his distant times foresaw a serious threat to the planet against the backdrop of significant climate change. Many countries will experience the consequences of neglecting the Earth and the riches provided by nature.

Representative of a galaxy of famous astrologers - Alexander Astrogor, does not have positive forecasts. He is confident that the onset of a new period will bring with it the widespread spread and raging of various epidemics. It is possible that you will encounter new viruses and diseases, from which you will not be able to find salvation right away. In his predictions, Astrogor refers to the opposition of two planets (Saturn and Neptune), leading to inevitable losses.

Tamara Globa 2017 promises to be a turning point in the development of many countries, including Russia. In general, her forecasts are more optimistic. Stable economic growth is expected, leading to improvements in the well-being of many people. As for negative phenomena - bloodshed, catastrophes, natural disasters, natural disasters - they will not decrease. However, the understanding that humanity is gaining about the fragility of its life and the planet will make it possible to better prevent dire and tragic consequences.

An astrologer supports the positive mood of a colleague Vlad Ross. In his opinion, a significant weakening of conflict situations is expected, both between countries and in personal relationships between people. However, the desired calm has a chance to give way to a storm by the end of the year. The reason for the negative changes will be the completion of the cyclical movement of the planets, which can lead to revolutionary unrest, coups d'état, and a change of power in particularly unstable regions.

Alexander Zaraev categorical in pessimistic forecasts. For 2017, he predicts only a worsening of existing conflicts and an aggravation of revolutionary situations. Against the backdrop of instability, new crisis phenomena will begin to intensify. Meanwhile, the astrologer notes that the difficult period is destined to be an impetus, with the help of which it will be possible to turn the tide of events and prepare the ground for a happier and brighter future. But in order to move to the next level, many countries and nationalities will have to go through considerable trials.

What awaits Ukraine in 2017

The events taking place in Ukraine leave few people indifferent. Residents of the country, and concerned citizens beyond its borders, cherish hopes for quick favorable changes. For this reason, the forecasts of people with the gift of foresight regarding the development of the situation in various spheres of life on Ukrainian lands in the coming 2017 are of keen interest.

Turning to the predictions of the great soothsayer Vangelia Pandeeva, known as Vanga, the picture that emerges is not the most rosy, but not without positive preconditions. According to Vanga, the coming period for Ukraine will still be a difficult time. No fundamental shifts towards positive changes are expected. Only decent, conscientious leaders can somehow influence the situation. But try to find them, and even individual representatives will find it difficult to settle in the conditions of a government mired in corruption.

Ukrainians will be helped to survive the difficult year of 2017 by their indestructible inner spirit and belief that the current situation will someday come to an end. Tangible changes for the better will begin only when a person stops thinking exclusively about himself and saving himself alone, and begins to act for the benefit of his neighbor. The historian and astrologer of our days, Pavel Globa, made forecasts for Ukraine until 2020 a few years ago. As for the coming period, according to his predictions, hostilities will not subside, the economy will continue to slide into the abyss, and prices will rise at an incredible pace. There is only one reassurance: despite the difficult living conditions, people will not have to starve. It will be possible to stabilize the situation only in a few years and subject to the creation of a coalition of Orthodox countries that will take Ukraine under their wing.

Some of Globa’s forecasts echo Vanga’s prophecies. The astrologer also believes that only a strong leader can resolve the conflict situation, including the one that has overwhelmed the south-eastern part of the country. A person who has the abilities of a persuasive speaker and negotiator will, through his good deeds, achieve authority and trust, which will allow Ukraine to set a course for a better future.

The words do not sound like a very encouraging prognosis psychic and numerologist Lyudmila Zhukova, which believes that in 2017 the Ukrainian people will face new revolutionary unrest. Troubled moods will overwhelm most of the country, which will negatively affect the development of all aspects of the internal and external life of Ukraine.

One of the strongest participants in the Ukrainian “Battle of Psychics” - Yakov Shneerson, did not make loud statements, limiting himself to some recommendations for compatriots for 2017. He advises holding on to your jobs more tightly, “tightening your belts” for a while, starting to save and thinking about savings. According to the young talent, the coming period will still bring some stabilization. However, we can hope for serious positive changes no earlier than 2019.

Sometimes circumstances in life lead to the fact that you want to lift the veil of secrets in order to find out what will happen to us in the near future. Everyone has their own reasons for this, but everyone needs detailed and truthful information. Over the years, people have turned to seers and psychics for this question. In modern times, the number of people with such abilities is huge. This is why doubts often arise about their predictions. Most of today's psychics are simple charlotans. However, there are a number of those whose abilities people will not doubt. At the moment we are talking about people who showed their superpowers and skills in the “Battle of Psychics”. For a long time, the winners and participants of this program have proven their abilities to millions of television viewers. Many of them also predicted the future of the entire state.

Then let's look at the predictions for 2017 from the participants in the “Battle of Psychics.”

Natalya Vorotnikova.

Natalya Vorotnikova is one of the first winners of the “Battle of Psychics”. She voiced some predictions regarding the future of Russia. According to her, the economic crisis in Russia will continue in 2017, but it will gradually slow down. There will also be an active decline in industrial development. But this will not affect the general situation of the state. Already at the end of 2017, Russia will be the first to begin to emerge from the protracted crisis.

Tursina Zakirova.

Turisna is the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” of the fourth season. She also decided to talk about her predictions regarding the future of Russia for 2017. Tursina spoke about a prophetic dream in which the most important events of our state were visible. Thanks to the actions of Putin and Medvedev, Russia will be brought out of the economic crisis, which will allow it to rise to a new level on the world stage. By the beginning of 2018, Russia will take a leading position regarding its economic situation among other countries in the world. Many European powers will look up to Russia.

Alexander Litvin.

A well-known psychic from the Russian “Battle of Psychics” said that in 2017 we should not expect any global changes in the life of the state. The economy and political situation of Russia will remain at approximately the same level. The military conflict with Ukraine will only be resolved in 2018.

Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova.

This participant in the “Battle of Psychics” stated that 2017 will bring many victims for Russia. Here we are talking about numerous accidents and troubles. Also, astrologers should pay attention to approaching comets, meteorites and asteroids that will fly at a short distance from planet Earth.

Svetlana Proskuryakova.

Another participant in the famous mystical show made quite extensive predictions about the future of Russia for 2017. According to her, the future fate of the Russian state depends on who is at its head. Currently, Russia's main problem lies with its officials. The future of the country depends directly on the decisions made by officials. Also in 2017, numerous reforms will be carried out in Russia, which will cause a negative attitude from the public. Russia must be prepared for several terrorist attacks that will result in casualties. The price of oil will not be stable. Such fluctuations may only end in 2018. Also in 2017, various cataclysms and disasters will rage across Russia. This mainly concerns fires and floods, which will also contribute to the economic crisis.

Alexey Pokhabov.

The winner of the seventh “Battle of Psychics” did not talk about specific dates related to the future of Russia. According to his visions, the life of the state will improve only if all residents begin to accept this situation as normal. This option is the only true way out of the protracted crisis for Russia in 2017. He also stated that natural disasters in 2017 would affect the material wealth of a larger population.

Nicole Kuznetsova.

Nicole made it to the finals of the last “Battle of Psychics” and also made some statements about the future of Russia in 2017. By the end of the year, those citizens whose funds are in banks may be disappointed. It is best to remove them from your accounts and invest them in your development. In addition, the Russian government will begin to make the first results-oriented decisions to get Russia out of the economic crisis.

Based on most psychic predictions, some conclusions can be drawn. Most of them concern the beginning of Russia's recovery from the economic crisis, as well as natural disasters. But most of the future position of the state depends on ourselves.



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