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Dubrov's generals on the Jewish mafia. Mongols. Founders of the Empire of the Great Khans - History of Russia. World, world history. What did the general tell

In Russia, the realization is steadily maturing that the state is following a path that does not correspond to it. national interests... More and more layers of society are joining the struggle to prevent the impending catastrophe and restore the rule of the people. At this historic moment for the country, it is very important for every patriot to determine politically and morally what his place is in the ranks of fighters for the restoration of democracy. One of the urgent tasks of the day is to unite the efforts of the patriots of Russia. However, the people say rightly: not all that glitters is gold, and not every leader who shouts louder.

2010-04-23 19:51

Oh, scary!

Recently Lieutenant General G. Dubrov published the book "Generals on the Jewish Mafia". We have known Grigory Karpovich for many years. He heads the veteran organization of the radio-technical air defense forces, which is firmly opposed to the elimination of air defense as a service of the Russian Armed Forces and the dismemberment of a single system of defense of the country from attacks from the air and from space. V last years Grigory Karpovich took part in many opposition actions and demonstrations. In 2009, General G. Dubrov was elected chairman of the Supreme Officers' Council of Russia. It was precisely his current position that prompted us to speak out about the positions set forth by the general in the named book.

Many books have been written about Zionism and the Jews in recent years. Fresh in the memory of the deeds of the Zionists for destruction Soviet Union and Russia with the participation of such odious figures as Berezovsky, Abramovich, Chubais, Svanidze, and others.

What did the general tell about?

“I have been in the ranks of the CPSU for over 30 years,” he writes. "And what was raised in this letter (that is, in the book. - Author), the overwhelming majority of the 18 million members of the CPSU did not know and did not know about that (including me)."

What did the ordinary communists not know, what did they not guess? It turns out that in 1786 the Bavarian government seized the papers of the secret organization "Order of the Illuminati", created by a certain A. Weishaupt. The documents allegedly contained a plan for a world revolution and the creation for this purpose of a network of organizations in many countries of the world.

According to G. Dubrov, Karl Marx became a follower of the "Order of the Illuminati". That, it turns out, what a terrible secret the leaders of the Bolsheviks were hiding from the members of the party! And further: “Jewish conspirators (under the strict leadership of Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov and others) will cause a revolution in Russia, such as the world has never seen ... The dictatorship of the proletariat. And who is it? Aunt Masha the cook? Shoemaker Uncle Pasha or Locksmith Uncle Vasya? No, my friends, our grandfathers were fooled by the Jews Mordahai and the letterheads ... Here is the Marxist-Leninist "dictatorship of the proletariat" for you. And this Jewish "dictatorship of the proletariat" unleashed such a bloody massacre in Russia, which claimed more than 60 million human lives, the best sons of the Russian people, who made up the gene pool of Russia. "

Let us note right away: all this was literally copied by G. Dubrov from V. Istarkhov's book "The Blow of the Russian Gods", but more on that later. In the meantime, following the general's logic, it remains to assume that if the members of the RSDLP learned that K. Marx is a "follower" of the "Order of the Illuminati", they would scatter, and no revolution for you. How badly the general thinks about tens of millions of communists - the builders of the great power of the USSR and its defenders. Moreover, it sounds especially disgusting and offensive in the year of the celebration of the 65th anniversary of our Great Victory... After all, only on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, three million communists laid down their heads and five million three hundred thousand fighters joined the Bolshevik Party. Among the communists there were great minds in all fields of knowledge, who, by the way, deeply understood the revolutionary theories of K. Marx and V. Lenin, who illuminated the way for mankind to a just structure of society and peace. Grigory Karpovich, apparently, studied Marxism, to put it mildly, superficially.

But Istarkhov's opuses of dubious quality and far from science seemed to be studied with interest and he took the bait. The "clear-cut" general writes that "Marxism-Leninism is the hidden weapon of Zionism," and offers the leaders communist parties and movements to think "under what banners they call the Russian people and their own fragmented electorate." We will discuss below who is actually splitting the working people and the officer corps. In the meantime, we will quote the words from the book, which sound almost threatening: "Ultimately they call the Russian people to stand under the banner, decorated with the six-pointed star of the Jewish king David, in the symbolism of which lies the meaning of the victory of the Jews over the non-Jewish peoples (goyim)." Almost everything here is quotes from the same book "The Blow of the Russian Gods".

Nietzsche never dreamed of such a thing

As we have already said, much in the general's work is an outright plagiarism of V. Istarkhov's book "The Blow of the Russian Gods". G. Dubrov worships him, as they say, to the point of losing his mind: "Even such a generally recognized genius as Friedrich Nietzsche is weaker than Istarkhov ..."

Listen to this nonsense to rebel with us:

"German Nazism is, first of all, a new religion, one of the variants of paganism." Here's an option for replacing Orthodoxy! About the fascist Fuhrer: “Hitler was not a fascist ... Hitler was not a Nazi. He dreamed of improving man ... Hitler was a breeder (Michurin) in the field of humanity. " And further in the development of the expressed thought: "The Hitler SS men were examples of people of a new, better breed."

But the reasoning about the Great Patriotic War... It turns out that not the Red Army, but "world Zionism at Stalingrad dealt a terrible blow to Hitler ..."

O Supreme Commander-in-Chief: "Of course, Stalin himself was an enemy of the Russian people ..."

And another notable "aphorism": "A speculator is a good person."

The militias got entangled in three flags

Thus, rabid anti-communism, anti-Sovietism merged with the propaganda of fascism. Whether the author and his supporters like it or not, in the fight against the communists they found themselves in the same ranks with the current enemies of our Motherland.

Chubais and his team, led by the leaders of the Kremlin regime, have been "hammering nails into the coffin of communism" for twenty years. Unfortunately, General G. Dubrov was next to them. And this man, heading the officer's public organization, wished to lead the entire patriotic opposition in the struggle to change the current political regime.

But not only he has such ambitions. At a meeting of one public officers' organization, claiming to be the leader in the patriotic movement, it was proposed to form the Minin and Pozharsky People's Militia.

Its combat regulations were approved and a chief of staff, Colonel V. Kvachkov, was appointed. He said that in Russia now there is no party ready and able to lead the people to replace the current ruling regime. His colleague in the leadership of the officers' organization, General L. Ivashov, apparently agrees with this: “Today we can state that political parties not only are they not a platform for gathering people, but, on the contrary, they divide the people. Parties and people are moving in different directions. " It becomes clear that they do not need any parties, the role of the collective people's leader is assumed by the officers' meeting.

They seem to be talking about all the parties, but they mark it first of all in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. In the speeches of G. Dubrov and other speakers, the Communist Party Russian Federation was brutally attacked by ambitious retirees who tried to cut off the communists from the people. Colonel V. Kvachkov proposed to lead people under three flags: the current state tricolor, black-white-yellow imperial and red. What will come of this and will the patriots go under such ideologically difficult compatible banners? So far, this has not happened. But something else is well known: all genuinely popular revolutions and progressive anti-imperialist movements were carried out in the 20th century under the leadership of the communists or with their most active participation and, as a rule, under their slogans.

Where are our warriors heading? First, let's take a look at the Military Doctrine of the Militia. It begins with V. Putin's statement: "This is an attack on our country ... We are dealing ... with an all-out, brutal and full-scale war, which again and again takes the lives of our compatriots ..." (Found someone to quote! - Author) So who attacked Russia? Who should the People's Militia fight against? It is clear that not with the Russian oligarchs and the socio-economic system that is ruining the country. The third paragraph of the second chapter of the said document explains: “... The main enemy of the Russian people, like other peoples ... is the world financial elite of international banks and transnational corporations ... international Zionism ... the US military machine, NATO ... terrorism ". Those joining the People's Militia, probably, think that they will be led to the fight against these phenomena, with henchmen of the named organizations inside Russia. Ordinary militias, apparently, do not realize that the Combat Regulations say: "The mobilization and formation of the People's Militia units can be announced" from above ", that is, by the country's leadership ..." V. Putin!

It remains to repeat what was repeated many times, but because of this it did not become less relevant: "People, be vigilant!"

B. GOLYSHEV. Major General. A. POZDEEV. Major General.

Whoever finds out about who actually rules the world and tries to convey information to society, in a strange way dies, commits suicide, goes to prison, disappears or dies. So there are people who got close to terrible secret and their conclusions are worth listening to. Maybe the disasters are organized by the liquidators? But who are they? What forces are behind this? We will not know about this soon.

Colonel-General Gennady Troshev.

Colonel-General Troshev, commander of military operations in Chechnya and Dagestan (1995-2002), died on September 14, 2008 in a Boeing-737-500 plane crash near Perm. According to rumors, he was preparing a confrontation between the Airborne Forces and the official authorities.

Deputy Chief of Staff of the North Caucasian Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Major General Valery Vladimirovich Lipinsky.

On December 29, 2008, Major General Lipinsky, Deputy Chief of Staff of the North Caucasus Regional Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, was killed in Makhachkala. Lipinsky's Niva was fired upon by unknown assailants. The general was wounded in the chest, after which he was taken to the hospital, where he died from blood loss.

Major General of the FSB of the Russian Federation, retired Rogachev Alexander.

On February 22, 2009, in a Toyota Land Cruiser SUV parked next to the Parisienne restaurant on Leningradsky Prospekt with the engine running, the body of retired FSB Major General Rogachev was found. Initially, the police assumed that Rogachev died naturally from an unknown disease, but during a detailed examination in the morgue, experts removed a 9-millimeter bullet from the head of the deceased. Since Rogachev was reputed to be a very careful person, and he was shot in his own car, it was assumed that the general was well acquainted with the killer and let him into the car himself.

Major General Petrov Konstantin Pavlovich.

On June 21, 2009, Major General Petrov, leader of the CPE party and head of the opposition project "Concept of Public Security" (KOB), dies in Moscow. Three came to him. They introduced themselves as journalists from Washington and asked for an interview. After meeting with them, the General, full of health, died suddenly on July 21, 2009! Petrov at one time participated in the development and testing space system Energia-Buran. Despite the official version about natural death, supporters of General Petrov to this day claim that he was poisoned.

Major General Yuri Ivanov, Deputy Chief of the GRU General Staff The armed forces RF.

Dies under very mysterious circumstances. Ivanov's body was found on August 16, 2010 (this year will be fatal for many generals). The decomposed body was found on the shore Mediterranean Sea residents of a coastal village in Turkey. The general was last seen alive on the opposite bank - in Syria, when he visited a construction site in the notorious city of Tartus, where at that time new Russian facilities were under construction. naval base Of the Black Sea Fleet. After visiting the base in Tartus, Ivanov went to a meeting with the Syrian intelligence officers (why there is no security for an officer of such a high rank). Somewhere around this time, he disappeared. It should be noted that Ivanov was actually the second person in the Russian administration. military intelligence GRU. Allegedly, it was he who was the organizer of a series of murders of Chechens living abroad. Yuri Ivanov is also associated with the Tu-154 plane crash in Smolensk, in which the President of Poland Lech Kaczynski, almost the entire military command of Poland, as well as a number of Polish politicians and public figures died.

Major General Viktor Chevrizov, former head of the intelligence directorate of the main command of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

On October 4, 2010, Major General Chevrizov, the former head of the intelligence directorate of the Main Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, shot himself in the head with an award pistol in his own entrance on Veernaya Street in Moscow. It is noteworthy that in the Chechen war, Chevrizov served as deputy head of the intelligence department for command and use of forces special purpose... A few days later, after Chevrizov, FSB Lieutenant Colonel Boris Smirnov shot himself in his garage in the north of Moscow (it is enough to recall from rumors about the strange request of the President of Chechnya to provide him with information about the special forces of the secret security forces of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Defense).

Lieutenant General Dubrov Grigory Karpovich.

Lieutenant General Dubrov on October 28, 2010 suddenly dies after falling from a platform under an electric train in the Balashikhsky district of the Moscow region. First, he was diagnosed with throat cancer. Underwent surgery in the hospital. The General's Siberian health allowed him to join the ranks after that, and he is again at the forefront of the information war. Then on October 28, 2010 he was pushed under the train. After all, the general is not Anna Karenina to throw herself under the train! The main version of the death is a contract political assassination with an attempt to disguise it as an accident. Dubrov served as chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Anti-Fascist Committee and was a member of the coordinating council of military-patriotic public organizations in Russia. Earlier, in February 2010, an All-Russian officers' meeting was held under the chairmanship of General Dubrov, at which a decision was made to start actions to prepare the displacement of the Putin-Medvedev regime. On November 7, Dubrov was supposed to speak at the rally "Army against Serdyukov" (at that time Serdyukov was the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation). It is noteworthy that not only Dubrov, but also Lieutenant General Debashvili, who will be found dead in the center of Moscow, and Lieutenant General Shamanov, who will have a car accident in Tula on October 30, could not get to this rally. A strange fate follows the generals from the book "Generals on the Jewish Mafia".

Lieutenant General Boris Debashvili.

On October 30, 2010, the body of Lieutenant General Debashvili was found near house number 28 on Komsomolsky Prospekt in the center of Moscow. What happened to him is still unknown.

Colonel-General Vladislav Alekseevich Achalov.

Colonel General Achalov died "after a serious and prolonged illness" on June 23, 2011. Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR (1990 - 1991), Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (September 22 - October 4, 1993). Achalov was always known for his irreconcilable stance towards the regime. In the fall of 1993, Achalov was among the leaders of the uprising that began in Moscow after the blockade of deputies of the Supreme Soviet of Russia. After the uprising, he was arrested but released under an amnesty in 1994. Later he demanded the dismissal of Serdyukov, was one of the main organizers of the November rally in 2010, before which Generals Dubrov, Chevrizov and Debashvili died under mysterious circumstances, and General Shamanov survived, but was hospitalized due to injuries sustained in a car accident, and could not come.

Major General of the FSB Morev Konstantin Anatolyevich.

On August 26, 2011, Major General Morev was found dead in his office with a bullet in his head. Morev served as head of the FSB department of the Tver region. Prior to that, Morev was the head of the FSB Directorate for the Republic of Sakha-Yakutia.

Lieutenant General Leonid Vladimirovich Shebarshin.

Lieutenant General Shebarshin, head of the USSR foreign intelligence (from 02/06/1989 to 09/22/1991), Acting Chairman of the USSR KGB (from August 22 to 23, 1991), on March 30, 2012 in his apartment on 2nd Tverskaya-Yamskaya life by suicide by shooting himself with a premium pistol. Shebarshin graduated from MGIMO, knew four languages, worked in India, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Shebarshin was Putin's boss when he worked at the KGB PGU.

Army General Pavel Sergeevich Grachev.

General of the Army Grachev, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (1992 - 1996), died on September 23, 2012 at the Vishnevsky Central Military Clinical Hospital. The cause of death was either a stroke, or poisoning, or an incurable disease that tormented the general for a long time. In an official statement from the Ministry of Defense, it was said that Grachev died of acute meningoencephalitis. General Grachev was an epic personality, a man who prepared the Emergency Committee, but at the last moment went over to Yeltsin, then shot the White House in 1993, led the withdrawal of troops from Eastern Europe, negotiated the reduction of the nuclear arsenal, led the entry of troops into the territory of Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as the transfer of Russian peacekeepers to Bosnia; with him was the First Chechen War... General Grachev, of course, knew a lot, and he took this knowledge with him to the grave, without writing a single line of memoirs after his resignation.

The head of the intelligence department of the counterintelligence service of the central apparatus of the FSB of Russia, Lieutenant-General Oleg Skopintsev.

In December 2012, Lieutenant General Oleg Skopintsev, head of the intelligence department of the counterintelligence service of the central apparatus of the FSB of Russia, died in the course of a mysterious plane crash of a private helicopter Robinson R-44. The main focus of this incident was shifted towards the shadow businessman Fyodor Tsarev (known in criminal circles under the nickname Peat Tsar), in whose company the general was on board the helicopter. Also during the plane crash, the son of the ex-head of the Federal Property Management Agency Vasily Petrov, whose name was also tried to be classified by the FSB, was on board the helicopter. All three were killed.

Major General of the Strategic Missile Forces Bondarev.

On April 19, 2013, Major General of the Strategic Missile Forces Bondarev, a teacher at the Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces, committed suicide. Bondarev hanged himself in the bathroom of his own apartment.

Vice-Admiral Yuri Gavrilovich Ustimenko.

On the night of January 3, 2014, Vice Admiral Ustimenko, a former deputy commander, was shot dead in his apartment in St. Petersburg. Northern Fleet Russian Navy.

Rear Admiral of the Navy Apanasenko Vyacheslav Mikhailovich.

On February 7, 2014, Rear Admiral of the Navy Apanasenko attempted suicide, who shot himself in the head with an award pistol. He died in the hospital a few days later. Apanasenko's daughter said that the reason for the suicide was the lack of painkillers in her father, who has cancer.

Major General of the USSR Armed Forces, retired Boris Stepanovich Saplin.

On March 18, 2014, retired Major General of the USSR Armed Forces Saplin committed suicide by shooting himself with an award pistol. Saplin was reported to have complained of severe headaches caused by end-stage cancer. There was also a suicide note about this.

Major General of the GRU Gudkov Viktor.

Major General of the GRU Gudkov shot himself with an award pistol on June 8, 2014 in the south of Moscow. Gudkov "suffered from a serious illness and committed suicide from depression."

Major General of Police Boris Borisovich Kolesnikov.

On June 16, 2014, Police Major General Kolesnikov (2012 - 2014 - Deputy Head of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Combating Corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) committed suicide right during interrogation, throwing himself from the 6th floor of the building of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. The reasons and circumstances of his death to this day are not fully understood, but there is a version. At the end of 2013, the department of General Kolesnikov began development in relation to some Igor Leonidovich and Valery Alexandrovich. Subsequently, the media claimed that Valery Aleksandrovich was the head of the public fund of former FSB officers, the second person was Igor Leonidovich Demin, the deputy head of the 6th service of the 9th department of the FSB. One of the intermediaries involved in the development of the FSB officers handed over operational information to the department being developed, as a result of which the FSB initiated a counter investigation, the arrest of the general's subordinates, and in February he summoned him to the ICR as a witness for interrogation, which turned into an arrest. In March, the president removed General Kolesnikov from his post. In early April 2014, Kolesnikov sent a letter to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika and the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin, setting out his version of events. In May, the general began to receive “domestic” head injuries one after the other in the pre-trial detention center. He filed a complaint with the ECHR, claiming that his life was in danger.
Some media portrayed him as a high-ranking official who tried to fabricate a bribe case, after his arrest smashed his head against the wall in a pre-trial detention center and threw himself from the 6th floor of the TFR. Other media and relatives portray him as a fighter against corruption, who was arrested after an attempt to expose a high-ranking bribe-taking general of the FSB, then they punched him in the head several times in the pre-trial detention center and, after interrogation in the ICR, was thrown from the 6th floor. There is a version that the situation arose in connection with the redistribution of the "cash market" of cash payment terminals. According to this version, the market was supervised by the GUEBiPK, including by Generals Sugrobov and Kolesnikov.

Born on February 5, 1937. Russian. In 1959 he graduated from the Vilnius Radio Engineering School. In 1970 he graduated from the Military Command Academy of Air Defense named after V.I. G.K. Zhukov. He commanded a platoon, company, radio technical regiment, radio technical troops: an air defense corps, a separate air defense army, an air defense of the Far Eastern Military District; radio-technical air defense troops of the country. After being retired in 1996, he is engaged in public veteran activities, being: Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Anti-Fascist Committee, Chairman of the "Union of Veterans of the Air Defense and Air Force Radio Engineering Forces", Deputy Chairman of the "Union of Veterans of the Air Defense Forces", a member of the coordinating council of military-patriotic public organizations of Russia, a member of the executive committee of the DPA.


Tales about Marxism-Leninism, equality, brotherhood, freedom are over, the harsh reality has come, in which the Russians and other indigenous peoples were robbed and are under the cruel yoke of international Jewry.

Today's extinction of the Russian people, the decline in the birth rate, the unprecedented destruction of the people by alcoholism and drug addiction, organized and unpunished crime - all this is the result of the dominance of Jews in all echelons of power throughout the 80-plus years of the Jewish yoke in Russia.

Our current state of affairs was predicted by the German writer Wilhelm Marr back in the 19th century. He wrote:

“... At the moment, among the European states, only Russia is the last bastion in Europe, and it is against her that the Jews are preparing their final blow. Judging by the course de, the Russian surrender is also only a matter of time. In this huge empire ... Judaism will find its Archimedean fulcrum from which it can once and for all knock the whole of Western Europe off its foundations. Jewish conspirators (under the strict leadership of Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov and others - GD) will cause a revolution in Russia the world has never seen ... At present, Jewry in Russia still fears expulsion from the country. However, after Russia is defeated, they will have nothing to fear ... ”.

After the victorious Jewish revolution of 1917 in Russia, Lenin issued on July 27, 1918, the Law Against Anti-Semitism. According to this Ulyanov-Blanca (Lenin's) law, after the armed seizure of power, Jews in Russia received the greatest benefits, were appointed to leading positions in repressive bodies, the Cheka, Ministries and other noble and elite places, they were given priority when entering universities. Trotsky, Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, to whom Lenin gave unlimited power over the military department, placed only Jews as political commissars at all levels of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army. The “law”, according to which anyone who spoke disrespectfully against a Jew, was immediately subjected to reprisals up to the execution and confiscation of property in favor of the “offended” Jew. Is this not a genuine genocide of grandfather Ulyanov-Blanca-Lenin in relation to the Russian people?

And so that the reader does not think that I called the events of October 1917 a Jewish revolution just for the sake of a word, I want to remind you that the Bolshevik Party of Marxist-Leninists, at the head of all government structures, were up to 80% Jews, and 20% were half-Jews or men of other nationalities married to Jewish women.

And after the Jewish-bourgeois coup in Russia in 1991, which, as in 1917, was headed by Jews, all government structures, the Kremlin apparatus of the President, financial and commercial structures are in the same hands, only today they are not solid Marxist-Leninists (mordehai -levists-Blanquists-Leninists, did not forget that K. Marx is a party pseudonym, and his real name is Mordechai Levy from ancient kind rabbis; Lenin is a party pseudonym, and by his mother is the Jew Blank).

The centuries-old fooling and zombification of the peoples of the world has become no longer a secret behind seven doors, but a well-known truth. Today nations understand who the real enemy, destroyer, terrorist and executioner is.

In the above, one of the main goals of Judosionism is clearly visible - the destruction of Russia and its rebellious people. This is where the cause of all the current evils and misfortunes of Russia is, as the German writer Wilhelm Marr so shrewdly wrote in 1879, predicting the seizure of Russia by the hands of the working Russian people excited by the Jewish revolutionaries.

It is a pity that the Russian intelligentsia could not or did not want to grasp the essence of these prophecies for the fate of the Russian people and The Russian state, and listened with hanging ears, sweet speeches of the creators of pseudoscientific theories, composed by false prophets of Jewish blood.

2. Marxism-Leninism, Bolshevism - the ideological weapon of Jewry

Under the sounds of the "Internationale", Marxism-Leninism, Bolshevism under the hidden leadership of Zionism, laid down many hundreds of millions of human lives, many of whom deliberately sacrificed themselves for the sake of the highest ideals of mankind, but in fact, in the name of the world Zionist dictatorship.

In accordance with the pseudoscientific philosophy of Marxism (remember the promises of the young Mordechai Levy, party nickname - K. Marx: “... And soon I will cast my titanic curses on mankind ... By accepting my teaching, the World will stupidly perish ...) was created in Russia The Russian Communist Party of the Bolsheviks, another prominent Satanist and loyal disciple of Mordechai Levi, Ulyanov-Blank-Lenin, who also declared “holy” ideals and “bright” principles.

Today, the majority of working-class working people have experienced all these sweet stories about equality and brotherhood in their own skin and realized that these were just hooks on which the working, downtrodden, illiterate people of the Jews and their masters were caught. Marx was just programming a crowd of dark people. The proletariat, the crowd is a weapon for seizing power and nothing more.

Whoever was nothing will become everything (this is the slogan of the ancient Jews, but about themselves, not about us), the dictatorship of the proletariat are excellent slogans for programming the naive and believers in bright ideals. (According to A. Yakovlev: "Ideals for Fools") And after the overthrow of the national Russian elite in Russia with the help of a fooled crowd, who ended up in 1917?

Dictatorship of the proletariat. And who is it? Aunt Masha the cook? Shoemaker Uncle Pasha or Locksmith Uncle Vasya? No, my friends, our grandfathers were cheated by the Jews, mordekhi and letterheads, just as cleverly as today their spiritual and blood followers “faithful Leninists” of the Zionist persuasion - the “democrats”, cheated us.

After the Jewish revolution in Russia in 1917, the dictator was not the proletariat, but the "leader of the world proletariat" Kalmyk Jews Ulyanov-Blank-Lenin, who was never a proletarian and never engaged in productive labor. To implement his dictatorship over the Russian people, he and the team selected the appropriate: Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Sverdlov, all, oddly enough, Jews (normal proletarians?). This gang of "proletarians" also never worked either as workers or peasants. Next comes the "International", which consisted of 80% Jews and 20% of half-Jews and Jewish lackeys of various nationalities.

Here is the Marxist-Leninist "dictatorship of the proletariat" for you. And this Jewish "dictatorship of the proletariat" unleashed such a bloody massacre in Russia, which claimed more than 60 million human lives, the best sons of the Russian people, who made up the gene pool of Russia. Russia, now Soviet, has received a new ruling elite - the Jewish one. One of the tasks of Judeo-Tolmudism-Zionism with the assistance of Marxism-Leninism in one separately taken country (Russia) was solved.

Dear reader, when the heralds of Jewry, splashing saliva, scream from television screens that the Bolshevik communists destroyed Orthodox churches, destroyed more than 60 million human lives, you must clearly understand and refer this not to the Russian people, but to international Jewry, which enslaved the Russian people and Russia in 1917 and continues this bloody sabbath today.

From the foregoing, the conclusion is clearly visible: Marxism-Leninism, Bolshevism is a weapon of international (international) Jewry.

Today's leaders of communist parties and movements, if they are honest Russian people, should think about what banners they call the Russian people and their fragmented electorate under. Ultimately, they call on the Russian people to stand under the banners decorated with the six-pointed star of the Jewish king David, the symbolism of which is the meaning of the victory of the Jews over the non-Jewish peoples (goyim).

The overwhelming majority of those who believed in communism, were members of the CPSU and representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation today Russian peoples- these are honest people devoted to their peoples and Russia. But they, infected with satanic rabbinic-Marxist pseudo-philosophy, think that they are fighting for Russia, but in fact they are fighting for the rule of the Jews for a despotic world state under the rule of the Jewish king-autocrat.

Need examples? Take them from our tragic reality.

The era of Jewish dissidents, the Gorbachev era of "perestroika" - from the Soviet-communist Jewish government to the democratic capitalist Jewish government, the Yeltsin era of the destruction of the country, the plundering of the national wealth of the Russian people by a handful of Jewish crooks, the enslavement of the Russian and other indigenous peoples by the same handful of Jews who seized all state levers of power, not without the help of individual Russian cowards and traitors to their people. Unfortunately, among these cowards and traitors there are many men who wear trousers with stripes.

And, finally, the last merit of Yeltsin - he surrendered power and his destructive course to his “successor” Putin, whose first steps did not find in him a defender of the Russian people from further genocide and destruction by “market reforms” carried out by the world behind the scenes.

According to V. Putin's repeated statements in the media that he will not allow the redistribution of property, it can be concluded that thieves and robbers will remain with the loot, and the people will vegetate in poverty. But what redistribution are we talking about? Who should share with whom? Who stole an incredible amount of money with those who did not find their bearings in time and grabbed less? Nobody needs such a redistribution. This is not about the redistribution of property, but about its return to the people, to the state treasury.

Such "defenders" will not fail to the last property of the people - to sell the land for a pittance to the same insatiable mafia structures that have appropriated the national wealth of the country and which today actually rule Russia. Who can resist them? The executive branch, the legislative branch (judging by the vote of the State Duma deputies on the ratification of the START II treaty) is in their hands. All power structures are the same.

Who will stand in the way of further plunder and destruction of Russia?

The Russian people, if they wake up.

Dubrov Grigory Karpovich(February 5, 1937 - October 28, 2010) - Soviet military leader, lieutenant general.


  • 1959 - graduated from the Vilnius Radio Engineering School.
  • 1970 - graduated Military academy Air defense them. Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov.


He commanded platoons, a company, a regiment, radio-technical air defense troops of the country, and the 11th separate air defense army of the Far Eastern Military District.

In 1996, he was retired and engaged in public veteran activities, being: Chairman of the Presidium of the Russian Anti-Fascist Committee (RUSAK), Chairman of the "Union of veterans of the air defense and air force radio-technical forces", deputy chairman of the "Union of veterans of the Air Defense Forces", a member of the coordination council of military-patriotic public organizations of Russia, a member of the executive committee of the DPA.


On October 28, 2010, at 19:00 in the near Moscow region, on the Zarya platform in the Balashikha region, Lieutenant General Dubrov died under unclear circumstances: as usual, while waiting for his train, he unexpectedly fell from the platform under a moving electric train and died on the spot.

Shortly before his death, Dubrov's book "Generals on the Jewish Mafia" was published. General Dubrov, together with Colonels V.V. Kvachkov and S.N. Terekhov, Generals M.G. Titov and V.A. In addition to the late Dubrov, they could not get to the rally: Dubrov's closest ally, Lieutenant General B. Debashvili (found dead in the center of Moscow), Commander of the Airborne Forces RF Lieutenant General V.A. Shamanov (was in serious condition in intensive care after an accident), as well as the chairman of the Union of paratroopers of Russia, former head of intelligence of the Airborne Forces, Colonel P. Ya. regime.


  • Dubrov G.K.Generals about the Jewish mafia / Editor V.I.Korchagin. - M .: Vityaz, 2009 .-- 229 p. - 3 thousand, copies. - ISBN 5-86523-101-4.


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