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Country Poland Description of the coat of arms and flag. State coat of arms of Poland. Coat of arms of Poland: from ancient birth to this day

About the emblem of the Polish state as such, it is possible to speak only since the Coronation of Przemysh II (Przemysіa II) in 1295. Starting from his board white (or rather silver), the eagle in the crown on the red shield was the emblem of Poland and the dynasty of the fives. In addition to the fact that the Broadkeeke and Kazimir used this coat of arms of Cajawskiz lands as its own, the emisms of their own dynasties also had an arms of their own dynasties, on which a white eagle was depicted as a sign of the Polish kingdom.

Eagle with Przemysh II (Przemysl II) (1295)

Eagle with Print Vladislav Lokietka (Wladyslaw Lokietka) (1312)

Eagle with Personal Print Casimir Great (Kazimierz Wielki) (1336)

Vaclav II - WacuW II 1290/1300-1305

Eagle on the seal of Waclav II (Waclaw II)

Andegan - AndEgawenowie 1370-1399

Jagiellons - Jagiellonowie 1386-1572

A new situation arose with the arrival of the Yagellonian dynasty. Kingdom of Polish and Grand Duchy Lithuanian Creating a new state is the republic of both peoples. The white eagle naturally remained a symbol of the Kingdom of Polish (crown), even though he was not the coat of arms of the dynasty, when the Jagiellons were used. However, since the time of the Sigmouth of the Old Eagle, he again acquired the meaning of the coat of arms of the dynasty, which was emphasized by the monograms on his chest: S -Zigmunt (Sigismundus), SIG (Zygmunt Augustus), A - Anna Jagiellonka (Anna Jagiellonka).

Orel Vladislava Jagiello (Wladyslawa Jagiello) (at the King's Wawel Coffin)

Eagle Kazimier Jagiellonczyka (Jagiellonczyka) (on the tombstone with a crowned twist)

Orel Zygmunt Stary (Zygmunt Stary) - on the Heronim Heronim engraving (1521)

Orel Siegmunt August (Zygmunt August) at Wawel Tapestry (1553)

Eagle in Niche over a crypt Anna Jagiellonka (Anna Jagiellonka)

Electric kings 1573-1795

During the Board of Electric Cologues, the White Eagle remains the coat of arms of the Polish kingdom (crown). Over time, the drawing of an eagle and the form of its crown changes, and royal regalia (scepter and power) appear in the paws. On the chest is the coat of arms of the ruling.

Eagle Stefan Bator (Stefan Batory) (1582)

Eagle Vaza (WAZA)

Orel Yana III Sobski (Jan Sobieski) (Tower of Mariacksky Catholic Church in Krakow)

Orders of August II Strong (August II Mocny) (1728)

Eagle Stanislawa August Poniatowski)

XIX century

After the third section of Poland (1795), the White Eagle was left "in emigration", to return along with Napoleonic troops - on the Standards, Military Emblems and the coat of arms of the Warsaw Principality (on the second field for the coat of arms of Saxony).

With the defeat of Napoleon (in 1815), the Principality of Warsaw was divided, but the Kingdom of the Polish united with the Russian kingdom arose. Military signs with a white eagle remained in the kingdom army. They were often used during the November Uprising (1830-1831).

After the fall of the November state, the White Eagle returned to the standards during the uprising of 1848 and the January uprising (1863-1864).

Eagle from the kingdom of the Polish kingdom (1815-1830)

Eagle from the rebellion of the uprising in 1848 r.

Eagle from the boat of the January uprising (1863)


After the beginning in 1914 of the First World War, the White Eagle appeared in France on the Standards of Polish soldiers (Bayonchikov, Haller, ...).

The Germans and the Austrians allowed to use the eagle sign in the territories of the former kingdom occupied by them. In 1916, the monarchs of Austria and Germany announced the creation of the Kingdom of Polish. In 1917, an image of an eagle was placed on the released banknotes, which can be considered the first emblem of the state officially used over many years.

After independence (in 1918), I tried to depict an eagle without a crown.
The new coat of arms appeared in 1919, and since 1927 there was another option created by the project of Sigmunt Kaminski (Zygmunt Kaminski).

Eagle on Polish Banknote - 1917

Eagle with poster - autumn 1918

Looking at the coat of arms of Poland, the feeling appears that this beautiful eagle believes in the power of his people, helps him in difficult moments of life. The people of the country know that it was an eagle that attached his strength on time to repulse enemies. For their own long story Its image changed slightly. Great Eagle adequately occupies a place on one of the famous coat of arms approved as a state symbol only in 1997. The description of all parts of the coat of arms is given in the current Constitutional Article No. 28 of the Republic of Poland.

On a bright red field, made in the form of a shield, a single-eyed white eagle is located with yellow claws, crown. The right side turns the golden beak. The red canvas slightly becomes in its lower part. The colors of the eagle field are disregarded. In May 1972, white and red colors for the first time began to be considered national. At the celebration of the anniversary of the Polish Constitution, all areas caught fire with a bright outfit ladies. Their white dresses were tied with a red ribbon. On the neck of men were tied white scarves, decorated with a red stripe. The color range came from the coat of arms of the Commonwealth of two nations. It looked in the form of a red shield separated into four equal parts. They had images of a white eagle, famous white chase Lithuania. Back in February 1831, during the meeting of the Seimas of the Kingdom of Poland, these colors were defined as national colors. The combinations of white, bright red colors acquired the feature of the sign of the combining of Poles. By the way, in initially national color was not red, but purple. He symbolized greatness, wealth. Natural paint was obtained from rare larvae bugs. It was very expensive and available to state dignitaries rich in people.

Coat of arms of speech plugged

In the center of the Red Field, the place for the image of the white eagle of the five is reserved. In the distant times, he was proclaimed by the king of the ancient tribes who lived in this territory. A former simple farmer gave the beginning of the life of the dynasty of the fives, on the coat of arms, which, the white eagle was depicted. The legend says that he saw a huge nest on the top of the tree with a white eagle sitting in it, two small chicks. Huge wings of an eagle standing out against the background of the Red Sky looked symbolically. His appearance assumed the world, protect people living here. The king chose this place for life, calling it a nest. And the image of a mighty eagle, as a symbol of power for many years settled in the coat of arms of the new state. Since then, the eagle displays the desire of the Polish people to preserve its ancient traditions.

Throughout the 18-19 centuries, the main additions in the coat of arms touched the crown adoring the eagle's head. Everything depended on the type of government acting at a certain period. The crown most often symbolized loyalty to the existing royal power. During the war, the Crown was maintained only on the coat of arms of the Polish government in exile. As a symbol of the power of new democratic forces, the Golden Crown returned to a permanent place in the 20th century. This is underlined by a new path of the development of the people, boldly coming forward, keeping the memory of his past. A real live white eagle can be found on Lake Vitzko, in the seaside section of the Volinsky Park.

1 - coat of arms of Poland (1927-1939); 2 - coat of arms of the Polish People's Republic (1944 - 1990); 3 - the emblem of the Polish government in exile (1956-1990).

The manufacturing technology of the coat of arms is worked out to the smallest detail. Contemporary features of Monkeyfab offered a unique project to create the coat of arms of Poland using 3D printing. The company's specialists produced 1.5 meter coat of arms, emphasizing the individual character of Poland having a beautiful vintage symbol of the country.

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One of the legends states that the emblem of Poland appeared thanks to one of the progenitors of the Slavic people - Lech. When Lech, Czech and Rus sought the territory where it would be possible to settle, Leh saw a white eagle in the rays of the global setting sun. It was here that I decided to establish a settlement one of the brothers. And since the eagle flew over the nest, which was located on the oak, then the city was named nest.

By the way, it is a nest who becomes one of the first capitals of Poland, and according to some data, the white eagle on a red background was symbol of the dynasty of Piselswhich managed including in the nest. In particular, with Boleslav 1 Herbrom coins with an image of an eagle.

Only with the coronation of Pzhemysl 2 Eagle on a red background becomes nationwide symbol. Only at this time the eagle is rather silver color with some gold elements. After the performances against German conquerors began, appearance The coat of arms received some changes. Now, the eagle became white. It was a kind of symbol, because in Germany, the emblem was a black double-headed eagle. And the white color symbolized purity, nobility, light and superiority over black. The red background, on which the eagle was depicted, meant a call for disobedience and the struggle for freedom.

In times Commonwealth speeches The coat of arms is also modified. Now he takes the shape of a shield where two coat of arms are depicted inside: the eagle and chase. Accordingly, one of them is the coat of arms of Poland, and the second is Lithuania.

In the 18-19 century, the coat of arms were also amented to some changes. But these changes concerned corona: She appeared, it disappeared. Although, for example, the coat of arms 1916-1918. Still different from the generally accepted. The fact is that that both the background and the eagle were white, only the contour who depicted the drawing was black. But these were temporary measures, even the emblem himself received the name "temporary". With regard to the crown, it depended on what government. Usually, the crown meant loyalty to the royal power. But during the Second World War, such a policy towards the emblem was revised: now the crown remained from an eagle on the head of the Polish government in exile.

In the 90s of the 20th century the crown returns to the eagle on the headAs a symbol of a new building and a democratic path of development. Finally, the coat of arms was approved in 1997 in the 28th article of the Constitution. Today, the coat of arms is a heraldic shield of a straight form, which has a red background. On the background shows a white eagle with straightened wings. On the head, he has a golden crown, also in gold painted beaks and claws of the bird.

The coat of arms of Poland is not just a national symbol, it means the desire of the people to innovate, the democratic path of development and a look into the future, but together the memory of the past.

Coat of Arms Poland. - national symbol of the state, one of the old coat of arms. He passed a long stage of development and is essential for the Polish people.

How the coat of arms appeared

Each coat of arms has its own history, including the coat of arms of such a country as Poland. As can be seen, there is nothing particularly on the coat of arms, but we will analyze what history of the arms of Poland.?
There are two versions the origin of the coat of arms of Poland. The first version is a legend that tells as three brothers named Lech, Czech, and Rus, looking for a territory for the founding of their settlements. In one of the valleys Lech saw a nest on the oak, over which white eagle circled. In this place, he decided to establish his settlement, and he took the image of a white eagle with his coat of arms. This settlement was the first capital of Poland, and was called nests in honor of the nest of a white eagle. The inhabitants of the capital believed that the white eagle is a bird's long-liver, which bathed on the edge of light in a water branch with live water, and gained wisdom.

The second version is historical, according to which in 1295 after the Coronation of Przemyste II, the emblem of the Pisels was approved by the coat of arms in the form of a silver eagle in the crown on the red shield. The coat of arms have been changed after a hundred years after the German feudal feud in the Polish land. The movement of the Polish people against the German threat changed the image of the emblem. The coat of arms was depicted In the form of a white eagle on a red background, which meant white color-nobility and purity, the Antony of the Black Eagle of the German Empires, the red background meant a call for disobedience. Due to historical changes white EagleAs the sign of the coat of arms met on the stands and seals of many Polish royal dynasties - Przemysl II, Cazimir of the Great, Vladislav Lokelet, Waclav II, Louis Hungarian. Only on time the board of the Jagelon dynasty, which created the state is the Republic of the peoples, the White Eagle, as the coat of arms lost its importance and remained only as the symbol of the Polish crown.

Again the appearance of a white eagle as the symbol of the coat of arms of Poland. Resumes with the arrival of the old Sigmund of the old. After the next historical battles, the coat of arms in the form of a white eagle could be observed on the Poland troops in France in the first world War. The change in the emblem of the coat of arms for all the time of its existence was served only by the crown, which then appeared that - disappeared depending on who ruled the state. Final change of the coat of arms It happened with the arrival of 1985 to the power of democratic forces, he was depicted in the form of a white eagle in a golden crown on a red background, symbolizing the democraticness of the state.

Another source

The legend says that the White Eagle, which then became the coat of arms of the Polish state, saw the legendary lech along with his brothers Czech and Rusome - the Rodonarchists of Slavic peoples. In the place where it happened, Lech founded the city and called him a nest (Gniezno), because the eagle circled his nest.
However, Polish historians disagree with this version, because in order for a simple eagle to be on the state coat of arms, it is not enough to get into the eyes of the progenitor. In addition, the coat of arms appeared only in the XIII century, a few centuries after the legendary event.
At first, the eagle was the personal sign of Przemysh II, crowned in 1295. After almost a century, it becomes a national symbol. By that time, German feudal foals subordinate to themselves the Polish Western Pomorie, and in Eastern Prussia Crusaders strengthened. The situation became dangerous and in Poland, the ideas of cohesion for combating the German threat.
The symbol of the German Empire was a double-headed black eagle. But Polish eagle never obeyed German and entered into a dispute with him: white color is above black, the color of purity and nobility is opposed to the symbol of darkness and death. And the Red Field spoke not only about the sacred right to independence, but also called to the struggle.
On the flags of Polish rebels of the late XVIII and XIX centuries. The crown above the eagle often disappeared, because It was considered the emblem of supporters of the royal government. The official crown was removed from the coat of arms of the Polish state in 1943, when the guards guards revised the previous state symbolism. Moreover, according to the heraldic rules, the republic is not entitled to the crown, this is the privilege of monarchies. Eagle with the crown remained only on the coat of arms of the Polish government in exile.
The last coat of arms He was approved in 1990, on him the crown returned to the eagle head as a symbol of the full change in political and social system, as a symbol of a new democratic Poland.

How the coat of arms changed

Pies (up to 1370)

About the emblem of the Polish state as such, it is possible to speak only since the Coronation of Przemysh II (Przemysіa II) in 1295. Starting from his board white (or rather silver), the eagle in the crown on the red shield was the emblem of Poland and the dynasty of the fives. In addition to the fact that the Broadkeeke and Kazimir used this coat of arms of Cajawskiz lands as its own, the emisms of their own dynasties also had an arms of their own dynasties, on which a white eagle was depicted as a sign of the Polish kingdom.

Eagle with Przemysh II (Przemysl II) (1295)

Eagle with Print Vladislav Lokietka (Wladyslaw Lokietka) (1312)

Eagle with Personal Print Casimir Great (Kazimierz Wielki) (1336)

Coat of Arms Poland. - Official state symbol Republic of Poland. The image is a white eagle with gold claws and beak, in a golden crown, on a red background.

The appearance of the coat of arms approved by the Constitution of the Republic of Poland (1997g.), described in detail in the article 28th.

Polish coat of arms, white eagle on a red background- One of the oldest state symbols of the world. An eagle image appeared on the coins of the first Polish king - Bolevlav I brave (x century). First, the symbol of the royal dynasty of five and the Great Poland - The historic region in the west of Poland in the Varta River basin. Official state symbol of the whole countryc. PremyslII (1295).

Coat of arms of the first Polish Prince and Royal Five Dynasties

The coat of arms of the Commonwealth - the Polish-Lithuanian state at the endXVI - XVIII For centuries: Polish eagle and pursuit - the coat of arms of the Grand Principality of Lithuania.

State coat of arms of the kingdom of Polish - Polish eagle against the background of the coat of arms of Russia

Coat of Arms of the Polish People's Republic (1944 - 1990) - Eagle without a crown

National flag of Poland. Consists of two isometric horizontal strips, the upper strip - white and lower red. The aspect ratio of the flag 5: 8 (width: Length).

The coat of arms in the center of the upper strip also placed on the State Flag of Poland.

Initially, in the Middle Ages, a red flag with a white eagle depicted on it was used. Under such a banner, the Polish troops of King Vladislav Yagail in Battle in the Battle of Grunwald in 1410

Banner of SigismundIII Vases consisted of three lanes (top and bottom - red and white in the middle). Bognoman VladislavIV and Yana II Casimir consisted of four bands (the first and third top - red, the second and fourth on top - white). On the banner there was a state coat of arms.

During the reign of AugustII. Strong white ribbons began to be attached to the helmets of Polish Ulan. During the four-year-old Seimas (1788-1792), red-white ribbons appeared.

The national flag was formally approved by the Seimas on February 7, 1831. Red and white flags and tapes were used as symbols of national uprisings inXIX. century. After the restoration of Independence of Poland in 1918, the Red and White Flag was officially approved by the Seimas on August 1, 1919 in the as the national and since then the changes were not subjected.

White color on the flag symbolizes white orline wings, red personifies the crimping sunny sunset. The state coat of arms of Poland is depicted in the form of a curly shield, on the red background of which is the white orlitz king of five. The legend states that the king of Phas was the legendary peasant king of the ancient Polansky tribes. He was a simple agriculture. The people chose him by the king, and he marked the beginning of the historical dynasty of the fives, which his emblem had an image of a white eagleet. Thus, the coat of arms of Poland, along with the advanced aspirations of the Polish people, combines his ancient traditions. In this case, the eagle on the coat of arms acts as a symbol of ancient folk traditions. The coat of arms without the crown was adopted in 1955, in 1990 the Crown returned to the White Orlo.

1956 - 1990
Government flag

The Poland flag consists of two isometric horizontal strips: white and red, which are displayed by the color of state coat of arms, is a white eagle on a red field. Aspect ratio (width: Length) - 5: 8. In accordance with the rules of heraldry, the upper strip is a white eagle, and the bottom - the red field of the coat of arms. These colors according to the symbolism used in heraldry have a definite value.

White color is used in heraldry as silver performance. It also means water, and in relation to spiritual values, purity and impurity. Red color is a symbol of fire, and from virtues means courage and military valor.

Initially, the Polish national color was a purple, which is a symbol of greatness and wealth, and considered the noblest colors. But due to the high price of paint - carmina, obtained from the larvae of the insect stationed, few people could afford it, so Purple was used only by the richest nobles and state dignitaries.

At the first flags and banners representing the Polish kingdom, there was a white eagle in the crown on a red background. Jan Dlugosh, describing the preparation for the battle near Grunwald, writes about the "big flag that was skillfully embroidered a white eagle with an open wings, open beak and with a crown on the head, like the emblem and coat of arms of the entire kingdom of Polish.

Coat of arms of the compulcient of both peoples

White and red colors were first recognized as national on May 3, 1792. During the celebration of the first anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution on May 3, the ladies appeared in the white dresses of the red ribbon subsidence, and the men put on white-red scarves.

Geraldically, the national colors of Poland occur from the coat of arms of the Commonwealth of both nations, which is a red heraldic shield, divided into four parts, in which the white eagle and white Lithuanian chase alternately depict.

For the first time, Polish national colors were codified by the Decree of the Seimas of the Kingdom of Polish dated February 7, 1831:

"Senate and the Embassy of Holes, having heard the findings of the Seimas Commission, taking into account the need for introducing general SignThe Poles should be united, decided:
Article 1.
The national cocardium will be the colors of the emblem of the Kingdom of the Polish and Grand District of Lithuania, namely the colors of white with red. "

The emblem Poland is a white single-eyed eagle in the gold crown, with gold claws and a beak facing to the right. The coat of arms is located on a red field in the shape of a shield, slightly narrowing towards the bottom.

White eagle is symbolically displayed in the white top of the Polish flag consisting of two horizontal strips.

Legend of Orel

According to the popular legend, the founder of the state of Polyan, Lech, during his stay in the vicinity of Poznan saw under the evening the slope of the nest on the tree. It contained a white eagle with two chicks.

When Lech watched him, the eagle spread the wings against the sky, red from the setting sun.

Lech was so impressed by seeing that he decided to settle there, and placed an eagle in his coat of arms, and the place, called the gossover, from the word nest. This story is part of the Legend of Lehe, Czech and Ruse.

The less romantic version assumes that the melanie could take the emblem of the Eagle as a symbol of power.

HUSARZ Z 1605 Roku Na Koniu Pomalowanym W Biało-Czerwone Barwy Narodowe Z Białym Orłem Na Tarczy Pieczęć Władysława łokietka



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