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Little-known facts about World War II (11 photos). Unknown Facts of World War II (1 photo) All facts about 2 World War

Photo: Stroke Arkady Georgievich, Starin 44 Guards Tank Brigade

Although no one decade has passed since the end of World War II, there are still many secrets and mysteries from those times. Get acquainted with some of them.

Who is in the picture

Six days after the surrender of Germany, a series of photographs of one of the famous Hungarian photojournalists of Robert Kapa was published in Life magazine. On one of the photos captured the American soldier who died from the bullets of the German sniper. This snapshot became the rapid classics of the documentary.

The body of the killed fighter lies on the balcony of one of the apartments of Leipzig. It was April 18, 1945. The man in the photo, of course, was not the last victim of war and at that time no one had care for the fact that there was no name in the publication. He remained an unknown soldier for a long 67 years.
In 2011, the city of Leipzig gave permission to compose from Earth the building, in one of the apartments of which the above shot was made.
However, a group of conscious activists decided to prevent the demolition of a historic building. To do this, they decided to figure out the name of the soldier who was perpetuated by the photographer, and thus causing the attention of the media and the public to the upcoming demolition of the building. Searches began on November 27, 2011. Even soon, enthusiasts found out that Raymond Bovman's deceased soldier.

Result. The building will not be demolished. Found an investor who is ready to fully renovate him ...

We have only two

In 1958, Ivan Smirnov, a carpenter of the state farm "Nekrasovo" of the Uvarovsky District of the Moscow Region, when the birch trunk triggered, found a cartridge sleeve in it, in which a note lay.

An ink pencil with uneven letters on two sides of the leaflet was written a letter of the Soviet warrior who fought in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Minsk highway. Here is his text:
"We were 12 sent to the Minsk highway to block the path of the enemy, especially tanks. And we resistant kept. And now we have left three: Kohl, Volodya and I - Alexander. But the enemies climb without mercy. And here's another - Volodya from Moscow. But the tanks are all climbing. Already on the road burn 19 cars. We are already two. We will stand until the Spirit is enough, but do not miss their approach.
And here I am left, wounded in my head and hand. And the tanks added an account. Already 23 cars. Perhaps I die, but maybe who will ever find my note and remember the heroes. I'm from Frunze, Russian. There are no parents. Goodbye, dear friends. Your Alexander Vinogradov. 22/21942 "

As a result of the studies, it was possible to restore the picture of the fighting on Minsk Highway in February 1942.

To restrain the offensive of the Soviet troops near Moscow, the Hitler's command transferred additionally several divisions from Germany to the Soviet-German Front. For the Soviet troops, fought in the area of \u200b\u200bVyazma, a difficult situation was created and the commander of the Western Front ordered the front armies to be activated.

On February 20, 1942, the military register of the 612st regiment gave an order to enter the Minsk highway in the area of \u200b\u200bthe 152th kilometer west of Moscow and overlapping the path of the tanks of the enemy. Fighters are located along the highway. A group of fighters in which Alexander Vinogradov was entered on a flank. The column of fascist tanks appeared suddenly. Three days fought warriors, the ranks of the defenders were redneyed in front of her eyes, but they did not retreat ...

Possed by A. Vinogradov is kept in the Central Museum of the Soviet Army.

Opened mystery "Perseya"

In November 1941, at the midst of the Second World War, the British submarine Perseus left the naval base in Malta and went to his next task. She had to patrol the water of the Mediterranean Sea near Greece.

December 6, 1941, not far from the Greek Island of Kefalonia, the submarine ran into an Italian mine and went to the bottom, burying with him the whole crew ...

And after a year and a half, the Great Britain shook the news: one person during the death of the boat still managed to escape. They were John Capees. He was not in the crew lists, but during the sailing he performed the duties of the driver.

According to Capees, on the night of the catastrophe, he, as usual, was in the engine compartment and lay in his bed made from the torpedo housing. When the explosion thundered, he was thrown into the other end of the room. Quickly realizing that "Perseus", apparently, flew over Ma, John sneaked through the bodies of the dead and wounded and tried to get out of the compartment. It turned out to be impossible, since all the space behind the door was already filled with water. Owing the rescue apparatus of Davis, Capees opened an emergency hatch, sipped from the Roma bottles that had been nearly accomes and got out of the boat.

Capees, which is unconscious, found two Greek fishermen as the next morning. Over the next one and a half years, he lived in the House of Local Greek, who agreed to hide him from Italian occupiers. And only in May 1943, Capes managed to get out of the island and get to Alexandria, where the British military base was located.
For this, the salvation of John Capes was awarded the Medal of the British Empire, but soon disbelief arose in relation to him: was John Capees on the deceased boat or is it only his fiction?

The fact is that in the crew lists, our hero was not listed. There was no living witnesses of his salvation.

In Britain began to say that John Capees is a kind of Baron Münhghausen, who chased for dubious glory. In 1985, he died, so failing to convince skeptics in the truthfulness of his stories.
This story was continued only in 1997, when the Greek submariner Costas Toktaridis came down at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and explored the "Perseus".

He discovered a bog in the shape of a torpedo, and a bottle of Roma before a rescue hatch. All other details of Capees stories also coincided.

In the eyes of many John was rehabilitated.

Leaving love

October 1941. The tank with the crew as part of the commander of the younger lieutenant Ivan Sidorovich Kolosov, Vasily Orlova and Pavel Rudov received damage to the approaches to Vyazma. The commander was contused, the mechanic driver died. Spikes and eagles merged fuel and removed ammunition from other pitched tanks, repaired their car and took it into the forest.
Having determined that they are surrounded, the tankers decided to make their way to their. On October 12, a lonely tank defeated the German column. However, on October 24, when the tank attacked the next column, the Germans managed to deploy guns ...

A quarter of a century after the war in the deaf forest near Vyazma, the Tank BT was found in the ground with a well-visible number 12. The hatches were shuddered, in the board of the gyp. When the car was opened, the remains of the younger lieutenant tanker found on the site of the driver mechanic. He had Nagan with one cartridge and tablet, and in the tablet - map, photo of the beloved girl and unsent letter dated October 25, 1941:
"Hello, my cooking!
No, we will not meet with you.
Yesterday we at noon thundered another Hitler's column. The fascist shell struck the side armor and drove inside. While I took the car into the forest, Vasily died. My wound is cruel.
I buried Vasily Orlov in a birch grove. It was light. Vasily died, not having time to say a single word to me, nothing passed on to his beautiful Zoe and White Walp Masha, like a dandelion in the flock.
That's from three tankers I stayed alone. At the twilight I drove into the forest. The night passed in flour, lost a lot of blood. Now for some reason the pain burning all the breasts, she lightened to the soul quietly.

It's a shame that we did not do everything. But we did everything we could. Our comrades will chase the enemy who should not walk along our fields and forests. I never live life so if not you, cooking. You always helped me: Halchin-goal and here. Probably, all the same, who loves, that kinder to people. Thank you, native! The person is aging, and the sky is eternally young, like your eyes, in which only look yes to admire. They never come, do not fade.
Time passes, people will heal wounds, people will build new cities, grow new gardens. Another life comes, other songs will sing. But never forget RO us, about three tankers.
You will grow beautiful children, you will still love. And I am happy that I leave you with great love for you. Your Ivan Kolosov. "
Varvara Petrovna Zhuravleva received the letters addressed to her after a short 30 years.


1. On October 30, 1939, the British battleship "Nelson" was attacked by a submarine, but the torpedoes did not explode. It turned out that Winston Churchill commanded "Nelson". Non-worked torpedoes saved his life, and the further history of those years also depended on it.

2. In 1938. Poland took the Teshin region in Czechoslovakia.

3. In 1939 The USSR handed over to Lithuanians Vilnius, who have been taken away by Poles 10 years ago.

4. In 1939 Polish emigrants publicly called on the USSR to war, in 1941 they concluded a peace agreement.

5. The conflict between Poland and Reikh arose due to the city of Danzig, where the Germans lived, but this territory also did not belong to the Poles.

7. War officially completed 01/25/1955

8. For six months, from the moment of attacking the USSR among the losses of the Soviet people there were about 3 million fighting.

9. Soviet troops defeated Nazis under Stalingrad most. Even the Americans did not destroy the fascists so much for the whole war.

10. Reich forced Denmark to minister the straits of the Labs, to confront the English fleet.

11. French SS until the latter defended Reich documents

12. B.1941. The population that was part of the Reich was superior to the Soviet people 2 times.

13. The ally of the USSR since the beginning of the war was the sovereign country Tana-Tuvinskaya. This country does not exist.

14. The Germans as a trophy brought the Soviet T-35 tank on the battlefield, but he immediately fell by the Soviet soldier from Faustpatron.

15. The King of Romania was the only commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces with awarded Order "Victory".

16. The best weapon was considered the submachine of Sudeva.

War is a tragic event and a loss for both sides fighting among themselves. The Second World War, no doubt, left his mark in many countries, claimed millions of lives. A lot of films shot about this war, books written. But there is interesting facts about World War IIwhich is not told in history textbooks.

  1. German soldiers installed hidden traps with mines, they did it for artworks. But they did it so ineptly and crookedly that it immediately rushed into the eyes. And such traps quickly noticed and neutralized.
  2. The swastika, which was an integral attribute of the Germans, it turns out to be started in ancient civilizations, it was a religious symbol, and was a symbol of fertility, and good luck, in many ancient cultures.
  3. During World War II, 40 thousand people served in the underwater vessels, only 10 thousand soldiers returned alive.
  4. Most Jews and Gypsies were terrible torture and experiments. Doctors broke them the bones several times to understand how long it can be done until the bone gets out. They beat the head with a hammer to understand how strong the skull. The organism was injected with drugs and infections. One professor for his experiments used 3 thousand twins, only 200 people survived. The doctor removed them the eyeballs, changed the color of the eyes of the dyes. Once he sewed two twins together. It is only a small part of all cruelty that was.
  5. When the Germans captured Paris, Hitler never managed to get to the Eiffel TowerThe French specially damaged the elevator so that they could not use them, and the Führer did not want to climb on foot.
  6. Evgeny Lozovsky and his colleague could save 8 thousand Jews during the Holocaust. They showed a trick and made a piece of typhoid epidemic. And the German soldiers simply could not enter the city, afraid to become infected.
  7. Hitler wanted to capture all of Moscow, then completely kill all residents. And on the site of the city make a piece reservoir.
  8. The Japanese during the war did 9 thousand aircraft. These ships were made of paper and silk. The purpose of such balls was to deliver incendiary bombs in the United States. Approximately 1 thousand balloons reached Michigan state. As a result, six Americans died. These were peaceful people, a pregnant woman and five children, they just rested on a picnic.


  9. During the war, in order to protect small children from the gas attack invented Spacks for children. With the help of a special adaptation, children pumped into air.


  10. World War II is the most huge scale. It lasted 6 years, 61 states took part in it, at that time they were all 73. 80% of the world's population took in one way or another participation in the war.
  11. Since the end of the war, many years have passed, but Russia and Japan did not conclude a peace treaty at the end of the war. They had a conflict on the soil of the territory that they could not share. It turns out a formal war continued between Japan and Russia.
  12. At the end of the war, Jewish hired groups appeared. They were looking for those who hurt and harm the Jews during the war, and with cruelty executed those who were found. Most of all they wanted revenge.
  13. At the front fought for the first time for the first time about 600 thousand women. Three shelf were created. 46 Guards night bombarding, it also called night witches. 586 Fighter regiment, and 125 Guards bomber. Women snipers were prepared, and there was a female company sailors. The title of Hero received 87 women.
  14. The first German soldier of which was killed, was killed by the Japanese. The first deceased American fell from the hands of the Russian soldier.
  15. War with Germany inflicted huge losses and permits. In the Soviet Union, 27 million people died. 18 million soldiers received serious injuries, or diseases, most of them remain disabled. 6 million people turned out to be in captivity, 4 million died of them. Because of such a significant reduction in the population, there is little able-bodied population of the country. Each Soviet family had a loss. The war left behind many orphans, disabled and widows.

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British soldiers

The Second World War is told in high school in the history lessons. Everyone knows about tyranny Hitler, Holocaust, attack on Pearl Harbor. But there are also such facts about the war, about which only those who are seriously engaged in studying the history of this period.

1. The Army of Germany has significantly inferior in the number of Army of France

Damaged German tanks in North Africa

Many believe that the German army in 1940 significantly exceeded the number and armament of the enemy. Although it would seem, the German armed forces were very modern and mechanized, by the number of German army exceeded the Army of France.

When the Germans attacked France on May 10, 1940, they had mechanized transport only in 16 of 135 divisions. The rest used horses, wagons and even moved on foot. France had 117 divisions, all of them were ready for the modern war. Also, France had more artillery guns (more than 10,700 against 7,378 in Germany). And this is not to mention the larger number of tanks from the French.

2. Britain has almost no infantry

British Spitfire.

The UK armed forces were mostly concentrated in the air and maritime units. But after the fall of France, it turned out that the British need more infantry. Nevertheless, until the spring of 1944, most of the British Armed Forces were still focused on the naval fleet and aviation. Despite the fact that the UK has never at the same time there were no more than 750 infantrymen, the country has built as many as 132,500 aircraft.

3. Losses of allied ships amounted to about one percent

Aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal and Swordfish link

The number of allied vessels during the Second World War was approximately about 323,090 ships. Of these, about 4,786 vessels were ached, 2,562 of which were British. Thus, the losses of the allies between the Northern Atlantic, the Arctic and inner waters amounted to 1.48% of the fleet. This number seems all the more surprising, given the amount of losses in other parts of the front.

4. There was no hunger in England

Queue for soldering, London, 1945

After the start of the war in England and France there was no food rationing, unlike Germany. Germany was constantly faced with hunger throughout the war, and not only civilians, but also armed forces. Therefore, when the Germans defeated France in June 1940, they began to export food from the occupied territories, which led to the hunger and food rationing in many areas of France. In 1940, rationing also began in the UK, but the British never really starved, as people in other countries.

5. The Japanese had rockets with Kamikadze

Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka.

Not only in some Germans had rockets. The Japanese also had their own missiles that were governed by people. They were called Ohka, which is translated as a "blooming cherry". The Japanese armed forces had less advanced technologies than the United States or Britain, so they used Kamikadze. Although such missiles managed to sink several allies ships, this was all limited.

6. Forgotten British Marshal

Campaign in North Africa, 1940-1943g

Feldmarshal Alexander (Fhjkml was one of the main figures in the war, often personally heading the troops. He was a combat commander during the First World War, commanded the troops in Nazare in 1930, in France in 1940 and even in Burma in 1942. Today It is practically not remembered, but his successes were simply amazing.

7. The Luftwaffe had high demands for pilots

German aces had more chances to win

The allied and German fighter and fighters have a differed number of shot down aircraft. German Luftwaffe has much higher demands for pilots. German pilots had a much larger flight. In this regard, German Asov had much more chances to achieve higher results than their colleagues. While the leading Assa Luftwaffe knocked up more than 350 opponents, the best allied and fighter shot down only 38 aircraft.

8. Luftwaffe had the best aircraft

HE 112 in flight

The Luftwaffe had the development of the most modern aircraft for the time, but they were not allowed. The main aircraft manufactured by Messerschmidt was the BF109 fighter, while HEINKEL's competing company had its own version of the fighter - all-metal HE112 monoplane. Both aircraft were quick and developed the speed of more than 560 km / h miles per hour, and their speed of the lift was excellent. Nevertheless, HE112 could rise to a height of 6 km for only 10 minutes and had an unprecedented flight range up to 1150 km.

However, since HEINKEL allegedly had connections with Jews, Heinkel fighters were not bred in mass production.

9. Famous Parsons Jacket

Soldiers in jackets

The most widely well-known Gymnaster Jacket Parsons, which was used by the US Field Army, became the standard of clothes for the army. She got its popularity due to the combination of comfort and durability, unlike other types of form, which were offered at that time. A simple short jacket fit perfectly for all seasons.

10. Germany had very little equipment

German horses stuck in mud

The world history is a huge number of wars, which touched almost all continents and most of the States that existed earlier and existing now. Each of them is studied in detail by historians, scientists, politicians, however, despite the scrupulous studies, various monographs dedicated to a particular conflict, interesting facts about wars remain in most unknown to the wide audience.

One of the most bloody and large-scale in the entire history of human existence was the Second World War of 1939-1945, which touched over 60 of the existing states at that time. The main participants were the participants of the two coalitions - the countries of the Axis (Germany, Italy, Japan) and (USA, United Kingdom, the USSR, China).

Interesting facts about the war 1941 - 1945

At the very beginning of the US War, the United States was observed for unfolding events, without entering the war, until December 7, 1941, Japan did not defeat the American fleet, based in Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

After that, the United States became a full-fledged member of the antihytral coalition. But almost immediately the Americans collided with significant difficulties: they needed to conduct training and training of pilots, preparing them for military actions in the Pacific Ocean. Doing this in the open ocean did not seem to be possible due to the danger from the German submarines. Then the American command decided to carry out the efforts of takeoffs, maneuvers and landings on aircraft carriers on great lakes. Especially for this was converted 2 steamer. During the exercise, more than 18 thousand pilots were prepared and the order of three hundreds of aircraft was lost due to accidents. That is why there are so many fragments of this military equipment at the bottom of the Great Lakes.

Hawaiian dollar - what is this currency?

The attack on the appearance of the "Hawaiian dollar". The government of the country urgently seized all dollars from the population, replacing them with bills with a large inscription "Hawaii".

This maneuver was made in case of a possible capture by the Japanese Islands: if this happened, a currency would have come to the enemy who did not have any value.

"Camel Luck"

Interesting facts about the war of two coalitions give an idea not only about the excerpt and ability to make complex solutions to the command of the Allies, but also about the seamless and an extraordinary approach in the fight against the enemy. Thus, the German tank workers who fought in North Africa began an unusual tradition - to move "for good luck" a handlide manpower. Allied troops, noticing such a tendency, began to produce anti-tank mines, who masked under the guise of such a heap, and destroyed not one enemy tank. Ripping the opponent's maneuver, the Germans began to travel around untouched manure. But here the allies showed a fantasy, creating mines that had the appearance of a bunch of manure already with traces from the caterpilusers.

Carrot diet and vitamin A

What other interesting facts about wars show the originality of thinking of the command of the Allies? A bright example, the effect of which is preserved and in our time, has become a legend of vitamin A, which allegedly contains in carrots and directly affects improved vision and condition of the skin. In fact, the amount of carrot eaten does not directly affect good vision and healthy skin. This myth was invented by the British, who developed a radar, with the help of which the German bombers could see the pilots at night. In order for the enemy to no longer guessed about the invention, the military spread publications in the newspapers about carrot diet of pilots.

Grave Tamerlane and War: Is there a connection?

There is a connection between fiction and reality, you can find out by studying some interesting facts about the war. 1941, June 21 - Soviet scientists opened the grave of the famous Turkic commander Tamerlane, found in Samarkand. According to one of the legends, the opening of the grave will lead to war. On June 22 of the same year, the Germans attacked the USSR, thereby unleashing the war called the Great Patriotic War. However, such an unusual circumstance among scientists is considered only coincidence, since according to the available data, it was approved long before 1941.

Interesting facts about the Patriotic War: Animals and their role

The Theater of Martial Action 1941-1945 turned on the territory of the USSR and received the name of the Great Patriotic War. During the conflict, a huge number of people who fought for the liberation of their homeland from the fascist invaders were killed. However, not only human resources were attracted to combat actions.

Interesting facts about the war of 1941-1945 show that animals were actively involved in combat actions. Soviet kinnologists were preparing dogs, the purpose of which consisted in the destruction of dogs practically did not feed, teaching them to the fact that they can get under the module of the car. Thus, there are already scientific dogs with trotters tied to them with a tilt and an explosive device while fighting fled to enemy tanks, undermining them and themselves. There are still disputes on the effectiveness of such a method of combating the enemy.

Sometimes an unexpected find for lovers of history becomes interesting facts about the Great War. For example, it is known that in addition to dogs participation in the Great Patriotic War, they took and ... camels! To be more accurate, then the camels were a heavy force for guns in the 28th-formed in Astrakhan in the battle period for Stalingrad. In connection with the lack of equipment and horses, the Soviet military were forced to catch wild camels and tame them. About 350 animals took part in hostilities. Most of them died, but two camel even reached Berlin along with the Soviet army. Surviving animals were sent to zoos.

Interesting facts about the war of 1945, or rather about the significant day of June 24, when the Victory Parade was held in Moscow, they tell the inhabitant about the noticeable event of this Grand Procession: one of the participants in the parade carried a dog.

It was not a simple dog, but the famous Jilbras, who during operations on demining the territories of European states found about 150 shells and 7000 minutes. But on the eve of the holiday, Gilbras was injured and could not go through the parade among the other representatives of the School of Military Dogs. That is why Stalin gave an order to carry him on the Red Meeting on his kittel.

Coca-Cola in the USSR?

Interesting facts about the war illuminate the unknown side of diplomatic relations between the USSR and the United States, in particular, between their prominent politicians. So, during the war in Europe, the Marshal of the USSR and the general of the US Army during which General treated Marshal Coca-Koloy was occurring.

Zhukov appreciated the drink and appealed to Eisenhower with a request to deliver him to the headquarters. To avoid rumors about the worship of the Soviet general, such a bright symbol of American imperialism, Zhukov asked to discolorly "Coca-Cola". This wish was transferred to the plant for the production of beverage through President Harry Truman. Chemists managed to discolor "Coca-Clau", which in the amount of 50 boxes delivered Marshal in conventional bottles with a red star and a white lid.

How did the "Fanta" appeared

However, this is not the only episode associated with Coca-Cola. Interesting facts about wars tell how "Fed" actually appeared.

Back in the early years of World War II, the German representation of the factory on bottling this drink was left without the ingredients that were supplied from the United States. In search of an alternative, the Germans began to produce another product, using food production waste (dairy serum and apple cake). The drink was the uncomplicated name "Fantas" - abbreviated from the "fantasy". Until now, there is an opinion that the director of the plant and the inventor of the drink was Nazi - Max Kate. But it does not correspond to reality, he was not Nazi. After the war, Kate came into contact with the Coca-Cola's main office in the United States, and the property of the company on the plant in Germany was restored. The leaders did not refuse the already successful to win the great popularity of "Phanti" and continued its production on a par with Coca-Cola.

30 years later

30 years after the Great Victory allies in the war there was a rather symbolic case: in July 1975, the American spacecraft "Apollo" and the Soviet Union was supposed to be docked over Moscow, during which the exchange of astronaut handshaking was expected. However, the calculation of the meeting place was made incorrectly, and the handshake took place over the river Elbe, where a meeting of American and Soviet soldiers took place for 30 years.

All these interesting facts about wars, a little known to the general public, show the opposite side of the events that took place and sometimes illuminate curious or unusual cases that the bright ribbon should be in the story of the heavy military everyday life.



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