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Antonyms. The meaning of the word antonym in the explanatory dictionary of Ephraim. They do not enter into antonymic relations

To love, they say, is a talent
But if I endure humiliation all my life,
And I'm glad to hear any word from her,
Sounding more than a hundred awards
And, as if calling for a crime.

Fight with yourself is not clear for what,
I can't throw it out of my heart, no matter how I try:
Her name, her body ...

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Sense is the recognition of one's own worth. And, accordingly, the values ​​of their thoughts, feelings, physical body, desires. So, if we love ourselves, then we will dream. There are people who do not strive for anything, and do not even try to change their lives for the better ... and in the end everything works out. So, wanting and acting is the way to make your dreams come true. Retire and ask yourself the question: “If I I loved more myself, what would I do from what I am not doing now? And what would not I do from what I do? " Such...

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The words are simple ...

Simple words, expressions
Usually nobody cares
They do not cause irritation in the soul -
They are common, that's all!

When the soul clung to something,
V simple words finds the negative.
And she herself was so angry
That there is no communication for ...


ant O him

A word with the opposite meaning to another word.

Efremova. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is ANTONYM in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    A word that is opposite in meaning to another word. The words "heavy" and "light" - ...
  • ANTONY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a, m. A word that is opposite in meaning to another word. The words "heavy" and "light" - ...
  • ANTONY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. In linguistics: a word that is opposite in meaning to another word, for example. "light" and "dark" are antonyms. II app. antonymic, ...
  • ANTONY in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    anto "nim, anto" nims, anto "nima, anto" nims, anto "nimu, anto" nimam, anto "nim, anto" nims, anto "nim, anto" nims, anto "nime, ...
  • ANTONY in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Verbal ...
  • ANTONY in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • ANTONY in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. A word with the opposite in relation to another word ...
  • ANTONY in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    antonym, ...
  • ANTONY in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    antonym, ...
  • ANTONY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    antonym, ...
  • ANTONY in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    In linguistics: the word opposite in meaning to another word "light" and "dark" - ...
  • ANTONY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. see ...
  • ANTONY in the Big Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    m. see ...
  • ENGLISH PROVERSE in the Quote Wiki.
  • FREE WILL in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    a person's ability to self-determination in their actions. In the contest of early Greek culture, the concept of S.V. emphasizes not so much the philosophical-categorical as ...
  • SPECIFIC ART in the Lexicon of nonclassics, artistic and aesthetic culture of the XX century, Bychkov:
    (fr. - Art concret) One of the areas of abstract art, characterized by the creation of mostly abstract paintings containing purely geometric, often mathematically ...
  • NOVOZHILOV in the Dictionary of Russian Surnames:
    Patronymic from the naming of his father Novozhil; new resident - “newly assigned to the community, newcomer”, the opposite of the word of the literary language ...
  • 0 SURNAME RIDDLES in the Dictionary of Russian Surnames:
    (Nikonov V. A. Geography of surnames. M., 1988. Published with abbreviations) Surname - the hereditary name of the family, the primary unit of society. In the past …
    refusal to carry out a financial and commercial transaction with payment of a forfeit. Antonym present the right to receive ...
  • BACKWORDATION in the Dictionary of Financial Terms:
    a situation in which prices for goods on hand are higher than prices for transactions for a term, and prices for goods with a near term ...
    - 1) forwarding: a price ratio in which the prices for term transactions exceed the prices for the goods on hand, the prices for the goods. From ...
  • DISPOSITIVE in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    (from late Lat. dispositivus - commanding) - restorative; allowing a choice of several options (the antonym is imperative) ...
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    (from Lat. de - abolition and thesaures - treasure). use of accumulated funds for the purpose of their consumption for investment ...

(from the Greek anti - against, ónyma - name) - these are words with the opposite meaning when used in pairs. Those words enter into antonymic relations, which reveal from opposite sides correlated concepts associated with one circle of objects, phenomena. Words form antonymic pairs based on their lexical meaning... One and the same word, if it is polysemantic, can have several antonyms.

are found within all parts of speech, however, the words of an antonymic pair must belong to the same part of speech.

Do not enter into antonymic relations:

- nouns with a specific meaning (house, book, school), proper nouns;

- numerals, most pronouns;

- words denoting gender (man and woman, son and daughter);

- words with different stylistic coloring;

- words with augmenting or diminutive accents (hand - hand, house - house).

By their structure, antonyms are not homogeneous. Among them there are:

- single-root antonyms: happiness is unhappiness, open - close;

- multi-root antonyms: black is white, good is bad.

The phenomenon of antonymy is closely related to the polysemy of the word. Each of the meanings of the word can have its own antonyms. So the word fresh in different meanings will have different antonymic pairs: fresh wind - sultry wind, fresh bread - stale bread, fresh shirt - dirty shirt.

Antonymic relationships can also arise between different meanings of the same word. For example, to look through means "to get acquainted with something, to check, to quickly examine, to look through, to read" and "to miss, not notice, to miss". The combination of opposite meanings in one word is called enantiosemia.

Depending on the distinctive features that words with opposite meanings have, two types of antonyms can be distinguished general language(or simply linguistic) and contextual speech(copyright or individual).

Common language antonyms are regularly reproduced in speech and fixed in the vocabulary (day - night, poor - rich).

Contextual speech antonyms- these are words that enter into antonymic relations only in a certain context: Sing better with a goldfinch than a nightingale.

The use of antonyms makes speech brighter and more expressive. Antonyms are used colloquially and artistic speech, in many proverbs and sayings, in the titles of many literary works.

One of the stylistic figures is built on the sharp opposition of words-antonyms - antithesis(opposition) - a characteristic by comparing two opposite phenomena or signs: Long live the sun, let the darkness hide! (A.S. Pushkin). Writers often use this technique to construct titles of works: "War and Peace" (L.N. Tolstoy), "Fathers and Sons" (I.S. Turgenev), "Thick and Thin" (A.P. Chekhov), etc. ...

Another stylistic device, which is based on the comparison of antonymic meanings, is oxymoron, or oxymoron(gr. oxymoron - literally witty-stupid) is a figure of speech in which logically incompatible concepts are combined: a living corpse, dead souls, ringing silence.

Dictionaries of antonyms will help you to find an antonym for a word.Dictionaries of antonyms- linguistic dictionaries, which provide a description of antonyms. For instance, in dictionary L.A. Vvedenskaya more than 1000 antonymic pairs are interpreted (their synonymous correspondences are also taken into account), contexts of use are given. A in the dictionary of N.P. Kolesnikova antonyms and paronyms are recorded. The book contains about 3,000 paronyms and more than 1,300 pairs of antonyms. There are no illustrations of the use of antonyms in the dictionary.

In addition to dictionaries of general antonyms, there are also private dictionaries that fix polar relations in some narrow areas of vocabulary. This includes, for example, dictionaries of antonyms-phraseological units, dictionaries of antonyms-dialectisms, etc.

Let's pay attention to the most common examples of antonyms: good evil; good bad; friend - enemy; day Night; heat - cold; peace - war, quarrel; true False; success - failure; benefit - harm; rich - poor; difficult - easy; generous - stingy; thick - thin; hard - soft; brave - cowardly; White black; fast - slow; high Low; bitter - sweet; hot Cold; wet - dry; well-fed - hungry; new - old; big small; laugh - cry; to speak - to be silent; to love is to hate.

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