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English in 3 months

The English language has turned from a useful skill into an essential skill when applying for a job, continuing education, and successful self-realization in various fields. The English-language information space dictates its own rules, literature and media in English generate a huge amount of information, which you simply do not have time to wait for translation. You either read primary sources in English, or you are firmly and permanently outsider. It's up to you to choose.

If you do not speak English, it is worth learning it as soon as possible. And here the question arises: what exactly are they, these very "shortest terms". On the one hand, we understand that in a couple of weeks we are unlikely to cope with this task, on the other hand, a year of study does not seem to us such a "shortest period."

How to quickly learn English - we will try to tell you. The standard term for studying English in courses is approximately 2 years. And everything will depend on what level you start learning and at what level you are ready to stop. Linguists and people who are especially keen on language issues argue that you need to learn a language all your life. But we'll talk about mere mortals.

There are 6 levels of English proficiency: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency. On average, you can complete one level of English in 3-4 months. Therefore, if you started learning English from scratch, then you can reach the intermediate level (Intermediate) in about six months. This is if you train in a group with an intensity of 2 times a week. If you choose a more intensive program, then it is quite possible to complete the course in 3-4 months.

English is quickly learned by those who need it “for yesterday”. If you are planning to enter a foreign university, move abroad, then an intensive program is your option. If you are not ready to attend English courses 4-5 times a week, you can try to quickly learn English at home. For this you need to surround yourself with English.
Learning English quickly requires you to take the time to study every day. You can read books in English, watch movies with or without subtitles, learn new words using apps on your smartphone. There are many ways to learn English. Let's talk about some of them.

An easy way to learn English - you go to, choose an intensive program, study from 3 days a week, do not forget about homework. This method is suitable for those who are ready to devote a certain amount of time to classes. With such a schedule, in about 2-3 months you can master the skill of fluent English communication from scratch. It will not be possible to say that you know English perfectly, but you will be able to communicate in standard situations, enter into dialogues, communicate at work.

English learning plan

The plan can be individual for each person. It is necessary to take into account the starting level of English, basic knowledge and peculiarities of the perception of information: someone remembers information from images better, someone - by ear. In addition, each person has their own goals. If you need to master, then the emphasis is better on the practice of oral communication, if written, then it is worth using writing simulators and reading books in English.

If you want to close the English question in three months (and this period can be considered realistic), you should draw up a clear plan. You are promised to learn English in a month either by courses in which you will have to speak English for at least 5 hours a day 5 days a week, or by those who do not plan to provide you with such a result in principle.

How much can you learn English:

  • in 2-3 months - reach from the Elementary level to Pre-Intermediate, with great desire and diligence to Intermediate. Studying at least 3 times a week for 1-2 hours, doing homework, reading books only in English, watching TV shows, films and podcasts in English, repeating learned words every day.
  • in 5-6 months - it is more than realistic to go from zero to Intermediate... Studying 2 times a week, doing homework, repeating words and visiting a conversation club once a week. If you find a native speaker and will communicate with him regularly at least 1-2 times a week, perhaps complete the course earlier.
  • 9-12 months in advance - standard plan... And even while completing this plan, you must not skip classes, repeat words, do your homework, hone your grammar skills, and practice pronunciation. The question “how much can you learn English from scratch?” Can be answered exactly like this: 9-12 months or 1-2 years.
  • in 1-2 years - you can reach Intermediate. This is even too long a period, but many students are stuck at the Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate level for about such a time. If you do not do your homework or do not immerse yourself in English anywhere except for the lessons in the courses, you will increase the time of studying the language several times.

Still dreaming of learning English in a month? Let's not limit you: this is also possible. But it turns out, as a rule, only when you move abroad and there is no possibility of communication in your native language. If courses can't isolate you from communicating in Russian for a month, don't trust their promises to learn English in a month.

How to learn English in 3 months?

This term looks the most realistic and one of the most urgent. Let's try to make a plan and convince you that this is possible.

First month

This is the period of working with an English teacher or tutor. If you want to learn English in a super short time, you should skip group lessons and study individually or in pairs. Why? Simply because 90% of the time in class you will be the one to speak. You will not need to wait for the rest of the students to speak (and there can be from 4 to 10).

You should memorize about 30 words every day. And it's good to memorize. It is so good that they remain, at least, in the passive stock, and the phrasal verbs go immediately into the active one. At this intensity, after 90%, you will have a vocabulary of about 3000 words. This is enough for fluent communication in standard situations. Although an educated native speaker can have a vocabulary of 8,000 or more. There is something to strive for.

Second month

You can already communicate in English. Ideally, a native speaker or even several speakers can be involved in the communication process. Make it a rule: 3 times a week you should speak with native speakers in English for about 1-2 hours + study with a teacher + repeat the material yourself. In parallel, you need to continue to learn new words and introduce them into your speech. Also read books in English for beginners. This not only replenishes your vocabulary, but also helps you memorize standard phrases, sentence structure.

Third month

Read books in English actively. Spend at least an hour a day on this activity, write down and memorize unfamiliar words. If you are lucky enough to find a native friend who will be ready to communicate with you in English for at least 3 hours a day, consider yourself a lucky ticket. Continue to learn 30 new words every day.

Yes, English can be learned in 3 months. If you give it 4 hours daily.

We have compiled for you a selection of English courses in and... After studying for 1 to 3 months, you will feel a significant difference in the level of English proficiency.

Useful Resources

It is only in Remarque's books that emigrant heroes learn English from the reports of those killed during the Second World War in the newspapers. And, by the way, they study quite successfully - the motivation is too strong. There are tons of useful resources you can use to explore:

  • To memorize words: Is an app for those who prefer Apple devices. You can learn new words using the interval learning method. An alternative is if you are not a fan of apples.
  • For speaking practice: The Mixxer - a resource for Skype communication with native speakers
  • About resources for watching movies in English -
  • Read books in English- you can on the resource
  • Check and practice pronunciation- you can on the channel
  • Audiobooks (and their textual variants) in English can be found on the resource. All books are divided into levels from Elementary to Advanced.
We wish you every success!

If you speak to a person in a language that he understands, you are speaking to his mind. If you speak his native language, you speak to his heart.

Nelson Mandela

We have already written about the benefits of studying the second, third, or more than once. This is an excellent exercise for the brain, improves cognitive abilities, allows you to better concentrate on tasks and protect yourself from external stimuli, and is the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

But we are all busy people and the standard terms of learning a foreign language (4-5 years) do not suit us. The pace of life has accelerated, and everything else has accelerated. And a huge number of methods have appeared that allow you to cope with this task in 3 months.

In a guest post on Zen Habits, Maneesh Sethi, author of the Hack The System blog, shares his technique. He studied foreign languages ​​for four years and now speaks English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German. It took Manish 3 months to learn Italian, 2 months to learn Spanish, and about 3 weeks to learn Portuguese.

Manish Seti believes that in order to successfully and quickly learn a foreign language, first of all, it is necessary to change the approach - to become an active student who does not just allow himself to be taught, but himself takes part in the process and constantly asks questions.

The only "but" in this system: in order to learn a new language in 90 days, you must spend at least 3-4 hours every day on learning and at least the first month to study with a teacher. If you do not have this opportunity, then the terms are stretched, but at the same time there are still much less than the standard terms of language learning.

Learning strategies

  1. Find the right resources. Grammar textbooks, films, books and word memorization programs.
  2. Hire a tutor. For at least one month. Exercise for 4 hours a day is recommended, but not required.
  3. Try to speak and think in the language you are learning. Practice with vocabulary every day.
  4. Find friends who speak this language. Ideal if they are native speakers of the target language.

Study plan for 90 days

First month

This is a period of intensive language learning and work with a tutor. According to Manish, group activities are relaxing and allow you to be lazy. A one-on-one lesson with a teacher boosts your language learning and keeps you in good shape all the time. You must learn 30 new words every day.

Why exactly 30? Because in 90 days you will know the language by about 80% and your vocabulary (a little less than 3,000 words) will be quite enough for fluent communication.

Second month

After the first intensive month of study, you are already quite able to communicate with native speakers. After all, it is communication, and not completing tasks from a textbook, that allows us to memorize new words and phrases well.

The ideal would be to visit the country of which you are studying. But I think that if this is not possible, visiting the conversation clubs will be enough.

Third month

In the third month, your estimated language level should be enough to watch movies and read books. In this case, you should learn 30 new words every day throughout the entire period.

Manish also thinks that if you don't have a mate, it would be great to find a mate who is a native speaker. Once he met a man (American) who spoke Russian fluently. Manish asked how long it took him to learn this difficult language. To which he replied: "Two wives."

Useful Resources

And now for the most important thing: the resources and applications to help you get the job done.


You can use special applications to memorize words. If you prefer Apple devices, then the Genius app might come in handy. The app selects questions or words carefully using the spaced repetition method. The more often you make mistakes, the more often the program will ask you questions. Manish recommends making the program suggest a word in your native language that needs to be translated into a foreign one. Then it will be better remembered, because it is always more difficult to translate from your native language into a foreign one. And we are not looking for easy ways.


In addition to the familiar Google Translate, WordReference.com (for working with most Romance languages) and dict.cc (for learning German) may be useful to you.

Conversation resources

For conversational practice, check out The Mixxer, a resource that allows you to find people to chat with on Skype.

If you are not already familiar with the Couchsurfing.org service, read on. Meetup.com goes to the same piggy bank.

I would like to add a few words from myself. I understand perfectly well that such a forced way of learning a foreign language is not available for many. Still, 4 hours of classes every day for a month for many is much more expensive than the monthly cost of a tutor.

Unfortunately, we cannot load a software package with languages ​​directly to the brain. But if you study with a teacher at least two or three times a week, replenish your vocabulary by 30 new words every day, read books, watch films and try to think in the target language, then you should definitely succeed. And of course, talk, talk and talk wherever possible.

In our modern world, it is very difficult to do without knowledge of the English language. If you want to get a prestigious job, you need knowledge of a foreign language. Most often, knowledge of English is required. However, it is far from always possible to learn a language quickly and efficiently. There are quite a few reasons for slow language learning: we often do not have enough time, money for a good tutor, interesting resources and, most importantly, desire. Nevertheless, it is possible to learn English in St. Petersburg in 3 months. Of course, in order to achieve your goal, you will need time, patience and a great desire to cope with the language barrier. There are several methods that help you learn English several times faster and more efficiently. The main advantage of these methods is that you don't need a lot of money or a huge amount of free time. All you need is 1.5 hours of free time a day, good internet speed, mobile phone, notepad, pen. Today we will tell you how it is possible to learn English in the shortest possible time - in 3 months.

Define your goal

Before learning English, decide for yourself what kind of goal you want to achieve. For example, you need a language for work, for a business trip to an English-speaking country, for communication or for moving. This point is important because the method of study depends on your goal.

Study method

Determine the method by which you will learn the language. Today there are many effective methods. You need to choose the method that is right for you. For example, you love American movies and English songs. It is perfectly! Watch films in English (preferably with subtitles), listen to songs, trying to hear not single words, but whole phrases. Of course, in the beginning it will be very difficult to achieve success. However, after just a few weeks, you will see noticeable results. Cool tip: not the whole thing, without interruption. Watch 5 minutes of the movie trying to hear as many phrases as possible. Then go back to the beginning and watch the section of the movie again. This method is considered the most effective for beginners to learn the language.

A good resource for learning English

Find a good resource for learning English. Do not skimp if you find a paid, but very good resource, think: maybe you should pay for the entire course of study? Today, you can find a large number of great but paid language sites on the Internet. On the one hand, you don't want to spend money on a paid resource at all. But on the other hand, be sure that your funds will pay off. Of course, the main condition should be the quality and efficiency of the materials provided. Ideal when the site has the opportunity not only to learn grammar, but also to learn new words, watch movies or videos with subtitles.

Learn words only in context

When starting to learn a language, remember that learning words without context is pointless. Read texts, highlight or write out new words and learn them in context. The best option is to write the sentence out of the text into a notebook and re-read it throughout the day. This way, you will memorize new words much faster. Also, do not neglect the dictionary and special language learning programs that you can download to your mobile phone.

Read more

Allocate at least 30-40 minutes to read texts or topics every day. Read adapted texts. Note, however, that texts are always divided by level. That is why you need to know your level of knowledge of English. Read texts that are interesting, informative, and contain new words or expressions. If you notice that there are no new words for you in the text, proceed to texts and topics of a more complex level. Do not forget also about reading American and British Internet publications: magazines, blogs, fan clubs.

When traveling, you need to know foreign languages, at least English. You can learn almost any foreign language at a basic level in 3 months. This time will be enough to learn basic phrases and learn a little about how to speak a foreign language. This is enough to find any things you need, navigate in an unfamiliar country, ask how to get to a certain place, and chat a little with other travelers.

You can master a foreign language at any age, if you wish. Of the foreign languages, after school I knew only English, and then at a very low level. There was no incentive - I didn't teach. In general, I almost always do what I like, and English was not on the "Noteworthy" list. But as soon as I decided to travel, I immediately thought about learning English first, because it is the most common and is considered international, in almost any country you can communicate with people in English, at least with people from the tourism and law enforcement sectors.

There are a lot of methods of learning foreign languages. The most famous is the method of Dr. Pimsler, which is an audio course of 90 lessons, each lesson lasting 30 minutes. A very effective method of learning a foreign language in a short time, which has received millions of positive reviews from all over the world. But this technique is more suitable for starting a thorough study of the language, which is not always necessary for travelers.

Now huge popularity among travelers recruits the Benny Lewis technique. This is the best way to learn English for travel. Thanks to her, I have already learned several foreign languages ​​at a basic level. The author of the method is an avid traveler who has successfully taught foreign languages ​​to thousands of people around the world. More details can be found on its official website (link above). Now, briefly to the essence of the methodology, which will allow you to learn any foreign language at a basic level in 3 months.

Set specific goals

There is no need to try to learn a foreign language in a short period of time at the level at which native speakers speak. In 3 months you will be able to learn only the basic level. If you grab onto everything, then in the end you will achieve less than you would learn English for travelers gradually.

You need to learn the language evenly every day. This way you will memorize a lot more words and phrases. To learn a language in three months, you need to set aside time for this. Spend at least 10 hours a week studying, then you will achieve significant results. Stop watching TV and cut back on social media. networks to a minimum, and spend the saved time studying. Use any free time, even 30 minutes between activities should be spent learning English for travel.

Learn only the words you need

To begin with (3 months), you need to learn the words and phrases that you will use. There is no need to learn the words "so that it was." Think about what words and phrases you most often use in everyday life, what words and phrases will be needed when you start a conversation with a foreigner, when you sit in a bar, restaurant, cafe.

  • Make a list of the words and phrases you want to use in your native language. Imagine that you are talking to a stranger. Tell him where you are from, what you do, what you love, why you are traveling, etc. After that, translate all these expressions into a foreign language. It is very important to hear the translated words, for this you can use the Google translator or chat with a native speaker (this method will be described later).
  • List your favorite foods, meals, and daily needs. Learn how to pronounce words such as coffee, tea, sandwiches, bread, meat, etc., in general, what you need in everyday life. Do not forget also - bathroom, toilet, tourist, foreigner, where ..., when ... etc. Make lists of frequently used items.
  • Find out which foreign words are similar to those you use in your everyday life. Many words are borrowed from other languages. For example, Internet, muffin, sandwich, fast food, hot dog, tram, surfing, office. You can quickly memorize words from this category and use them abroad, knowing that you will be understood.
  • Use associations. To quickly memorize unfamiliar words, use associative images or come up with small funny sentences with memorable words. It works with a bang, even though at first glance it seems like a crazy idea.

The service in Russian Lingualeo will help a lot in learning English, it implements an integrated approach to learning the language, I myself used this service and was very pleased. You can also use Google translate. There are also good foreign sites (you can find pronunciations of words and phrases from native speakers) and (associations with words are presented) that will help travelers learn a foreign language (and not only).

Learn whole phrases

It is better not to learn the grammar of the language at the beginning of the path. This should be left for later. Just memorize some whole sentences. This will save you a lot of time, but you will still be able to talk to a stranger.

  • Learn basic phrases from the travel guide. Most travel guides contain phrases that you may need when communicating with the local population. But don't learn all the phrases in the guide. Select only those phrases that will be useful to you. For example, you need to know: "Where is the toilet?", "How much does it cost?", "Sorry, I do not speak ...". You can familiarize yourself with the necessary phrases in different languages ​​of the world.
  • Compose your own suggestions. You can create template sentences that can be used in different situations by simply replacing one word with another. For example, in the sentence “Where is the supermarket?”, Replacing the word “supermarket” with “toilet”, you get “Where is the toilet?”. Google Translate does a good job of translating. You can also use the service, where in case of an erroneous construction of a sentence, native speakers will correct it for free.
  • You should hear phrases in a foreign language. After compiling a list of basic words and phrases, you need to hear their pronunciation. This can be done for free on the site: just send your words and phrases there, and you will hear how to pronounce them correctly from a native speaker.

Memorize phrases, not just translate them. I contribute to a good memorization of the association and the composition of comic sentences, and best of all, absurd sentences.

Practice before you travel

Using the tips above, you will learn a lot of words and phrases, but you need to practice pronunciation and understanding of the language. Learning words is one thing, but talking is another. It is better to orient yourself in the level of knowledge of the language even before the trip and, if necessary, adjust the study plan.

  • Practice with native speakers. Now you can communicate with native speakers no matter where you are. There are many sites where you can find a native speaker and chat with him on Skype. There is an opportunity to communicate for free, then in exchange for your training, you will have to teach your native language to another person. You can also pay for communication (prices start from 100 rubles per hour). With live communication, you will be shown the weaknesses, you will hear the correct pronunciation, and it is much easier to learn new words in this way.
  • Try talking to an imaginary person. Imagine a situation when you will be in a cafe, hotel, on the street, and speak with an imaginary interlocutor as you will speak with a real one. This approach will allow you to understand which necessary words you do not know, but which are necessary when communicating.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes.

Learn a foreign language, don't give up, even if you make numerous mistakes. You can emphasize a lot of mistakes, especially when communicating with native speakers. Even if you say a ridiculous phrase, people will understand and approve of your efforts to learn a foreign language, as well as suggest the correct option.

It doesn't take long to learn a foreign language for travel at a basic level. Start today (today, not "Monday", which will never be), in the future you will thank yourself very much for this. Just follow the advice above and you will never again ask yourself the question: "How to learn a foreign language?" Knowledge of a foreign language opens up new horizons and brings many new friends into your life. Take action, learn a foreign language and travel! Good luck!



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