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By becoming a student of the Konstantin Dovlatov School of Coaching, you. Innovative school of coaching Dovlatov training

A huge number of books and Internet resources are devoted to the popular topics of self-knowledge and self-development. However, in the mass of information it is not so easy to find really valuable materials and recommendations that can help in solving specific problems.

Konstantin Dovlatov is an experienced psychologist who has developed many programs and practices that can quickly and effectively improve the life of every person in a number of areas.

Projects K. Dovlatov

The most famous and effective programs that Konstantin Dovlatov offers to his clients:
- "100 days of transformation" - an online course focused on the development of a person's personal qualities, leading to a change in attitude towards oneself and one's life. Through the training of certain skills as a result of completing daily tasks, the client learns to manage the events of life, gradually gaining energy, joy, freedom and success.
- “MAXIMAL LIFE” - a 30-day intensive program for the complex improvement of various spheres of life and achievement of the set goals by eliminating psychological barriers, restoring internal balance, regulating relations with the opposite sex, removing “money blocks”.
- "Spiritual Integration" - the author's technology, which is implemented in the form of trainings, providing rapid spiritual growth and development of abilities, the discovery of hidden resources and opportunities for their use.

Life Creators Club

Another project created by Konstantin Dovlatov is the Club of Life Creators. Registration on the club's website makes it possible to communicate with like-minded people, study information provided in the public domain, perform meditations and exercises, participate in online webinars, thematic marathons and flash mobs. Membership in the club, a prerequisite for which is the payment of monthly fees, opens up access to even more Internet resources.

Konstantin Dovlatov Coaching School

Those wishing to master the profession of a coach that is in demand in the modern world (that is, to become a person who helps clients achieve various professional and life goals) K. Dovlatov invites to his online coaching school.

The program will be useful for various categories of participants:
- those who are already working as a coach - to become a high-class professional who can effectively assist people who find themselves in difficult life situations;
- for those who are just going to engage in coaching - to become a specialist in this matter in a fairly short period of time, to master the methods and techniques of professional assistance to people and to realize themselves in this direction;
- those who have not yet set themselves certain life tasks, but are dissatisfied with the current situation - to remove limiting beliefs, open a resource stream, learn to set goals and achieve them, that is, become a coach for oneself and a harmonious person who is able to help others.

In general, the school of coaching by Konstantin Dovlatov is intensive purposeful work on oneself for 8 months in a team of like-minded people and under the supervision of a curator, which involves the study of a large amount of theoretical material and active practice.

Distinctive features of the projects of K. Dovlatov

Konstantin Dovlatov is one of the highest paid Russian coaches and trainers; participation in each of his programs costs a lot of money.

Projects are distinguished by a systematic approach: for solving specific problems of clients, the psychologist selects only working and most effective methods, synthesizes the best available technologies of other authors.

The main features of the programs and practices of K. Dovlatov:
- first of all, work is underway on the inner mental attitude, on the elimination of negative blocks that impede the achievement of ambitious goals in various areas;
- a lot of attention is paid to the development of the client's personal qualities, the disclosure of his potential;
- in order to achieve positive changes, the client needs to determine his true desires and aspirations in order to make the path to the goal uncomplicated and enjoyable;
- preference is given to radical methods that allow you to get the desired results quickly and without backtracking.

Courses and trainings topics

Konstantin Dovlatov is surprisingly productive as a training and course developer, event organizer and video tutorial creator.

Many of his programs and courses are aimed at transforming the personality, they help to let go of the past, erase its negative experience, gain self-confidence and self-confidence, develop intuition, learn to concentrate and relax, and increase motivation.

The main directions of the projects of K. Dovlatov:
- building harmonious family relationships (focus on family values, correct relationships with spouses, children and close relatives);
- health promotion (awareness and elimination of the causes of diseases, management of well-being, healthy quality sleep, anti-stress programs, back health);
- success in business and finance (effective communication, increased income).

Slavinsky's techniques, constellations, RPT, working with metaphorical cards - these are just a few of the psychotherapeutic and psychological techniques that Konstantin Dovlatov practices.

Project Reviews

There is a fairly large number of reviews about Konstantin Dovlatov and his unique techniques, the overwhelming majority of which are positive. Valuable feedback from those who completed the trainings allows us to conclude that the majority of clients are grateful to K. Dovlatov for the positive changes in their lives. For some, the trainings passed helped to find calmness and confidence, get rid of all sorts of prejudices and anxiety, for others - to find their place in life, achieve success, increase personal efficiency and increase income. Many say “thank you” to the psychologist for the techniques of self-acceptance, for a noticeable improvement in family relations, for a new quality of life.

Among those who graduated from the courses there are those who are dissatisfied with the results and did not notice any improvements in their lives after undergoing expensive training.

Konstantin Dovlatov: biography

Konstantin Nikolaevich Dovlatov was born in Moscow in 1965. He graduated from high school in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan SSR. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology (now the National Research University "MIET") in the city of Zelenograd, where he studied at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Technologies.

For a long time he worked as a programmer. Like every extraordinary person, during the midlife crisis, I felt the need for change. An important role in choosing a new profession was played by his passion for kundalini yoga, which Konstantin Dovlatov has been doing since 2000. Becoming first a yoga instructor, he began to actively study and practice psychology. He passed many advanced training courses, mastered a large number of techniques. As a result, he became one of the most demanded specialists.

Konstantin Dovlatov, whose personal life has developed well, is married to Elmira Safiullina, and has a daughter. The wife is both a friend and colleague of the psychologist, she is a coach and coach on his team. The spouses conduct joint seminars and trainings on the topic of successful family relationships.

Achievements of K. Dovlatov

To date, Konstantin Dovlatov:
- is a member of the All-Russian Professional Psychotherapeutic League (APPL);
- trainer in psycho-energy-acupuncture therapy (PEAT) - one of the most effective techniques of Zhivorad Slavinsky;
- Trainer for pivot point therapy (RPT) - the famous technology of Simon Rose;
- Kriya yoga coach, trainer and instructor in Kundalini yoga;
- is working on a dissertation for the degree of candidate of psychological sciences, dedicated to the synthesis of RPT and metaphorical maps;
- the author of the book “Business. Laws that are visible only from the height of success ”, written in an unusual form of a textbook-novel and recently published by the publishing house“ AST ”.

As a child, you were convinced that you would become a successful and wealthy person if you did well in school. You trustingly remembered the dates of historical events and counted how many black rabbits will be born from a gray rabbit in the fifth generation ...

How many times have you been able to show off the knowledge you gained? Why does life not ask you questions about the material passed in school, and where are the promised success and wealth?

Well, of course. Something has not been told to you.
What can you expect from free school education ...

What to do?

Many courses, trainings and books are happy to fill your head with a mass of interesting but useless information. You are taught to set goals for yourself, but achieving them only brings disappointment.

“Earn your first 100 thousand”, “Finals your first million” - the coaches from the Internet offer you. But is this exactly what you are striving for in life?

Or maybe your goal is achievable with only a hundred million? Or it has nothing to do with money at all. Then why would you kill so much time and effort to make money?

Life shows that when a person follows the path of his true aspiration, the necessary money comes to him on its own. And no one except you knows your true goals.

But how to distinguish your true goals from those imposed?

There are three ways to break the deadlock:

1. The contemplative path:

Sit and wait without doing anything. To go with the flow. It may happen that happy destiny finds you on its own. Will pull out, shake off and warm. But the more likely you are to turn your life into a mound. Under which all your abilities, hopes and dreams will proudly rest.

2.The path is chaotic:

Move in all directions, grab any job. Trial and error method. You can always hope that you will accidentally come across your true destiny "head to head", get to know each other and live happily ever after together. But, most likely, moving haphazardly, you will not find anything that you were looking for. But you will get a variety of impressions and fill yourself with a collection of cones. These bumps will become the main "dignity" for which your grandchildren will remember you.

3. The conscious path:

Listen to your desires and dreams. Determine your true life goals. Develop a realistic action plan. Move towards your goal, overcoming any obstacles. This is the only path that makes you stronger and more confident with every step. Which brings satisfaction and a sense of inner freedom. Finding this path means finding yourself.

Starting a new training stream20 February 2017

Course of Study 8 months- with a break for official holidays


What is special about being a coach?

A coach earns from 100,000 to 1,000,000 rubles per month

The coach works 3-5 hours a day

The coach has time for himself and his loved ones

The coach has good relationships with family and friends.

The coach feels good

This is your real opportunity:

  • To become a highly paid coach in a short time -

even if today you do not have a special psychological education

  • Get rid of psychological trauma quickly and irrevocably,

blocking cash flow and quality relationships in your life and hindering your progress

  • Realize yourself through professional help to other people
  • Learn to set big goals and in the shortest possible time to achieve maximum results in all areas of life

Does it coincide with your plans for the near future?


Short training program:

  • ​​Coaching + therapy

A system of step-by-step movement towards the goal using classical coaching and in-depth study of internal obstacles

  • Strategic coaching

Working out tactical moments, internal attitudes and a successful strategy to achieve a goal in any area of ​​life.

  • Tactical coaching

How to replace old, habitual actions that always return to where they started - with new ones leading to the desired results.

  • Coaching abilities

How to work on increasing memory, multitasking, concentration, and sometimes just the power of the intellect.

The techniques of this direction in coaching develop absolutely any abilities that you need. There are no restrictions.

  • Resource Coaching

Allows you to dissolve the tendency to self-destruction and revive the natural passion for life.

  • Condition Coaching

Condition coaching allows you to select and change any condition of your choice. After coaching states, you are no longer a hostage to your own and other people's emotions, you quickly switch to any situation. Personal efficiency increases by 200%.

  • Life coaching

The art of living happily. There is no one average recipe for “happiness for everyone”. Life coaching brings out exactly what your personal happiness is. And happiness becomes your reality.

  • Energy coaching

Systematic and careful work to restore your energy at all levels.

  • Spiritual Coaching

Revival of the power of Soul and Spirit. None of even the most powerful techniques will help if the Spirit is weakened, and the Soul is scratched by cats.
Spiritual coaching strengthens the power of the Spirit and sets you up to dialogue with your own Soul. Coaching techniques heal deep trauma and distress. You turn into a Spiritual Leader for the people around you. Become whole, calm, and balanced.

  • Organizational Coaching Fundamentals

Small business coaching. Ideal for top management and entrepreneurs. Prevents 90% of mistakes made in the field of financial and people management. Business processes stop taking a lot of time. Revenue is growing. The staff is motivated. You have time to live.

  • Applied Psychology

You can't put theory to work. Therefore, the school studies the most advanced psychotechnics for practical use. You will be able not only to “speak correctly”, but also to really help yourself, your relatives and clients, if you are a coach or a psychologist. The school's arsenal contains more than 20 psychotechnicians.


School teacher Konstantin Dovlatov

Founder of the online coaching school

Psychologist. PhD in Psychology, member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League. Work experience in practical psychology for over 7 years. During this time, he personally received 1023 clients, among whom there are many public people: politicians, businessmen, public figures.

Trainer... One of the most demanded coaches in Russia. For 7 years he has carefully selected and skillfully combines the most effective Western and Eastern methods of helping himself and others.

Feedback from coaching school alumni:

Marina Alyasova Kazakhstan, Karaganda

“I worked for 23 years in the civil service and did not think that I could help people achieve their goals, heal diseases, expand my business ... My income grew from 50 thousand rubles. up to 200 per month - and continues to grow ”



  • This is the revolutionary author's system of spiritual growth by Konstantin Dovlatov. The program has no analogues in terms of efficiency and speed of changes in life and destiny.
  • This is an accelerated self-healing of a person from any initial state: medium and extremely difficult.
  • At the same time, the study of one problem takes only 15-20 minutes.

How is the time reduced?

Due to the fact that the usual physical time is not used. During the session of spiritual integration - you do not need to use mental and other abilities, because the brain is too clumsy for such things.

With the help of special techniques, you enter a state of expanded consciousness and super-intuition, you begin to hear tips and advice from your own Soul. The soul is always trying to tell you important things, but at the ordinary everyday level of consciousness it is impossible to grasp the clues. And in a state of expanded consciousness - interaction with the Soul - gives serious results.



Studying at the School of Coaching is a test of your readiness to completely change your life. Obviously, someone may harbor illusions on this score. And in the course of his studies, find out that this is not for him.

For such cases, we have provided for the possibility of a refund at the beginning of the training. You simply send a return request to the support service by the 10th of the first month of training.

In other cases, a refund is made only for the paid months that have not yet come.

You have the right to get your money back. This is a question of the image of the school. Nobody will ask you for any explanation of the decision you made - just submit a support request and get your money back.

But if you are not ready to take responsibility for your result, it may be too early for you to study at the School of Coaching. We want to see adults among the students of the School of Coaching. Those who realize: a lot depends on them. Who is ready to work hard and is aware of the upcoming time and material costs.



  • Studying at a Coaching School is WAYS for the money you pay for it.

It costs more, but you will feel it when you start learning. And you will understand - when you finish your studies.

  • You can always set aside two hours a day for yourself. Even if you are in charge of the country.

We are well aware that most of our students are overworked people. And this is what prompts them to think that the result obtained in the form of money and satisfaction does not correspond to their excessive labor costs.
Therefore, the class schedule is designed so that during your studies you do not have to take time off from work. When to change your current job to a more interesting and profitable one is your decision.

  • Eight months is not long. A long time is to search and not find all your life.

In fact, any information can be crammed into oneself in a month and a half. But the effect will be comparable to eating food that is designed for seven in a month and a half - you can explode. In the full sense of the word - there will be a complete rejection effect. To seriously change yourself and your life, you need time to master the material. For restructuring. For awareness. And all these processes should take place with the support of an experienced coach-psychologist.

  • You will succeed.

Now go over everything in your head that starts with the words: "I won't succeed ..." Now cross it out with a bold line. You will only have to come to terms with the fact that you will no longer be able to be the same person and live your old life.

  • When you become a coach yourself, you will know where to find clients.

If now you are worried about whether you will find clients for yourself and where to look for them, then this is only for one reason. You are not a coach yet, and there are financial blocks in you. When you finish training, this question will disappear by itself.

  • You will not become psychologically dependent on the support of a strong coach-coach.

We won't give it to you. Online School of Coaching by Konstantin Dovlatov is a school, not a sect. And its main task is to increase the awareness of your actions, and, consequently, the independence of making decisions and actions.

The most efficient integration. A combination of classic coaching, therapy and modern author's techniques.

Time and money saving online format. Study the course from anywhere in the world. All you need is a computer or laptop and an internet connection.

Professional mentoring support throughout the course and upon its completion (the possibility of participating in a closed Club).

Real practice and gaining experience. Practice your coaching skills on real-world needs, not just theory. Already from the 1st block of the online course, you begin practical work with classmates or mentors.

Deep study of yourself. Each material contains tasks so that you can work through your problems and internal barriers on your own or with the help of a coach.

Total support: team spirit and community of like-minded people! Participate in group chats and discussions, find associates and friends around the world.

Review of the student of the School of Coaching - Anna Kashilova 4 minutes 39 sec.

Anna started her journey three years before participating in the School of Coaching. She wanted to learn how to properly interact with the world. After studying at school, Anna's services began to be in demand: they buy coaching and consultations from her for such money that before she would not have turned her tongue to say their price.

Feedback from the student of the School of Coaching - Maria Sibiryakova 1 minute. 55 sec.

Maria got into the Coaching School by accident. She is not a coach or a psychologist. Maria is a candidate of sciences, teacher and educator. I have never had any parallels with coaching. When the Maria Institute was closed, it became a new growth point for her. She decided that she was worthy of much more than a penny job.

Review of the student of the School of Coaching - Natalia Pavlusik 4 minutes 2 sec.

Natalia is already a professional coach, so studying at Konstantin Dovlatov's school was not part of her plans. However, an inner voice said that it is simply necessary to attend the classes of a famous trainer in order to gain new knowledge and methods, to learn new tricks and secrets.

Feedback from a student of the School of Coaching - Olga Sherri 4 minutes

Olga has worked as a journalist for over 10 years, and before participating in the coaching school, she suffered from severe depression. Olga came to work out her problems and wrote a list of her wishes. Having found him, after some time, Olga realized that all these dreams have come true, and now she needs to plan more extensive and lofty goals.

  • About intensive

On September 23, the fifth stream of training starts at the Konstantin Dovlatov Coaching School.

Studying at school will help you determine what exactly you need and start moving towards your true goals.

Coaching School is your unique opportunity:

  • Irretrievably and quickly get rid of psychological trauma that block cash flow and quality relationships;
  • In the shortest possible time, turn into a highly paid coach, even if you do not have a special psychological education;
  • Learn to set big goals on your own and achieve maximum results in all areas of life.

The coaching technique of Konstantin Dovlatov combines therapy and classical coaching. Thanks to coaching, you define your own system of goals and build it, and with the help of therapy, you remove internal limitations, those obstacles that blocked your further movement.



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