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Presentation on the topic of professional growth of a social educator. The professional development of a teacher is an urgent problem in the development of modern society. Model of coping strategies during professional identity crises

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Professional and personal growth of a teacher as a goal and as a result of the pedagogical process.

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A teacher is a person who studies all his life, only in this case he acquires the right to teach. V. M. Lizinsky.

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Pedagogical competence consists of 1) special competence, which includes deep knowledge, qualifications and experience in the field of the taught subject in which training is conducted; knowledge of ways to solve technical, creative problems; 2) methodological competence, including possession of various teaching methods, knowledge of didactic methods, techniques and the ability to apply them in the learning process, knowledge psychological mechanisms mastering knowledge and skills in the learning process;

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psychological and pedagogical competence in the field of education, which implies the ability to build pedagogically appropriate relationships with students, to carry out individual work based on the results pedagogical diagnostics; differential psychological competence, including the ability to identify personal characteristics, attitudes and orientation of trainees, to determine and take into account the emotional state of people; the ability to competently build relationships with managers, colleagues, students;

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self-reflection pedagogical activity, implying the ability to realize the level of one's own activity, one's abilities; knowledge about the ways of professional self-improvement; the ability to see the causes of shortcomings in their work, in themselves; desire for self-improvement. One of the manifestations of this type is self-education; information competence, which forms the teacher's ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, store and transmit it;

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communicative competence, which determines the socio-psychological atmosphere in educational institution, the success of pedagogical activity of sociocultural competence, which determines the personal and professional quality of the teacher, ensuring his effective interaction with students, aimed at creating conditions for their successful entry into a dynamic, multicultural society, self-determination and self-realization in it;

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cultural competence, providing a specific content of the content of education, giving the educational process orderliness, harmony and consistency.

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Techniques and methods of CSR in Russian language lessons: mutual dictations in pairs of shifts; learning poems; work in pairs of shifts on cards; M.G.'s technique Bulanovskaya; job exchange (WHO); method of work on questionnaires; method of Rivin A.G.; cooperation of students "vertically"; collaborative pedagogy and "immersion".

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Kinds computer programs: 1. Training (mentoring) programs are used primarily in explaining new material for maximum assimilation. 2. Simulator programs - for the formation and consolidation of skills and abilities, as well as for self-training of students. These programs are used when theoretical material already learned by the trainees. 3. Control programs - to control a certain level of knowledge and skills. This type of program is represented by a variety of test tasks, including in test form.

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Description of the slide:

4. Demo programs - for visual demonstration educational material descriptive, various visual aids (pictures, photographs, video clips). 5. Information - reference programs - to display the necessary information with a connection to the educational resources of the Internet. 6. Multimedia textbooks - complex programs that combine most of the elements of the listed types of programs

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Attracts the attention of students and interests them in the material being studied; - takes into account age and psychological features students, as well as the level of their development, and on the basis of this provides an individual and differentiated approach; - builds its relationship with students on a humane, democratic basis; - is not lost during the most difficult and unexpected questions students; - combines theory and practice in teaching subject; - competently uses in his work the novelties of the advanced pedagogical science and practices; - avoids stereotypes in their organization of lessons; - perfectly owns his tool of labor - speech, word; - thinks critically and has a clear active civil position; - solves the problems of training, education and development in their dialectical relationship and unity.

Assistant professor
education and psychology
k. ped n. Safonova Violetta


comes from the Latin word karrus - wagon,
cart and the Italian word carriera - running,
"life path".

Crisis periods

16-23 years - identity crisis. Who am I?
28-32 years old - correction crisis (old plans and
representations are not entirely correct, and the behavior
does not lead to intended goals)
37-42 years - mid-life crisis (Man,
looking ahead, for the first time sees the end of life. Impressions:
life is wasted, that nothing has been done yet, but that
done, doesn't make sense. Life wisdom is
one of the most important educational lessons)
55-65 years old - a crisis of moral sense
life (as significant relationships in life
consider moral principles)

Crises in professional activity

The first crisis is the crisis of adaptation to
The second crisis is the crisis of routine work. (experience
work 10-15 years) - a feeling of monotonous
The third crisis is the crisis of a teacher with great
work experience - not accepted
reality of school life

The image of the teacher
Teacher's health: a healthy lifestyle,
emotional health (ability to control
feelings and emotions), mental health
(the ability to get out of stress and conflict without loss
for health)
Academic ability: intelligence,
creativity, self-development.
Professionalism: knowledge of the subject,
knowledge of techniques and technologies, knowledge
psychological characteristics of children
Communication skills: communication,
management skill, skill
Personal qualities: temperament,
tolerance, humanism, sense of humor,
positive "I am a concept".
External factors:
Media - formation
negative image
Parents -
unwillingness to know
school (kindergarten) problems
and the teacher
relationship with the teacher
public insult,
forced collection
money (repairs, tickets to

A good teacher is

Knowledge of the subject and methods, good relationships,
correct assessment of knowledge,
Creating discipline, appearance.
Knowledge of the subject, erudition
Political maturity
Knowledge of the subject, understanding, pleasant appearance,
love for work
Will, courage, authority
Fair, smart, authoritative
Demanding, love for work and children
Strict, but kind, fair
Individual approach, careful
Kind, considerate, sense of humor, tact
Subject Knowledge


the science of time management
the most important life resource;
the science and art of effective
rational use of own
the time and time of others;
the art of doing everything;

What will it give:

professional and personal success
the very word "success" is associated with the verb
"be on time"
success is a powerful stimulus and trigger
continuous self-development and
self-improvement, without which
take place teacher
only a successful teacher can provide
success for the child and the entire education system in
Optimize sleep and nutrition
Develop your general learning and intellectual skills
Formulate and clarify your goals (life, strategic,
current, operational)
Work out
Make prospective and current entries
Plan your time. Keep a diary.
Control yourself
Set your own due dates
Do a retrospective analysis of your time
Always be ready to meet the right people
Improve your phone conversations
Do not allow yourself to procrastinate under various pretexts
Identify the internal and external killers of your time
Learn to switch quickly
Use the "doubling method"
Delegate authority and shift responsibilities
Work in a group and with a group
Create a positive TM image for yourself
Try not to overwork

Highlight the most important things

Time Eaters:

fuzzy goal setting;
lack of priorities;
trying to do too much at once;
poor planning of the day;
personal disorganization, not knowing where to start;
lack of motivation;
chaos in papers;
"vague" official duties, absence
understanding their areas of responsibility;
inability to bring the matter to an end;
postponement syndrome;
disruptive phone calls;
lack of self-discipline;
haste, impatience;
insufficient control over assigned cases.

Time Management Techniques
An important task is elephants. You need to act fast to shoot them before
they will get out of control and crush you. To deal with this, you can choose
one of the options:
Option 1: Distance yourself from these cases.
Option 2: You can split them into "small pieces" - "eat" the elephant.
Divide the elephant "into pieces";
Introduce regular “bites” into the schedule of the day, week
from an elephant;
Make sure you "eat a slice" every day
in addition to your other routine tasks;
Make sure you "finished" the elephant;
Focus on no more than 1-2 "elephant cases"
at a time.

Working time is 500 minutes on average. How many cases fit in
work time? - 33 cases. Okay, 30. But not 10. You are not
loafer. For an idler, the day consists of: “Woke up.
I ate ... And then I don’t remember ... ”And the more detailed and
the more concretely you see your day, the more precisely you set before
tasks, the more efficiently you work.
Perhaps someone was let down by too general descriptions.
"Prepare a speech for the teachers' council" - not bad
wording, but too general.
This so-called business - ELEPHANT
"Elephants" are cases that you do not know how to approach and
where to begin. “Elephants can be called a complex volumetric
project, writing a diploma and much more. That which at
At first glance it seems very complicated and very time consuming.
How to deal with "elephants":
You understand - to swallow the whole "elephant" at a time
almost impossible. But it is possible to cut it into
"steaks" and eat them one by one.

Therefore, it would be more specific to “eat an elephant according to
- Prepare abstracts: wording and
- Make a PowerPoint presentation.
- Coordinate with the methodologist.
- Show a presentation at the teachers' council.
- Gather feedback and clarify
Another thing is that for the convenience of memorization they have
the meaning of private affairs where you can collect,
pack into the main Tasks of the day. 30 cases in one
it is difficult to put into memory, but if
put them together correctly, everything becomes easier.
Memory normally holds about seven objects,
therefore, it is optimal if the schedule of the day includes
up to 7 main tasks, and each task can
consist of several (up to 7) cases.

Time Management Techniques
The old proverb says: if the first thing you do in the morning is to eat a live frog,
the consolation is that this is the worst thing that can happen to you in the whole
EAT a frog is compared to the most unpleasant and important thing to do
do today. By postponing it, you create unnecessary emotional stress and
unwanted consequences. It is necessary to act without unnecessary thought and delay -
just take it and do it. This will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.
The word "no" saves an unexpected amount of time.
The most important word for organizing your own time
is a polite "no". Learn to refuse and say "no"
tasks that are not among the priorities you have chosen.
Be tactful and refuse so that the person understands that
You reject not him personally, but the task.

Time Management Techniques
Snakes are a lot of small things that need to be dealt with, but which are not related to
priority. They coil around you, bother you, refusing to leave until you
take action.
You have several alternatives to "destroy the snakes", and it is worth giving
a few minutes to consider which approach is the most appropriate:
You need to do all this, but maybe there is something simple,
routine in nature, what can be delegated immediately?
Might be worth spending some time learning first.
someone to save more time in the future?
Ideally, everyone needs to get things done. What will happen
if something is not done?
You can collect all the little things and do them all at once.
For example, allocate half an hour and make all the calls that
it was necessary to do or sort out accounts, etc.
You need to do it now, otherwise it will hang over you and further!!!

Weekly work schedule


Schedule of working hours during the working day

a - the phase of entry into the workflow, b - the phase of high performance
c - fatigue phase, d - break

Portrait of the day

Make a to-do list for your regular worker
day from morning to evening. Based on your
real, tomorrow, but quite acceptable,
if you remember and your usual, already
Condition: You will have 7 minutes. You need
write a to-do list for your day
including both work and personal time. Cases can be written briefly,
in a word; write them in any order just like
is remembered; when you do what - you do not need to indicate: only
case name. For example: "Dinner". Or: “Planning
days." Maybe: "TV" or "Forum". Case duration
define from 3 to 30 minutes.
What takes less than 3 minutes, we will now consider
trifle: turned on the light, went to the table, sat down on a chair, poured
coffee ... - we will not call such small actions deeds. A
what takes more than 30 minutes is already a combination of cases,
more of a task than a single task. two hour meeting,
consisting of six questions, better written as six
questions: six cases.


To sum up the first results, count the number of points.
Less than 10 - probably, you did not try. Because you are not
slacker, huh?
11-15 is a good start. Probably you wrote only the most
the main thing and did not detail.
16-20 - good: good detail, you see your day
enough detail.
21–25 – excellent, strong result!
26-30 - great. You can be proud of yourself! positive attitude
Easy recall of things is usually associated with a positive life
business spirit. Favorite and internally close things are usually
remembered first, at least faster. Things that are not
want to do, are remembered last: they don’t want to

Good habits for a simple right life


habit one


As you start the morning, so the day will go.

As you call the ship, so the battleship will sail. So the morning
you need to start right - cheerfully. Like this?
Cheerful morning - early morning
Woke up - it means it’s right not to wallow, but to get up and
start the day - start living.
Got up - immediately washed.
This is not a question of cleanliness, it wakes up the face - "mirror
souls." And the brain starts working.
Now without pauses - physical activity to choose from:
stretching, yoga, dancing or karate.
Before working on the road, engage yourself in facial gymnastics.
It is extremely simple: all possible movements of the lips,
jaws and eyebrows in all possible directions.
What for? Somewhere around 30 percent increases intellectual
performance: you start to think much better.
“Warmed up” the face - you think well, speak beautifully.

habit two

Right evening

If someone went to bed at 3 am, it's strange to hope
that his morning tomorrow will be vigorous. That doesn't happen.
Morning is preparing in the evening, and the right tomorrow
the day is made today - by how you organize
your evening.
The main requirement as the main direction
strike, just one thing: lie down on time and not get into
Trap one: a hearty dinner. put out
hunger is one thing, but eating at night is
other. If you have a hard time getting up in the morning, check:
Perhaps this is because of the evening overeating.
Trap two: late dinner. Any food and
drinking after 10 p.m. interferes with sleep.
Third trap: TV after 23.00, computer
after 24.00. No comment.

You need to go to bed today, not tomorrow. Until midnight.

In a good way, the requirements for the evening are not difficult:
shower after work, change clothes, eat and drink before
20.00. Mandatory evening walk or
any other physical pleasant
activity. At 22.00 all business ends, shower
with rubbing, at 23.00 in bed.

Habit Three


"The Frog" is a nasty business that you most want to put off.

Train yourself to eat every day
"Frog". Every day is a must.
Have you already remembered what was "Frog" for you at the last
week that you put off day by day?
Dismantle the closet.
Take the car for maintenance to a car service.
Go to aunt.
Fix the handle on the door.
See a doctor, such as a dentist.
All normal days have their Frogs. rule
organized person sounds like this: “One“ Frog ”in
day to eat is a must!” I love, even the most
small, but the “Frog” needs to be eaten. well eaten
"Frog" is joy! Think of it as a business diet

Habit Four


Cleaning is the removal of small things that draw attention over and over again.

can be a complete trifle,
but anything that diverts our attention
drains our strength.
Wallpaper peeled off. Walk every day
past them twenty times, twenty times
pay attention to it. Find
time, glue. Procedure
uncomplicated and even pleasant, with
if you want, keep within five minutes and -
all. A slight smile...
As a rule, it is convenient to use 10
minutes interrupting every hour
your work: you still need to get up and
get distracted. Great occasion for

Your rule and your new habit: among all the activities of the day
one of the items must be Cleansing.
The books are in disarray. It's okay, live with it
possible, but the thought slips every time: “It would be better
take apart the books! Disassemble.
The table is cluttered, these books are not needed, papers are needed
arrange in folders, take a cup. Might work, but
distracts and pulls the soul ... Remove from the table and you can count
this is both a Cleanup and a Frog!
There is a lot of superfluous stuff on the computer, you need directories
rename, decompose photos ... In principle, this
does not interfere at all, but it hits the eyes, distracts attention.
Take 10 minutes to sort things out.
It has already become better: I ate the “Frog”. I did the cleaning."
To freedom - with a clear conscience ...

Habit 5


A feat is a great and difficult deed, for which you will especially respect yourself.

It is clear that each of us must have a feat every day.
Indeed, how is it a day without the Feat?
Thanks to Baron Munchausen from a wonderful scripted film
Grigory Gorin - this hint, of course, he gave: “10.00. V
schedule of the day - a feat.
What can be a feat?
Have a difficult conversation with your mom without resentment? "I do not claim that
this is a feat, but there is something heroic in it ... "
Solution: “I’ll douse cold water all week!” Madness
brave we sing a song!
Go to bed on time? It just seems like a simple thing...
Maybe your feat will be that you start running.
Forbid yourself dinner after 20.00 ...
Giving up computer games is easy: you erase the directories and
breaking boot disks.
The fresh wind of a possible achievement invigorates and pleasantly cools the soul...
As long as feats are possible in your life, you are alive!

Habit six

Breaks every hour

The habit of taking 10-minute breaks every hour will help
you to arrange the fulfillment of all your plans for the day.
What to do in these 10 minutes?
At a minimum, change your body position and physical environment.
If you were sitting, get up; if you were at the table, leave.
Here you are reading, probably, just an hour has passed for you: it's time to get up
The car has a technical inspection, and you yourself do a physical examination.
Stand up, stretch, do a physical check-up
states at critical points: are the shoulders pinched? not
did the pop sit up? is it a muddy head? Respectively
Feelings take action:
- loosen your joints
- squat
Do some breathing exercises.
To rest is to regulate your mental attitude.
Short psychoexamination: is your mood cheerful? do you like life?
people are attracted? If people or life do not please, accept
measures, put yourself in order first of all.
For example, take a walk, get distracted, talk. As well as
straighten your shoulders and smile. It will get better.

habit seven


Five fingers exercise by Lothar Seivert

We use the palm of the right hand. First letters
remember the names of the fingers parameters, based on
which are controlled.
"M" (little finger) - thoughts, knowledge, information.
- What new did I learn today?
- What knowledge did you acquire?
"B" (nameless) - proximity to the goal.
- What did I do today and what did I achieve?
"C" (middle) - state of mind.
- What was my mood, mood?
- What was associated with positive emotions?
"U" (indicative) - service, help, cooperation.
How can I help others today?
- Have my relationships with others improved?
"B" (thumb) - cheerfulness, physical condition.
- What have I done today for my health?

Effective time management techniques:

1) Pareto principle (ratio 80:20).
2) Reception "We select priorities, or ABC -
The most important tasks, or category A,
make up 15% of the total on the to-do list
number, and their significance is 65%.
Important tasks, or category B, are
20% of the total number of cases, and their significance -
Less important, or category B, - 65% of
list of all cases, and their significance is only 15%.

3) Reception "Anchor to get started."
4) Method of "Five fingers".
M - thinking process: what kind of knowledge,
experience I got today?
B - proximity to the goal: what did I do today and what
has reached?
C - state of mind: what was my today
prevailing mood, disposition
U - service, help: how did I help today
B - cheerfulness, physical form: what was it like
my health?

Algorithm for compiling a priority to-do list:

Make a list of all things to do. Mandatory in the list of cases should
be an item that is associated with the preparation and correction of plans
for today and tomorrow.
Organize tasks according to their importance
cases according to their meaning to you.
Number things.
Assign tasks to the appropriate categories A, B, C and
schedule them for the following time slots:
A - the first 15% of all tasks, 65% of the worker is allocated to them
time (in a list of 10 items, these are the first and second tasks).
B - 20% of all tasks and 20% of working time (this is the third and
fourth task out of 10)
B - 15% of working time remains for the remaining 65% of tasks (5 -
Recheck the time plan and its compliance with the selected one
Adjust your time plan, first of all, reverse
attention to the tasks of category A.
Analyze problems B and C again. Which of them can
entrust other people to do it?

The main thing:
Don't forget to rest properly
Plan and prioritize
Use planning tools
Control yourself and your time
Spend your time wisely
Say "no" to unnecessary things
Relentlessly pursue your goal!

My areas of life:

Home, family (everyday activities, comfort, things,
life, living conditions);
Self-realization (hobby, work, creativity,
career, satisfaction of ambitions, recognition);
Finances (wealth, money, standard of living,
Personal growth (self-development, passion,
spiritual growth, education);
Live communication (friends, buddies, clubs for
interests, forums, helping people);
Personal life (love, relationships, personal

life balance wheel


life balance wheel


generalization and dissemination of experience
teachers at different levels
participation of teachers in professional
effectiveness of work with parents,
the results of the participation of students in
olympiads and competitions, others

Wheel of pedagogical success


Planning efficiency

How often do you exercise
planning in order to
life circumstances were not out of your control?
Do you record, do you write down your
daily plans?
How often do you show flexibility when
completing your plan?
How often do you complete
complete all items of your daily
How often do you schedule time for
the things that are most important to you?
How often are your daily plans disrupted?
due to sudden situations?

6–10 points - the effectiveness of planning is practically “on
zero." You should consider using new methods and
tools to improve planning efficiency.
Tip: sign up for a time management course.
11–15 points - planning efficiency is below average
level. Perhaps you have your own work scheduling system and
personal time, but you should increase its effectiveness in order to
reduce stress and increase control over the situation.
16–20 points - average level. Your planning system
time works, but can work even better. You should
pay special attention to how you arrange your
priorities, coping with inappropriate circumstances and
situations, or how you plan your day.
points - above average level Your system
planning works well. Support her work
periodically reviewing the system to ensure that
you plan to solve exactly those tasks that are most
important to you in life.
26–30 points is an excellent planner.

"Suitcase on the road"

Positive start to the day
Start work day at the same time
Check the day's plan
Make a priority to-do list
Break down the goal into small, quickly achievable tasks
When planning your day, leave 40% of the time for unforeseen things.
Realistically evaluate the compliance of their capabilities and desires
Getting the job done starts with key tasks
Take time to prepare
Break down the work into several stages
Consider your individual characteristics: temperament type and chronotype
Find time for rest and health
Be able to refuse and say “no” to tasks that are not included in the number of favorites
by you priorities
Avoid unplanned impulsive actions
Develop the habit of sorting papers in a timely manner, throwing away unnecessary ones,
and work at a clean table
Monitoring results and self-control
Make a plan for the next day
Reward yourself for doing great and important work
Home - in a good mood

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Slides captions:

self-education self-development self-realization methodical work Ways of professional growth of a teacher:

level 2014 2015 2016 region 42.97 48.83 46.96 district 43.41 49.63 50.56 school 51 55 55 Average USE score in physics:

Stages of professional growth of a teacher:


Realization of opportunities for professional growth of a modern teacher.

The modern education system is rapidly developing, updating, improving, therefore, for the professional growth of a teacher, this is a large field of activity. I believe that the professional and personal growth of a teacher are closely interrelated and influence each other. In education, as in any other industry, much is determined by the activity of the teacher himself, which directly depends on his professional goals and objectives, personal needs, and career aspirations.

Professional growth of a teacher is carried out in two ways:

Through self-education, self-development and self-realization;

Due to the conscious, necessarily voluntary participation of the teacher in the methodological work.

I will dwell in more detail on the second one, which contains many directions, each of which hasrange of opportunities for professional growth. One of them -work in methodical associations(school and municipal levels). In most cases, it is built according to the classical scheme, but as part of the introduction of new educational standardsto achieve meta-subject results, the teacher is no longer enough to know only his subject. He needs to work closely with colleagues working in other areas of expertise. Our school already has the experience of transforming the School of Education, which included teachers of UNM (biology, chemistry, geography and physics). Moreover, we have developed and are implementing a project for networking with teachers of these disciplines from other schools, in the format of which an interdisciplinary quiz in physics and chemistry was held. The participants of this event were 6schools, of which 17 are high school students. The use of a new form of cooperation contributes to the activation of creativity, both teachers and students, as well as the introduction of new pedagogical ideas, which is necessary in improving pedagogical activity.

A new form of methodical work of a modern teacher is the teacher's website. The site is complete information resource, and of course, its creation will require great amount time, effort, and most importantly knowledge and skills. The goals of the site can be different: increasing the level of education of their students, achieving maximum results in their development; dissemination of their experience, their developments; search for like-minded people; exchange of professional experience with colleagues and much more. A teacher who has his own website has a high professional level.

The next direction is the innovative activity of the teacher. It is not only the most important educational process but also a resource for improving pedagogical skills. It is specific for every teacher. In my practice, innovation is represented effective implementation DOT through the integration of priority capabilities of the AIS “Network edge. Education” and RaidCall programs. This is the organization extracurricular activities on the subject, and conducting consultations to prepare graduates for the GIA, interaction with the parent community. The main sustainable result of the introduction of innovative educational activities is the leadership position of the educational institution in the results of the exam in physics.

And one more opportunity available to every teacher is participation in professional skills competitions, master classes, internships, festivals, etc.

whose main goal is to become professionally more successful. The teacher becomes recognizable, his professional and social status rises, qualification opportunities and professional skills increase. He becomes a mentor to other teachers. Preparing for the competition is always a real school for leveling up pedagogical competencies. For me personally
- studying a huge amount of educational and methodological literature contributed to a serious replenishment of the scientific and methodological base;

- conducting self-analysis pedagogical experience allowed to critically evaluate the results of their work and see the prospects;
- systematization and structuring of one's own pedagogical experience contributed to the formation of the skills to single out the most valuable components from it in terms of innovation, manufacturability;

Unlike certification, the competition of pedagogical achievements affects, first of all, the creative component of the teaching profession and satisfies the need of teachers for public recognition. So, thanks to active participation in methodological work, the teacher acquires and secures a certain status in the school, but professional activity The teacher does not exist outside of social life.The social position of the teacher largely determines his professional position. He does not close himself in a narrow circle of his personal concerns, his life is continuously connected with the life of the village, the city where he lives and works. It is quite natural that, according to the results of my monitoring, the deputy composition in the district, including village councils, is represented by 25% of teachers. These are people with active life position who have received public recognition, not only through professional development, but also self-development, self-realization.

Mastering the possibilities mentioned above and expanding them, the teacher will go through all steps professional growth: from pedagogical skill to innovation, through skill and creativity.

1 slide

The role of the priority national project in the professional development of a teacher Privalova Elena Valentinovna, history teacher of the Yakshanga secondary school in the Ponazyrevskiy district of the Kostroma region

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There is no such person who would like his life to be gray, faceless, unhappy, unsuccessful. Every person wants to achieve life success. For some, the component of life success is material well-being, for others - the most complete realization of their abilities, useful creative activity. Ideally, if these terms are combined. I thought, what do you need to be successful in life?

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For success in life, you need to develop various inclinations in your activities, find a vocation Determine personal capabilities and abilities Readiness and habit to work

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One of the main factors of success in life is professionalism. In any profession, in any position, in any business, you can become a master if you wish.

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Components of an employee's skill Professional knowledge Practical skills and abilities Certain abilities Love for one's work

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The more complex the work, the greater the amount of special knowledge the worker needs and the longer it takes to learn the secrets of this work. The demand for highly skilled labor is on the rise. The demands on employees are constantly increasing. Therefore, in order to meet them, you must constantly improve your skills. First of all, the employee himself is interested in advanced training, as this makes his work more significant. And the teacher, and even more so, is simply obliged to constantly replenish his knowledge and skills, because his professional roles are endless and diverse. In the classroom, and in extracurricular activities, the teacher is:

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What is the role of the teacher? Enthusiast - increases the motivation of students by supporting, encouraging and guiding them towards achieving the goal. Specialist - has knowledge and skills in several areas. Organizer - organizes access to other resources and specialists. Leader - especially in matters of time planning. Coordinator - coordinates all studying proccess. Expert - gives a clear analysis of the results of the work performed Assistant - detects errors and provides feedback.

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One of the main results of the implementation of the priority national project "Education" should be to improve the quality of education. However, what is understood today by the quality of education? What is the “student learning achievement” by which the performance of both the school and the teacher is assessed in the framework of the PNVE? Last years answers to these questions are increasingly given in the language of the so-called competence-based approach. Goals general education are formulated in the language of key competencies that a school graduate should have. Each of the key competencies is a set of skills and knowledge related to a specific area of ​​practice in which any person is involved. In order to educate a student who is competent in various fields, the teacher must first of all be a very competent person himself.

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Key competencies Social and labor Communicative General cultural Educational and cognitive Value-semantic Informational Personal self-improvement

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Key competences 1. Value-semantic competence. The teacher must have value orientations, the ability to see and understand the world, realize their role and purpose, make decisions. Both the individual educational trajectory and the life program of the teacher as a whole depend on this competence. 2. General cultural competence. The teacher should be well aware of the peculiarities of national and universal culture, know the basics of family, social, social phenomena and traditions, be aware of the role of science and religion in human life, effective ways free time organization. 3. Educational and cognitive competence. The teacher must be able to set a goal, plan, analyze, give self-evaluation of educational and cognitive activity. 4. Information competence. The teacher needs the ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, store and transmit it using real objects (TV, tape recorder, telephone, fax, computer, printer, modem, copier) and information technologies(audio-video recording, e-mail, media, Internet). 5. Communicative competence. Includes knowledge of how to interact with surrounding and remote people and events, group work skills. The teacher should be able to introduce himself, write a questionnaire, a statement, ask a question, lead a discussion, etc. labor and civil relations. 7. The competence of personal self-improvement is aimed at mastering the ways of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation and self-support. The teacher masters the methods of activity in his own interests and capabilities, which is expressed in his continuous self-knowledge, the development of personal qualities necessary for a modern person, the formation of psychological literacy, a culture of thinking and behavior.

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Many researchers who consider the process of professional development of a teacher note the following stages:

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Activities according to instructions guidelines Borrowing models of activity from colleagues Focusing on success at the level of one's own actions Focusing on one's actions 1. Stage of identification and adaptation

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2. The stage of self-expression Formation of one's own "pedagogical style" The need for self-education Active independent search for information Exchange of methodological developments with colleagues, open lessons. Development of copyright programs, experimentation.

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At the second stage, teachers have a sufficient understanding of their own work in general, plan and organize it on their own. This stage is characterized by the intensive construction of an individual system of pedagogical activity, which allows the teacher to form his own "pedagogical style", to diversify the methods of activity used. Difficulties in finding effective means and methods of teaching cause teachers to need both self-educational activities and mastering methodological and didactic resources. Many teachers see an opportunity to meet this need through coursework in the professional development system. The teacher begins to conduct an active independent search for information that can help in the work. He shares his own methodological developments, journal publications and other available resources with colleagues. The Internet is beginning to be used not only as a global educational and methodological resource, but also as a means of self-presentation of a teacher. Teachers at this stage of their development attach great importance open lessons“to the school”, “to the district”, success (or failure) in the development of new methods, programs, textbooks. The teacher strives to draw up and develop author's programs, to research samples, and therefore constantly "experimenting".

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At the third stage, there is a transition to a different way of understanding pedagogical activity, there is a need for research activities. Teachers who are at the third stage of professional development actively stimulate the participation of schoolchildren in competitions, olympiads, and testing. They support various initiatives of schoolchildren, helping them to develop thematic pages of websites, presentations, electronic versions school newspapers.

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What is the role of PNVE in the professional development of a teacher? Firstly, the project significantly expands the possibilities of the educational space. Equipping schools with computers, duplicating and copying equipment, access to the Internet make the work of teachers more attractive, modern, interesting, make it possible to expand the boundaries of communication and extract previously inaccessible information. In addition to informatization, the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education provides for equipping schools with educational and educational visual equipment. I was pleasantly surprised and delighted by the news that the district acquired several subject rooms, including the history room. Working in a modern office is also an incentive for professional development, because in comfortable conditions want to work even better. Secondly, the project stimulates the introduction of innovative programs in schools and the development of modern educational technologies

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Computerization of schools Extraction of previously inaccessible information orientation to the features of the modern educational environment and the modern student.

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Every teacher who is not indifferent to the evaluation of his work strives to master new methods and technologies of teaching and education. And it doesn’t matter if you can’t apply the technology in its entirety. We start small, with one technique, with one method or with a single lesson. All teachers understand that today it is impossible to be a pedagogically competent specialist without studying the entire vast arsenal of educational technologies. In our work we use the following technologies:

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Modern educational technologies modular Critical thinking ICT Research Project-Based Learning Diagnostic and Technological Developmental Learning Student-Centered

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The project involves improving the quality of education and teachers' responsibility for the results of their work. You can talk a lot about the different conditions in which schools are located, about the difficult socio-economic situation in the country, but in any work there is an ethical aspect - pride, professional honor, which a true master always cherishes. Therefore, in any conditions, the teacher strives to give students really high-quality knowledge. A modern student needs a strict teacher who is absolutely focused on preparing for his whole future life. The fact that we work with high quality is confirmed by USE results and university entrance exams. I am pleased when students and their parents turn to me with words of gratitude for the preparation in history and social studies. For 4 years in a row, our graduates have successfully passed exams in my subjects and entered the Faculty of History of KSU, Faculty of Law KTU, and this year our student appeared at the Faculty of History of the Institute of Culture in Moscow.

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Thirdly, the project orients teachers to a more active manifestation of themselves and their abilities. For this, a huge number of various professional competitions are organized: the best teachers, the best class teachers, methodological developments, research work, projects and presentations, etc. Of course, participation in any competition is a huge job that takes a lot of time, energy, effort, and money.



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