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How to awaken civil activity in people. The concept of active citizenship. "Russian State Social University"

Social activity can be defined as a conscious, creative attitude to labor and socio-political activities, as a result of which deep and complete self-realization of the individual is ensured. Activity is considered as a harmonious combination of labor and socio-political activities. An active attitude to life presupposes deep knowledge, comprehensively developed abilities and civic consciousness. Social activity is understood as conscious activity based on a deep knowledge of the laws of social development.

Civic consciousness personality develops based on life position personality: awareness, assessment by a person of his knowledge, moral character and interests, ideals and motives of behavior, a holistic assessment of himself as a doer, as a feeling and thinking being, as he realizes himself as a member of society, a carrier of a socially significant position. Understanding by the pupil of his inner peace depends on the formation of his social attitudes for himself.

Civil qualities are formed under the influence of the social environment and the individual's own efforts in specially created conditions. A sense of love for the Motherland, a sense of responsibility for one's actions and actions, initiative, independence - an important role in the process of educating these qualities is played by the formation and development of students' needs and positive motives associated with these qualities.

Thus, a civic position is formed under the influence of the conditions in which a person is located, and is realized in social activities through social activity, the effectiveness of the individual and the manifestations of his civic qualities.

An active civic position implies an interest in social work, initiative, diligence, awareness of personal significance, and organizational skills. The social activity and civic qualities of a teenager (the fundamental components of an active civic position of adolescents) can also be judged by the position he takes when discussing and evaluating the affairs of the team, how he himself relates to critical remarks and assessments. The presence of the ability to reflect and adequate self-esteem is also an indicator of the level of civic consciousness of adolescents.

The task of becoming an active civic position of an individual is associated with the formation of a complex set of human interactions with the outside world and society, determining one's position in society in accordance with humanistic ideals and principles.

The formation of an active civic position of adolescents is a complex process of developing an integrative quality of a person, characterized by social activity and initiative, an organic combination of personal and civic values, which implies awareness of oneself as a citizen and an active participant in public life.

The effectiveness of activities aimed at developing an active citizenship of young people in modern society can be traced through the stages of the formation of personality traits, which were identified by D.I. Feldstein.

The first stage is the realization of one's "I".

The second stage in the formation of personality traits is the readiness to choose.

The third stage is readiness for the manifestation of "I".

The fourth stage is the use of the possibilities of the environment for one's own development. This stage is reflected in social projects.

Thus, active citizenship is an acquired quality that develops and improves throughout a person's life. It is not an acquired quality once and for all, but changes depending on the conditions in which a person finds himself.

Inclusion of youth in different types socially significant activities significantly expands the scope of their social communication, the possibility of assimilation of social values, the formation of the moral qualities of the individual. It is in the team that such important motives of behavior and activity are formed. young man as a sense of duty, collectivism, camaraderie.

Although teaching remains the first type of activity for him, the main new formations in the psyche of a young person are associated with socially useful activities.

In the process of specially organized activities, young people master the cultural and material values ​​of society, acquire the skills and abilities of socially significant activities. A variety of activities help them to master the life experience necessary for the implementation of personal plans, their views, judgments become wider, they develop Creative skills, public opinion is formed. This activity can contribute to the formation of an active attitude of a young person to what he knows, sees and does. In this process, youth masters the activity itself, becomes a creator, and not a passive performer.

Thus, the more meaningful and expedient the activity is built and organized, the more opportunities there are for realizing the need for an active position, the more reasonable the process is built. interpersonal communication, the more effective will be the formation of personality in the process of development.

We all live in a dynamic, constantly evolving world and have to keep up with its rapid advance. What seemed to our parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers to be an unshakable truth, we can now question, comprehend in a new way and experience a little differently. Of course, we are not talking about the overthrow of traditional moral principles and principles of normative behavior, but no one will deny the fact that the patriarchal structure of society is slowly but surely losing ground, and punishing a woman for going out without a headdress is not at all accepted. At least in most countries.

The inexorable passage of time requires from a modern person stability in material, physical and moral terms, because without it the cycle of changes, stress and troubles will simply knock you off your feet and carry you downstream in a direction that can hardly be called attractive.

Internal resilience is determined by a number of factors, starting with the ability to forgive, ending with such a concept as citizenship.

Difficulties in understanding

Of course, everyone has their own idea of ​​this component of human consciousness - for some it seems to be something akin to nationalism, but for some it remains a special inner core that helps fight everyday troubles. However, having analyzed certain literature, having studied some historical facts, we can highlight the features of this definition.

Not a word about violence

First of all, citizenship in itself has nothing to do with cruelty and violence, contrary to popular belief. Many, in response to this statement, will begin to pour out wars, of which there are by no means many in the history of mankind, and they will not be entirely right.

The thing is that a civil position is certain inner convictions, aimed more at self-determination than at planting certain ideals. Simply put, this is self-awareness of oneself as a person, the ability to have one's own opinion about the world around in general and one's country in particular.

Relations with the country

Oddly enough, for many it will be a revelation that being a patriot of one's Motherland and having a certain civic position are related, but not identical things. The first is love for one's country, with all its shortcomings and virtues. This absolute unity with the cultural and historical heritage, readiness at any moment to show the most attractive aspects of their homeland to any visitor, planting love for their country in his heart.

Citizenship is a somewhat different phenomenon. This should rather be understood as a kind of internal autonomy, the ability to objectively assess the situation in the country. This is a more detached view of the world based on personal convictions, analyzes and erudition.

Revolutions and normative behavior

As mentioned earlier, a person's civic position in itself has nothing to do with coup d'état, brawls or mass pickets. In fact, this is just a sober view of things, the ability to assess and form one's own opinion regarding a particular situation.

Citizenship is not only a certain point of view on the economic, cultural or political situation within the state - to a greater extent, this is the most ordinary, accessible to everyone and everyone human decency. It starts with a piece of paper thrown into the bin, or a grandmother transferred across the road, and ends with the payment of taxes and, for example, the preference for a domestic product over an imported one.

Man and power

Nevertheless, if we discard sentimentality and some romance, the understanding that civic position is also an attitude towards the government of the country will be more obvious. As mentioned earlier, this definition should be understood, first of all, Personal ideas about a particular aspect, which a person can easily argue and demonstrate their legitimacy if necessary.

An active civic position can sometimes lead to the most unpredictable consequences, examples of which abound. The World History However, its presence is mandatory for every person who considers himself a full-fledged personality.

Degree of activity

So, we have come to the conclusion that citizenship is, first of all, everyone's business. Of course, the opportunity for disputes absolutely always exists, but most often they either do not arise or lead to a kind of common denominator. Nevertheless, there are situations in which active citizenship requires certain actions, since there are no other options.

An example is the confrontation between the northern and southern parts of the United States in the 60s of the nineteenth century. The slave-owning system, which the planters continued to adhere to, while the northern states abandoned such exploitation of people, acted as a then. The disagreement of the population with the current situation eventually led to civil war in which more Americans died than in any other war involving the United States.

Another example of the manifestation of active citizenship, which found support among the masses, can be called the famous one, during which the population managed to overthrow the regime of the police dictatorship and elect a leader respected by the people.

Where to get something that is not originally there

None of us is born with firm ideas about the structure of the country and the world, but with experience comes an understanding of certain values, an awareness of the need for certain actions. The formation of a civic position occurs at different levels. It starts in the family circle and ends with your own search for information of interest.

The more knowledge a person has, the wider his horizons, the easier it will be for him to form his own point of view on certain aspects of life.

Of course, one cannot deny the fact that the formation of an active citizenship of a person is directly related to the political regime operating in the country. Everyone who has found the USSR is familiar with the traditional gratitude for a happy childhood to Comrade Stalin, and for any resident of New Hampshire, the phrase “Live free or die” will be an unshakable truth.

Other ways to influence the personality

Despite the fact that a civil position is a personal choice of each person, in modern reality it is quite difficult to make it. And although in most countries the era of harsh dictatorship has long passed, the imposition of someone else's opinion has retained its relevance to this day. The reason for this lies in the continuous informational noise that surrounds a person - means mass media, Internet resources that promote a certain opinion, literature and television - all this puts pressure on a person, thereby forming his point of view.

The time of the cruel planting of a certain vision has long passed - it has been replaced by an era of false ideals and seductive pictures of a brighter future, which cover up pressing problems. Strength was replaced by cunning, and the truth was replaced by a convenient version. That is why every person who considers himself a truly individual has to sooner or later look beyond the edge of the information fence and look for facts to form himself.


E.A. Savelyeva

Department of Sociology Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Miklukho-Maklaya, 10/2, Moscow, Russia, 117198

In recent years, Russia has seen an increase in civic activity and the actualization of civic values ​​in various socio-demographic groups, but especially clearly among young people. Civic activity and related values ​​are usually considered in the context of political involvement, taking into account social capital and through participation in non-state social movements, but this approach is too narrow, since civic activity is not only related to politics and socially significant actions, but is also embedded in everyday life of people. Based on a secondary analysis of empirical data (obtained primarily by the method of in-depth interviews) and the results of focus groups implemented by the author, it can be concluded that civic activity, in addition to an objective external component, necessarily includes an internal attitude to actively transform oneself and the surrounding social world .

Key words: civic engagement, civic values, youth, phenomenological approach, in-depth interviews, focus groups.

In modern Russia, the forms of civic activity have become very diverse: participation in rallies, protests and demonstrations, and volunteering - helping victims of man-made, natural and environmental disasters, working in orphanages, nursing homes, helping homeless animals and much more. other. All this actualizes the sociological study of civic activity in its objective and subjective (motivational) "dimensions".

Thus, the civilly active population of Russia, as an objective social actor, has become a new phenomenon that must at least be taken into account in order to build an adequate picture of the current social world.

Civil activity can be positive and negative, general civil and local, real and potential, but one thing is obvious - Russian society“is awakening” from the social apathy of the previous decades, and this new social situation in every sense requires its own scientific understanding. It is sociology that should offer an interpretation of current events and try to answer its eternal, in fact, question “What is happening here?”. But in order to study civic activity, it is necessary, first of all, to clearly define what we actually mean by civic activity and civic values.

Let us consider what, in principle, are possible definitions of the concept of "civil activity". Following the interpretation of civil society as characterizing

Based on the presence of voluntary self-organizing organizations and associations, civic activity can be defined as voluntary participation in various non-profit structures, and civic values ​​as general worldview guidelines related to the good of society. For example, if we consider the civic activity of Russian youth from the point of view of the concepts of social capital (in fact, these are various network relationships, involvement in institutional forms of social interaction), then we can conclude that young people are not too actively involved in socially significant activities and mainly does not use its social capital to solve civic problems, i.e. civic value orientations are poorly expressed among Russian youth, they are more interested in values ​​associated with personal destiny, with a close circle: “considering anxiety as public, emanating from the state of social relations, respondents give them the character of dangers that should be avoided by necessity, constructing their own system "stability" and "security" by what is the result of one's own efforts - actions in the circle of loved ones, understanding from relatives and friends.

Another interpretation suggests the inclusion and consideration of the civic values ​​of young people in the general field of political interest, involvement and activity. For example, it is believed that a real multi-party system can affect the development of civic values ​​and civil society, and the indicators of a personal system of civic values ​​are the following: ideas about the prospects for life in Russia; attitude to the existing public structures and institutions of power; national self-determination; assessment of the existence and effectiveness of the legislative norms of a democratic society; attitude towards political parties; preferred ways to protect their interests; judgments about the political system in Russia as a whole; political and ideological self-identification, political and other preferences in the choice of scenarios for the development of the country.

The third conventionally singled out interpretation of civic values ​​reduces them to various forms of participation in various social movements: today, in developed societies, the concept of “quality of life” has come to the fore as connected, first of all, with a stable system of value orientations, with the desire of social movements to draw society’s attention to values ​​such as environmentally responsible behavior, respect for nature, respect for human rights, etc.

Modern social movements, one might say, call on a person to "wake up", "wake up" and reconsider their values, live consciously, not put up with injustice, think strategically: ""new social movements" (in accordance with the paradigm of the same name) are value-oriented and targeted on the transformation of society, and not only on the realization of their own group interests.

All of the above interpretations of civic activity - from the standpoint of theories of social capital, political involvement or involvement in the activities of social movements - interpret it too narrowly for the purposes of empirical work: citizens who consider themselves socially active will not “fall” in these three cases into a sociologically fixed stratum of the civic active population, since the data of conceptualization of civic activity do not take into account the real diversity and richness of modern life.

A more optimal conceptual framework for the sociological analysis of civic engagement is probably various theories of value orientations (and social attitudes as a three-level formation, including cognitive, emotive and conative components), the development of which was initiated by the classics of sociology - M. Weber , E. Durkheim, F. Tennis, T. Parsons, W. Thomas and F. Znanetsky (introduced the term "social attitude") and many others. Thus, in 1935, G. Allport singled out the general features of a social attitude with which all researchers agree: “a certain state of consciousness and nervous system; expressing readiness for a reaction; organized; based on previous experience; exerting a guiding and dynamic influence on behavior.

Often the concepts of "values" and "value orientations" are used as synonyms, i.e. value orientations in sociology and social psychology are positioned as some analogues of the more philosophically loaded concept of “values”. For the purposes of sociological analysis, these concepts should be distinguished and separated as follows: values ​​are abstract, general concepts, often close to the concept of ideology in the broad sense of the word (examples of use are democratic values, the values ​​of a totalitarian society, etc.); value orientations are values ​​in action, in dynamics, directly transformed into behavior, meaningful life orientations of individuals. Accordingly, the same value can "transform" in different people into completely different orientations (preferences, motives, behavioral patterns), i.e. value orientation is an individual, subjective refraction of values.

If by civic values ​​we understand the good of society, and by the corresponding value orientations - all forms of activity to achieve it, then it is important to find out exactly how civic values ​​are transformed into civic activity among different (socio-demographic and social types) people, since civic activity may be understood differently by them.

In a given conceptual frame, various methods for studying civic engagement can be used: mass polls (representative national and regional), polls at rallies, case studies, focus groups, in-depth interviews with leaders of social movements and initiatives, civil activists. So, mass surveys allow you to measure, for example, the index

activity in dynamics, in order to assess fluctuations in the activity of the population as a whole or various socio-demographic groups depending on various events.

But mass polls, as a rule, measure only the average indicators for Russia, while important bursts of civic activity in certain regions remain behind the scenes.

As for the polls at rallies, the positive side of such studies is the appeal directly to the civic-active population, while the disadvantages are that, as a rule, here civic activity is reduced exclusively to political participation, and other and often more important daily aspects of civic activity are not considered.

Case studies undoubtedly make it possible to more accurately show and understand the regional characteristics of various civil initiatives and social movements, their similarities and differences (for example, the environmental movement in Khimki, the labor movement in Rubtsovsk, the movement of motorists in Kaliningrad, etc.).

In this case, the researcher himself chooses what to consider as a manifestation of civic activity worthy of study from the point of view of his own social symptomaticity or (un)typicality. Today, in-depth interviews and focus groups have begun to be actively used to, for example, determine the structure of a movement or the understanding of its participants of their own tasks, civic values, or the phenomenon being studied as a whole.

A qualitative approach to the study of civic engagement is becoming more and more widespread today due to its effectiveness - it allows you to comprehensively characterize this social phenomenon and track the changes taking place with it, because the layer of civic active people in Russia is still thin enough for important local changes to be noticeable (and, accordingly, could be "measured") at the all-Russian level.

In my opinion, for the study of civic engagement in Russia today, the optimal conceptual framework is the phenomenological approach - here, civic engagement means exactly what people themselves invest in this concept and strive to implement in their everyday life, thereby constructing their social reality. Accordingly, in order to conceptualize the concept of “civic engagement”, it is necessary to turn to a qualitative approach, therefore, in 2012, two focus groups were held with senior students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Russian University friendship of peoples, in which 15 people took part as respondents (1). For an adequate interpretation of the results of focus group discussions, they will be contextualized by data on the civic activity of young people obtained in the course of empirical projects of the Ulyanovsk Research Center "Region" (2) .

Youth (students) as an object of study was chosen due to the fact that for sociological science has timeless relevance

question about the influence of various institutions of socialization on the assimilation of values ​​by young people, since the value orientations of the current young generations determine the prospects for the development of society. The value orientations of young people, especially adolescents, can change significantly in the process of trend measurements - this is evidenced by the values ​​research conducted by R. Inglehart, which allowed him to prove the change in societies in the context of postmodernity.

Inglehart divides values ​​into materialistic (emphasis on economic and physical security) and post-materialistic (in the foreground self-expression and quality of life) and formulated a theory of intergenerational change in values ​​based on two hypotheses - lack and lag. The hypothesis of the value significance of the missing asserts: "the priorities of the individual reflect the state of the socio-economic" environment: the greatest subjective value is attached to what is relatively lacking. "The hypothesis of the socialization lag supplements it: "the state of the socio-economic" environment and value priorities do not directly correlate with each other: a significant "time" lag is wedged between them, because the basic values ​​​​of the individual largely "reflect the conditions of those years that preceded adulthood ". Thus, according to Inglehart, developed societies change because they have achieved economic and physical security, and come to the fore post-materialistic values ​​- aesthetic, spiritual, etc. This gives rise to a global shift towards the post-modernization of society, but not instantaneous, but delayed in time, because the formation of value orientations occurs during the period of early human socialization.

After several decades, when a generational change occurs, it becomes important for people not to survive or economic growth, but to subjective well-being, happiness, which no longer depends on material well-being, but on the quality of life (for example, protection environment becomes a priority than the development of new production, harmony and tranquility - than a sharp economic growth associated with an increase in psychological stress): “postmodernization is a shift in survival strategies; it moves from maximizing economic growth to maximizing survival and well-being through lifestyle changes.

The events experienced by young people in the future affect their entire future life, so changes in values ​​in society are delayed. When, in a few decades, young people become the main social actor, they will carry and implement precisely those value orientations that were formed during growing up.

So, let's consider what "elements" civic activity consists of, according to the ideas of young people, based on a secondary analysis of the research results of the Research Center "Region" and focus group discussions conducted by the author. Below in table. 1 grouped by different grounds all kinds of young people's ideas about civic engagement.

Table 1

Youth perceptions of civic engagement

Form Engaging in social activities “Membership in any organization, belonging to a social movement, manifestations of altruistic moods, initiative social work including volunteer activities

Internal position aimed at transforming oneself and the surrounding world “This is a conscious activity of a person when he understands that he is a citizen, why he needs it ... he is not apathetic” (focus group)

Attitude towards money Commercial “If we consider citizenship from a commercial point of view, then we can consider it precisely from the point of view of some companies, communities that express their point of view and, thus, their citizenship somehow more influences changes in society than the civic position of a single individual” (focus group)

Non-commercial "Civic active position is not connected with some kind of commerce, it should be some kind of personal urge of a person, not related to an economic point of view" (focus group)

Coverage width political activity/ in the context of patriotic sentiments “If a civilly active person wants his interests to be represented, he understands that he must go to vote” (focus group)

General civic activity not related to politics “Konstantin Kinchev, he does a lot through music ... By the way, he has some influence on the masses, which also influences politics, the civic position of people” (focus group) “Tsoi forced many ... there everyone was a herd, and he learned to express his opinion” (focus group)

Local activity aimed at solving a particular problem / helping the close environment “A civic active position includes, first of all, caring for neighbors, not even about neighbors, in general about everyone, well, including neighbors. I think we need to start first with loved ones, and then further, further, as far as there is strength, what means are generally possible in this ”(focus group)“ My concierge is in a house with active position, because she knocked out roads around the house for us, yes, our houses belonged a little differently than ordinary houses belong ... They belonged to some kind of military administration there. They knocked us out so that we could clean the roads in winter, so that we could repair the roads, so that the site would be made” (focus group)

Readiness for action Real (immediate action) They see that there is some kind of problem, well, in this case, let's say corruption. They don’t just sit with their hands folded, they talk about it, they talk, they talk, they remind: “well, let’s do something” ... They not only talk, but also do it themselves (FG, girl).

Potential (desire, but no action so far) “This is, first of all, the desire to make society better. Either help society or help solve some of its problems” (focus group) then do. And even... well, even... Even if they just want to" (focus group)

Impact on society Positive (improvement of the surrounding world) “I try to convey my good things to those around me so that they understand more, so that our general atmosphere becomes good ... i.e. it is in a team, at work” (focus group)

Negative (extremist, aggressive) “Civic activity can be not only positive, aimed at some good deeds, but it can also go in a negative direction” (focus group)

The ending

Founding Types of civic engagement Quotes

Useless (simple waste of time, manipulation on the part of someone) I can participate, most likely I will participate, but not with the idea that it will change anything” (focus group)

Direction Organization of youth holidays, sports competitions "The age of the young is 14-17 years old, falls on training in schools and secondary specialized educational institutions, where the organization of youth leisure is given great attention by teachers who actively involve students in this activity" .

Organization of teenagers and youth clubs “This group is represented by young people who have high level material well-being, who believes that life will be better in a few years"

Ecological, activities for the protection of nature, animals “For example, the protection of the Khimki forest, mainly there were young people who tried to protect the forest from the state, which wanted to cut it down” (focus group)

Youth public organizations, clubs of young leaders "Now there are many youth organizations, young people are trying in every possible way to take part in the development of the state" (focus group)

Student (school) asset “Activity at school/university allows you to improve your social status and convert your activity into additional features»

Trade Union “If a civil position is active at work, well, that is, some kind of trade unions, all that, a little close, probably, they treat another sphere of a person’s life as a civil one” (focus group)

Preparation of youth media projects (magazines, newspapers) “In this case, a high level of civic engagement is directly related to creative activity. Representatives of this group believe that young people play an important role in politics, economics and culture”

Volunteering to help “For example, the disabled, the homeless, drug addicts, HIV-infected”

Military-patriotic clubs, protection of public order “Representatives of this group cite a small number of sports grounds and clubs as problems for young people”

Participation in political parties All oppositionists who are more or less known, with an active civil position, politicians” (focus group)

Participation in rallies, demonstrations, political actions “Such a demonstration is repeated every month on the 31st, for the 31st article of the constitution. We have such a socially active, liberal-minded stratum that defends the opportunity to hold meetings every month” (focus group)

This conceptual framework can be used to measure civic engagement using the scales and techniques described below. Of course, these developments are advisory in nature and should be tested in pilotage and reconnaissance research (Table 2).

Bulletin of RUDN University, series Sociology, 2013, No. 2

Table 2 Title

Basis Method of measurement

Form Semi-open question about participation (for example, for Last year) in a public organization, movement, actions, volunteering, indicating “in which organization, what did you do” in order to reduce the likelihood of socially desirable responses. To measure the internal position - Likert scale: the same number of positive and negative (for example, five each) statements about the transformation of oneself and the world around, agreement or disagreement with which the respondent must express on a standard ordinal scale (from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree ").

Attitude towards money For example, the question “Do you receive income from your social activities?”. There should be a preliminary filter question: “Are you professionally involved in social activities?”.

Width of coverage Projective situation for measuring the attitude towards general civic/local activities: “Imagine that you are engaged in public activities. What is closer to you: would you rather solve a small problem that worries you personally, and then suspend your activities until new problems of this kind arise, or engage in activities covering a wide range of problems on an ongoing basis? A projective situation for measuring attitudes towards political/non-political civic activism: “Imagine that you are engaged in social activities. What would you prefer: to go “into politics” and act on behalf of a person who has a certain political position (for example, a deputy of the State Duma), or act on behalf of a person who has a position in another area (professional, cultural, etc.)? ".

Willingness to act To measure real participation - a semi-closed question about participation in social activities, indicating when and what exactly was carried out (to reduce the number of socially desirable responses), it is also possible to ask about the frequency of participation ("rare" participants can only be considered potentially civic active ). To measure readiness to potentially participate, the Bogardus scale with a gradual increase in the degree of readiness (for example, from “sometimes I have a desire to do something good for others” to “sometimes I repost on social networks with appeals, but I myself do not participate”).

Impact on society Likert scale: the same number of positive and negative (for example, five each) statements about attitudes towards their own civic engagement, with which the respondent must express agreement or disagreement on a standard ordinal scale (from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”) .

Direction The structure of civic activity on this basis is needed to form questions about its forms and readiness for action in general.

So, we summarize what the results of such “measurements” can be useful for. Firstly, all the studies mentioned above were conducted only among young people, so it is necessary to study how the ideas of older generations about civic engagement coincide with youth ones, or whether civic engagement for them consists of other elements - such studies will allow for intergenerational comparative analysis civic activity and civic value orientations. Secondly, the results obtained will help in the development of valid tools (questionnaires) for a representative mass survey, if the task is to comprehensively study and “measure” the civic engagement of young people, since they adequately describe the structure of civic engagement, due to which, for example, citizens who do not participate

in any organizations, but leading a socially responsible and civic active lifestyle, will no longer be excluded from the focus of sociological analysis. Thirdly, the proposed conceptualization of civic engagement makes it possible to divide young people into typological groups depending on the area in which they are active, thus revealing the structure of civic active youth.


(1) For the preparation of a master's thesis within the framework of studying civic activity on the Internet, the author conducted several studies over the course of two years: a massive online survey, a psychosemantic analysis of the images of civic activists, and two focus groups. Focus groups were held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of RUDN University: 8 people aged 17 to 22 took part in the first focus group; in the second - 7 people aged 18 to 21 years. The selection of respondents was carried out by two trained recruiters using a screening questionnaire among students of social and humanitarian specialties, as well as on the Internet using social networks (sample - typical representatives of the target group). During the focus groups, the following tasks were solved: ideas about civic engagement were identified; the main possibilities of the Internet for expressing one's civic position are indicated; the general mobilization potential of youth is characterized. The results of focus group discussions are reflected in the article: Paramonova A.D., Sokhadze K.G., Petukhova (Saveleva) E.A. Civic activism in modern Russia: results of a focus group study // Dialogue of Civilizations: East-West. Globalization and multiculturalism: Russia in modern world: Materials XII scientific. conf. young scientists / Ed. V.B. Petrov. - M.: Publishing House of RUDN University, 2012.

(2) In the article “We need rights, not duties”: civic activity of Russian youth, Yu.V. Andreeva and I.V. Kosterina present the results of numerous studies by the Research Center "Region" (Ulyanovsk), devoted to various aspects of youth culture, which were conducted both by in-depth interviews with young people, employees of NGOs and human rights centers, and with the help of mass surveys, analysis of relevant regulatory documents of the federal and regional levels ( research results are presented on the website: ).


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Khaliy I.A. social movements as the innovative potential of local communities in modern Russia: Abstract of the thesis. diss. ... d.s. n. - M.: IS RAN, 2008.


Sociology Chair Peoples" Friendship University of Russia Miklukho-Maklaya str., 6, Moscow, Russia, 117198

Recently Russia has seen a growing civic activity and realization of values ​​in various social-demographic groups, especially among the youth. Civic activity and the corresponding values ​​are usually considered in the context of political involvement, taking into account the social capital, and in view of participation in non-government public movements. But this approach is too narrow, as civic activity is related not only to politics and socially significant actions, but is also part and parcel of the people's everyday life. On the basis of secondary analysis of the empirical data (received, primarily, in in-depth interviews) and the results of the focus-groups realized by the author, we can conclude that civic activity, besides its objective outer component, by all means includes the inner aim at active transformation of self and the social world around.

Key words: civic activity, civic values, the youth, the phenomenological approach, in-depth interviews, focus-groups.

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Formation of civic activity of students in the study of law

in extracurricular activities.

Nogotysaya E.A.


The upbringing of a citizen has always been an important task of the state and schools, but today it is one of the most acute and actual problems. Among the goals of historical and social science education in the Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation, the main ones are distinguished: "education of patriotism, citizenship, social responsibility, respect for the history and traditions of our Motherland, for human rights and freedoms, democratic values ​​of modern society."

Civic activity - the accumulation of experience in real socially significant cases, participation in civil associations and actions aimed at protecting the rights of citizens, strengthening the rule of law. A citizen must possess a certain amount of knowledge and skills, have a formed system of democratic values, as well as a willingness to participate in the socio-political life of the country.

According to the new Federal State Educational Standards, the course "Law" is being studied at the GBOU SPO NJSC "NAET" in the first years of technical and natural sciences, where students have the opportunity to get acquainted with theoretical material, normative and legal acts. In extracurricular activities in which she is involved most of students, elements legal education and education are implemented in the following forms:

1. Conducting a decade of humanities and legal disciplines, which includes events: a competition of thematic posters, an exhibition of literature, an essay competition, etc.;

2. Participation in olympiads, competitions, design and research activities at various levels;

3. Excursions to enterprises (visiting the registry office - acquaintance with statistics, the specifics of family and kinship relations; Employment Center, Pension Fund, etc.).

4. Active interaction with the social partners of the technical school - the Bailiff Service, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the NAO, etc. (meetings with management, excursions to enterprises, speeches by representatives at classroom hours etc.)

5. Activity of circles and clubs. So since 2013, the ABC of Life circle has been working at the technical school, where one of the forms of working with orphans is their legal education.

In the formation of civic activity, the activity of the young voter's club "My Choice" proved to be quite effective. The club was founded in 2011, it has 15 permanent members (representatives of different groups). The goals of the club are - the formation of an active citizenship, increasing the legal culture of young voters, the acquisition personal experience democratic relations and various forms of its realization. Forms and methods of club activities: lectures, business and role-playing games, debates, round tables, forums with young voters; meetings with members of election commissions, deputies, heads of local branches political parties; dissemination of information about their activities. The club works in close cooperation with the Central Executive Committee of the NAO, the Central Bank. Pichkov and other clubs educational institutions. Since civic activity is one of the forms of social activity, and its main goal is the realization of socially significant interests, therefore, diagnostics are initially carried out to study the initial state of the formation of civic activity (its main indicators are the formation of legal culture among students, attitudes towards elections, attitudes towards leadership). In the course of the analysis of the results of diagnostics, the need to intensify the formation of civic activity in the study of electoral law, to improve legal culture is determined. For the purpose of legal education, a series of theoretical classes on the study of electoral law is conducted: lectures with discussion of documents, seminars, analysis of alternative situations. The electoral right has a legislative basis. Therefore, when studying documents in the classroom for the study of electoral law, it is required not a personal subjective interpretation of the provisions of the code by the teacher, but the appeal of the students themselves to the "letter of the law", that is, a certain article of a particular document.

The direct practical activity of students begins with a survey of college students in order to determine the level of legal culture, the attitude of future young voters to elections and the political life of the country (“I and the law”, “Why do we need to know the laws?”). The next form is the holding of elections for the leaders of student self-government. In order for the knowledge gained in theoretical classes to acquire practical content, various forms of modeling the behavior of future voters are being developed. Since 2006, a system of student elections has been introduced at the technical school. During the elections, students form their civic activity, master the basics of the electoral process: the role function of agitators, members of the election commission, and an active electorate is used. The development of civic activism in the field of electoral law is greatly facilitated by extracurricular activities. Members of the club provide great assistance in organizing and conducting them: they independently prepare multimedia presentations, conduct questionnaires, quizzes, business games, sociological surveys. Thus, as a result of sociological surveys, design work on the topics: "Ways to increase the electoral activity of the youth of the technical school", "The role of legal and civic education in the formation of the electoral activity of youth", "Motivation for the non-participation of youth in elections."

Basic principles and algorithm of civic engagement

Tell me why
Do I live in a poor country?

Read not in the newspapers
Look in mirrors:
Devastation is not in closets,
The destruction is in the mind.

First, let's define civic engagement. For me it is any legitimate activity of a citizen of the country (in this case, Russia, but in general any, and even then not necessarily a citizen legally quite enough in spirit), aimed at the formation of civil society in particular and more comfortable environment habitation in general.

Here we should also mention the concept of comfort, more precisely, comfort zones. For me, this term was first encountered in the article of the same name by Artemy Lebedev, and became very important for explaining everything that I do. Because the trouble with our country is that the comfort zone for most people is very small, from the boundaries of the apartment and less (after all, some have an eternal mess and dirt at home, and it is smoky in the car). :-(And my comfort zone is not only my apartment, it is also my entrance, my yard, street, city, region, and the whole country! comfort is the whole world, the whole planet Earth. :-)

That is, this article is about my experience of improving the living environment, expanding the comfort zone, which in fact should be our common zone, common to all fellow citizens. Because you can fight for fair elections as much as you like (which, by the way, is also a necessary type of civic activity), but the chosen uncles may either initially turn out to be bad (unfortunately, it is unworthy people who climb into power for the most part), or become lazy or otherwise deteriorate in the course of their legislative or executive activities. And in general, the article is about activity not only in relation to state authorities, but also to other subjects of relations with citizens, including commercial organizations. However, the state apparatus is also a commercial organization, which must be efficient and please us, the taxpayers, and thus its clients.

In general, who else will take care of our comfort, if not us? .. Let me be an idealist, but I want to believe that not everything is so bad with my fellow citizens, as spring showed from under the snow and if after reading this article there are a little more active citizens, our world will become a little better a little faster. :-)

Basic principles of civic engagement

  1. Use only legitimate methods for achieving the set goals (fortunately, we have a lot of laws, and a lot of good ones). For what
  2. Constantly improve your legal literacy and share the accumulated experience with fellow citizens.
  3. Consider the solution of any problem, even a potentially conflict one, as a “warranty claim”, behave calmly and friendly. But at the same time
  4. Relentlessly demand compliance with all requirements of laws and other regulations of the state, region and municipality, as well as contractual obligations (for example, an HOA or a management company).
  5. Start all appeals and attempts to solve the problem from the very "bottom"(from a neighbor, from an HOA, etc.) and go up a level(to the district administration, etc.) only if it is impossible to solve the problem below. If it doesn't help, then
  6. Within reasonable limits use the principle of "snowball" and "conflict of interest"- parallelize appeals and attempts to solve problems across different organizations and departments involved in related activities and / or supervisory activities in relation to each other, as well as involve the media - in order to escalate the problem.
  7. Do not be afraid to provide personal data where anonymous requests are unacceptable. If necessary, refer to Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data" dated 06/27/2006.
  8. Maximum use modern means of communication: e-mail (main correspondence on it), mobile phone (if necessary, do not be afraid to give your number to perform, for example, joint inspections). If they are clearly ineffective, use regular registered letters with notification(then they won't get away :-).
  9. adjust effective ways interactions and friendly personal contacts.
  10. Once again: share experience with fellow citizens, both positive and negative.

An example of a civic engagement algorithm

Although the civic activity algorithm below is given for a particular case, I think that by using the basic principles outlined above, everyone can understand what the algorithm will be like in another particular case. So, a private situation: your neighbor on the porch regularly litters (smokes, crap, etc.). Algorithm:

  1. Make him verbal remark with a request not to do this again (“we are neighbors”).
  2. If this had no effect and / or led to an inadequate aggressive reaction, then study the regulatory framework (CAO, relevant federal laws, SanPIN, decisions of general meetings of residents of the house, etc.).
  3. call to the district police officer, explain the situation (with reference to regulations) and ask for an explanatory conversation with the citizen.
  4. If this did not have an effect, then call the district police officer again to clarify whether he conducted the conversation and / or inform him of the ineffectiveness.
  5. If that doesn't work, then write Official statement in the name of the district police officer and send it to him registered mail with notification.
  6. If it didn't work, then write an official statement in the name of his boss, in which, among other things, you describe all the previous actions and the futility of the district police officer, and also send it by registered mail with notification.
  7. If this did not have an effect, then you write an official statement addressed to the head of the district police officer, and so on up to the prosecutor's office (or even immediately there), describing the inactivity and ineffectiveness of the internal affairs bodies.
  8. Parallel it is possible to involve the sanitary and epidemiological station, Rospotrebnadzor and other departments that may be related to this situation.

Something like this. You can improve this algorithm, and even better, share your own actual experience of successfully solving any problems. In the meantime, a few of my personal examples (articles):

  • "Change management system for public authorities";

Examples of misbehavior of a citizen

Examples wrong behavior of a citizen, or, in other words, false You can certainly cite a lot of civic activity (simply because doing it wrong and wasted is always easier than doing it right and efficiently), but right away I remembered only a couple of typical ones:

  • « grumbling pensioners”- discussion on a bench and in a similar format of the “injustice” of our life without knowing the laws and / or taking active actions;
  • appeals to the wrong address or into the void- for example, in the section "SMS-complaints" of the newspaper "Pro city Vladimir" or photos of uncollected garbage in Odnoklassniki with malicious comments - instead of directly contacting the management company or other relevant organizations and further according to the algorithm.

If I remember anything else, I'll add it. Until then, don't forget that the main thing is not the hype itself, but the result.

Results, good and different

As they say, for a real scientist, even a negative result is a result. :-) Yes, if you carefully read my articles listed above and communicate with me a little, you will notice that I do not always manage to achieve good results:

  • good results - for road repairs (incidents Nos. , and ), evacuation of auto junk from the yard, repaired house road and parking lot, fertile land under the window, repaired entrance, integration of the telebank with recipients of utility bills and return of money to MTS for a one-way change in tariff conditions;
  • conditionally or temporarily good results - to combat parking on lawns and sidewalks, the fight against smokers and hanging advertising cartons on poles and trees;
  • poor or missing results – organization of additional parking spaces in the yard and automation of state and municipal services.

Nevertheless, “our proud Varyag does not surrender to the enemy :-), and thanks to this and the activity of my other fellow citizens in our city there are already several good and comfortable places.



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