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Ceiling for the moon and artificial satellites. The moon is an artificial satellite of the earth. The moon is definitely not what is written in the textbooks

Is the moon an alien space station?

Some scientists do not exclude the presence of an alien mind on the Moon. Our night luminary continues to guess one riddle after another. It is difficult to say what our planet looked like in those ancient times, when the spacecraft called "Moon" was in Earth orbit, what cataclysms accompanied this event? Where did our night luminary come from, by whom and for what purpose was it created, why did it land on our planet?

The question of the existence of today's crew or population inside the Moon will not remain outside the hypothesis. Or have its intelligent inhabitants died out over the past billions of years? Or maybe, in the space tomb, the automata, launched by the hands of the ancient ancestors of the star wanderers, are still functioning?

From the point of view of our current knowledge, it is quite clear that a space supership must be a very rigid metal structure.

In July 1969, before the first astronaut Neil Armstrong "landed" on the moon, used fuel tanks unmanned reconnaissance ships. Then a seismograph was also left here. This device began to transmit information about the fluctuations of the lunar crust to Houston.

The data transmitted to Earth surprised scientists. It turned out that the impact of a 12-ton load on the surface of our satellite caused a local “moonquake”. Many astrophysicists have suggested that underneath the rocky surface was a metal shell surrounding the moon's core. Analyzing the speed of propagation of seismic waves in this supposedly metal shell, scientists have calculated that its upper boundary is located at a depth of about 70 kilometers, and the shell itself has approximately the same thickness.

One of the astrophysicists claimed that inside the Moon there could be an unimaginably large, almost empty space with a volume of 73,5 million cubic kilometers, intended for mechanisms serving the movement and repair of a space supership, devices for external observations, some structures that provide connection between the armor plating and the interior.

It is possible that before 80% the mass of the Moon, located in its depths beyond the service belt, is the payload of the ship. Guess about its content and purpose goes beyond reasonable assumptions. In the late 70s, using the same seismograph, a computer analysis was made of the metal from which the shell surrounding the core of the moon was supposed to consist. Having measured the speed of sound propagation inside this substance, experts came to the conclusion that it consists of nickel, beryllium, tungsten, vanadium and some other elements. Moreover, iron contained relatively little. Such a composition would be an ideal shell, protecting against mechanical holes, and also completely anti-corrosion. And this analysis alone showed that absolutely impossible so that such a shell is formed naturally.

Seismographs also recorded a repeating every 30 minutes and a continuous high frequency signal lasting one minute, coming from inside the Moon from a depth of about 960 kilometers. Maybe it's some kind of automatic device, powered by thermal (or other) energy, once programmed to send its signal to eternity?

Astronomers have observed and appearing from time to time on the lunar surface jets of some gas, which dissipated immediately. One hypothesis suggests that this is the effect of the still functioning power source of a hypothetical ship we call the "Moon", purposefully damaged and devoid of inhabitants during a real star war of an unimaginably distant past.

surface of the moon very similar to the area subjected to "carpet" bombardment. It is statistically impossible for meteorites of the same size and mass to knock out regularly spaced craters on the surface of the Moon. And there are many of them on the moon. Perhaps it was then when the moon was not a satellite of the earth?

Very possible. It turns out that the Moon is not marked on any ancient map of the starry sky (10-11 thousand years ago).

Comparing this fact with the myth of the Flood (which is present in one form or another in the religions of all ancient civilizations), we can assume that it was the appearance of the Moon in Earth's orbit that gave rise to these cataclysms. Many modern astrophysicists tend to such a hypothesis, based on the results of their research and calculations.

Already later, after the appearance of the Moon in the earth's sky, many peoples had legends about people, gods and creatures who came to Earth from a new star. There are drawings of the ancient Maya, images of gods descending from the moon. There are Caucasian myths about the arrival of iron beings from the moon.

Thus, it can be argued that The moon came to us from space. But is it an ordinary small satellite, or something completely different?

In the 70s of the last century, the famous Soviet astrophysicist Teodor Shklovsky from the USSR Academy of Sciences expressed the opinion that the Moon could turn out to be a dead, lifeless ship of an alien civilization, an impenetrable space probe.

In 1968, the US National Space Exploration Agency (NASA) published a catalog of lunar anomalies. The catalog covers observations over four centuries!

It contains 579 examples that have not yet been explained: moving luminous objects, geometric figures, disappearing craters, colored trenches lengthening at a speed of six kilometers per hour, the appearance and disappearance of some kind of "walls", giant domes that change their color, finally, observed November 26, 1956, a large luminous object, called the "Maltese Cross", etc.

In 1940, on the visible side of the Moon, above the Sea of ​​Peace and other parts of the planet, luminous points were observed moving at a speed of 2 to 7 kilometers per second. Famous Russian radio astronomer Alexey Arkhipov expressed in the pages of an English magazine Elying Sauce Peview(No. 2, 1995) the opinion that it is the Moon that can be the station of "strangers" who observe life on Earth.

The moon worries humanity more and more. US lunar programs - Rangers, Servitors, Orbiters, Apollos filmed from above 150 thousand photographs depicting mysterious objects and structures of alien civilizations on the moon. NASA has closed this information to date.

Various scientists have studied and are studying the Moon within the framework of their interests, but there is no single picture-generalization yet. Various optical and moving phenomena on the Moon have been repeatedly recorded.

Perhaps there are several alien races living and working on the Moon.

Apollo 15 astronaut said we are all aliens

UFOs accompanied the shuttle Atlantis in flight

There's someone else on our moon

9 Hypotheses About the Moon from George Leonard's "There's Someone Else on Our Moon"

There is not one but more cosmic races on the Moon. The traces of culture and technology observed in different parts of the moon vary greatly. And on Earth, human beings have different cultures, but they do not differ significantly. In basic terms, the buildings and cars of Russians and Americans are similar. And the planes look the same throughout the vire.

2 hypothesis

One of the main missions of the inhabitants of the moon is the extraction of metals and other rare elements from the lunar crust. Evidence lies in the work that THEY are doing.

The Apollo missions, as well as spectrographic analysis, showed the presence of iron, nickel, aluminum, titanium, uranium and thorium on the Moon in quantities sufficient for cost-effective mining. There are dozens of other metals and elements worth mining, depending on the efficiency of the extraction process.

3 hypothesis

The moon suffered a fantastic catastrophe indescribably long ago and was "driven" here by the inhabitants for a long restoration and repair work. Although very transparent, this hypothesis makes you think, because it has some evidence. This is an alternative to hypothesis 2.

The moon is a strange body. Everyone who has studied it agrees with this, and this is the only thing with which everyone agrees. She doesn't seem to belong to this world. Three main hypotheses about its origin (torn away from the Earth; formed by gas-saturated dusty material surrounding the Earth; captured by the Earth) are considered and approved by scientists each separately, depending on who states it.

The moon seems to be a built structure - a frame, a lattice, a grid. (Let me remind you that an object fell on its surface, and The moon vibrated for an hour. The disturbance waves were picked up by a seismograph some distance away.) If you hit the underlying rock with a hydraulic hammer in Beijing, it is unlikely to be felt in Pittsburgh, but the same force on the far side of the Moon will certainly be recorded on the nearest one. side.

In order to give the theory the likelihood that the Moon was “driven” here many years ago and treat it not as a fiction, consider the theories Darol Froman- former director of the Technical Association in Los Alamos (New Mexico). He stated in 1961 that it is possible that the Sun will burn out, but before this happens, the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to launch it into another solar system using a jet propulsion method. We could reach star systems that are 1,300 light-years away. And Lyman Spitzer, head of the laboratory at Princeton University, in 1951 spoke of giant spaceships (uranium fueled ships) capable of transporting thousands of people to other solar systems more "hospitable" in case of crises. Other scientists have written about the possibility of rebuilding the entire solar system, redistributing its matter in order to obtain maximum energy and living space.

4 hypothesis

The inhabitants of the Moon are involved in a long breeding experiment, including the creation of "homo sapiens" through genetic testing and/or cross-breeding of large primates with alien humanoids with periodic "infusions" to overcome mental regression. This hypothesis - an alternative to hypothesis 2 - is not new. It has been developed by many writers. Lorensen wrote about the inhabitants of flying saucers. According to the author, despite Laurensen's assurances that his hero is very truthful, all his descriptions are hardly scientific. If advanced aliens were to once experiment with breeding between representatives of two different gene banks, then perhaps all this would happen much more easily than described.

The need to set up an experiment, to observe its results, could explain the reason for constant visits through the centuries. Based on this hypothesis, the words of the Old Testament can be explained: “Be fruitful and multiply!”, “Fill the Earth with yourself”, “It is better to shed your seed in the bosom of a whore than in the ground” and biblical warnings against homosexuality, - all this speaks of the need to multiply, so that each genetic population develops further and each culture has its own legends about the gods arriving on spaceships! They abound with stories of mating experiments. It can be concluded that ET contacts around the world are intended to express the intent to continue (elevate? improve?) the human species.

Was the Neanderthal a failed experiment? He died without support. The same with the Cro-Magnon. Anthropologists have never been able to explain this. After being shown how to grow rye and graze cattle, the curve of his development (about 6000 BC) went up sharply. Although his remains date back to a much earlier period, the Cro-Magnon began to spread in Europe (probably somewhere around 20-30 thousand years BC) when the Neanderthal was dying. But for a while they could coexist. The Cro-Magnon is taller, straighter and "prettier". Velikovsky asked how the human body, mind, and soul, an amazingly complex biological apparatus that has evolved over millions of years, could have been so improved in just a few thousand years.

5 hypothesis

The moon is completely barren, and although you can grow something there using the hydroponics method and engage in underground livestock breeding, but such important components as fertilizers and water are taken from us. Cases of cattle theft have been recorded. The abstraction of water from lakes in Canada and other sparsely populated areas is too well documented to argue about it. Miners and fishermen have seen small humanoids leaving their discs and lowering their hoses into the water. According to Frank Edward's theory, aliens release and freeze water, perhaps at a height of several miles, and thus transport it further. This may explain the numerous cases of ice fall on Earth.

6 hypothesis

Instead of contradicting other "scriptures" about aliens and events within the solar system, the author in this book tries to find a common ground for many of them. There is a connection between the most serious researchers (Valle, Hynek, Lorensen, Aine Michel) about UFOs.

To consider this hypothesis, I will cite the opinions of other authors who have developed unique models or interpretations. Despite the fact that they do not necessarily carry out their intentions completely or in an original way (for example, Von Däniken realized the main thesis of V. Holliday “Creatures from the inner sphere”), their point of view is identified with public opinion.

Von Däniken: Ancient astronauts were on Earth and left their marks.

Velikovsky: The moon was repeatedly involved in the catastrophes of the solar system (for the first time in two millennia BC), this destroyed it and removed it from orbit.

Valle: elves, fairies, brownies and others have a basis in reality; they may be remnants of the old races on Earth or aliens.

Berlitz, Sanderson and others: there is a zone in the Bermuda region where hundreds of ships, aircraft, etc. have disappeared. and saw a UFO.

Fuller: The aliens took a man and a woman from the car aboard the UFO, studied them closely, and then returned them to the car.

Ezekiel, Moses, et al.: Numerous people in the past have encountered and spoken to creatures that looked like humans but arrived in flying machines and did things far beyond the technical level of the time.

Fort: Ice, blood, plants, fish, etc. fell to the ground from time immemorial.

No need to multiply theories and invent all kinds of fears, avoiding a simple explanation. The earth is inhabited - this is as true as the fact that the earth revolves around the sun. Now the time has come when we have ceased to be primitive and it is time for our scientists to guide us, not to embarrass us.

7 hypothesis

Despite the paucity of data, from the array of reliable information it seems that not one, but several races on the Moon are studying us and our life.

Hospitality (loyalty) is part of the game plan and we have felt it by now. Races capable of moving between solar systems and living on the moon are able (if they wish) to pulverize us. Apparently, this is what causes panic in our military. But apart from isolated cases that can be called emergency cases, cases in Bermuda and captures of people, there is no evidence that THEY are plotting something evil against us.

8 hypothesis

The inhabitants of the moon have advanced in the development of technology under the control of biological intelligence for a very long time. Rebirth into a mechanical body with the preservation of the mind and the main nerve centers means an increase in life by several hundred percent. There is more efficiency, less disease, more strength, better stimulation options. If they operate with time, space and size, then they have thousands or millions of years of technological improvement behind them. And if there are civilizations in the center of the Galaxy, numbering millions of years, then, according to the law of averages, they have reached a period of "scientific perfection".

9 hypothesis

The main reason for the expensive US programs to explore the Moon (Mars) is to establish at the official level that the Moon is inhabited by intelligent inhabitants whose mission is not to dialogue with us, and perhaps they are hostile to our development. So, due to the lack of knowledge of THEIR intentions, a seal of secrecy has been placed on the truth about the Moon; now that THEIR presence on the moon has been confirmed, our first task is to find out where THEY came from in the solar system or another star system; despite the fact that many places on Earth directly "scream" to be paid attention to, we spend billions on moon exploration. Less than 20% of satellite material has been studied, less than 2% has been published, but each launch was like a freshly baked potato to the American public.

However, the found traces of buildings, mining, mechanical structures make an amendment. They are there live, work and God knows what they are doing “under our noses”. It is necessary to unite American and Russian studies.

spaceship moon

1. How old is Luna? as it turned out, the moon is much older than we thought. Perhaps even older than the planet Earth and the Sun. The approximate age of the earth is 4,6 billion years, some lunar rocks are about 5,3 billion years, and the dust on these rocks is at least several billion years old.

2. How did rocks appear on the moon? chemical composition of dust, on which a large fragment of rock was found, differs significantly from the rock itself, which contradicts the theory about the appearance of dust as a result of the collision and disintegration of these blocks. These large pieces of rock must have come from outside.

3. insubordination natural laws: as a rule, all the heavier elements are inside, and the lighter ones are on the surface, but on the Moon everything is completely different. Wilson believes that since there are so many refractory elements (such as titanium) on the surface of the planet, one can only assume that they got to the moon by some unknown means. Scientists do not yet know how this could happen, but it still remains a fact.

4. Water evaporation: On March 7, 1971, the lunar rover registered steam cloud floating on the surface of the moon. The cloud lasted 14 hours and covered an area of ​​almost 100 square kilometers.

5. Magnetized rocks: scientists have discovered that rocks on the moon magnetized, but this simply cannot be, since there is no magnetic field on the moon. This could not have happened due to the close contact of the Moon with the Earth, because, in this case, the Earth would have torn it to shreds.

6. Lunar mascons: Mascons are large, rounded formations that cause gravitational anomalies. Most often, mascons are located 20 to 40 miles below the lunar seas - wide, rounded objects that may have been artificially created. Since it is unlikely that huge circular disks lie so evenly under the vast lunar seas, one can only assume that they arose by chance or as a result of some kind of phenomenon.

7. Seismic activity: every year, satellites record several hundred lunar earthquakes that cannot be explained by a simple meteor shower. In November 1958, Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev (Crimean Astrophysical Observatory) took a picture of gaseous eruptions on the Moon near the Alfonsus crater. He also recorded a reddish glow that lasted about an hour. In 1963, an astronomer at the Lowell Observatory also noticed a bright glow on the crest of a ridge in the Aristarchus region. Observations have shown that this glow is repeated every time the moon approaches the Earth. Such a phenomenon has not yet been observed in nature.

8. What is inside the moon: the average density of the moon is 3.34 g/cm3, while the density of the planet Earth is 5.5 g/cm3. What does this mean? In 1962, Gordon McDonald, NASA Ph.D., stated: “If we draw a conclusion from the obtained astronomical data, it turns out that the inner part of the moon is most likely a hollow rather than a homogeneous sphere ...” Dr. Harold Urey, Nobel Prize winner, explains such a low density of the Moon by the fact that a significant inner region of the moon is an ordinary depression. Dr. Sin K. Solomon writes: “The study of the orbit allowed us to learn more about the gravitational field of the Moon and confirmed our fear that the Moon may be hollow…” In his treatise Life in the Universe, Carl Sagan writes: "A natural satellite cannot be hollow inside..."

9. Echo on the Moon: when on November 20, 1969, the crew of the Apollo 12 spacecraft threw the lunar module onto the surface of the moon, its impact (the noise spread 40 miles from the ship's landing site) on the surface provoked an artificial lunar earthquake. The consequences were unexpected, after that The moon rang like a bell for another hour. The crew of the Apollo 13 spacecraft did the same, specifically increasing the impact force. The results were simply amazing: seismic devices recorded the duration of the moon's vibration: 3 hours and 20 minutes and a propagation radius (40 km). Thus, scientists have concluded that the Moon has an unusually light core, or perhaps no core at all.

10. Fancy Metals: The surface of the moon is much stronger than many scientists thought. The astronauts were convinced of this when they tried to drill the lunar sea. Amazing! The lunar seas are made of illeminite, a titanium-rich mineral used to make the hull of submarines. Uranium 236 and neptunium 237 (which have no analogues on Earth) were found in lunar rocks, as well as corrosion-resistant iron particles.

11. Origin of the Moon: before lunar rocks were found that destroyed the traditional view of the moon, there was a theory that the moon is a fragment of the planet Earth. Another theory claimed that the Moon was created from cosmic dust that was left over from the creation of the Earth. But the analysis of rocks from the surface of the moon disproved this theory. According to another common theory, the Earth somehow captured the already ready, formed Moon, pulling it with a gravitational field. But so far, no evidence has been found to support this theory. Isaac Asimov claims that the moon is one of the major planets, and the Earth could hardly attract it. One statement is not enough for it to be considered a theory.

12. Mysterious Orbit: our moon is the only moon in the solar system that has an almost perfectly circular orbit. The strange thing is that the center of mass of the moon is 1830 meters closer to the Earth than its geometric center, since this should have led to uneven motion, but the bulges of the moon are always on the other side and are not visible from the Earth. Something had to put the Moon into orbit at the exact height, with the exact course and speed.

13. Moon Diameter: How can one explain the coincidence that the Moon is at the exact distance from the Earth, has the correct diameter, which allows it to completely cover the sun? And again, Isaac Asimov gives an explanation for this: There are no astronomical reasons for this. This is a mere coincidence, and only the planet Earth can boast of such a position.

14. Spaceship Luna: The most common theory is that the Moon is a giant spaceship brought here by intelligent beings many years ago. This is the only theory that explains all the information received, and yet there is no data that would contradict it.

The moon is the ship(the truth about the moon)

The correct name of our moon is Month. On our planet by name Midgard-land, for several hundred thousand years there were 2 more moons: Lelya And Fatta, but they were destroyed during the real Star War with the Dark Forces of Cosmos. All these moons were artificial structures and performed very important functions in maintaining certain parameters of the gravitational oasis on the planet, which helped people to evolve rapidly.

In general, it is necessary to understand that all the so-called. "natural" satellites of all the planets in the solar system are actually artificial, in the sense that, at a minimum, the trajectories of their rotation were designed by people. That is why these satellites rotate in almost circular non-intersecting orbits without colliding with each other.

This work was done in the process of preparing several planets in the solar system for colonization by our ancestors - the people of the ancient white race - about a million years ago. The rotation of the planets around the Sun was ordered in the plane of the ecliptic. The rotation of hundreds of satellites around the planets was also ordered accordingly. This most difficult work was done to ensure that there would be no cosmic catastrophes in the solar system for the next million years, and life would proceed calmly and measuredly.

Orbits of Jupiter's moons

The illustration shows orbits dozens of Jupiter's moons. It is obvious to any adult person that in nature there are no such processes that could build the orbits of rotation of these satellites so that they never collide with each other. So this work is clearly man-made. The same can be observed on all other planets that have satellites ...

In recent history, people have gone to the moon did not fly, because so far they have not been able to create a fairly light ship with the necessary crew protection from cosmic radiation. And they could not create powerful enough engines that would be able to deliver this ship to the moon and return it back.

Tales of Americans about flights to the moon are lies, the same as all other stories about their achievements in science and technology. Pindos at one time wanted to show the whole world that they are the smartest and the very first in everything. They paid the Soviet party leadership big money for keeping their scientists and not flying to the moon before the amers. They hoped that their scientists would have time to do everything that was needed. But at the time it was just impossible! There was no necessary knowledge, materials and developments. Therefore, the Pindos went to the deception. The Russians knew about this, but were silent ...

Editorial RuAN

moon through a telescope

moon. 7 mostmysteriouscases

More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained on Internet conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free. We invite all waking up and interested ...

The Moon... Many, raising their eyes to the night sky, often caught themselves thinking that the Moon attracts their eyes and makes them tune in to their own, unique way. Why? Aren't there more objects in the sky? There are: the sun, clouds, stars. But the Moon stands apart in this list. Since ancient times, the best minds of mankind have been thinking about this satellite of the Earth, but only in the 60s of the 20th century, Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR put forward the hypothesis that in reality our satellite was created artificially. This hypothesis, destroying all the foundations of traditional science, has eight main arguments that focus on a number of obvious facts about the Moon.

The first riddle: an artificial satellite.

Calculations have shown that the orbit of motion and the size of the Moon are physically practically impossible. The magnitude of the Moon is equal to a quarter of the magnitude of the Earth, and the ratio of the magnitudes of the satellite and the planet is always many times smaller. In the studied part of the cosmos there is no other example of such a ratio.

The distance from the Moon to the Earth is such that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are visually the same, which is also not found anywhere else. This is what makes it possible to observe from the Earth such a rare phenomenon as a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely covers the Sun. The same mathematical impossibility holds for the masses of both celestial bodies.

If the Moon were a cosmic body, which at a certain moment was attracted by the Earth and eventually acquired a natural orbit, then calculated and practically this orbit would have to be elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.

The second mystery: the implausibility of the profile.

The implausibility of the profile that the Moon's surface possesses is inexplicable. The moon is not the round body it should be. The results of geological surveys on it lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is a hollow ball. Although it is, modern science fails to explain how the Moon can have such a strange structure without self-destructing.

One explanation offered by Vasin and Shcherbakov is that the lunar crust is "made" of a solid titanium framework. Indeed, it has been proven that the lunar crust and rocks have extraordinary levels of titanium content. According to their own estimates, the thickness of the titanium layer is about 30 kilometers.

The third riddle: lunar craters.

The explanation for the huge number of meteorite craters on the surface of the Moon is widely known and extremely understandable - the absence of an atmosphere. Most cosmic bodies that are trying to penetrate the Earth encounter kilometers of atmosphere on their way and simply burn up in it. Few space "cobblestones" are "lucky" to reach the surface.

The moon does not have this protective shell that would protect its surface from meteorites. What remains inexplicable is the shallow depth to which the aforementioned guests from outer space were able to penetrate. Indeed, it looks as if a layer of extremely strong substance did not allow meteorites to penetrate closer to the center of the satellite.

Even craters with a diameter of 150 kilometers do not exceed 4 kilometers in depth! Although calculated, a body capable of leaving a crater of this size would have to break through at least 50 kilometers deep. There is no such crater on the Moon.

The fourth riddle: the seas.

How were the "lunar seas" formed? What's this? Where? These gigantic areas of solid lava, which must originate from the interior of the Moon, could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior, where they could originate from meteorite impacts. But the Moon, judging by its size, has always been a cold body and had no "intraplanetary" activity. Another mystery is the location of the "lunar seas". Why are 80% of them on the visible side of the Moon and only 20 on the invisible side?

Fifth riddle: mascons.

The gravitational pull on the moon's surface is not uniform. This effect has already been noted by the American crew of Apollo VIII when they circled the lunar seas. Mascons (mass concentrations) are places where matter is thought to exist in greater density or in greater quantity. This phenomenon is actually closely related to the lunar seas, since the mascons are located almost below them.

Sixth riddle: inexplicable asymmetry.

A rather unexpected fact, for which no explanation can be found so far, is the geographical asymmetry of the Moon's surface. The dark side of the Moon has many more craters (this is at least somewhat understandable), mountains and landforms. In addition, as we have already mentioned, most of the seas, on the contrary, are located on the side that is visible from the Earth.

Seventh riddle: low density.

The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact, together with various studies, once again proves that the Moon is a hollow object. And according to some scientists, the aforementioned cavity is clearly artificial.

In fact, given the location of the surface layers that have been identified, scientists argue that the Moon looks like a planet that formed "in reverse", and some use this as an argument in favor of the "artificial casting or assembly" theory.

Eighth riddle: origin.

In the last century, three theories of the origin of the moon were conditionally accepted for a long time. At present, most of the scientific community, of course not formally, has accepted the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the planetoid of the Moon as no less justified than others.

The first and oldest of the theories suggests that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth, but the huge differences in the nature of the two bodies make this approach practically untenable.

The second theory is that this celestial body was formed at the same time as the Earth, from the same cloud of cosmic gas. But this is also untenable, since the Earth and the Moon would have to have a similar structure.

The third theory suggests that, wandering through space, the Moon fell into the gravity of the Earth, which turned it into its "captive", having previously captured it. The big flaw with this explanation is that the Moon's orbit is practically circular and cyclic. With such a phenomenon (when the satellite is "captured" by the planet), the orbit will be quite distant from the center or represent an ellipsoid. And in our case, the Moon seems to be specially “suspended” precisely on this unnatural orbit.

The fourth assumption is the most fantastic of all, but it explains the various anomalies and absurdities associated with the Earth's satellite. If the Moon were designed by intelligent beings, then the physical laws to which it is subject would not apply equally to other celestial bodies.


In this case, it is appropriate to ask the question: if this theory is correct, then for what purpose was the Moon created and designed? There is an explanation that the Moon was built by ancient humanity (we will call it that for now), which had sufficient technology and capabilities to implement this global project and served some utilitarian purpose. Correcting the Earth's climate, providing the planet with "free" light at night, an intermediate spaceport - it is now impossible for us to understand what goals the ancient creators pursued.

The mysteries of our only satellite, put forward by the scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov, are only some of the real physical estimates of the anomalies of the Moon. In addition, there is a lot of video and photographic evidence, the results of research, for the most part classified by governments, giving reason to assert that our "natural" satellite is not one.

The article is written on the basis of materials obtained from open sources of information.

The Moon... Many, raising their eyes to the night sky, often caught themselves thinking that the Moon attracts their eyes and makes them tune in to their own, unique way. Why? Aren't there more objects in the sky? There are: the sun, clouds, stars. But the Moon stands apart in this list. Since ancient times, the best minds of mankind have been thinking about this satellite of the Earth, but only in the 60s of the 20th century Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov from the Academy of Sciences of the USSR put forward the hypothesis that in reality our satellite was created artificially. This hypothesis, destroying all the foundations of traditional science, has eight main arguments that focus on a number of obvious facts about the Moon.

The first riddle: an artificial satellite.

Calculations have shown that the orbit of motion and the size of the Moon are physically practically impossible. The magnitude of the Moon is equal to a quarter of the magnitude of the Earth, and the ratio of the magnitudes of the satellite and the planet is always many times smaller. In the studied part of the cosmos there is no other example of such a ratio.

The distance from the Moon to the Earth is such that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are visually the same, which is also not found anywhere else. This is what makes it possible to observe from the Earth such a rare phenomenon as a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely covers the Sun. The same mathematical impossibility holds for the masses of both celestial bodies.

If the Moon were a cosmic body, which at a certain moment was attracted by the Earth and eventually acquired a natural orbit, then calculated and practically this orbit would have to be elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.

The second mystery: the implausibility of the profile.

The implausibility of the profile that the Moon's surface possesses is inexplicable. The moon is not the round body it should be. The results of geological surveys on it lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is a hollow ball. Although it is, modern science fails to explain how the Moon can have such a strange structure without self-destructing.

One explanation offered by Vasin and Shcherbakov is that the lunar crust is "made" of a solid titanium framework. Indeed, it has been proven that the lunar crust and rocks have extraordinary levels of titanium content. According to their own estimates, the thickness of the titanium layer is about 30 kilometers.

The third riddle: lunar craters.

The explanation for the huge number of meteorite craters on the surface of the Moon is widely known and extremely understandable - the absence of an atmosphere. Most cosmic bodies that are trying to penetrate the Earth encounter kilometers of atmosphere on their way and simply burn up in it. Few space "cobblestones" are "lucky" to reach the surface.

The moon does not have this protective shell that would protect its surface from meteorites. What remains inexplicable is the shallow depth to which the aforementioned guests from outer space were able to penetrate. Indeed, it looks as if a layer of extremely strong substance did not allow meteorites to penetrate closer to the center of the satellite.

Even craters with a diameter of 150 kilometers do not exceed 4 kilometers in depth! Although calculated, a body capable of leaving a crater of this size would have to break through at least 50 kilometers deep. There is no such crater on the Moon.

The fourth riddle: the seas.

How were the "lunar seas" formed? What's this? Where? These gigantic areas of solid lava, which must originate from the interior of the Moon, could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior, where they could originate from meteorite impacts. But the Moon, judging by its size, has always been a cold body and had no "intraplanetary" activity. Another mystery is the location of the "lunar seas". Why are 80% of them on the visible side of the Moon and only 20 on the invisible side?

Fifth riddle: mascons.

The gravitational pull on the moon's surface is not uniform. This effect has already been noted by the American crew of Apollo VIII when they circled the lunar seas. Mascones (concentration of mass) are places where matter is thought to exist in greater density or in greater quantity. This phenomenon is actually closely related to the lunar seas, since the mascons are located almost below them.

Sixth riddle: inexplicable asymmetry.

A rather unexpected fact, for which no explanation can be found so far, is the geographical asymmetry of the Moon's surface. The dark side of the Moon has many more craters (this is at least somewhat understandable), mountains and landforms. In addition, as we have already mentioned, most of the seas, on the contrary, are located on the side that is visible from the Earth.

Seventh riddle: low density.

The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact, together with various studies, once again proves that the Moon is a hollow object. And according to some scientists, the aforementioned cavity is clearly artificial.

In fact, given the location of the surface layers that have been identified, scientists argue that the Moon looks like a planet that formed "in reverse", and some use this as an argument in favor of the "artificial casting or assembly" theory.

Eighth riddle: origin.

In the last century, three theories of the origin of the moon were conditionally accepted for a long time. At present, most of the scientific community, of course not formally, has accepted the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the planetoid of the Moon as no less justified than others.

The first and oldest of the theories suggests that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth, but the huge differences in the nature of the two bodies make this approach practically untenable.

The second theory is that this celestial body was formed at the same time as the Earth, from the same cloud of cosmic gas. But this is also untenable, since the Earth and the Moon would have to have a similar structure.

The third theory suggests that, wandering through space, the Moon fell into the gravity of the Earth, which turned it into its "captive", having previously captured it. The big flaw with this explanation is that the Moon's orbit is practically circular and cyclic. With such a phenomenon (when the satellite is "captured" by the planet), the orbit will be quite distant from the center or represent an ellipsoid. And in our case, the Moon seems to be specially “suspended” precisely on this unnatural orbit.

The fourth assumption is the most fantastic of all, but it explains the various anomalies and absurdities associated with the Earth's satellite. If the Moon were constructed by intelligent beings, then the physical laws to which it is subject would not apply equally to other celestial bodies.


In this case, it is appropriate to ask the question: if this theory is correct, then for what purpose was the Moon created and designed? There is an explanation that the Moon was built by ancient humanity (we will call it that for now), which had sufficient technology and capabilities to implement this global project and served some utilitarian purpose. Correction of the Earth's climate, providing the planet with "free" light at night, an intermediate spaceport - it is now impossible for us to understand what goals the ancient creators pursued.

The mysteries of our only satellite, put forward by the scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov, are only some of the real physical estimates of the anomalies of the Moon. In addition, there are many video and photographic evidence, the results of research, for the most part classified by governments, giving reason to assert that our "natural" satellite is not one.

The article is written on the basis of materials obtained from open sources of information.

Is the moon an artificial satellite?

The first mystery of the moon: artificial moon or cosmic exchange

In fact, the orbit of motion and the size of the Moon's satellite are physically almost impossible. If it were natural, one could argue that this is an extremely strange "whim" of the cosmos. This is due to the fact that the magnitude of the Moon is equal to a quarter of the magnitude of the Earth, and the ratio of the magnitudes of the satellite and the planet is always many times smaller. The distance from the Moon to the Earth is such that the sizes of the Sun and the Moon are visually the same. This allows us to observe such a rare phenomenon as a total solar eclipsewhen the Moon completely covers the Sun. The same mathematical impossibility holds for the masses of both celestial bodies. If the Moon were a body that at some point was attracted by the Earth and acquired a natural orbit, then this orbit would be expected to be elliptical. Instead, it is strikingly round.

The second mystery of the moon: the implausible curvature of the surface of the moon

The incredible curvature that the surface of the Moon possesses is inexplicable. The moon is not a round body. The results of geological studies lead to the conclusion that this planetoid is actually a hollow ball. Although it is, scientists still fail to explain how the Moon can have such a strange structure without being destroyed. One of the explanations proposed by the aforementioned scientists is that the lunar crust was made from a solid titanium framework. Indeed, it has been proven that the lunar crust and rocks have extraordinary levels of titanium content. According to Russian scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov, the thickness of the titanium layer is 30 km.

The Third Mystery of the Moon: Lunar Craters

The explanation for the presence of a huge number of meteorite craters on the surface of the Moon is widely known - the absence of an atmosphere. Most of the cosmic bodies that are trying to penetrate the Earth encounter kilometers of atmosphere on their way, and everything ends with the “aggressor” disintegrating. The moon does not have the ability to protect its surface from the scars left by all the meteorites crashing into it - craters of various sizes. What remains inexplicable is the shallow depth to which the aforementioned bodies were able to penetrate. Indeed, it looks as if a layer of extremely strong substance did not allow meteorites to penetrate into the center of the satellite. Even craters with a diameter of 150 kilometers do not exceed 4 kilometers deep into the moon. This feature is inexplicable in terms of normal observations that there should be craters at least 50 km deep.

The fourth riddle of the moon: "lunar seas"

How did the so-called "lunar seas" form? These gigantic areas of solid lava that comes from the interior of the Moon could easily be explained if the Moon were a hot planet with a liquid interior where they could originate from meteorite impacts. But physically much more likely is that the Moon, judging by its size, has always been a cold body. Another mystery is the location of the "lunar seas". Why are 80% of them on the visible side of the moon?

The Fifth Mystery of the Moon: Mascons

The gravitational pull on the Moon's surface is not uniform. This effect had already been noted by the Apollo VIII crew as they circled the lunar seas. Mascons (from "Mass Concentration" - concentration of mass) are places where matter is believed to exist in greater density or in large quantities. This phenomenon is closely related to the lunar seas, since the mascons are located under them.

The Sixth Mystery of the Moon: Geographical Asymmetry

A rather shocking fact in science, which still cannot be explained, is the geographical asymmetry of the Moon's surface. The famous "dark" side of the Moon has many more craters, mountains and landforms. In addition, as we have already mentioned, most of the seas, on the contrary, are on the side that we can see.

The Seventh Mystery of the Moon: The Low Density of the Moon

The density of our satellite is 60% of the density of the Earth. This fact, together with various studies, proves that the Moon is a hollow object. Moreover, several scientists have ventured to suggest that the aforementioned cavity is artificial. In fact, given the location of the surface layers that have been identified, scientists claim that the Moon looks like a planet that formed "in reverse", and some use this as an argument in favor of the "artificial casting" theory.

The Eighth Riddle of the Moon: Origins

In the last century, three theories of the origin of the moon were conditionally accepted for a long time. At present, most of the scientific community has accepted the hypothesis of the artificial origin of the planetoid of the Moon as no less justified than others.

One theory suggests that the Moon is a fragment of the Earth. But the enormous differences in the nature of these two bodies make this theory practically untenable.

Another theory is that this celestial body was formed at the same time as the Earth, from the same cloud of cosmic gas. But the previous conclusion is also valid in relation to this judgment, since the Earth and the Moon would have to have at least a similar structure.

The third theory suggests that, wandering through space, the Moon fell into the earth's gravity, which caught and turned it into its "captive". The big flaw with this explanation is that the Moon's orbit is practically circular and cyclic. With such a phenomenon (when the satellite is "caught" by the planet), the orbit would be sufficiently removed from the center or, at least, would be a kind of ellipsoid.

The fourth assumption is the most improbable of all, but, in any case, it can explain the various anomalies that are associated with the Earth's satellite, since if the Moon was constructed by intelligent beings, then the physical laws to which it is subject to action would not be equally applicable to other celestial bodies.

The riddles of the Moon put forward by the scientists Vasin and Shcherbakov are only some of the real physical estimates of the anomalies of the Moon. In addition, there are many other video, photo evidence and studies that give confidence to those who think about the possibility that our "natural" satellite is not.

Recently, a controversial video appeared on the network, which will be interesting within the framework of the topic under consideration:

Description for the video:

This video is made from Germany and filmed over 4 days starting July 7, 2014. It is clearly seen how waves “run through” the surface of the Moon, or rather a strip, and this is similar to how the image of the lunar surface, which we see from the Earth, is updated.

No matter how crazy it may sound, but precisely such bands have been noticed more than once when shooting with various video cameras and telescopes. I think anyone with a good zoom camcorder will be able to see the same thing.

And how can you explain this, may I ask? In my opinion, several explanations are possible, and all of them will not please the adherents of the generally accepted picture of the world.

1. There is no Moon in the Earth's orbit at all, but there is only a flat projection (hologram) that creates the appearance of its presence. Moreover, this projection is technically quite primitive, judging by the fact that its creators were forced to create exactly a flat projection, and that is why the moon is turned to us on one side. This is simply saving resources to maintain the visible part of the moon.

2. In the orbit of the Earth, there is indeed an object whose dimensions correspond to the "Moon" visible to us from the Earth, but in fact what we see is only a hologram - a disguise created over the object. By the way, this explains why no one flies to the Moon. I think all the states that sent their spacecraft to the "Moon" are well aware that under the guise of what we see from the Earth, there is something completely different.

In favor of these versions, those facts that have long been surprising in their illogicality fit in:

- Why does humanity send spacecraft into deep space, but completely ignores the planet closest to us.

- Why are all the photographs of the moon transmitted by earth satellites of such disgusting quality.

Why can't astronomers, having perfect telescopes, take pictures of the lunar surface in terms of quality comparable even to pictures from Mars or from earth satellites. Why are satellites flying in Earth's orbit capable of taking a photograph of the surface on which the car number is visible, and lunar satellites take pictures of the surface in such a resolution that the tongue cannot be called photography.

In addition, we present two fragments from RenTV films on the theme of the Moon. The reputation of this channel is known to everyone, however, the information provided is useful for analyzing the arguments proposed above.

I remember that either in "Technology-Youth", or in "Quantum" (there were worthy times!) I read about the hollow moon hypothesis. At that time, this theory best explained the numerous anomalies associated with our satellite.

But even if the author of the hypothesis was wrong, it still follows from his conclusions that the Moon is an artificial object. It remains to prove this experimentally. Although some forces are clearly opposed to this. After all, launching satellites to Venus, Mars or Pluto is much more difficult than launching satellites to the Moon. Launching into the distance without having thoroughly studied the nearest neighbor does not seem quite logical.

Below is an incomprehensible picture from London Ru, allegedly taken with the help of a well-known Google program at the very moment of its launch. The authors captioned the photo as follows:

You will not find this image either in the archives of NASA or in Roscosmos. What you see in the photo is a unique shot of the lock system, the entrance to the inner space of the moon.”.

Believe it or check it out)
The moon is an artificially created object?

The Moon is Earth's closest neighbor in our Universe. Its diameter is slightly more than a quarter of the diameter of our planet. The spacecraft can overcome 384,400 km, which separates us from our satellite, in less than 3 days. The moon is a rocky spherical body, devoid of atmosphere and, apparently, life. This can be learned from school textbooks.

Here is what, for example, "Preliminary report on the flight of the Apollo 17 spacecraft" says. “Experiments by the Apollo spacecraft, which aim to establish whether the Moon is a “living” planet or a “dead” one, show that, compared to the Earth, the Moon is seismically calm ... Volcanism and other types of tectonic activity were rare or absent during the last 2-3 billion years. »

Official science prefers (I note that this is not an official theory, but only a preferred one) the following theory of the origin of the Moon:

Quote: “The moon and the earth were formed simultaneously by the union and compaction of a large swarm of small particles. But the Moon as a whole has a lower density than the Earth, so the substance of the protoplanetary cloud should have separated with the concentration of heavy elements in the Earth. In this regard, an assumption arose that the Earth was the first to form, surrounded by a powerful atmosphere enriched in relatively volatile silicates; during subsequent cooling, the substance of this atmosphere condensed into a ring of planetesimals, from which the Moon was formed ... "

Simply, this is the only possible option for the presence of the Moon in Earth orbit.

But if you carefully read the above theory, then I think, not being professors, you should have noticed in it a complete violation of the laws of physics. I'm not even talking about these very "planetesimals", apparently borrowed from Isaac Asimov or the Strugatskys, or from anyone else ...

After even if not the complete formation of the Earth, a gravitational field has already formed around it, which would attract these same planetesimals. So, there was no question of any formation of the Moon, and even of such a volume, near the Earth !!!

Where did this satellite come from on our planet? Let not the largest in the solar system, but the largest in relation to its planet. The density of the Moon also speaks of unusual conditions for the formation. It is 3.3 times the density of water, which is less than any of the terrestrial planets: Earth itself, Mercury, Venus and Mars, and analysis of lunar soil - the resulting age of 4.1 billion years - compared to 5, 5 billion years for the Earth - only confused scientists.

The fact that a stone lies on the surface of the Moon is a clear matter (a whole army of scientists examined samples of lunar soil in their earthly laboratories). What's under it? It would seem that everything is simple - on top of the crust, inside the mantle and the molten core. So it is, only in 1969, before Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, used fuel tanks of unmanned reconnaissance ships were dropped on its surface. Then a seismograph was also left here, which transmitted information about the fluctuations of the lunar crust.

After processing the data, scientists came to the conclusion that under the rocky surface is metal shell 30-40 km thick. Later, a computer analysis was made of the substance that this shell consists of. We received nickel, beryllium, tungsten, vanadium, some iron and some other elements. But the main discovery is such a shell, by no means could not form naturally.

No less surprised was the fact that under the shell, among other things, is 73.5 cubic kilometers of almost empty space. Evidence that there is a metal shell under the lunar surface is also the fact that most of the many kilometers of craters have an unusually flat bottom, like a frying pan. In other words, no matter how big or small the meteorite was, it left the same depth on the lunar surface!!!.

In the late 60s, Soviet researchers M. Vasin and A. Shcherbakov suggested that the Moon is an artificial object, a kind of spacecraft that was transported to the Earth, and that under its surface, at a depth of tens of kilometers, there is a huge habitable cavity about 50 km high, having an atmosphere suitable for its inhabitants, technical devices, etc. The lunar crust is a multi-kilometer protective shell for a cavity.

Back in the early 60s, astronomer Carl Sagan reported that special instruments had discovered under the lunar surface huge caves conditions that may be favorable for life. Some of them reach 100 cu. km. The director of the Main Observatory of the USSR in Pulkovo, Alexander Deutsch, expressed the same hypothesis at that time.

The hypothesis that the Moon is a giant spaceship that crashed and was forced in ancient times to “park” to the Earth for “overhaul” appeared for a reason. After all, natural space bodies with their multi-kilometer protective shell, some scientists believe, are the safest and most reliable vehicles for interplanetary travel.

And also unusual in the Moon is that it is somewhat large for a satellite. What if only one side is visible?

Well, it's clear with the unknown origin of the moon. And that means that it entails another topic. The theme of alien life. Who has no desire to discuss this topic ... then it is not at all clear why you are reading my exposé about the artificial origin of the moon? ...

... People have been studying an object called the Moon for a long time. Already in the 2nd century BC, Hipparchus spoke on this topic, in the 2nd century AD. — Claudius Ptolemy. Such pundits as Heraclitus, Aristotle, Galileo Kepler, Newton also had a hand in studying it ... the list goes on.

Ancient philosophers such as Heraclitus, Xenophon, and Thales seriously believed that intelligent life existed on the moon. And they did not even hesitate to speak and write about it in their treatises. Diogenes Laertes wrote that Heraclitus from Pontus spoke about his acquaintance with one descended "Selenite". Neocles of Croton believed that an egg once fell from the moon, containing a woman.

Johannes Kepler in his book “Discourse with a Starry Messenger” wrote about the population of the Moon: “They dig huge areas, surrounding them with dug soil, maybe to get moisture from the depths; and so, below, behind dug hills, they hide in the shade and inside, in accordance with the movement of the Sun, they walk around, following the shadow, and this depression represents something like an underground city, where houses are private caves dug in this circular rotation , and in the middle - fields and pastures, so that avoiding the Sun, not to go far from food ... "

Back in the 18th century, astronomer William Herschel first drew the attention of scientists to the lights, lines and geometric shapes on the surface of the moon. Since then, anomalous phenomena on its surface have been observed constantly.

Already in our time, having been systematically observing the Moon with an 800x telescope for more than 10 years, the Japanese Yatsuo Mitsushima repeatedly filmed the passages of dark objects over different parts of the Moon with a video camera. The materials he received are sensational: the diameter of objects is on average about 20 kilometers, and the speed of movement is about 200 kilometers per second.

In preparation for landing a man on the moon, a detailed study of its surface was carried out by photographing with the help of spacecraft. NASA specialists received more than 140,000 photographs. Most of them are of excellent quality, and the optical resolution of the equipment made it possible to find something on the Moon that we were completely unprepared for ...

In 1977, a book by a certain J. Leonard was published in the UK with a sensational title: "There is someone else on our Moon" and the subtitle: "Amazing facts of intelligent life on the Moon discovered." Who is hiding under the pseudonym J. Leonard? Unknown. In any case, this is a well-informed person who managed to gain access to extensive, including top-secret information.

Thirty-five photographs, each accompanied by a NASA code number, dozens of detailed drawings, according to the author, made from high-quality large-format NASA photographs published in this book, expert statements and an extensive bibliography lead the reader to a stunning conclusion: NASA and many scientists from the world name know for many years that there are signs of intelligent life on the moon!

Analyzing the images transmitted by Ranger-7 after its safe landing near the crater and taken by astronauts from low orbit when flying around the Moon, the author, like NASA experts, came to an unequivocal conclusion: there are numerous mechanisms and structures on the surface of the moon.

According to J. Leonard, most of these huge mechanisms have been destroyed, but others clearly continue to work. Some objects change their shape, disappear or reappear on the slopes or bottom of a crater. The greatest activity is observed on the visible side of the moon. So, in the zone of King's crater there is a large number of mechanical devices, called by the author "X-Drones", because they resemble the letter "X" in shape. These "excavators" a mile and a half in size develop the slopes of the crater, breaking off the rocky soil and throwing it to the surface.

J. Leonard believes that a pipeline about three miles long was laid from the crest of the King crater, the ends of which are covered with identical caps. Similar structures were discovered by the Japanese explorer Mitsui and described in the book Explorations of the Moon.

J. Leonard's book contains many impressive descriptions of various mechanisms that rise above the surface of the Moon and track the movement of the Sun.

“Seven miles from Bulliald, Ranger 7 took unique pictures. A metal large object, partly in shadow, has a rounded shape, a cylinder and a turret on its top. Holes are visible on the cylinder at an equal distance from each other. Mist or steam comes out of the turret. Identification marks are visible on the objects.

Are lunar technological activities related to UFOs? An analysis of NASA photographs and some statements by astronauts give an affirmative answer to this question.

J. Leonard quotes astronaut Gordon ("Apollo 15"): “When we passed 30-40 feet, a mass of objects flew nearby - so white and sparkling, they clearly had an engine”.

American astronauts had code words for Houston in case they found something unusual on or near the moon, for example: "Anibel" means a sparkling fire on or near the moon, "Barbara" is a structure, "Saint Nicholas" is a UFO .

"Anibel" was observed by astronauts in the Sea of ​​Crises. 2- and 3-storey rectangular structures were also found here, and the upper floor was a similar rectangle, but smaller. Sometimes at the base of the lower rectangle one could see large round holes arranged in a row at the same distance from each other.

At the bottom of the Copernicus crater is a structure in the form of a triangle placed on the base. On its lateral surface, one can distinguish signs resembling numbers and geometric shapes. As for the signs, on the surface of the Moon, judging by the photographs, one can find luminous (possibly in the reflected light of the Sun) signs, for example, in the form of blue crosses installed vertically in the ground.

Usually the same sign is installed in those places where there are mechanisms united by some one technological function. So, near the craters in which X-Drones operate, blue crosses are installed. In other places, signs in the form of an arrow are visible.

J. Leonard believes that the King crater and its environs can be something like the base of another civilization, since it is there that the platforms are located that rise above the surface on 0.5 miles. Many of them are across 6 to 10 miles. It is difficult for us on Earth to imagine structures of this size.

It is impossible not to mention the highly controversial assumption of J. Leonard: “Large areas of the surface are covered with the remains of something resembling a camouflage net of cables intersecting at right angles. Maybe once the surface of the Moon was disguised with the help of dust, pebbles, rubble and artificial craters under an ordinary planet? Now we see the remnants of disguise after the cataclysm on the moon".

It is the cataclysm that explains the researcher such a large destruction of mechanisms, pipelines and structures. To a large extent, this is supported by NASA photographs. Pipe systems have been discovered, laid on the surface and descending the slope of the crater to go deep into the moon. However, many pipelines have been destroyed…

..."Wow! Astronaut Harrison Schmitt, the pilot of the Apollo 17 lunar module, could not contain his surprise, already on the first revolution around the Moon, “I just saw a flash on the lunar surface! The next day, during the fourteenth revolution around the moon, it was the turn to be surprised by another pilot of Apollo! 7— Ronald Evans: "Well! You know I would never believe! I am right above the edge of the Eastern Sea. I just looked down and saw a bright flash with my own eyes!”

When one of the most serious authorities on the physical and geological nature of the Moon, Dr. Farouk El-Baz, consultant and assistant to many American astronauts, was asked to comment on these observations, his answer was quite categorical: “There is no doubt that this is something grandiose: these are not comets, and this not natural origin!".

It should be noted that strange light phenomena on the lunar disk have been known for a long time. As early as May 3, 1715, while observing a lunar eclipse in Paris, astronomer E. Louville noticed at the western edge of the Moon “some flashes or instantaneous trembling of light rays ... These light flashes were very short-lived and appeared in one place or another ...”.

It could be assumed that meteors were observed against the background of the Moon, burning up in the Earth's atmosphere. However, at the same time as E. Louville, the famous E. Halley observed similar outbreaks in the same region of the Moon in the British Isles. Is it worth explaining that the same meteors burning at a height of several kilometers above the Earth cannot be seen against the background of the same region of the Moon at the same time in London and Paris?

And in the library of the Royal Astronomical Society there is a lot of information about strange light spots and fluctuations of light on the moon. For example, astronomers have long been attracted to the strange light that periodically appears in lunar craters. Especially often in the craters Plato and Aristarchus. Often moving objects are observed in the Seas of Crises and Tranquility. So, in the region of the latter in 1964, at least four times, light or dark spots were seen, moving tens and even hundreds of kilometers in a few hours.

On September 11, 1967, within 8-9 seconds, Canadian scientists recorded a dark rectangular spot with purple edges here, which was clearly visible until it entered the night region. And after 13 minutes. in the direction of the spot, near the crater Sabine, there was a flash of yellow light. And apparently, it was not by chance that Apollo 11 landed in this zone a year and a half later. The study of the lunar soil at the landing site surprised even the experts. It was melted and, according to Professor T. Gold, with energy 100 times more powerful than the Sun emits. What this source was is unknown. Experts believe that he was at a low altitude above the moon.

In 1968, NASA published a catalog of puzzling lunar sightings in its Chronological Catalog of Lunar Event Reports. Over the 4 centuries that the catalog covers, 579 examples have been recorded that science has not yet given an explanation for: moving luminous objects (just dots and even entire columns of light), disappearing craters, colored trenches lengthening at a speed of 6 km / h, giant domes that change their color; a large luminous object, called the "Maltese Cross", observed on November 26, 1956, a strange gas appearing above the surface of the Moon, etc. The Catalog also recorded the speed of movement of the above-mentioned spots in the Sea of ​​Tranquility - from 32 to 80 km / h.

One of the most interesting recent observations belongs to a Japanese amateur astronomer. Our television has repeatedly played a video recording of a shadow that he made with a telescope quickly moving across the surface of the moon. If this is not a hoax, then the size of the shadow (about 20 km in diameter) and the enormous speed of its movement (for 2 seconds the shadow traveled about 400 km) allow us to speak of a high technical level of the object.

Also on April 25, 1972, the Passau observatory recorded on photographic film in the region of the craters Aristarchus and Herodotus a grandiose “light fountain”, which reached a height of 162 km at a speed of 1.35 km / s, shifted to the side by 60 km and disappeared.

All these facts forced NASA to purposefully and seriously deal with anomalous phenomena on the Earth's satellite. In 1972, a special program was created, to which dozens of experienced "public" observers armed with telescopes were connected. Each of them has been assigned four lunar regions by NASA, where lunar phenomena have been repeatedly observed in the past. Numerous symposiums and articles have been devoted to these oddities.

Scientists are desperately trying to find the natural cause of lunar phenomena, but so far without much success. At the same time, there is a rather unexpected point of view on everything that happens. “They (scientists,” writes J. Leonard, “disregard (consciously or unconsciously) the simple truth, which is that the phenomena of lunar phenomena are associated with inhabitants on the Moon who carry out their purposeful activities.”

What speaks in favor of such a bold hypothesis? Much, very much! For example, strange objects resembling some kind of mechanisms. The purpose of some devices can be guessed from the changes in the lunar surface that they leave. For example, the edges of some craters are destroyed by something that moves along them in a spiral (this is reminiscent of our giant open pit mines).

Many craters, especially on the far side of the Moon, have a pronounced polygonal shape, which has not yet been explained. During the flight around the moon of Apollo 14, the astronauts took a very interesting photo. This is a clear image of a giant mechanical device, later called the "superdevice-1971". Two light and openwork (metal?) structures stand inside one of the craters. And without casting any shadow. From their base stretch long cords. According to rough estimates, the size of the device is 1-1.5 miles (1.6-2.4 km).

Repeatedly there are mechanisms similar to a scoop for capturing soil (they were called "T-scoops"). To the east of the Smith Sea, on the far side of the Moon, near Sanger Crater, there is an area where you can see the results of their work: the device has already removed a huge section of the central slide and is on the edge, continuing to work. Heaps of cobblestones pile up nearby.

Striking results are obtained by comparing three photographs of the same area taken from Apollo 16 during 50 revolutions around the moon. On the inner slope of the crater, an X-device was recorded in an early image. After 2 days, an active spraying process was recorded in the same place.

One can only speculate what these mechanisms are used for: the search for raw materials, construction work, the elimination of defects in the lunar crust, archaeological tasks, the extraction of gas to create an artificial atmosphere? almost a ton of oxygen. This reserve is enough for an earthling for 3 years! "Isn't that why THEY destroy mountain ranges? asks J. Leonard.

Objects that move, leaving a trail behind them, look very impressive in the pictures. In NASA they are conditionally called "cobblestones". J. Leonard claims that American astronauts examined 34 such tracks in the Apollo 17 landing area. The length of the tracks varied from 100 m to 2.5 km. The width reached 16 m. As a rule, they were grouped in 8-10. Most of the objects they referred to were 20-30% wider than the tracks themselves. Some were oblong and the size of a room. How could they sometimes roll on an almost horizontal surface? And another mysterious fact: of the 34 traces examined, only 8 ended in boulders. What left other traces?

US military consultant William Cooper in 1989 published an article in the Razvitie newspaper in which he tells how at one time Alien ships have accompanied every launch and landing of Americans on the moon.

The life of the lunar natives was filmed by the participants of the Apollo mission: “Domes and vaults, gabled roofs, tall round structures, like the letter T, mining machines that leave stitch-like marks on the surface of the Moon, huge or very small alien spaceships.

Information about encounters with UFOs in lunar orbit is also found in Soviet secret archives. There is a recording of a conversation between Neil Armstrong and Baz Aldrin with a base in Houston. The astronauts are quite explicit about the fact that in front of them are the ships of other creatures, and the creatures themselves are watching them.

And in conclusion, I would like to cite the amazing words of Neil Armstrong. And although he later refused them, his negotiations were heard by many American radio amateurs.

Armstrong: "What is it? What the hell is the matter? I would like to know the truth, what is it?

NASA: "What's happening? Is something wrong?

Armstrong: “There are big objects here, sir! Huge! Oh my God! There are other spaceships here! They are on the other side of the crater! They are on the moon and watching us!”

Wasn't this the main reason that ALL projects for flights to the moon were curtailed then - after all, it was already busy !!!

P .S: Our generation is convinced that seemingly unshakable stereotypes can be destroyed in the shortest possible time, and we are gradually weaning ourselves from categorical judgments. Although sometimes we continue to presumptuously and arrogantly ridicule what does not fit into our usual earthly standards.

And when analyzing lunar phenomena, we must change our way of thinking, free ourselves from blinkered perception ...



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What causes Earth's climate change?

What causes Earth's climate change?

Article by Ikonnikov V.A. very big. In fact, this is a scientific study of the "Secret Doctrine" for the presence of facts about the displacement of the earth's axis. Because more...

Emerald Beach Resort & SPA CTS - latest reviews of Emerald beach resort spa 4 Bulgaria

Emerald Beach Resort & SPA CTS - latest reviews of Emerald beach resort spa 4 Bulgaria

Emerald Beach Resort, Bulgaria, Nessebar, August 2018Overall rating - 9.3/10Service - 9Food - 9Accommodation - 10 This hotel has no problems. Rooms...

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