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What is hidden behind the Napoleon complex? What is the "Napoleon complex" Napoleon syndrome in men psychology

Anxiety in men about short stature does not always manifest itself in the form of a painful inferiority complex. The Napoleon complex is always accompanied by a man's suffering over the smallness of his body, lack of strength and muscle mass, as well as a feeling of his general imperfection. The internal struggle with their shortcomings forces the young person to make efforts in the development of intelligence, creativity or sports achievements. The desire for superiority over others makes him devote a lot of time to the study of someone one subject or phenomenon, which he can then talk about for hours, becoming a scientific value in this area of ​​knowledge.

The origins of the inferiority complex

He believed that the feeling of inferiority is inherent in every person, because a child, being brought up as adults, understands that they are stronger and smarter than him. The inferiority of the child becomes the driving force behind his development: the desire to grow up as big and strong as dad, or as beautiful and economical as mom. But if, in terms of his genetic characteristics, a person turns out to be shorter than his peers, the feeling of a child who must still grow remains dominant in him. Napoleon's syndrome begins to manifest itself as a result of the suffering of the individual from the wrong approach to education:

1) Overprotection does not allow the child to show independence. By constantly taking care of the baby, parents demonstrate their superiority over him, not allowing him to feel strong, healthy and skillful.

2) Hypothesis, which manifests itself through the rejection of the child by the parents, forms inferiority in children, tk. they constantly feel unnecessary, unwanted, unsure of their abilities.

The combination of insufficient growth and mistakes in upbringing contributes to the fact that the inferiority complex becomes not the driving force of the child's development, but a pathological complex, which in psychology is called the "Napoleon complex".

For passionate leaders

Passionarity is the innate property of people to absorb energy from the closest natural environment and to realize it for the benefit of the development of the ethnos. In theory, people are described as energetic warriors, generals who have the ability to infect other people with their activity. Passionaries have increased sexuality, as well as a reduced need for rest. The Napoleon complex, combined with an innate passionarity, forms a personality that is great in all respects. LN Gumilev drew attention to the fact that many outstanding commanders and rulers of states were of short stature: Charlemagne, Mussolini and others. The complex of a small person is often accompanied by manifestations of increased aggression both in relation to opponents and in relation to rivals who have a height that is much higher than average. Many characteristics of passionate leaders are viewed not only as a manifestation of their innate, but also acquired social qualities, as a result of upbringing. Therefore, the Napoleon complex throughout life can be supported by the energy of passionarity of short men.

An inferiority complex can be equally manifested in both women and men. The Napoleon complex is a manifestation of only male characteristics. Women are inherently less risky and less aggressive. Unless a modern lady takes the place and position of a man, shows more masculine rather than feminine qualities, strives for superiority over others, and considers her short stature not as diminutive, but as weakness and flaw.


Small, of course. Everyone has heard about it. But which one? The Museum of Wax Figures is touring the cities of Russia. The growth of Napoleon's figure is 157 cm. Museum workers try to be faithful to the historical truth. You can find the same number in different sources. However, in several French novels, Napoleon's height ranges from 166 to 172 cm. And this inconsistency is suggestive.

Where did the number 157 come from? This is similar to converting to metric 5 feet 2 inches. Which would be 157.58 cm if the units were in English. However, over the past century or two, people have managed to forget that feet are not only English (see the table below), and almost no one takes the trouble to imagine that the short stature of the French emperor is somewhat exaggerated.

Napoleon's height was indeed 5 feet 2 inches and 4 lines - this is how it was recorded after his death. But this is 168.79 cm. Having discarded the error (2 mm), it is permissible to talk about 169 cm. Since Napoleon was 51 at that time, and the vertebrae are compressed with age (the observed decrease in height can be up to 6 cm), then you can safely to argue that Napoleon's height at the time of his career took off was not less than 170 cm. Which is not so little, especially if we take into account the acceleration that has happened since then: the average male height has increased by about 10 cm over the past two centuries. the emperor actually did not reach the grenadier height of only 3-4 cm. Napoleon's height - 169 cm - is also indicated in the "Napoleon's Dictionary" edited by J. Tulard.

Why did the growth of Napoleon during his lifetime become the talk of the town?

Perhaps due to the peculiarities of the addition. Napoleon had a large head from birth, and the general disproportionality influenced perception. Moreover, the young Bonaparte looked almost like a boy. And the commander-in-chief of the Italian army could have earned the nickname "little corporal" not so much for his short stature as for his childhood - more apparent than the former in reality (26 years old). The thin, fragile general could not look tall. It is also known that the generals of Napoleon for the most part were tall, even very tall (at that time). But one cannot imagine that Napoleon, like Louis XIV, would put decks of cards in his shoes in order to appear taller. A shameful welcome for his pride! On the contrary, he begins to cultivate his distinction.

The boy general who conquered Italy, the "little corporal" - this is only the beginning of the image of the modest ruler of the world, who will be remembered not in gold and feathers, but in a gray overcoat without insignia. Even from the cocked hat, he will break off the uniform gold embroidery, leaving only the three-color French cockade. He will appear in a simple uniform, the smallest among the tall, gleaming aides-de-camp. The gaze immediately stops on him - by contrast. And this modest appearance contradicts the height of his position so much that it cannot but impress eyewitnesses.

This is how the legend was created.

Historical literature mentions that the growth of Admiral Nelson was 160 cm, Pushkin - 166, Stalin - 165, Churchill - the lion of the British Empire - 166 cm.But all this did not become a legend. Legendary Nelson had his blind eye, Pushkin had sideburns, Stalin had Churchill's pipe and mustache and cigar. Growth has become one of the signature Napoleonic signs.


The growth of Napoleon is not so small that he could suffer a lot because of this. But Napoleon was certainly ambitious and definitely had an inferiority complex. However, in the memories of Napoleon, there is no mention of the future emperor being teased as a child because of his height. And it was difficult to scoff at his height, if the main school opponent of Napoleon (and then the enemy on the battlefield) Le Picard de Felippo was half a head shorter than him!

There were much more significant reasons for the complex. All memoirists tell how French classmates teased the Corsican about his origin. At the age of nine, Napoleon was brought to the country that conquered his homeland. He was the son of a man who fought against the French. Poorly spoke the language of the conquerors. He had an incredible name in France. And at the same time he was poor. Lots of reasons to be the best school whipping boy candidate.

So, the real source of the "Napoleon complex" was his, Napoleon's, origin. While studying at the Paris military school, he will be among the representatives of the highest French aristocracy. And the humiliation to which they will subject him, will not pass without a trace for him. He constantly had to defend himself - one against all. To become equal with them, he simply needed to be better than them. And all his life he will try to prove to everyone and everyone that he is not only no worse, but better than others.

“The thought that I was not the first student in the class was intolerable to me,” he later recalled. Furious self-esteem will lead him from irreconcilable school fights, first into the ranks of the fighters for Corsican independence, and then into the French Revolution. Thus, the conquered will become the conqueror.

He will be mocking, as it deserves, to relate to attempts to establish his origin from Charlemagne or from Julius Caesar. He will refuse to take into account even the unquestionably noble lineage of his undoubted ancestors. He will believe all his merits in his own merits. And this is not so much modesty as ambition.

He will not be ashamed of his beggar lieutenant. He will allow himself to say to the crowned persons sitting at the table with him: "When I was a junior lieutenant ..." And, seeing the general confusion, he will repeat with cheerful boyish insolence: "When I had the honor of being a junior lieutenant ..."

He called the throne "a piece of wood." He did not attach any - except propaganda - prices to tinsel. But at the time of his commander-in-chief of the Italian army, offended by the arrogance of the Austrian participants in the negotiations, he still breaks down, as he was once a cadet, and fiercely throws in their faces: "By origin, I am equal to your princes!"

Soon he will find this argument pathetic and will strive to surpass the merit not only of contemporary monarchs, but also Charlemagne himself and Caesar. Once the professor pulled him back: "Who are you ?!" "I am human!" - blurted out 11-year-old Napoleon.


A southerner is supposed to be a brunette. This stereotype captures not only filmmakers, artists or writers, but also professional historians. You, of course, have met - or will meet - in A.Z. Manfred's colorful description of the black mane of the young Bonaparte. When describing Bonaparte's appearance, the author refers to the memoirs of a contemporary. But if you take these memoirs, you will find that in the indicated passage there is no mention of Bonaparte's hair color. Similarly, the historian calls the "blue eyes" of the head of the Corsican government, General Paoli, "rare for a Corsican."

In fact, Paoli was not only blue-eyed, but also blond. And blond by German standards. Young Goethe met with 44-year-old General Paoli, who was passing through Germany in his next exile. "It was a beautiful, slender blond ..." - the poet writes.

This hair color is by no means an anomaly in Corsica. P. Merimee, making his first trip to Corsica, also expected to find in the Corsicans people similar to the Provencal ethnic type - black-haired and black-eyed. Reality surprised: "Among the Corsicans [...] black-haired are as rare as among the inhabitants of the northern provinces of France." Such a difference between the Corsicans and their neighbors is explained by the island population isolation. An ancient ethnic type has been preserved on the island.

It is known that among the ancestors of Napoleon there are both Tuscan and Genoese. But Tuscan or Genoese origins are also not a guarantee of black hair. The Tuscan Leonardo da Vinci and the Genoese Christopher Columbus (Cristoforo Colombo) - victims of the same stereotype - were blue-eyed blondes. The same was the father of Napoleon. But Napoleon himself?

Many memoirists say that Napoleon had blue-gray eyes and brown hair. Balzac calls Napoleon "a blue-eyed and fair-haired monarch," which is especially noteworthy, because it was Balzac who wrote the memoirs of the Duchess d'Abrantes, to which A.Z. Manfred refers. young men, about the appearance of their hero.

Denis Davydov first saw Napoleon in Tilsit, when the French emperor met with Tsar Alexander I. The future hero of the war of 1812, familiar with the widespread portraits of Napoleon, was first of all surprised by the color of his hair: "His hair was not black at all, but dark blond." The "blue eyes" of the emperor, sharply contrasting with his "almost black" eyelashes and eyebrows, also came as a complete surprise to him. Even the nose, which D. Davydov imagined from his portraits as "big and humped", turned out to be "completely straight, with a small hump".

Napoleon was then 38 years old, and people darken with age - until they turn gray. Since Napoleon died without beginning to turn gray, it remains to assume that he was just a light-haired lieutenant, and absolutely fair-haired in childhood.


It is believed that the real name of Napoleon - Buonaparte (Buonaparte).

Information about the fact that Napoleon Frenchmanized his surname can be found in the most serious historians. A.Z. Manfred, the author of the best Russian monograph on Napoleon, writes that, when he was appointed commander-in-chief of the Italian army of the French Republic, General Bonaparte removed the non-French "u" from his surname, and "this short name began to sound quite in French." J. Tulard, the highest authority in world Napoleonic studies, confirms that Napoleon from time to time, "up to the age of 33," signed his former, non-French, surname. That is, having been the First Consul of the French Republic for a long time.

But is the name Bonaparte really so French? If the Italian "buon" is equivalent to the French "bon", just as the prepositions "a" are equivalent in both languages, then it would be logical to replace the Italian "parte" with the equivalent French "part" or even "partie". But Napoleon did not. Why did he not complete the French culture, after all, he only had to lose one, the last, letter in his last name?

The answer is simple. Napoleon's real surname is Bonaparte. It sounds differently in French and Italian, but the spelling is the same nonetheless. Walter Scott also noted that in the birth certificate Napoleon was recorded under the name Bonaparte, while his father was named Buonaparte there.

There are reasons for this. The ancestors of Napoleon's father, who lived in Corsica, wrote their surname "Bonaparte" for centuries. Only in 1759, having received official confirmation of the origin of the Corsican Bonaparte family from the famous Florentine family Buonaparte, family members begin - not always - to use this Tuscan spelling of their surname. Napoleon's father goes so far that, together with the Tuscan "u", he adds to his surname the title of count, which once belonged to his Florentine ancestors.

Napoleon himself never called himself a count. Such pitiful ambition was not to his taste. The Tuscan version of his surname was documented in France during his studies and subsequent military service. Not appreciating too much the magnificent name of the noble Tuscan patricians, the general returned to his Corsican roots. And the fact that "this short name sounded quite French" was only good for him, a foreigner.

I. MUKHLAYEVA, mathematician (Taganrog)

Napoleon is known not only for his victories and conquests, but also for his small stature. Many believe that it was because of his own that he tried to prove his power and might. In modern psychology, Napoleon's syndrome is a condition when a person of short stature has a great desire and desire to become successful and wealthy.

How does Napoleon's syndrome manifest in men?

Many members of the stronger sex feel a complex about their appearance. They believe that due to their short stature, they will not be able to achieve success not only in their personal lives, but also in the work sphere. Discontent and feelings of aggression can appear as early as adolescence. In psychology, it is believed that Napoleon's syndrome appears due to negative attitudes from the people around him. Discrimination leads to the development of a complex that only gets worse over the years.

How does Napoleon's syndrome manifest in women?

Ladies often experience complexes about their small stature. Psychologists assure that women with this syndrome often compensate for insufficient growth with their ambitions. Such ladies strive to achieve a high position in order to lead others. Importantly, the problem leads to the emergence of excessive aggression and cruelty.

How to get rid of the complex?

There are some tips to help you get rid of Napoleon Syndrome:

  1. Learn to emphasize your strengths, not weaknesses. By the way, many people dream of being small. For example, women can wear huge heels.
  2. Choose clothes with vertical stripes that visually stretch out the height.
  3. It is important to consider that overweight people look even shorter.
  4. Try to always keep your back straight, as the hunchback takes up the already missing centimeters.

One of the common complexes associated with short stature is called the Napoleon complex. People with this complex are sure that attractiveness, well-being and other factors of success depend on growth. The Napoleon complex in psychology is described as a set of thoughts and behaviors inherent in short people. It got its name thanks to Napoleon Bonaparte, the famous French emperor, whose height was around 160 cm.

The Napoleon complex haunts short people


The complex of Napoleon due to growth is formed in childhood. Thanks to ridicule, a lot of notorious people grow up at school. Children do not realize the significance of their words and actions, therefore they often traumatize each other's psyche.

The second reason is the environment. “Tall people look more attractive,” short people think. It is important to note right away that such a thought is absurd. However, she continues to cause complexes.


There are certain signs of self-doubt in both men and women.

  1. Choice of high partners. As practice shows, people with Napoleon's syndrome choose partners above themselves for relationships.
  2. Demonstration of superiority. Low people try to prove their success to everyone and occupy a leadership position. They assert themselves at the expense of their subordinates.
  3. Harmfulness. People with Napoleon's syndrome are vulnerable and sensitive, so any comment about this person will stumble upon a wall of anger and vindictiveness.
  4. Cravings for large objects. Men with a Napoleonic complex are drawn to large objects: a car, a house, a companion with curvaceous forms. This is how they try to compensate for the growth.
  5. Perfectionism. Such people are intolerant of confusion and imperfections. Any business must be brought to perfection, otherwise the work will not be completed.
  6. Independence. Do not allow others to help them, consider it a pity.

Negative impact on life

Napoleon's syndrome leads to prolonged depression, lack of desire to communicate with people and lead social life. The person considers himself unworthy and lonely. If a person completely withdraws, then suicidal thoughts are possible. The complex of a little man gives rise to a huge number of stereotypes in men that poison their lives:

  • failure in relationships: men are sure that girls will give preference to a high candidate, rather than such a stereotype for him, there is no friend for the taste and color, it is important to understand that growth will not prevent you from finding the love of your life;
  • bad lover: many short men are worried that they will not be able to satisfy a woman, but growth and success in this matter are not interrelated in any way;
  • short people are weak: physical development and muscle gain does not depend on height - this factor is influenced only by training and physical activity.

A short man is sure that others see him weak

Complex in men

Napoleon's syndrome occurs in men and is characterized by complexes about their height. The complex puts pressure on the psyche of a man and affects relationships, awareness of oneself and the world, success in work. Men worry that because of their "baseness" they will not have a companion, and become insecure. When they worry about growth, they forget that women are attracted by the self-confidence that they have lost due to inner self-examination.

As the girls note, how tall a man is is not important to them. They are attracted by their charisma, confidence and radiant smile.

Manifestation in women

The Napoleon complex in women is not inherent in the fair half. Small stature is a pride for a girl. It is generally accepted that girls with small stature look prettier and attract more men. Short girls can wear high-heeled shoes without any problems. Tall girls cannot afford such a luxury; they have every chance of being taller than their companion.

Small girls want to be protected and protected from all problems. However, some young ladies say that they are annoyed by the increased care and loyalty to them.

Heels look perfect on short girls

Let's say no to the complex

If you find yourself with a Napoleon complex, you urgently need to get rid of it:

  • the first step on the way to inner harmony will be acceptance of yourself and your uniqueness - this indicator cannot be changed and therefore you need to love it;
  • understand that success does not depend on external indicators, but on hard work;
  • you can resort to visual tricks: clothes with a vertical stripe outwardly make the figure longer;
  • heels and platforms will save you - this item is more intended for women, however, special platform shoes are also made for men;
  • watch your figure: short overweight people look even lower than they are, muscle mass allows you to look larger;
  • do not slouch: a healthy and beautiful posture allows you to appear taller and more attractive;
  • choose an example to follow: there are many great people in the world who are not very tall;
  • ignore the sarcastic people who constantly point out your height.

If introspection and therapy have not helped, you should contact a psychologist who will sort through your Napoleon complex and help you get rid of it.

Our society also needs to be changed. There is no need for radical action, everyone should start with themselves. It is important for people to learn to respect themselves and those around them.

Due to constant ridicule in society, people become insecure and develop complexes. If everyone evaluates the effect of their words before expressing them, then psychological trauma will be significantly less.

Famous short people

If you are still firmly convinced that success depends on height, then you are presented with a list of short people, famous all over the world. When you familiarize yourself with it, the Napoleonic complex will be in second place.

  1. Angus Young is the singer and guitarist of the acclaimed rock band AC / DC, renowned for his talent and insane energy. Angus's height is 157 cm.
  2. Spud Webb is a prominent quarterback for the NBA basketball team. The height of 170 cm is the lowest for a basketball career, but the basketball player has proven that this is far from the main criterion.
  3. Danny DeVito, 150 cm high, became famous all over the world thanks to his acting skills in directing and producing work.
  4. Tom Cruise is a Hollywood actor. He achieved fame and became a sex symbol with a height of 170 cm.
  5. Robert Downey Jr. Widely known to everyone for his role as an iron man. He impressed everyone with his acting and made a fortune with a height of 169 cm.
  6. Mary-Kate Olsen is an actress, young designer and 157 cm tall.
  7. Kristen Bell is an excellent actress, only 155 cm tall.
  8. Eva Longoria. She revolutionized the world of the modeling industry. While all short girls dreamed of a modeling career, Eva, with a height of 157 cm, became one of the most popular models.
  9. Natalie Portman is an outstanding actress and an active philanthropist. The girl's height is 160 cm.

This is just a small part of the short people who have achieved success. This proves once again the fact that growth does not affect success. Success is a concept that is defined by your hard work and efforts.


Napoleon's syndrome is a persistent expression that describes the actions and thoughts of people of small stature. Such people are overly sensitive, any criticism against them is perceived negatively. The origins of the complex lie in childhood, many children were reproached or teased for their small stature.

This complex is very rare in the psychology of women, short girls are attractive and cause affection.

In men, this complex is rapidly gaining momentum and causes depression. To get rid of the complex, you need to love yourself and perceive growth as a unique trait. It is important to find harmony with yourself.

Napoleon Bonaparte went down in history not only as the great French emperor, who has the strongest will to win and has enormous ambitions. He would be surprised a lot if he found out that today a cake, a pastry and one of the human complexes inherent in people with short stature and miniature forms are called after him. What is this unusual psychological problem? Let's figure it out.

The Napoleon complex in psychology

Why did it happen that it was Napoleon who had something to do with the inferiority complex? Yes, because with an increase of only 1 m 51 cm, he was able to achieve tremendous success and be remembered as a person with inexhaustible energy, self-confidence and dedication. Today, psychology considers the Napoleon complex as the desire of people of short stature to achieve fame, success and wealth.

Psychologist Alfred Adler was the first to mention this inferiority complex in his writings. He used the term "Napoleon Complex" when describing the behavior of short men who are more active in various areas of human activity. Consider, this manifests itself in people of different genders.

Napoleonic complex in men

Another name that this phenomenon has is "short man's syndrome" or "little man's complex". The meaning of these terms is the same - people of short stature are complex because of their appearance, feel flawed and, realizing that nothing can be achieved with external data, they try to develop ambitions and a desire for success. Small men become aggressive from adolescence. Most often, anger towards others is the result of discrimination by peers or because of the refusal of a woman. Unlike tall men, "short men" are almost always sure that others look at them with disdain, and this fact exposes them to anger. There are also known facts that undersized men are much more jealous.

The Napoleon complex morally puts pressure on the psyche of men and this affects their relationships with others, especially with women. By the way, as far as women are concerned, the situation here is exactly the opposite. Little men like tall women, and they reciprocate completely. As psychologists say, the reason here is that women value in men not so much appearance as strength, determination, intelligence and charm. In addition, short men mature faster in intimate terms, their blood contains more hormones, which makes them much sexier than tall peers. In addition, little men are less likely to get sick and live longer.

Napoleon complex in women

Despite the fact that "little man syndrome" is considered to be a purely male ailment, women suffer no less from their diminutiveness. They strongly protest against the desire of men to protect them from all sorts of problems and to surround them with care. What is the reason for this?

According to psychologists, women with a Napoleon complex are trying to make up for the missing centimeters with their heightened ambitions. This is manifested in the desire to lead others, to gain a sense of their own worth and the desire for leadership. In practice, it is clear that undersized women still achieve career success, however, in the process of moving up the ranks, they often become cruel and aggressive. In history, there are many confirmations of the existence of the Napoleon complex in women. Among the famous miniature ladies there are such as the English Queen Victoria (152 cm), the famous singer Edith Piaf (147 cm), the prima donna of the Russian stage Alla Pugacheva (162 cm) and, who made the almost impossible, one of the most popular models in the world, Eva Longoria ( 155 cm)!

Learning to live without complexes

There are many examples in history proving the presence of the Napoleon complex in men and women. What are such names as Alexander the Great (150 cm), Lenin (164 cm), Hitler (165 cm), Stalin (162 cm), Mussolini (160 cm). However, the representatives of low stature themselves have a very hard time in life. Starting with fear, self-doubt and ending with anger at the world around us. Undoubtedly, this complex shapes the character and attitude towards life. However, there are ways out of any situation. If you yourself are a miniature person and suffer from your height, try to fix this situation with simple tips:

  1. Do not dwell on the flaws in your appearance. Perhaps, for those around them, on the contrary, they are advantages.
  2. Wear vertical stripes. She will visually make you taller.
  3. Wear only thin straps.
  4. Monitor your weight. Extra pounds will make you look bigger.
  5. Sit and walk with your back straight. Try not to slouch.
  6. Wear a small heel or platform.

If your diminutiveness does not suit you, remember the most important thing - learn to love yourself the way nature created you. Growth is your virtue and you shouldn't try to change it. People around you love you in any way. Learn to accept yourself and love your reflection in the mirror.



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