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Get rid of fear and anxiety after stress. How to get rid of anxiety, fear and worry. Is it possible to fight on your own

God! Where is he? Already half an hour ago I should have returned home! Didn't call, didn't warn. Everything! .. Something happened.

The heart squeezes, tears flow from the eyes, and the imagination helpfully draws plots one more terrible than the other. Uncontrolled anxiety - constant anxiety for any, even the most insignificant reason - each time covers with a wave of fear and spoils the life of us and our loved ones. Intellectually, we understand in principle that everything will be all right, but there is nothing we can do with ourselves. Yuri Burlan's System Vector Psychology will help you learn how to get rid of anxiety.

When anxiety gets in the way

In certain circumstances, we all feel a sense of anxiety and concern for loved ones. It is normal when there are real reasons - a serious illness, important events or life troubles. Once the reasons go away, we can easily get rid of anxiety and fears.

But what if there is no justified reason, and anxiety arises, and suddenly, from scratch. This state fills everything. We cannot adequately think and communicate, we cannot sleep and eat. Horrible scenarios appear in our heads as terrible images of misfortunes, catastrophes with the participation of loved ones.

Anxiety and fear become our constant companions, poisoning the life not only of us, but also of the people about whom we worry. We try to somehow relieve stress - we try to get to the bottom of the cause of the anxiety, we persuade ourselves not to worry, but to hope for the best. In general, we do everything to relieve the feeling of anxiety and get rid of it forever, up to visiting doctors and taking medications.

But nothing helps. Feelings of fear and anxiety come from somewhere inside, and there is nothing we can do about it. Our nerves cannot withstand the constant stress created by our fantasies. . We feel like we are completely out of control of our lives. Due to unreasonable anxiety states, we begin to live in a fictional reality, similar to horror films. Is it possible to get rid of this nightmare? Yes. So, everything in order ...

Systemic justification for anxiety and its causes

In order to get rid of constant anxiety and associated bad conditions, one must first of all find out what anxiety is. In the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan there is such a concept - the feeling of security and safety, which is vital for every person from childhood to the most advanced years. So, anxiety and fears inherent in it are one of the forms of loss of a sense of security.

No matter what scenario our anxiety develops, it is always associated with the presence of certain vectors - properties and qualities that we inherit from birth. For the owner of the anal vector, the overvalue is the family - children, parents, spouses. He is terribly afraid that a tragedy will happen to them - someone will die, get sick or fall into a catastrophe. This fear of losing someone from the family, being alone - even hypothetically, in fantasies - is the cause of constant uncontrollable anxiety. It is very difficult to get rid of such anxiety.

If a person, in addition to the anal vector, also has a visual one, then he needs a strong emotional connection to feel protected and safe. When the owner of the visual vector is able to sincerely compassion and empathize with their loved ones, the feeling of causeless anxiety does not arise. He brings his emotions out - out of fear for himself into love and sympathy for other people.

But if such a development does not occur, then the owner of the visual vector experiences such a strong fear for himself and his future that he begins to demand attention from those around him. Such people fantasize a lot and are very anxious if it seems to them that no one loves them. They begin to harass loved ones with questions, demanding confirmation of feelings.

Another option is overprotection. If it is not possible to realize one's abilities and knowledge in society, then close people become the only object of their application. Parents are ready to "strangle" the child with their love, never letting go of their influence. They try to emotionally bind him to themselves, coming up with more and more new rules that he must follow - to come exactly on time, call a hundred times a day and report where he is and what is wrong with him.

Guardianship often develops into manipulation of a loved one. Anxiety in such cases can be not only a painful condition, but also turn into emotional blackmail.

Temporary relief and a feeling of calmness happens in those short moments when everything is going according to the prescribed scenario, and those around you follow the established rules. However, practice shows that over time, close people begin to break the established order and get rid of influence and guardianship. Then the feeling of fear and anxiety for your future returns with renewed vigor.

All of these cases have one thing in common - a person who is in a constant state of anxiety suffers greatly. Living day after day in states of fear and anxiety, he is deeply unhappy. A life filled with joy and pleasure passes by, leaving him only anxiety and disappointment. Neither advice from friends and doctors, nor medications, nor changes in diet and physical activity help. How, then, can you get rid of constant fear and anxiety?

There is only one answer - you need to become aware of yourself, understand the unconscious desires and abilities that are given to you from birth, and try to realize them. Handicrafts and drawing will help to bring emotions out. You can create beautiful things that will bring joy to you and those around you, transfer the experience and knowledge you have accumulated in various fields of activity - from cooking to gardening.

You will enjoy helping people who need compassion and empathy. By bringing emotions outside, showing love and compassion for them, you will not even notice how unreasonable anxiety and fears disappear from your life.

We part with anxiety and begin to live

If you are already tired of all sorts of misfortunes that your imagination paints, then it's time to part with anxiety and fears. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives you the opportunity to realize the causes of uncontrollable anxiety and say goodbye to it. The results of hundreds of people who have undergone training, who have forever got rid of anxiety and fears, leave no doubt about the highest effectiveness of this knowledge.

“… For years I suffered from causeless anxiety, which often fell on me. Psychologists helped me, but it was as if one-hundredth was leaving, and then fears came again. My rational mind gave a logical explanation for half of my fears. But what's the use of these explanations if there is no normal life. A causeless anxiety in the evenings. By the middle of the course, I began to notice that I began to breathe freely. The clamps are gone. And by the end of the course, I suddenly noticed that anxiety and fears had left me. No, it happens, of course, these states pile up again, but somehow lightly and superficially. And there is even bewilderment, why am I afraid of anything at all.,. "

"The biggest mistake we can make is the constant fear of making a mistake." Elbert Hubbard

Feelings of fear and anxiety that some people experience, for example, just thinking about a spider, should not be the cause of ridicule. Although such fears seem overly exaggerated and unfounded to others, they can distort and complicate a person's life. It can be very difficult to overcome them on your own.

What is a phobia?

People with anxiety about something are often limited in their daily life. They are forced to avoid triggers, which can be difficult, because some types of phobias are characterized by the inability to completely eliminate the "triggers".

A strong phobia brings many unpleasant sensations - a sudden increase in heart rate, tremors, shortness of breath, dizziness, loss of consciousness.

In some cases, you can learn to live with a problem, avoid triggers, as in the case of fear with a hangover (yes, there is such a phobia!). But there are obsessive thoughts that require the help of a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

Phobias are hereditary. People with an unstable psyche are more prone to them.


  • fear of panic;
  • anxiety;
  • palpitations;
  • increased heart rate;
  • increased pressure;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • tremor;
  • dizziness;
  • flashes of heat or cold;
  • tingling of the limbs (due to lack of oxygen).


  • a person experiences at least 2 of the above symptoms (in connection with a specific object, object, situation);
  • a person is worried about a strong fear (in connection with a specific object, subject, situation);
  • anxiety does not occur in the absence of a stimulus.

Classics of medicine - psychotherapy

To get rid of fears and complexes, you should contact a psychiatrist (psychiatric specialist) or psychologist. The choice depends on the degree to which bad thoughts make life difficult.

The expert conducts treatment using various procedures of psychology and psychotherapy. One of them is exposure therapy, in which the patient is gradually confronted with an object or situation that is constantly causing fear.

An important part of the treatment is psychoanalysis. The doctor will discover the underlying causes of the disorder and treat them with appropriate therapies. One of the most effective approaches to the question of how to get rid of fear is hypnosis.

These procedures are lengthy, sometimes the treatment is carried out for several years. The fastest and most frequently used therapeutic method is drugs that reduce anxiety, depression, phobia.

Deep regression therapy

This is an alternative psychotherapy that looks for the cause of the difficulties deep in the subconscious. According to regression therapists, this technique even affects the patient's “past” lives. The person again experiences the moment when he was bitten by a snake, which caused the phobia.

Under the guidance of an experienced specialist, he understands that the problem has occurred for a long time, feels great relief, and the fear disappears.


More and more people turn to kinesiologists to get rid of the disorder. Sometimes one session is enough, sometimes it needs to be repeated. Kinesiology deals with all types of phobias, it is about a successful therapeutic method. With its help, people get rid of claustrophobia, thanatophobia, arachnophobia.

EFT (Emotional freedom techniques - methods of emotional freedom)

Psychological treatment specialists - energy psychologists - use a special form of acupressure to remove blockages in the human energy system. This is a completely new method with an ever-growing number of supporters.

Certified therapists claim to be quick to help when other, even medical, procedures have failed. In addition to phobias, energy psychologists deal with other psychological or physical problems.

Types of disorders and their treatment

There are many types of phobias. Their pathogens are animals, insects (spiders), natural phenomena (height, thunderstorm), various situations (closed space, road crossings), injections, blood. Let's consider the most common, problematic obsessive thoughts and fears, and figure out how to get rid of them on your own (if possible).

Thanatophobia - fear of death

Are you often worried about the fear of death (your own or the death of loved ones)? Can't sleep well at night, feel tired, irritable? Does this state last longer than six months? You are most likely suffering from generalized anxiety disorder.

Treatment is carried out both through psychotherapy and psychopharmacology. A great benefit for patients is the ability to relax using various relaxation techniques (progressive Jacobson relaxation, autogenous training).

During treatment, the patient is asked to create a catastrophic scenario for each fearful situation. This helps the person understand the feasibility of solving the problem even in the worst-case scenario.

The following tips can help reduce your fear of dying at home.

Death is a passage to another world

It is like a dream; in a dream, our consciousness visits this world.

To die is also to wake up. With the body, only a small part of us, called the "ego", dies. Orthodoxy speaks of the Resurrection, a new life without the illusions of the ego and body mass. We meet with our own wisdom and fullness of existence. The soul resonates with the Holy Spirit, we are everything.

Fear of death is of no use

The fear of death, despite its naturalness, is not beneficial, but quite the opposite. We do not know if we will live until the morning. We do not know what will happen next.

Uncertainty and insecurity scares us. But when a person dies, knowing that his life was good, he treated people without resentment and other negative emotions, he will not have fear.

Working on oneself, family well-being, and a charitable project takes away the time “spent” on a phobia.

Is it possible to completely get rid of thanatophobia?

This is a difficult question because instinctive soil plays a big role here. But this phobia must be dealt with. This is an important part of our life story.

The therapeutic process includes a person's awareness of how the death of others, strangers, people affects him, considering the issue from a psychological point of view.

Tocophobia - fear of pregnancy and other fears during this period

Waiting for a baby is not only a joy. This period is associated with feelings of anxiety and fear. In addition to tocophobia itself - fear of pregnancy, other obsessive thoughts arise. All of them require a specialized approach and self-control of the woman.


This type of disorder occurs in the early months of pregnancy when the fetus is most vulnerable. Most often, women who have long been unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant are exposed to it.

Depressing thoughts can haunt young girls under pressure from grandparents who want a grandson or granddaughter.

The fear of miscarriage is perfectly natural, but it should not be allowed to control life. Panic is inappropriate. It's important to talk about your feelings. Some relaxation techniques will help.

Harming a child

During pregnancy, a woman becomes more careful in trying to protect her baby. This, according to psychologists, is quite common.

It is important for a woman to realize that she is not alone in caring for a baby. It is advisable to talk to a specialist or trust a partner.

The birth of an unhealthy child

The question "What if ..." worries every expectant mother? “What if an unhealthy boy (girl) is born? What will we do?" The fears of a pregnant woman will be partially dispelled by examinations by a doctor, and consultations by a psychologist will relieve unnecessary stress.


This type of fear occurs with a first pregnancy or a bad experience in a previous birth. Often women are worried about the pain that accompanies the birth process.

In this case, being aware of what will happen in the delivery room and knowing that every woman goes through it will help.

Autophobia - fear of being alone

Autophobia is a mental disorder based on the fear of being alone. It is sometimes called monophobia or isophobia. In autophobia, as in other mental disorders, it is important to identify the problem in a timely manner and initiate treatment.

People with this disorder are not only afraid of being alone, they often think about suicide. Therefore, timely therapy will help not only get rid of fear, but also save lives. According to statistics, the majority of suicides are recorded among patients with autophobia.

Everyone is susceptible to phobias - a young girl, an older woman, a teenage boy, and an adult man.

Sometimes even an experienced doctor finds it difficult to recognize a pathology. To define the disorder, experts have developed many questionnaires and guidelines. Qualified psychotherapists use personal conversations with the patient to identify pathology.

How to overcome autophobia on your own? According to experts, understanding the problem at the initial stage is already half the success. They recommend not to wait, but to share your problems with loved ones.

Hobbies and social activities play an important role. Positive emotions and vivid impressions help to return to normal life and get rid of the phobia.

Tomophobia - fear of surgery

Fear of pain and uncertainty are the most common types of disorders.

The fear of the operation and the associated hospital stay combines not only fears of pain and uncertainty, but also anxiety about how the family will function during our absence.

Basis - preoperative period

If the person does not have an immediate threat to life, surgery is usually planned several weeks in advance. The patient's anxiety grows with the approaching date. After the operation, he disappears. But how to overcome obsessive thoughts before surgery?

Are there any tips to help you cope with this morally difficult preoperative period? Experts recommend positive thinking.

Positive thoughts

Positive thinking is the perception of an operation as a procedure aimed at improving health and quality of life. Imagine yourself being "improved" after your surgery. Do not be afraid of anesthesia, this is a procedure that saves you from feeling pain.


Dealing with the fear of surgery involves trust. If you know that doctors are experts in their field, you will not be as susceptible to phobias. When it comes to worrying about work and family while you are away, it’s good to plan ahead and make sure that “no one is lost without you.”

Aerophobia - fear of flying

Today, when air transport is as widespread as overhead transport, the fear of flying on an airplane can significantly limit a person in his daily life. Aerophobic individuals are described as fearing a plane crash or being kidnapped by terrorists.

Many people suffer from claustrophobia at the same time, exacerbating anxiety. People feel difficulties not only during the flight, but also a few days before it. Phobia can manifest itself as nausea, insomnia. As the "terrible moment" approaches, the situation worsens, and panic begins.

Find out how the plane works

The airplane is one of the most perfect human inventions. His work is based on a number of interconnected systems. If one system fails, several others remain, keeping the car in the air.

Be realistic

You've probably heard that air travel is much safer than car travel. Keep in mind that the plane crash has been discussed in the media for a long time. Much less is said about road accidents. Large numbers of people die on elevated roads, and flight remains the safest form of transport.

Turbulence is normal

Many people are afraid of turbulence. This is an unpleasant and inconvenient, but by no means dangerous phenomenon. There are no known cases of turbulence causing a serious accident. This is a normal part of the flight. The aircraft are designed with turbulence in mind, which every pilot can handle; this is one of the basics of pilot training.


If you feel anxious, hold your breath for a moment, then take a deep breath and exhale deeply. Continue until you calm down.

Use muscle contractions

Combine deep breathing with muscle contractions. The most effective method is squeezing the gluteal muscles, overcoming other nerve impulses that travel through the spine and cause stress.

Use your imagination

Imagine the moment of landing - you get off the plane, greet loved ones at the airport. Better yet, you suddenly find yourself in one of the tropical landscapes with a long, unforgettable vacation ahead of you.

Hydrophobia - fear of water

Hydrophobia is the professional name for the fear of water. Phobia is often reflected in the daily life of a person who tries to avoid large amounts of water.

Sources of panic are a dam, a lake, or even a bathtub. Hydrophobia is a psychological disorder that usually develops after bad events related to water (a person witnessed the drowning of someone close or drowned himself). Hydrophobia should be treated in collaboration with a psychologist.

Relax and calm your breath

The fear of water will not go away until you put aside your sense of danger. The only dangerous thing is fear. The first thing to learn is relaxation. See how water affects you, how it reacts to your body, movements. Breathe calmly.

Go to the pool first with someone you know will be there to support you. You will soon realize that water is a source of entertainment.

Unnecessary emotions

Another reason for hydrophobia is lack of swimming skills, fear of ridicule due to incompetence. Trust yourself. Trust me, you can do it! Just imagine how easy and elegant you float through the pool ...

Claustrophobia - fear of confined spaces

This name hides the fear of any limited, confined space. Claustrophobia occurs in an elevator, in a crowded vehicle, in a cinema, at a concert ...

Difficulties are felt in a situation when a crowd of people is present around a person. Phobia causes unpleasant physical and mental feelings, panic appears. Often in such situations people cannot react quickly and try to quickly leave the "unpleasant" place.

If claustrophobia is not too pronounced, you can deal with it yourself; you just need to know which places to avoid. However, if the disorder is at a life-limiting stage, professional help should be sought.

With claustrophobia, various forms of psychotherapy are used, which, if not completely eliminated, will significantly soften the manifestations.

Sociophobia - fears of society

Persons suffering from social phobia experience difficulties in communicating with people, they are afraid of denial, a critical reaction of the environment to their opinion. In contact with strangers, people with social phobia experience increased sweating, redness, or other unpleasant bodily sensations.

Efforts to prevent situations that lead to a negative assessment of the environment significantly limit life.

Social phobias include the following behavioral characteristics:

  • fears of "considering" other people's views in social situations;
  • fear of contact with other people;
  • fear of disagreement, refusal, criticism, ridicule, assessments;
  • significant persistent fear of being in situations where embarrassment or humiliation may arise;
  • avoiding contact with people.

The disorder is paralyzing, creates significant discomfort, disrupts daily life. Auto-training along with specialist advice will help get rid of social anxiety.

Fear of conflict

Someone made you angry, but instead of resolving the situation, you "press" everything in yourself ... You don't know if you can defend your point of view ... You like a world without quarrels, conflicts ...

Do you recognize yourself? Are you hiding behind the mask of a peace-loving person for fear of conflict (quarrels, fights)?

Remember, the problem must be solved. What should you do?

  1. Prepare for confrontation - make a short and clear statement of what is bad, describe the problem (maximum 1-2 sentences). Note! Don't describe your emotions (how bad you feel, your resentment, etc.).
  2. Don't judge the situation, just give a quick idea of ​​how to fix it.
  3. Do not try to find the culprit, do not defend yourself, speak calmly and without emotion, let your opponent express his opinion.
  4. If you know what you want to achieve as a result of the confrontation and presented your proposal, there is a high probability of success, therefore, gradually getting rid of the phobia.
Agoraphobia - fear of open spaces

This disorder usually occurs after an unpleasant experience. The result is a fear of different spaces or situations from which there is no way out. Even leaving the house can be a problem for a person.

For people with agoraphobia, fear is not associated with space itself, but with anxiety and other unpleasant feelings. Agoraphobes say that they are afraid to lose consciousness in a certain place, start screaming or otherwise express their emotions, to which the environment will react extremely negatively.

But, the more you worry about what will happen in a given place, the more the condition worsens. This ever-growing carousel of fear leads to a situation where a person tries to avoid all open spaces by completely cutting himself off from the outside world.

With agoraphobia, like social phobia, a person does not live a full life, therefore it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist and undergo specialized therapeutic methods.

Arachnophobia - fear of spiders

This disorder is known for some Hollywood special effects. A person suffering from arachnophobia experiences a tremendous fear of spiders, which seems incomprehensible and exaggerated to his environment.

However, for a person with this type of disorder, these are extremely unpleasant moments that arise in any environment where spiders may be present. For some people, even the spider's web causes anxiety attacks.

One of the methods of treatment is familiarization with the frightening object. This will not cure your phobia, but it will help you overcome yourself. No need to touch the spider directly. It is enough to watch him and accept the fact that these creatures live with us under the same roof.

If your arachnophobia is not severe, it is recommended to visit the pet store and look at the tarantulas (you will feel that your "house spiders" are not that scary).

If the problems associated with any phobia are insurmountable, seek professional help.


Phobia is a disorder that cannot be saved from following the rules of a healthy lifestyle; it does not lend itself to the therapeutic methods of traditional medicine. Fear must be overcome by the person's self-control, if necessary - with the help of a psychotherapist.

Do not be afraid to contact a specialist! Phobia is not a manifestation of cowardice, it is a disease that requires a specialized approach; some fears can not only harm health, but also lead to death!

Omar Khayyam said that inner anxiety does not eliminate future problems, but it takes away today's peace. And this is absolutely true. Alas, the constant feeling of anxiety has become an almost integral part of modern life.

People worry about health and work, about the successful solution of various life issues, even about natural disasters or the possible end of the world.

If you look at it, the feeling of anxiety has already turned into something that constantly accompanies us, a kind of background. And I must say that there is no positive in this state of affairs.

The consequences of anxiety

Anxiety not only takes away the opportunity to enjoy life, but also causes stress. And there it’s not far from depression. There is an opinion among the people that most diseases are the result of malfunctions of the nervous system.

Since everything in the body is interconnected, there is a fair amount of truth in this opinion. Frequent results, which bring constant feelings of anxiety and stress, are the following symptoms:

  • headache,
  • bad dream,
  • too low, or vice versa - excessive appetite,
  • lethargy, apathy, loss of interest in what previously aroused enthusiasm,
  • surges in blood pressure.

If a person regularly has at least a couple of manifestations from the above list, his condition cannot be called healthy. And this means that you need to deal with anxiety, as the root cause of all troubles.
Determining the cause of anxiety is the basis for solving the problem of increased anxiety

First of all, you need to determine the cause of the feelings. As soon as you feel a surge of anxiety or, again noticing that you are in a state of anxiety and depression, you need to put everything aside and dig into yourself.

Remember how long ago you began to feel something like this, try to determine what it is connected with. This will help you figure out how to get rid of your anxiety.

Perhaps the society of a certain person acts on you in such a negative way? These people are called "energy vampires". In psychology, there is another name for them - toxic people. Actually, not only men and women, but also relationships can be toxic.

Source: iStock

Having more or less accurately determined the cause of the anxiety, you need to try to "put everything on the shelves." In other words, you should think over and analyze why it is so important and essential for you.

If you find the origins of what gives rise to a constant feeling of anxiety in the soul. does not work, you need to think about all areas of your life. What doesn't suit you? What seems overwhelming or frustrating?

What causes grief? Most likely, it causes constant stress on a subconscious level, and anxiety becomes its result.
Effective tricks for dealing with anxiety

Do not hesitate to seek help from a specialist. Stress has long been recognized as a serious problem. Moreover, this is unanimously repeated by doctors and psychologists all over the world.

True, if in the West, in order to speak out and analyze some events and situations, they go to a psychoanalyst, then our mentality is somewhat different. For many, family members or friends do a great job of playing the role of a psychologist.

Telling a loved one about why you have inner anxiety is a great solution. First, what is said out loud often ceases to be a very significant problem. Secondly, sincere support and a sense of being ready to help you are excellent antidepressants.

There is another advantage here - it is possible that a friend or relative can tell you how to solve an unpleasant situation. It’s not in vain that they cook, which can be seen better from the outside.

How to relieve anxiety on your own

Not everyone wants or even can talk about their own failures, problems or fears. People see this as a weakness, a loss of authority, or they simply do not want to publicize some, personal aspects.

Then you will have to fight your anxiety on your own. With a desire and a certain perseverance, this is quite doable. Especially if you want to understand how to get rid of anxiety.

First, you need to be aware of the fact that feeling anxious is normal. This emotion belongs to the basic and is a derivative of the instinct of self-preservation.

As it evolved, the human personality became more and more complex, therefore, there were more and more reasons for experiencing. To be nervous is as natural as to be happy or sad. It is also normal to relieve feelings of anxiety.

There is no need to "break yourself" with ostentatious calmness. You may be deceiving others, but not your own brain. Driven deep into the subconscious, fear will act destructively, inner anxiety will drive you crazy. It is best to set aside time for yourself when you can feel anxious.

This will probably seem strange at first, but after a couple of sessions, you will definitely notice the result. For example, let half an hour a day you will be busy with bad thoughts, excitement and other negative experiences, but the rest of the time, forbid yourself to remember about it.

External factors in dealing with stress

In addition to self-examination and the use of a variety of psychological techniques, the correct daily regimen is no less effective in getting rid of anxiety. The rules are extremely simple, they are known to many, but this does not diminish their effectiveness in the least:

  • full, good sleep. An adult needs at least 8 hours of rest, this figure fluctuates depending on the season of the year and the level of physical activity, as well as on the general condition of the person,
  • outdoor walks and sunbathing. Man, like all life on our planet, depends on sunlight. Its lack affects mood and well-being - this is a scientifically proven fact,
  • moderate physical activity not only heals, but also stabilizes the production of endorphins - hormones of pleasure.

Soothing herbal teas are also a good idea. This is a great way to relieve anxiety. It is ideal to drink them before bed. Mint, lemon balm, thyme, chamomile and other representatives of the flora have a sedative effect. Moreover, they are completely harmless.

You need to fill your life with positive. Find what makes you happy. Make it an interesting hobby, a new book, or a vacation trip. Oscar Wilde advised to treat the soul with sensations, and he was absolutely right.

Anxiety taboo

The fears and anxieties that people suffer often have little to do with the real threat. In general, anxiety is a reaction to a person's anticipated dangers that may come from outside. It is accompanied by tension, a constant feeling of discomfort and danger. Anxiety, in contrast to the fear that appears in response to real danger, mobilizes for action and often saves.

Worry and fear can be devastating and can greatly interfere with leading a normal, healthy, happy and fulfilling life. Many people suffer from anxiety, which is a mental condition characterized by constant worrying. They constantly think about how to get rid of fear and anxiety.

If a person just feels trapped in a sense of doom or unhappiness, it is important to take appropriate action to change their life and attitude.

Painful experiences can prevent a person from living life to the fullest and from realizing their full potential. To get rid of anxiety and anxiety, it is necessary to deal with this condition systematically and in stages.

Identifying problems

The first thing to start with working on your fears is to acknowledge their existence as existing problems, and also to realize their importance and impact on your life. You need to think about what circumstances are plunging into great anxiety. Every person has such situations. This can be a fear of speaking in front of a large audience, the beginning of communication with the opposite sex, a fear of being funny, uninteresting and boring, stupid or too smart, and many other experiences. You should not bury your head in the sand, you must boldly admit your problems.

What will help in solving the problem?

Do not be afraid of your fears

Overcoming fear is always very enjoyable. This is a valuable experience and a victory over oneself, which will give us new strength and optimism. Without stress and anxiety, life would be trivial, tasteless, like soup without spices.

Many events in our life and even achievements can be caused by fears. The fear of being unrecognized makes the artist work hard and create great works, the fear of defeat makes athletes achieve high results in competitions, the musician, fearing to disappoint his fans, plays a lot, improving his skills. Fears can lead scientists, doctors and people of many specialties, stimulating them to active actions, victories and achievements.

Therefore, fear is not only an obstacle in our life, but also our opportunity and incentive.

Anxiety mobilizes creativity, enlivens our imaginations and creativity, as evidenced by the stories of many prominent people.

How to get rid of anxiety, depression and irritability?

We need to conduct a thorough analysis of our way of life. Let's take a look at how we try to solve our pressing problems, and how this affects the intensity of the anxiety and the fears that we feel.

It is common for a person to experience disturbing thoughts, which are accompanied by insomnia, anxiety. If you are in constant emotional stress, which turns into panic attacks, this means that the nervous system has malfunctioned and you need help. He has been studying how to get rid of fear and anxiety for a long time, realizing the importance of the issue. What types of fear exist, what causes of anxiety within themselves do psychologists identify? This knowledge will help us live in peace and harmony, teach us how to manage our emotions.

Definition of alarm

This is an emotion that is expressed by a whole range of unpleasant feelings and sensations. The most common negative emotions, according to psychologists, are jealousy and envy. However, experts call anxiety the most destructive and destructive emotion.

It is an uncontrollable fear of the coming events. Sigmund Freud defined anxiety as fear without a specific reason.

Important! According to statistics, it is mental disorders that are the most common psychological pathologies.

Anxiety is divided into two types:

  • normal - an anxious state occurs periodically, does not affect life;
  • pathological - negatively affects the quality of life, accompanied by vivid symptoms.

Often, anxiety is manifested in people with a rich imagination when a person is worried about future events. In a state of anxiety, a person deliberately predicts failure, foresees danger for himself.

This condition is accompanied by certain symptoms:

  • becomes more frequent;
  • sweating increases;
  • itching and dizziness occurs;
  • children become whiny and fussy.

Important! It is especially important to recognize the state of anxiety and children in adolescence. If the adolescent's speech comes up with expressions: "somehow uncomfortable" or "restless", pay attention to the psychological state of the child.

Anxiety grows gradually and reaches its peak in the evening, with physical activity a person tries to suppress aggression.

Neurotic anxiety

It is human nature to exaggerate the threat. In psychology, such a state is qualified as chronic, a person is constantly in a state of internal conflict, he is torn apart by contradictions. Against the background of the condition, neurological disorders develop, and vital activity deteriorates.

Personal anxiety

Psychologists call the state a personal psychological feature - a person experiences an anxiety state even in situations that do not pose any threat. A person is in constant stress, he perceives most events as potentially dangerous.

Anxiety and fear - what are the differences

Anxiety, panic and fear are related, however, not the same feelings.

The definition of fear in psychology is an immediate reaction to a real danger, a circumstance that poses a threat. It is necessary to understand that the psychology of fear is significantly different from anxiety emotionally and biologically. In a state of severe fright, a person is excited and focused on finding a way out of this situation.

Anxiety is more focused on future circumstances. We are talking about forebodings associated with upcoming events.

Important! Anxiety and fear are of a precautionary nature - they report a possible danger and force a person to avoid this danger. However, in most cases, anxiety arises when no danger threatens.

To understand in practice the essence of the two concepts and the difference between anxiety and fear, consider an illustrative example. A man walks down the street and a dog jumps out at him. The first feeling that arises is fear. If a person walks down the street and imagines that a dog is jumping out of the corner at him, this is anxiety.

Panic is a collection of physical symptoms that are aimed at fighting or fleeing from a contrived, non-existent threat. The panic state is accompanied by a rapid pulse, sweating, thoughts related to death arise. Psychologists note that in such a state, a person's thoughts and feelings, which can cause fear and physical ailment, are a great threat.

The psychology of fear

Two neural connections are responsible for fear and control. The first one regulates the main emotions, is characterized by a quick reaction, accompanied by a large number of wrong actions. The second is characterized by a slow but clear reaction. The first link provides a quick reaction to a potentially dangerous situation, but often the alarm turns out to be false. The second neural connection allows you to correctly see and assess the situation, the degree of threat, and choose the right solution.

If fear is triggered by the first neural connection, the second connection is automatically blocked, which is able to distinguish between real and unreal dangerous sources. When a phobia develops, the second neural connection does not function correctly, the person experiences uncontrollable fear.

Fear concepts, its causes

Psychology identifies fears of a person in the list of the most powerful negative emotions, they are short-term and long-term. Most often, the condition is accompanied by emotional and physical discomfort, at the same time fear is a signal for a person to protect.

Fear is accompanied by rash actions and severe anxiety, the condition is called a panic attack. Everyone's fear proceeds differently, depending on the psychoemotional state, the characteristics of upbringing. A timely identified reason that provoked fear will allow the specialist to quickly determine further actions aimed at eliminating the pathological condition.

The reasons for fear are obvious and hidden, but in most cases the obvious reasons are not stored in memory. The situation is more complicated with the latent causes that are deeper roots. Among the main psychologists distinguish:

  • psychological trauma of childhood;
  • excessive parental care;
  • moral.

There are also reasons that formulate and develop independently. They are provoked by feelings of rejection, depression, constant loneliness.

The effect of fear on a person

To talk about the effect of fear on a person, you need to understand how this emotion affects us. On the one hand, any fear destroys and suppresses, does not allow to live and develop. A person who is afraid becomes weak, weak-willed. However, this emotion has another side - overcoming fear within ourselves, we become stronger, we receive a charge of energy. Eastern wisdom accurately conveys the essence of the psychological state - the one who overcomes himself becomes powerful.

Psychologists believe that there are no fears that cannot be overcome. There are faint-hearted people who are unable to find the strength, resources, enough to cope with fear. The easiest way to overcome fear is to find support, someone who is experiencing the same problems. There is much more to be done together than alone. It is preferable to look for a like-minded person who is more experienced, otherwise you will have to drag your partner along. Develop in all directions, for the more you know, the easier it is to overcome the subsequent fear. Try to deliberately expand your own comfort zone.

Important! To overcome fear, it is necessary, first of all, to learn how to defend against negativity. To do this, you need to be alone and imagine that rain is pouring down on you from above, which washes away dirt and fatigue.

How to get rid of fear and anxiety

First of all, you need to understand that every person is capable of overcoming fear and it is not so difficult. The main thing is to set yourself a clearly formulated task - how to stop worrying and become happy - and follow the recommendations of psychologists. Self-regulation and expert advice will help you:

  1. Determine the cause of your worries and learn not to hide, but boldly admit your fear. This is important as it will help you draw up a further action plan and follow it.
  2. Learn to relax. The constant feeling of anxiety is mentally and physically exhausting, therefore it is especially important to rest and relax in order to restore energy and spent strength. Take walks in the fresh air, do yoga, take warm baths, listen to music.
  3. Discuss your condition with a loved one you trust. Quite often, after a confidential conversation, the attitude towards negative emotions changes - it becomes calmer, it is possible to soberly assess the situation.
  4. Write down thoughts and feelings on paper. If you do not have the opportunity to talk with a loved one, keep a personal diary, where you write down all thoughts, feelings, experiences. Rereading the text makes it easier to understand the causes of anxiety and fear.
  5. Smile often. Make it a rule to bring humor into your life, watch more comedies, read jokes, do it with friends. Laughter allows you to forget about problems and overcome fear.
  6. Don’t sit around, find a hobby, a favorite pastime, just tidy up the apartment. A person who is not busy with anything necessarily has dark thoughts that do not allow them to relax.
  7. It is unlikely that it will be possible to constantly keep experiences and anxieties under control, set aside a certain time for them, for example, 15-20 minutes every day. Let your imagination run wild, but don't analyze the emotions, just relive them. When the allotted time is over, return to your usual activities.
  8. Don't let yourself go back to the past and failures. Remember, the past has already passed and in the future it will be completely different. real.
  9. Visualize - as soon as your imagination starts drawing scary pictures, switch to something good, imagine only a positive outcome of the situation. Psychologists note that positive visualization affects life circumstances and allows you to radically change them.
  10. To overcome fear, you don't need to feed negative emotions. This primarily applies to impressionable people. Refuse to watch crime news, horror films.
  11. Communicate more with people. You cannot be alone when you are overcome by anxiety. Go to the movies with friends, go to a concert, go in for sports. Give preference to live communication.
  12. Mantras and affirmations help fight fear. You can use ready-made texts or write your own.

How to make an action plan

A psychologist will tell you how to deal with fears inside yourself in detail and in an accessible way. There are situations when it is impossible to cope with anxious feelings on your own, then you need to. Sometimes the problem lies so deep that only an experienced psychologist or psychotherapist can get to it. A specialist will help you understand the causes of anxiety, tell you how to deal with fear and panic.

Important! Special sedatives should be prescribed only by a specialist; you cannot take them on your own. Do not overcome fear, but folk remedies will help alleviate the condition - valerian, chamomile, mint, motherwort, lemon balm.

If you are overcome with worries, anxieties, do not be shy about them. Accept and acknowledge your imperfection, in this case it will become much easier to overcome fear. All people are afraid of something and many manage to overcome their fear, and if one can, then the other can. Turn your worries in a positive direction, as most have succeeded through fear that has driven them forward through adversity. The topic of how to get rid of fear and anxiety is very broad. The main thing is that these negative emotions can be made your allies.

To learn how to overcome fear, watch the video.



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