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How to get rid of the fear of death and suffering. How to get rid of the fear of death: advice and psychotherapeutic help. The reasons for the fear of death in a person

Among the large number of phobias known to psychologists, the fear of death is of the greatest interest. The fear of the inevitable is called thanatophobia. Signs of this phobia are present in more than half of the world's population, so the question of how to get rid of the fear of death is always relevant.

Fear of death is inherent in many people.

Thanatophobia is expressed by a distorted perception of one's own life. It is impossible to be in constant fear, you should find ways to combat thanatophobia until its manifestation leads to serious consequences.

Features of the manifestation of fear of death

Most people are afraid of death. The feeling of anxiety that arises when thinking about the inevitable is associated with the uncertainty of the future. It is impossible to find a rational explanation of the feelings experienced and the state after death, which causes attacks of panic attacks.

Despite the fact that the fear of death is natural, its active manifestation is a serious psychological disorder. The absence of fear is also unnatural. The fear of dying often arises in childhood. Stressful situations of a child can be associated with the loss of loved ones or with receiving negative information about the other world through the media, books, computer games, etc. It remains in the subconscious of people.

Fear can be so intense that the feeling of anxiety can develop into a panic attack and a nervous breakdown. Obsessive fear can affect not only the human psyche, but also its physiological and behavioral characteristics. The patient may sleep poorly at night, he may experience bouts of nausea, dizziness. Unable to overcome the fear, the signs of thanatophobia can become so strong that the patient may lose interest in life and have thoughts of suicide.

The risk group includes religious people. Any religion gives its explanations to the mysterious phenomenon of death and the future that awaits people beyond it.

It is necessary to eliminate manifestations of fears: what to do and who to turn to.

Who most often suffers from the fear of death

Obsessive fear, which manifests itself when remembering death, can manifest itself in different ways. Some people do not suffer from panic attacks. Despite their fear, they know how to control themselves and in a timely manner to overcome the feeling of danger and uncertainty. People are most prone to thanatophobia:

  • impressionable;
  • excitable;
  • disturbing;
  • not confident in themselves;
  • prone to obsessive behavior;
  • fixated on personal problems.

Such people cannot overcome thoughts of death on their own. Obsessive thoughts of death, panic attacks and other signs can be not only symptoms of a phobia, but also other serious psychological disorders. Often, the feeling of anxiety is so strong that it is reflected in their behavior. They cannot work normally, communicate with loved ones and do what they love.

How to get rid of the fear of death for people with psychological disorders? Doctors are confident that independent attempts are futile. Professional help of a specialist is required.

Overcoming obsessive fear can only be done with the help of a specialist.

Features of dealing with the fear of death

How to overcome the fear of death? Do not give up. The point is, it's okay to be afraid to die. It is bad to suffer from this. Ways to get rid of a phobia lead to the acquisition of skills to deal with its symptoms.

Having come to an appointment with a specialist, he will listen to complaints, analyze the anamnesis and conduct a diagnostic study, based on the results of which therapy will be built. Treatment of such a phobia is most often carried out by methods:

  • hypnosis;
  • cognitive behavioral psychotherapy;
  • taking medications.

The application of a particular method depends on various factors. The features of the manifestation of fear are important, as well as the presence of serious mental disorders in the patient.

Psychotherapeutic methods

The most widespread in the treatment of the disease is cognitive-behavioral therapy. Correction of the phobic disorder occurs by instilling in the patient the benefits of life. Before that, it is important to understand the causes of the phobia, analyze them and correctly interpret them to the patient. The sooner a person realizes that death is a natural process, in which there is nothing terrible, the faster the patient's health will be restored.

No less popular in the treatment of fear of death and hypnosis. It is often done in conjunction with conventional psychotherapy.

With a slight manifestation of phobia, complete recovery can be achieved in several sessions. If these methods do not give the desired effect, medication may be required.

Drug treatment for phobia

Drug therapy is one of the methods of how to deal with the fear of death. It is necessary to do as the attending physician recommends. Reception of tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers and psycholeptic drugs should be carried out strictly according to the indicated dosage. Any deviations from the course are dangerous.

The main purpose of taking medication when diagnosing fear of death is to relieve restless symptoms of a phobia. The correct selection of drugs allows you to get rid of the following symptoms:

  • labored breathing;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • trembling in the body;
  • insomnia;
  • excessive sweating;
  • feeling of weakness.

The person himself does not need to do anything. It is enough to take sedatives, tranquilizers or antidepressants according to the scheme prescribed by the attending physician. Taking medication can relieve the symptoms of anxiety by gently affecting the nervous system. The number of attacks and their duration are reduced.

Medication can only be taken in strictly limited quantities.

How to overcome fear of death? You can find answers to an exciting question in the advice of psychologists. Experts are sure that with mild thanatophobia, you can do without taking medications and without using professional psychotherapy. With the systematic manifestation of panic attacks, it is important to learn how to relax and switch your thoughts to something pleasant and positive. How to overcome the fear of death:

  1. You should share your problems with loved ones or seek help from a psychologist. Keeping your fears within you is dangerous.
  2. You need to change your values. Try to live and enjoy every moment.
  3. Find new hobbies, activities that will bring pleasure to a person: creativity, sports, yoga and meditation. For a patient who diversifies his life with new experiences, it is easier to determine the advantages of his existence, concentrating his attention only on positive thoughts.
  4. Avoid the anxiety associated with thoughts of death. You should refuse to watch films, TV programs and news, which show scenes of murder, suicide, etc.
  5. Learn to suppress all attempts of fear to master the emotional state of the patient. You can get rid of panic attacks by avoiding them.

How to cope with the fear of death can be suggested by those people who have already received the experience of facing clinical death. People who survived it cease to suffer from the fear of dying. It will be easier to remove the signs of a phobia when the patient knows that thanatophobia is just a psychological disorder.

To live and think that this will never touch me is wrong. Any tragic event can cause an emotional breakdown, the consequences of which can be unpredictable.

You need to be prepared for anything, using various psychological techniques. This will improve mental health and relieve the person of the risk of thanatophobia and other fears.


Fear of death is a common phenomenon for modern people. Some people are so worried about the unknown that they panic. Such a manifestation of fear is dangerous for a person's mental health. It is important to learn how to resist your own phobia.

Modern psychotherapy can offer the patient several methods to get rid of thanatophobia. The most popular are cognitive behavioral therapy and hypnosis. The patient himself must rethink his attitude to life, share his experiences with loved ones and begin to correctly perceive death as a natural inevitable process.

It is the largest in 90% of the planet. It is not surprising - death is associated for most of us with an inevitable end, with the end of life and the transition to a new incomprehensible and frightening state. In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to get rid of such fear in principle, and how to stop being afraid of death.

We sing the ode to life

Imagine spring. Blooming trees, fresh greenery, birds returning from the south. This is the time when even the most gloomy pessimists feel ready for any deeds and submit to the general good mood. Imagine the end of November now. If you do not live in warm regions, then the picture is drawn not the most rosy. Bare trees, puddles and mud, slush, rain and wind. The sun sets early, and at night it is uncomfortable and uncomfortable. It is clear that in such weather, the mood is, as they say, lousy - but in any case, we know that autumn will pass, then a snowy winter with a bunch of holidays will come, and then nature will come to life again and we will be genuinely happy and happy with life.

If only things were so easy and understandable with the understanding of life and death! But it was not there. We do not know, and the unknown strikes us with terror. of death? Read this article. You will receive easy-to-follow recommendations that will relieve you of far-fetched fears.

What is the cause of the fear?

Before answering the question of death, let's look at what it comes from.

1. It is human nature to assume the worst.... Imagine that a loved one does not come home at the right time, and does not pick up the phone and does not answer messages. Nine out of ten people will assume the worst - something bad has happened, since he cannot even answer the call.

And when a loved one finally appears and explains that he was busy, and the phone "sat down", we throw out a lot of emotions on him. How could he make us so worried and nervous? Familiar situation? The fact is that people most often assume the worst in order to then breathe out with relief or accept the inevitable already doomed and prepared. Death is no exception. We do not know what it is, but we are already in the mood for the worst outcome.

2. Fear of the unknown. We are afraid of what we do not know. Our brain is to blame for this, or rather, how it works. When we repeat the same action day after day, a stable chain of neural connections is built in the brain. For example, suppose you go to work the same way every day. One day, for whatever reason, you need to take a different path - and you will experience discomfort, even if the new road is shorter and more convenient. It's not a matter of preference, it's just that the structure of our brain also scares us for this reason - we did not experience it, we do not know what will happen next, and this word is alien to the brain, causes rejection. Even people who don't believe in hell feel discomfort when they hear about death.

3. Concepts of Hell and Paradise. If you grew up in a religious family, then you probably have your own opinion about the structure of the afterlife. The most widespread religions today promise paradise for the righteous and hellish torments for those who lead a life that is not pleasing to God. Given today's realities of life, it is very difficult to be righteous, especially as required by strict religious canons. As a result, every believer understands that perhaps after death he will not see the gates of paradise. And boiling cauldrons are unlikely to inspire enthusiasm to quickly find out what is hidden behind the threshold of death.

Don't think about the white monkey

Next, we will tell you about several proven ways to stop fearing death and start living. The first step is to accept the fact that you are mortal. This is inevitable, and as they say, no one has yet left this place alive. However, fortunately, we do not know when our departure will happen.

This may happen tomorrow, in a month or many decades. Is it worth worrying about what will happen at an unknown date? They are not afraid of death, simply accepting the fact of its inevitability - this is the first answer to the question of how to stop being afraid of death.

Religion is not the answer

A common misconception is the idea that religion gives comfort to the living and relieves the fear of death. Of course it does, but in a completely irrational way. Since no one in the world knows what will happen after the end of life, there are many versions of this. Religious ideas about hell and heaven are also a popular version, but is it reliable? If you honor your God from childhood (it does not matter what religion you profess), then it is difficult for you to accept the idea that not a single priest knows what will happen to you after death. Why? Because no one has yet left this place alive and no one has yet returned from there.

Hell in our imagination is drawn as a completely inhospitable place, and therefore death can be frightening for this reason. We are not encouraging you to give up your faith, but no faith should inspire fear. Therefore, there is another answer to the question of how to stop thinking about death. Give up the belief, the inevitable choice between hell and heaven awaits you!

Often people are afraid not so much of death as of what may lead to it - for example, disease. This fear is as meaningless as the dread of death, but it can be effectively dealt with. As you know, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body, which means that as soon as you feel healthy, irrational fears will leave you. Go in for sports, but not through "I do not want", but with pleasure. It may not be so boring serving as a favorite pastime - dancing, swimming, cycling. Start watching what you eat, quitting alcohol or smoking. As soon as you feel yourself confidently on your feet, with good health, you will stop thinking about disease, and therefore, about death.

Live the day

There is a saying: "Tomorrow never comes. You wait for the evening, it comes, but it comes now. I went to bed, woke up - now. A new day has come - and again now."

No matter how afraid you are of the future, in the general sense of the word it will never come - you will be in the moment of "now" all the time. So is it worth letting your thoughts carry you far while you are in the here and now all the time?

Why not?

Now it is fashionable to make tattoos in the form of life-affirming inscriptions, and young people often choose the Latin expression "carpe diem". Literally it stands for "Live by the day" or "Live by the moment". Don't let negative thoughts take you out of your life - this is the answer to the question of how to stop fearing death.

And at the same time remember death

Exploring the life of authentic Indian tribes that live in Latin America, historians were surprised to find that the Indians honor death and remember it every day, almost every minute. However, this is not because of fear of her, but, on the contrary, because of the desire to live fully and consciously. What does it mean?

As we said above, thoughts often carry us from the moment now into the past or future. We know about death, we are often afraid of it, but on a subconscious level we do not believe in its reality just for us. That is, it is something that will happen someday. The Indians, on the contrary, understand for themselves that death can come at any moment, and therefore they live with maximum return right now.

How to get rid of the fear of death? Just remember about her. Do not expect with fear, but just keep somewhere in the subconscious that she can come at any time, which means that there is no need to postpone important matters for later. How not to be afraid of death? Pay attention to family and friends, your hobbies, go in for sports, change your hateful job, develop a business that is close to you in spirit. As you go about your life, you will stop thinking about death with fear.

Sometimes we worry not so much about ourselves as about those who are dear to us. Such experiences are especially familiar to parents - as soon as the beloved child lingers on an evening walk or stops answering mom's calls, the most terrible thoughts come to mind. You can deal with your fear - if you want, of course.

You will not be able to take care of your child forever, and besides, nothing good comes from your experiences. But you yourself suffer, shaking your nervous system with far-fetched fears.

Accept that things run their course. Be calm, don't worry. And remember that thinking about the bad is a favorite activity of the brain, but not yours.

The fear of death, taught by religion, psychologists, and wise popular advice, is useful. He makes you act more carefully in life, take care of your loved ones and dear people. But sometimes a healthy sense of self-preservation or worrying about a parent or child can drive you crazy. If you don’t pull yourself together, it’s easy to end up in a hospital bed in a psychiatric clinic ...

Fear of death of loved ones: how to deal with it? You will have to look for the answer in yourself

How to deal with the fear of death?

Popular beliefs claim that in the thoughts of an imminent parting with life, negative is hidden - it is easy to "incite" trouble (visualize, as psychologists say). You need to understand yourself, understand the roots of feelings and determine what sadness is connected with.

1. Forebodings are not born from scratch - sometimes a book you read or a TV story you see creates unpleasant associations. It is easy to take advantage of the habit of “trying everything on yourself” - to sign up for a volunteer squad and help other people.

2. Incomprehensible dreams, illness of relatives or own health problems - it is better to direct energy into the mainstream of recovery. Sometimes bad visions reflect “inverted” reality (bad means quick happy events).

3. The gypsy guessed (sent damage, wished evil). For comfort, you can change the church name, which is not told to anyone to get rid of similar situations in the future. Death, according to Buddhists, is simply a transition from one stage of being to another. In Islam and Christianity, this is the end of earthly suffering and "returning home." Sometimes such phobias are a reason for converting to faith, but having chosen this path, one should turn to traditional confessions (recruiters of sects do not let people in a spiritual search pass by themselves).

Fear of death of loved ones: how to deal with it?

Alas, sometimes the fear of losing a loved one is selfish. People feel sorry for themselves if they have to live alone. Leaving loved ones and loved ones alone and finding a job you love is a great way to switch, become successful, find friends, and expand your circle of friends. Other tips dictated by fashion publications will also help.

1. Turn to a confessor or an experienced psychotherapist if the problem gnaws from the inside and poisons life. It is easier to deal with phobias together, and it is also easier to deal with the fear of death.

2. To direct love and free time to those about whom the feelings are most powerful. Only gifts, joint pastime should bring joy to the culprit of sad thoughts. Fulfilling the dreams of loved ones during life is the best that can be.

3. Say “I love” and “thank you” to these people more often. And in parallel, it is worthwhile to calm down, relax, undergo an examination by a therapist for hypovitaminosis (sometimes fears are caused by stress, problems, even a lack of iodine). The main thing is not to dismiss phobias. It is easy to find the cause of the experiences by remembering, after which they were activated.

Mentally let go of someone (something), forgive others and yourself - and start living, for real, for your own pleasure. As philosophers say, a person has no power over his birth or death, but to fill this segment, called life, meaning and human dignity, is the right and duty of everyone. You can think about what will happen tomorrow. We must live, love, rejoice and rejoice today.

Fear of death (thanatophobia)- this is a person's phobia, expressed in an obsessive, uncontrollable fear of dying suddenly or a reflection of feelings in front of the unknown, something incomprehensible and indefinite. Many people admit to themselves that they have a fear of death, but such admission does not mean that they have a fear of life or in some way this fear prevents them from living happily. Often educated, curious people are prone to thanatophobia, which is caused by the desire to control their lives in everything. But with death, as well as with birth, people cannot do anything. So what's the point in thinking about it, to be afraid of her, if a person cannot change anything.

Causes of the fear of death

The peculiarities of any fear are marked by an error in the perception of the picture of the world. Phobia in a person acts as a kind of signal in the need to change something in his life in order to implement an effective and harmonious life. And only to decide for yourself: whether to deal with your phobias, in order to live harmoniously and happily, or continue to live in the lead of your own, while forgetting about dreams, life aspirations, hiding deeply from yourself and from others your experiences.

Elderly people tend to feel the approach of death, because every day they live brings them closer to the abyss. Many people understand this, but for most people, the approaching end is an even greater reason to appreciate the present, enjoy and experience all the happy moments of life. A significant part of individuals are afraid of dying, which is quite logical, because this fear can arise for reasons beyond the control of a person. Some people experience the fear of death due to old age, others are worried about the fear of death of loved ones and the associated loss. Some are afraid of the very fact of becoming dead, while for others the very experience is hidden in the act of cessation of life activity. But if a person's phobia is so strong that it affects daily life, then this is not just a problem, but some forms of the disease that are associated with the central nervous system.

No one is able to answer the question of what death is, so everyone is afraid of it. While a person is alive, death is absent, but with its arrival, life ends. Therefore, one of the reasons for the fear of dying is the fear of the destructive side of death, since there is nothing after it.

The onset of thanatophobia can be affected by the loss of a loved one. Sometimes it is enough to penetrate into the consciousness of the frightening image associated with the end of life. The media also play an important role in shaping the launch of the idea of ​​thanatophobia in the psyche. The individual begins to think about his death and consciousness seeks answers to all incomprehensible questions with painful spiritual searches. Thus, thanatophobia is a natural process of comprehending the idea of ​​the finiteness of human existence.

How to get rid of the fear of death

The fear of dying lives deeply in every individual and often during his life a person is faced with death. It can be accidents, serious illnesses, domestic injuries, emergencies, military actions, but, despite this, a person finds the strength to overcome the horror and get rid of this phobia, continuing to live, love, develop, get an education, enjoy life.

Those who experience this phobia should live their lives in such a way that on their deathbed they say in the affirmative: "I have lived my life for a reason and filled it with vivid memorable moments." Constantly experiencing this fear and hiding behind it is burying oneself "alive".

How to overcome the fear of death? Answer yourself to the question: "Is death so terrible to lose the ability to move forward in life?" Often, the attitude towards death changes with age, and in the course of life, the experience gained makes it possible to create defensive reactions to this phobia.

Toddlers usually believe in their exclusivity: "I'm special, so I can't die." Faced with death, children understand it in their own way: "Grandpa just fell asleep and will soon wake up." Children often lack knowledge, which completely confuses them in understanding the natural and inevitable final stage of an individual's existence.

In adolescence, children begin to believe in a higher force or a personal savior who will not allow something irreparable or terrible to happen.

It is common for adolescents to romanticize death, ridicule or flirt with it. Hence, a suicidal tendency arises and the desire to assert itself in this way. Teenagers often do not understand that "playing with death" can really lead to it. Developmental deviations in children can lead to the formation of a persistent fear of dying.

So how do you get rid of the fear of death? Many, fearing death, try to distance themselves away from it, do not visit their dying relatives, and avoid appearing at the cemetery. However, all the same, an irreversible cessation of vital activity will occur for everyone. It is necessary to realize the following cycle: birth-life-death. Everything that has a beginning also has an end, and this is inevitable. Therefore, you should live the way you want. Don't waste your life worrying about this pattern. It is necessary to replace experiences with new acquaintances, impressions from communicating with interesting people, you should read and rethink the philosophical or religious literature about the inevitable cessation of life. It is required to do everything that can distract from this phobia.

One of the methods that professionals use to combat this disorder is to instill in patients the confidence that life is valuable in the moment. If you are afraid of the coming day, then enjoy the present. An individual should find the strength in himself to look at the inevitable future in a different way and accept it. If you do not have enough strength, then you need to seek psychological help. Fear of sudden death is successfully treated with hypnosis, some cases are cured with the help of cognitive.

Hello. It began to seem to me all empty and in vain, that everyone was pounding like ants, and in the end we were all waiting for one thing - death. I love myself and my loved ones so much that it’s scary to imagine the torment of one of us! It is also scary to imagine how the body will be burned or worms will eat it. Because of this, you begin to think about the futility of taking care of yourself, about all kinds of creams and clothes. After all, the body is perishable. You start to think why this cycle was invented. Why should good people suffer and suffer? Why “Someone” made us so fragile in the face of danger. I am now an unemployed smart girl with 2 higher educations. I have osteochondrosis and ringing in my ear. But the panic attack happened at work 2 years ago when nothing bothered me. The work was not interesting and monotonous. There were boring people in the team. All people, by the way, seem to me somehow naive, relaxed and not knowing what awaits them. And I'm always tense and think about "this"

  • Hello, Elena. This is just the case when "woe from wits." You are absolutely right and correctly noted that many do not bother with eternal questions: life and death. Maybe they are right, because their thoughts are aimed at living life here and now. On the other hand, the realization that life is fleeting can give you the idea of ​​living happily every day.

Perhaps my comment will help someone))) the fear of death appeared when I was 7 years old. Childhood took its toll and I was forgotten, playing with friends, reading books, but once or twice a month, I froze and grew cold from this thought - death would come and there was no getting away from it!
at forty I was given a brochure about Christ. There was also a prayer of repentance. I read it and put it aside. And the next day (I was alone at home) I knelt down (as advised in the brochure) and said this simple prayer, not counting on anything. Sounds also flew from my lips, and from behind and from above, it descended - You are forgiven!
I deliberately chose this word - condescended! Because there is no other way to express what happened and how it happened. The rest of the day passed in a kind of euphoria, joy. And only the next day, I realized the reason for the enduring joy - the fear of death disappeared! Generally! I didn’t wake up at night anymore, didn’t freeze, everything inside didn’t get cold from that thought. That thought, in my head, was no longer there! For 8 years, from 1996 to 2003, I went to meetings at the Baptist prayer house (they were the ones who gave me that brochure). In 2004 I left the church, a year later I threw out the Bible, and a year later I renounced Christ. Another year was spent on deliverance from the fear of sin (whoever was born again knows what it is - the fear of sin). And only a year later, after that, the fear of death returned, but not that - pathological, but a simple and clear thought - I am a man and I am mortal.

I'm only 16, and I already have advanced thanatophobia. From the age of 3 I understand what death is. Every day before going to bed I struggle with the thoughts “I, too, will die someday, I will be gone, and my family will be gone someday. What happens after death? " I'm tired of crying every night. I'm afraid to tell my mom. I just can't hold back everything to myself.

Hello, I'm 19 and it seems that I shouldn't even think about death, but in short, I believe in rebirth and I rather have not even fear of death, but some kind of sadness, depression, because rebirth involves the loss of memories of past lives, and this is so it’s awful to understand that you’ll forget everything: your family, the house, the person you’ll love… well, and yourself in the end. And you keep thinking, but how many lives have already been, how many times I had the same thoughts in past lives, how many times I have forgotten my relatives and loved ones, how many more times will I think about it in my next lives ... so scary that I will forget my parents, dear house, friends, I will forget THIS my life ...
Write if you want to help, but without “live in the moment” or “change your religion” it only makes it worse. Thank you for listening)

Hello everyone!! I got married for 25 years 5 years ago and gave birth to a son, 4 years old,) these 4 years I have not seen happiness, always under stress, I could not feel how my son is growing, he was constantly sick and from this I was stressed, and my husband is all bad, and there is no desire to do something to dress as if I have lost my taste for life (and always death in my head, that I will die nothing in my life

The fear of one's own death is present, but unobtrusively. True, sometimes it happens that I can't sleep: I see myself dead (mentally). My mother died, more than a year has passed since then. What scares me to the point of stupidity is ignorance: what's wrong with her? Isn't she scared, isn't it painful? I pray for her as best I can, and I myself do not believe in what I am doing.

In 2016 my husband and I decided to adopt 2 children from Ukraine. The procedure for international adoption, in a nutshell, pumping money into the brazen, paid for the SV to the escort, fed in restaurants, etc. If you try to object, put a spoke in the wheel, delay the time of stay ...
Since then, I started having nightmares - I wake up in horror - Sasha, they won't give us children. And so it went on until they returned home with the children.
But the nightmares did not stop - I wake up in fear almost every night, trying to explain to my husband why I should die. The reason is, in a dream, it seems to me that by coincidence of some missed actions (I did not fill out something, did not send it on time), I am faced with the fact of an unnamed death.
I'm already tired of this. But I don’t know how to stop it.

I have been living with thoughts of death almost every day for many years. For me, it’s useless to fight this fear. It can be drowned out, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to fully come to terms with the realization that life is finite. A psychologist can probably help a person learn to take this inevitability more calmly, I don’t know, never addressed. But it seems to me that the best way is to find some noble, worthy goal in life. At one time I also suffered greatly from the fact that I would die. Until at some point I realized that the cruelty and injustice of the world brings me even greater suffering than the inevitability of death and from this I wanted, on the contrary, to quickly leave this world. If you think about it, you will notice that while someone is enjoying life, having fun and rushing to fulfill all their desires, at this time a lot of people, abandoned children and homeless animals are suffering around. Every second, someone in the world suffers or dies. For me, this realization is unbearable. Therefore, I am in a hurry to help, because I can’t stand the suffering and torment of others, and it’s no longer up to myself and my fears. Doing good things to unhappy people or animals gives me some comfort.
Maybe this method will help someone else to forget a little about the fear of death.

Hello, I did not find my case in the article. I am afraid to die early, without having lived my life completely, I am afraid to grow old, since old age leads to death, I am afraid that my life will be interrupted and everything that is so dear and valuable to me will become useless to anyone. Before, I always thought about the future, planned ahead, dreamed. Now I am scared to plan something a month in advance, it seems that it is so long and that I may not live until the end of this month. I want to get rid of it, I don’t know how ... now it has become difficult to do something or act or decide on something.

  • Almagul, I have been living with this for many years. And now I began to understand that death, like life, cannot be canceled, and whatever we do, wherever we look, the law of nature cannot be canceled. So you just have to live and smile. And also, to believe that we live forever. Good luck.

Hello to all. The fear of death is terribly constant and everywhere I think about it, if something somewhere gets sick, thoughts immediately appear that it is fatal, I have already gone through almost all the doctors. He constantly lets go of tears for a short while, and again covers them with a wave of these thoughts. Who coped with this write….

  • I have the same thoughts. I have lived in this fear for several years and it drives me crazy. I have many chronic diseases and I am terribly afraid of dying of some sort. My sister was dying hard, screaming, I don't want to die, but she died in agony. Now I was even more scared. I have completely lost my sleep, I live in horror. Whoever has experienced this will understand.

Nine months ago I was treated for neuro-asthenic syndrome. It became easier, but there was pressure, sometimes dizziness bothers me, I also have cervical osteochondrosis, in addition, an obsessive thought appeared: my consciousness as if periodically instills in me, that is, the thought “I will die soon” appears in my head, but I drive these thoughts away with all my might and I inspire myself now out loud, then to myself the following words: "No, I will live happily ever after!" This is how two thoughts argue in my mind: one negative, the other positive, and it all started during an illness. From my youth and to this day I am worried about the fear of death (as I think about it, it becomes so creepy, scary, everything grows cold inside). How to get rid of these thoughts, maybe you need to contact one of the specialists?) Please tell me if you can.

  • I also had a fear of death. I dealt with fear using Slavinsky GP 4 techniques and deep PEAT. It's not easy. The fear of death has many roots (causes), each of which should be worked out and removed. I don't know any other ways anymore.

Good afternoon! I'm 40 years old. My fear with PA appeared 8 months ago, when there were problems in gynecology that were resolved. Now every day I am afraid of getting sick and dying. I bypassed all the doctors, I take tests as soon as it hurts where it hurts. Was at a psychiatrist, prescribed Paxil, Grandaxin. They only make me worse. I drink afobazol, it helps a little, but as soon as you throw it, everything comes back. For some reason, I feel very bad from morning until 4 pm (I'm scared), but by the evening I'm getting better and I'm almost a normal person, I sleep normally. Why is this happening? I even had to quit, I couldn't work. Thanks!

  • Elena, I also suffer from this problem, fear eats me up (thanatophobia), I also drink antidepressants. Only tranquilizers help. I seem to be losing my mind on the sly. Because of this illness, I also do not work. Although she was a successful girl, she worked as a nurse, drove a car. And now I sit at home or with my mother or husband ... thoughts of suicide, I'm tired of living like this .... I am 32 years. Email me if you want: rudermanelina (dog) gmail.com

    The use of antidepressants should always be concurrent with therapy by a psychotherapist. Necessarily. The simplest thing that can be advised to alleviate the condition is work with the body (clamps), 16 muscle groups using a special technique (tension-relaxation) and breathing 7-7-7-7 (at the expense of 7 we inhale, then we stop and up to 7 , then exhale at 7, and so on). After that, we work with thoughts and attitudes. Only joint action will help.

    After the operation, I began to be afraid of everything in general, derealization, obsessive thoughts about murder, as a result, now I am afraid of death and lose loved ones, I also don’t know what to do with this, I’m going to a psychotherapist, I don’t know what he will tell me and how to help, the psychologist had only one thing session, nothing has happened yet.



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