the main - Stepanova Natalia.
For relaxation and full relaxation. Rest, complete relaxation. III stage. Relaxation

Self-massage Dao - Yin
Exercise and stretching
Chinese herbury
Chinese medicine. Why it is necessary to begin to treat the disease as early as possible
Chinese medicine. Conclusion

Although the work and physical exercises are necessary for circulation of Qi and blood in the body so that the spleen and the stomach can normally accumulate qi and blood, thereby becoming the possibility of the body to resist diseases, each our word, thought or action leads to the consumption of a certain number of qi and the essence of jin. Each thought, word or action is a manifestation of qi movement through the conversion and intake of Yin. While our body creates more Qi than consumes, we are developing and feeling excellent. Nevertheless, from thirty-five, our digestive system begins to malfunction and the body is no longer able to create the same amount of qi from the meal that we eat, and from the air that we inhale how in young years. With age, it is becoming increasingly harder and more difficult to reimburse Qi, which we consumed per day, so you have to relate more carefully to rest and relaxation.

Physical rest

Chapter 39 Su Ven (Simple Questions) reads: "Overvoltage leads to exhaustion." Thus, when we work, go or talk, it is very important to stop and relax before we are too tired. This concerns long-term voltage and overvoltage, that is, what a person does either too long or too intensely, at the limit of its own forces. Walk - not too tense occupation, however, if a person passes too much, his strength is depleted. If a person tries to raise the subject, which is too heavy for him, it will also lead to the destruction of qi. As Song Si Mao said: "For a person it is useful to engage in light work and avoid severe, which surpasses its capabilities." In particular, in modern developed countries in people a relatively long working day. Recently, I read that in the era of Neolithic, people had to work in just 20 hours a week to provide themselves with food and herbal. However, now in the so-called highly developed countries, people constantly have to work for 40 hours a week, and even more. Therefore, it is very important to allocate enough time for a normal rest every day and for a long stay (i.e. leave) once a year.

Savings in speech

For people living in the West, it is very important to understand that during the conversation a large number of qi is spent. Chapter 1 of this book described how qi is created in the human body. Qi is a combination of inhaled air and a fine essence of food and liquid. This combination occurs in the lungs and when conversation instantly goes out, that is, absorbs at its very source. Lee Dong Yuan perfectly understood what great harm could bring immigration in a conversation, therefore his last and most significant work, Pi Wei Lun (treatise on the spleen and stomach), began his next instruction:
"Keep serenity in every sense, be calm in every sense and follow the natural law. Man of heaven (i.e., the immortal) reached everything. But who am I actually? I have to at least not be too verbal. "


Sleep is the most significant rest during the day. During sleep, all the functions of the body slow down and qi and blood, which we did not have time to spend per day, are transformed and accumulated in the body in the form of the entity of jin. The duration of each individual person depends on its constitution, age, health, the degree of activity and the season. Most people are best to sleep at night and work during the day, since such a routine corresponds to the distribution of energy Yin and Yang at this time. In Chinese medicine it is believed that the dream comes when Yang Qi is surrounded by Yin Qi. With age, we consume yin qi, as a result of which the relative excess of Yang Qi or active qi is obtained in our organism. Therefore, many people in old age suffer from insomnia. In their body, Yin Qi is exhausted, which is not enough to keep and surround their Yang. In this case, you can take a day. It is very important to work out the right bag of sleep.

In China, the right dream - This is followed by three rules. Before bedtime, it is necessary to calm down, there is a lightweight writing and perform nonsense exercises. Excessive emotional or mental tension, which are an expression of Yang Qi, affect our mind and do not give him to fall asleep. Therefore, a person must calm down before going to bed. Kai Ji-tone, who lived in the era of the Sun dynasty, wrote in his book "Ability to sleep correctly", that for a normal sleep, first of all should calm down the mind, and then the eyes close.

Secondly, it should not be directly before the departure to sleep. When a person falls asleep, Jan Qi should leave the internal organs. Thus, it passes through several different places (layers) of the body. One of these places is the stomach. If he is full of food, Jan qi is stuck there and cannot be in the state of unconsciousness.

Thirdly, there should be easy exercises before going to bed. Such exercises eliminate our mind from problems and contribute to circulation and pm qi. In the book "The Secret of the Purple Rock" says: "Before you go to bed, pass through the room a thousand steps." However, too active physical exercises should not be done, because after them you, on the contrary, it will be more difficult to fall asleep.

Mental peace

Not only words or physical actions, but every feeling, every thought, each sensation leads to the movement and transformation of qi. Since during mental or emotional processes, the absorption of qi, and, I must say, quite a large number of it, then the rest should not be resting. If a person wants to live a long life and stay healthy, his mind must also rest. For the Western people, it is even harder to achieve peace of mind than to respect Speech savings.

There is a huge number of ways of meditation and deep relaxation, the purpose of which is to achieve mental and emotional calm. The basis of all these methods is attentiveness. When a person is aware that he is thinking about unnecessary things, he can easily interrupt these unnecessary thoughts. If a person understands what he thinks about something, he can try to free his mind from it. When a person's mind wants one or another, he is not able to calm down and relax. When a person understands that his mind is busy with thoughts, the chain of these thoughts is interrupted for a moment and the mind is resting at this time. If the understanding of this comes to person more and more often, then over time it becomes a habit, and therefore his mind gets more and more complete rest.

In addition, since the body and mind are closely interrelated with each other, then a person can give the opportunity to relax his mind, relaxing the body. The stress of mind goes hand in hand with physical tension: the shoulders of man rise, eyebrows shifted, jaws are compressed, breathing slows down or delayed. When a person is aware that he is in a state of physical tension, he should exhale and relax.

Maintain this tension costs considerable strength and most importantly so that a person is realized and relaxed. If a person does it daily, then over time he will have a habit and he will quickly learn to shoot not only physical, but also mental tension, since the latter is the cause of the first.
Some Asian ascets tried to achieve immortality, completely stopping mental processes. Although it is possible, there are a number of questions to this method. Of course, it is no doubt that a person can overvolt his mind, tire and get sick.

Here are signs of mental exhaustion caused by excessive mental activities:
1. Dizziness, blurredness, worsening hearing, feeling that "ears burn."
2. Weakness of the hands and legs, sowing and drowsiness.
3. Inhibition of thoughts and reactions.
4. Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting.
5. Irritability, depression.
6. The inability to understand the readable text.
7. Frequent spelling errors and errors in oral speech.

Most of the above features are symptoms of the exhaustion of Qi or the essence of jin. For example, dizziness, blurredness, worsening hearing and feeling the heat of ears in Chinese medicine are considered symptoms of the depletion of kidney cycle. While the weakness of the hands and feet, fatigue and loss of appetite are symptoms of depletion or even disappearance of Qi spleen. Even if a person does not seek to become an immortal Dao or to live to a hundred years, he must learn to relax normally and relax, because otherwise, because of too hard work or mental overstrain, it will begin to experience these symptoms.
The word C in China means "think", "understand", "thinking about", "discuss". It also means "strive for something." The thought is peculiar to man, but when she becomes obsessive, bother him, damages health.

Sun Guan Ren wrote:
"According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, a person cannot live, not thought and not resting. Reflecting within reasonable limits is useful, not harmful. However, an excessive thought process aimed at achieving personal gain to which our mind always strives, but on which we do not have enough abilities or wisdom often leads to the disease. "

Kao Tin Don, Author Lao Lao Hein Yang (Eternal talk about gerontology) opposes the ideas of Tao-Systov and Buddhists about the complexity of the mental integrity of worldly activities. He is sure that "the heart (i.e. the mind) is restless when nothing can do." However, there is a huge difference between the usual Noschenia and the practice of Kin Jin Wu Vei or the condition of peace, inner harmony and inactivity. The latter means not to do anything that would contradict the natural law or Dao. Song Si Mao explains this idea, saying that to preserve health, he should "not forbid himself what your nature seeks and to live (move) leisurely; Do not deprive yourself of what is nice for the eyes and the ears, which is easy to achieve. "

One of the right way to achieve a daily mental recreation is to listen to soothing music. Such music contributes to excellent relaxation first body and spirit. To do this, it will be necessary regularly, every day to give time. If a person will listen to such music every day for a hundred days, he will become more energetic, he will improve the mood, the work of the stomach and intestines, as well as sleep.

After a person left the nature and began to build stone jungle in the form of cities, he began great health problems. And the reason for this was the constant stress caused by various urbanization factors. At one point, we forgot to relax. What for? We need to achieve success in society faster. Yes, but only it should not be the price of our health and inner harmony. At one point, I simply realized and decided to pay more time to various relaxation methods. And in a month I have already realized the meaning of the vaporation "you go quiet, you will continue."

What is relaxation?

Relaxation- This is an involuntary or arbitrary state of rest, which is associated with partial or complete muscle relaxation. Relaxation can be directed after large physical exertion or experiences, and may be involuntary, for example, a waste.

One of the first Western professionals who began to use the relaxation method were a German neuropathologist I. Schulz and American psychologist E.Jekobson. Jackobson studied the manifestation of emotions, the emotional state was estimated on muscle tension. Jacobson was able to prove that the relaxation of the muscles removes the hyperlessness of the nervous system, thereby restoring her balance and giving her rest. Muscle relaxation skills are useful for the overall condition of the body, in addition, it helps to eliminate the symptoms of certain diseases.

Several types of relaxation are distinguished:

By time: long-term, which occurs during sleep or hypnosis, as well as when exposed to drugs and short-term, which is rapidly replaced by voltage.

According to the method of execution: mental and muscular.

By origin: primary and secondary.

In depth: deep and superficial. Deep relaxation lasts 20 minutes using various techniques, superficial can be a short rest.

What will give you possession of receptions and relaxation methods:

- normalize pressure and breathing;

- to establish heart rhythm,

- remove muscle tension;

- to forget about the feeling of fatigue and breaking;

- get rid of irritability and bite;

- have a positive attitude;

- feel the tide of vitality;

- improve mental activity and ability to concentrate attention, to make true solutions;

- improve efficiency and performance.

Relaxation does not require much from us, but, as you can see, he presents the invaluable gift - the harmony of the body, the soul and spirit.

10 best relaxation methods

Relaxing poses

As a basic method for relaxation, I recommend an exercise from the Hatha yoga, which is called Shavasana or the Pose of the corpse. I think everyone had such days when they just come home and fall on the sofa "Corpe". So this should be done every day and more consciously. All that needs to be done is to lie on the back and spread out the legs and hands up the palms. After that, start slowly breathing. The positive effect of Shavasana can not be overestimated. To achieve the necessary effect, it is necessary to master it perfectly. To do this, it is necessary to make it regularly, but the result will exceed all your expectations.


Train your brain with pleasure

Develop memory, attention and thinking using online simulators

Start developing

This is one of the simplest relaxation methods that can be done in principle anywhere and ever. You noticed that when we are alarmed, then very often breathe. Therefore, the task is simple - slow down the process of breathing. You must take a convenient posture. Slowly inspired through the nose, trying to use and stomach, and chest. Then keep your breath for 5-10 seconds. Slowly exhaled through the mouth so that the duration of the exhalation was more than inhale. Make a 10-20 cycles. To achieve a more complete relaxation, I combine breathing exercises with self-sustainment. Just close the eyes when exercising and with each exhalation of pronunciation: "Relaxation", "Relaxation", "Calm".


I think that the benefit of meditation is difficult to convey words. Meditation is a unique relaxation method that will remove tension in the body, harmonize emotions and calm the mind. To understand the whole effect, it is better to just start practicing. It is possible to perform it, both in the morning and in the evening. Ask you no longer bothered for 15 minutes. Accept the right pose, close eyes. At the first stage, put the correct breathing. 10 deep breath and exhale cycles will help you with this. Further, start relaxing all the muscles from top to bottom, starting with the muscles of the face and neck. Tell yourself what you enter the condition of full rest without thoughts.

Walking in air

Personally, I love the evening watch to walk in the forest and listen to birds singing. Someone will like more walks near the sea or can lifts on the top of the mountains. Just any light physical activity contributes to the removal of voltage in the body, and the contemplation of very beautiful landscapes gives a very deep psychophysiological effect. Activation of oxygen exchange improves the power of the brain and contributes to the normalization of nervous processes, both in it and in the whole organism. I have a very funny word that I usually speak after the walk: "How well, again described)".

Warm bath

Bath - My most favorite way to remove tension after a good working day. This relaxation method may seem far from male, but I somehow still. If before me it was impossible to drag even under the shower, then lately I became a fan of thoring in the bathroom. Water in the bath should be simply warm (36-37 degrees). Create a pleasant atmosphere: Fit or turn off the light, bulge candles, turn on the relaxing music chillout. You can in the bath for better effect to add essential oils or salt. The duration of the relaxation bath is 20-30 minutes. After such a bath, I always feel updated.


Who does not like when he makes a good relaxing massage! This method of relaxation is best used after a warm bath in the evening. And it does not matter if you do not have your own professional masseur. With little preparation, one of the people close to you can make it. In such a massage, strokes and shallow kneading are dominated. The duration of the relaxation massage is usually much more than usual. Massage for relaxation I perfectly combine with soothing music and aromatherapy.


One of the best and most simple, in my opinion, methods for removing the tension is the relax music. The first plus of this method is that the music can be placed in the background anywhere: at home, at work, along the way to an important meeting, somewhere else. The second plus is the passivity of the method. I downloaded good tracks for meditation and relaxation, turned on Play and in principle no need to do anything else. Thirdly very quick effect. Already after 10 minutes, you can enter deep alpha or theta condition, in which the brain and the whole organism is very relaxing.


This method is loved by many. He comes from the opposite. To relax strongly, it is necessary to strongly strain. With sexual contact, the voltage can be so large that the resulting orgasm gives the effect of powerful relaxation of the body. Sex as a method is good after another unpleasant quarrel or just before bedtime for more quickly falling asleep. In addition, under the sexual act, a large number of endorphine is produced or as they call the "Hormone of Happiness", which also affects the level of stress and allows you to be more often in a good arms.


Sleep is the easiest and most effective relaxation methods. It is provided for by nature itself. Unfortunately, many still ignore the fact that for a strong nervous system, a full-fledged 8-hour sleep is required from 22:00 to 6:00. As a result, every day a serious waking up, low energy potential and a bad mood. These are all the results of the late sleep. With the right approach, you should wake up at dawn to the alarm. And not just wake up, but quickly jump off the bed. And on the face there should be a smile and the desire to change myself and the world around. After good sex, a strong dream!


Immediately I will say that this method is only suitable for introverts. I personally follow myself and I think. I need to periodically stay alone with myself. It is disconnected from the outside world, which has become very fast, and dive into your inner, where quietly and calmly. I do it at any convenient case.

These 10 relaxation methods for all occasions. Apply them when you feel that you already really need to relax. Personally, I apply all relaxation methods on weekends, when it is really necessary to seriously recharge new energy but a new week.

Music for relaxation

Having tried a large number of ways to relax, I realized that I most approaches listening to relaxation music. A pleasant melody may in a short time relax the body, free from heavy thoughts and lead psycho-emotional state in equilibrium. I developed a habit of relaxing with music before bedtime.

What kind of music can help relax and relax?

I made a selection of the 5 best relaxing musical directions that I myself use.

Listen and restore your strength!


This is my favorite direction that is literally translated from English how to "relax, calm down". Previously, to this area attributed any light music that removes the tension, and from the mid-90s this name was also associated with a genre of slow electronic music, combining elements of the lounge, ambient, jazz, house and many other destinations.

Ethnic music of the East

The music of each nation is amazing and unique. This is largely due to the peculiarity of folk rhythms and local musical instruments, unusual to other countries. If you are looking for relaxation, then it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the compositions of the peoples of the East. For example, my even the most severe thoughts soothes Japanese music for relaxation and stunning sound of a bamboo flute.

Sounds of nature

To relax from everyday work and remove the voltage, we are often leaving for nature. Someone on vacation at sea, and someone to grandmother in the village. And what to do when not on this time?! Of course, listen to the music of nature for relaxation at home. Noise of the sea surf, singing dolphins, chirping birds, - Beauty! I generally love to listen to the sounds of space.

Classical Music for Relaxation

Orchestra etudes, violin solo and piano sounds are considered one of the most emotional. They quickly penetrate the inside of the man, the assisted thin strings of the soul. This is a real medicine against the inner disharmony. To relax and restore the forces, you need to choose unhurried compositions from the classical direction, which are very many. By the way, you can listen not only by "classics", but there are talented contemporaries, which are also worthy of attention.


Synonym for "relaxation". Reggae genre was formed at Jamaica at the end of the 60s, and from there spread to other countries. Most often in the texts, the topics of love, good, and the music itself is fed in a very slow form. For this music is forbidden to hurry. To get a real effect from listening to her, lie on something soft, tighten some track to something, close your eyes and rest. The result will be a great charge of positive and solar emotions that will feed you for a long time.

After some weekends, you want another weekend. Not always we are talking about some extraordinary events that violated peace on Saturday and Sunday. But there are people who go to work in vigorous on Monday, and during the working week as if they are not tired at all. What is their secret, and what prevents the right holiday from everyone else?

What prevents us from relaxing?

Many do not even suspect that they need to learn to relax. Why still learn, if after a difficult day it is so nice to flip over the sofa to the TV? Tea with something delicious, beer or wine, telecasts or internet - what else is required for happiness? At the weekend you need to do what you do not have time to do on weekdays, and there it's time to pull strap again. This is if there are no children. And then, after all, at all, there is no time to turn, what is the rest here? To live to leave.

In order to learn how to relax and relax correctly, you need to know what bothers us to do. And the main enemy becomes, as not surprising, not at all the lack of free time.

  • Boredom and monotony
  • Just and pursuit of new sensations
  • Faith to help alcohol
  • Lack of day of day

All of the above harms a full-fledged rest, turns leave in the diligence season at the cottage, a tourist trip to the race to sightseeing, makes one evening indistinguishable from the other.

The lack of new impressions and their excess are closely woven among themselves. Boredom arises where there is no tricks. A variety of information at a certain point begins to bother. Alcohol, providing a brief effect on the nervous system, gradually increases nervousness, and does not allow to relax completely. About the habit to go to bed after midnight, but to work without a breather, until the legs will be submitted to your beloved chairs do not need to explain.

Some people believe that they rest sitting at the table and sipping some strong stimulant, such as alcohol or coffee, tea and other drinks. This is the usual picture of a modern cafe.

When you relax, you do not need to sit, putting my leg, because in such a posture you move the artery that feeds the leg. So, in such a posture you do not relax, but overload your heart with huge work. Never put foot leg when sitting.

Rest - it means to provide free blood circulation throughout the body. If your shoes are too close if your tie is too tight, if your hat is too small if your shirt collar or some other clothes are too crowd, know, you do not relax. The best holiday, it's when all clothes are reset from the body. No clothes should be on you if you want to relax with the convenience and benefit.

Often people say: "I have to relax." But when they sit down to relax, they begin nervously drummed fingers on the table, twitching or fuss. The art of recreation is concentrated. One option is to rest on a solid bed. Good and sunbathing, because that there is nothing more relaxing muscles and nerves than the soothing rays of the sun. When resting, you must free your brain from all worries, unrest and problems. When muscles and nerves are relaxed, the work of the heart slows down, and the breath becomes slow and calm. It brings deep Relaxation and full rest.

Great holiday is a short dream, during which you can completely relax your muscles. Most people are accustomed to using stimulants: tobacco, medicines, coffee, tea, alcohol or tonic drinks, which only spill tired nerves. Therefore, people who use stimulants never have full rest and relaxation, their nerves are always in an excited state.

Rest should be earned by physical and mental activity, as they go hand in hand. Many people suffer from insomnia, take countless drugs in order to fall asleep, but instead they get an artificial dream. No one can get full rest from the medicine. Never a single medicine will give a refreshing, healthy, normal, satisfaction, sleep.

The body full of toxins is a permanent pathogen of nerves. How can you spend a good and calm night with excited nerves? When people refuse to stimulates during the starvation program, they sleep deeply and rest completely. You yourself will notice that as soon as you begin to purify the body, you will increase the ability to relax and you will receive great pleasure from the deep, giving a full holiday, night sleep.

A frequent change of activity is also the most important factor in preserving good health. During the working day, we must more often change the activities.

We live in a mad world impregnated by the spirit of competition. In the conditions of our civilization, when the man is a man - wolf, we have to withstand a huge tension and carry heavy blows. This is the reason why people are fond of tobacco, coffee, alcohol and other stimulants. In the business world reigns not only the spirit of competition But also the desire to strengthen their own position.

People forever strive to promise each other, tirelessly following them created stereotype. But this fake stereotype takes a huge amount of energy.

Life should be joy!

Isn't it surprising that today we have 15 million chronic alcoholics and millions of medicinal drug addicts? We forgot to live - it means to feel alive and joyful. Quiet life - the happiness of a few in our society. Life is now a hurry, hurry and rush again. Where are we in a hurry? To the hospital or in the grave?

To be able to relax, rest and sleep, you need to plan the day so that it remains for recreation, entertainment, exercise and good night sleep. You will not be able to enjoy a good sleep if you have overloaded your stomach, if you did not exercise in the fresh air, such as a three-kilometer walk or garden work. Work in the air, walks and run are needed. You must delight your body with natural food, distilled water, fresh air and sunlight. Of course, it is very easy to ridicule people using the motto "back to nature", but we, the following nature, are just following those people who always laugh last.

Relaxation is just

Of course, we must dance, move, engage in various sports. But never hesitate to just sit down or lie down and relax or relax, throwing off all the concerns. It is not only nice, it is absolutely necessary. Do not hope with soothing means to achieve skill in relaxation - this is not at all the same.

To relax and sleep, dink the room, turn off the TV and lie on the bed on your back with your hands stretched along the body (but so that they do not touch it), and give your perceptions to a minimum. Give your hands to relax, put their palms down on the bed. Pull legs, but so that they also do not touch each other. You can put my head on a small pad or straight on the bed, as you are comfortable. Purchase eyes first open, but do not look at one point right in front of yourself, but take them up, down or sides. After such movements, your eyes will be closed. Such movements of the eye muscles are not a hindrance for relaxation.

Mentally always follow these movements of the eyes. Following the movements of the eyeballs and muscles, you relax your thoughts, and this will lead to the relaxation of the entire body in a natural, calm and restoring dream.

If you have insomnia, then read something before bedtime, and if this does not give the desired result, it means that your eye muscles are already overloaded, reading is tired of them and need to relax them as described above.

Do not strain the muscles without absolute need. The movement of the hand or foot or change of poses is interrupting the inner relaxation process, and those muscles that have already achieved a certain degree of relaxation will have to start the entire process in this case again. Muscles, which are too tense, can feel uncomfortable, but the movement you will only extend the inconvenience. The process of relaxing such muscles can take from 10 to 15 minutes. Relaxed muscles should feel very pleasant, and if you relax completely, you will feel unusual peace. The inconvenience in some kind of muscle or in the muscles group there is an indicator that they are overwhelmed and that you do not give them to relax.

Beginners of relaxation practice often tell me that they cannot fall asleep, lying on his back. It all depends on how deeply this thought is recorded in your brain, and if you fail in the opposite, you can discard this idea and understand its erroneousness.

"I always fall asleep on the right side", "I always fall asleep on the stomach", "I have to curl a glider to sleep", "I'm used to rummage from my side on the side," "I can't sleep at night, if at least a little day "," I sleep only until five o'clock, and then to seven lying with open eyes, and by noon I want to sleep again "- these are the usual complaints that you can hear from people. If a person wishes to devote 15 minutes a day to relax, he will definitely achieve success and can no longer follow this habit in the future, adhere to a natural lifestyle.



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