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1 What is personality. Personality - what it is, structure, characteristics. From individual individual


1. Personality

1.1. Personality concepts, man, individuality, individuality

and their ratio

Today, psychology interprets the person as a socio-psychological education, which is formed through a person's life in society. A person as a public creature acquires new 9 personality) quality when it comes into relations with other people and this relationship becomes "forming" his personality. The individual at the moment of birth has no these acquired (personal) qualities.

Since the personality is most often defined as a person in the aggregate of its social, acquired qualities, it means that the personal individuals are not related to human features that are naturally determined and do not depend on his life in society. Persons do not include the psychological qualities of a person who characterize his cognitive processes or an individual activity style, with the exception of those that manifest themselves in relations to people in society. The concept of "personality" usually includes such properties that are more or less sustainable and indicate a person's individuality, determining its features and actions for people.

By definition R.S. Nymova, personality is a person taken in the system of his psychological characteristics, which are socially due, manifest themselves in public relations and relationships, are sustainable and determine the moral actions of a person who are essential for himself and others.

Along with the concept of "personality", the terms "man", "Individual", "Individuality" are used. Content, these concepts are interwinded among themselves.

A person is a generic concept, indicating the situation of the creature to the highest degree of development of wildlife - to human race. The concept of "man" approves the genetic predetermination of the development of actually human signs and qualities.

Individual is a single representative of the "Homo Sapiens" type. As individuals, people differ from each other not only by morphological features (such as growth, corporal constitution and eye color), but also psychological properties (abilities, temperament, emotionality).

Individuality is the unity of the unique personal properties of a particular person. This is the originality of his psycho-physiological structure (type of temperament, physical and mental features, intelligence, worldview, life experience).

The ratio of individuality and personality is determined by the fact that these are two ways of human being, two of its various definitions. The incompression of these concepts is manifested, in particular, there are two different procedures for the formation of personality and individuality.

The formation of a person is the process of human socialization, which is the development of a generic, public entity. This development is always carried out in the specific historical circumstances of human life. The formation of a person is associated with the adoption of social functions developed in society and roles, social norms and rules of behavior, with the formation of skills to build relations with other people. An formed personality is a subject of free, independent and responsible behavior in society.

The formation of individuality is the process of individualization of the object. Individualization is the process of self-determination and separation of the individual, its alliance from the community, the design of its separateness, uniqueness and uniqueness. An individual personality is a distinctive, actively and creatively manifested himself in life.

In the concepts of "personality" and "individuality", various sides are recorded, different measurements of the spiritual essence of a person. The essence of this difference is well pronounced in the language. With the word "personality", such epithets as "strong", "energetic," "independent" are usually used, thereby emphasizing its activities in the eyes of others. The individuality is spoken by "bright", "unique", "creative", having in mind the quality of an independent entity.

The mutual influence of the individual and the team on each other

Positive impact of generality on the individual. The positive influence of the group on the formation and development of the individual is as follows: 1. In the Individual group, it is found with people who are for him the main source of spiritual culture. 2 ...

George Kelly: Cognitive theory

Kelly never offered an accurate definition of the term "personality". However, he discussed this concept in one article, claiming ...

Personality research on conflict

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Personal features of adolescents who are fond of computer games

The personality is a basic category and the subject of studying the psychology of the personality. Psychology of personality is interested in individual differences. Although all people are similar, psychologists involved in the study of personality, especially interested in ...

Personal disorders

Both hysterical and scenic personality disorders have different characters in men and women. Consider the features of these disorders, as well as common to each of the two floors ...

Personal disorders

Blacker and Tupin (Blider and Tupin, 1977) summarized the characteristics of men 'patients with hysterical and scenic personality disorders. When describing nature pathologies, they rank in gravity under the general heading "hysterical structures" ...

Basics of psychoanalysis

At the beginning of the 20s. XX century Z. Freud in general, completed the development of the structural theory of the personality, the most important components of which were a new understanding of the individual, its structures and mechanisms of activity. S ...

Psychological features of persons with suicidal behavior

There are two categories among suicidents: these are people with a low level of socialization and people with a fairly high level of socialization. For persons with a low level of socialization, socially - psychological deadaption ...

Psychology of Personality

1.1. Personality concepts, man, individual, individuality and their ratio Today, psychology interprets as a socio-psychological education, which is formed due to the life of a person in society ...

Psychology of creativity

Quite many researchers argue that there are no special abilities for creativity - but there is a creative person who has certain traits and motivation. With them agree and meatishchev, speaking ...

Comparative analysis of the understanding of the personality from the standpoint of Freuddism and behaviorism

"The most amazing, from what nature created is a person's personality" Goette the question that such an personality, sociologists and psychologists are responsible for different, and in the diversity of their answers ...


Personality and temperament are interconnected in such a way that the temperament acts as the overall basis of many other personal properties, primarily character. He, however ...


Freud's Personality Theory

Freud believed that the psyche consists of three layers - conscious ("super-i"), the preliminary ("I") and the unconscious ("it"), in which the basic structures of the personality are located ...

Types of higher nervous activity and temperament

Personality and temperament are related in such a way that temperament acts as the overall basis of many other personal properties, primarily character. He, however ...

In modern society, people still cannot accurately decide what is a person's personality; What person is a person; Who is a person, and who is not ...

It has reached the fact that in the school textbook they revealed the wrong definition of the concept of "personality", showing that not every person may be a person, thereby silent, bringing and discrediting some people, especially children and persons with disabilities.

What is a person's personality actually

What is a person's personality - Find out of the quotes taken from the Big Psychological Dictionary B.G. Meshcheryakova and V.P. Zinchenko: These authors give a clearer and adequate definition of such a wide concept as personality of man.

Personality (English. Personality; from Lat. Persona - actor mask; role, position; face, personality). In the social sciences, the person is considered as a special quality of a person purchased to them in a sociocultural environment in the process of joint activities and communication.

In humanistic philosophical and psychological concepts personality - This is a person as a value for which the development of society is carried out (see I. Kant). With all the variety of approaches to understanding the person, the following aspects of this problem are traditionally allocated:

  1. the multifaceted personality phenomenology, reflecting an objectively existing manifold of manifestations of a person in the evolution of nature, the history of society and his own life;
  2. interdisciplinary status of the problem of personality in the field of exploring public and natural sciences;
  3. the dependence of the personality understanding from the image of a person is clearly or hidden existing in culture and science at a certain stage of their development;
  4. the incompression of the manifestations of the individual, personality and individuality studied within relatively independent biogenetic, sociogenetic and personogenic directions of modern personally practicing;
  5. breeding a research plant orienting a specialist to understand the development of personality in nature and society, and a practical installation aimed at the formation or correction of personality in accordance with the objectives of the Society or delivered by a specific person who applied to a specialist.

The focus of representatives biogenetic Orientation are problems of human development as an individual with certain anthropogenetic properties (deposit, temperament, biological age, floor, body type, neurodynamic properties of nervous sessystem, organic motives, attraction, needs, etc.), which pass different stages of ripening as phylogenetic stages Programs of appearance in ontogenesis.

The foundation of the individual is the adaptive processes of the body, which are studied by differential and age-related psychophysiology, psychogenesis, neuropsychology, gerontology, psycho-endocryology and sexology.

Representatives of different flows socionetic Orientations are studying human socialization processes, mastering them social norms and roles, the acquisition of social attitudes and value orientations, the formation of a social and national character of a person as a typical member of one or another commonality.

The problems of socialization, or, in a broad sense, the social adaptation of a person, are developed mainly in sociology and social psychology, ethnopsychology, history of psychology.

In the spotlight personogenetic Orientation There are problems of activity, self-consciousness and creativity of the personality, the formation of the human I, the struggle of the motives, the upbringing of an individual character and abilities, self-realization and personal choice, incessant finding the meaning of life.

The general psychology of the personality is engaged in studying all these manifestations of the individual; Different aspects of these problems are illuminated in psychoanalysis, individual psychology, analytical and humanistic psychology.

In the extraction of biogenetic, sociogenetic and personogenic directions, the metaphysical scheme of the determination of identification development under the influence of 2 factors is manifested: medium and heredity.

Within the framework of the cultural and historical system-activity approach, a fundamentally different scheme of determination of identification development is developed. In this scheme, the person's property as an individual is considered as "impersonal" prerequisites for the development of the personality, which in the course of a life path can receive personal development.

A sociocultural medium is a source that feeds the development of the personality, and not the "factor", directly determining behavior. Being a condition for the implementation of a person's activities, it bears those social norms, values, roles, ceremonies, guns, signs of signs that individual faces. Genuine bases and the driving force of personality development are joint activities and communication, through which the personality movement in the world of people is carried out, the surveillance of it to culture.

The relationship between the individual as an anthropogenesis product, a person who has learned the social and historical experience, and individuality, which transforms the world can be transmitted by the formula: "The individual is born. Personality becomes. Individuality defend ".

Within the framework of the system-activity approach, the personality is considered as a relatively sustainable set of mental properties, as the result of the inclusion of an individual into the space of mertine-perceptual ties. Individual in its development experiences a socially determined need to be a personality and reveals the ability to become a personality implemented in socially significant activities. This is determined human development as a person.

Forming in the course of the development of the ability and functions are reproduced into the personality historically formed human qualities. Mastering the reality in the child is carried out in its activities through adults.

The activity of the child is always mediated by adults, they are sent by them (in accordance with their ideas about proper education and pedagogical skills). Relying on what the child has already possesses, adults organize its activities to master the new parties reality and new forms of behavior.

Personality development is carried out in activitiesguided by the system of motifs. The activity-mediated type of relationships, which consist of a person with the most reference group (or face), is a defining factor of development.

In general, the development of the personality can be represented as a process and the result of human entry into a new sociocultural environment. If an individual is included in a relatively stable social community, it passes with favorable circumstances 3 phases of their formation in it as a person:

  • 1st Phase - Adaptation - implies the assimilation of existing values \u200b\u200band norms and mastering the appropriate means and forms of activity and thereby to some extent the likelihood of individual to other members of this generality.
  • 2nd Phase - Individualization - It is generated by exacerbating contradictions between the need to "be such as everything" and the person's desire for maximum personalization.
  • 3rd phase - integration - It is determined by the contradiction between the desire of the individual to be ideally represented by its peculiarities and differences in the community and the need for generality to adopt, approve and cultivate only its features that contribute to its development and thereby developing it as a person.
    If the contradiction is not eliminated, disintegration occurs and, as a result, or personality isolation, or its extrusion from community, or degradation with a return to earlier stages of its development.

When an individual fails to overcome the difficulties of the adaptation period, it has the qualities of conformity, dependence, timidity, uncertainty.

If on the 2nd phase of the development of the individual, presenting the personality properties reference to it, characterizing his individuality, does not meet mutual understanding, it can contribute to the formation of negativism, aggressiveness, suspicion, deceit.

With the successful passage of the integration phase in a highly developed group, humanity, trust, justice, demanding to themselves, self-confidence, etc. are formed by the individual, due to the fact that the situation of adaptation, individualization, integration with a sequential or parallel entry of the individual The various groups are repeatedly reproduced, the corresponding personal neoplasms are fixed, there is a steady personality structure.

A particularly significant period in the age development of the personality - adolescence age (adolescence) and early youth, when a developing person is beginning to allocate itself as an object of self-knowledge and self-education.

Originally assessing others, the personality uses the experience of such estimates, developing self-esteem, which becomes the basis of self-education. But the need for self-knowledge (primarily in the awareness of their moral and psychological qualities) cannot be identified with the care of the world of internal experiences.

The growth of self-consciousness associated with the formation of such qualities of personality as the will and moral feelings contributes to the emergence of persistent beliefs and ideals. The need for self-consciousness and self-education is generated, first of all, the fact that a person must realize its capabilities and needs in the face of the coming changes in his life, in its social status.

In the event that there is a significant discrepancy between the level of needs of the person and its capabilities, acute affective experiences occur.

In the development of self-consciousness in youthful age, the judgments of other people play a significant role, and above all, the assessment of parents, teachers and peers. This makes serious requirements for the pedagogical tact of parents and teachers, requires an individual approach to each developing personality.

Conducted in the Russian Federation from the mid-1980s. The work on updating the education system involves the development of the child's personality, teenager, young men, democratization and humanization of the educational process in all types of educational institutions.

T about., There is a change in the purpose of education and training, which is not a totality of knowledge, skills and skills, and free human identity development. Knowledge, skills and skills retain their extremely important, but no longer as a goal, but as a means of achieving a goal.

Under these conditions, the task of the formation of the basic culture of the individual, which would eliminate the contradictions in the personality structure between the technical and humanitarian culture, overcome the alienation of a person from politics and ensure its active inclusion in new socio-economic conditions of society.

The implementation of these tasks involves the formation of culture self-determination of personality, understanding the intrinsicness of human life, its individuality and uniqueness. (A. G. Asmolov, A. V. Petrovsky.)

Addition Ed.: Almost generally accepted translation of the word personality as Personality (and on the contrary) is not quite adequate. Personality is rather individuality. In Petrovsky, the person was called a doll.

Personality is Selfhood, selfless or self, which is close to the Russian word "Self". More accurate equivalent to the word "personality" in the English. Yaz. does not exist.

The inaccuracy of the translation is far from harmless, because readers have the impression or belief that the personality is to be tested, manipulating, formation, etc.

From the outside the formed personality becomes the cash of the one who formed it.

Personality - not a product product, adapting to it or integration into it, and the base of the collective, any human community that is not a crowd, aid, a flock or sin. The community is strong a variety of personality constituting it.

Synonym for personality is her freedom along with a sense of guilt and responsibility. In this sense, the personality is above the state, nation, it is not inclined to conform, although not alien to the compromise.

In the Russian philosophical tradition, the personality is a miracle and myth (A. F. Losev); "The personality, intended in the sense of a pure person, is there for everyone I just an ideal - the limit of aspirations and self-structures ...

Impossible personality is impossible to give... it is incomprehensible, goes beyond all the concept, transcendent any concept. One can only create a symbol of the indigenous characteristic of the personality ...

As for the content, it cannot be reasonable, but - only directly experienced in the experience of self-creativity, in the active self-building personality, in the identity of spiritual self-knowledge "(Florensky P. A.).

M. M. Bakhtin continues the thought of Florensky: When we are dealing with the knowledge of the person, we must generally go beyond the subject-object relationship, which subject and object are discussed in gnoseology. This should be taken into account psychologists using strange phrases: "subject subjects", "psychological subject".

Regarding the latter frankly Yazvil G. G. G. Spet: "The psychological entity without a residence permit and without a physiological body is simply a leaving of the world unknown ... It is worth accepting him for the Summaging, he will certainly draw even more Divo - psychological lean! Today, philosophically and psychologically suspicious subjects and their shadows are increasingly wandering through the pages of psychological literature. A shameless subject, a soulless subject - it is most likely not quite normal, but habitual. And spiritual, conscientious, spiritualized subject - funny and sad. Subjects can represent, including all sorts of abominations, and personality - personify.

It was not by chance that Losev tied the origin of the word personality with a face, and not with a larger, person, mask. Personality, like a miracle, as a myth, as uniqueness does not need an extensive disclosure. Bakhtin dislarously noticed, the personality can reveal himself in a gesture, in the word, in a act (and can drown).

A. A. Ukhtomsky was undoubtedly right, saying that personality is a functional personality body, its condition. You should add personality - Condition of the Soul and Spirit, not honorable lifetime title.

She may lose face, distort his face, drop their human dignity, which takes effect. Ukhtomsky secondly N. A. Bernstein, saying that personality is the supreme synthesis of behavior. Supreme!

In personality is integration, merger, harmony of external and internal. And where there is a harmony, science, including and psychology, silent.

So, personality is The mysterious excess of individuality, its freedom, which is not amenable to calculating, prediction. The personality is visible immediately and the entirely different from the individual whose properties are subject to disclosure, testing, learning and estimates.

Personality is subject of surprise, worship, envy, hatred; The subject of an unbiased, disinterested, understanding penetration and an artistic image. But not the subject of practical interest, formation, manipulation.

This does not mean that psychologists are contraindicated to reflect on personality. But reflect, and not to determine or reduss it to the hierarchy of motifs, the aggregate of its needs, creativity, crossing activities, affects, meanings, subject, individual, etc., etc.

We give examples of useful reflections about the personality A. S. Arsenyev: Personality is The person is reliable, whose words and things do not diverge with each other, which himself freely decides what to do, and is responsible for the results of his actions.

Personality is, of course, an infinite creature breathing physically and spiritually. For the personality, the awareness of the conflict between morality and morality and the latter championship is characterized. The author insists on the value, and not monetary-market measurement of the person.

T. M. Buyakas allocates other features: Personality is a manI got on the path of self-determination, overcoming the need to look for support in external support. The personality has the ability to fully rely on themselves, to make an independent choice, occupy its position, be open and ready for any new turns of your life path.

Personality ceases to depend on external assessments, trusts itself, finds internal support in itself. She is free. No personality description can be exhaustive.

Lecture number 15. Personality (part 1)

The concept of personality was the subject of consideration of many industries: philosophy, ethics, rights, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, psychiatry, etc. But to the present, all these sciences did not agree in a single opinion and did not give a single, generally accepted definition of What is the personality.

In philosophy, at the end of the ancient period, this concept appeared. Then it was designated in the word "person" (from Lat. Persona - "Mask, Latin"). This term arose as an addition to the concept of "Individual". The concept of an individual implied natural, congenital human data. But it is impossible to make an idea of \u200b\u200ba person only to its biological properties. Man is a significantly more complex system. He, at a minimum, is still subject and object of relations with other people, it is studying, it changes depending on the social environment, the development situation, etc. All this was clear to the ancient philosophers, so all the qualities not related to natural, They called personal (in modern understanding - personal).

The most close psychology are the concepts of personality in philosophy and sociology. In modern philosophy, the person is considered primarily in an ethical aspect. It is interpreted by philosophers as a certain center, which is the unity of the content of the inner world of a person with a set of its actions aimed at other individuals.

In sociology, personality is considered as a subject of social relations, as a unit that makes up the basis of society. This approach is close to social psychology. The general psychology considers the person is significantly wider, not only as a subject and the object of social actions. The combination of various aspects considered by the general psychology allows us to talk about personality as a subject of peace transformation based on his knowledge, experiences and attitudes towards it. Thus, if you still try to make a single idea, the concept of personality implies a particular person who is a carrier of consciousness, a social being, a subject of active reflection and conversion of the world and at the same time an object that is converting under the influence of the world.

Psychology has been formed later by philosophy, sociology and other sciences that have made any opinion about the concept of personality. Therefore, it has adopted the idea of \u200b\u200bthe person who established in these sciences to a certain extent. However, possessing its own specific approach to the subject, psychology and its own definition.

In the broadest sense, psychology represents a person's personality as an integrity, a mutual combustibility of biogenic, psychogenic and sociogenic factors. In the future, psychology even more differentiated the significance of these factors in the development of a person, and the concepts of "individual", actually "personality" (and as a private aspect of the individual - the subject of activity), "individuality" (these concepts will be considered in more detail in the next lecture) .

Personality has a dynamic functional structure. This structure includes a very large number of elements called personality features. For the convenience of studying the personality, psychologists have allocated a number of substructures. This is a conditional division, since in reality all these substructures are interpenetrating and interconnecting. However, they can still be considered relatively independent formations. Traditionally allocate four substructures.

First substructuremost close to the concept of an individual. It includes temperament, age and sexual differences, i.e. the differences in a predominantly biological nature. This personality substructure is the object of studying mainly psychophysiology (the area of \u200b\u200binterdisciplinary research at the junction of psychology and neurophysiology) and differential psychology. The features of the person in this substructure are much more dependent on the physiological and even morphological features of the brain than from social influences per person. Therefore, this substructure can be called biologically conditioned. The biological basis of the personality is a nervous system, an endocrine system, metabolic processes, anatomical features, the processes of ripening and the development of the body.

As for general psychology, in its field of view, there is primarily temperament from this substructure. This is a combination of human characteristics characterizing the dynamic and emotional side of his behavior, communication, activities. From temperament depend on the response of a person to the world around - on other people, the circumstances of life, the specific situation, etc. Temperament, being a congenital property, is the basis for the formation of such an individual feature as character.

Since ancient times, there were attempts to highlight the types of temperament on various features: the predominance of a person of one or another element, a fluid (humoral theory), dependence on the physical structure of the body (the theory of the Krecheraman). In modern psychology, an approach based on the theory of I. P. Pavlova is dominated by the influence of the nervous system on the dynamic features of human behavior. According to this teaching, the central nervous system is characterized by three properties: force, balance and mobility of excitation and braking processes.

Thus, temperament in a modern understanding is such properties of a person who possess the following features:

  • 1) determine the peculiarities of the dynamics of the flow of individual mental processes;
  • 2) regulate the dynamics of mental activity as a whole;
  • 3) are determined by the common type of nervous system;
  • 4) We are relatively stable and constant. Currently, it is customary to allocate four main types of temperament:
  • 1) strong, balanced, movable - sanguine;
  • 2) strong, balanced, sedentary - phlegmatic;
  • 3) strong, unbalanced - choleric;
  • 4) weak, unbalanced - melancholic.

Sanguines are energetic people, lively, sociable, emotionally labile, easily adapting in a new situation, easily switching from one type of activity to another.

Phlegmatics are calm, leopard, stubborn in work, are diligent to business. They are difficult to derive them. They hardly switch to other activities. At the same time, the situation is calm, they are easily adapted.

Choleric - unbalanced, impulsive, prone to sharp mood jumps on the slightest occasion, are quick-tempered, aggressive, they are poorly owned by their emotions. At the same time, it can be very initiative, decisive. As a rule, there are maximalists.

Melancholics are sensitive people, easily wounded, prone to a reduced emotional background, depressed mood, deep experiences. Often there are timids, changeless, insecure. It is difficult to adapt to new circumstances.

This is the characteristics of the four temperament types. However, division is very conditional. In its pure form, these temperament types are rare. Tests defining the type of temperament usually show the percentage ratio of all four types, which allows you to identify any of them. If a person does not have a clearly predominant type (more than 50%), then this means that its nervous system has the ability to adapt to the current situation situation, and its temperament, respectively, may vary depending on the circumstances.

In no case should not assume that temperaments are "good" or "bad". Each temperament is inherent in a set of certain characteristic features, some of which are more successful, others are less. If a person sets a goal to successfully form as a person, he must know his strengths and weaknesses. He should not fight with his temperament, but strive to develop successful features and smoothing the quality of temperaments that interfere with it optimally adapt to life, communication, activity.

So, some advantages and disadvantages of the temperatures listed. Sanguines are characteristic of optimisticity, the tendency to see mostly attractive sides of life, easy adaptability to changes in external conditions, mobility, sociability, activity, high performance. They can be attributed to their minuses that these people are not very deep in perception and analysis of human behavior, and in addition, they quickly become boring and sluggish in the absence of external impressions. Sanguines easily converge with new people, so they have an extensive circle of dating, but, as a rule, they do not differ in consistency in communication and affection.

The main advantages of phlegmatic natur are calm, slowness, balance, patience, excerpt, a tendency to constant affection. The weaknesses of their parties are conservatism, inertness (sometimes frank laziness), low emotionality.

For cholerics are characterized by such positive features like a large vital energy, high emotionality, gustiness. There are also the properties that they need to try to restrain: this is an increased excitability, lack of self-control, the tendency to quickly get involved in some kind of business and also quickly cool to him.

Melancholics are inherent in the high ability to empathy (sympathy, empathy, a subtle understanding of the emotions of another person, both joyful and sad), rich inner world and subtle intuition. But their lives can complicate such qualities as timidity, anxiety, uncertainty in themselves, passivity, distrust of people.

Second substructureit is a set of features of individual mental processes or mental functions as forms of reflection. Usually it is called substructure forms of reflection. This is a biosocial system - social is already present in it, but biological factors are greater. It includes individual manifestations of memory, perception, sensations, thinking, depending both from congenital factors and from training, development, improve these qualities.

Third substructurepersonality can be briefly named experimen. It is the life and professional personality experience, i.e., the general culture of man and his professional preparedness. This substructure is already a socio-biological system, that is, social in it is more than biological. It includes skills and skills, knowledge, habits.

Skills are called automated components of conscious activities. They make it possible to act automatically, but at the same time purposeful and under the control of consciousness. Skills are acquired by long exercises. They can be motor, sensory, mental and volition. According to the degree of assimilation, skills are divided into formed or not, simple and complex, prolonged and short, disparate and complex, standard and flexible. Skills can be purchased and lost - in the event that they have not been used for a long time. For example, if the guitarist did not take a guitar for several years, then his fingers will "deal with" themselves find the necessary frets and take chords. This is called skill dehatomatization.

Knowledge is a system of concepts learned by man during personal experience. They are formed on the basis of conditional reflexes and represent a system of temporary links, in the formation of which the analytical and synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex has a leading importance. In acquisition of knowledge, the actively functioning of thinking and memory processes plays. Knowledge is estimated not only and not so much on quantitative characteristics (volume, erudition), as in quality parameters: latitude, depth, sequence of acquisition and strength of absorption. The knowledge system also contains the requirements of the flexibility and openness of the new information (the ability to include new knowledge in the already existing system). It is two of these qualities that make it possible to develop creative thinking, preventing the development of templates. The strength of the learning of knowledge depends on interest in them, as well as on the volume and quality of knowledge teaching.

The ability - the ability of a person based on existing skills and knowledge, qualitatively and productively carry out professional or other activities in changing conditions (for example, for a programmer it is an opportunity to engage in its work on the new generation technique, use updated versions of programming languages, etc.). The formation of skills takes place a number of stages, the first of which is the stage of "samples and errors", and the final, the highest - high level of skill in this form of activities with confident, purposeful and creative use of developed and motivated skills.

Habits - actions whose execution under certain conditions becomes need for a person, turns into a sustainable need. Unfortunately, habits are not only useful, but also inappropriate, harmful and even threatening health and safety of the person himself or the people around him.

Fourth substructureit is an association of such features such as the focus, personality relationship and its moral qualities. This substructure is formed in the upbringing process. Thus, it can be considered socially determined. Most of the leading psychologists allocate in this substructure mainly focus and consider it the leading component of the personality structure as a whole, its system-forming quality. A referral to the system of sustainable motives, dominant needs, interests, inconsistencies, beliefs, self-esteem, ideals, worldview, i.e. properties that determine the behavior of the individual in changing external circumstances.

The direction is influenced not only to the remaining components of the personality structure (for example, on those temperament features that a person would like to change), but also on a number of other properties of a person. This includes mental states - the possibility of overcoming negative states with the help of prevailing positive motivation. It is also possible to influence cognitive, emotional, volitional mental processes. For example, if a person has a high motivation for the development of thinking processes, it will affect its introductory sphere no less than innate abilities.

In the direction of the individual, the ideology of society as a whole and those communities (families, schools, universities), whose representative is a person is most fully manifested. There is a focus in various fields of human activity, so we can talk about the specifics of different types of focus, such as cognitive and professional (as a rule, people are more manifested or humanitarian or technical inclined), ethical, political and even family (person "for a family "Or" For Friends "). The direction has a number of main characteristics: intensity, level of maturity, efficiency, breadth, stability.

Differences between people exist on each of the four substructures described. This is a difference in temperament, character, in mental processes, in abilities, skills, beliefs, interests, level of development of self-consciousness.

It should also be noted that direct and feedback exist between personality substructures. For example, purposefulness, the level of spiritual development affects the acquisition of life and professional experience, and vice versa - personal experience has an impact on human development, its value system, motivation. Also, temperament affects the formation and preservation of the knowledge system and skills, they, in turn, create conditions for correcting the properties of temperament in the direction of favorable further replenishment and improve the quality of this system. Thus, the personality is a holistic structure, all the elements of which are in close relationship.

Personality is one of the key concepts of philosophy, sociology and psychology. This term is often found not only in scientific research and treatises, but also in our everyday life. How often we hear in everyday life such phrases like "odious personality", "interesting person", "outstanding personality". And what does she represent themselves? And what does the word "person" mean?

There are many definitions of this concept. If they are combined and simplified, it will turn out that the personality is a system of moral and moral qualities of a person acquired by him in the process of interaction with society. That is, the individual is not endowed with it since birth, it is formed in the process of knowledge of peace and communicating with other people.

Personality is the quality that manifests itself in the processes of activity, creativity, perception and communication. It is divided into several component parts - temperament, character, ability, as well as cognitive-cognitive, urgent motivational and emotional-volitional spheres. The temperature is the features of perception and neuro-dynamic personality organization. Integrity - a generalized concept, which includes the entire spectrum of sustainable psychological properties of the individual. Abilities are ensuring the possibility of performing various activities.

It should also be borne in mind that personality is not a solid monolithic quality, this is a whole system of various properties. Its main features include emotionality, activity, self-regulation and motivation. Emotionality determines the sensitivity of a person to various emerging situations and the dynamics of occurrence and flowing in it. The activity implies the frequency and completeness of the implementation of certain actions. Self-regulation is arbitrary control of the personality of those or other parameters. And the urgenition - to the action of a whole person, has a complete set of these qualities.

At all times, there were such problems as or a state and personality. Sometimes conflicts may arise between an individual and society. Their reasons are in the impossibility of meeting the needs of the individual in communicating, self-realization and activities in this social structure. In order to avoid such conflicts, the state produces laws on the protection of people's rights. Thus, a comfortable existence of a person as part of the state and society is achieved.

Another reverse side of the desire for self-expression. The solutions are devoted to whole sections of psychology. After all, the personality is a complex of interests, principles and judgments that do not always coincide with the thoughts of the surrounding people. To achieve a quiet and peaceful society, you need to learn to avoid conflict situations and see individuality in the surrounding people. It is likely that it will ever become possible, as the society develops every day for the better. In the meantime, we can only learn to see the personality not only in yourself, but also in each of those who surround us.

1. Personality and individuality

Individuality - This is a peculiarity of a separate person, a set only to him belonging features. In psychology, the problem of individuality is raised due to the holistic characteristics of a separate person in the manifold of his thoughts, feelings, manifestations of will, abilities, motives, desires, interests, habits, moods, experiences, qualities of perverse processes, intelligence, inclinations, abilities and other features .

The question of individuality is considered based on the analysis of the temperament and the nature of the person, finding grounds for the allocation of types of people and is set as the problem of the relationship in man of typological traits and individual differences, so individuality is described as a set of features inherent in this person. The prerequisites of human individuality are laid in anatomy-physiological precision, which are converted in the process of education that has a socially conditioned nature, generating a wide variability of manifestations of individuality. Individuality is implemented both through human behavior in the situation of communication and through the cultivation of their various abilities in activities.

The uniqueness of the human psyche is determined by the organic unity and integrity of the process of developing its needs and abilities that are formed in activity communications with carriers of culture (in the broad sense of the word).

Term "individuality"it is used as a synonym for the words "Individual" to designate the uniqueness of the set of signs inherent in the individual organism and distinguishing this organism from all others belonging to the same type.

Usually, the word "individuality" defines any dominant feature of the person who makes it unlike those around others. Indeed, every person, the individuality of some manifests itself very brightly, convex, others - casually, little and little.

Individuality can manifest itself in an intellectual, emotional, volitional sphere or immediately in all spheres of mental activity. The originality of the intellect for example is the ability to see what others do not notice, in the peculiarities of information processing, i.e., in the ability to put problems (intellectual and moral nature) and solve them in great mobility of emotions. Features of the will manifest themselves in its strength, amazing courage, composure.

Individuality characterizes the personality more detailed and thereby fully. It is a permanent object of research both in the study of the psychology of the personality and other areas of psychology.

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