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Distinctive features of life. Character features: examples. How and when is the character formed? Dependence on temperament

Speaking about such a thing as the "character of a person", most of us implies the reaction of a person to certain events in his life, as well as the people around him. In fact, this concept is much more complicated. Today you will learn about the peculiarities of a human character, its main types and features.

Concept, manifestation of character

The concept of "character" in psychological terminology implies (translated from Greek. - "Print") a set of personal characteristics of a person who are emerging in the process of growing up and brightly manifested in human life (both personal and public). As a result, there is a stable and one-type behavior in various situations.

In fact, not all the psychological features of the personality can be considered by its constant traits of nature. A simple and vivid example: a person in a fairly stressful situation showed himself as coarse and unrestrained. Does this mean that such behavior is infectious to him in view of this nature? By no means. Only a regular manifestation of such behavior can talk about the character line.

The basis of a human nature forms its nervous activity, or rather its type; The dynamics of its manifestation is the environment.

There are a lot of deep definitions and deciphers of the totality of concepts included in the word "character". In an affordable language, the nature of the person is most often understood as:

  • a system of sustainable behavior, forming a type of personality;
  • the line between the inner world of man and the outside world in which he lives or the way of adapting an individual to the environment;
  • a clearly pronounced system of human behavioral reactions to those or other stimuli.

It is worth noting that character cannot be called finally formed until the person lives, grows and develops. The formation of a person's character directly depends on the characteristics of his lifestyle, including not only physical leaving, but also spiritual: thoughts, feelings, motivation, etc.

The character of a person in its content is a complex relationship between the public influence and the identity orientation, consisting of spiritual / material needs, beliefs, interests, etc.


It is worth noting that the nature of character directly occurs under the influence of certain social subgroups, which includes a person (for example, family, friends, a working team, etc.). Depending on which of the groups is for a person dominant, such features character and will develop from it. In addition, a considerable role in this process will play the position of the individual in the group and the degree of its interaction with it.

In general, several groups of character can be distinguished depending on human relations with the outside world:

  1. The attitude of a person to other individuals. It is understood by the perception of an individual of his own family, colleagues, friends, just foreign outsiders. There is a man's desire for active communication and, accordingly, the characteristic traits, such as respect for others, collectivism, sensitivity, kindness in relation to others, are obvious. The opposite manifestation is also possible - the desire for limited communication and, accordingly, the features associated with it are silent, restraint, contempt for others, etc.
  2. The attitude of a person to his own work, achievements. As in the previous case, a person has a fundamentally different emotions in relation to his own work. It all depends on his characteristic features: diligence, creative principle, organization, responsibility - with a positive attitude towards its own work and laziness, unscrupulousness, inaccurability, etc. - with a negative / indifferent attitude towards work.
  3. The attitude of a person to itself. An important component in character is a person's own "I". Meaning such features of character as a sense of self-esteem, pride (healthy feeling), modesty or opposite character traits: self-conceitness, contrastance, egoism.
  4. The attitude of a person to things. Everything is simple here: a person either takes care of the state of its (and not only) things (accuracy, careful appeal), or no (slope, negligence, etc.).

Interrelation of character and temperament

Many mistakenly believe that the temperament of a person is initially akin to the character and therefore identify these two concepts. In the scientific environment, 4 main views on the interaction of character and temperament are officially adopted:

  • The identification (character and temperament is considered equal in meaning of concepts).
  • Contracting concepts, underline the principal difference between them.
  • Recognition of temperament part of character, sometimes even its core.
  • Recognition of temperament in factual foundation for character development.

Despite the fundamentally different scientific views on the concept of character and temperament, they can be distinguished by their overall dependence on the physiological characteristics of a person, namely the characteristics of its nervous system. It is also worth noting that temperament is more firmly associated with the nervous system of the individual, so in fact is the basis for character. The temperament has a decisive effect on the formation of such features as a balance, an adequate perception of one or another situation, peace of response, etc.

Nevertheless, temperament is not yet a predetermining factor in the formation of character. So, a rather frequent phenomenon is considered to form a radically different nature at the same temperament.

Main types of character

There are many different theories according to which the character of a person can be divided into several types. You have a somewhat most common in a scientific environment.

Types of character according to Krechmera

According to the well-known German psychologist, the Krechmera, all individuals living on Earth belong to one of the three main groups / types of character (the main role in the definition of a person in one type or other type is its physiological data):

  • Asthenics. People of thin body with thin long hands and legs, weak chest. Most often, people from this group have a weakly developed musculature. In psychological relations, this type corresponds to a schizotic type of character: people with a similar type of character are inherent in closure, stubbornness, poor adaptation to changes in the environment.
  • Athletics. People are strong enough, with well-developed muscles. This type corresponds to an Xotemical type of character: people with a similar type of character are inherent in peace of mind, practicality, restraint, authority, etc.
  • Picnics. People are quite dense or even having an overweight, the head is big, the neck is short, a face with small features of the face. The appropriate type of character is sociability, emotionality, fast adaptation to new conditions.

Classification of characters according to Karl Gustav Jung

The famous psychiatrist and psychologist from Switzerland created a simple look at the first glance, but a fairly deep classification of characters, since it is about the interaction of conscious with the unconscious. So, k.g. Jung allocated three main types of character: extrovert, introvert, ambovern.

Thus, the reactions and activities of the extrovert depends more on external impressions of events, people, etc. The introvert is the same way: it is more guided by his own experiences, sensations, etc.

Extraverts - people sociable, pleasant interlocutors, open, fun, have a large number of friends. Always try to take everything from life, little care about your own health

The introverts are a special type of person who is quite difficult to understand. He will always be closed, is inexplicitable, seeks to analyze everything, quite negative, has few friends.

Well, finally, Ambivers - a man who learned, so to speak, is all the best from the first two types. This person is a wonderful analyst with a thin soul, inclined to periodic "attacks" of loneliness, and at the same time able to "stir up" a big company with its witty, humor and charisma.

Types of characters according to Hippocratic

Hippocrates is considered the founder of one of the key theories of human essence. True, in distant ancient times under the temperament typology created by him, the physical component of the person was understood. And only a couple of centuries ago, the concept of four temperaments developed by him began to study from a psychological point of view.

So, there are 4 main types of character / temperament:

  • Choleric; Pretty passionate, hot-tempered, sometimes an aggressive person who is quite difficult to control its emotional state and reaction to annoying external factors. For choleric, frequent flashes of anger, mood change and other sharp changes in behavior. Quickly consume energy, depleting the reserves.
  • Sanguine. Very mobile and cheerful person for which, as well as for choleric, peculiar mood differences, but at the same time a fast and stable reaction to external factors. Sanguine - Man productive and purposeful.
  • Phlegmatic person. The person is very discreet, practically does not show emotions. It is not limited to, possesses a balanced psyche, persistent and persistent in work.
  • Melancholic. A very impressionable and easy-to-person man is acutely experiencing his own failures. On the external stimuli reacts quite sharply.

This is perhaps everything you need to know about the character of a person, its main types, features and manifestations in the outside world. Of all the above, you can make a simple conclusion: each person is very individual, the person is complex, multifaceted and unusual.

Hello. It would seem that we know all the positive qualities of a person, but we cannot always say what one or another characteristic means. In addition, there are so many of them that you can make a big list. See our list of good human qualities and complement it in the comments!

What positive qualities of a person are valued when driving

Every person is very important to find a good job, but it becomes more difficult to do it. Therefore, we will analyze the most important good features of the character, which should be highlighted with the device to work. Of course, it is necessary to call only your positive features. Positive qualities is a whole list, but let's call more significant.

How best to characterize yourself to work? What does the employer appreciate more?

First of all, he appreciates:

  • Accuracy - It is not only a desire for order and cleanliness. Accuracy is manifested in external tidy, caring attitude towards things, accuracy and care in matters.
  • Pupil - These are good manners and the ability to behave in society. A brought up man is polite with others, regardless of their social status. This is knowledge and performance of rules of behavior in society, respect for someone else's property, nature, society. For a brought up man never happened.
  • Discipline - This is the ability to follow the rules and regulations. The disciplined person not only strictly complies with the established rules, but also knows how to dispose of his own time so that it is enough for all important things.
  • A responsibility - This is the ability of a person to respond to the fact that he is entrusted with the ability to make complex decisions and evaluate their consequences. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for anything, manifests himself as an independent and mature person.
  • Punctuality - This is the compliance with the rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more connected with the lack of desets, the ability to carry out instructions on time, comply with the agreement. It is especially valued in the industries where "time is money." But you should not neglect punctuality and in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.
  • Communicability - This is the ability to install contacts. A person who does not have communicative barriers easily enters the team and makes friends. We live in society, so the ability to communicate with others useful in any field of life.
  • Goodworking - This ability to relate positively to your own work. Diligence is not only the willingness to give their strength and personal labor process, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person systematically lens from work and is not able to perceive his work with interest - the burden of the whole team.
  • Persistence - This is the ability to go to the goal. This quality is characteristic of strong people, not passing before difficulties and failures. Perseverance in achieving the goals and the implementation of plans shows the character of character and unshakable spirit. Persistent personalities by their own forces seek heights.

No less important personal qualities of the employee. They manifest themselves in everything, even to dress in the manner, so, going to get a job you need to dress beautifully, but not prefabricated.

Rules for compiling Summary

But it turns out that all personal qualities are not so important for the employer as business. True, each work requires their advantages.

We have already allocated common features, but how to praise ourselves, so as not to seem like a look around, but give yourself a decent characteristic.

For a resume, you need to choose especially noticeable advantages, because the employer will read it without seeing you. What to hook it? First of all, it is necessary to allocate:

  • stress tolerance;
  • not conflict;
  • tolerance;
  • the ability to get along with people;
  • work in a team.

For the characterization, you will need to write a total of 5-7 sentences, so you need to try to highlight the best features of your character, lead such arguments to make out of a dozen applicants, only you wanted to hire.

Having come for an interview, be prepared for the fact that the recruiter can stop you at one of the items, then asked to bring examples from your life. When preparing a summary, it is all responsible for this important point.

If you specified initiative, I will certainly tell you how you, for example, have implemented a new sales strategy.

Try yourself to answer the questions:

  • What am I better than others?
  • Why should I get this position?
  • What can I do better than others and what is different from colleagues?
  • What a significant thing I did in my career?
  • What are the achievements in my life?

Now answer these questions to get away from standard characteristics. Do stakes on personal achievements and your advantages.

Do not focus on education, this employer may not even read, it is interested in your achievements. Specify the place of your work, starting with the last. Be sure to specify the achievements at this work. If we own languages, it is a plus to your characteristic.

How to get rid of negative traits

Each person has both negative and positive features. But each person can consider their negative qualities as an incentive to overcome them, start raising good character traits in itself.

How to do it? Let us give an example, how to show the best human qualities in relation to ignorant, that is, bad people.

You were insulted what to do? Do not respond, switch to another object. In this case, an example with a landfill is indicative. Passing by the landfill, you feel an unpleasant smell. You will not stand at the landfill, sniffing her unpleasant flavors, but just unfold, as soon as you leave. Soon you will forget about this smell, and here, why answer the insult to the attacks of an unhealthy person?!

What qualities are especially valued in men and women

If you ask a man and a woman, what qualities they consider the best, then the answers will be different. Men appreciate the woman's mental manifestations:

Women appreciate moral qualities in men.

  • Fidelity. The faithful companion is a big rarity, but every woman dreams to meet exactly such a person. This is an important side of the relationship between a man and a woman, because with it, such a negative trait as jealousy is conjugate. Loyalty speaks about the reliability and constancy of the person who has this quality.
  • Care, honesty - This is openness, the inadmissibility of deception in relation to others. This quality indicates decency, morality and strong character.
  • Generosity - This is a readiness to share with your neighbors, absolutely not wanting to get something in return. Even the most disinterested people appreciate this quality, because it shows the latitude of the soul.
  • Vent good character. Before kindness, it is difficult to resist any girl.
  • Confidence. Women crazy about male confident.
  • Mind, ambitiousness. A person who seeks to self-improvement, very attracts girls.
  • Self-sufficiency and sociability. Girls like guys who will always find a common language with other people.
  • Sense of humor. Girls love to laugh.
  • Appearance. Girls always pay attention to his boyfriend's clothes.

You can add all the qualities of a good person to the characteristic of men and women who attract them to each other.

Good character qualities for all times

At all times, such quality was valued as nobility. Over time, they have become less likely to remember about this quality, but noble people have always distinguished from a common mass with their unusual features.

The noble person perceives the need to serve good. Only a noble person is familiar with such concepts as honor, valor, mutual execution. In a difficult situation, he will come to the revenue, without thinking about himself, about some kind of profit or gratitude.

MoralAlso appreciated at all times. Under this concept, the internal rules that lead a person are meant. The internal rules are laid under the influence of many factors: family, education in the school walls, on the street, in society.

We believe that the moral person must be good-natured, honest, bold. It is moral qualities that make it possible to do good, to substitute your shoulder when required. Moral people respect the elders, they are tactical, decent, modest, are true in life and love.

But there is also evil morality. She is selfless, selfish, everything makes only for himself, approves only its value and exception. She pushes on deception, theft, in hatred.

Self-esteem - This is a self-esteem and high assessment of your qualities, understanding value and significance.

A person who has this quality is unlikely to decide on a low act, deception or even ordinary swear in a public place. This is lower than its dignity. For such a person, it is not even not the opinion of others, but its own assessment of their actions.

Finally, parents must put the rules in children in children, to file an example themselves, then in society there will be more decent, good people.

This is a combination of individual mental properties of the personality, which are formed in the activity and manifest themselves in behavior.
Main feature and difference character from synonymy concepts in that character always Manifested in activities, in relation to and human behavior.
We judge the character of a person on the basis of his actions and actions. For example, we are talking about that man responsible, purposeful, decisiveIf, for example, its attitude and behavior in work, the team corresponds to these manifestations.
Only stable and stable characteristics for this person, for example, even very funny people may feel the feeling of sadness, but they will not be twisted and pessimists.

Character formation

The formation of character occurs under the influence of various social groups: family, School, Company of friends, Institute, Working Group.

Parents and family are influenced by the very first influence on the child, and therefore it is very important which foundations are laid for a small child.
During life, character changes. For the development of nature, life circumstances, lifestyle, development of views and values \u200b\u200bof man have the impact.

Traits - These are the mental properties of a person who determine his behavior in typical circumstances.
Allocate different classifications character traits.

In one of the classifications, character traits are associated with mental processes and allocate volizage, emotional and intellectual traits.
Solving traits: Demanding, perseverance, self-control, independence, activity, organization, etc.
Emotional traits of character:pryingness, impressionability, burning, inertness, indifference, responsiveness, etc.
Intelligent features:deepiness, intelligence, resourcefulness, curiosity, etc.

In another classification, the character traits allocate by the nature of the attitude of a person to activities, other people, to themselves and to things.
In relation to person to other people: sociability, goodwill, responsiveness, respect, etc.
In relation to man to work: Diligence, responsibility, initiative, perseverance, etc.
In relation to the person to itself: Self-esteem, self-criticism, self-conceit, egocentrism, etc.
In relation to the person to things:accuracy, thrift, slope, etc.

Character and temperament

Temperament and character are interconnected in the personality structure, but have a number of fundamental differences:

character has a social nature (formed during life), temperament has a biological nature (laid at birth).
- Character changes, temperament remains stable

Temperament affects the development of individual character traits. Some properties of temperament contribute to the formation of certain character traits, others counteract. For example, phlegmatic temperament does not contribute to the formation of hot spirits and irritability.

The dynamic characteristics of character also depend on the temperament. For example, quick temper will be brighter to manifest themselves at the choleric than the Sanguinique.

And in turn, depending on a number of character, a person can restrain the unwanted circumstances of the occurrence of temperament. For example, restraint and tactfulness will be able to restrain the manifestations of choleric temperament.

Types of character

There are a number of theories offering a description of the types of characters.
E. Srecmerdescribed 3 types of character depending on the type of human body. Types of Krechmera characters: Schizotic (asthenic), Xotymik (Athletic), Cyclothimik (Picnic)

German psychologist Karl Leongard described 12 types of characters of accentuated personalities. The accentuation is a pointed trait of the nature between the norm and pathology (psychopathy).

Later his ideas developed A.E.Lichko, but its typology of characters is more and more to the pathology of characters.

Erich Fromm.- The famous representative of Neofreedism brought the following main types of social characteristics: "Mazochist Sadist", "Destroyer", "Conformist-Avtomat".

Karl Jung - The Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist - proposed his theory of identity types depending on the allocation of the dominant mental function (thinking / feeling, intuition / sensation) and the direction of the external or internal world (extracetic and introverting types).

In the consequence of the idea of \u200b\u200bKarl Jung were developed Isabelle Myers Briggs.. She proposed the theory of types, which described 16 types of personality - 16 types of human characters.

The properties, or features are called the characteristics that most accurately describe the deep features of a person, what gives an idea of \u200b\u200bhis manner of communicating with society, responding to certain situations not only at this particular point, but also with long-term contact with others.

Damage features may have a social nature and to be congenital features of a particular individual.

Classification of property properties

The main features of the character are customary to be divided into three groups:

  1. The attitude of the person to society surrounding people (in other words, attitude to the external environment).
  2. Attitude towards your own person.
  3. Attitude to learning and work, that is, to activities.

Emotional character traits, like apathicity or cheerfulness, aggressiveness or goodness, impulsiveness, or closetness, lovingness, capriciousness, quick-temperedness, melancholism, and so on, form at the early stage of the formation of the psyche, that is, in early childhood.

Intellectual traits ( prudence, insight, independence, etc.) and volitional (masculinity, assertiveness, diligence, pedantry, etc.) character traits, on the contrary, are acquired during the life, forming under the influence of various external situations.

Are not the features of the personality characteristics like:

In the formation of a person's personality, a natural predisposition will have a great importance, as well as the effect on it temperament and hereditary genes.

However, it is not worth the mind and the role played by the child's environment when becoming its character. It is no less important than congenital features. The kid learns the world around and learn to act in different situations in one way or another. At first, this process is reflexively, and after it becomes the result of a conscious choice. It is this choice and determines the further development of the person, its growth.

Basic character traits

In any person you can meet the weave of a wide variety of personality features, both positive and negative. Although it is impossible to assert with absolute confidence that a specific character trait is positive or, on the contrary, a negative, for example, a tendency to various kinds of adventures can help in prosperity and ensure enormous problems, depending on how thoughtful people are involved in adventures.

About envy, for example, it is customary to mention as an extremely negative personality property, but it can stimulate the experiencing envy move forward and seek much more than others. In general, it can be said that a decisive role plays not so much a specific trait of character, how much the ability to properly apply it, as well as its combination with other personality properties. But from a moral point of view, the most characteristic features of the person still accepted to divide on negative and positive.

Negative features

Positive features

You can list positive characteristics of the character for a very long time, however, it can be attributed to the most significant:

Of course, all of the above is not an axiom, and to predict how the concrete person will react to one or another situation, as he behaves in it, it is almost impossible, even close to him. Besides, negative character traits can be:

  • reduce,
  • turn into positive.

However, this is achieved by a long and hard work on himself, and this, unfortunately, is far from many.

A view of a person as a combination of negative symptoms is widely used in the "classic" psychology and psychiatry with its DSM-V.

In positive psychology, they tried to look at the strengths of the person.

After five years of work, 50 leading experts in psychology, anthropology, sociology, cultural studies and other sciences about a person appeared a classifier of positive character traits ( character Strengths.) K. Pieterson and M. Seligman.

It includes 24 positive features, initially combined in six categories ( virtues.): wisdom and knowledge, courage, humanity, sociality, moderation and spirituality.

However, now there are a number of studies that offer to combine these features in three or four blocks.

  • carry a positive moral assessment regardless of the potential or real benefits;
  • resistant time;
  • positively affect other people when someone uses such features;
  • there are in the focus of institutes (school, church, etc.).

Positive character features can also be defined as congenital qualities that occur naturally felt on authentic and are used due to the internal motivation of the person.

It is important to understand that everyone has these features, they can be developed with the help of special exercises, and it is necessary to use them with the "mind".

About how you can define your own without special diagnostics, we have already written earlier.

Here is a list of such features:

Creativity Creativity, Originality, Ingenuity The ability to generate fundamentally new ideas that have a positive effect on the life of a person or others. Ideas can concern and everyday life, and fundamental scientific works, discoveries, inventions, arts, etc. Creative people apply their imagination to solve the problems they face.
Curiosity CURIOSITY, INTEREST, NOVELTY-SEEKING, OPENNESS TO EXPERIENCE Interest in what is happening, the desire to get answers to questions that cause any event. Curiosity is expressed in the definition and use of opportunities for new knowledge and skills, as well as openness to new experience.
Flexibility of thinking Open-Mindedness, Judgment, Critical Thinking The desire to find several different problems of solving the problem, attentiveness to alternatives. It manifests itself in the ability to explore all aspects of the situation, find the arguments "for" and "against", to hear the opposite point of view.
Interest in the teaching Love of Learning The desire to expand the erudition and acquire new knowledge, skills, explore new places. This feature is manifested in the ability to "plunge" into a new material, continue knowledge even when something does not work.
Wisdom Perspective, Wisdom. Attention to a broader context of occurring events, an understanding of general patterns, the ability to ask important and complex issues related to morality and life make sense to give a valuable council to others. People with a developed feature know their strengths and weaknesses, and also seek to benefit society.
Bravery Bravery, Valor. The ability to maintain resistance and exposure, overcome the resistance of circumstances or other people, help others even in a risk situation. Bravery manifests itself when there is an understanding of the complexity and danger of the situation, and the actions of a person are voluntary. Values \u200b\u200band morals of those who have developed this feature, outweigh the adverse effects of actions.
Persistence Persistence, Perseverance, IndustRiousness Adverse desire to achieve goal, care and good faith in doing any work. Perseverance is how a person is "immersed" into the process, focuses on it and manifests patience.
Sincerity Integrity, Authenticity, Honesty Loyalty to their inner beliefs and values, frankness, the desire to speak the truth, openness to their emotions and thoughts. This feature allows you to feel like a "owner" of your body and mind, having your inner convictions regardless of how much they are approved by society.
Energy VITALITY, ZEST, ENTHUSIASM, VIGOR, ENERHY Activity, natural vitality, energy. It allows you to live a full life, be included in the situation that happens to us.
Love Love. The experience of the feeling of proximity and connectedness with the surrounding people. Love is manifested in relation to people who depend on us or on which we depend on, and to those who attract us romantically, sexually and emotionally.
Kindness Kindness, Generosity, Nurturance, Care, Compassion, Altruistic Love, Nice-Ness The desire to take care of others, to make actions, whose goal is the well-being of another person. People with a developed feature are enjoyable to help others, regardless of those who help.
Social Intellect Social Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Personal Intelligence Understanding your motivation and emotions, the emotional state of other people, sensitivity in social contacts. People with a developed feature are trying to make the situation comfortable for all its participants.
Involvement Citizenship, Social Responsibility, Loyalty, Teamwork Commitment to group targets and values, desire to achieve team results, favor to members of the team. People with a developed feature are ready to sacrifice part of their personal interests for the benefit of the group.
Emergencyness FAIRNESS, EQUITY, JUSTICE Impartiality, following universal values \u200b\u200band standards in relations with others. The trait is manifested in respect of moral rules and compassion to others.
Leadership Leadership. The ability to inspire people to achieve high results, behave. Success in organizing group work of people, the use of effective, ridicule and friendly ways to achieve the goal.
Generosity Forgiveness, Mercy. Merciful and indulgent attitude towards others, making deficiencies of others, the ability to give a "second chance."
Modesty Humility, MODESTY. Lack of demonstration and aspiration for publicity, reluctance to talk about their advantages and compare themselves with others. People with a developed feature know about their positive and negative qualities, are ready to help others and get help from others.
Prudence Prudence Insudacy, practicality, collens, prudency, caution when choosing. People with a developed feature are thinking about the consequences of their actions before they commit them.
Self Control Self-Regulation, Self-Control The ability to regulate its own emotional state and behavior, refrain from instinctive reactions, check the intuition "for strength", to resist temptations when necessary.
Sense of beauty AppReciation of Beauty and Excellence, Awe, Wonder, Elevation The ability to experience the feeling of aesthetic pleasure and pleasure, the desire for the beautiful. Required can be found in the subjects around us, events, people, natural objects and phenomena.
Thanks Gratitude Experience of feeling appreciation to people and life for what it is. Gratitude is expressed in the ability to understand and express such appreciation.
Optimism Hope, Optimism, Future-Mindedness, Future Orientation Positive installation in relation to the future, the confidence that efforts will not disappear for nothing.
Sense of humor Humor, Playfulness The ability to perceive the events with humor and irony, the ability to cheer others. Humor is characterized by a creative and cheerful approach to life
Religiosity Spirituality, Religiousness, Faith, Purpose Life experience as having meaning and purpose, awareness of its place in the big picture of the world.


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