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Vasyura, Svetlana Aleksandrovna - Psychology of communicative activity: Textbook. manual for a special course. Psychology Methodological manuals on the psychology of wasyura


1 S.A. Vasyura PSYCHOLOGY Izhevsk

2 Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation FGOBUVPO "Udmurt State University"Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and social technologies S.A. Vasyura PSYCHOLOGY PRACTICE Izhevsk

3 UDC (07) LBC 88.3 i 7 B 204 Recommended for publication by the Educational and Methodological Council of UdSU Reviewer: Doctor of Psychology, Professor N.I. Leonov V 204 Psychology: workshop. Izhevsk: Publishing house "Udmurt University", the Practicum is intended for students of the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Engineering and students of other fields of study, studying psychology among the disciplines of the general humanitarian cycle. It can be used by teachers as a teaching aid. The workshop is divided into two parts. In the first part, questions are presented on each of the topics studied in the course, the titles of reports and abstracts are proposed, as well as a list of the main and additional literature... The second part of the workshop includes assignments, exercises, questionnaires, tasks, terminological dictations that will help students not only study theoretical positions, but also master the methods of psychological research. Using the system of tasks proposed in this part of the manual, teachers can diagnose the level of student learning. UDC159.9 (07) LBC 88.3 i 7 Vasyura S.A., 2011 Publishing house "Udmurt University",

4 Introduction The course "Psychology and Pedagogy" occupies an important place in the training of students of the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science, since the competencies acquired in the process of studying it have an independent meaning in the future. professional activity... The psychology workshop is intended for students in the following bachelor's training profiles: fundamental informatics and Information Technology, informatics and computer technology, Information Systems and technology, applied informatics, library and information activities. The workshop presents the main provisions of modern psychological science, designed to provide future specialists in the field of applied mathematics and computer science with the necessary assistance in optimizing their professional activities. The study of the psychological section of the course Psychology and Pedagogy is aimed at solving the following tasks: - to show the complexity inner peace personality, to warn against simplified ideas about human nature; - develop students' interest in knowing other people and self-knowledge; stimulate their self-education and development; - to acquaint students with the methods of psychological diagnostics; - to develop students' skills in the specific application of psychological knowledge to improve the process of interaction with the social environment; - to lay the foundations of psychological culture. The assimilation of psychological knowledge in the course of practical classes in psychology is stimulated by the analysis of students' own experience, preparation creative presentations, discussions, case-method, execution of terminological dictations, writing abstracts, etc. Success 4

5 practical lessons depend on the following requirements that must be remembered and fulfilled by the student: a) each lesson must be preceded by an independent Homework, which consists in studying the relevant chapters of the textbook and recommended literature; b) in the course of studying the material, it is necessary to establish a connection between psychological knowledge and the knowledge of others scientific disciplines, strive to find examples and additions from literature, life experience to theoretical positions; c) when reading a textbook, it is advisable to make a synopsis of the material being studied. In it, it is recommended to write down the most essential, and not in the form of quotations, but in your own words, to make tables and diagrams of what you read; d) in the course of work on the abstract, one should carefully study the recommended literature, critically evaluate it, think about the correctness and evidence of the provisions put forward by the author. Draw up a detailed outline of the report. Prepare illustrations necessary for work, try to use personal observations, experience, experiments. Using the case-method in psychology classes, the teacher solves the following tasks: - provides quick feedback with each student; - uses various forms of involving students in group activities; - monitors the progress of work and evaluates the results joint activities students in different types educational interaction; - controls the success of the students' assimilation of new material; - maintains a favorable psychological climate in the student group. 5

6 Successful solution of the above tasks allows the formation of the corresponding competencies of students. The tasks and exercises contained in the workshop are offered to students after studying the relevant topic. The sequence of topics can be changed by the teacher. The methodology of conducting the lessons has been approved by the author of the workshop. 6

7 PROGRAM OF PRACTICAL EXERCISES IN PSYCHOLOGY Lesson 1 Subject of psychology Control questions 1. The concept of psychology. The place of psychology in the system of sciences. 2. Psyche in the modern scientific sense. The structure of the psyche. 3. Development of the psyche in phylogenesis. 4. Brain and psyche. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. one: General basics psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I.Scherbakova. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. Gippenreiter Yu.B. An introduction to general psychology. Lecture course. M .: CheRo, p. 2. Godefroy J. What is psychology: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1 / per. with fr. M .: Mir, I.B. Grinshpun. Introduction to Psychology. M., James W. Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 7

8 5. History of psychology in persons. Personalii / ed. L.A. Karpenko // Psychological lexicon. Encyclopedic Dictionary: in 6 volumes. M .: PERSE, p. 6. Klix F. Awakening thinking. At the origins of human intelligence. M .: Progress, p. 7. Kolominskiy Ya.L. Man: psychology. M .: Education, p. 8. Kornilova T.V., Smirnov S.D. Methodological foundations of psychology. SPb .: Peter, p. 9. Lomov B.F. Questions of general, educational and engineering psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 10. Luria A.R., Vygotsky L.S. Behavioral History Studies: Monkey. Primitive. Child. M .: Pedagogika-Press, p. eleven. General psychology: course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M .: VLADOS, p. 12. Petrovsky A.V. Psychology in Russia: XX century. M .: Publishing house of URAO, p. 13. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. History and theory of psychology: in 2 volumes. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, Popular psychology. Reader / comp. V.V. Mironenko. M .: Education, p. 15. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. SPb .: Peter, p. (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 16. Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Human psychology: An introduction to the psychology of subjectivity: textbook. manual for universities. M .: School-Press, p. 17. Sokolova E.E. Thirteen dialogues about psychology. Reader with commentary on the course Introduction to Psychology. M .: Meaning, p. 18. Fishel Q. Do animals think? M .: Mir, p. 19. Schultz D.P., Schultz S.E. History of modern psychology / per. from English SPb .: Peter,

9 20. Psyche + Clio // Electronic journal on the history of psychology. URL: ru. 21. Psychology. Magazine High school economy. URL: psy-journal.hse.ru. Topics of reports 1. Pre-scientific psychology and the doctrine of the soul. 2. The system of phenomena studied by modern psychology. 3. Modern psychology, its relationship with other sciences. 4. Branches of modern psychology. 5. Formation and development of psychology in Russia. Abstract topics 1. Psychology and history. 2. Psychology and philosophy. 3. Psychology and sociology. 4. Study of the conscious and unconscious in psychology. 5. Understanding the nature of the unconscious by various psychological schools and directions. 6. Qualitative transformations of mental activity in the process of anthropogenesis. 7. Conditions for the emergence and development of consciousness. Lesson 2 Methods of psychology Test questions 1. general characteristics methods of psychology. 2. Basic and auxiliary methods of psychology. 9

10 3. Psychodiagnostic research. 4. Organization of psychological research. Its stages. 5. Requirements for the methods of psychology. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General Psychology St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for Universities") S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. M. Publishing house. Center "Academy", With Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I.Scherbakova. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. Anastasi A. Psychological testing: in 2 volumes. M .: Pedagogy, Burlachuk LF, Morozov SM. Dictionary-reference for psychological diagnostics... Kiev: Naukova Dumka, p. 3. Gippenreiter Yu.B. An introduction to general psychology. Lecture course. M., Queen V. Applied psychology. SP .: Peter, p. 5. Marishchuk V.L., Bludov Yu.M., Plakhtienko V.A., Serova L.K. Methods of psychodiagnostics in sports. M .: Education, p. 6. General psychodiagnostics / ed. A.A. Bodaleva, V.V. Stolina. M .: Publishing house Mosk. un-that, s. 7. General psychology: textbook. manual / comp. S.V. Berezin, O.V. Turusova. Samara,

11 8. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. History and theory of psychology: in 2 volumes. Rostov n / a, Psychological diagnostics / ed. K.M. Gurevich. Biysk, Romanova E.S., Potemkina O.F. Graphic methods in psychological diagnostics. M .: Didact, p. 11. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2002 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 12. Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Human psychology: An introduction to the psychology of subjectivity: textbook. manual for universities. M .: School-Press, p. 13. Sokolova E.E. Thirteen dialogues about psychology. Reader with commentary on the course "Introduction to Psychology". M., Schultz D.P., Schultz S.E. History of modern psychology / per. from English SPb .: Peter, Topics of reports 1. Tests and testology. 2. Observation and its varieties. 3. Biographical method. 4. Substantial variety of types of experiment. Abstract topics 1. Development stages objective methods in psychology. 2. Natural experiment and its possibilities. 3. Longitudinal research. 4. Interviewing and its features. eleven

12 Lessons 3 and 4 Personality Control questions 1. The concept of personality. 2. Individual, individuality, personality: the ratio of the volume and content of concepts. 3. The ratio of biological and social in a person. 4. Psychological structure of personality. 5. Theories of personality. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General Psychology St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for Universities") S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I.Scherbakova. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. Abulkhanova K.A. Psychology and consciousness of personality: Selected psychological works... M .: Mosk. psychol.-social. in-t; Voronezh: Publishing house of NPO MODEK, p. (Series "Psychologists of the Fatherland"). 2. Asmolov A.G. Psychology of Personality. M .: Publishing house Mosk. un-that, s. 3. Vyatkin B.A., Zhdanova S.Yu. Psychology of cognition of individuality. M., Voronezh,

13 4. Gippenreiter Yu.B. An introduction to general psychology. Lecture course. M .: CheRo, p. 5. Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 6. James W. Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 7. Zeigarnik B.V. Kurt Lewin's personality theory. M .: Publishing house Mosk. un-that, s. 8. Zeigarnik B.V. Personality theory in foreign psychology. M., Ilyin E.P. Motivation and motives. SPb .: Peter, p. 10. Kamenskaya E.N. Psychology of personality: lecture notes. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, s. 11. Levontin R. Human individuality: heredity and environment / per. from English Moscow: Ed. group "Progress", p. 12. Maslow A. Motivation and personality. SPb., 2003 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 13. Merlin V.S. Personality as a subject of mental research. Perm, General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M .: VLADOS, p. 15. Pekelis V.D. Your possibilities, man. M., Petrovsky A.V. Psychology in Russia: XX century. M., Petrovsky V.A. Personality in psychology: the paradigm of subjectivity. Rostov n / a., Platonov K.K. Psychological workshop. M .: Higher. shk., p. 19. Platonov K.K. Personality structure and development. Moscow: Nauka, p. 20. Psychology of personality. Texts / ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, A.A. Bubbles. M., Psychology of personality: textbook. manual / ed. P.N. Ermakova, V.A.Labunskoy. M .: Eksmo, p. thirteen

14 22. Ruvinsky L.I. Self-education of the individual. M .: Thought, p. 23. Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Human psychology: An introduction to the psychology of subjectivity: textbook. manual for universities. M.: School-Press, p. 24 Sokolova E.E. Thirteen dialogues about psychology. Reader with commentary on the course "Introduction to Psychology". M., Fernham A., Haven P. Personality and social behavior... SPb .: Peter, 2001 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 26. Hjell L., Ziegler D. Theories of personality. SPb .: Peter, 1999 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). Topics of reports 1. The problem of personality stability. 2. Conditions and factors of normal and abnormal personality development. 3. Psychological structure of personality. 4. Needs as a source of personality activity. 5. Classification of needs in domestic and foreign psychology. 6. The latest trends in the theoretical development of personality problems. Topics of essays 1. Research of the level of claims and self-esteem of a person in psychology. 2. Personality and profession. 3. Modern theories of personality. 4. Cultural-historical approach to the study of personality. 5. Factorial approach to the structure of personality traits. 6. Life path personality. 7. Research "I-concept" in psychology. 8. Responsible behavior as a characteristic of personality. 14

15 Lessons 5 and 6 Temperament. Nature Test questions 1. General concept about temperament. Properties of temperament. 2. Temperament and types of higher nervous activity. 3. Psychological characteristics of types of temperament. 4. The role of temperament in the scientific and labor activity of a person. Individual style of activity. 5. The concept of character. Physiological foundations of character. Place of character in general structure personality. 6. Character structure. 7. Formation of character. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General Psychology St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for Universities") S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I.Scherbakova. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. Weininger O. Gender and character: Man and woman in the world of passions and eroticism / per. with it .. M .: Forum, p. 15

16 2. Gippenreiter Yu.B. An introduction to general psychology. Lecture course. M .: CheRo, p. 3. Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 4. Zharikov E.S., Krushelnitsky E.L. For you and about you. M .: Education, p. 5. Ilyin E.P. Differential psychophysiology. SPb .: Peter, 2001 (Series "Textbook of the new century"). 6. Levitov N.D. Psychology of character. M .: Education, p. 7. Merlin V.S. Essay on the theory of temperament. M., General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M .: VLADOS, p. 9. General psychology: textbook. manual / comp. S.V. Berezin, O. V. Turusov. Samara, Psychology individual differences... Texts / ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanov. M., Rusalov V.M. Biological bases of individual psychological differences. Moscow: Nauka, p. 12. Rusalov V.M. On the nature of temperament and its place in the structure of individual properties of a person // Questions of psychology Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Human psychology: An introduction to the psychology of subjectivity: textbook. manual for universities. M .: School-Press, p. 14. Simonov P.V., Ershov P.M. Temperament. Character. Personality. Moscow: Nauka, p. 15. Shoot J. The role of temperament in mental development / per. with floor. M .: Progress, p. Topics of reports 1. The problem of classification of temperaments. sixteen

17 2. Can temperament be changed? 3. Temperament and individual communication style. 4. Temperament and search activity. 5. Character and temperament. 6. Formation and development of character. 7. Protective functions of character. Topics of essays 1. Formation of an individual style of activity. 2. Personality and temperament. 3. Character structure. 4. The character and volitional qualities of the individual. 5. Typology of characters. 6. The problem of re-education of a person's character. 7. Manifestation of character accentuations in communication. 9. The attitude of the individual to his own character. Lesson 7 Abilities Test questions 1. The concept of abilities. The problem of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of abilities. 2. Kinds of abilities. 3. Connection of abilities with the success of the performance. 4. Incentives as natural prerequisites for the development of abilities. 5. Formation and development of abilities. 17

18 References Mandatory 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. Gilbukh Yu.Z. The temperament and cognitive abilities of the student. Kiev: Institute of Psychology, APN Ukraine, p. 2. Gippenreiter Yu.B. An introduction to general psychology. Lecture course. M .: CheRo, p. 3. Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 4. Druzhinin V.N. Psychology general abilities... SPb .: Peter, p. 5. Ilyin E.P. Differential psychophysiology. SPb .: Peter, 2001 (Series "Textbook of the new century"). 6. Kozyreva A.Yu. Lectures on pedagogy and psychology of creativity. Penza, Lewontin R. Human individuality: heredity and environment. M., General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M .: VLADOS, p. eighteen

19 9. General psychology: textbook. manual / comp. S.V. Berezin, O. V. Turusov. Samara, V.I. Slobodchikov, E.I. Isaev Human psychology: An introduction to the psychology of subjectivity: textbook. manual for universities. M .: School-Press, p. 11. Sokolova E.E. Thirteen dialogues about psychology. Reader with commentary on the course "Introduction to Psychology". M., Teplov B.M. Selected works: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1. M .: Pedagogy, V.D. Shadrikov. Problems of professional abilities // Psychol. zhurn T.3, Shadrikov V.D. Psychology of activity and human abilities. M .: Logos, p. Topics of reports 1. The nature of individual differences in the abilities of people. 2. Talent as the highest stage in the development of abilities. 3. Interaction and mutual compensation of abilities. 4. Genotype, properties nervous system and human abilities. Topics of essays 1. Development of human abilities. 2. The role of interests and inclinations in the formation of abilities. 3. The role of play in the development of abilities. 4. Intelligence and Creative skills... 5. Talent and professionalism. 6. Gender differences in abilities. 7. Traits of a genius personality. nineteen

20 Lesson 8 Interpersonal relationships in groups Control questions 1. Socio-psychological characteristics of groups and collectives. 2. Classification of groups. Group development stages. 3. Interpersonal relationships in groups. The essence of the main methods of studying them. References Required 1. Abramova GS General psychology: textbook. manual for universities. M., S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. Bodalev A.A. Psychology of communication. Moscow; Voronezh, s. 2. Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 3. Vasyura S.A. Psychology of communicative activity. Izhevsk: Publishing house "Udmurt University", p. 4. Vasyura S.A. Communicative activity and professional life of a person. Saarbrucken: LAMBERT Academic Publising, p. twenty

21 5. Dobrovich A.B. Educator about the psychology and psychohygiene of communication. M .: Education, p. 6. Ilyin E.P. Psychology of communication and interpersonal relationships... SPb .: Peter, p. 7. Kolominskiy Ya.L. Psychology of relationships in small groups (general and age features): textbook. allowance. Minsk .: TetraSystems, p. 8. Krichevsky R.L., Dubovskaya E.M. Social psychology of a small group: textbook. allowance. M .: Aspect-Press, p. 9. Kunitsyna V.N., Kazarinova N.V., Pogolsha V.M. Interpersonal communication: textbook for universities. SPb .: Peter, 2001 (Series "Textbook of the new century"). 10. Labunskaya V.A. Human Expression: Communication and Interpersonal Cognition. Rostov n / a: Phoenix, s. 11. General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M .: VLADOS, p. 12. General psychology: textbook. manual / comp. S.V. Berezin, O. V. Turusova. Samara, Pines E., Maslach K. Workshop on social psychology. SPb .: Peter, A.V. Petrovsky Personality. Activity. Team. M .: Politizdat, p. 15. Psychology of communication. Encyclopedic Dictionary / under total. ed. A.A. Bodaleva. M .: Kogito-Center, p. 16. Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Human psychology: An introduction to the psychology of subjectivity: textbook. manual for universities. M .: School-Press, p. 17. Social psychology of personality in questions and answers: textbook. manual / ed. V.A. Labunskaya. M .: Gardariki, p. 21

22 18. Social psychology in the works of Russian psychologists / comp. A.L. Svenitsky. SPb .: Peter, p. 19. Social psychology and society. URL: http: psyjournals.ru / social_psy. Topics of reports 1. Dynamics of development of relationships in the group. 2. Social norms and value orientations in the group. 3. The influence of social roles and positions on interpersonal interaction... 4. Gender dynamics in interpersonal relationships. 5. Theories of the reference group. Topics of essays 1. Social community and communication. 2. Socio-psychological phenomena in small groups. 3. Socio-psychological factors of the effectiveness of group activities. 4. Belonging to a group as a factor in personality behavior. 5. Methods of diagnostics and correction of the position of the individual in the group. Lesson 9 Attention Test questions 1. General characteristics of attention. Its physiological foundations. 2. Types of attention and the conditions for their occurrence. 3. The main properties of attention. 4.Functions of attention. 22

23 References Mandatory 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S Workshop on general psychology / ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. James W. Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 2. Dormashev Y.B., Romanov V.Ya. Attention psychology. M .: Trivola, p. 3. Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 4. Gonobolin F.N. Attention and its upbringing. M .: Pedagogy, p. 5. Levitina S.S. Is it possible to control the attention of a student? M .: Knowledge, p. 6. General psychology / ed. A.V. Petrovsky. M., General psychology / ed. V.V. Bogoslovsky. M., General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M., General psychology: textbook. manual / comp. S.V. Berezin, O. V. Turusova. Samara, Platonov K.K. Psychological workshop. M., Reader on attention / ed. A. N. Leontiev, A. L. Puzyreya, V. Ya. Romanova. M .: Publishing house Mosk. un-that, s. 23

24 Topics of reports 1. Attention and personality. 2. The problem of attention in psychology. 3. Methods for studying human attention. 4. Imaginary and genuine absent-mindedness. 5. Absorption and attention. Topics of essays 1. Physiological bases of attention. 2. Psychological theories of attention. 3. The role of attention in human activity. 4. Age-specific features of student attention. 5. Attention as self-observation and self-knowledge. Lessons 10 and 11 Sensations and perception Control questions 1. General characteristics of sensations. 2. Types of sensations. 3. General patterns sensations. 4. Concept and basic properties of perception. 5. Classification of perceptions. References Required 24

25 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1. General foundations of psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. M .: Publishing house. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. Ananiev B.G. Theory of sensations / LSU. L., p. 2. Artamonov I. D. Illusion of sight. Moscow: Nauka, p. 3. Bodalev A.A. Perception and understanding of a person by a person. M .: Publishing house Mosk. un-that, s. 4. Bruner D. Psychology of cognition. Beyond immediate information. M .: Progress, p. 5. Godefroy J. What is psychology: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1 M .: Mir, R.M. Granovskaya. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 7. Gregory R. Eye and Brain. M .: Progress, p. 8. James W. Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 9. Zabrodin Yu.M., Shapovalov V.I. Subjective characteristics of the sensory process // Psychol. zhurn T. 4, Lomov B.F. Questions of general, educational and engineering psychology. M., Lomov B.F. Features of cognitive processes in the context of communication // Psychol. zhurn T. 1, General psychology / ed. A.V. Petrovsky. M.,

26 13. General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M .: VLADOS, p. 14. General psychology: textbook. manual / comp. S.V. Berezin, O.V. Turusova. Samara, Pease A. Body language. M .: Eksmo, p. 16. Platonov K.K. Psychological workshop. M .: Higher. shk., p. 17. Pluzhnikov M.S., Ryazantsev S.V. Among the smells and sounds. M .: Young Guard, p. 18. Christmas N.A. The role of stereotypes in human cognition by man // Vopr. psychology Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. St. Petersburg, 2002 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 20. Sokolova E.E. Thirteen dialogues about psychology. Reader with commentary on the course "Introduction to Psychology". M., Solso R.L. Cognitive Psychology. SPb .: Peter, p. 22. Reader on sensation and perception / ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, M.B. Mikhalevskaya. M .: Publishing house Mosk. un-that, s. Topics of reports 1. Perception of a person by a person. 2. Features of the sensory side of the human psyche. 3. Taking into account the patterns of sensory processes in activity and communication. 4. Sensory organization of personality. 5. The concept of deprivation and the phenomenon of sensory hunger. Topics of essays 1. Compensatory capabilities of sensations. 2. Types and properties of perception. 3. The cognitive nature of the processes of perception. 4. Laws and riddles of visual perception. 26

27 5. Theories of color vision. 6. Perception of time. Lesson 12 Memory Test questions 1. General characteristics of memory and its main processes. 2. The essence of the basic theories (physiological mechanisms) of memory. 3. Types and types of memory. 4. Memory processes, their types and patterns. 5. Psychological conditions for increasing the efficiency of memorization. 6. Individual characteristics of memory. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. Godefroy J. What is psychology: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1 / per. with fr. M .: Mir, Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 3. James W. Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 27

28 4. Lapp D. The art of remembering and forgetting. SPb .: Peter, p. 5. Lapp D. Improving memory at any age. M .: Mir, p. 6. Lomov B.F. Questions of general, educational and engineering psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 7. Luria A.R. A small book about great memory. M .: Eidos, p. 8. General psychology / ed. A.V. Petrovsky. M., General psychology / ed. V.V. Bogoslovsky. M., General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M., Psychology of memory / ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanov. M .: CheRo, p. (Series "Reader in Psychology"). 13. Rogovin M.S. Memory theory problems. M .: LKI, p. 14. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2002 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 15. Sokolov E.N. Neural mechanisms of memory and learning. Moscow: Nauka, p. 16. Sokolova E.E. Thirteen dialogues about psychology. Reader with commentary on the course "Introduction to Psychology". M., Topics of reports 1. Individual characteristics and memory impairments. 2. How to improve a person's memory. 3. Is there a memory limit? 4. Conditions for the rational work of memory. 5. Mnemonists and mnemonics. Topics of essays 1. Memory and personality. 2. Memory and motivation. 3. Theories of memory in psychology. 28

29 4. The main lines of development of human memory in phylo- and ontogenesis. 5. Memory and productive activity. 6. Forgetting and its stages. 7. Studies of memory, conducted by G. Ebbinghaus. Lesson 13 Thinking Control questions 1. Thinking as a form of reflection of the objective world. The connection of thinking with figurative cognition. 2. The structure of the solution of a mental problem. 3. Feature mental operations... 4. The essence of the main forms of thinking (concept, judgment, inference). 5. The similarities and differences of the main types of thinking. 6. Development of thinking. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. M .: Education, p. 29

30 Additional 1. Eysenck G. Test your abilities. M .: Mir, p. 2. Weissbach H., Dans W. Emotional intelligence. M .: Lik Press, p. 3. Vygotsky L.S. Thinking and speaking. M .: Labyrinth, p. 4. Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 5. Godefroy J. What is psychology: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1 / per. with fr. M .: Mir, James W. Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 7. Ivin A.A. The art of thinking right. M .: Education, p. 8. Kudryavtsev T.V. Psychology creative thinking... M., Kulyukin Yu.N. Heuristic methods in decision structure. M .: Pedagogy, p. 10. General psychology / ed. A.V. Petrovsky. M., General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M .: VLADOS, p. 12. Podgorodetskaya I.A. Learning Techniques logical thinking in adults. M., Ponomarev Ya.A. Psychology of creativity. Moscow: Nauka, p. 14. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2002 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 15. Tikhomirov O.K. Psychology of thinking. M .: Academy, p. 16. Reader in general psychology. Psychology of thinking / ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.V. Petukhova. M .: Publishing house Mosk. University, Shenshev L.V. Overcoming psychological barrier as a condition for scientific, artistic and pedagogical creativity// Experimental study of productive (creative) thinking processes / comp. D.N. Zavalishina, A.M. Matyushkin. M .: B.i, S

31 Topics of reports 1. Ways to overcome stereotyped thinking. 2. Individual characteristics of thinking. 3. Psychology of creative thinking. 4. Development of thinking in ontogenesis. 5. Cultural and historical nature of thinking. 6. Rational and intuitive thinking. Abstract topics 1. Diagnostics of mental development. 2. The role of thinking in cognitive activities person. 3. Thinking and emotions. 4. Understanding of thinking in behaviorism and in gestalt psychology. 5. Tests designed to study various aspects of intelligence. 6. The concept of the development of thinking by J. Piaget. 7. The theory of development and formation mental operations developed by P.Ya. Galperin. 8. Thinking and heuristic programming (the problem " artificial intelligence"). Lesson 14 Imagination Test questions 1. Imagination and its role in human activity. 2. Types of imagination. 31

32 3. Analytical and synthetic nature of the imagination process. 4. Imagination in artistic and scientific creativity. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. James W. Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 2. Ilyin E.P. Psychology of creativity, creativity, giftedness. SPb .: Peter, p. 3. Itelson LB Lectures on general psychology: textbook. allowance. Minsk: Harvest, p. 4. Kozyreva A.Yu. Lectures on pedagogy and psychology of creativity. Penza, Lomov B.F. Questions of general, educational and engineering psychology. M., General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M., General psychology: textbook. manual / comp. S.V. Berezin, O. V. Turusov. Samara, Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2002 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 7. Solso R.L. Cognitive Psychology. SPb .: Peter, p. 32

33 Topics of reports 1. Creative imagination and personality. 2. Imagination and cognitive processes... 3. Development of imagination. 4. Socio-cultural determinants of imagination. Topics of essays 1. Influence of imagination on the state of the organism. 2. Fantasy and child's play. 3. Emotions and imagination. 4. Imagination in cognitive and practical human activity. 5. The role of imagination in solving creative problems. 6. Illusions and hallucinations. Lesson 15 Speech and language Test questions 1. The concept of language and speech. Speech as a product social development... 2. Functions of speech. 3. Types of speech. 4. The ratio of speech and thinking. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). WITH

34 2. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S Workshop on general psychology / ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. M .: Education, p. Additional 1. Vygotsky LS. Collected works: in 6 volumes. M .: Pedagogika, 1983 Vol. 2. Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 3. Godfroy J. What is psychology: in 2 volumes. T. 1. M .: Mir, Itelson LB Lectures on general psychology: textbook. allowance. Minsk: Harvest, p. 5. Luria A.R. Language and thinking. M., General psychology / ed. A.V. Petrovsky. M., General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M .: VLADOS, p. 8. General psychology: textbook. manual / comp. S.V. Berezin, O. V. Turusova. Samara, Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2002 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 10. Smirnov A.A. Selected psychological works: in 2 volumes. V. 2. M .: Pedagogy, Topics of reports 1. Inner speech and its features. 2. The theory of language and speech development. 3. The difference between human speech and animal speech. 34

35 4. Manifestation in speech of temperament and personality traits. Topics of essays 1. Communicative speech in animals. 2. The phenomenon of egocentric speech. 3. Disorders of speech. 4. Methods for the study of speech activity. 5. Speech as a second signaling system. 6. The role of internal speech in the regulation of human behavior. 7. Psychosemantics and psycholinguistics. Lesson 16 Will Control questions 1. Will and its functions. 2.The theory of will. 3. Volitional action, its structure. Simple and complex volitional actions. 4. Volitional qualities and their formation. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). S. Nemov R.S. Psychology:. textbook for stud. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S

36 3. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Additional 1. Ivannikov V.А. Psychological mechanisms volitional regulation: textbook. allowance. SPb .: Peter, p. 2. Ilyin E.P. Psychology of will. SPb .: Peter, 2000 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 3. Ruvinsky L.I., Khokhlov S.I. How to cultivate will and character. M .: Education, p. 4. Selivanov V.I. Terminological minimum of basic concepts of will: method. materials. Ryazan, s. 5. Selivanov V.I. Selected psychological works. RGPI. Ryazan, s. 6. Tulchinsky G.L. Reason, will, success: on the philosophy of action / LSU. L., p. 7. Shulga T.I. Psychological foundations of the formation of will. Pyatigorsk, s. 8. Shulga T.I. Problems of volitional regulation in ontogenesis // Vopr. psychology Topics of reports 1. Will and motivation. 2. Will and reflection. 3. Children's games and their importance in the development of will. 4. The role of conscious discipline in the formation of will. 5. Cognitive complexity and decision making. Topics of essays 1. Views of ancient and medieval philosophers on the problem of will. 36

37 2. Formation of volitional regulation in children. 3. Volitional regulation as a transformation of problem situations. 4. Pathology of the will. 5. Age and sex characteristics of voluntary activity. 6. Characteristics and types of volitional effort. 7. The value of will in the organization of human activity and communication. Lesson 17 Emotions and feelings Test questions 1. The concept of feelings and emotions. Their importance in human life. 2. The main functions of emotions. Physiological mechanisms of emotions. 3. Types of emotional experiences. 4. The emergence of emotions (the theory of emotions). 5. Higher senses. 6. Stress and its phases. References Required 1. Maklakov A.G. General psychology. SPb .: Peter, 2010 (Series "Textbook for universities"). S. Nemov R.S. Psychology: a textbook for students. higher. ped. study. institutions: in 2 books. Book. 1: General Foundations of Psychology. M., S. Petrovsky A.V. Introduction to Psychology. Moscow: Ed. Center "Academy", C Workshop on General Psychology / ed. A.I. Shcherbakov. M .: Education, p. 37

38 Additional 1. Boyko V.V. The energy of emotions in communication: a look at yourself and others. M .: Filin, p. 2. Godefroy J. What is psychology: in 2 volumes. Vol. 1 / per. with fr. M .: Mir, Granovskaya R.M. Elements of practical psychology. SPb .: Speech, p. 4. James W. Psychology. M .: Pedagogy, p. 5. Dodonov B.I. Emotion as a value. M .: Politizdat, p. 6. Izard K. Human emotions / per. from English SPb .: Peter, 1999 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 7. Ilyin E.P. Emotions and feelings. SPb .: Peter, 2001 (Series "Masters of Psychology"). 8. Lafrenier P. Emotional development children and adolescents. SPb., General psychology: a course of lectures / comp. E.I. Rogov. M .: VLADOS, p. 10. General psychology: textbook. manual / comp. S.V. Berezin, O. V. Turusov. Samara, Psychology of emotions. Texts / ed. VC. Vilyunas, Y.B. Gippenreiter. M .: Publishing house Mosk. un-that, s. 12. Reikovsky J. Experimental psychology of emotions / per. with floor. M .: Progress, p. 13. Selye G. Stress without distress. M .: Progress, p. 14. Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Human psychology: An introduction to the psychology of subjectivity: textbook. manual for universities. M .: School-Press, p. 15. Reader on the psychology of emotions / ed. VC. Vilyunas, Y.B. Gippenreiter. M.,

39 Topics of reports 1. Stress and affect as special mental states and their causes. 2. Emotions and human relationships. 3. Emotions and human personality. 4. Development of the emotional sphere in a person. 5. Qualitative differences between the emotions of animals and humans. Topics of essays 1. The role of emotions in cognitive and practical human activity. 2. Emotion and modernity artistic creation... 3. Theories of emotions. 4. The relationship between emotions and motivation. 5. The phenomenon of surprise and emotional reactions... 6. The role of education of feelings in the formation of personality. 7. Features of the manifestation of emotions in early childhood. METHODOLOGICAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ABSTRACTS AND REPORTS research activities students. Abstract (from lat.refenre to report) summary in writing or in the form of publishing a report, the content of scientific work, literature on the topic. Stages of work on the abstract: selection of a topic, selection of literature, preparation of a plan, writing a text indicating the bibliographic data of the sources used, preparation of a report and presentation with it. The student chooses the topic of the essay independently. The student should pay special attention to the selection of literature, the method of studying it in order to 39

40 selection and processing of the collected material, justification of the relevance of the topic and theoretical basis used as examples of the facts of any activity. Having chosen the topic of the essay, starting to study literature, the student needs to draw up a plan. He must comprehend what he has read, compare the points of view of different authors, etc. In the abstract work, two interrelated sides are distinguished: it is considered as an educational task that the student must complete, and as a form scientific work, a creative approach when performing an educational assignment. Having a plan allows you to control the progress of work, to avoid formal rewriting of texts from primary sources. The abstract should be written in simple, clear language. Complex phrases, unusual terms or symbols should be avoided. If they are nevertheless given, then it is advisable to explain their meaning at the first mention in the text of the abstract. An important stage is editing the finished abstract text and preparing for discussion. The discussion requires a good orientation in the material, the ability to highlight the main thing, ask a discussion question, draw the attention of listeners to interesting literature, logically and convincingly state your thoughts. The abstract must be protected. The defense procedure begins with identifying the opponents of the student defending his work. They must thoroughly analyze the student's work, pay attention to the advantages and disadvantages of the abstract, give an overall assessment of the content and form of presentation of the material, the nature of the literature used. They can supplement one or another section of the abstract. The latter is especially valuable, since it testifies to the deep knowledge of the student-opponent of the problem being studied. The discussion is not limited to listening to opponents. Other students have the right to express their opinions. The teacher suggests 40

41 ask any student a question on the substance of the report or try to summarize the discussion. The abstract must have title page, table of contents, list of used literature, which is placed on the last page of the abstract. Report is a public announcement, which is a detailed presentation on a specific topic. The student must choose the topic of the report, based on his interests, select the literature, choose the most significant from it, and present it in a certain sequence. The report must have scientific justification and illustrative material. The amount of used literature is much larger than for the abstract, the volume of work is much wider. When evaluating the report, its content, form, as well as the culture of the speaker's speech are taken into account. CONTENT-METHODOLOGICAL MATERIALS FOR THE PRACTICE The content of the workshop includes tasks, exercises, tasks and techniques that will help to comprehend the concepts and categories of psychology, to form an interest in the subject area of ​​psychological science. The tasks presented in the workshop in terms of content relate to: - the subject and tasks of general psychology as a science; - methodological, theoretical and natural-scientific foundations of understanding and interpretation of the psyche of people; - personality characteristics and features of manifestation of human mental properties; - the essence and originality of the manifestation of mental cognitive, emotional and volitional processes, mental states of a person. 41

42 Basic concepts, directions, problems of psychology are discussed in practical classes, current control is carried out in the form of an assessment of the degree of mastering teaching material in practical training. Intermediate control verification of implementation independent work in the form of abstracts, reports, problem solving and control tasks. The final mark consists of the marks of the intermediate control and the answer on the exam. Topic. SUBJECT OF PSYCHOLOGY Tasks and exercises I. Fill in the blanks 1. For ..... reflection to arise, it is necessary ..... of the reflected object and ..... the subject in relation to Reflection, which forms the psychic ....., not mirrored : it has ..... and ..... character. 3. The object ..... is a person, his ....., ....., The most important function ..... in the system of scientific knowledge is that it is an integrator of all scientific disciplines, the object of which is II. True or False 1. The psyche is a subjective image of the objective world. 2. Psychic reflection is a universal property of matter. 3. To create psychic reflection, only the effect of the reflected object is needed. 4. Psychology is the science of the laws governing the generation and functioning of the subjective image of the objective world. III. Task 42

43 Comment on the following judgments. Which of them can you agree with, and which you cannot, and why? 1. When studying mental phenomena, one should always establish the material causes of their occurrence. 2. Someone else's soul of darkness. 3. The soul has no secrets, which would not be betrayed by behavior. 4. The only source of cognition of mental processes is self-observation. 5. The consciousness of a person is judged not by what he says or thinks about himself, but by what and how he does. 6. Mental activity always receives its objective expression in certain actions, movements, speech reactions, in changes in work internal organs... Task 1 What concepts mean mental phenomena? Tears, nervous process, thinking, memory, sleep, laughter, running, information, breathing, will, fear, love, faith, knowledge, sensations, heartbeat, instinct, brain biocurrents, analyzer, hearing, mind, perception, mood, interest, pain, sympathy, envy, irritation, sensitivity. Problem 2 In what relation (inclusions, intersections, etc.) are the concepts? Show their relationship with pie charts. Psyche - reflection Consciousness - reflection Reflection - reflex Psyche - consciousness Reflection - reflex Psyche - reflex 43

44 Psyche - instinct Reflected reality - the subject of reflection. Problem 3 Conscious or unconscious activity is manifested in the above examples? A. In a patient with delirium tremens (a consequence of alcoholism), reality is obscured by numerous vivid hallucinations: he sees devils who scold him, make faces, threaten: he sees how animals, insects attack him, climb on him, bite; he hears voices threatening to kill him. Fleeing from the "pursuers", he sometimes gets severe injuries, mutilations. B. During a hypnosis session, a subject in a hypnotic state was asked to "steal" a friend's wallet. The subject could not complete this task of the hypnotist. Meanwhile, the subject carried out other orders (to wash, take a book, etc.). C. The student multiplies multidigit numbers quickly and correctly, but does not remember the rules for multiplying them. D. A sixth grader, who was infuriated by the teasing of classmates, tore up textbooks and notebooks, hit one of his fellow practitioners. D. A graduate of the school entered the Pedagogical University and explains this by the fact that he loves children and he likes to present mathematical proofs in a clear way. (According to Ya.L. Kolominsky) Problem 4 At present, theories are being developed according to which the brain is considered as a self-programmed supercomputer. Do you agree with 44

45 such approaches and why? Comment on the excerpts and formulate your attitude to these ideas. 1. I.Z. Tsekhmistro, in his work "The Search for the Quantum Concept of the Physical Foundations of Consciousness", develops the idea of ​​the brain as a supercomputer. As carriers of codes (regulators) of the upper level (for example, conscience, etc.), the brain as a supersystem contains patterns that can mutually exclude each other, self-support, and be neutral. Each of these codes exercises high-level control over the lower-level processing center, which in turn controls the functioning of the body and, in addition, is responsible for creating new high-level codes. These new codes are constructed by brain processors in accordance with causal quantum-mechanical laws on localized personal data, that is, each new code is formed (in accordance with directives from the current top-level code) by integrating information coming from external stimuli and from coding blocks that store it. in my memory. This causal design process necessarily creates, in accordance with the properties of quantum theoretical laws, not one new code, but a superposition of many, with their own quantum mechanical clocks. Personal, human thinking creates an image of the physical world by choosing one of the many superposed codes. This choice is completely determined by the operation of general quantum-theoretical laws in the context of localized personality data. Thus, the process of selection of control programs of personal behavior, even from the point of view of quantum mechanics, has both a causal personality and a stochastically nonpersonal aspect. 2. E. Moren in the article “Spirit and the Brain” suggests considering the brain as a giant “mega-computing” system, using the terms “language”, “concepts”, “logic” to explain its functioning. With these 45

DIRECTION 37.04.01 "PSYCHOLOGY" MASTER'S PROGRAM "GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY" Explanatory note The entrance exam for admission to the magistracy in the direction 37.04.01 "Psychology" includes testing,

This program is designed to prepare for the entrance test to the magistracy in the direction of 37.04.01 Psychology for the master's program "Psychology of Management". Program entrance test

Educational establishment “Mogilev State University named after A.A. Kuleshov "APPROVED: Rector of UO" Moscow State University. A.A. Kuleshov "K.M. Bondarenko 20 y. Registration TRAINING PROGRAM FOR THE DISCIPLINE "General

Secondary vocational education Basic vocational educational program training program for mid-level specialists in specialty 39.02.0 Social work code, name on

NOVOSIBIRSK GAU Faculty of Law Department of Civil and Civil Procedure Law Psychology and Pedagogy of Professional Activity Plans of seminars Novosibirsk 2017 Compiled by

APPROVED by V.S. Belgorodsky 2016 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Moscow

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State educational institution of higher vocational education Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen "

Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy

1. Questions of the program of the entrance exam for graduate school in the specialty 19.00.01 General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology (code) (name) 1. Psychology as a science. Place of psychology

Educational institution "Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maksim Tank" Institute of Psychology The list of questions for the entrance test for applicants to the magistracy (specialty

MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Trans-Baikal State University"


FEDERAL AGENCY FOR EDUCATION URAL STATE FORESTRY UNIVERSITY Department of history and socio-political disciplines E.V. Bakeeva TOPIC OF TEST WORKS ON PSYCHOLOGY for students


2 3 EXPLANATORY NOTE The program of entrance examinations in psychology 2019 was developed on the basis of the current State educational standards of secondary vocational education in Donetsk


PROGRAM of the entrance exam for the magistracy of the TIT SFedU direction 030300 "Psychology" Master's program: "Labor Psychology and Engineering Psychology" Taganrog, 2011 Area of ​​professional activity

37.04.01. PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM of entrance examinations for the magistracy Entrance test PSYCHOLOGY Exam form interview Questions for the entrance test: 1. Development of ideas about the subject

37.04.01 PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM of entrance examinations for magistracy Entrance test PSYCHOLOGY Exam form interview Questions for the entrance test: 1. Development of ideas about the subject

1. Explanatory note The program of the entrance test includes materials for testing the knowledge and competencies of applicants for a master's degree in personality psychology. The purpose of the entrance test: to determine

Romanovich N.A. Chelyabinsk State University Career guidance program for people with disabilities and people with disabilities.


Belarusian State University ERZHDAYU ktod ^ go educational work(signature) (date of approval) ny c ^ b "- Training program on the additional exam for applicants to the magistracy (additional

Shoydokova Olga Sadaevna student Olga Zaitseva Cand. psychol. Sciences, Associate Professor Pedagogical Institute FGBOU HE "Irkutsk State University" Irkutsk, Irkutsk Region DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS

Literature Main: 1. Ilyin EP Psychology of communication and interpersonal relations / Ilyin EP - SPb .: Peter, 2009. 2. Krysko, VG Psychology and pedagogy. Tomorrow exam / V. G. Krysko. - SPB .: Peter,

MINIBRANAUKI RUSSIA Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after Kozma Minin"

S. L. Rubinstein FOUNDATIONS OF GENERAL psychology Moscow St. Petersburg Nizhny Novgorod Voronezh Rostov-on-Don Yekaterinburg Samara Novosibirsk Kiev Kharkov Minsk 2010 BBK 88 UDC 159.9 Р82 Reviewers: Abulkhanova


PROGRAM OF ENTRANCE TESTS FOR THE MASTER'S SCHOOL In the direction 37.04.01 "Psychology" 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE DIRECTION OF PREPARATION 37.04.01 PSYCHOLOGY 1.1. Direction of training Direction of training

MANDATORY INDEPENDENT WORK ON MODULE I 1. Analysis educational literature Analyze one of the suggested tutorials ( teaching aids) according to the following algorithm: 1. Write down the name of the analyzed

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga Region) federal university»Yelabuga

Compiled by: Head of the Department of State and Corporate Governance, Candidate sociological sciences, associate professor Sevryugina N.I. candidate pedagogical sciences, associate professor Kuritsyna T.N. General Provisions Purpose

1.1. The structure and content of the entrance test The entrance test is carried out in writing on tickets and includes: 1. The applicant's answer to one of the theoretical examination questions received

UNIVERSITY "TURAN" Department of Master's and Doctoral Studies Approved Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education and International Cooperation, Doctor of Economics, Professor L.A. Tusupova 2015 Reviewed and approved



1 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Vyatka State University" (VyatSU) APPROVED Chairman

Questions for the final certification Exam questions for the final, interdisciplinary certification exam in the specialty 030301.65 "Psychology" For the general psychological module 1. Psyche as a category

PROGRAM OF THE ENTRANCE TEST FOR THE MASTER'S SCHOOL in the discipline "PSYCHOLOGY" The structure of the entrance test 1. Purpose and objectives of the entrance test Purpose: to identify the readiness of applicants to study

Development goals and short description discipline Discipline involves acquaintance with psychological science, its specifics, basic concepts, theories, problems and ways to solve them. The purpose of the study

Questions for the final certification Examination questions for the final, interdisciplinary certification exam in the direction 030300.62 "Bachelor of Psychology" Module "General Psychology" 1. Scientific and unscientific

Workshops Topic: "The value of psychological and pedagogical knowledge for professional and personal development" Purpose: to form knowledge, skills and abilities on the application of psychological and pedagogical knowledge

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SIBERIAN STATE GEODESIC ACADEMY"

2 1. General information about the discipline 1.1. Discipline name: General psychology 1.2. The complexity of the discipline is 108 hours (3 CU), of which curriculum full-time education: lectures 16 hours. laboratory studies

NOU HPE "Institute of Management" Ivanovo branch APPROVED Director of the Ivanovo branch of NOU HPE "Institute of Management" 20 WORKING PROGRAM OF THE DISCIPLINE "Psychology and Pedagogy" for the specialty 080507 "Management

UDC 159.9 Galaktionova Yulia Leonidovna Tavakalova Elena Yurievna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Russia. Vladivostok Adaptation of first-year students with a low USE score

Introduction Methodological instructions for studying the discipline "Psychology" are presented in the description of 29 topics, in accordance with the State Compulsory Education Standard and work program... Into the content

Questions for the final certification Direction: 050700.62 (540600) Pedagogy Profile: Practical psychology in Education Qualification: Bachelor of Pedagogy towards the final state examination modulo

Autonomous non-profit organization of higher professional education “Moscow Humanitarian Institute named after E.R. Dashkova "APPROVED Chairman admissions committee N.P. Karpichenko March 2014 Program

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE of the Russian Federation State educational institution of higher professional education "Murmansk State Humanitarian University" (GOUVPO MGGU) WORKING PROGRAM

Maklakov A.G. General psychology: Textbook for universities. SPb .: Peter, 2010.583 p: ill. (Series "Textbook for universities"). ISBN 978-5-272-00062-0 The textbook was written in accordance with the training program for psychologists and

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Togliatti State University"

Federal agency by education State educational institution of higher professional education SAINT-PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY OF LOW-TEMPERATURE AND FOOD TECHNOLOGIES

GOU VPO RUSSIAN-ARMENIAN (SLAVIC) UNIVERSITY PROGRAM OF ENTRANCE EXAMINATION TO THE POSTGRADUATE COURSE OF SPECIALTY "ԺԹ .00.01 General psychology, theory and history of psychology, psychology of personality" Approved

CONTENTS I. EXPLANATORY NOTE Objectives of the entrance test Requirements for the professional preparedness of the applicant. II. CONTENT OF SECTIONS Section 1. General psychology and methodological problems

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To search without morphology, just put a dollar sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the request:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include the word synonyms in the search results, put a hash " # "before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be appended to each word if found.
Cannot be combined with non-morphology search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases, you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate word search

For approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression Relevance

Use the " ^ "at the end of the expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Allowed values ​​are a positive real number.

Interval search

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be, specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to exclude a value.

Svetlana Alexandrovna Vasyura, Natalia I. Iogolevich


Results presented empirical research the structure of the integral individuality of a person in samples of persons with high and low communicative activity. Differences in the severity of indicators of a number of neurodynamic, psychodynamic, personal and socio-psychological properties were revealed, common and unique connections between different-level properties of individuality were established, which indicates the peculiarity of the structure of the integral individuality of a person in connection with his high or low level of communicative activity. At high level communicative activity, connections between different-level properties are more harmonious.


integral individuality of a person; communicative activity; multilevel individual properties


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