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Why Caldera Volcano Joton is called a monument to natural cataclysm and the workshop of nature. Bourned Caldera Close-up Volcano Uzon Originality

L.this 2009, I finally visited the Valley of Geysers and Caldera of Volcano Uzon.
In Kamchatka, I lived 18 years from the moment of birth, but to visit these wonderful places it turned out only 6 years later, as I left there.

INhaving granted the services of the tour. The Agency (which is here like mushrooms after the rain) I with my parents picked up the gayers-Mutnovsky gayersky valley. A nice bonus, residents of the semi-island, for many tours discounts 10-15%, which is pretty weight, given the cost of the tour of 15 tr.

Pfata on the day of departure was cloudy and did not foretell anything good, it seemed to have the impression that the departure would be transferred, but there was a call of our guide, who said that everything is in order and we left to the airport. Actually the road from my house (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) to the airport (Relizovo) takes only half an hour.
N.and the airport is decently waiting (they did not give good to departure because of the weather), we finally settle down in the helicopter. By the way, the group consisted practically from some aliens.
Z.akanchivayu chatter and turn to the photos, I very regret that there was only 85mm fixes with me, it is not quite suitable for such tasks, and the process-consuming process is glued. This glass did not fit all that I wanted to crawl there \u003d)

M.esteo Location of Volcano Uzon on the Kamchatka map.

T.aka looks immediately after takeoff. Pulls, mountains, volcanoes, abundance of various reservoirs and rivers.

Ponly why they did not give permission to departure, the weather was very changeable, then the sun shone, then where did not take everything tightened the fog.

ABOUTfive clear \u003d)

FROMempting 40 minutes of flight, which take place very quickly, due to the impossible beauty overboard, we turn out to be the Caldera.

Shassi concern the Earth, the grass is grumbling from the hubbesty of the wind.

Pherv that appeared before the eyes after disembarking.
Pover the flight in the cabin was very cold, did not really be air conditioned in helicopters? Although it made it possible for a noble act and I gave my jacket a pretty neighbor \u003d) In general, I must say, there are a lot of pretty girls in Kamchatka \u003d) can only like wooden trails. Shoot naturally only in the toilet. You can not break the yum, pebbles for souvenirs take it too. Reserved zone.

In from the same Mi-8 and brought us.


FROMgenerally, a small certificate What is the uson and why caldera. This term (from Spanish Caldero - "boiler") indicates a special, "fault" origin of a giant crater-basin. About three hundred thousand years ago, a conical stratov toll was touched on the site of the junction, which achieved a height of three kilometers. After a series of grand eruptions, which ended the forty thousand years ago, the volcano collapsed, the land as much as the caldera was formed. Last activity here was 8000 years ago

INthe axer and a half thousand years ago the Uzon experienced the last "shock". The colossal explosion left behind a funnel near a kilometer in diameter. And since then, the scan has never been erupted. According to modern ideas, if the time until the last eruption exceeded 3,500, the volcano can be considered invalid. But not extinct. Uzon, of course, old, however, its old age is distinguished by an unusual way. Over the past millennia, fumarol and solfatars - the exits of hot volcanic gases - changed the surface of the Earth, saturating it with a sleep of thermal sources. But the wildlife did not retreat, forming a unique symbiosis with volcanism. The scan on the territory of the Kronotsky Reserve is taken under special protection - since 1996, it has been included in the UNESCO list of the World Natural Heritage in the nomination "Camchatka volcanoes". The external slopes of the caldera are riddled with splashes. Thickets of cedar and ohlkov stabeth are easily overcome only for bears. Wind, fog and oblique dropping rain - unchanged satellites in the Kamchatka mountains. But all this will remain behind, just starts the descent to caldera. The cold fog reigning at the top turns into low clouds, from which the most ordinary gentle rain pours - everything changes, as if you step over the invisible border of another world. This is really like this: the scanway exists for some of the laws.

N.and this photo is erupted by Geyser, his feature is that it throws up mostly couples, and not water.

INpaddada is replete about hot springs, in which nature, like an alchemist, mixed almost all known chemical elementsBut moreover, there was still some unimaginable bacteria and algae, for which boiling water and poisonous substances are the most favorable habitat.

Ithe year was a lot, where neither loaves everywhere berry \u003d)

FROMoverweight hydrothermal activity is manifested in the central part of the caldera on a narrow strip of 400 m wide and a length of 2.5-3 km, oriented from the west to the East. Here, from tectonic faults, numerous boiling, gas-saturated solutions come out on the daily surface.

There would be a small lake, in fact, its depth is more than 40m.

FROMtenks caldera and helicopter. never happens snow. Local population calls these places "Farming Earth"

Pthe vegetability resembles a cosmic landscape. The riot of paints, the water strokes grow into jams with ordinary grass.

Pgrowth walking around the ground is not recommended, due to a variety of poisonous vapors. Unlike people, bears know where you can walk, and where there is no. These are traces of them.

Ponly why "soar land".

IN Powerful griffins, mud boilers and heartless funnel filled with hot water are located. Clay vulcans that boil the ferry and periodically pouring a hot clay mass. These places are very dangerous, as you can easily fall and fall into a boiling clay.

Location: rs Kamchatka, Kronotsky Reserve.

Volcano Uzon is a unique place not only in Kamchatka, but also on the entire planet. In this place, everything is compacting everything that is special on Kamchatka: thermal springs, mud volcanoes (poisonous), geysers, unique rivers and lakes. Finding here a person sees landscapes as if with another planet.

Caldera Volcanana Uzon is a large volcanic crater, with an average diameter of 11 km, the bottom of the volcano is located at an altitude of 700 meters above sea level, with "sides" with a height of 200 to 800 meters. It is always warm here, there is no snow cover even in winter, despite the harsh climate of Kamchatka. The average water temperature and many thermal sources and lakes are 40 degrees even in winter. But not in all places of the lake are so warm, but only in places of hydrothermal activity. But all these sources have one big drawback for a person - they are all harmful and even poisonous for a person and accept mud baths you will not succeed, but only plenty of love with unearthly scenery. Especially dangerous sources with false bottom, such as such lakes are very small with a solid bottom, but in fact, if you come on such a bottom, you will immediately fall back with a thickness of the hot bottom of sulfur.

Each part of the crater is characterized by their landscapes. In the eastern part there is a huge funnel, a diameter of 1.7 km, which occupies the Lake Far. In the western part, on the contrary, a wetlands, small lakes and great amount thermal sources. In the central part of the crater, geysers, various sizes and various power, smoke clubs from the ground, are familiar to the clubs for the junction. Modern hydrothermal activity of the volcano is concentrated exclusively in its central part, but the variety of sources, lakes and geysers amazing imagination. For example, a lake bath from sulfur and sulphides, with a temperature of 400 degrees at the bottom.

In addition to landscapes, there are unique living microorganisms - archaees and thikhon bacteria in the volcanic crater. Their main feature is that they live in sources with a temperature of 80-100 degrees, the sulfide is used for breathing, and sulphides are used, so characteristic of these places. In addition to unique organisms, caldera attracts a large number of animals and birds, due to the fact that it is always warm here. The birds have a favorite nesting place, and for bears this is a favorite place where they can enjoy ripen fruits of berries and nuts.

This place is open for tourists who can make a helicopter tour of one of the most unique places of the planet. Best time To visit this summer and the beginning of autumn, and especially beautiful views Opened in the morning when the ascending sun plays its rays on the surface of lakes and sources.

Fifteen kilometers from the Valley of Geysers - on foot through the mountain pacides - this is long. And we overcame them in five minutes of flight. The coalcasting machine makes a circle over one extremely interesting place. From the air it looks like a kind of fabulous carpet with blue blots of various-caliber lakes, snakes of colored streams and climbing the sultans of white steam surrounded by a shaft from rocks. This is a scan. Rather, his caldera. About what it is, we first learned on Bali. And also that it is always very interesting.

Caldera is interesting

And the smell of sulfur ...

A helicopter with a roar landing on the laid platform, we leave and get upset - the wind and drizzling rain, they are frequent travel companions in the Kamchatka Peninsula. But no wonder it is believed that in the caldera its microclimate, somehow quickly all the weather smoothed.

Tourists are available to a very trimmed Calder format: a piece of one of the five thermal fields of the von volcano.

The protected zone - here you can walk only along the paved boardwall, walking in a circle of the eastern thermal field.

Let's go, accompanied by a guide and armed huntsman. Pebbles do not collect ... And so I want: after all, there is a rare tyonet among them, which is no longer detected anywhere on all our planet. The berries do not tear ... Blueberry-lingonberry and others are not even in order for the aromatic weight of the tourist in the stomach, this is the privilege of clip, which, together with the bearings, come to the frames to feed fat. Berries - an important component of their diet ...

From time to time, the guide makes stops from interesting objects, we stop at the viewing sites. And yes, the specific sulfide sulfide wave periodically sinks, then we clamp the noses.

Around kilometers - a relatively smooth area stretches, the type of which Dick and unusual. Aborigines of the Kamchatka her name was the soaring land on which snow never happens. It was here that the film "Land Sannikova" was shot. Probably, the planet of the time of the birth of life looked like this ... I would not be surprised at all if it was not a helicopter, but the pterodortyl.

Land began time

A series of tectonic faults passes through the entire caldera from the west to the east. With its heat, the magmatic foci of the former volcano is heating the surrounding rocks and split underground water to high temperatures. Boiling solutions robbed to the surface and find out the output in a bandwidth of 200-400 meters. These are deprived of vegetation, clay and fine-gravel-coated gravel, thermal fields.

They are fumurol areas - countless exits of steam jets, smoking holes of gas punctures, all in the yellow-green sediments of sulfur crystals. Near the bouffrencies of multicolored puddles, periodically spit vulcans, strikingly similar to authentic. With nothing that small, and hot contents can spit already a few meters!

Clay, fattyly flashing like a cake cream, slowly boils in the deepeners of the Calder Callera von. On the surface of one of them, the most incredible way creates a similarity of roses from amorphous mass.

Similar boilers are real natural traps, and God forbid to cool down! The heat is unbearable, and get out - difficult. One of the rules of local scientists and researchers: wearing swamp boots, and more. Bed, - oh, horror! - You can quickly reset them. It is known at least about one such accident with a hypelance employee of the reserve.

But there are huge and heavy bears, driven by instincts, featherlessly fall into hot clay. Presumably, they treat and strengthen the paws.

Wonders Calder Uzon in the photo

In dry weather, the clay ceases to strengthen and inflate the boules, thick, the edges of the boiler dries and crack the characteristic blocks, reminding the drawing on the scaly skins of a giant reptile or the skin of some old Hasmosaur.

There are clay white, blue, yellow, green, gray, red, brown ... The richness of flowers and shades is determined by their chemical composition. Iron impurities give a crimp pen, the presence of copper causes green tone, blue is manifested in the presence of cadmium and cobalt.

In ancient times, here, in Caldera, the Uzon, the abode of the mysterious otherworldly forces, with trepidation and capping came only to stock clad clay to decorate the totem pillars in honor of their gods.

Earth is boilit, squorthes, smacks, perturbed by steam and explodes with foam chippers. Furiously spits and splashes in boiling water "Chertovka Skin" ... there are more than thousands of thermal sources of all sizes, shapes and temperaments, there is even one newly-forming geyser, and scientists will even see signs that others may also appear after him. All this nourishes numerous thermal lakes and streams.

Hunting for boiling water microbes

Here are two sources near the twin brothers, but no - the composition of the water is different. Why? Unknown. In one source live microorganisms, in the other - with the same microelements and gas composition - no. To understand the reasons, long-term observations are needed ...

The boiling point of water at the height of the Calder Calder is 96 degrees. In fiery sources with such a temperature of the kingdom of the oldest microorganisms - tiny arches, which are not only the walled heat, but also poisonous gases, as well as acids ...

In transparent streams that the squader is running along the caldera, the silver cosmas pegs are pegged - you will not believe it! - These are the colonies of nichly sulfur bacteria. Although they themselves are small, but they take quantities - mass clusters them are often found hot streams. Microscopic residents focus develop scientists without losing hope with their help to solve the mystery of the birth of life and its evolution.

In the hot waters of the cloth, saturated with volcanic gases and enriched almost not the entire table of Mendeleev, inhabit weightless living organisms, owners of a number of special properties, potentially useful humanity.

Unicellular cyanobacteria (they are also called blue-green algae) lightweight films are kept afloat in thermal sources, producing oxygen and not passing methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Studies of scientists talk about interesting prospects for using them as a source of various biologically active substances.

How much is to know

There is a polygon where the great alchemist puts his experiments - nature. Somehow on the surface of the thermal field in the caldera of the volcano were found rainbow foams of the finest oil film. Really pollution? But where?! It turned out, these are the natural yields of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. And at the institutes of biochemical physics, work began to ...

It turned out: firstly, the oil of the rose is not similar to any other, and secondly, it is a young oil whose age does not exceed 50 years. The reserves of the "traditional" black gold on the ground a lot, combustible oily liquid is distributed everywhere, however, among scientists there is still no consensus about its origin.

But it is well known for the fact that oil is formed long - many millions of years, and even in the presence of special conditions. And it always contains certain impurities. And here - such joy! - Petroleum product is absolutely clean, without any extraneous additives.

Scientists assume that the Uzonskaya variety of oil is synthesized from volcanic gases, which are involved in thermophilic microorganisms. Although the scale of the local natural production of black gold is garnet, but the presence of the most precedent forces scientists to think about creating industrial technologies in the future on this basis.

The sacrament of the generation of ore elements is happening in the natural laboratory of the caldera, there are absolutely unique finds of native iron, gold and some more minerals. Moreover, the processes of their education are stem for a very short time - literally in front of the eyes. For geology, which is engaged in the search and development of deposits, knowledge of how natural accumulations of minerals arise - truly invaluable.

Fullness of life in full deserted

Sections with emerald grass flas down to clay heated fields. The Callera Calder Microclimate of the UZON is such that it is good to exist not only to microorganisms, but also plants. At the edge of the hollow in the west and south-west of the lowering, they were chosen by low-spirited bushes. Wetlands stretch to the most thermal fields.

They abundantly threw moss and berries - blueberries and honeysuckle, the cushions of the shikshikovnik, a local plant with small narrow leaves, similar to the shoots of the Christmas Trees. Black shikshi berries are solid, but edible, with a variety of small bones. It is still kicked by a mulberry and bearish berries, and for useful properties - a kudesman.

By the way, tame a kudesnitsa, transplanting it somewhere in the garden-garden, until it succeeds. There, despite the care, tiny tough bushes, the drains are poorly growing and will soon die. But the plant loves the swamps, stony tundra, coniferous forests, where the evergreen low-spirited shiksha forms solid cover.

The world of local thermal kamchatka includes a small and cold central lake. It is the largest of the Caldera lakes - all water is assembled into it from the surface of the giant depression and the river is leaked out of it. Graceful swans-clikuna dissect the lake watering. Birds on a lot of birds.

By the way, the lakes with the normal water temperature in the caldera extinct is not so much - no more than two dozen, mostly all of them are small. In some of them, as, for example, in a light lake, the population of fish from the salmon family feels great. Scientists break their head as they were here.

Golts fish - an average of 40 cm, weighing 500 grams. For a long time living in isolated conditions, and therefore, unique, they have a number of features and even outwardly different from the brethren from the Lake Central system - the river is noisy, and even more so from other Kamchatka relatives.

"Immortal" stabel and others

We go on an ecological trail. On elevations and low hills of caldera - overgrown evergreen cedar stabel. It is a generous breadwinner of birds and mammals.

I was struck that the life of this dwarf for an increase in the cedar squabble - some scientists are estimated in a thousand years. Under favorable conditions, of course. But, you see, the term for such a modest plant is simply incredible! Comparable with the interval of the existence of long-lived trees, giants. For example, a symbol of African savanna lives so much ...

The emerald chain carpet promises the smooth and shortest path to the goal, but it is an asslessly deception. The spring and thick carpet from the twisted trunks and branches, gets in front of the travelers of a living wall, makes leather, squeeze, to fit under thick mixture of elastic plexuses. What to fight, wise enough to get around this beauty, saving strength and time.

But but the modest squabble source is an extraordinarily nutritious nuts, and the bears are the hottest admirers. In August, the cedar cones ripen, and, for some time, closures are together switching on them.

Dark scabbles look into the witchcraft greenish depth of a duck lake, which chosen chirks and pieces of ducks. Ducks are echoing, in the warm reservoir they like it: there are secluded places, and on its surface is plenty of algae, so they often remain here to winter.

Next to the Lake of the Borcor, which swelled with rather high straight birch columns. Native beauty ... And the radiance is poured, green, green, - birch.

In addition to the slender whittle trees, such loved ones in Russia, in the caldera of the volcano von the cozy birch foliage or birch of Erman.

In Kamchatka, she is widespread much more than the symbol of Russia with white bark. Berez stone trunk gray, dense, but curved, on the branches of growths. The trees are vitality and very hardy, but do not like wetlands. Their groups can be found in the central part of the basin.

This strange world

On the path of our excursion for Calder Volcano, two special lakes met.

Calm on the view of the bath (his diameter of 30 meters) was once used by the exceptional love of tourists, huntshee, visiting scientists, employees of the reserve. It was an unbreakable tradition for everyone who came to the closer: in the evening, with towels in her hands and anticipating pleasure, people went to a bath lake along a path to take a bath under the clarifier ferry ...

The deep bowl of the bath is filled with low-attractive turbid water, which is due to the clamps of clays and minerals, sulfur foam floats on the surface. However, it was extremely pleasant to swim in it, since the water temperature is optimal for the human body. At the same time - everyone celebrated! - instantly filmed accumulated fatigue. The outlets of radon and the presence of sulfur in the water gave lake additional healing properties.

Yes, the trouble: it turned out that the lake had a dangerous secret! It accidentally turned out that in the depth of the bath, under a layer of water in 25 m, there is a false bottom - black crust of native sulfur sulfur, and under this hardened layer - a few more meters of sulfur fiery melt.

Among others, the chloride lake is highlighted in Calder, which is located in the center of the eastern thermal field.

Occupying large square, it is shallow - approximately one and a half meters, warm. But ... in the reservoir is contained, and in a serious concentration, sulfuric acid, which is generously produced in the process of its livelihoods inhabiting tion bacteria.

Even a brisk stream, which flows out of chloride, is a stream of genuine sulfuric acid. Nevertheless, the bears with pleasure roaming his asking shores and beaches with a yellowish sulfur sulfur, manages to somehow keep their bare paws. And the traces left by the Michemale are immediately filled with lake dairy water.

Recently, viewing towers and reserves have become installed in national parks and reserves, which make it possible to admire the picturesque landscapes and watch the binoculars in their hands behind wild animals, are not disturbing them.

In Calder, the scan of two such tows with an excellent review, one is located near the visit center and the helicopter platform. For a goodbye, we looked for a long time with her for an amazing area panorama, lakes and thermal fields ...

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Aboriginal Kamchatka - Itelmen, made to the cloth for multicolored clays for the paints, holy stored the secret about this amazing place. The first civilized person was held here in September 1854. It was Karl von Ditmar, an official of special instructions on the mountainous part. Since then, people leave no longer eight thousand years old Vonzon's volcano for his attention.

Volcanologists call the cloth "Caldera". This term (from Spanish Caldero - "boiler") indicates a special, "fault" origin of a giant crater-basin. About three hundred thousand years ago, a conical stratov toll was touched on the site of the junction, which achieved a height of three kilometers. After a series of grand eruptions, which ended the forty thousand years ago, the volcano collapsed, the land as much as the caldera was formed.

The western edge of the caldera - the peak of the Barbus - retains a semi-kilometer "fragment" of the pristine volcano. Round walls, available only to snow rams, are asked as a springboard. Snow filled with white lightning fall down. The horizons of brick-red slags are reminded of the oldest eruptions.

Eight and a half thousand years ago, the Uzon experienced the last "shock." The colossal explosion left behind a funnel near a kilometer in diameter. And since then, the scan has never been erupted. According to modern ideas, if the time until the last eruption exceeded 3,500, the volcano can be considered invalid. But not extinct. Uzon, of course, old, however, its old age is distinguished by an unusual way. Over the past millennia, fumarol and solfatars - the exits of hot volcanic gases - changed the surface of the Earth, saturating it with a sleep of thermal sources. But the wildlife did not retreat, forming a unique symbiosis with volcanism. The scan on the territory of the Kronotsky Reserve is taken under special protection - since 1996, it has been included in the UNESCO list of the World Natural Heritage in the nomination "Camchatka volcanoes".

The external slopes of the caldera are riddled with splashes. Thickets of cedar and ohlkov stabeth are easily overcome only for bears. Wind, fog and oblique dropping rain - unchanged satellites in the Kamchatka mountains. But all this will remain behind, just starts the descent to caldera. The cold fog reigning at the top turns into low clouds, from which the most ordinary gentle rain pours - everything changes, as if you step over the invisible border of another world. This is really like this: the scanway exists for some of the laws.

He lives his life, and he is not uncommon, in which "scientists of the heads" come, next to his hot springs, in which nature, as if obsessed with the alchemist, mixed out almost all known chemical elements, but moreover, put some other Unimaginable bacteria and algae, for which boiling water and poisonous substances are the most favorable habitat.

The height of the county walls on average 400 meters, its diameter is about 10 kilometers. Inside - as if the "archived" Kamchatka: sulfuric vapor sources and a clean lake, from which the fish river flows, stone birch groves and bushes of cedar stabinations, expanses of the berry tundra and classic Kamchatka Highlander, and - the whole set of Kamchatka Liberty: Bear, Northern Deer, Fox -Anevka, swan-clikun, whiteflash eagle.

Water Live and Dead

The bearish trail leading to the von from the north, descends to the lake far. This is the so-called Mahar - an explosive funnel filled with cold and transparent water. Mahar Lakes Lakes is near a kilometer in diameter, its inner walls completely threw the cedar squabble, and so cool that the bearish trail, removing upstairs, resembles a fire staircase. In winter, the lake was embedded with ice, the crater itself is almost to the top of the snow - the last ice floes sometimes disappear only by the beginning of August. The ring of climbing walls almost leaves the place for the coast, only a narrow strip of slag, ash and volcanic bombs with black ribbon slides water.

In the center of the caldera heated underground, not yet cooled magmatic focus, there is a major thermal zone - here are more than a thousand hot springs (they could feed a small geothermal power plant). Sources fow numerous lakes, the largest of which is a chloride diameter of only 150 meters. His white water is gray and has a chloride component. Of several deep and high-temperature funnel, large gas bubbles with a high content of methane and hydrogen are continuously distinguished. The bottom of the lake is abundantly populated with diatomal algae, which under the influence of the Sun (the average reservoir depth is not more than 1.5 meters) actively participate in photosynthesis, highlighting oxygen. In turn, oxygen oxidizes from the depth of hydrogen sulfide to elementary sulfur falling on the shallow water in the form of small yellowish grains and forming sulfur beaches on the shores of the lake. This sulfur serves as food for thionic bacteria producing sulfuric acid. As a result, the lake flows out the stream of genuine sulfuric acid, although diluted.

The water chloride, of course, is not suitable for swimming, bathe in another lake - a bath-explosive funnel filled with sulfur, heated to 40 °, water. Bathing in the bath has always been a kind of ritual for anyone who worked on the cloth or went there as a tourist. In the evening, when it was dark, the Limens of people with towels stretched to the lake. They cautiously went through the bear paths, lighting the path with a flashlight, rich mud boilers and fumarols. On the ground, the fights went down to a sulfur stream. Already heard was how bubbles bubbles in the source. But the bathroom: the lantern beam stayed on a silently whining pair wall ... In the spring of 1987, the temperature of the water in the lake suddenly rose to 47 ° C. Lovers of Uzonian baths expected disappointment. And by the fall, the temperature returned to the old frames.

In 1989, the reservoir occurred the so-called Freatic explosion with a release of the material contained in the funnel. He was observed only by the reserve reserve. In 1991, volcanologists found a dense horizon of melted sulfur at a depth of 25 meters. Throws this crust, the cargo with the thermometer reached the present bottom at a depth of 32 meters. Impressive facts! And yet it is worth immersed by five minutes in a dirty alive, to remove fatigue and feel with the light smell of sulfur fleeting intimacy from the "hell."

Alchemy under the legs

Mud boilers and mud vulcans - small wonders of the cloth. They are found there, where the pepper-pumile tuffs under the influence of sulfur vapors and hot water turned into cavolinite clays. Ditmar first described them, and Vladimir Komarov, a famous geographer, later President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, left the first photos. Now it seems that these are extremely clear how then it was said, "phototypes" were removed almost yesterday. The same hot springs, boilers, volcans - those not: it is difficult to explain what the difference is in the location of the sources or in their form. The fact is that the uson changes all the time: some sources die, others are born, breaking through through the tundra or right on the bear trail. The clay crusts, which are covered with many thermal sites, sometimes buzz under the leg - under them void, and, if you listen, you can distinguish the crumbling clay - this means that the mud boiler is hidden, ready to conclude you into hot arms. It is much more terrible to please the boiling clay than simply to boil: the clay does not boiling, cool slowly, and you can not smash it right away. You can only envy and admire bears, looking like the famous they crosses the thermal sites.

The lazy bouffering of thick clay is mixed with the fierce hiss of "singing" or "damn frying pan" - thermal sites, where from under the splashing crusts splashes, spits and bubbles boiling water.

Mud vulcans act almost like real: and smoke, and "erupt" with their hot clay, only the activation of their "volcanic activity" occurs after the rain, when clay is diluted, and in dry hot weather, Vulcans "fall asleep".

Where weavo-mineralized solutions come to the surface, a fine-crystalline sulfur is postponed around the vapor jets, covering the Earth with a gentle-green chain. In the zones of severe mineralization (up to 5 g / l) with the participation of hydrogen sulfide, the process of mineralization is underway. Right in front of the researcher, various sulphides are formed: arsenic - a golden yellow aurapygiment and orange-red realgar, antimony - antimonite, mercury - red cinnabar, iron - brass yellow pyrite. The palette of the Uzonary Earth is bunciful - about this and say the names of minerals.

With each country, Caldera Uzon attracts increasing attention to scientists from around the world. Of particular interest is microbiologists, discovered in hot springs of the cloth a unique biogeocenosis. First of all, this is the world of Archey - ancient microorganisms that are not related to algae or bacteria. Archaei elected the most extreme environment for their lively. In the framework, they live in sources with a temperature of 96 ° C (water boiling point at the bottom of the caldera - 96.5 ° C), use "for breathing" is not oxygen, but sulfur, and energy reserves are replenished by hydrogen sulfide.

A little smaller "extremals" should be recognized by thionic bacteria, open in 1933. On the rod, they prefer sources heated from 80 to 90 ° C, and form picturesque cosk-like white colonies there. These bacteria differ in appearance and specialization: Some, for example, oxidize sulfur sulfides to sulfur elementary, others - convert it into sulfuric acid. The streams populated by Tionic bacteria are, as a rule, white and near red-ohloous clay shoots embody the Paradoxical Association with "dairy rivers and fermented banks".

In the lower temperature range (less than 65 ° C) well known, but poorly developed thermophilic relatives of ordinary synevial \u200b\u200balgae. These are already aerobic organisms that excrete oxygen and, as it turned out, preventing access to the atmosphere from thermal sources of such gases as methane and carbon dioxide.

Bear Paradise

Bears come to the von in April-May, when the snow is still outside the caldera. In the spring, the green grass is a green grass for them - unconditional delicacy. Beasts are explicitly pleasantly walking along a warm Uzonsky clay. They say that the bears are treated and strengthen their feet, weakened after a long winter hibernation. Bear from Berherry completely still tiny cubs. On the von they feel safe. Love couples, not tolerant of any neighbor, can retire in the thickets of the cedar squabble. Young people are sports on snowflakes. And in the summer and in the fall, when blueberries and cedar nut ripen - the main "vegetarian" food of Kamchatka bears, - the closure population of the cluster is noticeably growing with a number. Bears graze on a pigeon tundra sometimes for hours, sometimes for days, becoming an integral part of the Uzon landscapes. People try not to disturb them, and bears are in condescending indifference, as befits the genuine owners of the closer, which, fortunately, it is unknown that the ring of civilization has already been closed ...

Vulcan Uzon (sotka Uzon. , Bariums Peak , UZON-GEYSERNAJA CALDERA , Goryashi Dol. ) - Ancient volcano located south of Kronotsky Lake.

AND Valley of Geysers located in the central part Eastern volcanic belt Kamchatka and timed to Uzon-geyser volcano-tectonic depressionstretched out in the Western North-West direction.

Caldera Uzon. It is its western part. It has 9 × 12 km and flat bottom. From the south, the West and the North are framed by steep ledge height from 200-300 to 800 m. From the outside, they go into a slightly clock plateau. Highest point Caldera Board - Bariums Peak. The bottom of the caldera is at the level of 700 m. On its surface, numerous lakes, streams and rivers are marked, which are origin river Noisy.

Formation calders Uzon It happened about 40 thousand years ago. To the Upper-Pleistocene glaciation (20 thousand years ago), the manifestations of sour volcanism in depression ceased, apparently due to the frozen of the cow magmatic focus. In historical time in the area Uzon-geyser depression There were only freak eruptions that formed all thermal lakes and large griffins of hot springs in calder Uzon . Thus, on September 4, 1986, two freak explosions were observed in the west of the eastern thermal field, as a result of which about 2,000 m 3 of the vapor-gas mixture and 3 tons of stone material were thrown. Formed a funnel with a diameter of 1.5 m, which during the day increased to 14 m at a depth of 1065 m. The temperature at its bottom reached 114 ° C.

Currently in calder Uzon and Valley Geyserov Active gas hydrochlorial activity with characteristic ore appearance is manifested.

according to its size - 9 × 12 km - refers to the number of big Calder of Kamchatka. Eastern part of it is somewhat raised over Western and has a hilly relief. It is located one of the largest explosion funnels in Kamchatka - a diameter of 1.65 km, occupied by lake Far'nie. West Side Calders have a wetland. It contains several lakes, of which the biggest one - Centralwhere all the drains are going to caldera. From the western and northern sides of the caldera is surrounded by a ring ridge - the remains of the old volcano.

Hydrothermal activity is concentrated in the western part. It is manifested by a variety of boiling and racing funnels, numerous mud boilers, mud vans, soaring or heated platforms with steam outs and hot water. Caldera has about 100 sources, and individual hydrothermal manifestations more than 500. One of their main features are crater-like funnels with a depth of 25-40 m and a diameter of 25-150 m engaged in hot lakes. Early in the morning, when still cool and rising steam is more densely, an amazing panorama opens from the height: yellow fumarol fields, over them hundreds of couple pillars, green groves, brown tundra, bluish lakes.

In some volcanoes placed in directories, in the absence of known historical eruptions, the base for attributing to the acting is the presence of solphate activity. However, in our opinion, it should be distinguished by the furilic activity of a volcano from solphacial, associated with hydrothermal activities, which manifests itself on the volcano and in its surroundings. So, the noted hydrothermal and solfatar activity of Late Plestocene calders Uzon , District Central Semychik (LatePlestocene volcano Burly), medium-power volcano Dzendzur Not directly related to the activities of these long-dead volcanoes. Hydrothermal manifestations here, as in Valley Geyserov and on Puttyare confined to the conclusing cooler foci of the acidic magma of Caldero-forming eruptions of the medium-late-resistocene stages.

As for the itself volcano Uzon. (Bariums Peak) in northwestern board calders Uzon , he is still older than the caldera of the same name and ceased its activities at least in the middle Pleistocene. The same young volcanic education in calder Uzon is an mair Lake Fararising ~ 7600 years ago.


1. Kamchatka : Directory of tourist / count. Authors. - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Rio Côte, 1994. - 228 p. : IL.

2. - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Dalilydat. Cum. Deposit, 1988. - 143 p.

3. Rudich K. N. Pluto runs from the night. - M.: Nedra, 1980. - 111 p. : 41 Il.

4. Melekstev I.V., Brytseva O. A., Ponomareva V. V.A new approach to the definition of the concept of "acting volcano" // Geodynamics and volcanism of smoke-Kamchatka island system. - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: Ivgig DVO RAS, 2001. - 428 p.

Prepared for publication on the website V. A. Semenov
based on specified sources
With the addition of illustrations.



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