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Statements about moments of life. Aphorisms about the moment. Statements and quotes about the moment. It's enough to change the way you do it

When I am sober, there is no joy in anything, When I am drunk, my mind becomes cloudy with wine. But between sobriety and drunkenness there is a moment, Which I love because life is only that.

Omar Khayyam

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Life is a moment, wine is a balm from sorrow. The day passed lightly - praise to heaven.

Omar Khayyam

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For those who keep the truth within themselves, life is compressed in an instant. For someone who longs for power over others, life drags on forever. A person who has attained the truth seeks things that are not in the world of things, and thinks about who he will be when he is not. He will accept the flight of the moment and reject the numbness of eternity.

Hong Zicheng

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A person lives only in the present moment. Everything else has either passed already, or, it is not known whether it will be.

Marcus Aurelius

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To make every moment of life as possible as possible, from whatever hand of fate it may fall to us, this is the art of life and the true advantage of an intelligent being.

Georg Lichtenberg

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People say that life is short, and they themselves shorten it. Everyone strives for something and does not want to wait. One wants to instantly come tomorrow, another - so that a month instantly flies by, the third - to move forward in ten years.

Jean Jacques Rousseau

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In art, a lost moment remains as an experienced one.

Vladimir Mikushevich

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Moments are eternally replacing each other.


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The world is full of beautiful things, but poor in beautiful moments.

Friedrich Nietzsche

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Stop, Instant! You are great!

Johann Wolfgang Gette

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Any moment of freedom is unique, stability enslaves.

Vladimir Mikushevich

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A great moment can never remain sterile: it refreshes and renews life with both what is good in it and what is bad in it.

Dmitry Pisarev

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Civilization is the sacrifice of moments in the name of a future that does not exist. Culture so saturates every moment that there is no need to delay it.

Vladimir Mikushevich

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The heart of the future lives, The present is sad. Everything instantly, everything will pass, What will pass will be nice.

Alexander Pushkin

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... Rain is woven from tiny moments. Ordinary water flows from heaven, And sometimes you wait for almost half your life, When it comes, your moment. ...

Robert Rozhdestvensky

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There is only a moment between the past and the future, It is he who is called "life".

Leonid Derbenev

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An instant! Oh, how wonderful you are, wait a little! - translation by Boris Pasternak, another popular translation: "Stop, moment, you are wonderful!"

It is very important to give yourself completely to the present moment, and not wait until the next one comes. You need to fully immerse yourself and enjoy what is happening in the present moment.

Mountains of bills are growing before our eyes, and you have no idea how you will pay them. Mother has Alzheimer's, and caring for her sucks all the juice out of you. You start to doubt that anyone cares about you. But it is at this moment that your heart beats, you breathe, do not starve and have a roof over your head. Under all circumstances, desires and requirements - you are all right. The moment you are preparing dinner, or buying groceries in the store, or driving to work, or reading your mail - stop and at the very moment in which you are, remind your consciousness: right now, I am doing well.

After a while and a certain number of repetitions, the habit of being in the present and calming your mind will actually change the neural connections in your brain - this is a special process called neuroplasticity - and this will become your norm.

Life is always happening now.

Get distracted from your thoughts more often - get carried away by the moment ...

And whatever happens to us TOMORROW ...

we have TODAY and NOW in stock! ツ

You are where your thoughts are.
Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.

And this moment is only yours!
Make it the way you really want it!

Live every moment, because it cannot be repeated. Appreciate it while it is there, before it flashed and disappeared forever. Live here and now, appreciate the ordinary minutes of life.

The time for happiness is now.

There are people who think that somewhere is better than here ...
There are people who think that once it was or will be better than now ...
And there are people who feel good here and now, while others are thinking! :)

If I am not able to happily wash the dishes, if I want to get it over with so I can go and have a cup of tea, then I will also not be able to happily drink the tea myself. With a cup in hand, I will think about what to do next, and the taste and aroma of tea, along with the pleasure of drinking itself, will be forgotten. I will always yearn for the future and will never be able to live in the present moment ...

Titus Nat Khan

There are moments in which a person does not think about anything, does not reflect, does not evaluate, but there are not so many of them. We call these moments happy. This is the moment when you completely stay where your body is, stay here. This is a feeling of happiness, a state of love, peace.

We are always looking forward to something: weekend, vacation, vacation. We dream about it day after day, littered with books and work, making plans and thinking about what we could do if we had free time now. And we want this. Unfortunately, this is another “if only” that you definitely need to get rid of in your life. When the long-awaited days of freedom come, desires and plans to do something disappear, and if there are strengths to do something, then certainly not to the extent and not with such zeal as we imagined when we were busy. When there is a lot of something, we stop noticing and appreciating it. And with time it is better not to joke. Friendship with him is already costing us dearly. You need to try to allocate more time for your desires, appreciate it, use it wisely. Find your favorite activities and places, create your own days and evenings and there will be more good things ...

Dividing life into past, present and future was invented by reason, but this division is absolutely artificial. The past and the future are thought forms, illusion, mental abstraction. You can remember the past only at this moment. The event that you remember took place at a given Moment, and you also remember it at this Moment. The future, when it comes, comes at this moment. So the only thing that's real, the only thing that's always there, is the real Moment.

Eckhart Tolle "What Silence Talks About"

Now is a good time to forgive ...

Now is a good time to love yourself ...

Now is a good time to allow yourself to live easier ...

Life is here and now, not tomorrow and then.

What you did a minute ago or yesterday

or within the last six months,

or the last sixteen years,

or the last fifty years -

does not mean anything.

What really matters is

what are you doing right now.

There is something great in every minute. For example, happiness ...

Live in the present day, every day as if it might end at sunset.

Many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and the whole life of happiness. And you need to rejoice every day and enjoy every moment.


I find heaven in every place, in every situation I see good, in every person - love.

In fact, all you have to do is fully embrace this moment. Then you are in harmony with the here and now and in harmony with yourself. Eckhart Tolle

The past is gone, the future has not yet arrived. Only this moment remains - pure, saturated with energy. Live it!

Life is always happening now.

Remind yourself more often that the purpose of life is not at all to accomplish everything that is planned, but to enjoy every step taken along the path of life, in order to fill life with love. Richard Carlson

Sometimes the present moment is unacceptable, unpleasant or terrible. There is what is. Observe how the mind creates labels and how they are distributed, how continuous judgment creates pain and makes you unhappy. By tracking the mechanisms of the mind, you move away from the stereotype of resistance and, thereby, allow the present moment to be. This state gives you the opportunity to feel the taste of inner freedom from external circumstances, the taste of a state of true inner peace. Then just watch what is happening, and if necessary or if possible, act.Accept first - then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with him, not against him. Make him your friend and ally, not your enemy. It will magically transform your whole life.

Eckhart Tolle

- What we are going to do?

- Enjoy the moment.

This moment is what is most important.

A moment is only a moment - a moment seems so unimportant to a person that he misses it, but only in this is his whole life, only in a moment of the present can he make the effort that takes the kingdom of God both inside and outside of us. Lev Tolstoy


When your attention is shifted to the present moment, that is readiness. It is as if you are coming out of a dream - a dream of thoughts, from the past and the future. So clear, so simple. There is absolutely no room in it to create problems. Only the present moment - as such. Eckhart Tolle

Just stop, stop looking. Everything that you were looking for is in front of you, you just have to reach out and take what was intended for you from the very beginning. Just stop looking, enjoy what you have. Wherever you are, whatever you do, whoever you are with, just listen, observe, look closely, learn. Just live.Live as if you were just born and saw everything that surrounds you!The happiness of life lies in the present moment, in the ability to live now and to feel, hear, see, breathe every moment ... Every moment is to Live.

If you want to live happily, love the everyday little things.
The shining of clouds, the rustle of leaves, the chirping of a flock of sparrows, the faces of passers-by - find pleasure in all these everyday little things.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke

The world will present itself to you exactly as you imagine it to yourself.

You are constantly adjusting your life to your own ideas about it.

What you believe strongly enough, you will see in your life. And in no case is it the other way around. In fact, the everyday hell in which you live is nothing more than the result of your stubborn belief that here and now is not heaven at all.

Chuck Hillig

You sit - and sit to yourself; go - and go yourself.
The main thing is not to fuss in vain.

You are the garden of Joy, you don't need anyone to be happy. You abide in the garden of Joy, but remembering the old, you grieve. This Joy, this Instant will destroy both the mind and the suffering, since this Instant is exactly Happiness. So don't go back to the past moments that bring suffering. Papaji

The greatest miracle is just to be!

I am interested in delight. I am interested in absolute fusion with the cosmos at the everyday level. If I kiss, then I am not at this moment. If I sing a song, I am not at this moment. This is what interests me. I search where there is least distraction. Where are the least bunnies around. I don't want to waste my energy. If we again take the analogy with a kiss, there are people who kiss and think - I still need to call this one today, do this, this and this. And so uninteresting. If I do something, I want to be all there. I came to the point of view that I want undiluted happiness.

Boris Grebenshchikov

To learn to live now, you need to let go of everything that happened yesterday.

The present moment is the field on which the game of life takes place. And nowhere else it can happen. The secret of living, the secret of success and happiness can be expressed in three words: Oneness with Life. Oneness with life is oneness with what is Now. Realizing this, you will understand that it is not you who live your life, but life lives by you. Life is a dancer and you are a dance. Eckhart Tolle

The best way to take care of the future is

Eternity pulsates with every breath ...

He who understands life is in no hurry. Stop ...

Feel the taste of every moment!


The universe is being recreated moment by moment. Therefore, in reality, there is no past, there is only a memory of the past. Blink your eye and the world that you will see did not exist when you closed it. Therefore, the only possible state of mind is surprise. The only possible state of the heart is delight. The heavens you see now have never been seen before. Now is the perfect moment. Be happy with this.

Terry Pratchett "Thief of Time"


When you stop digging into what has already happened ...

And worry about what hasn't happened yet ...

Then you can feel the Joy of Life.

Stay in the present. You cannot change anything in the past, and the future will never come to you exactly the way you imagined it or expected to see it. Dan Millman.

The great science of living happily is living in the present.

Don't be afraid of tomorrow. Love yours today, love him with anyone, unwanted, bad. And then it will answer you with love, just as someone who no longer wants to see and accept, and suddenly there is someone who accepts him totally, responds with love.

You are too interested in what was and what will be ... Sages say: the past is forgotten, the future is closed, the present is granted. Therefore, they call him real.

Don't let the clock and calendar obscure the fact that every second of your life is a miracle and a mystery.

Forget the past, it brings sorrow, do not think about the future, it brings anxiety, live in the present, because this is the only way to be happy.

The cruel firmament do not anger with a prayer,

Don't call your disappeared friends back.

Forget yesterday, don't think about tomorrow:

Today you live - live today.

Omar Khayyam

People would suffer much less if they did not develop the power of imagination so diligently in themselves, would not remember endlessly past troubles, but would live in a harmless present.

Only by stopping grieving about the past and worrying about the future can I enjoy what is happening now.

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift, accept it.

This is how the Engine from Romashkovo reasoned: stop, look around, listen, otherwise you may be late for the rest of your life ...

As I breathe in, I calm my body and mind.
As I exhale, I smile.
Being in the present moment, I know this moment is amazing!

Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today is a gift!

Once, from the window of his house, from where the market square was visible, Rabbi Nachman noticed one of his disciples. He was in a hurry somewhere.

Did you manage to look up to the sky this morning? - Rabbi Nachman asked him.

No, rabbi, I didn't have time.

Trust me, in fifty years everything you see here will be gone. There will be another fair - with different horses, with different carts, and people will also be different. I will no longer be here, and neither will you. What is so important here that you don’t have time to look at the sky? ...

The world is beautiful, perfect, and infinitely interesting. You just need to realize life in the moment here and now. And she will open all her doors to you. Yes, be open with your heart!

The ego keeps you waiting: tomorrow, when you succeed, you can rejoice. And today, of course, you must suffer, you must sacrifice. Tomorrow simply means something that never happens. This is putting off life for later. It's a great strategy to keep you trapped in misery. The ego cannot rejoice in the present. It is incapable of existing in the present; it dwells only in the future or in the past, which do not exist. The past is no longer there, the future is not yet; both are non-existent things. In the present, pure moment, you will not find the ego in you - only silent joy and pure silent emptiness.

OSHO ---

Never go back in time. It kills your present. Memories are meaningless, they only take away your precious time. Stories don't repeat themselves, people don't change. Never wait for anyone, never stand still. Who needs it - they will catch up. Do not look back. All hopes and dreams are just illusions, don't let them take over you.

Remember! Never, under any circumstances, give up. And always love, you cannot live without love, but love this present, the past cannot be returned, and the future may not begin.

Sometimes we say how good it was before, how we miss those times. In the future, let's say the same about what is happening now. Appreciate the present.

If you look back all the time, you will not be able to see what lies ahead ...

M / f "Ratatouille" ---

Close your eyes and you will see. Stop listening and you will hear. Stay alone with your heart - and you will realize ...

Use every moment so that you do not regret later and do not regret that you missed your youth.

Paulo Coelho ---

Try, at least in small ways, not to bring your mind.
Look at the world - just look.
Don't say "like" or "dislike". Don't say anything.
Don't say a word, just watch.
The mind will feel uncomfortable.
Mind would like to say something.
You just say to the mind:
"Shut up, let me see, I'll just watch" ...

Stretching out their hands to the stars, people often forget about the flowers under their feet.

D. Bentem ---

Life is as it is seen. It's magical enough not to invent anything else.

-— Bernard Werber —-

There are three pitfalls that steal joy and peace: regret for the past, anxiety for the future, and ingratitude for the present.

If you want to be a happy person, do not rummage in your memory.

Accept reality as it is.
Appreciate everything that comes into your life.
Enjoy while it lasts.
Let go when the time is right.

I was encouraged by the words of Chogyam Trungpa, a Tibetan master of meditation, who was once asked how he managed to cross the Himalayas with his disciples while fleeing from the Chinese invasion, with almost no preparation or provisions, not knowing the path and outcome of his risky venture. His answer was short: "Moving your legs one by one."

Jorge Bucay

Happiness is available to everyone, and is available right now.
We just need to stop and take a close look at the treasures that already surround us.

There are people who think that somewhere is better than here.
There are people who think that once it was (will be) better than it is now.
There are people who feel good here and now, while others are thinking.

How you live your every day - so does your whole life. How easy it is to succumb to the thought that one day does not solve anything, since we still have many similar days ahead. But a wonderful life is nothing more than a sequence of wonderful, beautifully lived days, going in succession, like pearls strung on a string in a beautiful necklace. Every day is valuable in its own way. The past is left behind, and the future is just a figment of the imagination, so today is all that you own. So use this day wisely.

Life is now. This is not "tomorrow" or "yesterday". One is unknown, the other does not exist.

Peace and serenity can only exist in the present moment. If you really want to be in peace and harmony, you must be in peace and harmony right now.

All life flies by in just one instant.
In these moments, all of you ...

Live in a world without ideas about what will happen next. Whether you are a winner or a loser, it doesn't matter. Death will take everything away. Whether you win or lose is irrelevant. The only thing that matters - and has always been - is how you played the game. Did you enjoy it? - by the game itself ... - and then every moment becomes a moment of joy.


Walking on water is not a miracle.
A miracle is walking the Earth and feeling really alive right now.
And smile!

Most of us live in such a frantic rhythm that real silence and stillness sometimes becomes something alien and uncomfortable. Most people, upon hearing my words, will say that they have no time to sit and look at the flower. They’ll tell you that they don’t have time to just enjoy the laughter of children or run barefoot in the rain. They will say that they are too busy for such activities. They don't even have friends, because friends also take time ...

Robin Sharma ---


Ask yourself: "Am I feeling joy, calmness and lightness from what I am doing now?"

If not, it means that time obscures the present moment, and life is perceived as a heavy burden or as a struggle. If there is neither joy, nor calmness, nor lightness in what you are doing, then this does not necessarily mean that you should change what you are doing.

It is enough to change the HOW you do it.

"HOW" is always more important than "WHAT".

See if you have the opportunity to devote even more, and much more, attention to the DOING itself than to the RESULT that you want to achieve through this doing. Direct all your attention to what gives you THIS MOMENT. At the same time, this will mean that you fully accept what is, because you cannot give something full of your attention and at the same time resist it.

As soon as you begin to honor and respect the present moment, then all existing discontent dissipates and the need for struggle disappears, and life begins to flow happily and calmly. No reality can be a threat to you.

If yesterday was lost due to some mistake, then do not lose today, remembering this ...

No matter how long your path is, there is never more on it than: one step, one breath, one moment - Now.

Eckhart Tolle ---

Do not spoil the impression of what you have by wanting what you do not have; remember that once you only hoped to get what you have now.

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Trust in him and make him beautiful.

There is no point in looking for a place where you feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere.

We spend, we pass our best minutes through our fingers, as if there are many of them in stock. We usually think about tomorrow, about the next year, while we need to grasp with both hands the cup, poured over the edge, which life itself stretches out, uninvited, with its usual generosity - and drink and drink, until the cup passes into others. hands. Nature does not like to regale and offer for a long time. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

In everyone's life, there comes a moment when you need to understand that the old is no longer there. It was there, in the past, and now it has collapsed completely and irrevocably. This is how we learn to let time go.

Very few people live for today. Most are preparing to live later.

Be in the moment. Bring all your total awareness to this moment. Don't let the past interfere, don't let the future come in. The past is no more, it is dead. Die to the past at every moment, whatever the past, heaven or hell. Whatever it is - die for him, and be fresh and young, and be born again at this moment.The person appears to be in the present, but this is only an appearance. The person lives in the past. It goes through the present, but remains rooted in the past.The past is gone - why cling to it? You can't do anything with it; you can't go back, you can't remake it - why cling to it? This is not a treasure. And if you cling to the past and think that it is a treasure, of course, your mind will want to experience it again and again in the future. Osho

This moment contains the grain of the greatest truth. This is the truth you wanted to remember. But as soon as this moment came, you immediately began to build thoughts about it. Instead of being in the moment itself, you stood by and judged it. Then you reacted. It means that you acted as you once did.

Approaching each moment as a blank slate, without any preliminary thought about it, you can create yourself as you are, and not repeat as you once were.

Life is a process of creation, and you continue to live as if it is a process of repetition!

Neil Donald Walsh

Everything that we perceive during life is “in the moment”. Things exist only for a moment, only we do not dare or do not want to view them in this way.

-— Rinpoche Dzongsar Khyentse -—

Does the sun shine on me today so that I reflect on yesterday?
Friedrich Schiller

Many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and the whole life of happiness ... But you need to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment.

This collection includes quotes about moments of life for reflection and personal growth. And here is the first expression: The principle of an eye for an eye will make the whole world blind. Mahatma Gandhi

As long as you are concerned about what other people will say about you, you are at their mercy. Neil Donald Welch

In America, in the Rocky Mountains, I have seen the only sensible method of art criticism. In the bar above the piano there was a sign: Don't shoot the pianist, he is doing his best. Oscar Wilde

Ah, the experience of feeling, how it gets in the way of feeling! Alphonse Daudet

Making sense always involves making a decision. Frankl W.

Love is a mystery, love is an unknown ...

Nobody dies a virgin. Life will have everyone. Kurt Cobain

It's hard to be the last bitch forever with someone joining in the back !. M. Zhvanetsky

We never know exactly what the other person thinks and feels: we interpret his behavior and take offense at our own thoughts about it.

If you want to collect honey, don't ruin the hive. Psychologist and educator Dale Carnegie

When it's hard for me, I always remind myself that if I give up, it won't get better.

You will never be able to solve a problem that has arisen if you keep the same mindset and the same approach that led you to this problem. Albert Einstein

Love is a thrill of hearts and a heat in the chest!

Everything goes on as usual. Take your time, be calm: life is wiser than us. Everything is going as it should.

Leave the muddy water alone and it will become clear and transparent.

The greatest happiness that can happen in life is a happy childhood. Agatha Christie

Whatever one may say, there is only one woman in a man's life. All the rest of her shadows. Coco Chanel

Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted. Coco Chanel

If you think you are too young to change anything, try sleeping through the night with a mosquito. Dalai lama

Genius lies in the ability to distinguish the difficult from the impossible. Napoleon Bonaparte

When love sighs for the first time, wisdom will suffocate at the same moment!

Happiness is not always about doing what you want, but about always wanting what you do. Lev Tolstoy

There are three reasons for not showing up: forgetting, drinking or scoring.

The main thing is to give all your strength to the chosen cause and rumor will go from you. For perfection is rare. André Maurois

Whoever wants to embark on the path of love, let him take care of himself in relation to all people, whether they are good or bad. Reverend Isaiah

A girl must love someone, otherwise she will hate everyone Jared Leto

How important it is that far-reaching relationships bring them closer together! T. Kleiman

History teaches us at least that it can always be worse. Science fiction writer Neil Gaiman

No matter how wise you are, if you feel cold, you will tremble. Cicero

There are no people who, having ceased to love, would not begin to be ashamed of their past love. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

It is impossible to get enough of love for one's neighbor in God! On the contrary, you can soon complete the path, you can soon be satiated and satiated with love for your neighbor, when the object of love is only a person. The fire of love requires a lot of food in order to be constant and multiply. When God feeds him, he is incessantly strengthened, there is no limit to him; but when it is left to nourish it to man by himself, food for the fire will soon become scarce, the fire will dim, go out.

Real concern for the future is to give everything to the present.

The relationship of true lovers is like agate - a beautiful and durable stone described in legends.

Motives and instincts push, but reasons and meanings attract. Frankl W.

There is a sense in love, but only as long as you are loved!

Wisdom is a mind infused with conscience. Fazil Iskander

I have very simple tastes. The best always suits me. Oscar Wilde

Dying, I would like to say, completely dying, to say: is it true that I thought about the meaning of life, that it is in increasing love. At least shake your head in the affirmative or negative. Tolstoy L. N.

Love is not tender phrases, but tenderness in all its manifestation

When you're right, nobody remembers it. And how wrong no one will forget.

I have heard so many times about people who die of love, but in my whole life I have not seen any of them really die. M. Valois.

In love, woe to the vanquished!

Do not ask your friends about your shortcomings, friends will keep silent about them. Better find out what your enemies are saying about you. Saadi

A person may not be born, but he must die.

It is much easier to show wisdom in other people's affairs than in your own. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

You will only be happy with those with whom you can be yourself.

All love is true and beautiful in its own way, if only it was in the heart, and not in the head.

Until a person gives up, he is stronger than his destiny.

Do what you are afraid to do and do until you achieve a number of successes in it.

Genuine happiness is inexpensive: if you have to pay a high price for it, then it is a fake. Coco Chanel

Every person who appears in our life is a teacher! Someone teaches us to be stronger, someone - wiser, someone teaches to forgive, someone - to be happy and enjoy every day. Someone does not teach us at all - they just break us, but we also get experience from this. Appreciate each person, even if they appear for a moment. After all, if he appeared, then this is no accident!

Tell me what it's like to be abandoned
The best, favorite of a devotee?
Fall asleep remembering the past
To keep the Universe in your heart?

With a sensitive heart, with a courageous soul,
Drowned in love trustingly
And burn alive in it?
Tell me what it's like to be hurt
In a word, in just a moment?
To hate him so ardently
But to find salvation in the eyes?
And dream, falling asleep in the evening,
For a sick heart to heal
Tell me what it's like to be a girl
Burned alive in your feelings?

Learn loyalty from the swans!
Love as these birds love!
After all, if you take the universe, with nothing ...
Such love cannot be compared.

They are not people, but what kind to become,
What tenderness, devotion to each other.
Their feeling is impossible to convey
It is like a true miracle!

Isn't it a miracle? because there are always two of us,
Wing to wing in beautiful plumage
They glide over a clean pond.
Divine! Stop for a moment!

And loyalty? After all, if the fatal
The hour will come - one will die,
Then the other will not live,
He, too, will leave this world.

So they float through life, on water,
Two gentle, devoted creations!
Learn loyalty from the swans!
Keep wonderful moments of life!

Do you believe in God? I did not see him…
How can you believe what you have not seen?
I'm sorry that I offended you,
After all, you did not expect such an answer ...
I believe in money, I saw it for sure ...
I believe in the plan, in the forecast, in the career growth ...
I believe in a house that was built to last ...
Of course ... Your answer is pretty simple ...
Do you believe in happiness? You haven't seen him ...
But your soul saw him ...
I'm sorry, I must have offended you ...
Then we have one - one ... Draw ...
Do you believe in love, in friendship? As with eyesight ???
After all, this is all at the level of the soul ...
And sincerity are bright moments?
Do not rush to see everything with your eyes ...
Do you remember how then you were in a hurry to meet,
But the traffic jams ... did not make it to the plane ?!
Your plane exploded the same evening
You drank and cried day and night ...
And at that moment when the wife was giving birth,
And the doctor said: "Sorry, there is no chance ...",
Do you remember how life flashed like slides
And as if the light had faded forever
But someone shouted: "Oh, God, a miracle ..."
And the cry came from a loud kid ...
You whispered: "I will believe in God"
And the soul smiled sincerely ...
There is something that the eyes cannot see,
But the heart sees clearer and clearer ...
When the soul fell in love without falsehood,
Then the mind objects more and more ...
Refers to pain, bitter experience,
Includes selfishness, big "I" ...
You saw God every day and so much
How deep is your soul ...
Each of us has our own path ...
And faith and love are most important ...
I didn't ask you, "Have you seen God?"
I asked if I believed in him ...

Don't let your life be just a dead ritual. Let there be moments of the inexplicable. Let there be some things that are mysterious, for which you cannot give any reason. Let there be some actions that make people think you are a little hello. A person who is one hundred percent normal is not alive. A little madness next to sanity is always a great joy. Keep doing crazy things sometimes too. And then the meaning is possible.

Do not be offended by children
What did not come, did not call,
Do not be offended by children
They forgot what to give flowers.
They have their own earthly life,
We did not know this pace
Their fast train is racing
To another life, to another distance.

Know how to let go of children
Don't hit on their express,
Know how to let go of children
They have other interests.
Your slow-moving crew
Stop for a moment
Let your children fly into life
In the chosen direction.

Take them as they are,
And if you can - help
Take a high-speed train.
Get out of the way in time.
Try to understand them with your soul,
Wave after them at the station
And don't try to catch up
Getting up early in the morning early in the morning.

Love your own children
Resentment, anger - do not hold,
Love your own children
Cherish a place in their hearts.
After all, we are much wiser than them
And every hour of communication is dear
Do not be offended by children
And give happiness a box.

Nobody will remember you for your thoughts. Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to talk about what you feel. Show your friends how important they are to you. If you don't say it today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. And if you never do that, nothing will matter. Make your dreams come true. This moment has come.
P.S. Farewell letter from Gabriel García Márquez

Everything passes in this world, snow gives way to rain
everything passes, everything passes, we have come, and we will leave.
Everything comes and goes nowhere from nothing.
Everything passes, but nothing passes without a trace.
And, participating in the plot, I look from the side,
how my moments, my years, my dreams flow,
how this thin thread intertwines with others,
where, unfortunately, I can't change anything,
because in this drama, whether you are a jester or a king,
twice do not play a role, only play a role once.
And over my own role I cry and laugh,
if possible, I want to finish my game with dignity -
after all, not with a small coin, I cry with my own life
both for crying bitterly and for laughing.

Text Statements, aphorisms and quotes of great and famous people ":

We ask ourselves a long life, but meanwhile only the depth of life and its lofty moments matter. Let us measure time with a spiritual measure!
Ralph W. Emerson
Depth, Life and Death, Instant

The most beautiful moments are always full of sadness. You feel that they are fleeting, you want to keep them, but this is impossible.
André Maurois
Sadness, Moment

I would like to caress you with inspiration,
So that my dreams tremble over you,
How the stream flows with melodic singing
Caress the bent lilies flowers,
So that with every new moment that rushes in
You whispered: “Again! It's you! It's you!"
Constantine D. Balmont
Beautiful quotes, Love, Moment

The moment of realizing your lack of talent is a flash of genius.
Stanislav E. Lec
Genius, Instant

Moments of happiness on the rise are lazy,
When the greedy call of longing calls them;
But, in order to leave, flickering - like a tiger, they are light.
I'm tired of catching dreams. Hopes are false.
Francesco Petrarca
Instant, Happiness

The butterfly does not have years, but moments, and it has enough time.
Rabindranath Tagore

There are moments when the soul, regardless of the position of the body, is on its knees.
Hugo Victor Marie
Instant, Body

The worst thing is time, time, a moment that we experience and which we still never possess.
Erich M. Remarque

We were together for a moment
But eternity is nothing before him;
We suddenly exhausted all our senses,
Burned with one kiss.
Mikhail Y. Lermontov
Eternity, Instant, Kisses

Take advantage of the moment.
Johann W. Goethe
Time, Instant, Benefit

Be discreet - in any case, be above the random. Gusts of passion are slippery places for prudence, look, as if not to break. A moment of anger or delight will lead you further than hours of composure; give in for a moment - you will be executed for a century. The intent of the enemy prepares these temptations for prudence in order to probe the ground, to scout the plan; using such master keys, he penetrates into secrets and steals the most cherished treasure. Protect yourself with restraint, especially in the event of a surprise. Great firmness is needed in order not to give passion to bite the bit; there is no price to those who are wise even on horseback. Those who know the danger move carefully. The word seems easy to the one who throws it, but hard, to whom it falls.
Baltasar Gracian y Morales
Prudence, Instant

Moments are eternally replacing each other.
Publius Ovid Nazon
Time, Instant

Love is like a flower that at one moment can be given only to one person.
Richard Aldington
Love, Instant

The world is a moment, and I am one moment in it.
How many breaths am I destined to take in a moment?
Be cheerful, live! This is a perishable building
It is not given to anyone in possession forever.
Omar Khayyam
Life, Instant, Wise Quotes

Ah, love is a torch flying into the abyss, and only at that moment illuminating its entire depth!
Erich M. Remarque
Depth, Love, Instant

It is only during breastfeeding that a woman is aware of her motherhood in a visible and tangible way; it is the pleasure of every moment.
Honore de Balzac
Instant, Wise Quotes, Treats

In life, everything is one moment, even life imprisonment
Erich M. Remarque



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