the main - Vitale Joe
We create all our experiences ourselves. We create our own world. Get rid of illusions

If you want to live in a clean and beautiful world, then start with yourself. Clean up your world. Cleanse your thoughts, your subconscious program of behavior from aggression. Combine external cleanliness - clean body, clothes, bed, cleanliness in the house, cleanliness in relationships with other people with internal cleanliness - clean thoughts. When interacting with other people, use pure thoughts and accept other people's worldview. Each person lives in his own world. Respect the other person's world. The world of another person, even your loved one, is a different world. Treat everything in this world very carefully. The universe is abundant - it is, and use everything it gives gently and carefully. Remember that you are a part of this Reality, God. But other people, objects and things are the same particle. We are all united by the whole. That is, at a subtle subconscious level, we are all equal, each of us is equal to everything else in this world.

When you think about someone, an information and energy channel is established between you and the person you are thinking about. If you think or speak badly about someone, then you are directing your destructive thoughts towards this person and on a subtle subconscious level you can harm him. At the same time, by sending negative thoughts to someone, a program of self-destruction is automatically turned on in your subconscious mind.

Learn to forgive people and accept them for who they are. In fact, when you forgive a person, you forgive yourself. Remember that each person lives in his own world and creates his own unique world. This is what determines the exclusivity and uniqueness of every human being.

We ourselves create our own world, which means we attract certain people and situations into our lives. What right do we have to criticize others? If you don't like something about something else, then look inside yourself - you have this behavior. After all, like attracts like. The external situation is a reflection of our beliefs, our thoughts. Therefore, by expressing disagreement with someone, you are going against yourself. If you want to change the other person without changing yourself, then you will not succeed. Do not seek to change your fellow man. But if something does not suit you in him, then look for the reason in yourself.

Can you say that you are happy? Do you like the place in which you live, the level of wealth, relationships with people? Education system, health care, policy in the state? It turns out that in order for you and your children to live in prosperity and harmony, it is necessary to create a space of Love. And who will create it if not yourself? ..

It is possible to educate a real person only in the space of Love. It is a Man with a capital letter, like God, a Man-Creator, and not a consumer. The established order of things exists as long as we put up with it. If you want to change the world around you - for yourself, for your children - and it will change. It is only necessary to want very strongly, or, as I say, to correctly form the Intention. And start to act. Just remember! You need to start with yourself! ..

Faith, Hope, Love - these are three virtues, three components of success in your life ...

Love is a feeling that relates to all life on Earth. This is that life-giving energy that comes from a person and without which there would be no life at all. Stones, plants, animals strive to receive the unconditional love of man. And the person himself just needs to radiate it, otherwise he stops in his development, degrades.

In order to be a healthy and prosperous person, you need to love yourself and the world around you. All religions of the World speak of love as a divine feeling. Many people are deficient in love for a very simple reason. They do not know how to love, because they have not been taught to love. They were not given this feeling by their parents, and those, in turn, by their parents, etc. Erich Fromm once wrote: "Love is an art that needs to be learned." But I think that Love is a feeling that needs to be opened ...

Our subconscious mind has access to the energy-informational field of the Universe, because we are part of our Universe, the Universe, each of us. And we have the experience of all mankind, the strength and wisdom of our ancestors. And when a person begins to build his life from the position of love and joy, he, emitting vibrations of love, connects to the necessary energy-information flows and opens the door to the treasury of the Divine knowledge of the Universe.

We create our own destiny.

We can do a lot by using purposefully the power of the mind and using the power, experience and knowledge of the subconscious. We ourselves are the creators of our lives, we create all the situations in our lives that make us either losers, victims, or happy and successful. And if a person begins to realize this, he will be able to create for himself those conditions of his life that he wishes. And from this it follows that, with the help of words, mental images, you can create events in your life, you just need to always remember that when you say words, or think about something, you are creating your destiny at that very moment.

And if you have evil negative thoughts, stop, do not do evil for yourself. We are all interconnected in this world, we are all one whole, and if you curse someone in anger or out of habit (and this happens), it means that you bear grief for yourself. Therefore, wish everyone happiness, because by doing this, you first of all wish yourself happiness. We ourselves are the creators of our own well-being, prosperity and our problems, troubles, failures. It depends on you what kind of destiny you wish to create for yourself. All in your hands!
Each person goes his own way through life, creating favorable or unfavorable living conditions for himself.

There are no general recipes and advice for everyone, in a person's life there are many roads, and there are only two directions, positive and negative. But it is also necessary to remember that it is with the help of words, thoughts, emotions, actions (or inaction) that we attract certain events. And from this it follows that in which direction your thoughts go, then you will receive, in the form of events and situations in your life. And if you think positively, then your life is also filled with the sunshine of good luck and success. But, and if you are depressed, if troubles and problems are everywhere, then first of all pay attention to what you think and what you say.

Each person has an amazing ability to create and this helps each of us to create our own life, as we desire it. And you should not look for the causes of your problems in someone else, they are in yourself. Change your thinking to a positive one, believe in yourself in your strengths, do not give up the opportunities that are given to each of us. And remember that we create our life with the help of our mental images. We are what we think about. If you are unsure of yourself, and consider yourself unable to change anything in your life, if you doubt your strength and abilities, it will be so.

Because you have laid such a program in your subconscious, and the subconscious, as you know, realizes only what you put into it with the help of your firm convictions. If you do not believe in yourself, that you can do a lot, if you do not believe that you are able to create the desired living conditions for yourself, then you refuse the help of the Creator, the Universe, close yourself with a shield of unbelief from the entire Universe. And the Creator gave us freedom of choice. We create our own life.

And the forces of the Universe come to our aid when we are strong in our faith in ourselves, in our strengths, in the Creator. When we ask him for help, when we open up to him, open our souls and speak to him with our hearts, firmly confident in our unshakable faith in ourselves and in the Creator. And so it is always in life.

A person himself builds all the events of life, a person himself gives status to certain events, he himself provokes others to this or that attitude towards him. If you think negatively about someone, then you will provoke that person to act negatively towards you. You yourself launched this program that this person is capable of only bad things, and he will correspond to your idea of ​​him. And constantly strengthen your opinion about him in this direction.

But if you change your mind about this person, then your relationship will move to a new level, or this person will simply stop "participating" in your life. He just kind of loses interest in you, because you have changed your attitude towards the people around you, and in particular towards him, and if he does not have the qualities that you generously endowed him with, he will kind of avoid you. Direct the work of your mind to positive vibrations, and give the subconscious mind positive, filled with joy and positive attitudes, believe in yourself and in your strengths, believe that each of us has unlimited opportunities to create our happy life. And then a miracle will happen - you will change your life. And your companions in life will be happiness, luck, success, love - creating favorable events and situations in your life.

Any events will always turn in my favor.
I am protected from failure in any situation.
The basis of my prosperity is understanding myself and believing in myself.

Over time, learning the technologies of building a happy life, changing his thinking, behavior, controlling his emotions, a person himself changes his life, creating positive programs for his life. And in this, verbal formula-codes of a positive orientation are of great help. Read and repeat regularly words filled with the beneficial energy of love, joy, success. The word code is the way to get what you want. By repeating beautiful words, you make your life beautiful too.
But people tend to be distracted from their plans.

And after reading the verbal codes, a person turns on the TV and, having watched all the news, he is again saturated with negative energy. And again he begins to think that the crisis has come again, prices will again “skyrocket”, there will be an increase in utilities again, gasoline will rise in price again, and so on ad infinitum. You will decide what you want to have in your life. If you want to be happy, then be. Don't attract negativity to yourself. Why do you think that you are not able to pay all those bills that come to you. Treat them with gratitude, because thanks to this, you live in a comfortable environment. So this is a plus, not a minus.

Why do you expect anything bad, why there is so much fear in you. Take it away. This is your negative experience. But negative experience taught you something. Negative result is also a result, but you shouldn't elevate it to the rank of a universal nightmare. All your mistakes have taught you something, which means that you have received the knowledge and experience you need. So direct it to your benefit. Believe in yourself, believe in your strengths and capabilities. And realize that all the events that are taking place are only good for you.

Trust that you are the creator of your life. Always remember that with your way of thinking, with your words, you create a way of your life. So think positively and say positive words. Wish yourself happiness and create a wonderful reality for yourself. Accept all your flaws, love yourself for who you are, praise yourself, and be proud of yourself. Praise the people around you, praise your loved ones. And if you wanted to change your life for the better, then wait for good, kind changes, and believe that all the events that take place in your life will bring you only happiness and joy.

I am the master of my life!
I create my own reality!
I playfully create wealth for myself!

Everything in our life goes according to the Laws of the Universe. But sometimes we stubbornly refuse to notice this. We are not surprised that when we come to the store we have to tell the seller what we want to buy, what kind of product we need. In a restaurant, we order those dishes that we like, and we are served what we ordered (chosen), so why does it surprise us and disbelief that this happens everywhere in life? What we have chosen (through our actions, thoughts, words, actions), we have received. It follows from this that we create our life according to our choice. What does a person think about most often? About difficulties, about what he does not want, what he is afraid of. What for?

If a person does not need it, why then think about it? You need to learn to control your thoughts and words. Think about what you want to strive for what a person needs, without wasting your strength and energy on doubts. And for this it is necessary to understand yourself, to know yourself. Recognize that most fears are far-fetched, they can arise from unwillingness to act, to learn the laws by which the Universe develops, or from unwillingness to take responsibility for your life. From the inability to correctly formulate your thoughts, desires, plan your actions, make plans and events that bring chaos and troubles occur. Let's say you decided to open your own company, what is needed first?

A charter is needed, according to which the rules of work and the direction of this company will be established, then it is imperative to draw up a work plan, etc. So in a person's life, it is necessary to plan everything and obey the necessary rules in order to achieve success. A person should know what he wants, why he needs it, what it will bring, how it will affect his well-being, and the conditions of his life. It is also necessary to know which way a person needs to go and what needs to be taken, what actions to fulfill his desires, to realize his plans. And a person should know that on the way to the implementation of what was conceived, it is necessary to purposefully move in the chosen direction, avoiding doubts and fear, to direct energy to the realization of the desired. Sometimes it happens that a person thoughtlessly, haphazardly lived his life, and this happened for more than one year, and so he decided to change his attitude towards himself, towards his life.

He got down to business, and almost immediately gave up in front of difficulties, he took all the changes that had begun for a series of new troubles and troubles. And why did he decide that troubles and misfortunes burst into his life again? If a person is determined to change something, then not everything suited him in life, in himself. And it means that he decided to live in a different way and the events that began to happen just indicate that the process has gone - changes begin to occur. Yes, sometimes for a person this is a very painful process, for many reasons. A person's environment can change, and he, being afraid of loneliness, begins to feel fear or guilt for the fact that it seems to him that people are turning away from him. He suddenly begins to think that everything is beginning to rapidly collapse, in his life, everything that he has been building all these years.

But do not be afraid of changes, this is a completely natural process, you cannot build a new one on the old, you need to clear a place for the new. And the social circle may change, and the place of work may have to be changed, and it may even happen that you have to move to another city. Therefore, whenever you start to draw up your plans, seriously consider each point of this plan, so that later you yourself will not be afraid of the fulfillment of your own desires.

And this means the most important thing in making plans, first of all, decide for yourself whether you are ready for changes in yourself and in your life, whether you need these changes. What will they give you, what you will have, what you will feel after the fulfillment of your plan. This is a responsible job and a person must approach it responsibly and seriously. Not for nothing, even in ancient times, they said that one should be wary of one's desires, because they have the property of being fulfilled, therefore it is always necessary to desire what a person is ready for, what will bring him good. And for this, a person must take responsibility for everything that happens in his life, become the master of his life and his desires, sincerely wish himself happiness, love himself, learn to be proud of himself, praise himself.

Every day, I am getting better and better in every way.

A person is free in his choice. He himself takes certain obligations to himself and his life, to the world around him. If you do not know what you want to receive, then who should know? If you are not used to making decisions yourself, others can do it for you, but they will take into account their interests, no one will take your interests into account. Therefore, isn't it better to take responsibility for your life on yourself. Become the master of life, learn to make choices and make decisions for yourself, because you and only you should know what you need in order for you to become a truly happy person. You can listen to professional advice, but after weighing all the pros and cons, the decision must be made by the person himself.

You have made the decision to be happy and take action. Create for yourself those events in your life that you need. It is possible. Powerful forces are inherent in a person, the power of his mind is so great that, combining it with determination and determination, a person can reach any heights and conditions. A person can change himself and the conditions of his life can create for himself those that he desires. The main thing is to believe in yourself and in your strength.

And learn to make the right choice. And do not what someone wants you to do, but do what you want to do, what you yourself strive for. And to be yourself is necessary, and not like someone else wants. Be, do not exist. And you are always in your place, which you have chosen for yourself in life, and not someone else did it for you.

In your work on yourself, first of all, your wonderful helpers will be self-confidence and strength, positive thoughts filled with love and joy, verbal formula-codes that will help tune your subconscious mind to work in the direction in which you want to go. If you, while working on creating programs for the implementation of your plans, will doubt the good result of your work - this means that you still could not believe that you are worthy of well-being and prosperity. Try to cast aside doubts and believe that the Universal Laws of Attraction for wealth, luck and well-being work wonderfully for everyone.

If you have negative thoughts, feelings for something, or someone, while working on a project of your new reality, a new scenario for your life, remove them, let go of yourself. Try to understand them, love them, these are your thoughts, events, you created them, which means that it is in your power to change your attitude towards them. Surround them with love, accept with gratitude, thank and let go of yourself, they did an important thing for you - they helped you understand what you don't need, what you don't want, and now you say goodbye to them with love and joy forever.

If you periodically repeat any situations, you also analyze, figure out why these situations are present in your life and are constantly repeated, when you find the reason for your rejection of certain events, you will free yourself from them. They will stop chasing you. One must be able to accept everything. The only thing to remember is that in any situation a person should remain calm, not splash out aggression and anger into the world around him. Boredom, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, fear, discomfort, anger, difficulty - all these emotions send information that something is wrong.

The way in which you perceive events may not work, or the actions taken will not produce the desired result. Those. it means you are going the wrong way. You need to think about why this is happening, to understand yourself, your emotions, the events that took place in your life. It is necessary to understand how, with what actions, thoughts, words, emotions you attracted this or that situation. And try to fix what you do not like, what does not suit you, and then thanking for the lesson learned, the experience gained, letting go of everything that hinders you and slows down your progress.

Each person has his own life story, his own life experience. And it sometimes happens that a person doubts that he is worthy of the benefits that he desires, that he deserves. It seems that he apologizes even for the fact that he lives. And so, a person cannot change immediately, and even more so if a person is forcibly changed, then only even greater problems will be created. A person himself must understand and accept what he desires in this life. When people turn to me for help, I first of all look to see if a person is ready for the changes that he wants.

Because you cannot make a person happy by force. He will resist, may sometimes unconsciously prevent all changes. Therefore, it turns out that, having bypassed a dozen magicians, psychologists, psychics, a person does not see any changes. But not because all the specialists he turned to were charlatans, as they say now. But because the person himself was a huge obstacle in the expected changes. His lack of faith in himself and his conviction that he does not deserve the best are so strong that they prevent him from changing his life and feeling happy.

I choose to be a conscientious and responsible person.
I take all the best from life, and give it all the best.
At each new stage, life gives me luck, success.

Paying attention to yourself, your life, taking care of yourself, wishing to change yourself and the conditions of your life, you will eventually understand that your beliefs affect your perception of the world. If you constantly think and talk about the negative and “see” only the bad in life, then your life will not be very sweet, because you yourself have convinced yourself that this world is terrible.

But if you change your beliefs, events begin to occur in your life that will help you understand that this world is great, then your life will change for the better.
Many argue that a person is born with already a certain life program. But we must not forget that each person has the freedom of choice, a person decides for himself what to be, in which direction to go, in positive or negative, how to build his life.

The Lord does not allow violence against a person, therefore the person himself decides which path he will take and which path he will choose. Raise his spirituality, do good, and then his life will change and be filled with favorable events. Or, doing evil, being mired in sins, he will degrade as a person, and sink lower and lower, dragging out a miserable existence. Those. a person is initially given the opportunity to change his fate in one direction or another, and it depends on the person whether he will live in harmony with this world and himself, or his life will be filled with problems, sorrows and obstacles.

There are exercises, techniques, practices that perfectly help to get rid of the unnecessary, to understand the reasons and change the situation to a more favorable one. We will talk about this a little later.

I easily create for myself the level of material well-being that I desire.
I am worthy of wealth, I go to it confidently and inexorably.
Money gives me freedom and the realization of all my plans!

You create your own life - whether you know it or not. This is how the Law of Attraction works. Whether you realize it or not, you are creating your life every minute of every day. You yourself create the reality around you, without stopping for a moment.

You simply cannot help but create, because you create with the help of thought, and, as you know, what you think about most becomes real. But you cannot stop the flow of thoughts and stop thinking altogether. That is, in any case, you think about something every minute, which means you create.

The only question is, are you doing it consciously or not? You can consciously create such a reality around you in which you want to live, deliberately creating and strengthening the appropriate attitudes in your subconscious, as well as creating a mental image of what you want to embody in your life.

Or, on the contrary, you can do nothing in order to create your own reality. You may not even believe that you are creating it yourself. And yet, you do it anyway. Only in this case you create unconsciously - create "by default". And what you get as a result of this kind of "creation" may not be what you would like at all.

If you deliberately think about what you want to get, you will create that. But if you think every day about anything, but not about what you want to have, then you will get everything you want, just not what you wanted.

If you imagine that life is a ship, then in the first case you yourself stand at its helm and yourself determine where it is heading. In the second, you give up control of this ship, i.e. your life, into the wrong hands, or in general - at the will of the wind and waves.

Think - what will you choose? Create life on your own according to your own scenario? Or create "by default"?

How the Law of Attraction works

One of the most important laws of the Universe, the Law of Attraction, says: like attracts like. That is, in accordance with the Law of Attraction, what is similar is attracted.

How do we attract certain people, things and events into our life? With your thoughts. Each thought has a certain energy. And by scrolling some thoughts over and over again in our minds, we radiate certain vibrations into the world around us. Thanks to them, we are attracted to things that have similar vibrations, for example, people with similar thoughts. This is how we ourselves create the reality around us. That is why, constantly thinking: “there is not enough money, money is not enough,” we, perhaps not wanting to, attract the corresponding experience into our life, i.e. experience of lack of money.

Everything that surrounds us - people, things, events - is a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs (and belief is a strengthened, i.e. dominant in the mind, thought). Everything in our life is created by us, whether we realize it or not.

The Law of Attraction is exactly the same law in the Universe as, for example, the Law of Universal Gravity. If we throw any object into the air, for example, a pencil, then no matter how high it flies, it will certainly fall to the ground again, whether we like it or not. This is the law. This is how it works, and it does not depend on us. The same is the case with the Law of Attraction. It works, whether you want it or not, whether you understand it or not, and you even believe in the Law of Attraction or not. As they say, ignorance of the law does not absolve from responsibility.

Great illusionist

Studying the consciousness and subconsciousness of a person, I came to the conclusion that people communicate with the surrounding reality at least on two levels: conscious and subconscious. And each of us consciously deals not directly with the WORLD, but with a certain model of the WORLD. While the subconscious mind perceives reality as it is.

Our subconscious mind is a great illusionist who, according to the appropriate rules, builds a great illusion in front of us. He creates our world (more precisely, the world), protects us from the chaos of the Universe, selecting for our perception only what he considers necessary and safe. But, performing a constructive and protective function, he involuntarily turned into a jailer for many. After all, it is our mind that does not allow us to go beyond the boundaries of the created world. He constantly comes up with various tricks, often using fear to convince us that the illusion that he presents to us is REALITY itself.

Every moment a huge stream of information falls upon us as human beings. And our subconscious mind chooses from the general flow and presents to us, our consciousness, exactly the information that fits into our subconscious program and then is implemented into our model of the Universe. He distorts something, generalizes something, and simply omits some things.

We ourselves create the world in which we live. We ourselves create our illnesses, situations with people, with work, with money and much more. And since we ourselves create our own world, then, therefore, we can change it. In other words, if we are not satisfied with something in our life, then we can change our life by identifying and eliminating the causes of this or that problem and creating something new; we can begin to live more fully and happily!

Our destiny is our thoughts!

The COUNTRY is undergoing economic and political changes. Many businesses are closing. People are looking for a new job. They have such an intention - to find a job, and even one that they like and bring enough money. One man decides that he is of the wrong age (after all, he read in advertisements that people under the age of 40 are required for work); besides, he has already received several refusals; he constantly hears from his friends how difficult it is now to find a new job; and on TV they constantly scare them with mass unemployment and report almost universal non-payment of wages. As a result, he still cannot find a suitable job or works in an enterprise where salaries are not paid on time.

Another man, despite his age, believes that his knowledge and skills are definitely needed somewhere. He takes a pen and a piece of paper and calculates how much money he needs to receive in order to satisfy all his needs: pay rent, eat well, dress, relax, and others. At first, he is frightened by the figure that came out. And then he thinks: "Why not? After all, there are people who receive much more, and, therefore, I deserve this money." The next day, this man meets in the city with his friend, whom he has not seen for a long time. We started talking. And a friend, having learned about his problem, reports that he has an acquaintance who opens a new enterprise and he needs people with just such a specialty. And now, a week later, this man is working at a new job and the salary exactly corresponds to the figure on the sheet.

These are not fairy tales - these are examples from life. Accident? But chance is a subconscious pattern! It was just that in the first case, thoughts-doubts interfered with getting the desired job, and these thoughts were generated by the corresponding program. And in the second case, the man firmly believed in himself and appreciated his knowledge and experience. And everyone received in accordance with their thoughts and expectations. After all, we ourselves create our own life!

What you need to know about your subconscious

The SUBCONSCIOUS mind takes all information coming from the outside literally. For example, a doctor who has failed to cure a patient or simply does not know other methods of treatment may say: "Sorry, but I think that medicine is powerless here." And the patient can stop treatment, being sure that his disease is incurable. In modern medicine, many diseases are classified as "incurable". But you should know that they are incurable by the well-known methods that our official medicine is trying to treat. And any disease becomes curable when a person is ready to take responsibility for its occurrence.

All problems in people (illness, stress) are the result of a discrepancy between conscious desires and subconscious intentions. The thing is that our subconscious mind knows much more about ourselves and about our vital intentions. In addition, remember - the subconscious is directly connected with the REALITY itself or with God. And our inner mind makes its contribution to the process of universal evolution.

Therefore, it is very important that there is correspondence, harmony between the conscious and the subconscious.

You have been battling your illness for a long time. You perceived her as something alien, interfering with you. Now you know that we create everything in our life for ourselves, with our thoughts and our behavior. Therefore, before you start communicating with your subconscious mind, change your attitude towards yourself and towards your illness. After all, this disease is yours, and you "nurtured" it in your body.

People are accustomed to this stereotype of thinking, according to which disease is an enemy and must be fought with by any means, regardless of the consequences. But to fight the disease means to fight with oneself. Therefore, accept it and thereby give up the struggle with yourself. There is no force in the universe that cannot be used in a positive way. And your illness is just such a force. Use it as a tool for self-development.

How to make direct contact with the subconscious

COMMUNICATION with your subconscious is a great sacrament. This is a touch to the great and indescribable forces of the Universe. If you are ready to begin to cognize these forces, then do it only with pure thoughts.

In order to successfully communicate with the subconscious, it is necessary to establish certain signals or sign language with it. It will be better if you do not impose a certain stereotype of communication on the subconscious, but give it the opportunity to decide for itself which signal to choose for a response.

Now make yourself comfortable and be ready to ask the question inwardly, to your subconscious mind. After you ask this question, your task is to be very attentive and sensitive to the changes that will occur in your body. Watch for sensations in a particular part of the body, mental images and internal sounds or inner voice. Don't try to influence the answer in any way. The subconscious mind will choose its own way to answer. You must be sensitive enough to pick up on the answer.

The question is: "Is my subconscious now ready to communicate with me on a conscious level?"

The answer can be anything - it depends on your subconscious mind. For example, after a while there was a burning sensation in the stomach. You do not yet know what this answer means - "yes" or "no". Therefore, thank the subconscious for the answer and say: "Subconscious, I would like to understand your message. If the burning sensation in the stomach area means -" Yes, I would like to communicate "- then let this feeling be repeated again or become stronger and clearer. the message means - "No, I'm not ready to communicate" - then, on the contrary, make this feeling very weak, to the point that it disappears altogether. "

If the signal repeated itself and became stronger, then this means the answer is "yes", therefore, the subconscious mind expresses its readiness to communicate with you on a conscious level. Thank him again (by the way, do not forget to do this after each answer). Now you have a channel of communication with your subconscious. And you can ask him questions to which he will answer "yes" or "no".

If suddenly you get the answer "no" to the question - do not be upset. After all, you got the answer anyway. This happens in cases where the subconscious is not ready to communicate for one reason or another (fatigue, bad mood, unfavorable external environment, noise). Or you need to change your attitude towards your subconscious and treat it (that is, yourself) more respectfully. Wait a while, remove any obstacles and try again.

Instead of sensing, the subconscious mind can give an answer in the form of a visual image or some kind of mental picture. Moreover, the answer "yes" - one image, and the answer "no" - another. Or you can brighten the picture for a yes and darker for a no. If the answer is a mental sound, you can make it louder for "yes" and quieter for "no."

Sometimes you can communicate with the subconscious with the help of an "inner voice", that is, mentally receive specific answers.

In principle, there are so many ways of communication as there are people. Everyone chooses a more suitable one. Personally, I like finger cues, mental and visual communication. This allows me to communicate with the subconscious even in transport - no one notices anything.

The subconscious mind functions in the same way for everyone, regardless of education and intellectual level, be it a scientist or a stoker. I would even say that it is much easier for the latter to do this, since an advanced degree often contributes to the growth of a sense of self-importance, which prevents a person from noticing simple and amazing things.

Finger signals

The EASIEST sign language is to raise one or the other finger: for example, raising your index finger on your right hand to say "yes" (if you are right-handed) and raising your index finger on your left hand to say "no." Raising both fingers at the same time to answer "I do not know" and immobility of the fingers - "I do not want to answer." As you can imagine, this division is purely arbitrary, and you can set the sign language yourself. Finger movements should be unconscious, automatic. Don't deliberately try to move your fingers. Just do not interfere with your subconscious mind, trust it completely. Questions must be asked clearly and unambiguously - after all, the subconscious mind understands everything literally. I want to warn you right away - there are no people who could not communicate with the subconscious, and there are no bad subconscious. The result will be a must if you intend to receive an answer from the depths of your mind.

Now let's give it a try. Sit in a soft, comfortable chair or lie down on a sofa. Let your hands lie freely and nothing bothers them. Immediately agree with your subconscious mind which signal will correspond to a particular response. Now, mentally or aloud, turn inward and ask the following question: "Is my subconscious mind ready to communicate with me? If" yes "- raise your index finger on your right hand with an unconscious movement; if" no "- on your left hand." Don't try to guess the answer - just wait patiently. After a few seconds, you will feel mild itching, tingling or numbness in a certain area. This means that the muscles have received a subconscious signal, have tensed and are about to start raising the finger. Another second - and the tip of the finger slowly, shaking slightly, moves up. The finger may end its movement by rising high enough, or it may only slightly lift off the surface. Once you have received and realized the answer, thank your subconscious mind and put your finger down.



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