the main - Bach Richard
Major instincts. Hunting and gathering. Three main instincts

There were centuries, but formed by millennia, men's and women's instincts did not disappear anywhere and continue to live in us ...

In prehistoric times, males homo Sapires were engaged in hunting, and female collecting. In the yard of the XXI century, but men's and women's instincts did not disappear anywhere.

A man sees the goal right in front of him, the minor details do not interest him. The woman more often draws attention to the little things, it is better developed peripheral vision. A man can take place all day in evaporated pants and not even notice the confusion - the surrounding women it causes only a cute smile. But if the woman on the first date will disperse the arrows on tights, then this is a real tragedy! The man who understood the man will then break his head for a long time - which he said this or did that Pasia suddenly blushed, invented some stupid preposition and evaporated.

Entering the room, the man always sits down to the door face or at least sideways. That's right: if the cave gets the enemy, sewing to prey, the male must first detect it and kill it. When a man walks down the street and feels that someone breathes him in the back, he instinctively squeezes his fists and turns around. Fists man squeezes and in the event that he sees the group of other unfamiliar men standing nearby, even if there is a completely peaceful look.

Women to this day love to sort out small items - buttons, patchworks, cutlery, jewels, leaning out of the general heap the best.

A typical picture in a supermarket vegetable department: buyers of all ages and classes crowded near the container with some kind of cute swallow, they swear, shook, strive to snatch each other likers liked products. If it struck an hour of pre-holiday sales in the elite boutique, then the universal Swam can lead to the eliminated hair and scratched physiognomies. The man is better not to store - otherwise, all women are multiplied by a moment and begin to mutid him alone.

Men easily part with unnecessary things, but with pleasure collect elected trophies, be it the Cups of the GTO, trimmed gadgets or tin soldiers. Among the women of true collectors are not so much, but the representative of the beautiful sex is more likely to suffer from "Belichy Syndrome" - the subject of the subject remains there for a century.

The love of men to all sorts of games and sports entertainment should not be explained alone with infantality. The game is a training before a real fight, let him never take place, and simulation all the same hunting. Women prefer to indulge themselves with shopping, and these are obvious exchanging of primitive gathering - to bypass all the surrounding stores, turn everything, to move, to promise, and then go home and declare: there is nothing in the stores. This means that the woman not only satisfied his inner, purely female needs, but also performed his duty to the Rabies - examined the territory and reported to the wasted time spent.

Hunting instincts Men show in the intimate sphere. A woman for which else needs to compete is valued above - fact. Although completely impregnable individuals of men are not attracted - why do you like to spend strength when there is plenty of other hunting objects, but I want to eat. During the sex, some men, "plush bears" in ordinary life, behave rudely and aggressively - nothing surprising, because at any moment the female can appeal and run away, because it should be stuck. For the same reason, the men seek to quickly bring the case to a victorious end - to displeasure those females that are not going to run away.

Women who are very truth and inconsistencies make their way to secular parties and there they shoot through their eyes in all directions, also called the hunters. But that's just hunt they are not on men, but on their tight wallets. It is rather gathering - the more the woman has secured fans, the more it will have cherished paper pieces from them with tsifers. And more: if a good fairy arrives to the average woman and gives it a constantly renewable cabinet with the most expensive, exquisite and sexy outfits, but it will take to completely abandon sex, the woman will not fluctuate a second - of course, preferred outfits.

Nowadays, hunting instincts can play with a man's evil joke. It is not necessary to extract food with a risk for life, to perform feats in the name of the family or the Motherland. Most males are also not necessary, even putting everyone on the blades and the Metache, it is not necessary to shoot anything - and the last shocking-heart has a chance to conquer a woman, at least a modest and Inspected librarian. A man begins to be lazy, to fine, weakens - not only by the body, but first of all the Spirit. Another point - a man is configured solely on the result. If the desired result is not achieved, the man falls into despair, loses a sense of confidence, closes in its complexes, and at the old age of the years Coruse himself for aimlessly lived years - life really passed by, because everything is good, a bright and joyful man looked and ignored.

But the collectors' women know how to catch a buzz from the process. After going to the forest on the berries, the girls sing there incessia songs. Knitting - collecting nodules to slender rows - has a beneficial effect on the female nervous system, soothes and puts the thought of thought, and the warming body is a ready sweater - a pleasant bonus. Numbered and exhausting (according to men) Pelmeni modeling is not only an important workpiece of the future, but also to meet the pretext with girlfriends. While the famous artist who worries the creative crisis, in rabies breaks the brush and throws about the wall of the Molbert, his wife takes a notebook leaf, a ballpoint pen and draws Cinderella kissing with a beautiful prince. Let her picture ever be shown at the exhibition, but she feels much happier at the same time.

Suppress the instincts are useless - they were formed by millennia. But it is necessary to control - we are not beasts.

And more men and women should respect the differences in the behavior of those and others - how - in no way, they are predetermined by the joint economy.

That is, to engage in hunting and collecting, albeit on modern way.

The term natural instinct emerged and ancient Greece already then the thinkers of Eldlats noticed that people have behavioral reactions that contribute to survival. For example, barely touching the hot object, we quickly pull out your hand, so as not to earn a serous burn, claps the door - we turn on a sharp sound to check whether the danger does not threaten. All this is the manifestation of the natural instinct of human self-preservation.

What are human natural instincts

Instincts (as well as biological motivations and emotions) refer to congenital forms of behavior. Instinct consists of a variety of reflexes. Reflexes are divided into vital (food, drinking, defensive), zoosocial, which are aimed at interacting with themselves similar (sex, parental), and research (for example, an estimated reflex, reflex of freedom, manifested by the desire to avoid any restrictions).

Instincts are encrypted in hemokode and there are absolutely in all people: and me, and you, and in passersby, which we see from the window. The genetically laid instincts can be influenced - strengthening, to weaken them through education, stereotypical behavior, religion, morality, say, because of the wrong education, the child's instinct in a child can decrease their places too much intensify. In disadvantaged families, where only the KNUT method is used, adolescents often become unmanageable, subconsciously causing aggression of them. Due to the lack of parental care, self-preservation instinct is weakened. Chad, on which adults are shaking, on the contrary, this instinct hypertrophied - such - children are afraid to make a step on their own.

Differences of human natural instincts from animal instincts

What instinctive human behavior differs from animal behavior? People, in contrast to animals; They can control their instincts, to hide them and yet, analyzing the behavior of the two-legged and four-legged fellow in certain situations, can be seen by me in common. In the US, experiments were conducted, which showed when a team is formed (for example, office workers), they necessarily have a leader, conventional slaves, one or two independent individuals trying to counteract the leader, and a soldering place that can only be curly. The same in animals. Watch, for example, for the packs of dogs - you will see with them the same hierarchy as in a reasonable human team. After all, instincts are a powerful biological base that can weaken morality, law, but completely destroying unrealistic.

Patients with heavy psychosis. Which is reduced by the mass of neurons, often suffer from increasingness, cannot contain their sexual impulses. Cases are described when at the soil of uniformed sexual instinct, mentally unbalanced people committed crimes so, the smaller in the man of the human, the more his "animation" is pronounced.

Influence of hormones on natural human instincts

Imagine that a person wants to eat. The blood glucose level is reduced, and the need for food is dissatisfied. Emotions arise - anger, irritation, displeasure (which is particularly sharply manifested in men). And this is fine, because the so-called sympathetic nervous system is activated, the production of hormones, splitting glycogen in the liver, from which glucose is formed is stimulated. The stronger the person is angry, the more the necessary substances are distinguished. Moreover, the hungry male anger dictates a lifestyle - in the cave times a born minider walked on mammoths (dominant motivation directed in search), now he seeks more to earn in order to satisfy his need for food.

The dependence between the levels of hormones and sexual instinct is very bright. Hormone testosterone causes sexual attraction of both men and women. It is produced in ovaries (in women) and adrenal glands (in men), and this process is regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary. This is reflected in sexual behavior. By the way, representatives of a strong floor with a high level of testosterone have a big male force, which is preserved from them to old years. A 100-year-old grandfather came to accept me at the reception, the peer of the October Revolution. Even the passport showed where it was written that he was born on October 6, 1917! The conversation with him turned almost as a joke. I asked. What problems? And in response he heard: two weeks ago ... I did not get sexual intercourse. " And my very elderly patient was in sound reason

Differences of female and male natural instincts

What instincts are dominated by women anymore, and what are men? Women have more developed parental instinct. Maternal instinct is stronger than father-old, and it is laid by nature: biologically male created "scattering the seed, and the female should grow offspring, in Britain a study was conducted by the topic" Whoever remembers the offense ", it turned out, and men and women offended the same thing often, but the first step towards reconciliation make ladies ... This is the manifestation of the maternal instinct; A woman needs a male that will help her take care of the offspring,

Natural instincts of a person who are not in animals

Not! What would pi talk about purely human instincts, allegedly fitted in the process of socialization. All of them can be reduced to banal biology. Sometimes a person imagines that he very much broke away from the animal world. I will remind you that our genes are closest to gray mice genes. I will list other similarities: memory. Emotions are in animals, creative deposits are observed in monkeys, that's just the presence of thinking of fauna representatives is still in doubt. True, some neurophysiologists claim: the dog thinks! - The only thing that does not have animals, so this is a personality: it means that they have no morality. However, social qualities appear when a person lives among himself like. Modern Mowgli, who are found among monkeys or wolves - these are not people

Is Sigmund Freud, who argued that everything had a sex beginning? By and large, life begins with sex - I have a child's birth. Yes, sexual attraction is a fairly powerful engine, but I would not get the first place only to him. I do not think that Freud is completely rights of man a balanced conscious and unconscious animal; His deeds manage both principles. By the way, some scientists, developing Freud's thought, claim: yes, the unconscious plays a big role, but the unconscious is far from sexuality, let us recall, for example, the principle of pleasure of Rayhe, according to which we are moving away from pleasure to pleasure. And yet it is possible to fully suppress sex instinct only with medical drugs (in particular, powerful hormone therapy) or surgically, removal of the appendages, ovaries. The strongly effort (autotraining) completely crushing the sex instinct is impossible. To understand the teachings of Freud, it is necessary to study his biography. "It was a deeply unfortunate man. Having had a problem in sexual life and then explaining everything with a sexy beginning! In my opinion, Sigmund Freud exaggerated somewhat, but there is a rational grain in his theory.

Influence of sex instinct

Without any doubts! In Britain, an interesting study was conducted, which was then included in the popular science films of the BBC. In the group of women and men asked each participant in the experiment to write inquiries for their alleged life satellite, compared the questionnaires with the help of a computer and received the result like this: "Lady and perfect Mr. M". Then a couple acquainted and offered a woman to assess their interlocutor. So: Lady L in reality gave Mr. M Low points, although the computer program showed: this person fully complies with its requirements! What's the matter? It turns out that it is impossible to compare the installation I consciously want, and what actually works. Here are the role of some more depths, rather than the growth parameters, weight, social position or affiliation to the zodiac sign. ? Shots - a lot of factors - both instinctive and social. Which one is the main thing, it is very difficult to say.

Men are looking for an object that corresponds to their criteria for women's attractiveness. Initially during the junior hypersexuality, this object may not match any parameters at all: it is enough to be just a woman. Then the image of the ladies is formed, and the cavalier becomes more selective. But I think that a real man is looking for a partner not with a certain color of the eyes or breast size, but perceives (or does not perceive!) Woman entirely. If a person is looking for a companion, for example, necessarily with blue eyes or small feet, there is a reason to suspect his mental deviations.

How natural instincts are reflected on behavior

When a woman wants to attract the attention of men, it is usually worshiped: makes makeup. New hairstyle with other elephants, engaged in Grooming. In animals, the grooming (skin care, wool, teeth) is a congenital reflex, and the Primates, the trimming of wool is caressed. That is, "cleaning feathers", the lady unconsciously gives the cavalier sign that she follows himself and this increases its value. Well, a man, wanting to conquer a woman, subconsciously tell her with a low voice - this is an indication that he is all right with testosterone.

It is no coincidence that scars are decorated with a man: they are a sign of aggressiveness, that is, a high level of testosterone! By the way, when the boyw wants to express his interest in a woman, he dismisses feathers: says compliments, sings and playing the guitar, pohes the poems, and generally, engaged in marriage dancing, like our smaller brothers.

Nature of Maternal Natural Instinct

What is the nature of the maternal instinct? Maternal instinct is transmitted genetically - otherwise it can not be. The essence of him in the desire of a man, care about him. And in the desire to do everything to get pregnant. And during ovulation, when fertilization is most likely, sexual attraction in a woman reaches a peak. She is good, stands for Pheromones and shows all his nature that he wants intimacy. During pregnancy, sexual activity falls - and this is also the essence of the maternal instinct: now the main task of wives of the types is to endure a child. Especially weakly desire in the first (there is a risk of breakdown) and the third trimesters (time is coming to give birth). When a child was born; It should be immediately attached to the chest, so that the mother, and the crumbs took place the first, very important for both, contact. And so happens from year to year - all generations of mammals. How will a woman behave after childbirth. WCE depends on the upbringing. Maternal instinct in daughters can (and necessary!) Develop from an early age: to buy them dolls, surround purely gathering things.

Obstetrics know one trick; Mother, knowingly warned that she wants to abandon the child, you need to give a baby immediately after giving birth, and even better - to offer her at least once to feed one hundred. Why? Because at this moment a very powerful maternal instinct is awakened in a woman and then leave the child in the hospital will be practically unrealistic! Unfortunately, grief-mothers know about this feature, so they avoid contact with babies.

Maternal instinct does not appear - it is laid by nature. When a girl is born, she already has nervous connections. Which will lead to the implementation of this instinct after that you need a dominant motivation, a stimulus that will launch a strongest mechanism. People have this incentive - a child. Modern trend, when women refuse to give birth in favor of career - This is atrophy of the maternal instinct or his artificial suppression?

This is the problem of the whole world, and especially developed countries. And we are not talking about instinct atrophy, people do not change, in order for a person changed, not one millennium should pass. Refusing a child's birth of a negative impact of socialization, when the purpose of life is replaced and success, pleasure, wealth for themselves. Alas, the suppression of the parent instinct is expensive to women as a rule, and a certain moment of their life comes existential crisis - they begin to run on psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, pay crazy money to even calm down. Because they cannot cope with the feeling of loneliness caused by, for example, a meeting with a friend, which is worse than ensured financially, but growing children. Conflict of instinct and social behavior can lead to very serious mental disorders

Father's natural instinct

Father's instinct, like Maternal, belongs to the parental instinct. What is expressed? Of course, in the protection of offspring! And yet I want to say one unpleasant thing, we will die by weight when the PA Tele-scans saw a lion that allows you to crawl on it. However, for some reason, the TV viewer hide that the lionesses defend the young from their papash - the lion is able to kill the lion and if he wants to mate with the female. The fact is that the lioness who grow offspring does not let the male, and having lost the young, again ready to pair the notes to you and the biology of the father's and maternal instincts. People at the development of the father's instinct, of course, greatly affects the upbringing. Children, like monkeys, adopt the style of parents' behavior. And to disappear this instinct in a man cannot, because, like all others, laid in genes. But it can be suppressed by a negative life experience, a negative environment ... For example, in criminal groups, where the woman is despised, they are poorly related to children. But they will merge such a person from the criminal world, put in a normal society and it will become different.

As practice shows, the sexual sphere of the "intelligent man" is complex and diverse, and is also pretty confused. Classic Freuds are trying a lot, including the problems of the unconscious, to explain from the position of the sexuality of a person - and confused even more. Other consultants are generally avoiding working with this area, since it has a lot of delusions, false beliefs, internal resistance and other things.

But on the other hand, with all the ambiguity of human sexuality, this topic creates many people a lot of psychological and socio-psychological problems (not to mention the problems of an intimate character). And quite often the theme of human sexuality (and ie with her) floats on psychotherapeutic consultation in the office.

Let's try to figure out more detail - and maybe several from afar: starting with the "brothers of our smaller".

From the point of view of modern paleontology, life on Earth originated about three - three and a half billion years ago. But it was life in elementary protein forms. On earth there were only prokaryotes: nuclear-free outstanding creatures (although some of them are the same bacteria - they are still surrounding us).
Prokaryotes do not have a system of sexual reproduction and multiply by simply division. In such conditions, hereditary information is enshrined and transmitted quite unreliable. As a result, nature at this stage developed on the principle of "step forward - two steps ago": positive evolutionary changes were practically not preserved in subsequent generations, lost in random mutations.
But over time, during the evolution, some revolution occurred: hereditary information began to be collected in a concentrated form - in the cell core. Accordingly, eukaryotes occurred - nuclear (nucleating) organisms. And besides the fact that DNA as a carrier of genetic information has become stored inside the cell kernel, more protected from random external influences than the entire cage cytoplasma environmentally interacting with the environment, it appeared another, a new opportunity to maintain this information and transfer it to descendants to the most unchanged form. This opportunity has become the beginning of the future sexual reproduction.
The same amoeba, as is well known, "shares in half" - and two new individuals are obtained, "inheriting" a complete chromosomal set of "parent". But sometimes two different amids merge and only then divide - forming more than two separate individuals, each of which has its own. A new set of chromosomes consisting of intact genes of both "parents".

  • If you give an example analogy - imagine that two people were distributed to a completely identical copy of a fairly important and carefully edited text written on wax marks. And these people wore with them these signs, living in different conditions: one, let's say, in a warmer climate, and the other is in a colder one. Or accommodation conditions (and storing tablets) differed something else. When these two people met, it turned out that on one copy the text was damaged in some places, and on the second - completely in others. And as a result, with the "comparison" of two copies, it is easy to restore the initial text entirely.
    It is also about the same principle of sexual reproduction, which involves genetic information not one, and two individuals of one species, it allows you to maintain all the most complicated in the process of evolution inheritance and reliably transfer it to offspring.

Moreover, nature was originally laid out into this system that the floor in two individuals should be different! No matter how shocking it may sound. The problem with the "field difference" occurs when multicellularity appears, and it becomes necessary to have special organs for transmitting and receiving genetic information to another individual, and also quite difficult to arranged. And to ensure the full development of such bodies and for receiving, and for transmission - the body is difficult. The functions of these organs are not easy, and they are still relatively rare. Therefore, it is simply unprofitable to contain two sets at once.
Of course, among more primitive multicellular (before the ringed worms inclusive) there are species whose representatives are hermaphrodites. The reproduction mechanism of such species is sufficiently complicated and in fact is the same sexual reproduction: one individual fertilizes the other. But at the same time, among hermaphrodites, the risk of "self-exploitation" is preserved, in which the meaning of the "comparison of two genetic copies" is lost. For this reason, the "sexual specialization" of organisms is stable.

However, the difference of floors affected the reproduction not only positively. For, now the individual has another task: the problem of searching for the "carrier of the second copy of the genetic code", that is, a partner for breeding. Such a partner, given that we are still talking exclusively about reproduction, too, it was not necessary too often (at least not every day: some animals multiply once in life!) And as a result, not always attended by attachment . Thus, they were survived primarily those species that seriously careful about reproduction, and in particular - about such a search for the "second participant". Naturally, the same center of pleasure was involved in the implementation of such behavior.
But again, since this member is not in demand every day, then the partner's search instinct - as part of the reproduction instinct - received a certain kind of episodic character: in certain periods it is muffled until he is in demand, but when it is expressed - it happens quite powerfully and actively .
Reproduction instinct has such powerful severity precisely for the purpose of survival of the species. In any case, the hyper exhaustion and hypervironment of sexual instinct entrenched evolutionally, including the "intelligent man".
But the person is still a little later. We will continue about the smaller brothers.

Another animals began to operate the expansion of sexual instinct, and the actual reproduction instinct gradually began to break away from the sexual instinct as such. Sex as "influence on the center of pleasure" began to be used not only in order to acquire offspring, but for other purposes. One example is the removal of excess aggressiveness.
The aggressiveness, concomitant reproduction, is another side factor of separation into two floors. Because the search for a reproduction partner is associated with various obstacles, including the elimination of possible rivals. Thus, animals often sex instinct with pronounced aggressiveness, and sexual discharge helps to reduce this aggressiveness. For example, if the lion, fascinated by a new propagation need (and in connection with this, quite aggressive), approaches the place where the lioness is located with a young - then the lioness often comes out of the Logov to meet the male and gets up in a stand pose. Despite the fact that she herself is not fertilized at the moment and it is impossible to conceive.

Here are some more examples of "exploitation of sexual instinct - or rather, its impact is not a center of pleasure - in inconspicuous purposes."

  • Sometimes the young male monkey will be angry with the leader, and the leader is chasing him, intending to ask a good loaf. And it happens that it is difficult to escape: Then young also gets up in a stand pose, imitating the female, ready for mating. The leader sees it - and, as a rule, cools. But the young male did not at all call the leader to a homosexual act, and only "asked for forgiveness" for his actions! For the pose of the support at primates at the same time is a "pose of submission": that is, in fact, we actually inform "I recognize that you are stronger and more important than me."

Of course, the "intelligent man" in theory should not be so primitively: especially if a person is truly reasonable and not to the image of the thinking "smaller brothers." But this will go a separate conversation in the second part of the article.
In general, the "high sexuality of the monkeys" is actually often just expressing an express need for communications. For example, the way to show the tribesman that "I am pleased to communicate with you, I get pleasure from your communication." And how to say it otherwise, except to influence the center of the pleasure of another individual with the help of sexually painted behavior - especially considering the emergency poverty of verbal communication capabilities?

  • Another example of such a "operation of sexual instinct" led the famous Etologist V.R. Dolnica: the so-called incentive pairing. When not a fertilian female (if, for example, she has offspring) needs an additional feed that can not get herself, she often offers the male mating for food. Agree - this is, too, because the solution of the problem of an inconsistent nature with the help of sex!

That is, gradually everything went to the fact that sex as an impact on the center of pleasure and reproduction as a continuation of the genus has become two different, individual instincts, often enough away from each other. And especially expressed "Use of sex not for the purpose of breeding" in humans. The impact on the center of pleasure through sex at the "Independent Man" significantly divided intimate contacts and reproduction. And during the operation of sexually determined behavior, reproductive tasks in people even moved away even on the second, but to an even longer place.

A person with sex is generally much more difficult. The intimate proximity of people always carries an additional "social burden", always it, if you can put it, burdened by some more additional meaning and value - by the way, mostly unconscious.
The sexual function of people included almost all human feelings and sensations. More than once, I had to remember the statement of the famous sexologist G. Vasilchenko: "That's when, sorry, the male-donkey sees a female donkey in the state of Estrus (or, in familiar words - estrus), they will all go according to plan and everything will work fine. . That is, in other words, everything that in sex in a person creates anxiety, nervous tension and other problems, there is only the people, and not donkey. "
And, returning to the original theme of our conversation - the hustling of ovulation in the female representatives finally divided the sexuality and reproduction of the kind of "man of reasonable". As you know, the animal female fertile only during Estrus: and as already mentioned, the search for male and the exercise with it is almost equivalent to fertilization. And the "females of man", if you can say so, is not enough that ovulation and monthly divided by timing, but also there are no obvious, external signs of the most favorable for fertilization of days! Even the woman herself is not able to determine the days of their ovulation without additional measures. Not to mention that sexual desire arises far from always in this period.
Thus, at the biological level, the process of sexual intercourse and all sexuality in people seriously diverged with the reproductive function.

  • In this regard, it seems particularly ridiculous to the phrase of negative connotation that someone "gets fucked like cattle" (I apologize for the quote). It is understood that, they say, accused of such people lead frequent and erratic sex life. However, how appropriate is such a parallel? As you know, animals are "fucking" (that is, sexual intercourse) is almost always for the sake of the conception of the offspring (except for some exceptions, and then the highest animals). Thus, if people, again quoting, "fucked as cattle" - they would fulfill in life exactly so much sex acts, how many times they planned to give birth.
    So such an accusation is in such a form - somewhat disabled, to put it mildly.

It is a person - "The most sexy animal", as it can have sex practically at any time, regardless of its fertility (in particular, many women lead intense intimate life even after menopause, and indeed, for both sexes, the ability to conceive does not affect Intensity of sexual attraction). Moreover, many sexologists have repeatedly mentioned that the upper age border is not for the intimate life of a person. And even impotence (age) was not as the norm, but as a disorder of sexuality.
True, in this case, it should be mentioned that the person's ability to perform sexual act is a complex function, and with more or less permanent "use" it is preserved to very old years, and with just as constant non-use - gradually fades, and rather early. It is curious that this applies not only to men, but also women. In other words, to extend this period, it is desirable to maintain a sexual function and implement it certainly not two or three times in their entire life. And at the same time, given the modern realities, still not forget about the required level of contraception.

But then why - a rhetorical such question! - Has sex "Reasonable", if not only for one breeding?
Already at the level of primitive people, it was hardly the main function of the sexuality of a person: hedonistic. Then you mean aimed at getting pleasure, and even more precisely - to preserve and maintain "emotional homeostasis".

  • For example, if you take the same amebe, it is easier with this homeostasis: it moves to food - pleasure, approaching the danger - displeasure, is removed from danger - again the pleasure.
    If we consider more complex organisms (the same animals), then for them in the instinctive level to avoid danger - too, pleasure. Chanting, conventionally speaking, behind the mouse cat - the mouse is scary, the mouse ran away from the cat in the mink - the mouse is good.
    And in this case, mice, cats, etc. Sexual contacts can be carried out mainly for the sake of reproduction.
    With a person, everything is more complicated, even with primitive. I managed to escape from the saber tiger in the cave - good. But a person, unlike the mouse, knows that, perhaps, this gigantic cat still wanders near the cave?

In a person, in contrast to animals, the "peeping forward" function, forecasting, strategy, as opposed to animals. Many dangers at the same time began to see clearly, more clearly and what is called, in full (and apparently, it is here that the phenomenon "burning from the mind" takes its beginning and the installation of "fools to live easier" - in any case until the moment when Carefree mouse got out of mink, not looking around before). Moreover, the more man of this very mind, the desire to anticipate the events and see the troubles threatening in full - the more he is required "hedonistic impressions" to preserve emotional homeostasis. And he began to look for various pleasure mechanisms for himself.
In the presence of a rebellion of negative factors to preserve emotional homeostasis in still a rather aggressive external environment there are rude two ways.
The first is to get rid of the notorious "grief from the mind", or rather - from this very mind. Modern language is psychotropic drugs, narcotic drugs and alcohol. That is, everything that destroys the corresponding brain activity, causing immunity and as a result, complete insensitivity to negative, potentially dangerous factors of the external environment. As a result, a person ceases to feel that it is approaching one or no danger, and he will almost always be fine. So far, negative factors will not have their own influence.
The second way is to find something creative and positive in life, which - in contrast to negative factors - would lay on the second bowl of the scales and would return a person to the state of emotional homeostasis. But it is already much more complicated: not everyone can determine where and what exactly to find for themselves in this regard. And sex just in its original nature operates (moreover, it is quite powerful) first of all the Center for Human Pleasure. Therefore, many use it as a "counterweight with negative environmental factors." And it can work perfectly under one condition - if everything in the sex life of a particular person will go more or less smoothly. Alas, now it happens not as often as I would like - precisely with the fact that "we are people, not donkeys." Although at first, some people blinded by the power of sexual instinct, other roughness may not be noticed.

So, a person's sex itself turned out to be gradually farther and farther from a specific reproduction function. Now even many specialists call the hedonistic function of human intimate activities - the main one.
With the course of evolution, sexual pleasure, especially with the development of intelligence, continued further from "coarse pressing the button" and became one rank with the pleasures that are now called intellectual. Moreover, the exploitation of the center of pleasure gradually began to break away from the actual sex act. If we assume that any component of "reproductive activities" should bring pleasure at the instinctive level, then a person has a part of such activities and rapprochement, and communication, and flirting, and many other "near-occupy things", and not just directly to Koitus.
But thus it turns out that the higher the intellect of man - the more difficult and pronounced should be his sexuality. Although it is customary on the contrary: they say, people do, because they have no personal life, and those who are all right, do not spend time on nonsense! .. But if you think about it, then it turns out that people, sorry, Primitive, who, besides "to reheeze" other hedonistic needs, not, just look very hypersexual from the side. And people with a total high potential, first of all with the potential intellectual-creative, do not protrude their personal life, and it simply lives it: since such people often have some "surplus" potential, they submilitate him into creativity. At any. And from the part it may seem that they are terribly unhappy "in this very personal life" and do it only because no one loves them.
With such a situation, by the way, the danger of "restarting society" is high when the protrusion of its hypersexuality is directly and regardlessing it as a positive phenomenon leads to "lowering the head below the belt". Of course, in this matter, any extreme is fraught with negative consequences; However, there is a high level of erotic culture in society, rather than "high-forming hypersexuality according to the principle" we all animals, and went to all the grave "."
In general, tracking the evolution of a person and his cultural and historical development, it is easy to see how art, developing on the basis of sexuality and erotica, farther and further removes sex itself. And perhaps, it can be said that erotica and sexuality can be called the foundation of all art. But the erotic culture of a separate person, or even a whole society, is largely based on the ability not to protrude this very foundation, not to be present in the form of art only this, sorry for the invalid pun, the bare foundation. However, at the same time, this foundation should be present in one way or another that art, like love, does not turn into "air locks".

But on the other hand, what business to how much sex is present in the life of foreign people and are they satisfied with these quantities? According to logic - yes, however, at the level of the unconscious, we all remember the pronounced power of sexual instinct and its extremely strong action to the unconscious: therefore, gradually, sex turned into something sacred, sometimes endowed with some supernatural properties. And it is not surprising that, with the help of sex, a person began to solve and problems of an inconsistent nature, and more tightly than the "smaller brothers" do. With the help of sex, people sometimes do not simply breed or enjoy, and also solve the issues of power, self-esteem, other emotional and censorship needs. And we must not forget that this can also work on achieving "emotional homeostasis" (taking into account the fact that the very concept of this homeostasis in humans is very ambiguous). The sense of his own "Omes" in society can be compensated for a person with various behavioral markers unambiguously perceived in a particular society.

  • For example, he behaves like Casanova, first of all in quantitatively "- in fact, in order to feel," as if he is a leader of the flock and hearer ". Not that to him all these women wanted as a partner for the sake of getting directly sexual Pleasures: He wants to establish himself precisely, with every specific sex with each specific partner he can regard himself as a difficult duty. And what do you think - will he tell someone a real cause of such behavior? And whether he can at the level of consciousness Is it to understand? What is all his feats on an intimate front - only then to do not feel himself in the society of omega? (Another thing is that a person in such cases is not at that door, and that this task is usually solved in other ways) . Such a person will just support the postulate that "male de by nature is polygamines, they seek to sleep with as much as possible women to leave their sperm everywhere. give offspring. " And in fact, the reason is not at all in sperm and not in the offspring - but under such a cover, especially considering that the ethology now went into fashion, he will not eat himself not to omega, but "dominant male," At least - as he hopes - in the eyes of society. Just under the behavior that decisive completely different personal tasks, and the tasks are carefully hidden, the socially acceptable and even "ranking" base is supplied.

This is true not only for men: a different woman can also assert themself in this way (there was no wonder in recent years, the books from the series "How to Become Strong" and the like). Moreover, it is often important that sex (in the sense of sexual intercourse) is often important, but the process of seduction itself, often in the form of the famous game "Dynamo".

There are still many examples here, but as a result, we come to the fact that the sexuality of man and his social role (or role in different societies) are confused in enough tight tangle, and when one or another person, and even society (sometimes quite large !) It is finally confused - the problem is often solved on the principle of Gordeyev node: destructing. That is, sexuality is definitely broken away from the person: as a result, we have either specific personalities - "convinced Asexuals", or entire communities in which the installations of the type "are not pleasure for the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of the sake of", right up to a complete ban on sex and for any mention about him. Just because it is difficult to take sexuality properly adequate place to use it for the harmonious development of the person or society. It is easier to unambiguously ban, alas.
And often the professional task of a psychotherapist specialist is precisely the promotion of a particular person in the "determining the adequate place of his (her) sexuality." In this process, the role of sexually erotic culture M of sexual literacy of a particular person is already very high. But this is the topic of one of the following articles.

So, a person's sex will perform not only all the functions listed both in this and in the previous part of the article: it may still be an expression of emotional intimacy, and a sense of property, and many other not direct sexual sensations. So it is unlikely that reasonably because of its own sexual illiteracy, to prejudice the sexual function of a person in general, and thereby deliver the most different problems to themselves.
And if the sexuality of a person is used by them not only for reproductive purposes, it becomes possible "exploitation" of this human function not only in a heterosexual pair. A certain number of homosexual couples appears and even families - with all inherent family with a set of social functions. This is another question that in some states such families are not yet recognized officially, but I suppose it is still only a matter of time. It is given that human sexuality has fallen far enough away from fertility, and they still do not multiply objections, and they still do not multiply, why register them "- frankly insolvent. Yes, I have repeatedly wrote that the family is a kind of "closed joint-stock company", selected other than the "mutually adopted charter" and "Movement of the General Life Cargo in one direction", also psychological affection between partners; But again, what kind of difference, between whom and who have these attachments arose between this and who have concrete people? Moreover, I assume that the higher the level of social and intellectual development of a society, the less importantly the heterosexuality of partners in the family becomes, not to mention the "clear distinction of socio-gender roles."
And the "family of family CJSC" may not necessarily have children. Moreover, not only about same-sex, but about all pairs, even heterosexual, which are not ready for one reason or another or simply do not want to have children - an increase in the survival of babies at times compared to past centuries Formally frees not seeking people from "Means of reproduction of the population." So, childless families, regardless of their gender composition, also may well bring a huge "benefit society" (if the problem is in this) - "giving birth" scientific discoveries, works of art "and other good deeds." Not to mention what the case, as the birth of children, is unlikely to do on the ancestrality, duty or duties.

Summing up some results, again I repeat that the topic of "sexuality of a man of reasonable" is complex and ambiguous. And that everything about it written may not directly explain the causes of one or another problematics in this area in a particular person, not to mention the ways to solve them. Yes, the temptation is great to simplify everything, calling himself a "animal", or, falling into another extreme, consider itself "free from such dirt as sex." However, sexologists are not by chance quite often repeat that "no sex is alive."
And most likely, more than once will have to return to this topic, unraveling this tangle gradually and still enough in general. However, as for each particular person who has some unresolved issues in this area, to deal with these problems (maybe, by the way, far from always related to sexuality), much more efficiently with direct work with a specialist: a psychotherapist. psychoanalyst, sexologist. If you want, such an approach to solving your own problems is also a significant element of human culture: including the culture of sexually erotic.

© Naritsyn Nikolai Nikolaevich,
psychotherapist, psychoanalyst

Not so long ago, my well, a very smart female friend Natasha unexpectedly asked a provocative question:

- Can you kill a person?

I, all such a delicate, tender, sophisticated and intelligent, thought for a short time and his own surprise answered quite quickly:

- And in what is the case?

- In the threat of life to my child.

- That's me too. For sure! But only in this exceptional case, Natashka agreed.

This is what I always knew about the animal maternal instinct, from the same time, as I myself became a mom - this is an instinct, a woman in nature to protect her defenseless child from external threats. After all, the mother is always a protector!

Just then, to be with those women who throw newborns in the maternity hospital or sell criminal structures for money, throw away from the windows of residential buildings or simply leave to raising the fathers and go to wander through the light in search of adventures and entertainment, I thought?

Usually we are talking about such indignantly and manifestation that it is not a mother altogether! Only after all it is she, this woman, in all ways trying to get rid of his own child, it was she who endured, and then he gave birth to him, then she was her mother. Then what is the matter why some women do not show the maternal instinct? Maybe nature tried them? Or do they have a reason for them for some unknown science?

Voice of beast

Maternal instinct as a mechanism for the protection of children exists not only in human, but also in animal nature. But people, in contrast to animals, he has its own characteristics.

In humans, in contrast to the animal, a much more complex mental - approximately 62% of people are not easy creatures of nature, which have a complex multi-vector mental. During the development of the child, his physical and mental is not always evolving the same quickly and evenly, quite often, one is much stronger than another.

At the moment, physically, with the beginning of the menstrual cycle, that is, by the years 12-13, the girl has already matured for childbearing. But in order to become a full-fledged mother, which possesses like an animal animal, maternal instinct, it is clearly not enough. That is, if it is quite enough for the animal female of physical maturation for the occurrence of the maternal instinct, then for the human female - no, because the complex human mental 12-year-old girl does not have time to grow to form this very protective maternal instinct.

That is why nature, and after her, and society, put the taboo on sex with a minor girl, to the very mental maturation. Otherwise, there is no desire and abilities to protect their cubs, we would not have survived as human genus.

Yes, the maternal instinct is a beast instinct for the protection of his young mother, it is equally important for the survival of the view and in human, and in animal nature. Only in people it is formed somewhat differently - much more difficult.

Lack of instinct

Just like, for example, the instinct of self-preservation is not all people, the maternal instinct, oddly it sounds, is not peculiar to all female individuals. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan absolutely clearly shows that there is some part of women who do not have a maternal instinct because of the fact that their mental is not intended for this in accordance with congenital physical data. Nature laid another destination in them, and this is neither good and neither bad - this is innate.

Our mental is determined by the congenital physical properties - vectors. Most of the modern women have a complex multi-vector mental. Among them are a few part of women who have only skin and visual vectors are the so-called skin-visual women.

Having a beautiful sharp vision (and their eyes are their erogenous zone, they are super-sensitive and able to distinguish up to 400 shades of the same color!), It is they who in primitive cave days were women who are blunting. Their innate appointment is to accompany men on the hunt and in war, to look possession of predators, violently and emotionally actually responding to the threats with screaming and emissions of fear of fear that are felt by the whole packs and saving it from the outside.

It is these broken women who saved human lives with their emotions, and it was they who turned the animal to the sex in sex - the top of the emotional intimacy of the floors. They created a culture - restriction on cannibalism and murder! We survived as a genus in many ways thanks to these women.

But, born not for childbearing, nature has tried their motherhood instinct. There is no it to this day. Quite often, such women have problems with conception and having tolerance, but modern medicine everyone, including them, gives a chance to become a mother. Therefore, now such women are quite capable, as a rule, not without the help of medicine, give birth to their own child, only the innate maternal instinct they have completely.

Having a high emotional view, they are maternity, because their natural animal essence requires impressions, emotions, movements in space, new impressions, love. These women are born for emotions - for love, not for motherhood. Therefore, they are engaged in little by their children, and sometimes, in search of new emotions, they are stuck in all serious. They can leave a child on his father or an elderly grandmother, going after the next love.

And the love in their life does not happen little - they throw their tromons of attraction on all individuals of the male, regardless of age, nationality or social status. That is why such women are always in the men's attention. Well, children ... own children for them are an extra burden, a hindrance in their everlasting and bright life.

This condition of the skin-visual woman is the absolute animal norm, this is the so-called skin-visual state of "war". But it happens otherwise, when such a woman is in stressful state - in the state of "peace". Then it turns out beautiful, loved by the children and adored by their parents a teacher, devoted and true raising and tutorials of other people's children. Only in this case, their own children remain deprived of her care, caressing and upbringing.

Desire silence

There is another type of women with lack of maternal instinct - these are women with a congenital sound vector. The sound vector is dominanten in human nature, and at the same time it is most difficult to fill. The bad condition of the sound is very hard on the mental owner.

In ancient primitive human stars, the sounds with their congenital erogenous zone - the ear, there was a single and most importantly purpose - the protection of the flock at night, when its other members are serenely sleep. Motherly a night focus led to an amazing result - focus not only on external sounds, but also inside himself. Focusing inside itself, the sounds were the first to have multiplied new neural connections in the brain - the first in the night silence made thoughts about the eternal.

Therefore, now the sound vector is an eternal and indestructible need to know: how this world is arranged, what is its origin, what's the point in the human presence in it, why, why do we live, what is the meaning of all this earthly stay?

People, carriers of the sound vector, quiet and thoughtful, are removed and focused, they spend their days in the thinking about eternal, do not tolerate loud and sharp sounds that distract them from their own reflection. Heavier than screams and OR are not clear what the baby requested, there is nothing for the sound woman. And if its sound vector is also in a bad condition, then thoughts about rest, about delighting from this eternally screaming a lounge lump, they just begun to pursue such a mother.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that, without preparing the pressure of his mental crying, the sound mother in a bad mental state, is looking for a way of getting rid of the heavy sound suffering, brought by her baby. In such a state, she is capable of murder - it is these mother who lure children in the bed with a pillow, thrown into the windows. And all that the child fell silent.

Then, on the investigation, explaining the cause of his act, they pronounce this problem, incomprehensible to people without sound. They are still answering the question "why" the answer: "The child is so screamed ..." and neither the shadow of repentance is only a calm and suspended immersion in their inner world, in their reflections, in silence, from which, finally, no one else distracts.

It must be said that the sound vector does not necessarily lead to the children's mother's mother. This occurs only in the extremely severe states of sound, to the extreme degree of undevelopment and the uncompromance of this vector and for this reason being in the most severe suffering.

Sound vector dominanten, so if the mother is a carrier of the sound vector in a more or less suspension of it, she, nevertheless, will still experience sound suffering next to her own screaming baby and for this reason is capable of behaving in sound to behave removed towards kid. Because the sound itself does not imply a draw of the presence, on the contrary, any external intervention for him in a burden - distracts from the vital concentration and peace. But when the sound releases, such a mother is able to exercise his maternal instinct, laid in it by other congenital vectors.

Are you capable of becoming a good mother or will your daughter be? You will receive quite clear answers to trainings in Yuri Bourna. As with the question of what to do, if you don't consider yourself a good mother, or if your child is in a burden.

In order not to reach the extremes and raise a full-fledged happy personality, first understand yourself, find out for yourself all that interests you about your own animal nature. And about the nature of your baby.

The article is written on the materials of trainings in Yuri Burlan

"All progressive people said as one:" To what is the Headache? We need to look at the sexual need, like all our other needs. "For the simplicity, I believed it, but I understood that they mean quite different. They have in The form that the aforementioned need should be treated as we do not apply to any needs. [...] any cruelty and any betrayal is justified, if we are talking about love and passion. All this is similar to the moral system, according to which steal can not, but You can steal apricots. If you begin to object, you will be answered by reasoning or exclamations about truth, beauty and even the holiness of passion and accuse you in the Puritan bent of love joys. I don't seek this reproach. If I believe that boys should not steal apricots, it means that Is it, what am I generally against apricots or against boys? Perhaps, I'm against theft? "

Clive Lewis, "The right to happiness"

As practice shows, the sexual sphere of the "intelligent man" is complex and diverse, and is also pretty confused. Classic Freuds are trying a lot, including the problems of the unconscious, to explain from the position of the sexuality of a person - and confused even more. Other consultants are generally avoiding working with this area, since it has a lot of delusions, false beliefs, internal resistance and other things.

But on the other hand, with all the ambiguity of human sexuality, this topic creates many people a lot of psychological and socio-psychological problems (not to mention the problems of an intimate character). And quite often the theme of human sexuality (and ie with her) floats on psychotherapeutic consultation in the office.
I already wrote about this "in general," and now let's try to figure it out in more detail - and maybe several from afar: starting with the "brothers of our smaller".

Sexy instinct and reproduction instinct in humans - far from the same thing. These are two different phenomena (at least sometimes connecting indirectly through a single center of pleasure).
On the one hand, if the sexual instinct and instinct of breeding in people were one of the whole, then you would have about so many children, how many sex acts you committed today. Or vice versa: You would have sex in your life about as many times as you have children.
And on the other hand, if you again remember about our familiar amebe - it is divided into nutrient medium at all without any sexual instinct.
So the sexual behavior of a sensible person was formed separately at a later stage.

Remember that sexual behavior and reproduction instinct - not always one and the same. In particular, when you hear the amazing passenger Pass type "Male Polygamen in nature, because he needs to give his sperm as a large number of females to save his sperm as possible." And by this, they say, such behavior is justified. But most likely, some men simply shy to say that they solve some other issues, most often a completely incumbent plan - the same problems of self-affirmation, for example. And from reproduction issues such behavior and is far away.

From the point of view of modern paleontology, life on Earth originated about three - three and a half billion years ago. But it was life in elementary protein forms. On earth there were only prokaryotes: nuclear-free outstanding creatures (although some of them are the same bacteria - they are still surrounding us).
Prokaryotes do not have a system of sexual reproduction and very effectively multiply by simply division. But in such conditions, hereditary information is fixed and transmitted quite unreliable. As a result, nature at this stage developed on the principle of "step forward - two steps ago": positive evolutionary changes were practically not preserved in subsequent generations, lost in random mutations.

But over time (after about two to three billion years), during the evolution there was some revolution: hereditary information began to be collected in a concentrated form - in the cell core. Accordingly, eukaryotes occurred - nuclear (nucleating) organisms. And besides the fact that DNA as a carrier of genetic information has become stored inside the cell kernel, more protected from random external influences than the entire cytoplasm cell interacting with the environment, besides, in a mirror double quantity, it appeared another, a new opportunity to save this Information and transferring it to descendants as soon as possible. This opportunity has become the beginning of the future sexual reproduction.
Recalling amebe again: she is known to "shared in half" - and two new individuals are obtained, "inheriting" a complete chromosomal set of "parent". But sometimes two different amids merge and only then divide - forming more than two separate individuals, each of which has its own, a new chromosome set, consisting of intact genes of both "parents".
If you give an example analogy - imagine that two people were distributed to a completely identical copy of a fairly important and carefully edited text written on wax marks. And these people wore with them these signs, living in different conditions: one, let's say, in a warmer climate, and the other is in a colder one. Or accommodation conditions (and storing tablets) differed something else. When these two people met, it turned out that on one copy the text was damaged in some places, and on the second - completely in others. But as a result, with the "comparison" of two copies, it is easy to restore the initial text entirely.

It is also about the same principle of sexual reproduction, which involves genetic information not one, and two individuals of one species, it allows you to maintain all the most complicated in the process of evolution inheritance and reliably transfer it to offspring. In fact, this technique of increasing reliability in cybernetics is called the "RAID-array of the first level".

Moreover, nature initially did not laid into this system that the floor in two individuals should be different. No matter how shocking it may sound. The problem with the "field difference" occurs when multicellularity appears, and it becomes necessary to have special organs for transmitting and receiving genetic information to another individual, and also quite difficult to arranged. And to ensure the full development of such bodies and for receiving, and for transmission - the body is difficult. The functions of these organs are not easy, and they are still relatively rare. Therefore, it is simply unprofitable to contain two sets at once.

Of course, among more primitive multicellular (before the ringed worms inclusive) there are species whose representatives are hermaphrodites. The reproduction mechanism of such species is sufficiently complicated and in fact is the same sexual reproduction: one individual fertilizes the other. But at the same time, among hermaphrodites, the risk of "self-exploitation" is preserved, in which the meaning of the "comparison of two genetic copies" is lost. For this reason, the "sexual specialization" of organisms is stable.

However, the difference of floors affected the reproduction not only positively. For, now the individual has another task: the problem of searching for the "carrier of the second copy of the genetic code", that is, a partner for breeding. Such a partner, given that we are still talking exclusively about reproduction, too, it was not necessary too often (at least not every day: some animals multiply once in life!) And as a result, not always attended by attachment . Thus, they were survived primarily those species that seriously careful about reproduction, and in particular - about such a search for the "second participant". Naturally, the same center of pleasure was involved in the implementation of such behavior.
But again, since this member is not in demand every day, then the partner's search instinct - as part of the reproduction instinct - received a certain kind of episodic character: in certain periods it is muffled until he is in demand, but when it is expressed - it happens quite powerfully and actively . And the implementation of it entrenched the strongest pleasure.
Reproduction instinct has such powerful severity precisely for the purpose of survival of the species. In any case, the hyper exhaustion and hypervironment of sexual instinct entrenched evolutionally, including the "intelligent man".
But the person is still a little later. We will continue about the smaller brothers.

Another animals began to operate the expansion of sexual instinct, and the actual reproduction instinct gradually began to break away from the sexual instinct as such. Sex as "influence on the center of pleasure" began to be used not only in order to acquire offspring, but for other purposes. One example is the removal of excess aggressiveness.
The aggressiveness, concomitant reproduction, is another side factor of separation into two floors. Because the search for a reproduction partner is associated with various obstacles, including the elimination of possible rivals. Thus, animals often sex instinct with pronounced aggressiveness, and sexual discharge helps to reduce this aggressiveness. For example, if the lion, fascinated by a new propagation need (and in connection with this, quite aggressive), approaches the place where the lioness is located with a young - then the lioness often comes out of the Logov to meet the male and gets up in a stand pose. Despite the fact that she herself is not fertilized at the moment and it is impossible to conceive.

Here are some more examples of "exploitation of sexual instinct - or rather, its impact is not a center of pleasure - in inconspicuous purposes."
Sometimes the young male monkey will be angry with the leader, and the leader is chasing him, intending to ask a good loaf. And it happens that it is difficult to escape: Then young also gets up in a stand pose, imitating the female, ready for mating. The leader sees it - and, as a rule, cools. But the young male did not at all call the leader to a homosexual act, and only "asked for forgiveness" for his actions! For the pose of the support at primates at the same time is a "pose of submission": that is, in fact, we actually inform "I recognize that you are stronger and more important than me."
Of course, a "intelligent man" in theory should not be so primitive: especially if a person is truly reasonable and not to the image of the thinking "smaller brothers". But this will make a separate conversation just below.

In general, the "high sexuality of the monkeys" is actually often just expressing an express need for communications. For example, the way to show the tribesman that "I am pleased to communicate with you, I get pleasure from your communication." And how to say it otherwise, except to influence the center of the pleasure of another individual with the help of sexually painted behavior - especially considering the emergency poverty of verbal communication capabilities?
Another example of a similar "operation of sexual instinct" is the so-called incentive pairing. When not a fertilian female (if, for example, she has offspring) needs an additional feed that can not get herself, she often offers the male mating for food.

That is, gradually everything went to the fact that sex as an impact on the center of pleasure and reproduction as a continuation of the genus has become two different, individual instincts, often enough away from each other. And especially expressed "Use of sex not for the purpose of breeding" in humans. The impact on the center of pleasure through sex at the "Independent Man" significantly divided intimate contacts and reproduction. And during the operation of sexually determined behavior, reproductive tasks in people even moved away even on the second, but to an even longer place.

People with sex are generally much more difficult. As it was necessary to mention the article "On Human Sexuality" - the intimate proximity of people always carries an additional "social burden", it always, if you can say so, burdened by some more additional meaning and value - by the way, mostly unconscious.
The sexual function of people included almost all human feelings and sensations. More than once, I had to remember the statement of the famous sexologist G.V. Vasilchenko: "That's when, sorry, the male-donkey sees a female donkey in the state of Estrus (or, in the familiar words - estimates), they will all go according to plan and all It turns out perfectly. That is, in other words, everything that in sex in a person creates anxiety, nervous tension and other problems, there is only the people, and not donkey. "

And, returning to the original theme of our conversation - the hustling of ovulation in the female representatives finally divided the sexuality and reproduction of the kind of "man of reasonable". As you know, the animal female fertile only during Estrus: and as already mentioned, the search for male and the exercise with it is almost equivalent to fertilization. And the "females of man", if you can say so, is not enough that ovulation and monthly divided by timing, but also there are no obvious, external signs of the most favorable for fertilization of days! Even the woman herself is not able to determine the days of their ovulation without additional measures. Not to mention that sexual desire arises far from always in this period.
Thus, at the biological level, the process of sexual intercourse and all sexuality in people seriously diverged with the reproductive function.

In this regard, it seems particularly ridiculous to the phrase of negative connotation that someone "gets fucked like cattle" (I apologize for the quote). It is understood that, they say, accused of such people lead frequent and erratic sex life. However, how appropriate is such a parallel? As you know, animals are "fucking" (that is, sexual intercourse) is almost always for the sake of the conception of the offspring (except for some exceptions, and then the highest animals). Thus, if people, again quoting, "fucked as cattle" - they would fulfill in life exactly so much sex acts, how many times they planned to give birth.
So such an accusation is in such a form - somewhat disabled, to put it mildly.

It is a person - "The most sexy animal", as it can have sex practically at any time, regardless of its fertility (in particular, many women lead intense intimate life even after menopause, and indeed, for both sexes, the ability to conceive does not affect Intensity of sexual attraction). Moreover, many sexologists have repeatedly mentioned that the upper age border is not for the intimate life of a person. And even impotence (age) was not as the norm, but as a disorder of sexuality.
True, in this case, it should be mentioned that the person's ability to perform sexual act is a complex function, and with more or less permanent "use" it is preserved to very old years, and with just as constant non-use - gradually fades, and rather early. It is curious that this applies not only to men, but also women. In other words, to extend this period, it is desirable to maintain a sexual function and implement it certainly not two or three times in their entire life. And at the same time, given the modern realities, still not forget about the required level of contraception.

But then why - a rhetorical such question! - Has sex "Reasonable", if not only for one breeding?
Already at the level of primitive people, he was hardly the leading function of the sexuality of a person: hedonistic. That is, aimed at getting pleasure, and more precisely - to preserve and maintain "emotional homeostasis".
For example, if you take the same amebe, it is easier with this homeostasis: it moves to food - pleasure, approaching the danger - displeasure, is removed from danger - again the pleasure.
If we consider more complex organisms (the same animals), then for them in the instinctive level to avoid danger - too, pleasure. Chanting, conventionally speaking, behind the mouse cat - the mouse is scary, the mouse ran away from the cat in the mink - the mouse is good.

With a person, everything is more complicated, even with primitive. I managed to escape from the saber tiger in the cave - good. But a person, unlike the mouse, knows that, perhaps, this gigantic cat still wanders near the cave?

In a person, in contrast to animals, the "peeping forward" function, forecasting, strategy, as opposed to animals. Many dangers at the same time began to see clearly, more clearly and what is called, in full (and apparently, it is here that the phenomenon "burning from the mind" takes its beginning and the installation of "fools to live easier" - in any case until the moment when Carefree mouse got out of mink, not looking around before). Moreover, the more man of this very mind, the desire to anticipate the events and see the troubles threatening in full - the more he is required "hedonistic impressions" to preserve emotional homeostasis. And he began to look for various pleasure mechanisms for himself.
In the presence of a rebellion of negative factors to preserve emotional homeostasis in still a rather aggressive external environment there are rude two ways.

The first is to get rid of the notorious "grief from the mind", or rather - from this very mind. Modern language is psychotropic drugs, narcotic drugs and alcohol. That is, everything that destroys the corresponding brain activity, causing immunity and as a result, complete insensitivity to negative, potentially dangerous factors of the external environment. As a result, a person ceases to feel that it is approaching one or no danger, and he will almost always be fine. So far, negative factors will not have their own influence.

The second way is to find something creative and positive in life, which - in contrast to negative factors - would lay on the second bowl of the scales and would return a person to the state of emotional homeostasis. But it is already much more complicated: not everyone can determine where and what exactly to find for themselves in this regard. And sex just in its original nature operates (moreover, it is quite powerful) first of all the Center for Human Pleasure. Therefore, many use it as a "counterweight with negative environmental factors." And it can work perfectly under one condition - if everything in the sex life of a particular person will go more or less smoothly. Alas, now it happens not as often as I would like - precisely with the fact that "we are people, not donkeys." Although at first, some people blinded by the power of sexual instinct, other roughness may not be noticed.

So, a person's sex itself turns out to be gradually farther and farther from a specific reproduction function. Now even many specialists call the hedonistic function of human intimate activities - the main one.

With the course of evolution, sexual pleasure, especially with the development of intelligence, continued further from "coarse pressing the button" and became one rank with the pleasures that are now called intellectual. Moreover, the exploitation of the center of pleasure gradually began to break away from the actual sex act. If we assume that any component of "reproductive activities" should bring pleasure at the instinctive level, then a person has a part of such activities and rapprochement, and communication, and flirting, and many other "near-occupy things", and not just directly to Koitus.

In general, tracking the evolution of a person and his cultural and historical development, it is easy to see how art, developing on the basis of sexuality and erotica, farther and further removes sex itself. And perhaps, it can be said that erotica and sexuality can be called the foundation of all art. But the erotic culture of a separate person, or even a whole society, is largely based on the ability not to protrude this very foundation, not to be present in the form of art only this, sorry for the invalid pun, the bare foundation. However, at the same time, this foundation should be present in one way or another that art, like love, does not turn into "air locks".

But on the other hand, gradually for people sex turned into something sacred, sometimes endowed with some supernatural properties. And it is not surprising that with the help of sex a person began to solve and problems of an inconsistent nature. With the help of sex, people sometimes do not simply breed or enjoy, and also solve the issues of power, self-esteem, other emotional and censorship needs. And we must not forget that this can also work on achieving "emotional homeostasis" (taking into account the fact that the very concept of this homeostasis in humans is very ambiguous). The sense of his own "Omes" in society can be compensated for a person with various behavioral markers unambiguously perceived in a particular society.

For example, he behaves like Casanova, first of all in quantitatively "- in fact, in order to feel," as if he is a leader of the flock and hearer ". Not that to him all these women wanted as a partner for the sake of getting directly sexual Pleasures: He wants to establish himself precisely, with every specific sex with each specific partner he can regard himself as a difficult duty. And what do you think - will he tell someone a real cause of such behavior? And whether he can at the level of consciousness This is understood? What is all his feats on an intimate front - only to do not feel yourself in society omega himself? (Another thing is that a person in such cases will not break into the door, and that this task can be solved in other ways). Such A man just will keep the postulate in every way that "the male de by nature is polygamans, they seek to sleep with as much as possible women in order to leave their sperm everywhere and give offspring. And in fact, the reason is not at all in sperm and not in the offspring - but under such a cover, especially considering that the ethology now went into fashion, he will not eat himself not to omega, but "dominant male," At least - as he hopes - in the eyes of society. Just under the behavior that decisive completely different personal tasks, and the tasks are carefully hidden, the socially acceptable and even "ranking" base is supplied.

This is true not only for men: a different woman can also assert themself in this way (there was no wonder in recent years, the books from the series "How to Become Strong" and the like). Moreover, it is often important that sex (in the sense of sexual intercourse) is often important, but the process of seduction itself, often in the form of the famous game "Dynamo".

There are still many examples here, but as a result, we come to the fact that the sexuality of man and his social role (or role in different societies) are confused in enough tight tangle, and when one or another person, and even society (sometimes quite large !) It is finally confused - the problem is often solved on the principle of Gordeyev node: destructing. That is, sexuality is unequivocally broken from the person: as a result, we have either specific personalities - "convinced Asexuals and antisexuals", or whole communities in which plants of the type "are not pleasure for, and offspring", right up to a complete ban on sex and on Any mention of it. Just because it is difficult to take sexuality properly adequate place to use it for the harmonious development of the person or society. It is easier to unambiguously ban, alas.

Here, along the analysis, an additional question arises: can the Asexuals be "convinced"? After all, as it is known, Asexuality is either the complete absence of the desire for sex, or so rare desire that it can actually be considered missing. But if a person does not want something, he just don't want to him? For example, someone does not eat honey, he does not like someone, but it is unlikely that you can say that a person is "a convinced antifechik"? It seems he does not solve his problems with honey, he simply does not eat it, and there are no problems. However, the situation is changing if most of the surrounding media and other sources of information, especially among the actual society, begin to convince a person in every way that "honey must eat all the way and a little, because honey is a terribly useful product, and who does not eat it - All serious problems arise. " Then a person can with sufficient tension to start to defend his right not to eat honey, like the fact that he has no serious problems in this regard.

Approximately the same thing happens with a conventional asexual, if the external, "public" censorship presses in the direction "everyone should have sex a lot and often, but all the problems from his absence." Then a person, especially when he is beginning to ask (!) When he last had sex, proudly replies: "I am Asexual!" Because this at least at the time will give him some right "not to have sex" so that it is not pressed with this question.
And sometimes asexuality, on the contrary, becomes a consequence of the fact that censorship from childhood gradually convinces in the opposite: that "sex is dirt, it is bad," and all this penetrates unconscious. If you, let's say, since childhood they said that honey is not useful, this is dirt, is it bad? One of my client even on the smell did not endure the honey after her grandmother she said to her that "honey is a poch of bees" (!). Thus, "convinced antimony" is not always formed, but an internal negation is formed at the level of unconscious. As a result of censorship.

And often the professional task of a psychotherapist specialist is precisely the promotion of a particular person in the "determining the adequate place of his (her) sexuality." In this process, the role of sexually erotic culture and sexual literacy of a particular person is already very high.

... So, sex in humans performs quite a variety of functions: it can still be an expression of emotional intimacy, and a sense of property, and many other not direct sexual sensations. So it is unlikely that reasonably because of its own sexual illiteracy, to prejudice the sexual function of a person in general, and thereby deliver the most different problems to themselves.

And if the sexuality of a person is used by them not only for reproductive purposes, it becomes possible "exploitation" of this human function not only in a heterosexual pair. A certain number of homosexual couples appears and even families - with all inherent family with a set of social functions. This is another question that in some states such families are not yet recognized officially, but I suppose it is still only a matter of time. It is given that human sexuality has fallen far enough away from fertility, and they still do not multiply objections, and they still do not multiply, why register them "- frankly insolvent. In fact, a modern nuclear family is a certain CJSC, sacred except "mutually adopted by the Charter" and "Movement of General Life Shipping in one direction", also psychological attachment between partners; But again, what kind of difference between who and who have specific capabilities of adults have this attachment? Moreover, I assume that the higher the level of social and intellectual development of a society, the less importantly the heterosexuality of partners in the family becomes, not to mention the "clear distinction of socio-gender roles."

And the "family of family CJSC" may not necessarily have children. Moreover, not only about same-sex, but about all pairs, even heterosexual, which are not ready for one reason or another or simply do not want to have children - an increase in the survival of babies at times compared to past centuries Formally frees not seeking people from "Means of reproduction of the population." So, childless families, regardless of their gender composition, also may well bring a huge "benefit society" (if the problem is in this) - "giving birth" scientific discoveries, works of art "and other good deeds." Not to mention what the case, as the birth of children, is unlikely to do on the ancestrality, duty or duties.

Summing up some results, again I repeat that the topic of "sexuality of a man of reasonable" is complex and ambiguous. And that everything about it written may not directly explain the causes of one or another problematics in this area in a particular person, not to mention the ways to solve them. Yes, the temptation is great to simplify everything, calling himself a "animal", or, falling into another extreme, consider itself "free from such dirt as sex." However, sexologists are not by chance quite often repeat that "no sex is alive."
And most likely, more than once will have to return to this topic, unraveling this tangle gradually and still enough in general. However, as for each particular person who has some unresolved issues in this area, to understand these problems (maybe, by the way, far from always related to sexuality), much more efficiently with direct work with a specialist: psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, Sexologist. If you want, such an approach to solving your own problems is also a significant element of human culture: including the culture of sexually erotic.

I want to know the causes of hysterical
I want to know the reasons for mistakes
I want to know the reasons for psychotrams
I want to know my unconscious Topics: Instincts, psychoanalysis, sexual problems, etology.

© Naritsyn Nikolai Nikolaevich
psychotherapist, psychoanalyst





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