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Novgorod land (Republic). Novgorod land (Republic) Culture of Novgorod land in the 12th century

Novgorod land (Republic)

The power of one person over the other is ruined primarily.

Lev Tolstoy

The largest principality of the epoch of the specific fragmentation of Russia was the Novgorod land, which was managed in the form of the Boyar Republic. The principality flourished through the development of trade and crafts, because Novgorod, the center of the Earth, was located on the most important trade routes. Novgorod has long kept independence from Kiev and managed to preserve its independence and identity.

Geographical position

Novgorod Principality or Novgorod land (republic) was located in the northern part of Russia from the Northern Ocean to the Verkhovyev Volga, and from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains. Capital - Novgorod. Large cities: Novgorod, Pskov, Old Russ, Ladoga, Torzhok, Korela, Pskov and others.

Map of Novgorod land in 12-13 centuries.

The specificity of the geographic location was in the almost complete absence of agriculture, since the soil was unsuitable for agriculture, as well as remoteness from steppes, thanks to which Novgorod almost did not see the Mongolian invasion. At the same time, the principality was constantly subjected to military invasions from the Swedes, Lithuanians and German knights. Thus, it was the Novgorod lands that were the shield of Russia, who guarded it from the north and west.

Geographical neighbors of the Novgorod Republic:

  • Vladimir-Suzdal Principality
  • Smolensk Princess
  • Polotsk Princess
  • Livonia
  • Sweden

Economic features

The lack of good pasha land led to the fact that The Novgorod Republic has actively developed crafts and trade. Among the fishers were allocated: iron production, fishing, hunting, salt and other crafts characteristic of the northern regions. Trade was mainly carried out with neighboring regions: Baltic States, German cities, Volga Bulgaria, Scandinavia.

Novgorod was the richest commercial city in Russia. This was achieved by the profitability of the geographical situation, as well as the availability of trade relations with various regions, including with Byzantium, and Caucasus. Mostly, Novgorod traded the fur, honey, wax, iron products, pottery, weapons, and so on.

Political device

The Novgorod feudal republic is formally controlled by the prince, but a real control system can be represented in the form of an inverted triangle.

The real power was in the evening and boyars. It is enough to say that it was the Vince who was prescribed, and it could drive him out. In addition, at the citywide veche, which operated within the Boyar Council (300 gold belts) was assigned:

  • Prince - invited with a friend. His residence was outside the city. The main task is to protect the Novgorod Earth from the external threat.
  • Postener - head of urban management. His tasks - observation of the prince, court in cities, management of cities. In submission had an old town streets.
  • Thousands - Head of the city administration and urban militia (Assistant landangen). Related by the management of the population.
  • Archbishop is the head of the Novgorod Church. Tasks - storage of archives and treasury, responsibility for external communications, monitoring trade, preparation and safety of chronicles. Archbishop was approved by the Moscow Metropolitan.

The prince could be called upon by Novgorod, but he could be expelled, which happened often. With the prince concluded a gift (contract), which indicated the rights and obligations of the prince. The prince was considered only as a defender from foreign invaders, but there was no impact on domestic politics, as well as for the appointment / displacement of officials. Suffice it to say that for the 12-13th century, the princes in Novgorod changed 58 times! Therefore, we can safely say that the real power in this principality belonged to boyars and merchants.

The political independence of the Novgorod Republic was decorated in 1132-1136 after the expulsion of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich. After that, the Novgorod land eliminated the power of Kiev and became actually an independent state with the republican form of government. Therefore, it is customary to say that the Novgorod State was a boyar republic with elements of the city government system.

Novgorod Great

Novgorod - the capital of the Novgorod land, was founded in the 9th century as a result of the unification of the villages of the three tribes: the moon, Slavic and Mryynovsky. The city was located on the Volkhov River and was divided by it as if into 2 parts: Eastern and Western. The eastern part was called trade, and Western-Sofia (in honor of the cathedral).

Novgorod was one of the largest and most beautiful cities not only Russia, but also in Europe. The population of the city was quite educated compared to other cities. Largely, it was due to the fact that crafts and trade that demanded specific knowledge developed in the city.


Novgorod is one of the largest cities of his time. It is not by chance that it is often called Mr. Veliky Novgorod. In the center of the city there was a Sofia Cathedral. Bridges in the city were cobbled and constantly updated. The city itself was surrounded by a moat and wooden walls. The city practiced wooden and stone construction. The stone was erected, as a rule, churches and temples, one of whose functions was - storage of money.

In the Novgorod land, the chronicles, fairy tales and epics were created. Much attention was paid to icon paintings. The brightest clove of that era is the "Angel of Zlagy Vlassee", which today can be seen in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg.

Developed in the principality and architecture with fresco painting. The main direction of development is realism.

Main events

The main events in the principality of the 12-13th century:

  • 1136 - Exile of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich, after which the Novgorod residents independently elected the prince.
  • 1156 - Independent election Novgorod Archbishop
  • 1207-1209 - Social movements in Novgorod against boyars
  • 1220-1230 Prince Yaroslav, Son Vsevolod Big Nest
  • 1236-1251 - Prince Alexander Nevsky

The Slavic state, known as Novgorod Russia, was formed approximately in the 9th century, even before the centralization of power in Kiev. The appearance of it traditionally historians are connected with the vocation of Varyagov, namely Rurik, to power in the lands of Rusich.


Before on the territory of the North-West of modern Russia, the state appeared, called Novgorod Rus, in these lands they lived the scattered Slavic tribes. Due to the lack of centralized, the united power, they constantly conflicted, could not conduct an effective economy and to fully trade among themselves.

In order to combine all the tribes in these lands and the creation of a centralized state in Novgorod, Varyags (Scandinavians) were invited to Novgorod, who had a more developed culture.

Rüric Power

According to the "Tale of Bygone Years" (the first chronicle), which is almost the earliest written source of events of that period, Rurik came to power in 862.

Based on this Scripture, it is possible to draw conclusions that in the 9th century in the North-Western Russia, there was an extremely strongly scandinavine influence, therefore the statehood came here somewhat earlier than on the main territory.

With the arrival of Rurik to power, Novgorod Russia became a powerful state with an extensive territory. Under his beginning, numerous tribes were united, among whom were the largest Slovenia and Curvich.

Varyagov's vocation itself, as a historical fact, is in doubt of many historians, since there are no accurate confirmations of this.

Novgorod Rus

After Rurik, the prince of Oleg, who left V. Novgorod and left to the country. Novgorod, he laid tribute.

Prince Oleg was a successful governor and united almost all the scattered tribes of the eastern Slavs into a single state. Further, in the 10th century, when Prince Vladimir in Novgorod began to rule his son Highway, who soon died.

His place was taken by another son of the Kiev Prince named Yaroslav, who did not want to pay tribute to the father. In this regard, Kiev began to prepare an armed campaign to Novgorod, who was not crowned with success.

From this point on, Novgorod Russia receives a significant share of freedom from the Kiev oppression. Its historical path becomes more distinctive and separate from the rest of Russia.

Novgorod Republic

Having obtained considerable freedom from Kiev, the rulers of the city decided to reorganize their state to a new way. The control has become very different because it was implemented in the rest of Russia.

The ruling authority was created - the evening, who solved all important state issues by voting, including the prince, too, could also be chosen by voting.

In fact, the country has ceased to be a monarchy and became the Novgorod Republic. The head of state was elected at the eve of life. However, the disagreeable ruler could be replaced by another.

Period of fragmentation

In the XII century, Russia entered the new historical period, through which all major European states took place at different times. It is customary to be called a period of fragmentation.

The fragmentation of Russia for the Novgorod land has become the highest flourishing period. These events allowed the city to finally separate from Kiev princes and become sovereign. By the way, the Novgorod Republic was the largest state of the eastern Slavs, possessed powerful economy.

Of course, there were also significant disadvantages, but the rulers of the country successfully acted, defending against rivals and external enemies. This can be judged by the fact that only the Novgorod men managed to avoid the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

Inrogen invaders

In the XIII century, Novgorod Russia, together with all other states, was subjected to repeated attacks on the part of Inogensev. The first blow was inflicted by Tatar-Mongols, which invaded Kievan Rus and, as a tornado, swept throughout its territory, except Novgorod.

Only this city managed to almost completely avoid the invasion of the Tatars. At this time, Novgorod acquired the highest power among the principalities of Rusich.

However, avoiding serious attacks by the Tatars, Novgorod faced the invaders in the West. The Catholic knightly state of the Livonian Order was led by an active complacenial policy aimed at Veliky Novgorod. The purpose of the war was the appeal of Russians to the Catholic faith.

Despite the fact that Rusichi were Christians, they belonged to the Orthodox Church, and Livonians to the Catholic. Under the auspices of the Pope Livonians sought to attach the huge lands of Novgorod to their church, taking advantage of Russia's weakening due to the invasion of Mongol-Tatars.

Alexander Nevskiy

Despite the fact that Novgorod was surrounded from two sides with powerful invaders, he managed to resist and preserve relative freedom and independence. This was largely due to the skillful policies and military strategy of Prince Alexander, who later began to call Nevsky.

He realized that the confrontation with the Tatars would now be a deadly mistake for Novgorod, so he went with them to the world. And threw all the forces on the fight against the knightly order. He managed to break the teutons in a collision on the Chief of the Lake, in which he entered as an experienced military strategist.

He realized that the Knights dressed in heavy armor would not be able to move to the other shore of the lake on ice, which was still too thin. Therefore, taking German knights to Izor, he was able to win. Thus, the prince retained Novgorod Russia, culture, faith and ethnos. No wonder he is considered one of the greatest rulers. The influence of Alexander Nevsky is recognized not only in Russia, but also in the West, where he is considered a great commander and a military strategist.

Sunset Novgorod

Starting from the XIV century in Russia, there is a tendency to unite into one large, centralized state. The main applicants for the role of the Center for the Association were assumed by Tver and Moscow.

Novgorod held apart, although he was the strongest state.

Up to the complete association of Russia, under the main region, Novgorod remained aside, not seeking to unite Russians around him, but not wanting to join the Moscow princes.

As a result, the history of Novgorod Russia was completed with an accession to the Unified State Moskovsky in 1478. In 1478, the seizure of the largest principality of Russia allowed the prince of Moscow Ivan III to challenge the weakened Golden Horde and overcome them in 1480, thus released by the Russian people from a three hundred years of yoke.

From now on Novgorod ceased to exist as a separate state and became part of a united country. In connection with the accession to the Moscow State, Novgorod began to quickly lose its trade and economic importance, and then cultural. Subsequently, he stopped being a key center of the country, giving this place to Moscow, Tver and other major cities. Despite this, the city remains an important cultural and historical center even today.

Art of Novgorod

Novgorod was one of the largest cities and centers of the culture of Russia and all Eastern Europe. Here was the concentration of trade, crafts, painting and architecture.

A significant impact on the painting and culture of the city as a whole was Christianity (Orthodoxy), thanks to which the art of Novgorod Russia received a powerful impetus to development. The iconography began to develop, which received very widespread development here.

Due to the fact that Novgorod was a large maritime, shopping center, he worked closely with European culture, and first of all with Scandinavian. From here, many trends in art from the west fell into the culture of Russia.


In Novgorod Russia, architecture has reached high development. The city was significantly superior to pomp and wealth, other cities of fragmented Russia. It was due to the fact that Novgorod people did not pay tribute to Tatars, avoided their raid and actively led trading.

The availability of opportunities and channels of communication with Western peoples allowed Novgorod to rebound the advanced achievements of Europe of the time. Especially brightly it was visible in the architecture.

In Novgorod, before the rest of Russian cities, structures built from white stone appeared. There were many churches and chapels, as well as icon-painted workshops. In addition, jewelry, weaving and sewing workshops appeared. There were also many other craft workshops.


It is no secret that Novgorod was the largest maritime trading port in ancient Rus. From here, almost all trade with Western Europe was conducted. Concluded favorable unions primarily with the Swedes, Germans and Poles. Thanks to this, the city was richer than the rest, which immediately rushed into the eyes. It was enough to look at his white-named buildings, which at that time was not in any other city of ancient Russia.

The ability to trade with the Europeans stimulated the rapid development of the crafts. Masters from all over the city created their creations, which were then sold in the bazaars and fairs.

The fairs were commonplace for Novgorod. Here they were held regularly and had big scales. From all over Russia, merchants came here to realize their goods and acquire wonder things from other cities and countries.

Thus, Novgorod was the key center of trade and craft in all of Russia. He stood in one row with Kiev, Vladimir and Chernigov, and later Moscow and Tver.


If trade and craft, art and architecture have been well developed in Novgorod Russia, then far attention was paid to farming. Wine to this wetland. A small number of cereal lands suitable for growing led to the fact that the Novgorodians were forced to buy bread, flour and other agricultural products from other principalities, as a rule, Vladimir-Suzdalsky.

It is this dependence in bread from Suzdal that caused the pressure in the XIV century by the princes of Suzdal to Novgorod to lean them under their power. However, this policy of Suzdal Princes was not crowned with success, and Novgorod retained its sovereignty.

Despite all the difficulties of growing cereals, agriculture in the principality was developed very well. It was grew by winter rye and wheat. For the cultivation of the soil, a multi-section or three-rigging soha was used, which appeared here somewhat earlier than on the rest of Russia. Reached bread with traditional sickles.


The formation of Novgorod Russia had a huge impact and importance for culture, history and formation of the Russian ethnic volume. Thanks to Novgorod, the identity of the Russian people was preserved, which was at one time endangering because of the Tatar yoke. Architecture, painting and craft got widespread.

In fact, Novgorod was a source of Russian statehood, without which Kievan Rus could not appear at all. The significance of this city in all-Russian history is difficult to overestimate. It was one of the largest centers, on the basis of which all Russian culture, trade and economics were built and formed.

Novgorod was the largest cultural center of ancient Russia.
In the XI-XII centuries in Russia, and especially in Novgorod, handwritten books were widely distributed. In 1056-1057, Dyakon Grigory rewrote for Postener Ostromira Gospel. "Ostromiro Gospel" is the most ancient of the preserved handwritten books of ancient Russia.

From ancient times, a library is created in the Sofia Cathedral, known far beyond the limits of Novgorod. Of all the old-Russian books that have come to us (since the XI century) more than half belonged to Novgorod. This testifies to the vast role of the city in the development of Russian writing.

In the chronicles of 1030, it is said that Prince Yaroslav Wise gathered in Novgorod "from the elder and pubic children of 300 to consider the books" and commanded the school for them.
Yaroslav ordered priests in his parishes to learn people to lose.
Literacy in the ancient Novgorod compared to other cities was significantly common. This is proved not only by the birchy diplomas (they found about 600 in Novgorod), but also graffiti (scratched on the walls of buildings of inscriptions and drawings), the inscription names of owners on numerous subjects.

The oldest chronicle entries in Novgorod are known since the XI century. The lupification was carried out not only in the Sofia Cathedral, but also in some suburban monasteries.
In the middle of the XII century in Novgorod, a scientist monk Kirik lived. He is rightly called the first Russian mathematician. Kirik was the head of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Anthony of the Monastery. He was 26 years old when he in 1136 wrote an essay "The teachings of them also to see a person of the number of all years." In the "teaching" of Kirik on the account of the time, the data of the ancient Russian calendar is reflected, with which complex mathematical calculations can be made with large numbers. And the treatise of Kirik contains information about the time measurement units: year, month, week, day, hour.
Kyrica belongs to another essay - "the question", in which he acted as a chronicler, who recorded a conversation in the form of a diary with Novgorod archbishop, and other spiritual persons.
"Teaching" and "Assurance" testified to the high form of Kirik, familiar with the writings of the Byzantine, Greek and Latin authors.

On the development of carpentry skill, the Slavs of the Avenue of the IX-XII centuries can be judged by the samples of wooden structures known from the chronicles, the conclusions of scientists after archaeological excavations, objects of life and decorations found by archaeologists. The chronicler wrote that in 989, the Novgorod residents cut down the first wooden church of the Holy Sophia "On Thirteen Verkhs", which struck contemporaries with their "wellness".
The construction area of \u200b\u200bthe city with the estates by the end of the XII century was at least 100 hectares (of which 12.5 hectares are the Keeps Square). At the end of the XII century, at least 50 streets were in Novgorod.
Archaeologists discovered and studied hundreds of bases of wooden residential and household buildings, defensive structures, torn streets. Already since the X century, the streets of the city were covered with wooden bridges from thick pine plas. Novgorod stands on the sediments of dense clay, and for removal of groundwater, the ancient Novgorod used the complex system of grooves and wooden pipes. The remains of such a system can be seen in the Novgorod Museum.

The first stone buildings appeared in Novgorod in the middle of the XI century. The morning sample of skill of the ancient Novgorod architects is the Sophia Cathedral, built in 1045-1050 with Prince Vladimir, the son of Yaroslav Wise.
The stone architecture of Novgorod developed for two periods - the princely (until 1136) and the republican (until 1478) from the well-known Novgorod temples of the Princely Period, several - Sophia Cathedral preserved; Nikolsky Cathedral in the Yaroslavl courtyard (1113-1136), which, as archaeologists and restorers installed, from the West was connected by the gallery with the Wooden Palace of Prince; In Yuriev and Anthony monasteries, the buildings of the Councils of St. George (1119) and the Nativity of the Virgin (1117-1119) and others were survived.
All stone buildings of the reign of princes belong to the Temple Architecture of the Kiev-Byzantine Style. They are built from limestone slab and boulders with the Byzantine Plinfi (brick). During construction, the Byzantine cemina was used - a mixture of lime with a crowded brick, which was not inferior to cement on the binding qualities.

From the middle of the XII century, the feudal republic was established in Novgorod. Stone temple buildings in the height of that period distinguished minor sizes. Some scientists explain this by the fact that the customers of the buildings were no longer princes or rich boyars, but residents of streets, small monasteries, even individual families. By tradition, the inner space of the temples decorated with wall painting.
In the construction of the princely period, the frescus painting and mosaic were partially preserved in the Sofia Cathedral, in the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Antoniyev Monastery, in the Nikolsky Cathedral in the Yaroslavl courtyard and in the staircase tower of the St. George Cathedral of the Monastery.

In small temples, painting the second half of the XII century can be seen in the churches of the Annunciation in arcales, George and Assumption in Old Ladoga. The whole world was famous for the fresco painting in the church of the Savior on Neretsky Hill near Rurikova Knights, built by Prince Yaroslav Vladimirovich for - Princely Family in 1198 and painted by frescoes in 1199. In the excellent condition, the frescoes were to the Great Patriotic War. The fascists have destroyed the building to the base.
After the war, it was restored, but the frescoes were permanently killed, only their minor fragments were preserved.

Velikiy Novgorod. Or Mr. Veliky Novgorod, as his contemporaries called, held a special place among other Russians prince. As a center of Slavic lands in the north-western corner of Russia, Novgorod by the end of the IX century. It becomes an opponent of Kiev. He won Kiev, but after transferring the capital of a single Russia to the south, the Kiev princes began to send in their governors, as a rule, older sons.

Nevertheless, Novgorod retained his special position, the princely power was not rooted here, as in other cities of Rus. The reason for this was the whole system of life of ancient Novgorod. From the very beginning, the city has grown primarily as a trade and craft center. He was located on the famous path "From the Varyag in the Greeks".

From here they went to the southern Baltic States, to German lands, in Scandinavia. Through the Lake Ilmen and the Metlu River, the path went on the Volga, and from there to the countries of the East.

Novgorods were what to trade. They exported primarily to the fur, which was mined in northern forests. The artisans of Novgorod delivered their products to the domestic and foreign market. Novgorod Masters of forge and pottery, gold and silver affairs, gunsmiths, carpenters, leather, leather, was famous for Novgorod. Streets and "Ends" (regions) of the city often wore the names of handicraft professions: a carpentry end, Kuznetskaya street, pottery, shimmer. In Novgorod, earlier than in other cities of Russia, there were united merchants. Rich merchants had not only river and sea vessels, but also warehouses, barns. They built rich stone houses, churches. Many ingenic merchants came to Novgorod. Here, "German" and "Gothic" courtyards were located, which indicated the close trade relations of the city with German lands. The trade included in Novgorod not only merchants, artisans, but also boyars, representatives of the church.

The confident economic development of Novgorod was largely due not only to the beneficial natural and geographical conditions, but also because he did not know a serious external danger for a long time. Neither Pechenegs, nor Poland reached the local places. The German knights appeared here later. It created favorable conditions for the development of the edge.

Great power B. Novgorod Princeover time, a major boyar-landowner received. It is their land possessions, forests, fishery gave major trading products - the fur, honey, wax, fish, other products of the earth, forests, water. It was a boyar and large merchants who were often organized by the long-range expeditions of the parser, river and marine, in order to master new fishing lands, furs. The interests of the boyars, merchants, the churches were woven together, which is why the top of the city, the so-called aristocracy, relying on their unpretentious wealth, played such a big role in the political life of Novgorod.

Aristocracy in political life led artisans, other people. Novgorod performed a single front against political pressure on the part of Kiev, then by the Rostov-Suzdal Principality. Here, all Novgorodians were at the same time, defending their special position in Russian lands, their sovereignty. But in the inner life of the city of such unity was not: there were no hardened clashes of the interests of ordinary citizens and the urban tip, which was poured into open speeches, uprising against the dishthery, rich merchants, Roshovists. Not once, the rebels of the townspeople and the Archbishop Courtyard were broken. The city aristocracy also did not constitute a single whole. Compared separate boyars and merchant groups. They fought for the land, income, privileges, for putting at the head of their own the city - Prince, Pamedan or Moltsky.

The same orders were also in other major cities of the Novgorod Land - Pskov, Ladoga, Izborsk, where there were their strong boyars and merchant clans, their own handicraft and labor mass. Each of these cities, being part of the Novgorod Principality, at the same time claimed relative independence.

Novgorod roldied with Kiev not only in the sense of economic, trading, but also in terms of the appearance of the city. It is too early on the left bank of the Volkhov, on the waters, there was his Kremlin, discouraged by a stone wall, unlike many other Russian children, fenced with wooden-earth fortifications. The son of Yaroslav Wise Vladimir built here the Sofia Cathedral, which rolled on the beauty and majestity with the Kiev Sophia. Opposite the Kremlin was located a bargaining, where urban veneers usually took place - the gather of all politically active Novgorod. In the evening, many important issues of the life of the city were solved: the urban authorities were chosen, the candidates of invited princes were discussed, the military policy of Novgorod was determined.

Illustration. Novgorod Princess

A bridge through Volkhov, who played an important role in the life of the city was built between the left-bank and right-bank Novgorod. Here, fistful battles often occurred between various warrant groups. Hence, by the sentence of the city authorities, they were discarded in the depths of the Volkhov convicts to the death of criminals.

Novgorod was for his time the city of high culture of life. It was paved by wooden pavements, the authorities carefully followed the order and purity of urban streets. A sign of a high culture of citizens is the ubiquitous literacy, which manifested itself in the fact that many Novgorod residents owned the art of letters on bark grades, which in abundance archaeologists are found in the excavation of ancient Novgorod dwellings. Bershetian diplomas exchanged not only boyars, merchants, but also ordinary citizens. These were debt receipts and requests for loans, notes to wives, petitions, testations, love letters and even poems.

As the government is weakened by the Kiev princes, the development of political separatism is becoming increasingly independent from Kiev. This was especially brightly manifested after the death of Mstislav the Great. In Novgorod then "Sitting"his son is Vsevolod. When he left Novgorod and tried to unsuccessfully get a more honorable family in the prince of Peresaslavl, Novgorodians did not let him back. But the city needed to Prince - for the command of the army, for the defense of possessions. Considering, apparently, Vsevolod Mstislavich received a good lesson, the boyars returned it back, but Vsevolod tried again, relying on Novgorod, to get into the international struggle for power. He absorbed Novgorod into confrontation with Suzdalem, which ended with the defeat of Novgorod Rati. It overflowed the bowl of the patience of Novgorod. Against the prince spoke by the boyars and "Black people"; Nor neither the church, nor merchants, which he suffered in rights. In 1136, Vsevolod with the family for the sentence of the Wern, which was attended by representatives from Pskov and Ladoga, was detained.

Then he was sent from the city, accusing that he "Deoth do not have", i.e. does not express the interests of ordinary people, poorly led the army during the war with Suzdalians and the first fled from the battlefield, the Novgorod was involved in the struggle in the south.

After the events of 1136, urban aristocracy came to power in Novgorod - a large boyars, rich merchants, archbishop. The city has become a kind of aristocratic republic, where several large boyars and merchant families, Posadan, Mollipus, Archbishop determined all policies. Evening invited princes as military leaders and supreme judges. Disadvantaged princes expelled. Sometimes several princes were replaced during the year.

Over time, Novgorod, in its economic relations, ever less focused on the south, his links became closely with the South Baltian world, Scandinavian and German lands. Among the Russian lands are the most strong links Novgorodshe kept with his neighbors: Polotsky, Smolensky and Rostov-Suzdal principalities.

Velikiy Novgorod.Or Mr. Veliky Novgorod, as his contemporaries called, held a special place among other Russians prince. As a center of Slavic lands in the north-western corner of Russia, Novgorod by the end of the IX century. It becomes an opponent of Kiev. He won Kiev, but after transferring the capital of a single Rus to the south, Kiev princes began to send Novgorod Princess Our governors are usually older sons.

Nevertheless, Novgorod retained his special position, the princely power was not rooted here, as in other cities of Rus. The reason for this was the whole system of life of ancient Novgorod. From the very beginning, the city has grown primarily as a trade and craft center. He was located on the famous path "from Varyag in Greeks."

From here they went to the southern Baltic States, to German lands, in Scandinavia. Through the Lake Ilmen and the Metlu River, the path went on the Volga, and from there to the countries of the East.

Novgorods were what to trade. They exported primarily to the fur, which was mined in northern forests. The artisans of Novgorod delivered their products to the domestic and foreign market. Novgorod Masters of forge and pottery, gold and silver affairs, gunsmiths, carpenters, leather, leather, was famous for Novgorod. Streets and "Ends" (regions) of the city often wore the names of handicraft professions: a carpentry end, Kuznetskaya street, pottery, shimmer. In Novgorod, earlier than in other cities of Russia, there were united merchants. Rich merchants had not only river and sea vessels, but also warehouses, barns. They built rich stone houses, churches. Many ingenic merchants came to Novgorod. Here, "German" and "Gothic" courtyards were located, which indicated the close trade relations of the city with German lands. The trade included in Novgorod not only merchants, artisans, but also boyars, representatives of the church.

The confident economic development of Novgorod was largely due not only to the beneficial natural and geographical conditions, but also because he did not know a serious external danger for a long time. Neither Pechenegs, nor Poland reached the local places. The German knights appeared here later. It created favorable conditions for the development of the edge.

Great power B. Novgorod Princeover time, a major boyar-landowner received. It is their land possessions, forests, fishery gave major trading products - the fur, honey, wax, fish, other products of the earth, forests, water. It was a boyar and large merchants who were often organized by the long-range expeditions of the parser, river and marine, in order to master new fishing lands, furs. The interests of the boyars, merchants, the churches were woven together, which is why the top of the city, the so-called aristocracy, relying on their unpretentious wealth, played such a big role in the political life of Novgorod.

Aristocracy in political life led artisans, other people. Novgorod performed a single front against political pressure on the part of Kiev, then by the Rostov-Suzdal Principality. Here, all Novgorodians were at the same time, defending their special position in Russian lands, their sovereignty. But in the inner life of the city of such unity was not: there were no hardened clashes of the interests of ordinary citizens and the urban tip, which was poured into open speeches, uprising against the dishthery, rich merchants, Roshovists. Not once, the rebels of the townspeople and the Archbishop Courtyard were broken. The city aristocracy also did not constitute a single whole. Compared separate boyars and merchant groups. They fought for the land, income, privileges, for putting at the head of their own the city - Prince, Pamedan or Moltsky.

The same orders were also in other major cities of the Novgorod Land - Pskov, Ladoga, Izborsk, where there were their strong boyars and merchant clans, their own handicraft and labor mass. Each of these cities, being part of the Novgorod Principality, at the same time claimed relative independence.

Novgorod roldied with Kiev not only in the sense of economic, trading, but also in terms of the appearance of the city. It is too early on the left bank of the Volkhov, on the waters, there was his Kremlin, discouraged by a stone wall, unlike many other Russian children, fenced with wooden-earth fortifications. The son of Yaroslav Wise Vladimir built here the Sofia Cathedral, which rolled on the beauty and majestity with the Kiev Sophia. Opposite the Kremlin was located a bargaining, where urban veneers usually took place - the gather of all politically active Novgorod. In the evening, many important issues of the life of the city were solved: the urban authorities were chosen, the candidates of invited princes were discussed, the military policy of Novgorod was determined.

Illustration. Novgorod Princess

A bridge through Volkhov, who played an important role in the life of the city was built between the left-bank and right-bank Novgorod. Here, fistful battles often occurred between various warrant groups. Hence, by the sentence of the city authorities, they were discarded in the depths of the Volkhov convicts to the death of criminals.

Novgorod was for his time the city of high culture of life. It was paved by wooden pavements, the authorities carefully followed the order and purity of urban streets. A sign of a high culture of citizens is the ubiquitous literacy, which manifested itself in the fact that many Novgorod residents owned the art of letters on bark grades, which in abundance archaeologists are found in the excavation of ancient Novgorod dwellings. Bershetian diplomas exchanged not only boyars, merchants, but also ordinary citizens. These were debt receipts and requests for loans, notes to wives, petitions, testations, love letters and even poems.

As the government weaken the Kiev princes, the development of political separatism Novgorod Princess It becomes more independent of Kiev. This was especially brightly manifested after the death of Mstislav the Great. In Novgorod, then "sat" his son Vsevolod. When he left Novgorod and tried to unsuccessfully get a more honorable family in the prince of Peresaslavl, Novgorodians did not let him back. But the city needed to Prince - for the command of the army, for the defense of possessions. Considering, apparently, Vsevolod Mstislavich received a good lesson, the boyars returned it back, but Vsevolod tried again, relying on Novgorod, to get into the international struggle for power. He absorbed Novgorod into confrontation with Suzdalem, which ended with the defeat of Novgorod Rati. It overflowed the bowl of the patience of Novgorod. Against the prince acted by the boyars and "black people"; Nor neither the church, nor merchants, which he suffered in rights. In 1136, Vsevolod with the family for the sentence of the Wern, which was attended by representatives from Pskov and Ladoga, was detained.

Then he was sent from the city, accusing that he was not walled to death, that is, he does not express the interests of ordinary people, poorly led the army during the war with the Sujdalians and the first fled from the battlefield, the Novgorod was involved in the struggle in the south.

After the events of 1136, urban aristocracy came to power in Novgorod - a large boyars, rich merchants, archbishop. The city has become a kind of aristocratic republic, where several large boyars and merchant families, Posadan, Mollipus, Archbishop determined all policies. Evening invited princes as military leaders and supreme judges. Disadvantaged princes expelled. Sometimes several princes were replaced during the year.

Over time, Novgorod, in its economic relations, ever less focused on the south, his links became closely with the South Baltian world, Scandinavian and German lands. Among the Russian lands are the most strong links Novgorodshe kept with his neighbors: Polotsky, Smolensky and Rostov-Suzdal principalities.

§Stladimiro-Suzdal Earth
§Bitiv on rod
§ Culture of Russia X - XII century.
§Kievsky Russia X-XII century
§Yaroslav wise

Novgorod land (Republic)

The power of one person over the other is ruined primarily.

Lev Tolstoy

The largest principality of the epoch of the specific fragmentation of Russia was the Novgorod land, which was managed in the form of the Boyar Republic. The principality flourished through the development of trade and crafts, because Novgorod, the center of the Earth, was located on the most important trade routes. Novgorod has long kept independence from Kiev and managed to preserve its independence and identity.

Geographical position

Novgorod Principality or Novgorod land (republic) was located in the northern part of Russia from the Northern Ocean to the Verkhovyev Volga, and from the Baltic Sea to the Ural Mountains. Capital - Novgorod. Large cities: Novgorod, Pskov, Old Russ, Ladoga, Torzhok, Korela, Pskov and others.

Map of Novgorod land in 12-13 centuries.

The specificity of the geographic location was in the almost complete absence of agriculture, since the soil was unsuitable for agriculture, as well as remoteness from steppes, thanks to which Novgorod almost did not see the Mongolian invasion. At the same time, the principality was constantly subjected to military invasions from the Swedes, Lithuanians and German knights. Thus, it was the Novgorod lands that were the shield of Russia, who guarded it from the north and west.

Geographical neighbors of the Novgorod Republic:

  • Vladimir-Suzdal Principality
  • Smolensk Princess
  • Polotsk Princess
  • Livonia
  • Sweden

Economic features

The lack of good pasha land led to the fact that The Novgorod Republic has actively developed crafts and trade. Among the fishers were allocated: iron production, fishing, hunting, salt and other crafts characteristic of the northern regions. Trade was mainly carried out with neighboring regions: Baltic States, German cities, Volga Bulgaria, Scandinavia.

Novgorod was the richest commercial city in Russia. This was achieved by the profitability of the geographical situation, as well as the availability of trade relations with various regions, including with Byzantium, and Caucasus. Mostly, Novgorod traded the fur, honey, wax, iron products, pottery, weapons, and so on.

Political device

The Novgorod feudal republic is formally controlled by the prince, but a real control system can be represented in the form of an inverted triangle.

The real power was in the evening and boyars. It is enough to say that it was the Vince who was prescribed, and it could drive him out. In addition, at the citywide veche, which operated within the Boyar Council (300 gold belts) was assigned:

  • Prince - invited with a friend. His residence was outside the city. The main task is to protect the Novgorod Earth from the external threat.
  • Postener - head of urban management. His tasks - observation of the prince, court in cities, management of cities. In submission had an old town streets.
  • Thousands - Head of the city administration and urban militia (Assistant landangen). Related by the management of the population.
  • Archbishop is the head of the Novgorod Church. Tasks - storage of archives and treasury, responsibility for external communications, monitoring trade, preparation and safety of chronicles. Archbishop was approved by the Moscow Metropolitan.

The prince could be called upon by Novgorod, but he could be expelled, which happened often. With the prince concluded a gift (contract), which indicated the rights and obligations of the prince. The prince was considered only as a defender from foreign invaders, but there was no impact on domestic politics, as well as for the appointment / displacement of officials. Suffice it to say that for the 12-13th century, the princes in Novgorod changed 58 times! Therefore, we can safely say that the real power in this principality belonged to boyars and merchants.

The political independence of the Novgorod Republic was decorated in 1132-1136 after the expulsion of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich. After that, the Novgorod land eliminated the power of Kiev and became actually an independent state with the republican form of government. Therefore, it is customary to say that the Novgorod State was a boyar republic with elements of the city government system.

Novgorod Great

Novgorod - the capital of the Novgorod land, was founded in the 9th century as a result of the unification of the villages of the three tribes: the moon, Slavic and Mryynovsky. The city was located on the Volkhov River and was divided by it as if into 2 parts: Eastern and Western. The eastern part was called trade, and Western-Sofia (in honor of the cathedral).

Novgorod was one of the largest and most beautiful cities not only Russia, but also in Europe. The population of the city was quite educated compared to other cities. Largely, it was due to the fact that crafts and trade that demanded specific knowledge developed in the city.


Novgorod is one of the largest cities of his time. It is not by chance that it is often called Mr. Veliky Novgorod. In the center of the city there was a Sofia Cathedral. Bridges in the city were cobbled and constantly updated. The city itself was surrounded by a moat and wooden walls. The city practiced wooden and stone construction. The stone was erected, as a rule, churches and temples, one of whose functions was - storage of money.

In the Novgorod land, the chronicles, fairy tales and epics were created. Much attention was paid to icon paintings. The brightest clove of that era is the "Angel of Zlagy Vlassee", which today can be seen in the Russian Museum of St. Petersburg.

Developed in the principality and architecture with fresco painting. The main direction of development is realism.

Main events

The main events in the principality of the 12-13th century:

  • 1136 - Exile of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich, after which the Novgorod residents independently elected the prince.
  • 1156 - Independent election Novgorod Archbishop
  • 1207-1209 - Social movements in Novgorod against boyars
  • 1220-1230 Prince Yaroslav, Son Vsevolod Big Nest
  • 1236-1251 - Prince Alexander Nevsky



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