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160th anniversary of the birth of Tsiolkovsky. Quiz “160th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. anniversary of the birth of K.E. Tsiolkovsky dedicated to

160 years ago, on September 17, 1857, an outstanding Russian scientist, researcher and inventor Konstantin Eduardovich TSIOLKOVSKY was born in the village of Izhevsk, Ryazan province. More than a century has passed since the publication of the first scientific articles and popular science works of TSIOLKOVSKY, in which he described the principles of space flight. Today, many of Konstantin Eduardovich's ideas have found their embodiment in modern launch vehicles, orbital stations, spacesuits, life support systems, etc. This is reported on the ROSCOSMOS website.

The breadth of Tsiolkovsky's creative thought was surprisingly combined with logical consistency and mathematical precision of judgments. He was a true innovator in science. Tsiolkovsky's important research relates to the substantiation of the theory of jet propulsion. Contrary to the scientific opinion that existed in the last quarter of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, Konstantin Eduardovich created a new science that determines the laws of rocket movement, and developed the first designs for conquering outer space with jet vehicles.

Konstantin Eduardovich TSIOLKOVSKY possessed tremendous diligence and perseverance in gaining knowledge. At the age of 16, he came from Vyatka, where his family moved, to Moscow to enter the Higher Technical School (today it is the Bauman Moscow State Technical University), but for unknown reasons he did not enter and decided to continue his education on his own. Leading an ascetic lifestyle, young TSIOLKOVSKY spent all the funds sent by his family on books, ingredients and equipment for various experiments. “I remember very well,” wrote TSIOLKOVSKY in his autobiography, “that, apart from water and black bread, I had nothing then. Every three days I went to the bakery and bought there, for 9 kopecks of bread. Thus, I lived 90 kopecks a month ... Still, I was happy with my ideas, and black bread did not upset me in the least. "

Konstantin TSIOLKOVSKY independently studied physics, chemistry, mathematics, spending the whole day in the only free at that time in Moscow Chertkov library. It was there that he met Nikolai Fyodorov, the founder of the philosophical trend - Russian cosmism. Later TSIOLKOVSKY admitted that Nikolai Fedorovich replaced him with university professors. After the foundations of the exact and natural sciences came the time of differential and integral calculus, higher algebra, analytical and spherical geometry, astronomy, mechanics ... In three years, young Konstantin fully mastered the gymnasium program and a significant part of the university, but severely undermined his health.

Upon returning home to Vyatka, Konstantin Eduardovich began to give private lessons in physics and mathematics and proved himself to be a talented teacher. Everything free time TSIOLKOVSKY spent in the studio and library. Then there was a move to Ryazan, receiving a certificate of a district teacher, working in Borovsk and getting married. Konstantin continued to improve as a teacher, was engaged in scientific research and invention. In 1887 he presented in Moscow a report on a metal airship of his own design. In his apartment in Borovsk, TSIOLKOVSKY set up a laboratory where he set up experiments.

The very first, but unpublished work of TSIOLKOVSKY "The Graphic Representation of Sensations" was devoted to mechanics in biology. Then there was work on the kinetic theory of gases, which was approved by Mendeleev. For his scientific work “Mechanics of the animal organism, TSIOLKOVSKY was elected a member of the Physicochemical Society. At the age of 26, Konstantin Eduardovich wrote the work “ Free space", In which he studied the mechanics of the movement of bodies without the influence of gravity and resistance forces. And his designs of a metal controlled airship, and subsequently an all-metal streamlined cantilever monoplane with a thick curved wing became Tsiolkovsky's greatest merit to aviation, although they were not appreciated at the time.

KE TSIOLKOVSKY was a real natural scientist. He tried not only to substantiate his ideas with scientific point vision, but also tested in practice. Either he launched balloons with the children, then he rushed on skates on the ice, spreading the sail ... The inhabitants looked at Tsiolkovsky's experiments as an eccentric. However, few people could have thought at that time that the ideas of this misunderstood genius, dreamer and utopian were foreseen by many important discoveries and inventions of the next century.

In 1892, Konstantin TSIOLKOVSKY was transferred to Kaluga to work at the district school. It was in this city that Konstantin Eduardovich wrote his works on the theory of jet propulsion, astronautics, space biology and medicine. The study of the aerodynamic properties of various bodies and possible schemes of airborne vehicles led TSIOLKOVSKY to thinking about options for flying in airless space and conquering space. In 1895, his book "Dreams of the Earth and the Sky" was published, and a year later an article was published about other worlds, intelligent beings from other planets and about the communication of earthlings with them. In the same year, 1896, Konstantin Eduardovich began writing his main work "Exploration of world spaces by jet devices." This text touched upon the use of rockets in space.

Then there were the difficult years of the beginning of the century: a family drama, a flood that destroyed unique calculations and exhibits, arrest and interrogation at the Lubyanka, oblivion. Only in 1923, after the publication of the German scientist Hermann Obert about space flights and rocket engines remembered TSIOLKOVSKY. He was awarded a life pension for his services to science and conditions for fruitful work were created. And the developments of Konstantin Eduardovich became interesting to the state. K.E. TSIOLKOVSKY died on September 19, 1935 in Kaluga.

One of the greatest technical and scientific achievements is the creation of space exploration technologies. The genius Russian scientist Konstantin TSIOLKOVSKY became one of the founders of modern cosmonautics. His ideas for a "space train", the theory of jet propulsion and rocket dynamics, a description of the fundamental structures of rocket engines, mathematical justifications and calculations formed the basis of knowledge and technologies that allowed mankind to enter the Earth's orbit.




1857 - 1935

160 years

« Impossible today

will become

possible tomorrow. "

K.E. Tsiolkovsky

In our time, the flight of a spacecraft is considered commonplace. And sometimes it even seems strange that a hundred years ago people could not even dream of such flights. The first who tried to present the practical side of space exploration was a modest teacher from Kaluga, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

Famous, great, ingenious

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky

in the village of Izhevskoye near Ryazan.

The boy lived there for a very short time - until he was three years old.

In 1860 the family moved to Ryazan.

Kostya Tsiolkovsky is 5 years old

Mother Maria Ivanovna Yumasheva was engaged in the primary education of Kostya and his brothers.

Tsiolkovsky space rocket project

At the age of nine, the boy, while sledding in winter, caught a cold and fell ill with scarlet fever. As a result of complications from his illness, he lost his hearing. At this time, Kostya for the first time begins to show interest in craftsmanship.

He liked to make figures out of paper.

In 1868, Eduard Ignatievich again lost his job. The family moved to Vyatka, where the brothers of the father of the family helped him get a new position

Vyatka. Shuravin's house, where the Tsiolkovsky family lived in 1869-1878.

In 1869, Kostya entered the first grade of the male Vyatka gymnasium together.

The study was given with great difficulty, there were many subjects, the teachers were strict.

In addition, the boy was greatly disturbed by his deafness.

The boy was shocked by grief. So, not shining with knowledge, he began to learn worse and worse. Tsiolkovsky felt much more acutely his deafness, which made him more and more isolated. For pranks, he was repeatedly punished, ended up in a punishment cell.

In the second grade, Kostya remained for the second year, and from the third (in 1873) he was expelled. After that, Konstantin Eduardovich never studied anywhere - he studied exclusively independently.

Konstantin loved tinkering, and not only children's toys

It was at this time that Tsiolkovsky found his true calling and place in life. He studied education on his own.

Unlike the gymnasium teachers, the books generously endowed him with knowledge and never made the slightest reproach.

Tsiolkovsky's workbench and lathe

At the same time, Kostya joined technical and scientific creativity. He created the home lathe and several other interesting inventions.

Believing in his son's abilities, in July 1873 Eduard Ignatievich decided to send Konstantin to Moscow to enter the Higher Technical School (now the Bauman Moscow State Technical University).

For some unknown reason, Kostya never entered the school and continued to study on his own. He lived very poorly, but worked hard.

I spent all the money saved by my father on books and appliances.

Every day, the young man studied science in the Chertkovo public library.

There he met the founder of Russian cosmism Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov, who replaced him with university professors.

During the first year of his life in Moscow, Tsiolkovsky studied physics and the beginnings of mathematics. Then differential and integral calculus, higher algebra, analytic and spherical geometry.

Later chemistry, mechanics, astronomy.

For three years, Konstantin fully mastered the gymnasium program, as well as a significant part of the university.

By that time, the father could no longer provide for his son's residence in Moscow.

In the fall of 1876, Constantine returned home weakened and emaciated. The harsh conditions and strenuous work also led to visual impairment. After returning home, Tsiolkovsky began to wear glasses. Having regained his strength, Konstantin began to give private lessons in physics and mathematics.

When teaching the lessons, Tsiolkovsky used his own original methods, the main of which was a visual demonstration - Konstantin made paper models of polyhedrons for geometry lessons, together with his students he conducted numerous experiments in physics lessons, which earned the fame of a teacher who explained well and clearly the material in the classroom. always interesting.

Immediately after arriving in Ryazan in 1878, Konstantin passed a medical commission and was released from military service due to deafness.

To continue working as a teacher, a certain, documented qualification was required.

In the fall of 1879, at the First Provincial Gymnasium, Tsiolkovsky held an external exam for the district teacher of mathematics.

Tsiolkovsky with his family

In the summer of 1880, Konstantin married the daughter of the owner of the room, her name was Varvara Evgrafovna Sokolova.

Tsiolkovsky worked as a teacher at the Borovsk district school, and continued his research at home: he worked on manuscripts, made drawings, set up experiments.


in wall paintings

the city of Borovsk.

Tsiolkovsky developed a balloon of his own design (1885-1886). It was a new and original airship design with a thin metal shell.

Tsiolkovsky gave drawings of general views of the balloon and some important components of its design. Soon a letter came with a proposal to speak at the Moscow Polytechnic Museum at a meeting of the Physics Department of the Society of Natural Science Lovers

On April 23, 1887, on the day of Tsiolkovsky's return from Moscow, where he made a report on a metal airship of his own design, a fire broke out in his house, which killed manuscripts, models, drawings, a library, as well as all the Tsiolkovsky property, with the exception of a sewing machine. which was thrown through the window into the courtyard.

It was a hard blow for Konstantin Eduardovich, he expressed his thoughts and feelings in the manuscript "Prayer".

On January 27, 1892, “one of the most capable and zealous teachers” was transferred to the district school in the city of Kaluga.

Tsiolkovsky lived there for the rest of his life. From 1892 he worked as a teacher of arithmetic and geometry at the Kaluga district school

In Kaluga, Tsiolkovsky wrote his main works on astronautics, the theory of jet propulsion, space biology and medicine.

He also continued to work on the theory of a metal airship.

From that moment until his death, Tsiolkovsky was exclusively engaged in his research, the dissemination of his ideas, the implementation of projects.

In Kaluga, Tsiolkovsky also did not forget about science, astronautics and aeronautics.

He built a special installation that made it possible to measure some of the aerodynamic parameters of aircraft.

Since the Physico-Chemical Society did not allocate a penny for his experiments, the scientist had to use the family funds to conduct research.

The first fifteen years of the 20th century were the most difficult in the life of a scientist. In 1902, his son Ignatius was killed.

In 1908, during the flood of the Oka, his house was flooded, many cars, exhibits were disabled, and numerous unique calculations were lost.

On June 5, 1919, the Council of the Russian Society of Amateurs of World Studies accepted K.E. Tsiolkovsky as a member and, as a member of the scientific society, he was assigned a pension. This saved him from starvation during the years of devastation.

The Physicochemical Society also did not appreciate the significance and revolutionary nature of the models presented by Tsiolkovsky. In 1923, his second son, Alexander, also died.

Only in 1923, after the publication

German physicist Hermann Obert

space flights and rocket

engines, Soviet authorities

remembered the scientist.

After that, the living and working conditions of Tsiolkovsky

have changed radically. Drew on him

attention of the party leadership of the country.

He was assigned a personal pension and

provided the opportunity for fruitful


In 1918 Tsiolkovsky was elected to the ranks of the competing members of the Socialist Academy of Social Sciences (in 1924 it was renamed the Communist Academy), and on November 9, 1921, the scientist was awarded a life pension for his services to national and world science.

This pension was paid until September 19, 1935 - on that day, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky died in his hometown of Kaluga.

"A rocket for me is only a method, only a method of penetrating into the depths of space, but by no means an end in itself ... There will be a different way of movement in space - I will accept it too ... The whole point is in resettlement from the Earth and in the colonization of space."

From this statement by K.E. Tsiolkovsky, an important conclusion follows - the future of mankind is associated with the conquest of the vastness of the Universe: "The Universe belongs to man!"

Sources of illustrations:

  • www.bolesmir.ru
  • www.tonnel.ru
  • http://blog42.ru/
  • http://ethics.hindischool.info/
  • http://bucharsky.ru/photos/13/118/
  • http://badnews.org.ru/news/okkultnyj_stalin_chast_3/2011-01-04-5832
  • http://www.tishchenko.ru/rus/ciolkovsky1.htm
  • http://epizodsspace.airbase.ru/bibl/istochnik/2003/tsiol.html
  • http://wap.fictionbook.ru/author/anton_pervushin/okkultniyyi_stalin/read_online.htm
  • http: // my-borovsk.rf / Abitante / Cohort / Tsyolkovski.aspx
  • http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4283080/post187041302/

Sources of text information:

  • http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Tsiolkovsky, _Konstantin_Eduardovich
  • Biographies. The life story of great people. K.E. Tsiolkovsky. http://www.tonnel.ru
  • Konstantin Tsiolkovsky: reflections on life

Alekseev V.I. Internet magazine.

MOU "Brontsevskaya secondary school"

Elena Zagorodnykh
Quiz "160th anniversary of the birth of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky"

The father of modern astronautics.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky

In the family of the forester Edward Ignatovich and Maria Ivanovna Yudasheva (graduated from high school and taught children at home, E. K had an older brother, younger brother and sister.

At the age of 9, while sledding in winter, he caught a cold and fell ill with scarlet fever, a complication occurred and he partially lost his hearing - he was deaf. In 1869, together with his younger brother Ignatiy, he entered the men's Vyatka gymnasium, in the second grade he remained for the second year, and in the third grade he was expelled. From that moment on, he no longer visits educational establishments, but is engaged exclusively independently (uses exclusively his father's library “The best friends are books: ) At the same time, he joined technical and scientific creativity - he made his own Astrolabe - an ancient astronomical device that allows you to calculate at what height the stars are relative to the surface of our planet) He made a home lathe at the age of 14, self-propelled carriages and locomotives, at the age of 15 - balloon.

In 1873 he was 16 years old, through friends of his father Konstantin goes to Moscow to enter a technical school (now the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, but for unknown reasons does not enter. He remains in Moscow, rents a room and begins to independently master the gymnasium program and part of the university program took him 3 years. Living on bread and water, From the 10-15 rubles a month sent by his father, he bought bread for 90 kopecks, always moved only on foot. He studied differential and integral calculus, higher algebra, analytical and spherical geometry, then astronomy, mechanics and chemistry). He gains knowledge in the only free library of that time in Moscow - the Devil's Public Library) in which he was every day from 10.00 am to 15.00-16.00 in the evening.

At 19 years old (1876) he returns to his father in Vyatka and begins to engage in tutoring - physics and mathematics. But what were the lessons Konstantin I did everything with my own hands in order to clearly show the taught subject.

To continue working as a teacher, it was necessary to have documents. And in the fall of 1879 he passed the exam for the county teacher of mathematics as an external student at the First Provincial Gymnasium. According to the distribution, he is sent to the village of Borovskoye, Ryazan region. At that time he was 22 years old.

It is in Borovsky that K.E creates a family, the wife of Varvara Sokolov, in total, he had 7 children.

He begins to work at the Borovsk district school, taught arithmetic and geometry, led lessons: came up with exciting problems and set up amazing experiences. (I launched a balloon several times with "Gondola" (one-oar flat-bottomed boat), in which there was a burning torch, to heat the air)

The first scientific work was written in the town of Borovskoye 1880 "Theory of gases" was transferred to the Russian Physicochemical Society, but an answer was received from DI Mendeleev that the theory of gases was discovered 25 years ago. K. E does not give up, writes the second "Mechanics is like a changeable organism" 1882, but later reprinted in 1920 "Mechanics in Biology", third scientific work "The duration of the radiation of the Sun", he considered the sun as an ideal ball of gas, tried to determine the temperature and pressure at its center, the lifetime of the sun, in his calculations K. E used the law of mechanics (the law of universal gravitation (Newton's law 1664) and gas dynamics - the Boyle-Mariott law).

In 1885, at the age of 28, he decided to take up aeronautics and develop a metal controlled balloon. The work was called "Theory and Experience of a Balloon with a Horizontal Elongated Shape". The airship was filled with hot air and rose into the air. K. E made all his models from corrugated metal and wire frame models. And the experiments required significant funds, but there was no support from the Society of Natural History Lovers, there was another attempt to protect your airship big job "Controlled metal balloon", but again there was no result.

In 1887. K. E writes a short story "On the moon"- the first science fiction work. About how he and his friend a physicist get to the moon, where the author describes lunar landscapes, a view of heaven and earth, a solar eclipse.

K.E was fond of photography, made and flew kites ( aircraft held from the ground with a rope (tight rope) and lifted by the force of the wind.) In winter, he loved to ski and skate, he came up with an umbrella ride on a frozen river "Sail", soon made a sled with a sail on this principle.

Since 1892, K. E was transferred to Kaluga, where he lived until the end of his days.

In 1895, K. E devotes more time to the study of space. "Dreams of the earth and the sky" and 1896 "Exploration of outer space using a jet engine"... In these works, he describes the features of the composition of the fuel for rocket engines, the possibility of transporting cargo into space. In another work: to give the rocket the required space velocity, you need "Rocket trains"... We now call them multistage rockets. When the rocket's first stage fuel is used up, it separates and falls to Earth. The second stage engines propel the rocket further.

Here he writes major works on astronautics, the theory of jet propulsion, space biology and medicine. And again the theory of the metal airship.

K. E has built over 100 experimental models and tested them. Reflections on flight options in airless space and space exploration.

More than 400 scientific papers have been created.

Surprisingly, without practically any instruments, KE accurately calculated the optimal altitude for a flight around the Earth - this is an interval from three hundred to eight hundred kilometers above the Earth. It is in these intervals that modern space flights take place.

160 years from the day birth of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky(September 17, 1857 - September 19, 1935)


2. How many years did KE live? (78)

3. How many brothers did KE have? (three: elder Dmitry, younger Ignatius and sister Ekaterina)

4. Who did the father work Eduard Ignatievich? What did the mother of Maria Ivanovna Yumasheva work as? (forester, mother from noble family, knew Latin, mathematics - graduated from high school and taught children at home)

5. What caused K. E to lose his hearing? (caught a cold in winter, fell ill with scarlet fever, there was a complication)

6. How did the future founder of cosmonautics study (male Vyatka gymnasium?

7. Best friends and teachers at the time of his studies he had ... ( books: "They generously endowed with knowledge and no reproaches")

8. What did KE make on his own at home? (astrolabe, home lathe at 14, self-propelled carriages and locomotives, at 15 - balloon)

9. How many kopecks did he live in a month? 1873-1876 Moscow (90 kopecks - he gave for bread for renting an apartment, his father sent 10-15 rubles a month. (For our money it is 30 thousand rubles.) I came to enter a technical school, now the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman)

10. In which library does K.E. get his first knowledge (the only free library of that time in Moscow - Devil's Public Library)

11. How many years did you master the gymnasium program and part of the university program? (three years - differential and integral calculus, higher algebra, analytical and spherical geometry, then astronomy, mechanics and chemistry)

12. What subjects did you start teaching at home? (physics and mathematics)

13. How old was K. E in 1879 when he passed exams as an external teacher of mathematics in the city of Ryazan? (22)

14. What was the name of the first scientific work he wrote? ( "Theory of gases") (having transferred his work to the Russian Physicochemical Society, received an answer from D.I Mendeleev that the theory of gases was discovered 25 years ago.)

15. What kinds of art did he like to do? (photography, making and flying kites)

16. How many children did he have with Sokolova Varvara Egrafovna (7)

17. What troubles destroyed all the property and the library Tsiolkovsky? (fire in 1887 and 1907 Oka overflowed the banks and flooded the house)

18. What science fiction story did K. E write? (story "On the moon")

19. How many scientific papers have been created in a lifetime? (400 scientific papers on the theory of rocketry)

20. How many experimental models were built and which he tested? (More than 100 models)

21. What material was the model of the airship made of? (corrugated metal)

22. What is the name of the Minor Planet? (minor planet 1590 "Tsiolkovskaja")

23. What theory did he put forward Tsiolkovsky at the expense of interplanetary communications? ( "Rocket trains" or multistage rockets for delivering cargo to interplanetary orbital stations)

24. What is the optimal altitude for flying around the Earth? (from 300 - 800 kilometers above the Earth)

25. In what city did KE live until the end of his days? (Kaluga).

Valenty Pavel

Project Manager:

Ungefug Natalia Alekseevna


MBOU "School No. 16" Ryazan

author works on literature "Ahead of their century" - to the 160th anniversary of the birth of K.E. Tsiolkovsky dedicated to " focused his attention on thinking about the true innovator in science - Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky.

2017 was marked by the 160th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding researcher, the largest scientist in the field of aeronautics, aviation and astronautics. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was not only a practical scientist, but also a philosopher of science. In his writings, the scientist called for the exploration and settlement of outer space.

The author of the work on literature "Ahead of his century" drew attention to the great dreamer, ahead of his time, but whose name is undeservedly fading from the memory of his contemporaries.

Ahead of its century

To the 160th anniversary of the birth of K.E. Tsiolkovsky dedicated to

Impossible today will be possible tomorrow
K.E. Tsiolkovsky

A desolate land, uninhabitable. The once beautiful, blooming earthly house brings only death: the air is poisoned, all sources of life are exhausted, the rapid or gradual extinction of all living things.

This is how our planet of the future is presented in many modern films. Fiction? Fantastic? No, the cruel truth. This is the logical ending of a stupid, destructive human activity, " creator of nature". And if today serious measures are not taken to save, protect and preserve their native blue planet, tomorrow the earthlings may no longer have it. It is quite obvious that the President of the Russian Federation has declared 2017 the Year of the Environment.

September 17, in a few months, will mark the 160th anniversary of the birth of our great compatriot Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, an outstanding scientist, world-renowned Russian explorer, founder of modern theoretical cosmonautics.
What is common between the declared Year of Ecology and the memorable date of birth of the genius who opened space for us?

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky is known to everyone as rocket inventor, however, few are familiar with its philosophical views, very relevant now.

We, who have been reading science fiction since childhood, living when “ spaceships plow the expanses of the universe ”, it is probably difficult to imagine how new, unusual, unexpected were the ideas of Konstantin Eduardovich more than a hundred years ago. The scientist's view of humanity is as follows: he considers our civilization as a single organism, as a single whole formation.

Humanity goes through several stages in its development. First, the emergence, life and its development on earth. "Z the earth is the cradle of the mind, but you can't live forever in the cradle". Following this logic, we must admit that humanity must "get out of the cradle", that is, beyond the boundaries of the earth.

The space walk is the second phase in the evolution of mankind. Why should we leave our home? KE Tsiolkovsky gives the answer in his work with the prophetic title "The Future of the Earth and Humanity".

Back in 1927, K.E. Tsiolkovsky reflected on the issues of changing the human environment and his active adaptation to new conditions of existence.
It's amazing, but 90 years ago, a scientist predicts changes in the ecological situation on planet Earth and expresses the idea of ​​the need to find new settlements on other planets.

Now we are anxiously aware that human activities negatively affect the world, which is why serious ecological problems that were previously unknown to society, for example, the depletion of the ozone layer. There is probably not a single sane person who would not understand that many factors can lead to the death of the planet. Thus, the reflections of K.E. Tsiolkovsky about the life of people far beyond the Earth.

In his research, the scientist makes the following forecast of the future of the planet: the Earth will be transformed, as “in parallel or simultaneously will develop: man, science and technology. From the one, the other and the third, the appearance of the Earth is transformed. "

« Only when the population of the Earth increases a thousand times, man will become the master of the soil, ocean, air, weather, plants and himself.". The scientist spoke about the society of the future as highly organized with rational use natural resources... He represents the man of the future as an intelligent and zealous master of nature, who not only skillfully uses its resources, but also constantly cares about their renewal.

« The land should be declared common property. And there should not be a person who would not have the right to her».

KE Tsiolkovsky wrote that the society of the future can be built when peace on Earth will prevail. “... the person will be alive, healthy and happy. Then he can and will multiply, filling the Earth and spreading his dominance over it.».

According to the scientist, the main goal of all science, all knowledge is to answer the question of how to make people happy?

Konstantin Eduardovich attaches great importance in his research to wise use of energy natural resources ... “The forces of nature will be attracted on a huge scale for the benefit of man: waterfalls, falling and flow of waters in rivers, winds, waves of water and air, temperature differences in land, water and atmosphere, oceanic ebbs and flows…. that is, not the same voltage of electricity in different parts of the earth, the inner warmth of the globe. "

Nature has always helped man, and the scientist hoped that people would learn how to use her gifts correctly.

K.E. Tsiolkovsky assumed that in the future people will be able to create highly productive agricultural plants with given properties, in which a certain amount of fiber, protein, starch, and trace elements will be controlled.

The scientist foresaw transport with great speeds in the future, which will ensure the rapid movement of people. For example, he dreamed that the path from Moscow to Leningrad could be covered in half an hour. Currently, the duration of a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg by plane is 60 minutes, in addition, high-speed trains have been launched. And I think that in the future the travel time will be halved.

To the 160th anniversary of K.E. Tsiolkovsky

September 17, 2017 marks the 160th anniversary of the birth Konstantin Tsiolkovsky- an outstanding Russian Soviet scientist, the founder of theoretical cosmonautics, who paved the way for mankind into space.

Life did not spoil Konstantin Eduardovich, it is widely known that he almost completely lost his hearing as a child. This disadvantage prevented the future scientist from receiving a complete education, he was expelled from the gymnasium and never studied anywhere else. But this did not prevent him from devoting his whole life to studies in the exact sciences and self-education. Probably, the inability to communicate normally with peers pushed the child to other activities - to creativity, invention, skill. Even then, Konstantin began to independently make watches, toys, dolls. Later, at the age of 14, the future scientist independently made a lathe, and at the age of 15 he made a balloon with his own hand.

Seeing the inclinations of his son, his father sent him to enter the Moscow Higher Technical School, but he never entered there, but continued to engage in self-education already in Moscow, in the only free public library. Here he was greatly helped by N.F. Fedorov, he recommended books to Constantine (including those prohibited by the tsarist censorship), which greatly influenced the worldview.

For three years in the library, Tsiolkovsky independently mastered the entire gymnasium program and most university. Daily after study scientific literature he read topical journalism on social themes, paying no less attention to this occupation than to science. He enthusiastically read the works of Shakespeare, Turgenev, Leo Tolstoy.

In Moscow, he had to live from hand to mouth, but he could afford such a life only while his father worked and sent him money. However, his father's health worsened, he was about to retire. Therefore, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky returns home to Vyatka. He returned weakened, thinner and with vision spoiled from constant reading.

Hard work on himself allowed Tsiolkovsky to become a teacher of mathematics, at the age of 23 his first scientific articles on physics and chemistry were published, which were highly appreciated by many professors of St. Petersburg University, as well as D.I. Mendeleev. Later he managed to make an aircraft with his own hands. When I worked as teachers in Borovsk, I basically did not take money for private lessons.

The modern scientific community appreciates Tsiolkovsky as a great scientist, philosopher and researcher. But now they stubbornly close their eyes to the fact that Konstantin Eduardovich met with great joy October revolution and the formation of the Soviet state. In his memoirs, he wrote that he could not help this process in any way only because of a serious health condition.
Bourgeois agitators like to say that in 1919 the Chekists came to his apartment with a search, and he himself was taken to the Lubyanka. It is less pleasant for them to inform that he was released some time after the necessary check. And that in 1924 the scientist was elected to the Communist Academy, that three years earlier the Soviet government awarded him a pension, which saved him from starvation.

Those who installed an Orthodox cross on the territory of MEPhI will probably not like the fact that Tsiolkovsky was an open opponent of religion, which is why the scientist was constantly oppressed and substituted by his colleagues when he worked as a teacher during the tsarist regime. He liked to say: “there is no creator god, but there is a cosmos that produces suns, planets and living beings: There is no omnipotent god, but there is a universe that controls the fate of all celestial bodies and their inhabitants. There are no sons of God, but there are mature and therefore intelligent and perfect sons of the cosmos. There are no personal gods, but there are chosen rulers: planets, solar systems, star groups, milky ways, etheric islands and the whole cosmos. There is no Christ, but there is a man of genius, a great teacher of mankind. "

In his memoirs, the scientist highly appreciates the teachings of Marx and Engels and the historical role of V.I. Lenin. Konstantin Eduardovich considered Ilyich a wise fighter against injustice, a ruthless fighter against imperialism, a great humanist, he writes that Lenin "dearly loved people - simple workers whom the capitalists put below animals." He was very sorry that he had never been able to meet with the leader of the world proletariat and shake his hand. Tsiolkovsky kept in touch with M. Gorky and M.I. Kalinin. In conversations with him, the scientist said that Lenin cannot be separated from the people, he even advised sculptors not to sculpt single figures of Lenin: “If I were a sculptor, I would not have sculpted him alone with an outstretched hand, but always with people, in conversation with walkers or seeing off Red Army men ... ". Whenever Tsiolkovsky was asked the question: "Whom do you respect most?", They expected to hear the names of Copernicus, Lomonosov or Mendeleev, but the scientist's answer was short and clear: "Lenin!" He substantiated this answer in the following way: “You must have noticed that I am not respectful to the authorities: it happened to disagree and mentally argue with Shakespeare, Einstein, Newton. But Lenin's authority is unshakable for me. There was a time when I did not know Lenin, and when I knew him, I recognized him once and for all as a genius of the human race. Do you understand? A great man. " Tsiolkovsky deeply appreciated Lenin not only as a politician, but also as a scientist and as a person. He believed that the future of science is impossible without Lenin. From a universal human point of view, Tsiolkovsky treated Lenin as a scientist with high erudition, considered him a sensual and caring family man. He called the leader of the revolution a man of the future, a pure heart and a deep mind, a person. In conclusion, he said that it was Marx and Lenin who founded the struggle of mankind against the "high category of wreckers" - the capitalists.

K.E. Tsiolkovsky made an invaluable contribution to the development of Russian science. Modern Russian realities are such that the current government likes to cling to the achievements of the Soviet era. So in Kaluga "Roskosmos" will hold a solemn event dedicated to this memorable date... But it is unlikely that Konstantin Eduardovich would appreciate such respect, he would hardly be glad that modern leaders of the space industry send the relics of Seraphim of Sarov to the ISS and pour holy water on the rockets before launch. The name of Tsialkovsky in our time cannot be reduced to scientific achievements alone. It should become a symbol of an irreconcilable struggle against the clericalization of science and for the socialization of its achievements for the benefit of the whole society.

Yuri Lupikov



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