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Vernon Wolf - Holodynamics. How to develop and manage your inner personal power. Holodynamics. How to Develop and Manage Your Inner Personality Power Vernon Woolf biography

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Vernon Wolf
Holodynamics. How to develop and manage your inner personal power

Instead of a preface

In every person there is a place free from disease, fear, depression, it never experiences pain, cannot age or die. When we reach this place, our modest possibilities become truly incredible, because there is nothing to limit them. Visits to this place can be very short, or they can last for many years. But even the shortest visit can make a profound change in you. While you are there, ideas that are true for ordinary existence change, and opportunities open up for a new being, higher and more harmonious. This book is addressed to people who would like to explore this new existence, to make it a reality. own life and constantly support it. It is necessary to tune in to any book in order to expect from it exactly what it can give, and not to have expectations that are contrary to its internal task and genre, which results in mutual misunderstanding between the author and reader, and even disappointment. If everything is in order and there are no problems, then you are a rare lucky person and you can safely put this book aside - you do not need it. But it is possible that you, say, have not yet decided what you will do in life. Or you feel that you are not always stronger than your emotions. Or you worry about your character, unhappy relationships with your loved ones. If so, then there may be a problem. It is not easy to dismiss them, but it is difficult to decide without having the keys. I will try to give you the key to the proposed book. This is the most beautiful adventure of your life. Four years ago, Vernon Wolf invited me on this fascinating journey. He showed me and many of my friends a place where the usual laws of our existence do not apply, categorically stating that everyone's destiny is to have problems in life, become decrepit and die from these problems. And so it was and will be from century to century, and this is called reality. He invited us to transform this “reality” and become the first in a “country” where joy, youth, harmony, happiness flourish all the time, where weakness, fear, illness do not exist and are simply impossible. At that moment, I asked myself, if such a place exists in principle, what prevents me from going there? Neither mountains and impenetrable forests, nor the endless desert, but just the usual collective worldview that we were taught by parents, teachers, society. This worldview is nothing more than a universal suggestion that creates an illusion in which we all agree to participate. The deepest reality you know of is the one from which you draw your strength. For one who is conscious only of the material world, his power is limited by the material forces. But at a deeper level, there is a power that shapes his mind and body, the power of evolution. To get in touch with the basis of life, you need to get in touch with this all-encompassing power of the universe. This power expresses itself in your own creativity. As long as your existence is dominated by creation, you will grow and develop. Evolution discards entropy, collapse and chaos. Most creative people in every field come to understand this. They grow up with the full consciousness that they themselves are the source of their power, and regardless of their vocation and activity, they have common features that unite them. Vernon Wolfe calls these the principles of holodinamics and presents the eight most powerful principles in the universe. These eight principles show us how creative our lives are. Whether we ascend in our life in a stream leading to the disclosure of our Full Potential, to harmony, or we go in a stream leading to chaos, decay. If you hold this book in your hands, perhaps now is the very moment when you are ready for your most wonderful adventure in life. This is the key. From now on, you can choose to really know and get what you really want.

Shatskikh Yu.I.

Project Manager

"School of new leaders"


Holodynamics by Vernon Woolf is an exploration of the obstacles and limitations that impair a person's life and prevent him from fully and creatively engaging with friends, family, society and, of course, the whole world. People become enslaved by these behavior patterns; but they are shackled by chains that they themselves have created, says Woolf. The main question of his book is: how can people free themselves?

As a physicist, I cannot comment on the psychotherapeutic value of Woolf's work - this is not within my competence. But I believe that physicists are responsible for rooting a certain world view, a view that has driven a wedge between our thinking and feeling, mind and body, between us and society, and between society and the entire planet. This worldview, which goes beyond science, has destroyed the meaning of life and left us with a sense of emptiness and powerlessness.

More than two hundred years ago, Newton, standing on the shoulders of the giants who came before him, created a vast and comprehensive theory of the universe. But Newton's vision was essentially mechanistic in nature - everything that existed was built from small elements that were in interaction with each other; everything that happened had a mechanical cause, and every cause had a predictable definite result. The universe was a giant clockwork, and there seemed to be no place in it for men and women with their dreams and desires. This mechanistic vision has become an example for other sciences that strive for the rigor of physics. The Newtonian vision of physics extends even further - the philosopher, scientist and politician John Locke described himself as a "gardener" working in the shadow of "the incomparable Mr. Newton"; even Sigmund Freud tried to base his theory of psychoanalysis on a rigorous scientific model. Psychopathology had to be seen in terms of flows, barriers, balances, obstacles, suppression of energy.

What began as a purely scientific description of the movement of planets and cannonballs has come to have a very strong impact on our lives. It affected the very way we saw ourselves. It dehumanized the universe, placed us outside of it as objective observers whose goal was to predict, control and suppress nature. From this objective position, observing the dead, mechanical world, we could no longer enter into the vital essence of things, we were expelled from our own bodies and even from our senses. Believing that change could only be caused by a mechanical cause, and that this disunity could only be overcome by force, we were alienated from the universe. But Vernon Wolfe and others are now saying that this period of isolation is ending and that we now see ourselves empowered to change our lives and enter fully into the future of our planet. A gap in this heap of thoughts appeared in the first decade of this century, when the Newtonian worldview was shattered by a new understanding of quantum theory. But this understanding has yet to spread out of physics and transform our habitual view of nature and ourselves. Readers have probably heard that God plays dice with the world, that the electron has a curious particle-wave duality, or that there is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. But they may be less aware of the central revolutionary premise of quantum theory—that in any perception, the observer and the observed are one and defy analysis. Quantum theory gave a new integrity to our view of nature - men and women are no longer outside the universe as isolated observers, but are enclosed in the very heart of nature, as full participants. To expand on this metaphor, let's say that mind and body have become one, thinking and feeling are no longer separate. The universe is also no longer deterministic and predictable. From now on, we will operate within nature in a completely new way.

Even the very foundations of matter began to change. Physicist David Bohm speaks of "the movement of the whole" as the cause of the flow from which everything unfolds. Today, matter is not seen as something solid and immovable, but as structures in a flow. The elements of this new reality are like a whirlpool that forms in a river. This whirlpool may have the appearance of an independent formation, but nevertheless it owes its birth, death and continued existence to the flowing river. Woolf's Holodines are images of this whirlpool. Nor can the patterns of our lives be seen as fixed and unchanging anymore—they are all manifestations of the underlying creative flow, and for that reason they themselves are subject to change.

The new view suggests that matter and mind are no longer separate, in fact, they can be different aspects of a single, unifying process. Just as matter is constantly forming and disintegrating, so thought and mind are in a constant process of birth and death. But just like certain material forms tend to persist and become "habits" and inertia of the material world, just as within the current movement of thought certain forms crystallize and solidify. The problem is that these forms don't spontaneously change with the world around them. They continue to evoke habitual responses and fixed patterns of behavior that are irrelevant or fragmented when taken out of the context of an evolving family life or work situation. Ultimately, these rigidities, or “holodines,” as Woolf calls them, spread into social and political life, causing the tension, conflict, and violence that we see in the world around us.

Wolfe's new vision suggests that we are not inevitably stuck inside these holodines. They are part of a deeper current, so if they begin to dominate our lives, it is because we are actually giving them our energy - we are constantly forging the chains that bind us. But change is possible. We can put an end to our past. Holodynamics replaces a frozen, deterministic worldview with a viable and creative one.

F. David Peet


This book is the quintessence of two decades of research and practical experience. Principles and processes have improved over the years that I have worked as a psychotherapist, and I am eternally grateful to all my patients. To all of those who apply this information in various communities and private programs, and to the thousands of people who use it in their personal lives, and to those who are part of the network of unprecedented support that surrounds this book, to all of them I express my heartfelt thanks. I would like to pay special tribute to:

To my publisher Geoffrey Lockridge, whose depth and breadth of understanding helped to refine and condense these findings, and to Laurel Gregory and her group at Harbinger House, who provided the detailed professional assistance needed to publish the book.

To my family, whose help and support made it possible for me to write this book, and whose love made possible the birth of the science of holodinamics, and to my mother, Lena Ros, who laid the enlightened foundation and set an example for my life path.


I would like to introduce you to the eight most powerful principles in the universe.

These principles are practical. They were tested again and again. They work. They work for individual person, for families, for business. They work outside. They help solve some of the deepest problems facing humanity. And because they work, they give hope for the future.

They were not always obvious to me when I was called late at night to work with people in crisis, or when I knelt beside a drug addict or alcoholic on the street, or when I gave advice to parents of teenagers in trouble or assisted in therapy. by freeing people from feelings of intense anger. But gradually, year after year, I came to understand that something very powerful is at work in each of us, and that every life, no matter how tragic or brilliant, unfolds according to these same basic principles.

Eight principles of holodinamics

1. The Universe is holodinamical. All matter, energy and mind - past, present and future - are parts of one dynamic whole.

2. The universe contains living thought forms called "holodines" that have the power to manifest reality in all dimensions.

3. The Universe has an underlying order - Inherent Order.

4. Within this Imposed Order, mind, holodine, humans, and all manifested reality go through the same six stages of development.

5. Manifest reality has both a "partial" and a "wave" function, which the mind reflects through its rational and intuitive processes, respectively.

6. Change occurs holodinamically: to change any holodine means to change the physics of the mind; to change the physics of the mind means to change the physics of the universe - past, present and future.

7. Each person has a main, controlling holodine, called "I" or "Higher Potential".

8. Holodynamics of the mind can be applied systematically to any problem of human experience.

As I increasingly gained a sense of what actually worked for people, how they “became” themselves, how they identified with health and growth, how they solved their problems, and then how relationships—and even systems— matured and resolved their problems, I found that these principles were universal: they were used at all levels of human experience.

In order to understand holodinamics, I had to go beyond conventional thinking—beyond psychology, philosophy, religion, and the Newtonian worldview—to the new sciences of the Quantum Age.

My own experience has taught me that intuition is the greatest gift I could ever have as a therapist; that all the rational training I received as a psychotherapist was of little use in treating and helping on the street. Somehow, it was the intuition that was important. But how can one explain intuition from a rational point of view? Sometimes I intuitively felt what the problem was, even if I had little rational information about it. This deep feeling began to delight me. I was learning how to apply my sensory processes to the intuitive part of my mind. It opened doors that had never been opened before. Learning to use my senses in relation to my intuitive mind was one of the greatest experiences of my life, I found myself owning the largest computer I could ever imagine. It was my intuitive mind - my right brain - which perceived the fullness of things from a "wave" perspective, which dealt with objects and concepts as part of a single dynamic whole.

From quantum physics, I learned that there is an underlying order that pervades the universe, and some pervasive force that has manifested itself in the dual nature of reality: as a "particle" and as a "wave."

From holography, I learned how the brain stores memories; from evolutionists, how the mind developed according to certain stages; from neurologists - how the mind has a causal (causal) potency.

From the dynamics of fluid bodies, I learned how the "shape" within the "flow" affects the entire flow; from topology - how form can be changed without changing function; from chaos theory - that any chaotic system is integral part more than high level and has its own hidden order within it.

Then everything fell into place.

I looked at the mind in terms of quantum theory and began to understand how it has a direct impact on reality.

I searched for 'forms' within the 'flow' of thought and thus found 'holodine' and then 'Full Potential Self' - 'Self'.

I needed a mind map and a way to apply it to the dynamics of human experience, and that's how the "Mind Model" and "space phasing" came about.

I needed a process to help the primitive holodine mature within the mind, and another to help a person reach his or her full potential in the outside world, and so "tracking" and "potentialization" came into being.

It was also necessary for me to state in an understandable form how everything works within the order of things, and so the "principles of holodinamics" appeared.

At the very core of these principles, at the most fundamental level of personal existence, is the power that I call "I". It is in each of us. It is you at your full potential - your "Full Potential Self" - the seed within you that unfolds, grows and blossoms throughout your experience.

The "I" cannot be potentialized in isolation. It is holodinamical: both individually and universally - an inseparable part of a single, dynamic whole.

Through the processes of tracking and potentializing, you can align yourself with your Self so that your life unfolds naturally and freely towards its full potential. These processes, calibrated and fine-tuned over the years, proved invaluable from the very beginning. I teach these principles to thousands of people, therapists, doctors, teachers, and business people across the country, and teach others how to teach them.

Here, for the first time, I have explained tracking and potentialization and the principles behind them so that everyone can learn how to use them.

The Mind Model and space phasing will help you solve "unsolvable" problems. You will discover through holodinamics how you can create reality—in harmony with yourself, with others, and with the entire universe.

Chapter 1
Key points

The power of "I"

To start studying holodinamics (“HOLO” means whole and “DYNAMICS” means force in action), I want to first focus your attention on the concept of “I” - the Highest Inner Potential - the primary unit of personality essence and power in the holodynamic Universe and the fulcrum of all human experience. This is your "I", which creates all the circumstances that fill your life, controls your thinking and determines your success. Within your "I" contains all the keys to your past, present and future. Your Self is the seed from which you grow and your Full Potential to which you aspire.

Your "I" is the "fullness" of your essence, hidden within you, and whether it unfolds or not is entirely up to you.

You - your conscious essence - must choose whether your "I" will open or remain closed forever. Every moment of every day, you make a choice, perhaps unconsciously, but you choose undeniably. Every time you focus on something, think, feel or act, you are choosing. Every word you speak reflects a choice you make - sometimes at the deepest level, sometimes superficially - a choice that exists within the order of your mind. Your whole life is created specifically for the disclosure of the "I" within you. Everything you feel and desire is a reflection of your Self.

For example, focus on what you really want. Do you want peace? Do you want more money? Do you want a deeper and more intimate relationship? Do you want more joy in your life? Do you want to be more successful? Better health? More happiness? Do you want to be the best friend? The best parent? The best leader?

How, then, will you leave where you are now and fall into the realm of who you want to be. How will you get from point A to point B? First you must understand that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. You make the same amount of money that you expect to make. You have the very friends you chose. What you experience in life is the result of choices made in the back of your mind, often subconsciously, but in the part of your mind that is intelligent, aware, and attentive. Even your most miserable, painful, and devastating experiences are the result of choices you have made. Not the conscious "You", but the "I" within you. This "I" controls all orders within your mind.

In order to harmonize your consciousness with your "I", it is necessary to achieve the deepest changes in your mind and learn the principles that govern everything. You will establish that your mind is a reflection of the entire universe, that this is, in fact, holodinamics.

Perhaps there is no better reflection of the orders of nature than human mind. It is the clearest, purest, most accessible expression of life on this planet, and also the most complex and confusing. Reason gives us the clearest view of the order of nature within an order.

In every person there is a place free from disease, fear, depression, it never experiences pain, cannot age or die. When we reach this place, our modest possibilities become truly incredible, because there is nothing to limit them. Visits to this place can be very short, or they can last for many years. But even the shortest visit can make a profound change in you. While you are there, ideas that are true for ordinary existence change, and opportunities open up for a new being, higher and more harmonious. This book is addressed to people who would like to explore this new existence, make it a reality of their own lives and constantly support it. It is necessary to tune in to any book in order to expect from it exactly what it can give, and not to have expectations that are contrary to its internal task and genre, which results in mutual misunderstanding between the author and reader, and even disappointment. If everything is in order and there are no problems, then you are a rare lucky person and you can safely put this book aside - you do not need it. But it is possible that you, say, have not yet decided what you will do in life. Or you feel that you are not always stronger than your emotions. Or you worry about your character, unhappy relationships with your loved ones. If so, then there may be a problem. It is not easy to dismiss them, but it is difficult to decide without having the keys. I will try to give you the key to the proposed book. This is the most beautiful adventure of your life. Four years ago, Vernon Wolf invited me on this fascinating journey. He showed me and many of my friends a place where the usual laws of our existence do not apply, categorically stating that everyone's destiny is to have problems in life, become decrepit and die from these problems. And so it was and will be from century to century, and this is called reality. He invited us to transform this “reality” and become the first in a “country” where joy, youth, harmony, happiness flourish all the time, where weakness, fear, illness do not exist and are simply impossible. At that moment, I asked myself, if such a place exists in principle, what prevents me from going there? Neither mountains and impenetrable forests, nor the endless desert, but just the usual collective worldview that we were taught by parents, teachers, society. This worldview is nothing more than a universal suggestion that creates an illusion in which we all agree to participate. The deepest reality you know of is the one from which you draw your strength. For one who is conscious only of the material world, his power is limited by the material forces. But at a deeper level, there is a power that shapes his mind and body, the power of evolution. To get in touch with the basis of life, you need to get in touch with this all-encompassing power of the universe. This power expresses itself in your own creativity. As long as your existence is dominated by creation, you will grow and develop. Evolution discards entropy, collapse and chaos. The most creative people in any field are coming to understand this. They grow up with the full consciousness that they themselves are the source of their power, and regardless of their vocation and activity, they have common features that unite them. Vernon Wolfe calls these the principles of holodinamics and presents the eight most powerful principles in the universe. These eight principles show us how creative our lives are. Whether we ascend in our life in a stream leading to the disclosure of our Full Potential, to harmony, or we go in a stream leading to chaos, decay. If you hold this book in your hands, perhaps now is the very moment when you are ready for your most wonderful adventure in life. This is the key. From now on, you can choose to really know and get what you really want.

Shatskikh Yu.I.

Project Manager

"School of new leaders"


Holodynamics by Vernon Woolf is an exploration of the obstacles and limitations that impair a person's life and prevent him from fully and creatively engaging with friends, family, society and, of course, the whole world. People become enslaved by these behavior patterns; but they are shackled by chains that they themselves have created, says Woolf. The main question of his book is: how can people free themselves?

As a physicist, I cannot comment on the psychotherapeutic value of Woolf's work - that is not my area of ​​expertise. But I believe that physicists are responsible for rooting a certain world view, a view that has driven a wedge between our thinking and feeling, mind and body, between us and society, and between society and the entire planet. This worldview, which goes beyond science, has destroyed the meaning of life and left us with a sense of emptiness and powerlessness.

More than two hundred years ago, Newton, standing on the shoulders of the giants who came before him, created a vast and comprehensive theory of the universe. But Newton's vision was essentially mechanistic in nature - everything that existed was built from small elements that were in interaction with each other; everything that happened had a mechanical cause, and every cause had a predictable definite result. The universe was a giant clockwork, and there seemed to be no place in it for men and women with their dreams and desires. This mechanistic vision has become an example for other sciences that strive for the rigor of physics. The Newtonian vision of physics extends even further—philosopher, scientist, and politician John Locke described himself as a "gardener" working in the shadow of "the incomparable Mr. Newton"; even Sigmund Freud tried to base his theory of psychoanalysis on a rigorous scientific model. Psychopathology had to be seen in terms of flows, barriers, balances, obstacles, suppression of energy.

What began as a purely scientific description of the movement of planets and cannonballs has come to have a very strong impact on our lives. It affected the very way we saw ourselves. It dehumanized the universe, placed us outside of it as objective observers whose goal was to predict, control and suppress nature. From this objective position, observing the dead, mechanical world, we could no longer enter into the vital essence of things, we were expelled from our own bodies and even from our senses. Believing that change could only be caused by a mechanical cause, and that this disunity could only be overcome by force, we were alienated from the universe. But Vernon Wolfe and others are now saying that this period of isolation is ending and that we now see ourselves empowered to change our lives and enter fully into the future of our planet. A gap in this heap of thoughts appeared in the first decade of this century, when the Newtonian worldview was shattered by a new understanding of quantum theory. But this understanding has yet to spread out of physics and transform our habitual view of nature and ourselves. Readers have probably heard that God plays dice with the world, that the electron has a curious particle-wave duality, or that there is the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. But they may be less aware of the central revolutionary premise of quantum theory - that in any perception, the observer and the observed are one and defy analysis. Quantum theory has given a new wholeness to our view of nature - men and women are no longer outside the universe as isolated observers, but are trapped in the very heart of nature as full participants. To expand on this metaphor, let's say that mind and body have become one, thinking and feeling are no longer separate. The universe is also no longer deterministic and predictable. From now on, we will operate within nature in a completely new way.

~ Holodynamics ~

Dance of Life - Can I fit in?

The Dance of Life - May I Cut In?

Vernon Wolf Translated from English and general version by L. Khokhlova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences

~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~


What could be better than Holodynamics? Only - Holodynamics! The six-year-old girl Zhenya gathered her dolls and told them: “Listen, holodinamics is an art. I really want to study all this. This is an extraordinary miracle! If you just sit, you won’t learn anything. .I give you love!" This girl is real, she participated more than once in seminars on holodinamics, which were attended by her mother, grandmother and grandmother's sister. They had a lot of problems. And now there are no less of them, but they already know how to solve them. And those "old" ones have long been resolved. They are no longer the helpless women they once were. At that distant time, one of them survived a divorce from her husband, the other - a child unloved and abandoned by her father. The third mother tried to destroy in the womb until the eight-month gestation. In the post-war years, who needed an "extra mouth" in a family that already had children? The resentment that has passed through her whole life received her energy in the womb, bringing the woman to a neurosis. Now all this is behind.

"You won't have children!" - it sounds like a sentence. Is it easy for a woman to hear? Long years of walking to different specialists. Until... Holodynamics! Now my daughter is growing! “They paid, repaid the debt”, “The family was connected”, “I look at life differently”, “The tumor is gone”, “I feel that everything is fine!”

Where is it from? "Inside you there is a galaxy of miracles" - says Dr. Vernon Wolfe, an American psychotherapist, author of a number of books on psychology and psychotherapy. "Sitting at your round table, you can do amazing things!"

Six years ago, Vernon Wolfe invited citizens of the disintegrating USSR on these exciting journeys. Holodynamics and its author came at the moment when the seams of the state, which occupied one sixth of the land, were cracking. And the first International Conference on holodinamics was held in Russia in Moscow, when the volleys on the White House had just died down. October 1993

Vernon Wolfe suggested that all people living in this reality should solve their own problems and, at the same time, get in touch with the basis of life - with the All-Encompassing Power of the Universe. Holodynamics is the quintessence of two decades of research and practical experience by Vernon Woolf. The principles and processes of Holodynamics have been perfected in the experience of working with thousands of people. These principles are practical, there are eight of them.

They are tested again and again by thousands of people. They work for each individual, for the family, for the business. They work outside. They help solve the deepest problems facing humanity.

To understand holodinamics, one must go beyond the usual thinking - beyond traditional psychology, philosophy, religion, worldview based on Newton's laws - to the new sciences of the quantum age. Neurophysiology, mathematics, physics, biology, information theory, topology, holography, analytical psychology and much more formed the basis of holodinamics. This is not just the traditional reference to theoretical foundations. This is digesting - the processing of the richest information flows. Vernon Wolfe managed to rethink all this in such a way that it is difficult to say where holodinamics came from, which of the sciences gave birth to it. But why did she come?

Vernon Wolf proposed an original concept of self-improvement of the individual. He offered simple, effective methods to make your life and the life of your loved ones happy. The recommendations turned out to be so effective in practice that they aroused great interest among people interested in a fuller disclosure of their inner potential, mastering new approaches to spiritual improvement.

The well-known physicist F. David Peat in the preface to the book by V. Wulff "Holodynamics. How to become the master of your own power" (1990, in Russian 1995 Moscow) writes that more than two hundred years ago Newton created an extensive comprehensive theory of the Universe . But Newton's vision was mechanical in nature - everything that existed was built from small elements that interacted with each other. This mechanical vision became an example for other sciences. It has affected the way we see ourselves. From this objective position, observing the mechanical world, we could no longer enter into the vital essence of things, we were expelled from our bodies and even from our senses. The new view suggests that matter and mind are no longer separate, in fact they can be different aspects of one unifying whole.

Our physical Universe does not actually consist of the so-called "matter" at all, its main component is energy, force. Objects seem to us solid and separated from each other at the level that our senses have.

But at more subtle levels, gradually going deeper into the atom and smaller particles, we discover that everything is energy... We are all part of a single energy field. Objects that we perceive as solid and separate are various forms of all-pervading energy that vibrate at different ranges.

Thought is a relatively subtle, light form of energy and is capable of changing rapidly, faster than matter, which moves and changes slowly. All forms of energy are interconnected and can interact with each other. Today, matter is not seen as solid and immobile, but as a structure in flux. Physicist David Bohm speaks of "the movement of the whole" as the cause of the flow from which everything unfolds. The proposed concept of "holodine" by Dr. W. Wolf, is considered by him as a thought form that has the power to be the cause of things. Holodine are single complexes of quantum power, having both "partial, linear" and "wave" function and direct access in both physical and quantum dimensions.

To explain and illustrate how holodines function and interact with each other, W. Wolf proposed a Model of the Mind, which gives a map of the mental space of holodines. The Model of the Mind (see the book Holodynamics. All power in action., M., 1995) distinguishes five aspects of consciousness:

    the right and left hemispheres of the brain together with the connecting "plane";

    system of family traditions;

    system of socio-cultural traditions and views;

    six stages of evolutionary development;

    wave of interest.

Just as matter is constantly forming and disintegrating, so thought and mind are in constant birth and death. As in the material world there is a phenomenon of inertia, so also within the current movement of thoughts certain forms crystallize and freeze. But the problem is that these forms do not spontaneously change following the world around them. They continue to cause habitual reactions and fixed patterns of behavior that eventually spread into social, political life, causing conflicts, tension, violence.

W. Wolf argues that getting stuck inside holodines that bring illness, violence, destruction, crisis and other problems is not inevitable. The mechanisms of how we give energy to these programs and the mechanisms of transformation of holodines have been discovered. The movement of a particle (problem) goes in the movement of large waves, and small wave dynamics develop "inside" each particle. Quantum physicists view particles as "frozen waves," that is, each particle is made up of waves that are contained within freely chosen frames of "linearity."

From the point of view of many scientists (for example, Whitehead, 1933, Chalmers, 1966, Penrose, 1996, etc.), the universe is an interconnected living dynamic system of information and consciousness, as such, is a fundamental part of physical reality. Penrose suggests that the phenomenon of quantum gravity collage may explain how information self-organizes into stable forms. From the point of view of W. Wolf, holodines are self-organizing information systems, and it is holodines that are the mechanisms that convert energy and information from the unmanifested world into forms understandable to the manifested. One of the primary mechanisms that ensure the formation and storage of holodines is located in aquatic environment microtubules. The microtubules, proposed by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hammeroff as the basis of cell structure, are the mechanisms of consciousness for all life forms. Microtubules provide a secure environment where information can be stored, self-organized and communicated to the outside world.

The long experience of W. Wulff's psychotherapeutic practice showed that holodines have four sources of holodine formation. This is genetically transmitted information, this is the influence of the surrounding world through sensory perception, this is one's own creativity and the development of holodines in accordance with the conditions of their existence. Holodine can also come from parallel worlds. These graphic multidimensional holograms of information storage are transmitted through molecular threads and a quantum potential field, thus carrying out the transfer and exchange of information between the manifested and unmanifested worlds.

Holodines are responsible for human behavior and provide visible primary mechanisms of consciousness. They develop according to special laws, they are accessible and subject to systematic transformation. In this way, any psychopathology and other problems in the form of holodines can be identified and cured by transforming them.

In the book "The Dance of Life" W. Wulff proposes to turn to the analysis of human problems, using holodinamical perception, which is generated by the interaction of linear and wave dynamics. In such a holodinamical universe, what is considered a part is known to the whole, and what is considered a whole is known to every part of it. By identifying Holodines, players can now decide how to build relationships with them, thereby expanding their capabilities and theirs.

Vernon Wolf argues that if a person does not make a conscious choice, then his holodine makes the choice for him. Nobody is born alone. Nobody lives alone. Nobody dies alone. We all have chills.

It's hard to judge what's more original about Vernon Wolfe's holodinamics: the tracking, the Mind Model, the Relives... or the stories he makes up. These stories cover the whole hall in a wave and everyone can choose what they want in these stories.

Change your holodines and you will change your life and the world. We have great potential, but as a global community, we are still very young. We are on the verge of possessing infinite power and energy. Sanity begins on the holodinamical plane. We need people who can track and potentialize problems. Holodynamics tools help to recognize the hidden order of development of all aspects of society. They are the links of the New Order, which emerges from the chaos of the world to bring us to unity. Attuning to the holodinamical Potential, manifesting the Love that we are, reaching the Quantum Power; Aligned with our Highest Potential, we will move the world to a new stage of evolution.

The key to unity is the study of holodinamics. Vernon Woolf believes in this. We all believe in this, who at least somehow came into contact with holodinamics.

"Those who have scuba dived know what it's like to be underwater. And no effort can forget that there is a multi-colored world in the ocean, home to extraordinary fish, plants, a myriad of life forms. Similarly, once discovered, the world of holodine can no longer be ignored" (W. Wolf "Dance of Life").

Once the Master created the Whole, Beautiful, Harmonious. Each of us is trying to recreate this Pattern. Someone glues the individual parts of the Pattern, taking in the hands of someone once made a design, falling into conflicting games. Someone, at the behest of the waves of their own intuition, goes through labyrinths, looking for options, swimming in paradoxes. Vernon Wolf invites you to play All This and Remember - we are all and everything - are Parts of a Single Whole.

Lyubov Khokhlova, Master Teacher of Holodynamics, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor.

dance of life

Nobody is born alone. Nobody lives alone. We are spinning together in the dance of life. We have to choose how to dance.

In the new sciences, one interesting idea attracts me - it has now become clear that "out there" there is no "absolute" truth, and even more so it does not wait until we "discover" it. We live in a dynamically developing universe. It is full of beauty and diversity that we can never measure or comprehend. In fact, everything in it is so coordinated and full of life that it changes faster than you can imagine, and at the same time, it has an inherent connection, a "quantum connection" that allows us all to be part of this dynamic living universe.

For me, participating in this dance means sharing my various experiences with each other in order to dance together and live life more fully and, even in my own uniqueness, develop a collective connection.

The features of this book seem unique to me. However, they cannot be considered in isolation, and I must admit that a whole vast network of information provided the basis for the views presented here. In the references to the literature used, I have given only a few examples. Moreover, I am convinced that each of us, having shared these views, will have the opportunity to live life more fully and participate in the dance of life, perceiving all its unique features. It is these unique features that are the basis of freedom. It is this freedom that enables each of us to reveal our majestic potential - both personal and social.

There are three types of energy in our world: particle energy, wave energy and self-organizing and interconnected, living energy.

Accordingly, there are three forms of consciousness: rational, emotional and holodinamical.

All information can be organized according to these three distinct realities. As living holodinamical beings, we have to make choices all the time. We have to dance around in the dance of life to each of these tunes and play their respective types of games.

1. Those who participate in this dance of life according to particle dynamics tend to think linearly. Rationally, strive for the predictable, control their actions with the help of various rules, carefully assign roles and play to win. They want to know what the next step will be, and they'll take it exactly. From this point of view, to eliminate, to destroy all the uncertainty of the world, means to finally "win" in life.

Thus, each stage has its beginning and its end. Each dance is an "event". And the games that are played out in this dance also have their beginning and their end. Participation in the dance ends when someone wins, that is, when all difficulties are overcome and when other participants in the same game, who have fully accepted its rules, recognize that this person "won".

The reward for victory is titles, trophies, social position, property, and also the honor to remain in the memory of others as a symbol of "success". The goal of the particle dynamics game is to occupy a certain position in the pyramid of power.

This approach is very limited: life takes place within certain limits. In this beginning and end mentality, there are only winners and losers. Monuments are erected to the winners. Losers - never.

2. On the other hand, those who participate in the dance of positions of wave dynamics think non-linearly and emotionally, dancing in the flow of music, perceiving it as part of an eternal evolving entity. People of "waves" are essentially different from people of "particles".

If a person's consciousness acts according to wave dynamics, then life for him is "part of the general flow." The purpose of the "wave" dance is to be part of the overall action, to participate in the dance, obeying the flow of music. This joy of belonging, participation is the goal of the game of life for such people. For them, there are no real winners or losers. There is only more or less freedom to participate in this game.

Wave dynamics people are emotional and overly sensitive. They "feel with their gut", perceive phenomena that are non-linear and devoid of absolute spatial boundaries, they feel what cannot be measured, which has neither beginning nor end. These people cannot say exactly when a process begins or ends, for the reason that the dynamics of life, like an ocean wave, is in constant development and movement. For such people, there is simply no beginning and no end; the whole dynamic of life is seen as one endless moving stream.

People of wave dynamics feel that the energy of one person is only a part of something larger, something universal and spiritually organized. They are able to recognize that "great whole" in which they themselves participate. Thus, these people have a sublime sense of connection with each other and participation in the universal dance of life.

The life of "wave" participants is determined not by the game itself (like those who are subject to particle dynamics), but by a timeless sense of belonging to the game. They don't play by the rules, but rather by the rules. They, therefore, fully feel all their qualities, the uniqueness of their participation in the game, their relationship with everything else, and bring this sense of belonging to life.

This sense of belonging allows people of wave dynamics to be sure of their place in the overall dynamics, allows them to be independent in this dance, to better understand other participants in the process. Because of this, they are closer and more strongly connected with other "dancers". Thus, the "wave people" participate in the dance in a very different way than the "particle people".

3. The third approach to the dance of life is holodinamical. Those who live holodinamically feel the integral dynamics of life. Each person can realize his uniqueness as something integral, existing outside of time and space. This unified dynamics contains all the interactions of wave dynamics and particle dynamics and, at the same time, is not just their mechanical sum. People then truly acquire their "presence" in the world.

For those who have realized holodinamics, particle dynamics provide the essence, while wave dynamics provide the context, the general background of the dance; and this dance is much richer, more complete than wave or partial understanding separately. One can speak of such a fuller and richer life when a person is able to experience and integrate the past, present and future in all their dimensions. In fact, a person himself becomes a dance, and this does not lead to the loss of his individuality and identity, but rather expands the person’s idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhimself, about why this dance was chosen, who the other dancers are, what are the goals of each step, the music and the whole scenario. "I" exist in the dance. "We" exist as one living thinking holistic dynamic in many dimensions of this and parallel worlds. At some level of consciousness, we make the choice to dance, and then every step enriches our existence.

In this broad context, when the dynamics of the moment is connected with the dynamics of the past, present and future of parallel worlds, the very fact that a person "becomes" a dance lives holodinamically, allows each player to bring their uniqueness to the game, which passes like ripples through the waves, through to all dynamics, because it is connected both with ours and with other worlds. This effect extends to all thoughts and feelings, to every dynamic, both ours and other worlds.

When each participant, becoming a part of the dance, fully aware of their presence in it, brings their individuality to the dance, life manifests itself in this dance to the fullest. This "presence effect" opens access to other aspects of life. People suddenly realize that the world is cold-dynamic.

However, it is impossible to "turn" into a dance, to feel like a universe, without being aware of all aspects of this dance in various dimensions. Within each dance there are many games. Each game is part of a common dance. To neglect any aspect of the dance or the variety of its plays is to reject the corresponding aspect of the universe and that same aspect of the self. In our world of uniqueness, everything is interconnected.

The very concept of "turning into a dance", "becoming a game" implies that life is a single dynamic system in which it is impossible to single out separate parts, unless we choose for a while to "forget" about the holodynamic essence of the universe and thus choose the freedom to play in within the dynamics of a wave and/or particles. Such separation does not mean the loss of uniqueness.

To separate these dynamics from each other is to enter the game.

Cold-dynamic people "remember" the whole dynamics of the moment and thus rise to a level of knowledge where the past, present and future are connected into one whole in this moment. These people are unlocking their Full Potential. And only from these positions the choice of the game can be conscious.

For the new sciences, it is obvious that everything in the world is subject to a certain order of growth, which has a formative value. In quantum physics it is called "hidden order". In information theory, this is called "programming". For developmental psychology, these are "stages of development." For biologists - "genetic coding". It seems that every human being is subject to this natural order, in which the dance of any dynamic can be found and made part of the game. Each person goes through all the stages of development one after another in accordance with this endless scenario. Everything develops in holodinamics.

Those people who have problems are "slowed down", "stuck" in their natural development. Their problems turned out to be closed to new information. They are stuck in one stage, like a broken record that plays the same piece of melody over and over again. These problems have stalled before reaching their full potential.

Our reaction to such "stuck" is the reason for the "inhuman" behavior of mankind. Mental illness, social unrest, crime, dishonesty, greed, various abuses and all inhuman actions occur because the natural development of people has met with an obstacle, was somehow stopped from the beginning. Forced to repeat the same dance over and over again, people forget who they really are. They are no longer present here. Their life is determined by a dance or one of the games, or completely lost in the overall dynamics.

They fail to distinguish between phenomena. They cannot tell for sure if they are participating in a wave dance, or a particle dance, or a game where these two dynamics are opposed. They are lost in the games of wave or linear thinking, they have completely lost their cold dynamics and as a result they are dancing the same dance.

Being able to discern these dynamics is very helpful in overcoming such impasses.

Information from parallel worlds, ready to take the form of a given space-time continuum, is organized into a personal potential field. It is embodied in the Full Potential of each person, and this is how life is chosen, the birth of a person takes place.

Inherited through the genetic code, modeled by parents, family, society and cultural environment, shaped personal experience and transformed by conscious choice, microtubule holodines are passed on from generation to generation. Holodine defines the field in which every person in this world is born.

The exchange of energy and information occurs at ultra-high speeds, passing from the holodines in the aquatic environment of microtubules to the quantum potential field and receiving information from the Full Potential from parallel worlds. Holodines are channels of information. They transmit information and energy back to parallel worlds and receive energy and information from there as well.

This system of information and energy exchange is constantly shaping the way we perceive and comprehend reality. In terms of linear thinking, holodines are self-organizing information systems. They are amazingly complex finished multi-dimensional drawings made from charged water molecules. The circular walls of each microtubule are composed of rows of thirteen switch molecules, or dimers. Each dimer is like two pillows sewn together on one side. When these "pillows" are opened, the dimer carries a positive charge. When they are pressed against each other, the charge is negative. When they are in the middle position, neither together nor apart, the dimer is neutral. The charge is determined by the information that comes through sensory perception through the central nervous system. The charge itself determines the form of storage of this information. This memory becomes self-organized and determines consciousness.

From the point of view of wave dynamics, consciousness appears to be quantum. The information coming from the sense organs is filtered through coarse and fine screens, which give form to sensory perception. The eye itself does not "see" light. Light exists only as a potential of itself until it takes form. This form is given to it by the filtering system of the eye itself.

The retina contains two types of filters: coarse-grained and fine-grained. The former can measure light as waves. The second perceive it in the form of particles. The fovea is the first particle-filtering organism of the eye. The periphery is the first coarse filter. These two types of filters can be found in all of the senses and produce a holographic effect similar to a television or radio signal.

Information coming through a microphone or video camera is transformed into a transmitted signal in accordance with Fourier or Gabor transformations. These transformations tune the filter to the signal and then tune it to receive, during which the transmitted signal is converted into an auditory or visual image. All human senses work in a similar way. The signal transmitted, for example, from the eye, once received by the microtubules, is converted into a holographic image programmed in the aqueous medium of the microtubules. Each holodine has the property of resonating at specific frequencies. Much like the vibration of a guitar string, holodines create a certain correspondence through Frolick's frequencies (10v-33/sec). Frolik, one of the authors of the theory of superfluidity and superconductivity, in 1968 predicted the existence of quantum correspondences in biological systems, and these frequencies were named after him. From the point of view of wave dynamics, all microtubules in the human body respond to Frolik's frequencies. Thus, all biological systems consist not only of particles, but also of waves. Frolik's frequencies determine the size and degree of openness of coarse and fine-grained screens that evaluate information coming from outside.

From a holodinamical point of view, the information and energy of this world are in constant interaction with the energy and information from parallel worlds, like a complex and majestic dance. Guided by the Full Potential of each person, information and energy from parallel worlds go straight into the quantum potential field (which should be considered as a kind of unorganized field inside each microtubule). This information is compared with the holodines already existing in the microtubules according to the rules of self-organization dictated by the hidden order. The hidden order, containing the relevant information from the parallel worlds and from the Full Potential, creates the arena for the dance of life.

All forms of life dance according to a hidden order. All Full Potentials are in quantum connection with each other. And that's why no one can dance alone.

Full Potential gives form to potential sense perception. Potential light is given both wave and line form through holodines that resonate at Frolick's frequencies, which in turn determines the nature of the coarse or fine filters so that the person sees what his Full Potential wants to show him. We feel and experience according to hidden commands. At the same time, we always have freedom of choice.

Life is dynamic. People who are truly present in it are attuned to their Highest Potential and can choose to further develop along the line of the fullest realization of potential at any given moment in time.

The choice of linear thinking is the choice to live life in the dance of particles.

The choice of wave thinking is the choice to live life in the dance of the waves.

The choice of holodynamic thinking is the choice to live life in a single dynamic system, where everyone has a significant role to play.

Knowing these different forms of energy, forms of thought and types of dances, knowing that one is different from the other, knowing that there is a natural order in the complex games of life, makes it possible to choose. Depending on the chosen position, we take part in the dance.

Learning dance steps, moving independently and obeying the flow, we dance, passing through all the stages of our life cycle one by one. At each stage, we improve our skills, our self-expression, rediscover ourselves. As we expand our knowledge of emotions, feelings, and intuitive insights, we begin to play with the rules. And when the true essence of our nature begins to manifest, we discover what it means to be truly present in the world, what it is that gives life to holodinamical consciousness. At the same time, wave and linear consciousness in a new way allow us to realize this presence in our world. This is how the dance opens. In which various games are played.

As we learn more and more about holistic dynamics, we move beyond the rigid linear rules and mindless flow of our wave nature. We now realize that there is truly a person in the world who has no end and no edge. Our potential, our Highest Potential, is manifested. We perceive "presence".

People who are truly aware of their presence will never be at the mercy of the game, its rules, roles and prescriptions. Nor do they succumb to the thoughtless euphoria of wave dynamics. They know exactly who they are and play, obeying only their choice. And people who play according to their choice are free even in the game.

The awareness of one's presence prompts one to explore the presence of others. The discovery of the true nature of others instantly establishes the closest connection with those who are also aware of their presence. This connection arises and exists outside of any games.

The result is the consciousness of music and the dance of life. Further exploration leads to the discovery of other dimensions of this new approach to reality, in which the essence of the person himself, other players and even the games themselves come to life and find a true presence in the "field of presence". This "field of presence" appears on its own when dancers are released from control and go beyond the boundaries of their linear and wave holodines. They move from wave play to particle play and back again according to their choice.

Just in this field of movement from a particle to a wave and back, a person acquires the experience of a holodinamical dance.

In the holodinamical dance, all other dynamics that develop both in games and outside them are revealed.

Conscious participation in the game is natural for the holodinamical world. This is the result of a choice.

This choice is natural because it essentially provides the opportunity to live life to its fullest potential. Also, this is the only consistent life game. In this way, holodynamist players participate in the game more fully, with more passion and more understanding of all aspects of the game of life, showing more integrity and consistency than linear or wave players. They find solutions to problems that other players simply don't see. They are the creators of change, new options, adaptations and new ideas, and such that they amplify the whole dynamic at any given moment.

Holodinamists are able to feel the influence of parallel worlds, other changes in non-local (faster than the speed of light) phenomena. These non-local phenomena create a hidden order within the orders of life. In imperceptible ways, they have a huge impact on our world and, as is now clear from the experience of those who are associated with parallel worlds, we from our world also have an impact on parallel worlds. We are part of a colossal dynamic and multidimensional dance. We dance according to our choice.

We make a choice.

We live it.

We love it and hate it, we live it each in our own way. Our experience is transferred to parallel worlds and back (through the mechanisms of the quantum potential field in the structure of each microtubule - see W. Wolf, 1997). In every world there is a Higher Potential, and everything that exists anywhere and at any time, constantly affects our life in this space-time continuum.

Hear the music of hidden worlds! Move along the magic pattern of potential! Harmonize the sources of the force that drives each situation and contribute to its development! The synergy of connections, knowledge, harmony, passion and fullness - this is the deep essence of the dance of life.

Each dancer manages energy in his own way: it can be particle energy, wave energy or holodinamical energy. Each style has its own, different way of thinking. Thanks to different dancers, their different styles, we have a real show parade in the games of life. Conflicts arise. And again, no one is the same. It is not possible to allow them inside the games. The solution and the paths to them lie in those elements that are not available from inside the game, but, nevertheless, must be taken into account in order to get closer to resolving conflicts. People who are in captivity of different "either-or", or are accustomed to oppositions (which often happens with linear and wave personalities), cannot find a way to solve problems.

Those who play games don't have decisions. They only have games. Solutions emerge from the potential hidden within each problem. A solution can only be found when a person is aware of the manifestations of the potential that caused the problem. This potential can only be realized from a holodynamic point of view. Solutions come from parallel worlds, when the information of the past, present and future, where we manifest ourselves outside the limits of our space and time, is combined into one.

The cause of any problem is its solution.

From the point of view of linear consciousness, a problem is a set of unfavorable circumstances that should be analyzed in order to find the right solution. If a teenager has a drug problem, particle dynamics parents will want to "get all the data." First of all they will ask: "Where were you? What were you doing? Who were you walking with?" At first they want to understand everything logically and hope that later, with this understanding, they will be able to help their child get rid of drug addiction. This never happens. Linear thinking is incapable of understanding what addiction is. Linear thinking covers only part of the problem. Driven by the idea of ​​"I want to know everything", it is itself unstable and seeks to know some facts of the past in order to ensure a future where the problems of the past will be eliminated. This gives security from the outside, based on facts. The fear-driven mind that wants to control everything is unaware of what is beyond its control. It is essentially dependent on itself and, in such a limited form, imperfect and dependent on external circumstances. It is a reflection of the corresponding frequencies and leads to dependence. He's locked in this dance of addiction.

From the wave point of view, the problem is simply an opportunity to learn some life lesson and participate in the process of finding a solution. Such a parent accepts the child as he is, does not arrange any "showdowns" for him, hoping that the child himself will learn a lesson from this situation and believes that the child is constantly in the state of a student. For a wave player, "it's not about drugs" at all. Therefore, nothing needs to be done about drug addiction, solutions to the problem are not needed. The mind that believes that one must live in the flow, that one must accept everything, that one must treat everything unconditionally positively, learn from experience and free love - such a mind also does not contain a powerful potential, which again leads to addiction.

Unconditional love is very important in overcoming drug addiction, but it must be so deep that the real intentions of this drug addiction, including the intentions of the holodines that caused it, and the influence of the dynamics of various fields, coming from family, culture and even parallel worlds, can be explore in full context: so as to unleash their highest potential.

A problem is always caused by the development of its potential, which should always be taken into account in order to be embodied in the problem itself and in its solution at the same time. A person is actually cured by the disease itself, and not from it. A person is unlikely to achieve great success. If he was identified as "sick" or as "in need of help." Any labels are just a cover for the incompetence of linear thinking.

It's not about the drugs. The point is not them.

Rather, the point is that the addict (no matter how old he is) has made the choice to avoid adulthood. Drug use can be evidence of independence, curiosity, social bonding, rebellion against old, obsolete ideas, or even a desire to take control of one's own life. It may also be part of the interactive field in which the family raised the drug-addicted child. Addiction then becomes a manifestation of a repressed family rebellion. Holodines operating under such conditions can be hundreds of years old. Dependency dynamics are especially strong in families that are strongly religious, socially dependent, or where life is determined by social status. It is also possible that other worlds, other lessons, other people are involved in the problem of drug addiction, who are also learning something from this experience.

Parental experience is a multidimensional world dynamic. The solution to parental problems, which are usually passed down from generation to generation, is in the realm of holodines and parallel worlds. At first, solutions are present only in the inner space. The causes of parental problems are rational and emotional games. When a person is truly aware of his "presence" in the role of a parent, he becomes responsible. This responsibility immediately terminates all parent games. Being a responsible parent turns out to be more fun, and it's also enriching. The very presence of a multidimensional field in the dynamics implies that in some other world this dependent and difficult child may well act as your parent, and, on the contrary, you will turn into a problem child. After all, the receipt and transformation of information from parallel worlds affects our world.

Presence gives access to many things. To "be present" in a moment means to recognize the deeper dimensions of one's Highest Potential and to act in accordance with the emerging potential of the situation.

The "present" parent is first of all a person, a friend who sees in the child another person who has all the wisdom and knowledge of our multidimensional life. From these positions, the child's holodinamics becomes obvious. The Highest Potential of the child is now also invited to participate in the dance ("May I intervene?"). By using the Higher Potentials of parent and child as guides, dancers can more fully experience the potential of any situation. And then there are solutions.

In any case, the choice of wave or line dance remains free.

If we must play, then we cannot play, because the choice has already been made to enter the game without adopting a "game" mindset. We cannot play when we are forced to play, because we have chosen this compulsion. This applies to all aspects of life. Those who believe they are being forced to do something are already in either a wave game or a linear game. In this sense, all wave and line games are the same. A person cannot play if he has chosen not to play, whether he is thinking from wave or line positions.

Free people play complete linear games with all the passion of particle dynamics players, but because - regardless of the game - they are aware of who they are, in the game they act more like sentient and eternal beings. The framework or concepts of the game cannot limit them. This usually gives such people a special freedom in the game.

Understanding yourself allows you to gain additional freedom in the game, since for a person in general, a complete and genuine "presence" in the game is a huge advantage. Because holodynamist players don't limit themselves to the game, they always know who they really are. They also know who other people really are, and therefore form a more subtle connection with them. They are present "together" with others and thus participate in the game more freely, by choice, more deeply, more purposefully than those whose life is determined by the game or those who determine their life by participation in the game.

From the standpoint of holodinamics, the choice to play was made even before the start of all games, in the mind "before the time". So any intentional use of one's powers is a kind of invitation to the game, which can be accepted or rejected. Choice is not a product of finite or infinite thinking, but a consequence of knowing the beginning and end of all such games and their influence on the integral field of numerous worlds. A person chooses not only a game. It is a choice to allow one's special influence to propagate in the general field in such a way as to effect a shift of that field in many dimensions of the space-time continuum.

One day, a friend of mine called me for advice about her nine-year-old son. The boy was admitted to the Utah mental hospital as an "anti-social" and "pathological type" with "schizophrenic tendencies". I asked her about the symptoms of the disease and she said that he threatened young girls with a knife and raped them. I was traveling at the time, but I changed my plans and stopped by to see him.

It turned out that this was the same hospital where a few years ago we reduced the number of patients by curing 80% of patients with schizophrenia, so the doctor met me at the door, who very sternly said that I had one hour, then turned around and left. I was led into the visitor's room, where I sat on one side of a large green sofa. The boy sat on the other side. I knew him, so I asked:

And what are you doing here?

I was bad,” he said, and pulling one of the pillows towards him, he half-hid his face behind it, so that only eyes peeked out from above.

Did you feel good? I asked.

And how.

When was the first time you felt so good?

When I pressed the buttons on my father's VCR.

What then happened?

I saw a man doing something with girls, and it was so much fun, it has never happened to me before.

Can you remember what "fun" is like?

Of course.

Does he have a color?

Yep, it's black and white. It…” he stopped, “is like a big furry beast with a collar around his neck and a chain.

Where does this chain go?

A look of concern suddenly appeared on his face. He gasped and crawled under the pillow, trembling with fear. I put my head under the pillow and asked:

What's this?

It's the devil, he cried.

Good! I laughed.

But he's huge and red all over, and his legs are like a goat's!

Truth?! Do you want to know one secret?

Which? he stuttered in fear.

The devil can do nothing to those who love him.

Exactly. Just be friendly and ask him what he wants.

And then a little nine-year-old boy crawled out from under the pillow and looked straight into the face of the most terrible demon he could imagine and asked him what he wanted.

He wants to have fun.

Can you think of some way for him to have fun and not harm other people?

Of course. You can swim, ride my bike and eat like this!

Can you feel how much fun he has?

Of course.

Does this good, normal color have a shape or a color?

This is an angel with wings and flippers!

In fins?

Well, yes. It's a funny angel! Completely non-serious.

Can you draw this angel?

He drew. I asked him to be sure to show this drawing to his mother. He promised. Then I asked if he wanted to have as much fun as that beast and devil had fun, or if he wanted to have fun like that angel. He said that both the beast and the devil were "tired" and wanted something else. I asked him if they wanted to meet the angel.

Wow! - he said. - They jumped right into it.

They just turned into that angel!

Can you promise to meet this angel every day to show you the best way to have fun? - He promised.

The whole process took fifty minutes. For the last ten years, we just played like bosom friends. I left and returned two weeks later.

The doctor met me on the street in front of the hospital building.

What have you done with the boy? he asked with all possible severity.

And what? Something happened? I just smiled in response.

Ever since you left, he's been acting like an angel! Before that, he hit everyone he could reach! He was a real psychopath. And now he is a good normal boy. What did you do with him?! he pleaded.

Let's talk to the boy, I suggested. While we were climbing to the third floor, I told the doctor what I had done during this time. I gave a copy of my book on holodinamics. He asked if he could be present during the conversation. I agreed, but warned that, most likely, the bulk of the work had already been done. “This is just a scheduled visit to the patient to find out how the recovery is going,” I explained. When we entered the room, the boy jumped up from his seat to hug me.

Indeed, it was no longer necessary to work with him a lot. He was all right again. Three weeks later he was released from the hospital. I tried to explain to the psychiatrist that the boy's "living information systems" or "holodines" were tuned to a pornographic film he had seen and created some kind of quantum connection that captured his consciousness. To move this field, one had to find access to a specific holodine and know what kind of transformation it is possible in the field of love. Only the holodinamical mind can truly understand this "dance with the devil". The doctor said that he would read a book. I offered to help him if he needed it in the future, but he never called. It's so easy to get lost in the dance of mental illness.

Holodynamic dance exists everywhere. All people are this dance. It is easy to trace it in the anthropology of the emergence of various cultures, religions, even in science. Take, for example, a game like physics.

Physics is considered the basis of all other areas of scientific thought. Traditionally, physics has been focused on particle dynamics since the 17th century. Isaac Newton, Copernicus, Hamilton, Locke, and even those who created the US Constitution were all line players. Thus, linear thinking dominates in traditional, classical physics. This is a "play for particles".

Wave physics appeared before the eyes of scientists only at the beginning of the 20th century. This shift in focus occurred because conventional physics failed to find an explanation for the stability of the atom or the amount of energy emitted by the "black" box. These two questions were like two small clouds in the blue sky of traditional physics at the turn of the century. But in order to explain these "clouds", a new physics had to be created. It became quantum physics.

Quantum physics deals with the wave dynamics of reality. The structure of the atom, proposed by Bohr in 1905, helped to explain the stability of the atom through a series of wave oscillations that Bohr associated with different kinds of atoms. It was like taking a long guitar string, cutting it into pieces along the length of each note, and welding the ends together. The ideal note wave would then be contained in a circular wave, which Bohr called the "stable wave" (" a standing").

Each atom has a different wavelength (like the length of a wire or a wave harmonic), so each wave has its own frequency. So we can assume that each atom has its own structure, which fully corresponds to the harmonic of these frequencies. Bohr was able, using these frequencies, to predict the existence of several new elements that were not yet known at that time. Later, they were discovered, placed in the periodic table, and this is how quantum thinking was born.

The very idea that wave dynamics is an integral part of physical reality has caused more than a negative reaction among scientists. By tradition, only linear structures are used to describe reality. Now, willy-nilly, it was necessary to study wave dynamics. There were heated debates. Out of these disputes and subsequent research, the discovery of a new world of subatomic dynamics was born, which became the basis of quantum physics. This has become the most accurate way of predicting reality ever created by humans.

David Bohm, one of the "fathers" of quantum physics, put forward four basic prerequisites for this science. These prerequisites distinguish quantum physics from classical physics. They also represent well the differences between people who think in terms of wave dynamics and those who think in terms of particle dynamics. In his opinion, quantum physics in general terms shows the following:

Any confluence of circumstances is guided by an "unmanifested" force - a potential force.

Everything in the world consists of energy, which manifests itself in the form of wave dynamics and particle dynamics. These dynamics interact with the third - the dynamics of thinking energy (which I call "holodynamic" energy).

There is a hidden order in all life.

Everything in the world is interconnected.

Various "holistic" perspectives have emerged, such as fluid dynamics, field dynamics, thermal dynamics, and others. The possibility of the existence of parallel worlds, even if they exist beyond the speed of light and in other space-time continuums, has become the subject of heated discussions.

Following these discussions, parallel to quantum physics, computer technology began to develop, the information age began. To these new sciences was added the discovery of self-organizing information systems, which have a natural order of development. An example is the biosphere of Arizona.

When scientists decided to create a biosphere capable of supporting human life in the conditions of Mars or, for example, the Moon, it was decided to implement this project in the Tucson (Arizona) region. A whole complex of buildings was built in the desert. There was presented, as far as possible, everything that a person could need to sustain life. There you could find all kinds of landscapes, hills, lakes, streams, and each micro and biosystem was self-sufficient, with its own air supply.

It didn't work. The systems began to rot. Whatever they did turned out to be a failure. The experiments went on for quite some time, until it occurred to someone that the system should be self-organized at every stage of growth. In the same way, life developed on the planet. It was necessary to start with the smallest life forms, so the system was cleaned and placed in it with only one microbe.

However, the decay continued. They decided to leave the system alone for a while to see if it could handle it on its own. And so it happened! The atmosphere and water system cleared themselves. It was as if the system said, "Well, what's wrong with us?", and then helped the microbes agree on the conditions for coexistence. Then the advancement to the next level of development of life began.

At this level, too, rotting began for a while, and then, as if the moment of decision had been set, everything suddenly cleared up. This happened at every stage. Each time a new form of life was introduced into the system, deterioration began, lasting until a certain critical moment, after which self-purification occurred. But if new forms of life were introduced too quickly, the system did not have time to adapt to them. In the end, step by step, they managed to create a balanced life system (the size of two football stadiums) that could constantly support the life of eight people.

This natural order, with the help of which the system organizes itself, expanding the forms of the spread of life, is apparently inherent in all living systems. Bohm calls it the "hidden order". I thought that such a "built-in" order can influence the ways of formation and development of consciousness. Really. According to developmental psychology, consciousness follows a certain hidden order. Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, and many others have studied this order for a long time. Constrained by the mechanistic principles of 17th century physics, their ideas were mostly linear.

Understanding the four new premises of quantum physics allows us to break free from these obsolete limitations. The mind, like the biosphere, is capable of self-organization. A person may well feel the potential that controls the development of any situation and realize that everything consists of information. From the experience of self-knowledge, a person learns that information gives energy various forms of manifestation: in the form of a particle, a wave, and holodinamics. The holographic paradigm (Ken Wilbur), the holographic universe (Mike Talbot), the holographic memory storages (Karl Pribram) take on special significance. The Universe turns out to be a living interconnected holographic system. Combining the developments of quantum physics with information theory allows us to speak about life in a language that is most suitable for our information age.

Proponents of classical physics adhere to linear thinking; they lack a genuine "presence." Like everyone involved in particle dynamics games, they have very little, if not zero, understanding of the emotional dynamics, let alone the holodinamical nature of reality. The same applies to all theologians, doctors, psychologists, politicians and businessmen who adhere to linear thinking.

Particle dynamics players assume that the most "real" is their personal potential, until they explore the other possibility - that "every situation is governed by its potential." Any person is such a "coincidence". Each person is controlled by his potential. And every person can discover this potential. People soon realize that the measurable results of their research are affected by this "presence effect". It is this true "presence" that shapes the results of research and approaches to it.

In quantum physics there is no such thing as "objective" research at all. Any measurement affects the results. For example, it is impossible to measure mass and momentum at the same time. As Heisenberg put it, it is impossible to weigh a running horse. Likewise, there can be no absolute knowledge of anything.

A physicist, like any other player in any other game, cannot be forced to play. He participates in the game of his choice. No one can be forced to "be present". This is everyone's free choice. For someone who grew up in a rational environment, studied with linear teachers, depended on a mechanistic society, it takes a kind of "quantum leap" to realize that everyone and everything always has a choice.

Particle players fail to understand that the games of life (however difficult and sad they may be) are played only by our choice. Wave players don't care about the choice at all. Yielding to some generalizing essence the honor of being a source of strength, they want only one thing - to dance, and it does not matter with whom. Holodinamist dancers understand that the choice to play or not to play is theirs because they understand the nature of their own potential. They always have a choice, like people who are creative, intelligent and multidimensional.

You can only share something by choice. Even if it's just a sense of separation. In the holodinamical world, it is impossible to separate something or someone. Everyone is selected for the game. It is part of the deep personal potential that guides each person and which is inherently quantum connected.

When a person realizes that nothing can be divided except by choice, that this choice is made by none other than his Highest Potential, this person naturally wants to know more about his Highest Potential, its sources, its origins and everything related to its dynamics. This natural interest gives rise to a more and more complete knowledge of the Highest Potential and parallel worlds that create the music of our dance.

The holodinamist understands that it is impossible to lose freedom. He also understands that there are no winners or losers. There are no victims and persecutors, leaders and followers, lawyers and bankers, fathers, mothers and children, people and animals, business, church, philosophy, theology, plants and planets outside the context of linear or wave dynamics. Everything is part of the dance, part of the games that take place in this dance. We distinguish between these dynamics depending on the games we choose. Having chosen a game, we are already participants in it, and, as such, our perception of victory, defeat, and all the roles of the game is firmly rooted in our minds in the form of living holodines.

All phenomena and situations take a certain form. That kind of energy and information, which manifests itself in the form of a particle or wave within the framework of holodinamics, becomes an "epicenter" or a kind of reference to reality and is fixed in accordance with our choice.

The particle dance becomes the epicenter for particle people. For people of wave reality, it is a wave dance. Also for the holodinamist, the epicenter will be holodinamist and all-encompassing.

The first form of organization for holodinamical people is the Highest Potential (the fullest possible potential of the individual, which is ready to manifest itself in any situation of the dance of life). From this point of view, complete roles, games and dynamics can be seen as special manifestations of this timeless multidimensional and dynamic entity, the very Self that is contained in every person.

Dance of Mental Illness

No matter how retarded, retarded, defective, poor, or broken a person may be made by the games of life, every individual nevertheless has a "genius" Higher Potential. Even those with autism often reveal their essence of genius, allowing one or two majestic manifestations of Higher Potential to burst forth. Great artistic prowess, mathematical talent, musical talent, and other forms of genius often come from people who are so autistic that they cannot carry on a conversation or communicate with people in a manner acceptable to everyone else.

It is like water. Particle Man looks at the amount of water, whether it's a bucket or a drop in the ocean. A non-linear player sees the wave and does not focus on the drop. They may view the wave as part of the ocean. They can easily imagine how the droplets of all the waves of the ocean evaporate into the sky under the influence of the sun's heat, creating clouds, floating through the sky and falling again to the earth as raindrops. Rain, flying in an endless stream of drops, which then merge into streams and rivers, giving life to the plants and animals of the earth. Terrestrial minerals dissolve in these waters, providing nourishment to all life forms on earth. And the ocean, and rain, and the sun, and wind, and minerals - all this is one integral dynamics of life on the planet.

It is not difficult for a holodynamic personality to focus on a single drop of water. Just as you should not stop at this stage. All life is involved in one hidden order. This internal order of life controls the information flows that govern the energy by which life takes shape, continues its dance, and casts nets into other worlds. We know from research in the new sciences and from experience that this order is "non-local" (exists outside the speed of light) and that our life here can influence other dimensions as well as being affected by them. So the holodynamist player can let his knowledge spread to other worlds as well.

Holodynamic consciousness is looking for a quantum connection between water, soil and plants. You can hear the signals that the roots of each tree give and trace their frequency distribution in the soil, where microorganisms listen to them. The latter respond and begin searching for the minerals the roots need to sustain life. In turn, the roots provide the microbes with the carbohydrates they need. Life is a complex symbiosis of endless love, in which everyone and everything is involved. The hidden order of life is so complex that just one cubic foot (0.028 cubic meters) of soil (from the Russian steppes or tropical rainforests) contains 60,000 miles of microscopic living fibers. The whole system of life on earth is involved in these hidden orders within orders.

This information is of great value in helping people with schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder. These symptoms can easily be explained by the growing awareness of the influence of parallel worlds. This impact can lead to a breakdown of the personality, given that the family and society have no idea about parallel worlds. Such a consciousness cannot create some kind of integrating field that provides connectivity. But if one day to realize and experience the impact of parallel worlds, then an integrated approach can become an important part of solving the problems that naturally arise when getting to know other worlds.

The holodinamist player knows that parallel worlds affect us and understands the multidimensional dynamics of time. This is the key to many mysteries of mental illness.

From the point of view of holodinamics, there is only one integral dynamics, which, at the choice of the participants, can manifest itself as a play of waves or a play of particles. Rain turns into streams that turn into rivers, those turn into oceans that become rain to fall from the sky in an endless cycle. Life here and life in parallel worlds, local and non-local dynamics - all are part of one integral dynamic flow of energy and information.

Physicians, counselors, and anyone dealing with schizophrenia and multiple personality disorder will find that using the differences between linear, wave, and holistic dynamics will allow for more accurate diagnoses and more effective treatment. From these positions, there are three ways to diagnose and treat mental illness.

Conventional (linear) diagnosis and treatment focuses on biological/biochemical deficiency and chemotherapy treatment. Based on this logic, practitioners are looking for a biochemical relationship between the cause of the disease and its treatment. Recent advances in this field have been studies of the relationship between neural networks and personality organization. Schizophrenia, for example, is considered as a malfunction of protein filaments, the shape of which leads to the destruction of nerve channels. The research is focused on finding such a protein thread that can replace the damaged one.

Mentally ill people are considered to be obsessed with all sorts of illusions and visions due to biochemical dysfunctions in the brain. Therefore, they hear "voices in their heads that talk to them." While these voices are heard by the entire population of the earth, very few understand these phenomena. The sources of these voices simply do not fit into the ideas of line players, so they deny their reality. As a result, the most sensitive people in society end up in psychiatric hospitals, where they are treated for this sensitivity to parallel worlds.

Wave psychotherapists focus on specific aspects of the harmonization of personality, consciousness and social environment. They are looking for ways to effectively change the personality of a person and his attitude to the disease. Treatment from the point of view of wave therapists is focused on group therapy and the analysis of internal dialogues between the "inner voices" of the patient. Both the family and the group help to understand these dialogues.

From a holodinamical point of view, holodines are able to perceive information from their immediate environment and from parallel worlds. They are capable of self-organization. They are also able to interact with each other. The "voices" of the patients are also holodine, which have simply become withdrawn and now act only within themselves. Therefore, they have lost sensitivity to their environment and can become a source of many problems for a person who is this environment, their master.

Both wave and line doctors do not usually challenge the ability of human information systems to self-organize; most of them recognize that information can become self-governing. Therefore, the voices in the internal dialogues of patients usually tend to self-organization.

Self-organizing, having constant conversations and being the cause of various events, holodine are certain entities. Holodine of disturbed functions cause mental illness. They are capable of self-preservation. They pass from one generation to the next as part of our genetic code. Thus, we can inherit from our ancestors not only their wisdom, but also their pathologies. Holodines are also passed on through culture and influence. environment through our relatives and friends. They also come from parallel worlds. Yes, and we create holodine ourselves.

When we begin to consciously communicate with our holodines, we take responsibility for our actions to a holistic dynamic. We can communicate even with non-local worlds, since any set of circumstances, any situation is part of one integral dynamic. Any situation in our world is controlled by some kind of hidden order coming from parallel worlds. We are already in constant communication with the Holodine. We become aware of the "messages" we receive. The end result is mental health. Mental health is a state in which there is a quantum connection between the holodines of a person and his environment. The causes of mental illness are closed information systems that are themselves immature, insensitive, and thus inactive in relation to other holodines or their external environment. These self-sufficient holodines try to perpetuate their information without regard to the person or society (including the society of parallel worlds).

Those who are aware of the possibility of inner communication between the multidimensional worlds can achieve a greater effect in working with mental illness. Those who do not understand this are in a very difficult position. But even this situation can only be the result of a choice due to special reasons.

Ultimately, all the dynamics of human life - man and woman, good and evil, having and not having, health and disease, this world and the other - are all part of a single dynamic. All human behavior is part of the one dynamic dance of life. All the games we play with each other different levels, worlds with worlds, are also part of the integral dynamics. The dance of life is designed to make us happier.

From this point of view, linear and non-linear games are simply polar forms that are in principle possible for games. They are all part of the dance of life. They, so to speak, help us to have fun. All of our major life questions and the deeper meaning of our lives exist in this amazingly complex life, in our inner world of holodines. All dynamics, even the most negative games of mental illness, collective mental pathologies such as war, disease, crime and ignorance, are created only to find solutions. Any problem we create can be effectively resolved. These decisions move humanity to new levels of consciousness and creation. In our worst extremes lie our greatest treasures.

These extremes are the result free choice. When we are born, our consciousness is limited by space and time. All this is part of our plan. It is difficult for those who are trapped in the framework of wave or line games to realize that this is the case. It is difficult for people in games to move their consciousness to a place of life planning, where all participants in this life can choose for themselves the games themselves and with whom to play them. Rejoice if you are married to a psychopath! This is a chance to take a break from mental health to learn how to find solutions to all the problems you have. In a world where mental illness is one of the games, only a soul who is completely convinced of his mental health can choose to be born.

Solutions become apparent only when a person's personal choice opens the way to his Highest Potential, making available the deepest layers of the subconscious mind. It contains solutions, which, by the way, caused the problem. Mental health arises when there is a quantum connection with the Highest Potential of a person. The Highest Potential governs every situation in his life.

When representatives of the new say that any set of circumstances is controlled by its potential, it is not difficult to believe, because this is obvious in the life of every person. We ourselves are a confluence of circumstances. The potential that guides us (our "brilliant essence", or Higher Potential, or the first order of our organization) is actively operating in our life. This matters because all information systems are driven by their potential. All forms of life are, in essence, information systems. They all strive to unlock their potential. This aspiration is often called the "life force" and is considered the most powerful force. The life force of tree roots can move tons of granite. The life force of animals takes them beyond their usual habitat and contributes to the creation of new species. Potential constantly manifests itself as a life force.

The potential manifests itself as energy and information in three forms - waves, particles and holodinamics. These manifestations are clearly distinct from each other. They correspond to three forms of thinking - rational, emotional and holodinamical. The first two forms are prone to confrontation and subsequent self-organization in endless unique manifestations of linear and wave dances. When they interact, a different dynamic becomes apparent, an integral dynamic or holodinamics. As a result, life has an infinite variety of manifestations. Although linear and wave dynamics are inherently opposed, they are both parts of one integral dynamics.

Our ability to choose depends on our ability to figure out which is which. When we make conscious distinctions, we are participating in the dance of life and while our choices may represent some type of linear or wave dynamics (as we know them), on a deep, holodinamical level where we are intimately connected to our Highest Potential, we know we chose life. Life exists only under the condition of conscious choice. We choose to experience life as we experience it. We choose the experience we gain. We live the way we choose.

There is a choice. It always exists. Consciousness is a choice.

Those who are locked into the roles, rules, and distinctions of the game are already in it; and for them the distinction is made by the game. Their choice has already been made. They have given up their freedom and allowed themselves to forget who they are and what choices they have. They lose the ability to discern which is which and, in that sense, they lose their lives. They become "inanimate" for life.

Wave players play freely in particle dynamics, even if they are forced to do so. They are ready for this coercion - just to continue the game. They have chosen to participate in the game and, in so doing, forfeit all other choices. Cold-dynamist players always know who they really are and, in that knowledge, can easily reconnect to choice. The game does not bind them tightly.

In our holodinamical universe, no one can be forced to play. Participation is always a choice. On a deeper level, everyone knows this. All players, games, their goals and dances within the whole dynamic are known. At the same time, we also know about the effect of the spread of the game, and about the dynamics of the past, present and future, and how parallel worlds are involved in this. Cold-dynamist players truly live because they are capable of total presence.

For example, if the game involves the use of force, this can be done in linear or wave dynamics. But the use of force is preceded by a choice. At every moment in any game there is a choice.

The choice exists in the fullness of the temporal context, outside of waves and particles, in integral dynamics.

For a lineman, strength is the way to win. It means controlling those who are weaker or who want to appear weaker in this game. The actions of the line player are always guided by the past, since the rules of the past govern the game itself. (By silent agreement of all participants and spectators of linear games).

When we try to deprive someone of title, position, or property, our linear minds believe that we are using force; believe in this and our opponents. The game will remain a power game until someone decides to voluntarily change its rules. The rules can be changed if someone voluntarily chooses to give up the title, position or property of the past. To change the rules or roles is to change the game, which only those who are outside the game can do.

You can't change the game if it defines your life. Any change made by the game itself perpetuates that game. Games are capable of self-organization and therefore are able to perpetuate themselves. The game cannot be changed from the inside. Playing with the rules, changing the audience, referees or players will not change the game itself. Changing the game requires a set of circumstances in which the Highest Potential can be maximized in the game. This is what changes the game, because the full presence puts a person out of the game. The game can only be changed from outside.

A person can change the game when in full presence, and with the knowledge of the Highest Potential, the game becomes different.

To change the game means to "become" the whole dynamic of the game and, in the light of the Higher Potentials of everyone and everything, the potential of the game itself and the entire field where it takes place, try to unleash the fullest potential of everyone and everything - everywhere. This means full presence in everything, in everyone and at any moment in time, which is then brought into the game.

Full presence everywhere, always and in everything is possible only in the holodinamical world. Real change can only take place in the holodinamical world.

Take, for example, the usual titles, positions, rules, and roles associated with the idea of ​​winning or losing in life. All these are endless attempts to complete some stage of experience. Titles exist to remember a particular game, winner, hero, or incredible ending. Hope to remember the winner as the winner. He or she will then become eternal and infinite.

It is hardly consistent to try to "make" someone eternal when, from the standpoint of greater knowledge, each of us is already eternal. To "make it eternal" is to admit that it has already been forgotten. Those who have forgotten their eternity give up their presence, power, and choice and try to act out their desires in order to cope with their fears.

They cease to be sincere and creative people. Their genius is dead. Although the body is still moving, there is nowhere for the creative genius to dance. The genius in us can live outside the game because the personality of the linemen is determined by the rules of the game. They don't even remember that they exist outside of the game. They succumb to fear because they are so obsessed with living by the rules that they deny the existence of the organizer of these games - the genius within themselves. The more afraid they are, the stronger the particle dynamics in them. The stronger it is, the greater this denial. The more denial, the more they are afraid. It turns out a kind of vicious circle. They looped like a broken record. They can only dance one dance with the same old steps: "fear - denial - fear - denial."

In wave dynamics, force is applied when one of the participants is not allowed to play. His game is over before it is heard and acknowledged. Those who continue to play prevent the player from receiving this recognition. Here, the power is the ability to stop someone else's game, reject opponents and continue to play yourself. They exit the game before it ends and enter a new game. Life itself is forever in the game. They just change arenas and start a new game.

Changing the field of activity and entering into a different game is essentially a form of denial. Negative linear game dynamics. It is the desire not to be caught in the web of linear dynamics. Any desire to avoid something is a denial. Everything that tries to oppose itself to something else is a continuation of the same dynamics. It doesn't matter which extreme is chosen - linear negation or wave negation - it will still be an extreme, and it inevitably leads to the same vicious circle. If a person seeks to avoid evil, he thereby, as it were, invites him to himself. The desire to avoid evil invites evil, for avoiding something without being in the game. If a person wants to avoid evil, then he participates in the game of evil. The desire to destroy evil is its, evil, essence. The use of force against immature life forms is itself immature.

To switch from power play to something else, you need to make one choice. Need to remember. This means recognizing that time is the space where a free choice was made, a plan of action was devised and the lessons experienced were agreed with all participants in the power game. Such a "memory" can only exist holodinamically. Not a single player can be forgotten or rejected. All of them are "eternal", and therefore none of them can be "turned off". Those who still try to do it themselves suffer from it. After all, ignoring some - any part of reality - means closing your own information system, block the sensitivity of your consciousness and thereby increase the state of pathology.

If a person chooses to hate life or its individual manifestations (even those whom he accuses of life being so "bad"), then he chooses to stay in the ultimate power game. Such people are focused only on all the linear reasons from their past that justify their hatred of life. To hate life is to be locked in ultimate power games.

The mate of hate is the love of the game. "He who loves his life full of his former hatred will lose his life. He who hates his life full of his own hatred will gain eternal life," Jesus said. In other words, if we cling to our games, we are bound to fail. Linear and non-linear games can go on forever until a person finally decides (makes a choice) to move outside of games.

In holodinamics, the ability to distinguish force from play is part of the larger game. The game, whatever it may be, is chosen outside of time and space by everyone who is involved in it. It does not matter what happened in the past, what is happening in the present or what will happen in the future, we chose it ourselves.

The use of force, freely opening the way for various energies or stopping one's participation in the game, is planned as part of the unfolding of the Highest Potential. This Higher Potential is beyond the linear and wave dynamics, beyond their contradictory incoherence and immature functioning.

The larger game is evidence that we chose to play only for the sheer joy of choice. Embrace the limitations, trials, tragedies, and other experiences of the game as an exciting learning and developmental adventure. Perfect rest from perfection. Rest of your own free choice to set foot on the best path of evolving and majestic perfection.

We choose to confine infinite love to the physical limits of space and time so that love at its highest potential can manifest over and over again through these naturally established limits. Limit your eternal and infinite virtues: knowledge, feelings, compassion, faith, Creative skills, mind, music, art, beauty and other aspects of the Highest Potential?! What for? So that we can manifest them in our time and space.

We decide to limit our knowledge to ignorance. Ignorance blocks our knowledge while we are in the process of making a discovery, until knowledge reappears. It is this birth of knowledge in overcoming ignorance that is the essence of the life of conscious people.

This is how we "bury" our feelings. In closed systems, they turn into "deaf" and "mute". We choose to close our feelings, consequently suffer pain and despair in order to learn the most valuable lessons, while our feelings grow to their highest potential. After being cleansed by pain, a new potential of our feelings is born.

Compassion is born on a stony wasteland, where any manifestation of care is condemned. Faith is hidden in a stainless steel container of absolute theology. The most "godless" of people actually represents God. Creativity is wrapped in endless rules and regulations. We surround ourselves with like-minded people and then blow it up by daring to find a way out of this package.

We surround ourselves with people who utter empty words with an intelligent voice. We lock ourselves in the study of ancient words written by empty-headed people in deadly long books for dead minds. The music of the dance of life is drowned out by the flow of musical noise from the media. We get used to not paying attention to the music of our "I". Art, beauty and the living dynamics of our existence are a consequence of our knowledge and our choice.

Everything is the result of our choice, and in accordance with this, we manifest knowledge, feelings, compassion, faith, creativity, intelligence, music, art, beauty and all those wonderful qualities that, in fact, we ourselves are.

In this entire process of inaction ("winter hibernation") linear dynamics is affirmative, wave dynamics is absorbing, and holodinamics is all-encompassing. Sharply opposite features in a self-organizing living information system of nature.

At any moment you can wake up and find your freedom. All it takes is a new focus, one that will distinguish one choice from another. Differences are a necessary prerequisite for selection. Without conscious focus and distinction, intelligence does not exist.

Line participants are focused on something finite. When a person lives from the perspective of particle dynamics, the very laws of nature determine his personal interest in the study and establishment of precise final boundaries, special agreed rules and regulations that must be approved by all members of his group, whether school, church, family, social stratum and etc. As in sports, for example, the game must have a beginning and an end, all the rules must be approved, there must also be a referee and spectators.

From this position, it is very important that everyone agrees with the rules. The referee, by all accounts, knows the rules and enforces them on behalf of the community and the players themselves. Society comes to watch the game. Its function is to support the game by paying out funds, securing recognition, titles and positions of various kinds. It is essential for society that someone wins and someone loses. Society is growing a more perfect race. There must be centers and outsiders, participants and outsiders. In a word, good and bad.

In wave dynamics, the focus shifts to the ongoing dynamics of the game. It's not so important who wins or loses, it's more important how the game goes, the dynamics before the game and after, preparations for a new game. It's an endless story.

Holodynamics considers any event, any game, any consequences as a result of the free agreement of all participants. The difference is that a game is a choice to play games. This choice is free for all participants. Whatever the game was, it was chosen. There can be no worse or better game, there is one that we have chosen. There are no roles worse or better, there are those that were chosen. Every choice has an enduring value, because it is what a particular person wanted. Life is always true. There can be no other situation than that created by free choice. The seeming injustice is only an invitation to explore to get connected! To more powerful dynamics and more fully realize the diversity of the moment. Finding the underlying dynamics is what it means to overcome injustice.

It may turn out that the person who is now deceiving me or stealing from me is stabbing me in the back and destroying my life. And in some parallel world, in a different system of time and space, the same person experiences the same thing from me. Or maybe looking for a deeper understanding of life by interacting with me. Knowing about these deep dynamics, working with them, makes the holodynamic life so rich.

The difference in the views of freedom in these three approaches is that linear participation is determined by rules. Wave dynamics is guided by personal experience and the joy of the game. Cold-dynamist players know who they are and choose to be a game not only because of the game itself, but also because of the deeper dynamics outside of it. Holodinamists play in multiple dimensions.

Line members play by the rules. Wave members play by the rules. The holodynamists themselves are the rules, but they are not limited to this. They are the game itself. They are a holistic dynamic.

For line players, the rules are absolute. For wave players, this is more of a "guide". Holodinamists see them as a means of expanding their own dynamics. Rules are expressions of faith, trust and joy. These are micro-worlds created for the deployment of personal and collective potentials.

The most important difference between holodinamist players is that they are able to preserve their individuality by "diving in the waves" of rules, exploring their boundaries, shifting their focus. They are personally "present" in the game, while line players, for example, cannot keep their individuality outside the rules. They have to adapt because they willingly give their individuality to the game, they don't really know that they can play freely, and they can't appreciate the potential power of their choice.

Those whose lives are governed by rules cannot become a game. For a line player, everything is for sure - either you "become" the rules or the game. The particle player can only be rules. Only those who can figure out where the rules are, where the game is, where the players are, can preserve their individuality (thanks to the highest potential) and continue the game at the same time. It is this ability to distinguish one from the other that is the essence of the mind.

Holodynamist players are aware of a single field of mind, in which all events, time and space are, as it were, sorted into shelves, have their place. These people are always attuned to the lessons they learned in the worlds of the past-present-future, they feel how to play in this world in order to improve all other dimensions at the same time.

They use their presence to explore the integrity of the game. The rules, the game, and the people themselves are all part of a larger, overarching collective dynamic. Once "becoming" a game, they realized that it was a game of free choice. They themselves contributed to its emergence. Now they can "become" rules and be connected simultaneously with all participants in the evolving, present context of life.

"Becoming" the rules and the game, they are free to explore the nature of the connections between its participants and soon discover that this connection is full of many hidden subtle dynamics. The game is just a manifestation of these dynamics. In general, any closed system has its own hidden potential, waiting only for the opportunity to open up.

To "become" a dynamic means, as it were, to take possession of it. And this, in turn, means to realize that it is indivisible. It has no past or future in their simple linear sense. It exists before, during, and after playing the "now" of interpersonal dynamics. This is a step on the way to such a state of being, when there is neither time nor space. From this state, you can look at the whole dynamics of life and feel the harmony of integrity, having your own part in it. It never happens that a person is faced with some kind of pathology or a closed system without being able to reveal their potential. Any situation is a kind of invitation to "leave your imprints" on the dynamics of this situation. Change something in it. Choose: up or down, life or death, health or disease, wisdom or ignorance. Allow yourself to express your individuality. Take responsibility for this individuality and its manifestations.

A butterfly that sits on a flower and flutters its wings over time affects the weather around the world (the so-called "butterfly effect" by meteorologists); similarly, total personal presence in a whole dynamic makes the whole dynamic of life unique.

Such a study of one's belonging imperceptibly leads to a whole series of correspondences and agreements between the levels of inclusion of the wave and linear dynamics. The butterfly changes to accommodate the wind, and the wind changes its course, even if only slightly, to accommodate the butterfly. The wolf changes by adapting to the buffalo, and the buffalo adapts to the wolf and changes in the process.

People change to adapt to each other. The boss adapts to his secretary, the secretary to the boss. Husband and wife adapt to each other. Each person adapts to each. Society is shaped and survives by this enduring dynamic adaptability.

Everything that is intelligent is connected by the intertwining fields of the mind, and this affects the holistic dynamics, including that which is outside our space and time, reaching other worlds.

In these adaptation dynamics, self-organizing information systems in the form of living holodines provide memory and determine perception. In this way they perpetuate the games people play. The existence of these invisible, self-sufficient, self-organizing memory repositories, holodines, is evident in all life forms.

Holodines are located within the microtubules of each cell.

They are formed in accordance with the flow of information in the form of waves and particles, which is organized by the entire quantum coherent system of the organism. They are transmitted through switch dimers that make up the molecular wall of the tubules. They are three-dimensional graphic systems in the aquatic environment of microtubules. They are formed from our imagination, life experience, inherited genetically and come from parallel worlds. They are ideally suited for both transmitting and receiving information through a quantum potential field within microtubules.

Holodines manifest intelligence, which in turn becomes part of the game-shaping dynamics. These self-organized systems and the games they create were obviously laid down many generations before us and therefore have already become indistinguishable for their owners and act independently. But not a single action, feeling or thought can be conceived, felt or carried out if they are not adapted to the holodine of a person.

Holodines create the inner and outer realm of linear and wave reality.

As self-organized sentient beings, the scope of the Holodines is invisible until the player of the games of life voluntarily focuses on them. By recognizing and focusing on holodines, players can now decide how to build relationships with them, thereby expanding their ability to manifest in the holodinamics universe. Once a person has made the choice to enter into a relationship with his Holodines, then he thereby enters into a kind of game with the Holodines, a game that he himself has chosen.

If a person does not make a conscious choice, then the choice for him is made by his holodines. Nobody is born alone. Nobody lives alone. Nobody dies alone. We all have holodines and, at the level of holodines, we have all the memories of our ancestors, collective cultural and family fields, information from family and friends, our own creative experiences, and all the dynamics that come to us from parallel worlds.

If a person chooses to communicate with love, then he opens access to holodines and, in return, holodines also give him love. In this field of love, a person can gain and realize such an abundance of information that after that life will never be the same as before.

Anyone who has scuba diving knows what it's like to be underwater. And no effort can be forgotten that in the ocean there is a multi-colored world, inhabited by extraordinary fish, plants, myriad life forms. This cannot be denied. Likewise, once discovered, the Holodine world is no longer ignorable.

By getting to know the hidden world of holodines, one can more fully participate in the games of life, still working by the rules, but at the same time, going beyond the rules and the old games, knowing that the game is only a game, and the rules are only its tools. . And within games, games can only be what we choose.

The holodynamic mind has a growing understanding of the interplay between particle play and wave dynamics, step by step, from one choice to another, moving to a deeper game, playing more fully than one can imagine, and eventually comes to a conscious understanding of the game. Life is richer than you can imagine from the positions of wave or linear consciousness.

When you make this discovery, it is impossible to forget that life is much more than games. So biologists who study the sea discover that most of the oxygen in the air comes from the microorganisms of the ocean, and that, in fact, all life on earth is inseparably intertwined with the life of the ocean. From the moment of this discovery, the biologist will never forget that his own life is inextricably linked with the ocean.

Linemen cannot understand anything outside of the game. They are locked into a certain dynamic, only seeing a particular fish swim to a particular place with a particular purpose.

Wave players can go beyond the game and understand how the game works and how to stay in the game for the sheer pleasure of playing. They change their picks to stay in the game. They see themselves as players in an endless staging. Therefore, they can easily explore all the fish and all the coral reefs of the ocean. They can explore the entire ocean of the game.

It is this exploration of the whole game that leads to holodinamics.

Like wave participants, holodynamists can recognize the boundaries of the game, feel their flexibility, and now participate in a more complex game by playing with these boundaries. They can be enchanted with a single fish or coral just like the linemen. They can, like wave players, admire the whole ocean. But they can also experience the interaction between ocean and land, the unified biosphere and life as they manifest everywhere. They see the flow of the ocean in the streams of stars, the birth of life in their movement.

They realize that in some other world they themselves may be a fish. They "transform" into this fish and live life in this form until they consciously enter into this other world where they can "become" a fish. At this point, they become true holodinamists. They see through the fish's eyes, feel through its body, and experience through its information systems. They "know" this fish in a way that no other player can.

One day my friend Harry and his wife Tina took me and a friend on a boat to Molokini, one of the volcanic islands near Maui in Hawaii. Molokini is an underwater park and because it has natural corals and is very beautiful, it is preserved for diving enthusiasts. We left the boat at the edge of the underwater crater and I entered the water first.

The first thing I saw immediately at the entrance was three sharks from one and a half to two meters long. I followed them and they quickly sailed away. My companions also entered the water and we enjoyed swimming in the bay. As we reached the outer edge of the crater, I approached the point where the ground abruptly dropped down into a dark blue abyss. It was a smooth cliff, and as I looked down, I felt an alarm go off inside me. Suddenly Harry, who was swimming beside me, pointed with both hands into the dark abyss. I looked there and did not immediately make out a huge indistinct shadow in this darkness. The first desire was to get to the ground or to the boat as soon as possible. It was huge, and we swam far, and there was nowhere to wait for help.

However, my fears disappeared when I recognized the outline of a large manta ray. Black on the back and white on the belly, she swam gracefully through the water, crossing the ridge, and began to move in a circle among the algae in the crater. Three of my comrades swam after her, trying to get close enough for a ride. However, I knew that she was moving too fast and too far away from them, and they would fail. So I took a different approach. I decided to "become" a stingray.

I closed my eyes, went to a place of rest, and invited my highest potential. I asked to be shown the world where I was a stingray and asked permission from the highest potential to become a stingray here in this world. My hands suddenly began to move, as if I were a stingray. I literally made two or three movements, when suddenly a huge wave hit me (I was at a depth of about 10 meters under water). I opened my eyes and right in front of me saw a mouth about a meter wide.

The first thought was: "What is she eating?" This mouth could well swallow me whole. Then a voice as clear as a bell said, "Are you all right?" And then he asked: "Are you a manta?" I realized that in some telepathic way I was talking with a stingray.

"I'm fine," I replied, although I was shocked to see the stingray hovering in the water right in front of me. "I'm not a manta," I continued, "but I want to experience how to live in your world."

She laughed happily and we swam. Over the edge of the cliff straight into the deepest abyss of the ocean. She was leading me to what I feared the most a few minutes ago. An all-consuming calm filled my entire being. I have never experienced such peace. I didn't even know such peace existed. There was no fear even in the darkest corners of the ocean.

After a while, it became a bit boring to swim in pitch darkness, and I asked: "Can I diversify the picture a little?"

The next moment I realized that we were sailing past coral reefs that were the most beautiful I have ever seen. Bright colors, myriads of fish of all possible colors and shapes, sunlight illuminating the water column... As soon as I managed to get used to this beautiful picture, I suddenly discovered that we were swimming in an ocean of stars. I have seen galaxies, stars, all kinds of planetary systems. "How is it that you, a manta living in the ocean, swim among the stars?" I asked.

Manta looked at me and grinned, as if to say, "Don't you know anything?" I realized that my life experience was much more limited than hers.

We spent a lot of time together. My companions realized that we were communicating with the stingray in some unusual way, as we hung in the water opposite each other for a long time. They swam towards me. Harry thought this was so unbelievable that he swam the full mile back to the boat to get his underwater camera. He was already swimming back, attaching the camera, when she made two loud clicks.

I felt a jolt in my stomach. When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw was that the manta had turned one eye in Harry's direction. I followed her gaze as she looked at the others. They were located on the sides of her fins, I was in front of her, and Harry swam up behind, making sounds that the manta had never heard. Then she realized that she was surrounded by some strange people.

“Now I have to go,” was all she said and disappeared over the edge of the reef into the depths of the ocean.

Reality cannot be contained in one world of particles. There is no "absolute reality" that is "out there" waiting for us to discover it. Reality is a constantly changing holodinamical process in which particulars can only be considered in connection with the whole process. Manta knew and experienced the effects of reality in an open study.

Only part of the picture is accessible to human experience. Let's take business as an example. Business is part of the essence of self-organizing systems of information exchange that constantly takes place among people. Business is about how to get food, clothes, housing and how to entertain yourself. Business is connected with the well-being of the whole society: what food to grow, what food to harvest, what food to sell. In a broad sense, the hand of a businessman forms the face of the planet. The whole world is created in the forge of business.

A businessman who understands that organizations, government, production, agreements, people and potential are involved in a single system of time and space looks at his business holodinamically.

The linear-thinking businessman, doing business in accordance with the laws of the country, even ready to protest, seeking to change them for someone's benefit, entering into contracts, negotiating the most profitable deals and counting every penny, usually has a reputation as a respected citizen. But from a broader perspective, such a businessman still has a long way to go to his true self. He is only interested in winning. This interest as such is a silent perverted and flawed justification of man.

Such an excuse suits a businessman in our cultureless linear world, but in reality these people do not live, they are like a straw drawn by the flow of life, trying to grab as much as possible, save up for the life they will ever lead. Any deviation from the linear path, any manifestation of chaos or real life forms, causes fear so deep that a person wants to avoid it at all costs. Those who play the game of business strive to stand out in this world.

The businessman of wave dynamics, the one who has a real passion for business, feels the movement of the flow and loves to ride the waves of dynamics, is at least alive, if only for a little while. Such people have the presence of mind to ask: "How does my business affect the rest of my life?", "Can we change the rules of the game so that everyone always wins?" Wave people are more likely to develop an inner sense of belonging to the self-organizing dynamics of life.

There are entrepreneurs in the world who are haunted by endless business opportunities and hustle and bustle from one opportunity to another, creating new connections, alliances and manifestations of what the future can bring to people striving to live in the world of their dreams.

Linear dynamics is understanding, wave dynamics is participation, and the holodynamic mind perceives life as a game, understanding the broader dimensions of the integral dynamics, which includes the interaction between life on earth and life in general.

Freely participating in finite games, the holodynamic mind does not lose its freedom or individuality in order to adapt. By playing freely with the rules and being able to conform to their requirements, holodynamist players are not bound to wave dynamics, they do not need the game to continue or their business activities to continue in life.

Rather, they themselves become this activity. Without losing anything, they become everything at once. Business has its own magic and its own music. He has his own life. Likewise, the family, and the country, and the planet earth - all have a potential that can be revealed. Every set of circumstances has its potential. Any situation corresponds to the harmony of life. Every situation is driven by its potential. The essence of business is to focus on the potential of any situation.

Both linear and wave businessmen have difficulty understanding and realizing parallel worlds. Parallel worlds of the past, present and future exist together, in parallel. As John Wheeler argues in his Many Worlds interpretation of quantum physics, many parallel worlds can exist simultaneously in their space-time continuums. The principles of quantum connectivity between information systems refer to non-local or parallel worlds.

From this point of view, every moment of choice is eternal and universal. Its potential is not limited to local dynamics, but reflects universal timeless dynamics. Even the most insignificant and consciously unnoticed choices have an incredible richness of their many manifestations as part of a holistic dynamic.

No refrigeration business would plan to dispose of toxic waste in a sensitive natural environment without first exploring the potential of the whole situation. The consequences have karmic significance not only for him personally, but for the entire company.

Karmic consequences occur when the situations of our world, like a ripple effect, spread to other worlds and create a feedback between this world and others. From this point of view, we are not alone, and our actions cannot be viewed in isolation. That is, the dumping of toxic waste causes just such a ripple effect, even if the law is not against it and the person is not "caught". Depending on the nature of the action, it can cause the strongest consequences in parallel worlds that are closely connected with our life structures in this world.

From a holodynamic point of view, there is not and never will be a complete separation of man or any other form of life from life itself or its games. There is a pure choice and its pure consequences. A person plays this or that game without even knowing how to play or what the rules are, but he plays - simply because he is intelligent. The pure expression of the mind is a manifestation of the personal and collective qualities inherent in this mind, allowing it to reveal its life potential as part of a collective reality. All personal characteristics of parallel worlds are available to us at any time.

Agreements that appear in other worlds affect relations in this world. All higher potentials are active in other worlds and participate in the dynamics of these worlds as well as in the dynamics of our world. Everyone can play by the rules, win and lose. Everyone can choose a different game, with new rules, or can jump from game to game, from world to world, from one space-time continuum to another, allowing themselves maximum choices, expanding their participation in the game to a degree that line players cannot understand, wave only for a second can see. Each individual imprint on the force of life spreads through the infinite worlds.

A person can always tell exactly when he is in particle dynamics, because this is an event. It has a beginning and an end. Like time, it is divided into segments. It has certain limits. It could be a competition with some acceptable requirements, a story on a specific topic, or a theatrical sequence of speakers, or a list of goals for an organization with a set of evaluation criteria.

When a person plays with a wave perspective, events take the form of an endless series of phenomena. There are no real boundaries, beginning or end, but there are themes that develop, replacing each other during the game, and the principles by which a person plays.

Outside the wave, isolated events occur not only as part of an ongoing process, but also in the fullness and universality of time. In some world, everything is happening at the moment. Some don't need to remember it to play, while others remember it. Jesus most likely remembered this, and that is why he loved everyone, past, present and future.

In a linear sense, only one person can be at the head of a corporation. Only one person can be a team captain. Only one person can be a father. All the rest have their own, different status in the game of the system. The person may not be the one who wins the grand prize, but they still play to reach a certain level in the hierarchy of the game. This is how the structure of society is created.

The structure can be non-linear, relative, depending on who plays and why. It may be inappropriate, it may look like an attempt by a still mind to restore old memories in order to keep everyone busy until their time is up. It may be a hope for the future or a memory of the past, but any structure can exist only by agreement.

What makes this structure connected? What gives coherence to group dynamics? What field dynamics support the structure that enables the growth and existence of people and things? This is the guiding potential of the structure itself. Every organization is a living being with its own structure, built according to its own unique internal order.

This order exists even in the structure of war. War with all its structures is the result of the free choice of all its participants. The linear mind cannot understand the meaning of war. It is always seen as a contradiction. This contradiction is necessary so that it is impossible to say who won. Before it starts, all parties "make" an agreement on how to play, what boundaries should not be crossed, how long it will last.

The war can be lost, as in Vietnam by the Americans, and still won, as in the collapse of communism in Russia. The whole game is superseded by loss, suffering, the price paid by its participants. In addition, there are many other military zones. Physical war, which was mentioned above, but there is also emotional war, mental war, spiritual war, social war, economic war, religious war, philosophical war, and so on. Even Quakers who did not believe in war were military men. They fought for ideology, for the right to believe, for the right to control their lives. They fought passively like Gandhi and fought with words.

Thus the grand game, the endless or wave dynamics of war, is reflected in the ongoing struggle for property, material resources, ideological influence, economic presence, information, spiritual or political power. They are also full of irresolvable inconsistencies.

While linear dynamics are defined from the outside, by statements like "We declare war!", wave dynamics are defined by internal statements like "We fight for freedom!" or "Justice" or "Honor". The inconsistency becomes apparent when we ask a simple question: how can one fight for honor, if one admits that one has to fight for it, then honor is already lost?

In wave dynamics, time is turned only to self-knowledge. Therefore, turning to time leads to new discoveries in time, to new horizons in the endless struggle for justice, honor or the right to choose, and all this is created by the game itself. Everything that was created during the game is part of it. War created in wave dynamics is part of the wave game. So the war becomes eternal.

Cold-dynamically, war is a freely chosen game that can end as soon as one of the participants decides to do so. If people are called to war, but no one responds and does not come, there will be no war. People choose war to show their peacefulness, to overcome the devastation of the war years, to receive wounds and heal them. War is "the game of the gods, who seek to devastate everything in order to create a renewed world."

Wars cannot be banned, and war cannot be declared.

War becomes less if there is some alternative to it. Alternative creates choice, and war becomes just one possibility among many.

You can never be sure which dimension or world the game takes place in. Exists unknown number worlds, countless combinations of information and ways of its self-organization. In one of the worlds, we can win the war. In another - in the same war we will be defeated. In one world, we can be the parent of some person. In another world, we will be his own children. The continuous dynamics of the relationship can manifest itself in each of all possible simultaneously developing combinations.

Thus, war represents the dynamics of collective relationships between myriads of people from parallel worlds playing multilateral games. All players are in the most difficult relationship with each other.

Understanding the deep meaning of any relationship allows you to reveal their potential. A chance meeting, an unexpected remark, a wink - and all the participants suddenly realize that they are communicating with their eternal friend. Consciousness opens a little at the right moment in order to survive this experience, to realize a certain synchronism of actions, which all participants agreed on in some other dimension, outside of time and space. The highest potential of each of them collects information and structures it into a certain coherence, which gives form to the potential of the meeting.

This is clearly seen, for example, when people meet for the first time and immediately become friends. They see this friendship as something alive, as a "co-existence". Those who are aware of this existence and follow its potential experience the most interesting adventures, and for this it is not necessary to change or renew. They experience this relationship as something that has always existed. Relationships were and are. And always will be.

From linear positions, relationships begin, develop, and then end. From the standpoint of wave consciousness, linear dynamics occurs within the wave. People can meet and develop their relationship, but the whole scenario unfolds in a larger context. Friends meet, develop various manifestations of their relationship in some specific events, but even if they never see each other again in their lives, they know that their relationship has neither beginning nor end. From the point of view of wave dynamics, relationships cannot be experienced simply as living phenomena in the infinite diversity of the world.

In this world, it is obvious that the entire experience of particle dynamics is located within the framework of large wave dynamics, and small wave dynamics develop "inside" each particle. This is the physical reality. In the same way, finite games can be played within the framework of other, infinite games, and, using the effect of presence, one can play an infinite game within the framework of another, finite one. Most players have forgotten who they are and what the nature of their relationship is, and therefore limit themselves to a kind of "silent" self-expression of what they potentially could be and what they really are.

Quantum physicists view particles as "frozen waves". That is, each particle is made up of waves that are enclosed in freely chosen frames of "linearity".

It is the interaction of linear and wave dynamics that creates the holodynamic dimension, and is itself its brainchild. It forms a universe in which all wave and line dynamics are part of a larger, integral dynamic. There is no limit to smallness or magnitude. In a holodinamical universe, what is considered a part is known to the whole, and what is considered a whole is known to every part of it.

Therefore, wave dynamics can be realized through particle dynamics - as long as the rules of the game are followed. Full presence, at least not yet, can't be part of the social convention of gaming. It just might be known to those whose lives are not defined by the game. Once a person remembers this, he will not be able to forget it. He is no longer "public" in the conventional sense of "audience". People have gained full presence and are losing all reason.

Winning a linear game means its completion. Winning the endless game means nothing more than to feel the moment in the continuation of the game between the intellects, which, in fact, are forever in the game. People can be replaced, and the game will continue. New husband or wife, new family, new type family relationships, but the game continues.

In the holodynamic understanding, building relationships means paying tribute to the very nature of being together. For some, this is to pay a karmic debt, fulfill cosmic obligations, play under the control of the emerging mind (which can be done even when losing or completely withdrawing from the game - it depends on the choice or agreement). For others, it represents the future potential that manifests through this relationship to reach heights that ordinary players do not even dream of.

Reason manifests itself precisely in these choices, the ability to distinguish and keep the focus. It is in the process of play that passion and compassion arise, and it is from the combination of focus, difference, choice and play with true passion that the future is born.

Winning or losing is part of the game. Part of a larger stage in which the mind manifests itself through a series of choices that determine the nature of the game itself, its boundaries, routines and rules. Wave experiences are focused on how to make them more flexible, how to play with the game.

If anyone is destined to understand this vast wave dynamics, then only not linear thinking. Also, within the framework of wave thinking, it is impossible to discern the subtle, but powerful fullness of the game in all dimensions at the same time.

The linear mind is limited by time, space and particle dynamics. These dynamics can be outlined, written down, drawn on paper, and defined by rules. The rules of one game may differ from the rules of another. The function of rules and roles, scenarios and prohibitions is to set the degree of restrictions in the game. It is thanks to the restrictions that the game can be played and protect participants from other games while they are playing this one.

There is a sacred agreement between all linemen that other players must reckon with. They make a pact that they must obey the rules so they can tell who wins. The rules cannot change during the game. It is this agreement between the players that gives the finished game its weight and gives the rules their power.

The laws of a country will not be enforced just because a small group of people in the supreme court say they must be obeyed. They will gain strength only when the people bound by them agree to be bound by them. Marriage will not become valid simply because it was approved by someone from the outside, whether it be the state, society, church or the Lord God. Agreements are generally valid to the extent that their participants are willing to follow them.

When one or both of the participants in a marriage decide to make their union "eternal", a contradiction arises. The "eternal" cannot be contained within a linear action. If people make an attempt to limit the relationship to the ultimate, then they have forgotten the true nature of their relationship. Relationships are forever. Nothing can be "done" to make the relationship what it already is, and so the marriage ceremony is, at best, just a symbolic declaration of it. A reminder of what already exists. Recognition by each other and society of what should be remembered.

The rules of marriage can change when all players are ready to accept that the game is about to end. As soon as someone starts to win or, for example, lose, the game is threatened with fading. It will end with a certain final act, an event.

The ability for wave thinking can help change the rules, and the game will continue. Controversy arises when the rules of the game allow people to marry who have forgotten the true nature of the relationship. Then the marriage is destroyed. The union of two "dead" people can lead to the fact that these "dead" and after its collapse will marry their own kind, the game will continue, but a new marriage will not become alive from this.

When the "epicenter" of marriage, the scope of its manifestation, is wide enough and allows maximum freedom in the development of relations, the entire experience of the union can be viewed from an unlimited perspective. The purposes of marriage, its impact on other worlds and their influence on it, its areas of manifestation such as parenthood, the relationship of society and the family, become part of a much larger dynamic.

In this greater dynamics of the game of particles, even "dead" marriages are considered only as the next steps on the way to the unfolding of the highest potential. Man is challenged: how to revive a "lost" marriage. How to approach the growing knowledge of the deeper dynamics. How to resurrect the dead.

Part of the deeper dynamics is what in the animal world is called the "pack instinct" and in humans the "crowd instinct."

This instinct can be traced when a group of insects form a swarm to close a gap in the defense, for example, this happens when someone disturbs an anthill or if in a school of fish, when it suddenly turns around and swims away to hide from a predator. The bees gather in a swarm to move the hive. For the same reason, termites swarm, and therefore can, through a complex non-linear process, choose the most suitable place to build a new hive.

People also show this property - the "instinct of the pack." They band together to protect their belief systems, their country, their property. The same trends can be observed in such a phenomenon as the Internet.

The Internet is a computer communications network that was originally created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to coordinate information around the world. A few years ago, this service was opened to the public and now millions of people work on the Internet. It became a game in which the network of information created its own kind of collective mind, similar to the mind of a swarm or flock.

No one controls or sets boundaries for the internet. Millions of people around the world are connected to the information they choose. While information input is always specific (each person enters or requests specific information, this is a linear act), the Internet itself is a never-ending game. Its purpose is only to continue the exchange of information. Nobody wins. Nobody loses. The agreement of the participants is to continue the game and involve as many people as possible in it.

People jointly decide what the Internet will be like - step by step, depending on the motives of each. When the need arose for the appearance of an uncontrolled diffuse exchange of information, it became available. The US government tried to stop this because it provides private, hidden communication, but the codes became public and free information communication suddenly became a reality. There is a lot of controversy going on about push and pull dynamics. Should merchants be allowed to impose their products in consumer space without their permission (push) or should it be better for consumers to request the goods and services they want (pull)? The second tactic will win. The dynamics are almost the same: a person asks for information, firms assert their right to push goods until they are stopped.

Just as a flock of birds can change direction in 1/17 of a second, the decision to change path collectively travels through the flock as a form of collective intelligence, making decisions faster than an individual's mind can consciously decide.

School dynamics are at work all the time in schools of fish, insects, and other life forms. However, in a linearly thinking human society, it remains unrecognized. Once consciousness becomes aware of these flock dynamics, scientific means of measuring and describing the phenomenon begin to develop rapidly. In the traditional way, we first recognize, then we measure, then we repeat the object. In the case of the action of the mind of the pack, the dimension affects its object itself. Consent is like a by-product of the pack mind.

Since the birth of quantum mechanics (which describes the functions of waves and their relationship with particle dynamics), the discovery of holography (images using laser light) and the emergence of information theory (the development of artificial knowledge), scientists began to understand that the mentality of a flock, or the connectivity given by waves between self-organizing information systems has significant advantages, it is a unique realm of human experience (see eg "Out of Control" by Kevin Kelly).

Information systems become self-organizing when: 1) they have an excess of energy, 2) they are in a flow, and 3) they are non-linear (Ilya Prigogine). David Bohm suggests that information and energy are reformed into more complex systems because they are driven by hidden potential, which has an inherent internal order. This hidden order is inherently holographic and dynamic at the same time; Bohm calls this a "moving hologram".

Moving holograms are holodines. Holodines, formed due to the dual sensory perception of information (wave and particle) and stored in microtubules within each cell, are the best environment for self-organization. They explain the natural processes of growth and development of the body, nerve synapses, brain plasticity, biochemical activity and consciousness (see "Shadows of the Mind" by Roger Penrose). They explain the ways of realization of personality in the life cycles of each person. Holodines also explain how families, communities, and even international relations develop and become stable. Holodines are the key to mental health and national well-being.

The new sciences and my own experience in applying these sciences to the conditions of human life have taught me that millions of years of memory inheritance have created the most complex labyrinths of self-organizing information that form quantum potential energy fields. These forms or holodines are constantly changing, receiving information, organizing it according to previously established principles, establishing their connections and providing storage in accordance with their specifics. The whole system is self-organizing and self-governing. Through the subatomic frequencies of Frolik, quantum connectivity constantly sends information to cells, tissues and organs, thanks to which each person is able to act as a whole.

Social ties, cultural values, nationalism and global thinking are all part of this phenomenon.

For example, when entire populations are overpopulated, the birth rate goes down on its own, without external intervention. Farmers know how much to plant without the control of the federal government. People themselves feel when to go to the beach, when to buy groceries and hundreds of other little things like that, which, put together, allow civilization to move forward relatively smoothly.

Another type of "pack mind" or "crowd instinct" manifests itself in collective pathologies. Sometimes during riots, even peaceful, respectable citizens turn into rampant robbers. If there is such a serious illness that is incurable (AIDS, for example). This endless circle of new diseases and new drugs is another reflection of the collective negative holodines that create their own undercurrents in the life of an individual, family, society. Being "collective property", these holodines grow according to the principle of accumulation of quantity with the subsequent transition to a new quality - in this case we are talking about a new disease. Diseases and social disorders are phenomena of the "flock" or "crowd".

In the same way, the life of the entire planet can be considered as a self-governing holographic phenomenon (see Mike Talbot's book "The Holographic Universe"). Disease is an integrated part of the whole dynamic of life. Ancient prescriptions for medicines make more sense when viewed through the prism of collective and individual dynamics. Illness is more than a wave or a particle. The search for a cure for some diseases requires an appeal to the integral dynamics, including waves, particles and holodines.

In holodinamics, to focus means to "catch the focus" outside the dynamics of waves or particles. In the brain, the game mostly takes place in the plane between the wave and the particle.

Communication with the "whole" that the Internet represents, access to "mentors" who guide a person through the crowd, using the entire system to enhance its potential - for holodynamic consciousness is in the order of things. At the same time, holodinamical consciousness maximizes personal potential as well. It can focus on deploying multiple capabilities at the same time. Any set of circumstances governs its potential. Connecting with this potential opens up endless choices and character challenges.

The choice can be made without losing individuality and without losing knowledge. In the same way, the choice does not reduce the relationship with the entire field of dynamics in which the given act is performed. For those who know the true nature of reality, the way to master the potential is open. They explore the dynamics of the morphogenetic (growing) field (Sheldrake), which determines the field of play. They are free to enter the "planning space" in which interlocking living arrangements are in play and in dance.

With this added freedom, holodynamist players develop the conscious knowledge, personal power, and scope of vision to complete and refine their role in the holistic dynamic. To be cold-dynamic means to play in a possible way.

The end game in one way or another is always aimed at increasing or decreasing life potential in accordance with personal choice. If the choice is made in favor of expanding the potential, then we are talking about playing in the upstream. In order to decrease the vital force, one plays in the downward current.

For example, the Internet can be used to expand freedom of information around the world, to share environmental improvement tools, to transform military resources into more constructive and intelligent uses, to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, and enlighten the ignorant. Or you can use it to create new types of crime, deceit, dishonor, propaganda, pornography, or any other activity that the participants choose. Life on the planet depends on how people choose to play games, which dance of life to dance.

Will controls the energy, giving it a form. Will shapes the quantum potential field by activating the holodines in the microtubules. When the life-developing holodines are chosen and activated, the energy moves in an upward current. When the life-limiting holodines are chosen, the energy moves in a downward current.

Both of these dynamics develop in every life system. If there were no descending dynamics in life systems, there would be no death. Like encryption (which limits information systems to manageable limits), death defines the boundaries of life. Without the descending dynamics and the final death of a certain system, life systems would fill the universe so much that everything in it would die.

To focus on your highest potential and follow its path is to play a game that expands life, maximizes it. The maximum development of life comes from the position of choice. To stray from the path of higher potential means to resort to one of the extremes: wave or linear dynamics and forget who we are.

As soon as a person forgets who he is, he leaves the holodynamic game and begins to play from more limited positions. He plays linear or wave games, and his energy and mind move and develop according to the downward dynamics of that game. People begin to gradually die, because life can only be where there really is a choice.

The first sign that a person has forgotten who he is is when he begins to "hide" his freedom of choice. He just forgot that he always has a choice. To change the game, or to change the rules of the game, or to enter into a different game, is to move in the downstream. There is no choice in the game. In the game, the Holodines control everything. That is why so many people continue to struggle from generation to generation, persistently passing on their "forgetfulness" from parents to children. To forget about choice is the beginning of dying.

This "forgetfulness" dominates the dynamics of waves and particles. Especially in linear dynamics where people take endgames very seriously. When people become serious, they separate from the integral dynamics, go into linear thinking. Seriousness already implies a willingness to forget.

In wave dynamics, memory returns again as each participant becomes aware that the game in question is only one of many. They only play games. To move from one game to another is to forget. And forgetting is the beginning of the end, that is, death.

In holodinamics, memory returns, and with its advent, the dawn of knowledge, celebration, and the joy of dancing in the fires of choice rises.

Let's take language as an example. Those who look in the past for exact matches for each word think linearly. Language becomes the ultimate game. Language becomes a serious matter. To spend one's life remembering all the former final definitions of language is the final victory of the linguist. Many people have spent years, a life, reading, studying, honestly memorizing the exact language formulations set out many centuries ago by a certain scientist who, in the same way, spent his life on them. A life lived through the words of the past cannot be a life of the present.

For those who strive for full presence in their words, language can be used as a tool. Those who are looking for new combinations of words think non-linearly and enrich their consciousness with such creativity. They can use language in a new, more dynamic way, turning language into a game of love by playing the game with it.

And those who allow the existence of both new and old formulations let the language live to the fullest. When a language is alive, its native speaker also lives a full life.

Like a living being, language expands with every moment, with every word, with every generation. Each generation must redefine it. The old formulations should not be forgotten, they should be addressed as a kind of foundation that allows him to live more fully and deeply, more creatively. The most enriching is precisely this situation, when the language is given life.

A living language gives a lot: a person can communicate with birds, talk with animals, swim with fish and hear the breath of the future. To know what the life of a lion, a cat or a dog means. To be not just their friend, but to live in unity with the fluctuations in the life of every living being. Turn into a forest, know every plant. Feel yourself in everything, turn into a fruit on our common tree of life and feel how the life force passes through you, filling your whole life.

We are born to explore and illuminate with our presence the heights of consciousness, until every action becomes a manifestation of love and deep care. To do this, you need to keep every action in the spotlight. By joining the integrity, we are healed, unfolding the flowers of our inner essence to the light and inspiration of the coming day.

Another example. Serious competition can only exist if all participants agree to forget who they really are in order to compete. When a person "hides" from self-realization, it is easier for him to accept all the roles offered, looking with contempt at everything else. So the football player or "prophet" is supposed to "overcome his personal weaknesses" in order to realize himself as a "team representative" or "one who speaks for God." First, his life must be cleansed, he must be tested and recognized as worthy.

The mind that believes it has to overcome something is a serious and competitive mind; he is already participating in a linear game.

The same dynamics develop when a person assumes the role of "teacher", "heavyweight boxer", "mother", "father" or "friend" from a serious and competitive standpoint. All participants must agree to belong to particle dynamics in order to play the role assigned by the game. One will become "teacher of the year", the other - "best friend", "champion" or "favorite" daughter.

Wave players, on the other hand, can also compete, but only for the sake of the game itself. They love competition, but only as a way to self-improvement, joy and vitality, which they gain by playing. Therefore, wave players are not serious. Not the position, but the location enchants emotional players. Their attention is attracted not by the "position" of a teacher, parent, friend, boss, football player or government official, but by people's feelings for each other.

Love, kindness, sensitivity, warmth, openness, trust, respect and uniqueness are of primary importance for them. Even in business, it's not the results and performance that matter, but the cohesive harmony of the group, the feelings aroused by the meeting, and how people relate to each other.

The holodinamist players view competition as part of a larger dynamic in which a person chooses games for himself. This is neither good nor bad, there are no oppositions here, even if this is a serious game, just based on the opposition of wave and line participants (who have forgotten who they are in order to play). The holodynamist player understands that what looks like competition from one life form to another (for food, for land, for influence, etc.) may be part of a higher order of life that can be balanced without us noticing in many others. worlds.

Rivalry cannot lead to losses. It is impossible, for example, to lose self-esteem because of a lost game, lost territory, even the basics of food or other earthly things. A person simply makes a choice - to refuse it, a choice to lose.

Likewise, a person cannot lose his power or state, because the uniqueness of each person exists regardless of what could hypothetically deal with it. Trying to get rid of it requires the person to forget who he is.

In addition to this "forgetfulness", the acceptance of certain roles also requires linear seriousness in order to convince everyone else that the game is "serious business." Therefore, a parent, teacher or leader is usually expected to put aside personal freedom of choice in order to fulfill the role dictated by the game. From now on, his personal words, actions, feelings, thoughts and perception of himself should only reflect his role, should be imposed by it. By no means the man himself.

One knows that the other is in a contest because both are serious. Some people are so good at playing their roles that they even convince themselves that this is their true nature. Their faith is supported by the words of others, awards, titles, recognition and rewards.

Their whole identity is determined by their role and those who support it. They cannot tell what the difference is between the real feelings of a parent and the feelings of a person who behaves like a parent. When personal feelings are discarded for the sake of a role, the veil is pulled and the end game becomes more and more absorbing.

Sometimes, in order to find himself, the leader tries to change the boundaries of the role (to enter the wave dynamics). When this happens, everyone is confused, not knowing what to expect. The capricious leader has to endure enormous pressure before he begins to live up to the requirements of his role, as desired by the audience watching the game and the players participating in it.

If the leader seeks to move against the current and change the boundaries, the line players form a kind of coalition that isolates the damage and tries to make the system stable again. The information in the system responds to this in a natural and stabilizing way. Such a stabilizing reaction is inherent in any system and is part of its growth.

No human personality can emerge from the wave and line dynamics. Thoughts and feelings by themselves cannot withstand the heat in the firebox of life.

A person who is able to withstand this heat is born in the depths of the highest potential. The use of the highest potential as an internal source stabilizes the personality of a person, not locking himself in the games of opposites.

Quote message Six steps of tracking. Vernon Wolf - Holodynamics. How to develop and manage your inner personal power

Vernon Wolf - Holodynamics. How to Develop and Manage Your Inner Personality Power (continued 9)

Six steps of tracking


In order to reach holodine. first you must:

FOCUS on what you want; admit that there is a problem, that something is preventing you from getting what you want; MAKE A CHOICE - solve a problem; using your Intuitive Sense Perception, phase the solution space, and then SELECT INNER guides to help you. You will automatically do this in preparation for tracking. When you are ready to solve a problem, you can easily reach the world of holodines by RE-LIVING the problem and the feelings associated with it. If you're stuck at point A and really want to get to point B, here are some tips for those taking the first step towards reaching their holodines.


In order to kick-start the Quantum Wave, you must FOCUS CLEARLY on what you want. You must clearly imagine with all your senses - both rational and intuitive - what it would be like if you already had what you want. This way you can see where you are compared to where you would like to be and start pinpointing the location of the holodines that are hindering you.


Before any problem can be solved, you, the owner who created it and holds the keys to solving it, must step forward and declare it. Everything you experience is created by you. To change your previous experience, you need to create a new one. By acknowledging a problem, you begin the process of creating a solution to it.

"What is this problem?" "What is your role in this problem?" "What kind of situation makes you feel?" "Can you admit that you yourself created this feeling?" "Would you like to solve your part of this problem?" When you acknowledge your role in creating and continuing this problem, you need to phase the space of the problem so that you can locate the solution.


If you're too caught up in the dynamics of your problem and can't free your mind to see the solution, you need to know how your mind created the solution before it created the problem. You must manifest your mind and phase the space so that the solution opens up. One of the best ways to do this is to use your INTUITIVE SENSE PERCEPTION and start it in your REST.

Tracker tips.

"Relax and using all your senses, go to a place of peace. You see bright colors. Hear the sounds of your place of peace. Smell, taste your place of peace. Feel and be a state of peace."

Now, even if you've never had a place to rest and were born and raised in chaos and can't even imagine a "place of rest", relax anyway. If you can think of SOMETHING calm - a beach, a beam, a mountaintop - you can think of a place of peace. Then just pretend. What will your "resting place" look like? How will it feel to be in a place that is actually peaceful? And then use all your senses to imagine the place, feel it, and be it. When you are completely relaxed and your mind is at rest, you are ready to find your intuitive guide.


Since problems require complex, and therefore intuitive thought processes and the solution to any problem is hidden within your mind, you should call for a guide who can intuitively help you solve your particular problem. Usually your Highest Potential or some other mature guide will appear in your mind to help you deal with your problem.

Questions that the tracker may ask.

"Do you have a guide to help you solve this problem?"

"Who is this or what is this guide?" "Can you call him?"

Now don't worry if you can't "see" your guide, because he can appear to you through any of the six intuitive senses. But rest assured that you have found a way to communicate with him. When your guide appears, ask if he can help you solve your problem. If the guide says YES or indicates consent through any sensory channels, immerse yourself in the feelings associated with your problem; if the guide says NO, you might want to clarify why. Ask the guide what is his problem? If he does not answer you, look for another, and so on until you find someone who only makes you feel good and will communicate with you.


Relive the conditions and situations that created the problem, or let it surface. If you have a loss of control problem, think about the situations that caused it, such as a driver getting ahead of you on the freeway and then slowing down. Immerse yourself in the very feelings you had when you pounded on the dashboard, cursing this driver, if that's what you did, immerse yourself in it and fully experience it.

Experiencing the problem reactivates or re-creates the resonating energy field of the holodines involved. All resonant frequencies coming from the holodine become clear so that you can intuitively travel down those frequencies and reach the particular holodine that directly created the anger response.

Follower Suggestions:

"Pay attention to how you are experiencing the problem. As far as you can, release the experience, remember all the feelings associated with it, and accept your whole role in it. How do you feel?"

Once you have entered the resonant energy field of the problem, use your INTUITIVE SENSE PERCEPTION to feel the physical dimensions of it.


In order to reach the holodine that created your problem, you must switch to your intuitive mind and give some physical form to the feelings associated with this problem. Here we meet the boundary conditions of the first stage of development - the first level of the Hidden Order. You can use any channel of your INTUITIVE SENSE to see form, feel its texture, taste it, smell it, or "feel" its presence. Use your intuitive guide to help you create the form. This is simple and natural because it reflects the actual image already active in your mind on your holodinamical plane. By re-experiencing a problem, you are evoking a conscious image of the holodine that created the problem, and this knowledge will be processed by your intuitive mind each time.

Questions that the tracker may ask.

"Can you get into that feeling?" "What does it look like?" "Does it have a form?" "Color?"

If one of the INTUITIVE SENSE channels is not open, use another channel.

The follower may ask:

"Do you feel any addiction?"

"Can you hear (smell, taste)?"

"Do you feel this feeling in your body?"

Tension or stress, for example, sometimes accumulates in the intestines or lower back. In that case, ask yourself, "Can I draw this feeling out, put it in my palm, and see if it has a shape, or a smell, or some other sensory quality that will help me open up?"

Be aware of and respect your intuitive feelings. Don't let your rational mind impose artificial images on your intuitive mind. Always let your intuitive guides guide the process, encourage them. When an image appears before you, accept it immediately, no matter how repulsive it may seem at first.

If there are too many or none at all, ask your guides to help you. Set aside additional images until you can deal with them. Use your imagination to create other images. Don't worry if you don't really "see" the images. Any sensory channel will "see" them. This will help you to have all the sensory channels in action: when you track holodine, you get the best picture when all the LENSES in your MIND "chamber" are open. Practice. This will go easily if you relax and allow your INTUITIVE FEELING to take over.

When you have reached the holodine and found a form or presence that you can sense, you complete the first step in the Hidden Tracking Order.

And now you are ready for the second stage.


The second stage means the unconditional acceptance of Holodine as a friend. In the Hidden Order of life, the second stage of development means self-realization. Some holodines will be so different from what you have ever experienced that you will tend to reject them or be rejected by them. Remember that holodines originated in the quantum realm and operate in a completely different order than we are used to. They can take the form of anything: a Tornado, a Talking Sun, a Black Drop, anything you can imagine. As far as form goes, they don't seem to have the same environmental constraints that we have. Despite this, they manifest themselves in specific forms. By unconditionally taking Holodine, you allow him to show "his essence", if you communicate with him as a friend, he responds to you as a friend. You can ask him questions and he will answer them for you. How you treat a Holodine is how he will treat you, paying in kind. You "Can't fool a holodine because he's holodynastic and therefore knows more about you than you consciously know about yourself. He knows how you really feel, whether you accept it or not. If you're rejected by a holodine or seek how to refuse it, this will result in different kinds mind games that will make you keep fighting. The list of pranks and evil acts the Holodine can do in your life is endless. The Holodines are responsible for all your illnesses, broken relationships, failures, pain, grief, fear, guilt, resentment, and inadequate perception of reality. Unrest and chaos are all created by the Holodine. Even if you spend your whole life rationally fighting these subconscious saboteurs, you won't achieve anything. It is time to take a different approach, it is time to go deeper and use love, which is the most powerful force in the universe. If you take Holodine with unconditional love, he will tell you what he has done and what he wants.

Questions that the tracker may ask.

"Will he communicate with you?"

"What is he doing inside you?"

"Can you thank him for all he has done?"

It is very important to thank holodine. These thought forms are very sensitive and will go into your subconscious mind if they are abandoned. Remember that an atmosphere of unconditional, positive acceptance is very important. If you have befriended a Holodine, you are in a position to recognize his intentions.


Ask what the immature holodine wants. Help him focus so that you can recognize his intentions. By finding the holodine's positive intention, you allow it to reach its potential in a more mature form: that holodine that functioned as an obstacle in your mind becomes your helper. Let your unconditional love focus on his positive intention.

Questions that the tracker may ask.

"What do you really want?"

"If you keep doing this, what will you end up with?"

"What would it be like to have what you want?"

Usually a holodine comes out and talks about what he wants. Sometimes it can be extremely negative information. He might say something along the lines of "I hate you" or "I want to kill you". Never worry about a Holodine's intentions, no matter how negative they may seem at first. You will always find his positive, true intent if you keep researching. When you encounter a primitive Holodine who doesn't know his true positive intent, simply ask him:

"Well, if you hate me or kill me or whatever, what do you ultimately get out of it?" And he can come back in "peace", with what he really wants. This is the problem with immature holodines: they may want the good, but their way of getting it may be immature. When you have found a holodine's positive intent, thank him, be his friend, and continue tracking through the third step.


Return to your resting place and relax. You are about to transform your immature holodine into its mature potential. To do this, you need to take his positive intent and, using INTUITIVE SENSE PERCEPTION, figure out what he would look like as a mature holodine. Positive intention reflects the latent Full Potential Self of the immature holodine and accelerates its natural unfoldment.

Follower suggestions.

Ask your guide to show you a new holodine mature look that can mature the holodine's positive intent. Use your intuitive sense perception to fully experience this new holodine.

If you already have a mature Holodine image, keep asking questions. If you don't have one, switch to a different sensory channel. Explore it until you are able to mature.


"Will the image of a mature holodine help to perfect the positive intention of an immature holodine?" If yes, then invite him to an immature holodine and ask: "CAN THE MATURE AND THE UNMATURE HOLODAIN ENTER EACH OTHER?" "CAN THE MATURE HOLODINE THANK THE UNMATURE FOR EVERYTHING HE'S DONE?"



If an immature holodine wants to, let him be transformed. This is a natural process. You will find that the new holodine will simply soak up the immature one. You can feel the transformation; this will change the flow of life energy through your body as well as through your mind so that you can feel it.

If an immature holodine, or part of it, doesn't want to be absorbed (synthesized), you'll know right away. The unabsorbed part often points to separate dynamics that you will have to deal with individually as separate holodines - your own issues.

Explore, ask WHY he doesn't want to be consumed. There are usually some aspects of immature holodines that haven't fully shown themselves and that you need to understand before continuing to track. If you treat each unabsorbed part with respect, as if you were yourself, and find its positive intention, it will be absorbed - transformed - into a mature image.

When the transformation is complete, commit the mature holodine to "be there" for you, develop a real connection, and maintain open communication with you from now on.




When this is completed, move on to the next step of tracking. Remember, your intuitive mind is always truthful. He will not present the Holodine as mature until all points of contention regarding his purpose have been clarified. So the third step is where the real tracking and personal development work is done. Pay special attention to this and be sure that you have completed this Degree before moving on to the Fourth Degree.


It is not enough to turn an immature holodine into a mature one. In order to reach your full potential, you must establish an internal control system in your mind that is similar to what you would like to see installed in the outside world. In The Hidden Order of Life, your new complex of mature holodines must become a "living" system with its own causal potency, its own mature "field of influence." When you establish a control system for your inner world among your holodines, your life in the outer world, among people, will become more efficient.

Returning to the Mind Model will help you establish a system of social order, friendship, trust, and collective creativity among our mature holodines. This order is necessary so that your mature holodines will be able to align with other holodines and your Full Potential and intercept the Quantum Power through it. The fourth step creates and aligns all holodines on the holodinamical plane so that they can now combine efforts to solve any problem and see that it is solved. Without this alignment, immature holodines cannot be disciplined. and again and again the same problem can occur. The decisive choice is to ACT or NOT. Will the mature holodine act on their new commitment, cooperate and communicate with you, be "there" for you, help you find solutions to problems or not?



A mature dedicated human holodine explains that his deepest intention is to unlock your potential. This sets up a special resonant energy field that aligns the holodine on the holodinamic plane of your mind with each other and with your Self, and this alignment clears the way for the Quantum Strength, so that it can flow freely through the Holodynamic plane and help your potential to unfold. So, if a mature Holodine wants to commit himself to you, move on to the next step.


At this stage, you are clarifying and putting into action the guiding principles that you and the mature holodines of your mind operate with. If you want to live in a world of caring, fairness, and participation, you need to "become" caring, fair, and compassionate and, through your mature holodines, establish a resonant energy field that will demonstrate and fulfill these principles that have not fully shown themselves and that you need to understand. before continuing tracking.





When you ask a mature holodine to not only be open, communicative, and cooperative, to be "here" for you and make every effort for you, but also to "become" the guiding principles - "become" fairness, caring, and participation, you are establishing a place for more high order in which all parts of your inner "I" and your conscious "I" ("you - in this world") are connected in a new, coordinated way.

This "connecting together" - this fundamental connection of "I" with "you" - can transform your personality in such an amazing way, which is sometimes called the "Quantum Leap". And this, as it were, a heap in the stream of your life suddenly leaves, and all your energy begins to flow anew. It's like coming home. You are calm. You are love itself. You don't need anything and you need nobody, but you are more connected to everyone and everything than ever. You are more capable than ever and want to reach others in such a way that everything around you is on the "top order".

Step Five brings you a deep sense of alignment between your mind and your entire being. Whatever you do, you can honestly say, "I live what I am." You have all of your holodines and can see their impact on your life. You own your life and see how you yourself are the cause of every circumstance that you have ever experienced. All the old games of "victim - accuser - savior" have been transformed. You are now ready for the next and final step of tracking.


You have tracked your mature holodines through THEIR full potential. At this stage, you are inviting your mature holodine to meet with you on a regular basis. At least twice a day, use your INTUITIVE SENSE PERCEPTION to meet them at your resting place. Many find it convenient to set up a special table, usually round, so that your conscious self, your Self, your intuitive guides, and other mature holodines can meet as equals. Because Holodines have the power to cause everything that happens and if handled properly, they will be the cause of everything good that happens. You will immediately begin to trust the new holodine and validate its value by giving the mature holodine a specific purpose. The most appropriate assignment is probably to deal with the problem you just tracked down. Ask Holodine to help you solve this problem. Ask what you can do to help him. Ask him to give an answer at the right time. This creates the basis for a real exchange of information and keeps anyone in their assignment; this allows your rational mind to connect freely with your intuitive processes, which is very helpful in times of stress or overcoming major obstacles.

When your mature holodine has found its place at your round table in your resting place, you have new source intuitive information and power. You are opening a new channel between the intuitive source, the Quantum Wave, and your rational mind. Now you can reach the Full Potential of the holodines involved in any problem and create a new solution to the problem. Now the real fun begins! Now you can extend your mind and your influence to wider areas. Your mind, attuned within your Holodynamic plane, becomes attuned to the Holodynamic plane of your outer world. You will be able to reach everything in a loving, knowing way, and as you achieve everything, you will improve your potential more and more. You are approaching the experience of unity with other people and with our vast living Holodynamic Universe. You are universalizing.

This completes the process of tracking a single holodine. You have brought him from a latent immature form to an open mature image, his full potential. You have aligned your individual holodine with your Self and with other mature holodines on your holodinamic plane. You have established a governance system among your holodines, and within that system, you've aligned each holodine with certain guiding principles. You have given your mature Holodines the opportunity to manifest these principles for you; meeting with you regularly, they work on projects, celebrating life. And in doing so, you align your conscious being with the former subconscious dynamics of your mind.

Sitting at your round table, you can do amazing things. You can sketch out individual problems that your mature holodines can help you solve, and behind the scenes they will set up a resonating energy field that will create solutions without your conscious input. They will make everything easier. They will make everything natural and spontaneous. Just as a seed germinates if you water it and care for it, so if you maintain your conscious focus and stay aligned with your Highest Potential and with the mature holodines of your round table, you will prosper!

When you assign your holodines, you focus on those assignments, the more loving energy you put into your holodines, the greater their positive causal potency. When you combine your conscious focus with your intuitive focus, your holodines respond to you and you can work together as a team. Follow their assignment with regular "reality checks" to ensure that these assignments are met, but remember that the Holodines operate in a different temporal order from yours. Your rational, linear mind can often expect them to fulfill their purpose in due time, but the Holodynamic plane is an evolving plane, and everything here develops according to the natural order. When you are attuned to this, you can balance the demands of your rational mind with the reality of your intuitive mind by setting realistic time frames so that the rational mind does not get flustered if its predicted schedule is not met.

There is a galaxy of wonders within you. And now you are free to explore any dimension of your inner world what you want. Within you are all the experiences of your life. By reaching the holodines on your holodinamic plane and maturing them through their natural stages of development, you can remove all of your emotional blockages and release all of your heart's resources.

When your mature holodines are aligned with your full potential, you can merge more deeply with the power behind reality, the Quantum Force, and by using it in your life, you can draw limitless energy from its very source. Vitality, abundance and health - everything becomes yours, everything you can take.

By using your INTUITIVE SENSE PERCEPTION, you can turn your feelings towards other people and develop a universal mindset in every person and every life form. You can reach your full potential, continue to have a dialogue with it within yourself, and through the resonant energy field of these potentials, you can help them unlock their untapped potential. This is one of the possible manifestations of universal love.

Holodynamics - this is a direction of transpersonal psychology that arose at the intersection of the works of C. Jung and quantum physics in the 70s of the 20th century. The name given to this direction Wolf Vernon and Principal Kirk. The term "holodynamics" consists of two words "holo" - whole and "dynamics" traffic. In this way, holodinamics is the power of the whole in action, dynamics of the whole, life in development. The synthesis of psychology and quantum physics allows in a metaphorical form to give an explanation of the phenomena that occur with a person.

All people live in a limitless field of potentialities, where they can realize themselves in any role, in any capacity. However, they limit themselves with their thoughts, prejudices, fears, doubts, creating a kind of three-dimensional mental holograms. Thus, people form their own belief system.

Holodine, as part of the dynamics of the whole, live quantum fields, human thoughts, which just model everything, connecting people with the Universe. These images live in the protein fibers of the human brain, have color, shape, smell, and can even speak. They can contribute to the development of people, and they can slow down. Realizing this fact helps people transform holodines from negative to positive, contributing to success in life.

Holodynamics calls people know yourself as part of the world, and the world as part of yourself, a from the world of effects to go to the world of causes, bypassing negative emotions. This contributes to an evolutionary change in the image of oneself and the image of the surrounding world, the disclosure of one's infinite creative potential, one's strengths and abilities in all manifestations, instead of a narrowly focused solution to a specific problem. Holodynamics helps a person to build his thinking in such a way that life becomes an amazing Journey or Game.

It's believed that Holodines come to people in four ways:

  1. Through the genes. At birth, a person receives certain qualities, character traits that create his initial image, vision.
  2. With the help of feelings. Processing information, evaluating the results of something, a person also creates holodines.
  3. Imagination and intuition create and transform holodine at the request of a person.
  4. Information from parallel worlds and universes.

Living an unconscious life, people do not feel the presence of holodines in themselves, they do not understand what controls their life. The study of holodynamic processes makes people's lives conscious and manageable. They force people to turn to their past experience, to the knowledge gained in past lives. This allows you to change the spiritual and practical life of people, turning to the Highest Potential in the end. Because of this, not only cellular and chemical changes occur in a person, his karma changes. After some time, he will be able to notice how the life lines on his hand have changed.

But there are holodines not only in man, but also in the Universe. Holodynamics teaches the interaction of the holodines of one person with the holodines of other people and the Universe as a whole, since we all make up one indivisible whole with it. Using the postulate of unity, this direction suggests that you can change another person, as well as the entire Universe, by changing your images and thoughts. By changing one element in the system, we change the entire system.

The theory of holodinamics speaks of The six stages of development through which people pass are holodine and all manifested reality:

  1. Physical - awareness physical fact of its existence.
  2. Personal - awareness, as a person, of an individual with a set of certain abilities and qualities.
  3. Interpersonal - awareness of the existence of other personalities, awareness of oneself through relationships with them.
  4. Social - learning to live in society, fulfilling their social role.
  5. Principal - understanding the principles by which all systems live and develop.
  6. Universal - universalization of life principles and their application to all people everywhere.

In this way holodinamics is new way personal development on the physical and mental level through simple effective methods, making your life and the life of other people happier, healthier, more fulfilling, harmonious. In fact, a person will be able to get out of the crisis with the least losses, gaining wisdom, any task set by life itself.



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