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Ethnic conflict in the activities of law enforcement officers. Moral conflicts in law enforcement. Forecasting, preventing and stimulating conflicts

Law enforcement, due to the sharp confrontation with criminals, the use of specific forces and means, quite often puts employees in situations of moral conflict. These conflicts arise when there is an opposite direction of motives, when the subject has to mentally "weigh" social necessity, expressed in the requirements of duty, and personal plans, rationally conscious motives and desires that run counter to them, when there is a fluctuation between the choice of near and far goals, when a person the choice between greater and lesser evil is disturbing, etc. The peculiarity of the moral conflict lies in the fact that in the current situation the choice of any act as following one or another moral norm leads to a violation of another norm. The difficulty here lies not so much in the fact that a person may not know some moral norms and therefore is not able to make a choice, and also not in the fact that he does not want to fulfill the requirements of morality, but in the need to resolve the clash of these requirements. Among the conflicts that have professional significance for law enforcement officers, attention should be paid to external and internal conflicts. External conflicts manifest as sharp moral contradictions between people (personality - society, personality - group, personality - personality, group - group, group - society). They express the divergence of the orientation of the value orientations of individuals, social groups and society. The nature of internal conflicts is different. Their source is the complexity, heterogeneity of the very motives of the individual, which are in subordination and subordination to each other. The resolution of an internal conflict may in some cases give rise to an external one. Thus, a person's decision to cooperate with law enforcement on a confidential basis may, for example, be the result of resolving an internal conflict between the fear of exposure in the environment in which he has to work, and the realization of the need for such cooperation in favor of the latter, which can lead to an external contradiction. between the unspoken assistant and the environment of his activity is the opposite.

There are many forms of manifestation of moral conflicts in law enforcement. They are determined by the specific features of a particular area of ​​this activity, the specific conditions in which this activity is carried out, the socio-psychological characteristics of the participants in the conflict, and other circumstances. When considering the problem of moral choice, including the relationship between goals and means in law enforcement, the question on the admissibility and limits of the application of measures of legal coercion, special means of combating crime. On the one hand, there is no doubt that the use of these means of law enforcement is caused by objective circumstances. Without the use of legal coercion, means of operational-search activity, it is impossible to effectively combat such social evil as crime. On the other hand, it is also obvious that these measures infringe on the personal freedom of citizens, even those who are suspected or who have committed a crime. By itself, the fact of limiting the personal freedom of citizens, taken from non-social conditions, cannot be considered positive. But any assessment is given not to abstract, but to concrete phenomena. The concrete historical approach recognizes interference in the privacy of citizens, restriction of their freedom as negative in principle, but at the same time admits the possibility and even the need for such interference to protect the personal interests or interests of other citizens, society, the state from criminal encroachments on them. It is impossible not to take into account the fact that the use of legal enforcement measures does not always have a positive impact on the law enforcement officers themselves. In particular, there may be a deformation of moral consciousness and even a change in some personal qualities. In assessing the activities of law enforcement agencies, the binary formula "moral-immoral" is often used, which also has deep historical roots. Even the ancient Stoics argued that just as a stick can be either straight or curved, so an act is either fair or unfair. According to this position, morality is alien to any calculations and indifferent to the quantitative side: there is no essential difference between someone who steals gold from a bank and someone who steals a bun from a shop. Morality, from this point of view, equally condemns both those and other actions. But in reality there is never absolutely white or absolutely black. In reality, there is a huge range of shades located between these absolutes. In the same way, any act has its own moral “shade”. The above reasoning ignores the real difference between the harm caused, say, to one person, and the insult inflicted on the whole society; between disrespect shown to a person and betrayal towards him. It is no coincidence that even terminologically there is a "quantitative" gradation of morality. We put one degree of condemnation in the expression “he committed an unethical act” and another in the expression “he committed an immoral act”, although in both cases we are talking about a violation of the requirement of morality, but the significance of these violations is different. Giving, for example, the same positive assessment of the actions of a law enforcement officer who goes under the bullets of bandits who have taken hostages, and the actions of an operative who is forced to hide the true nature of his work from relatives and friends, one cannot fail to notice their different moral value. In the first case, we are talking about an unconditionally moral act, in the second - borderline with immoral. Consequently, the range of concepts "moral" and "immoral" is quite large. Moreover, even in those phenomena that receive an unconditionally morally positive or negative assessment, there is always an element of the opposite assessment. So, in the first case of the above example, the employee's sacrifice for the sake of the lives of other people is overshadowed by the possibility of his death or injury, the grief of his relatives and friends, etc., which already introduces a negative content into this phenomenon, and at the same time this fact strengthens the positive value of an employee's deed. This is the dialectic of morality: the more evil is overcome by an act, the higher its positive content, and the more damage is caused to a person fighting evil, the more valuable is his act.

Conflict is the most important side of the interaction of people in society, a kind of functional unit of social life. Theoretical knowledge and applied skills in the field of conflict resolution are professionally necessary for each police officer on the basis of the fact that:

1) conflicts are inevitable and frequent companions professional activity police officers;

2) conflicts are a violation and complication of communication processes in the professional activities of police officers.

Conflicts can arise along the entire spectrum of professional communication with the direct participation of a policeman as one of the parties to the conflict.

Conflictology is a science that studies the emergence, development and resolution of conflict.

The term "conflict" is used in a variety of ways. Most often, psychologists understand conflict as a clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions or views of the subjects of interaction.

conflict (from lat. conflictus- clash) is a confrontation between people (interpersonal conflicts) or groups with oppositely directed interests, opinions, positions, goals, the achievement of which infringes on the interests of the opposing party (group conflicts). Conflict is the emergence of a contradiction, its awareness and active work to overcome it. Conflict can be defined as one of the forms of human interaction, which is based on various kinds real or illusory, objective or subjective, to varying degrees, perceived contradictions between people, with attempts to resolve them against the background of the manifestation of emotions. A conflict is a clash of incompatible, oppositely directed tendencies in a person's mind, in interpersonal or intergroup relations, associated with acute negative experiences.

A conflict is a collision between something and something. This states an approximate equality in intensity opposing forces in conflict. Adherents of psychodynamic conceptual schemes define conflict as the simultaneous actualization of two or more motives (urges). Behaviorally oriented researchers argue that one can talk about conflict when there are alternative ways to respond. From the point of view of cognitive psychology, ideas, goals, values ​​collide in conflict - in a word, phenomena of consciousness. Conflict is the most acute way of resolving significant contradictions that arise in the process of interaction and is usually accompanied by negative emotions. Conflict is active, mutually directed actions of each of the conflicting parties to achieve their goals, colored by strong emotional experiences.

Conflict functions:

Conflicts perform both negative and positive functions.

The most serious negative functions of conflicts include:

1) deterioration of discipline and moral and psychological microclimate in the workforce, a decrease in the quality and efficiency of the work of employees and departments of the organization, the organization as a whole;

2) significant, sometimes irreparable damage to somatic and mental health, business interaction, informal relationships between the participants in the conflict.

The most important positive functions of conflicts include:

1) stimulating the transition of the labor collective to more modern and efficient technologies for core activities, norms of business interaction and behavior of employees, and the management of the team to more effective forms and methods of management and organization of labor;

2) rallying the team of an organization or unit in the process of conflict with the opposite side that is outside this conflict (rallying in the face of difficulties);

3) reduction of tension between the conflicting parties, the emergence of their experience of joint actions in the process of resolving the conflict as a condition that reduces the likelihood of a second conflict.

Law enforcement is replete with non-standard situations that require timely competent intervention based on creative thinking.

A professional leader is distinguished by highly developed qualities of pedagogical interaction, which enable him to adequately assess a conflict situation, establish contact with opponents of the conflict, correctly understand the motives of conflict activity, create a businesslike atmosphere, establish and maintain trusting relationships while searching for a mutually acceptable solution, decipher non-verbal signs of employee behavior and others

Social tension in society manifests itself in the most negative way in police departments, exacerbating the socio-political situation in service teams, provoking the development of destructive conflicts both vertically and horizontally. In this regard, the abilities of the manager (employee) are becoming increasingly important, allowing him to understand the causes of various emotional stresses, conflict situations in relations between police officers, empathize and participate, argue and convince, prove and delve into the essence of their actions and opinions.

It is very important for the manager, when resolving conflicts in the departments of internal affairs, to focus not on the subordination suppression of the aspirations of employees, but on providing them with the opportunity for creative independence in solving official tasks.

One of the essential determinants professional competence the leader is conflictological literacy, expressed in the integration of social and educational management strategies, which creates a positive effect in resolving conflict situations. Conflict situations are most often encountered in the activities of police officers. Moreover, the conflicts here are complex and diverse. Many antisocial acts are expressed in direct conflicts of the subject with people around him - relatives, acquaintances, strangers, members of public organizations, government officials, etc. Insults and violence against a person, hooliganism, robbery, murder, resistance to a representative of authority, etc. - all these are examples of conflicts that police officers are required to deal with.

Carrying out its activities in the fight against crime, protection public order, correction and re-education of convicts, employees of departments of internal affairs enter into certain relations (conflict) with citizens-offenders.

Finally, an employee of the internal affairs bodies experiences a certain emotional attitude towards the object and subject of his activity. The need to communicate with violators of public order, acute, fundamental topics of conversation with this category of people, a sense of hidden, and sometimes open opposition on their part, and other similar situations can cause increased irritability of an employee and on this ground a conflict arises.

In the work on managing the aggressive behavior of the offender, the method of "active listening" is important - this is a system for maintaining verbal contact with the enemy and communicating with demonstrating goodwill through gestures and facial expressions.

Active listening is:

  • - the ability to be open and unbiased;
  • - the ability to listen, literally perceiving information;
  • - ability to interpret information;
  • - the ability to act on what is heard.

In the process of communication, a few rules will help, it is advisable to remember them: - do not ignore or be negative about the feelings of the person with whom you are talking;

  • - respect the point of view of the interlocutor with whom you are talking;
  • - focus on solving the problem, not the interlocutor;
  • - do not talk about yourself: this can create additional difficult problems;
  • - do not ask direct questions, they look aggressive when they follow one after the other;
  • - retelling is a powerful tool in communicating with offenders and witnesses.

In addition, the police officer must take into account that people in difficult situations do not say what they think. The detainee may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, anger, excitement. Skillful penetration into the meaning of what is being said will help to avoid excessive anger and tension.

The basic rule of conduct for an internal affairs officer in a conflict situation is to learn to look and see, listen and hear. By getting as much information as possible, we are more likely to resolve the situation in such a way that everyone is satisfied.

On the other hand, an internal affairs officer faces conflicts related to relationships between team members, managers, etc.

The most common causes of service conflict situations are:

  • - unfavorable working conditions, imperfect forms of incentives;
  • - inability to distribute the task, to understand the psychology of the subordinate;

incompatibility due to personality, age and other differences;

Personal characteristics individual people- character traits, specific features of behavior, attitude to work, team. The successful activity of law enforcement officers largely depends on the ability to resolve the conflict in the service team, to get out of the conflict situation. According to the results of research, the first place among the sources of tension in the service team is the level of wages, bonuses, and the distribution of vacations. Second place is occupied by shortcomings in vocational training employees. Third place - the reasons associated with shortcomings in the organization and planning of work or management factors.

Conflicts in the field joint activities with their total number and diversity, they average 49%.

Service conflicts largely depend on what functions are assigned to the unit.

Inquiry departments, especially police departments, are in a more disadvantageous position, where the level of conflict is increased and the dominance of the command leadership style prevails.

The results of the study showed that out of the proposed methods for conflict regulation, two main ones were indicated - "discussing the problem together in a group" - 41% and searching for the causes of the conflict in oneself through "introspection" - 37.7%. Thus, seeking support and help from a group, fellow workers in resolving conflicts dominates, especially where units are small in number, and the type of activity involves close interpersonal interactions. Where employees of departments are placed in offices, the main method of conflict regulation is “introspection”.

The study of the nature of conflicts in the teams of employees of internal organs made it possible to obtain a fairly complete picture of their causes.

To the objective psychological reasons conflicts include:

  • a) shortcomings in the organization of work;
  • b) logistics problems;
  • c) imperfection of some normative acts;
  • d) difficult conditions of service;
  • e) the implementation of socially assigned functional role positions (leadership and subordination, control, evaluation of the actions of other employees, the manifestation of exactingness, etc.).

Subjective causes of conflicts:

  • 1. Reasons related to the personal characteristics of the heads of internal affairs bodies:
    • - painful reactions, difficulty in adapting to changing working conditions;
    • - unpreparedness to work with people;
    • - shortcomings in education;
    • - focus on "suppression" of subordinates;
    • - shortcomings of character;
    • - inability or unwillingness to admit mistakes;
    • - excessive demands;
    • - inconsistency of the leadership style with the level of development of the team;
    • - low cultural level;
    • - shortcomings in the organization of their own work and the service of subordinates.
  • 2. Causes of conflicts related to the characteristics of the team:
    • - negative group emotional states;
    • - indiscipline;
    • - an atmosphere of mutual forgiveness with a low level of work performed;
    • - the presence of microgroups united by the principle of mutual responsibility;
    • - inertia and passivity in the service;
    • - unhealthy opinions and moods.
  • 3. The causes of conflicts, depending on the characteristics of the personality of subordinates and the relationship between members of the team:
    • - social passivity of the individual;
    • - psychological incompatibility;
    • - the presence in the team of people with a "heavy character";
    • - the presence of "demonstrative" personality types in the team;
    • - rigidity (lack of flexibility in behavior) of individual members of the team.

Thus, underestimation of knowledge about conflicts and the lack of skills to organize one's behavior in them, as well as in pre-conflict situations, can cause serious difficulties in preventing and eliminating such conflicts, and in some cases, cause them.

One of the most effective means of resolving conflicts in teams is negotiation.

Negotiations are intended mainly to reach an agreement that meets the interests of both parties through a mutual exchange of views and to obtain results that would suit all participants in the negotiations. During negotiations, different interests come to light, and negotiators relate them to their own needs. The main disadvantages of negotiation are as follows.

"Cold start".

A participant enters into negotiations without first understanding their necessity and purpose, or without taking into account the complexity of conducting and their possible consequences. In this case, he will only have a “return move”, i.e. the initiative will not come from him.

"Absence of program".

The participant does not have a clear plan of action within the maximum and minimum requirements. Negotiations are easier to conduct if you have various options actions.

“The main thing is that it suits me.”

The partner so usurps negotiating only in his own interests that other participants do not see any advantages for themselves. This blocks the interlocutor, discourages him from negotiating in general.

"Let everything go by itself."

The participant does not have clearly formulated own specific proposals and arguments, detailed requirements and criteria for evaluating the subject of negotiations, positions and the expected reaction of opponents. The effectiveness of negotiations is reduced due to their insufficient preparation.

"Communication bugs".

Wrong behavior of one of the participants in the negotiations has a negative impact on the atmosphere of the negotiations, hinders the achievement of the goal. The partner has forgotten how to listen or never knew how to do it. In this case, the negotiator, in response to the partner’s statements, behaves unbusinesslike, overly emotional, unrestrained: he does not argue, but willfully defends his position; does not give new facts and evidence, but sets out well-known opinions that interfere with the solution of the problem; is not guided by common interests, does not emphasize the common responsibility for the cause.

The main thing is to focus on the subject of negotiations. Attention should be paid to the relevant arguments put forward by the opponent; evaluate whether the partner's position contributes to the achievement of the goal of negotiations; respond to the partner's performance depending on this assessment.

Thus, the leader should not be afraid of conflicts in the team. It is important to pedagogically competently prevent and resolve any conflict situation. Before starting to understand the essence of the conflict, it is important to identify its motives, and then bring the conflicting parties to mutual agreement, using the psychological and pedagogical methods below.

The purpose and objectives of this work is to study conflict management in the aspect of predicting the prevention of stimulation and resolution. However, only the presence of contradictions for the emergence of a conflict is not enough. And secondly, for a conflict to arise, someone must take the first step to take the initiative.

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Conflict management and its specific manifestation in law enforcement


The active development of conflict problems in the social and technical fields of science and practice has led to the emergence of a new, interdisciplinary branch of knowledge - conflictology.

Conflictology includes the study of the emergence, development and functioning of various conflicts: from conflicts in abstract systems to conflicts between social groups and individual people.

A certain place in the framework of conflictology is occupied by the study of conflicts in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies. In the process of detecting and investigating crimes, conflicts are inevitable, since for persons who have committed crimes and fell into the orbit of the interests of law enforcement agencies, one of the ways to avoid or reduce criminal liability is to counteract a police officer, which manifests itself in the form of various conflicts arising from the conflict of interests of these persons, with the professional interests of employees of the internal affairs bodies. Practice shows that counteracting persons use for this a variety of means, including psychological ones, of influencing employees. At the same time, law enforcement officials, daily feeling an underestimation of the socio-political significance of their activities, experience not only legal, but also psychological insecurity.

Currently in legal psychology There are three independent, albeit interconnected, directions in the study of conflicts in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies.

As part of its first direction, conflicts in the teams of internal affairs bodies are studied and recommendations are developed mainly for the heads of internal affairs bodies on resolving and resolving conflicts between subordinates.

The second direction is focused on the development of techniques and methods for resolving conflict situations in the process of solving operational tasks by police officers (investigation and detection of crimes, prevention of offenses, suppression riots etc.).

In the third, currently only emerging direction, approaches and recommendations are being developed for negotiating with criminals.

All three areas play a huge role in the activities of police officers, which actually determines the relevance of the topic of this work.

The purpose and objectives of this work is to study conflict management in the aspect of forecasting, prevention, stimulation and resolution.

1 The nature and types of conflicts in the activities of police officers

IN scientific literature There is no single universally accepted definition of the concept of "conflict". But this phenomenon is quite well known to every police officer, as well as to any person.

The basis of the definitions of the concept of "conflict" quite often uses the definition proposed by J. Shchepansky, who understands the conflict as a collision caused by a contradiction of attitudes, goals and methods of action in relation to a specific subject or situation 1 .

starting position to analyze conflicts in the activities of an internal affairs officer, we will accept such an understanding of conflicts in which conflict is not something exceptional, not a synonym for confrontation, but a way to overcome contradictions and limitations, a way of interaction of complex systems is an inevitable, normal phenomenon. However, only the presence of contradictions for the emergence of a conflict is not enough. First, these contradictions must be meaningful. And secondly, for a conflict to arise, someone must take the first step, take the initiative. It manifests itself primarily in actions that lead to a collision. But since, in relation to the activities of an internal affairs officer, the concept of "collision" is used as a metaphor, it is more accurate to speak of such an interaction in which actions take on the character of counteractions.

If we consider the conflict in the activities of an internal affairs officer as a way to overcome opposition, and the opposition of interested parties as an obstacle to achieving the goals of criminal proceedings, then it is legitimate to talk about the struggle of an employee and a person opposing him.

Based on this, the following definition of conflict can be accepted as satisfying the practical goals of the activities of an internal affairs officer.

A conflict is a psychological confrontation between an internal affairs officer and a participant in a case, or another interested person who has goals and interests that contradict or are incompatible with the goals and professional interests of the employee.

Viewing conflict as complex interaction a number of objective and subjective factors, the initial cause of the conflict must be recognized as the objective prerequisites that create the potential for a conflict3. This methodological position is reflected in the fact of separation of the conflict situation (or the objective basis of the conflict) and conflict behavior, i.e., ways of interaction between the conflicting parties4. Therefore, the same situation may or may not encourage different people to enter into conflict.

Sometimes a conflict situation is presented through its elements: participants with their conflicting goals and the object of the conflict. At the same time, the characteristic features of the conflict situation are the lack of active actions aimed at achieving the goals of the participants and the possibility of its existence long before a direct collision occurs.

With regard to the activities of an internal affairs officer, a conflict situation can be defined as an employee’s ideas about the existing contradiction, about himself (his goals, capabilities, etc.), about the “enemy” (his goals, individual and personal characteristics) in specific conditions before the start of confrontation , as well as what is the perception of the "enemy" about the ideas of the employee.

It is the employee’s ideas, “images, ideal pictures, and not reality itself that are the direct determinant of conflict behavior ...” 2 . At the same time, the analysis of a conflict situation is an analysis of a potential conflict, when the confrontation has not yet begun.

Ideas about the existing conflict, about oneself and one's "enemy" are called "conflict situation".

Usually in the analysis of conflicts, four main categorical groups are distinguished: the structure of the conflict, its dynamics, functions and typology.

Let's briefly consider each of them.

The structure of the conflict. In the psychological structure of conflicts in the activities and communication of employees of the internal affairs bodies, I. B. Ponomarev identifies the following components.

1. Cognitive components. Mutual perception of the characteristics of each of the conflicting parties; intellectual abilities of information processing and decision making; the degree of involvement of the individual in the conflict situation at various stages of its development; the level of self-control of the participants in the conflict; experience in working with people and professional readiness; self-awareness, self-understanding and objectivity in assessing one's capabilities.

2. The emotional components of the conflict are a set of experiences of its participants.

3. Volitional components of the conflict are manifested as a set of efforts aimed at overcoming disagreements and other difficulties arising from the confrontation of the parties, and at achieving the goals pursued by the participants in the conflict.

4. The motivational components of the conflict form its core and characterize the essence of the discrepancy between the positions of the participants in the confrontation.

In addition, it is advisable to include in the structure of the conflict the subject of the conflict, which is understood as everything about which the confrontation arose.

The dynamics of the conflict. In the general scheme of the dynamics of the conflict, from two to seven stages of its development are distinguished. After analyzing modern approaches to this issue, I. B. Ponomarev, in relation to the activities of an internal affairs officer, identified seven main stages in the development of a conflict.

1) pre-conflict stage;

2) the stage associated with the emergence of an objective conflict situation;

3) the intellectual stage of the development of the conflict;

4) a critical stage in the development of the conflict;

5) the decline in tension in opposition;

6) comparison of official and unofficial assessments of behavior;

7) resolution of the conflict or withdrawal from it by one of the parties.

conflict functions. Usually there are two functions of conflicts: destructive and constructive. When determining the functions of a real conflict, a specific approach is needed, since the same conflict can be destructive in one respect and constructive in another. Play a negative role at one stage of development, in some specific circumstances, and a positive one at another stage, in another specific situation.

In addition to these functions, in the activities of an internal affairs officer, a conflict can perform five more functions: signaling, diagnostic, restorative, probing and regulatory.

Typology of conflicts. The typology of conflicts plays not only a methodological but also a practical role. Currently, there are a large number of different typologies and classifications of conflicts, reflecting the different views and positions of the authors.

For the tasks of detecting and investigating crimes, the typology of conflicts proposed by M. Deutsch is of interest. This typology is based on the nature of the objective situation of contradiction and the understanding of this situation by the parties.

M. Deutsch identifies six types of conflicts:

1. Genuine conflict.

2. Random or conditional conflict.

3. Displaced conflict.

4. Wrongly attributed conflict.

5. Latent (hidden) conflict.

6. False conflict.

Thus, to understand the essence of conflicts in the activities of an internal affairs officer, we have three important concepts.

1. Conflict situation - ideas about the existing contradiction, about oneself (one's own goals, capabilities, etc.), about the "enemy" (his goals, individual and personal characteristics) in specific conditions, before the start of the confrontation, and also about , what is the "opponent's" view of the employee's views.

2. Conflict - a psychological confrontation between an employee and any other person who has incompatible goals and interests.

3. The situation of the conflict - the employee's ideas about this confrontation, about himself and his "opponent" in specific conditions and circumstances.

2 Predicting, preventing and stimulating conflicts

A legal conflict as a confrontation between subjects of law with conflicting legal interests arises when the parties begin to oppose, actively oppose each other, pursuing their own goals. Up to this point we have a conflict situation.

Evaluation of the situation as a conflict gives grounds and obliges the subjects of prevention to act. It is at this stage of the conflict process that preventive measures should be taken that affect the conflict situation and the behavior of potential participants in the conflict: diagnosing a conflict situation, predicting the development of a conflict, planning preventive actions, their direct implementation, control, etc.

The main directions for the prevention of conflicts that disrupt the team and negatively affect the results of performance are determined by the simultaneous and parallel solution of issues of protecting public order and combating crime in the region and the tasks facing the heads of internal affairs bodies to form the right relationships in the team of workers. In insufficiently cohesive teams, managers have to pay more attention to the prevention of conflicts that arise on a personal basis, and not on the basis of mutual exactingness and improvement of performance. This is due to the fact that in a team with a low level of development, the tasks of joint activities often fade into the background, employees even within the same department or service are not sufficiently oriented towards each other, the problem of compatibility is still far from being resolved, a stable composition, a professional core of the team hasn't worked out yet. Prevention in these cases is associated with the stabilization of the team, the adoption of measures to strengthen the staff of officers and enlisted personnel.

Common conflict prevention measures include:

  • improving the organization of management (achieving the value-target unity of the team, overcoming negative trends that entail functional egocentrism, increasing the level of staff awareness, the educational value of decisions made by management and other impacts on the management system, improving the criteria for evaluating the work of employees, competent placement of personnel, their mobilization for the performance of official tasks);
  • focusing the attention of personnel on the state of the operational situation, the protection of public order, the prevention of offenses and the fight against crime;
  • business overcoming difficulties of a material and technical nature, improving the living and working conditions of the team (rational use of premises, transport and other equipment, solving issues related to improving housing and living conditions, organizing recreation and leisure for employees);
  • carrying out educational work, taking into account socio-psychological factors: public opinion, mood in the team, cohesion, customs and traditions;
  • increasing the professional readiness and skills of employees;
  • strengthening the authority of the rank and file and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies among the population.

Special prevention of conflicts negative in content as the main measures provides for:

  • paying constant attention to phenomena and facts about which the accumulation of disagreements between employees or their separate groups is possible;
    • teaching the art of communication between managers and subordinates, subordinates among themselves and with citizens (in the process of official and non-official contacts, in oral speech and business correspondence)
    • revealing the facts of professional deformation of workers (abuse of power, "accusatory bias", instability in relation to the negative influence of antisocial elements);
    • prevention of concentration in certain divisions of officials transferred from other services in connection with their negative characteristics at their former place of work;
    • regulation of relations between employees, between whom conflicts may arise on business or personal grounds 3 .

Thus, we can conclude that a targeted impact on the personnel of the organization in order to eliminate the causes that give rise to confrontation and bring the participants in the conflict situation in line with the established norms of relationships requires a combination of many methods for effective conflict management.

3 Conflict resolution

Considering the problem of conflict resolution in the activities of an internal affairs officer, we consider it necessary to point out the conditionality of the thesis shared by a number of scientists about the possibility of considering a preliminary investigation of crimes as a kind of conflict resolution process.

The conditionality of this approach does not follow from the denial of the existence of conflicts in the activities of an internal affairs officer, but from the fact that this statement assumes that he must resolve the conflicts that arise. But this is not always the case.

The active use of the phrases "prevention and resolution of conflicts" creates the illusion of clarity and obviousness of their meaning. With regard to the concept of “conflict prevention”, the level of everyday ideas is really enough to understand that we are talking about preventing conflicts. As for the concept of “conflict resolution in the activities of an internal affairs officer”, in our opinion, it requires a special analysis.

The separation of the concepts of "conflict" and "conflict situation" allowed F. M. Borodkin and N. M. Koryak to offer the following general understanding of conflict resolution. The authors believe that the resolution of the conflict, i.e. the end of the conflict confrontation, and not a break, can only occur if the conflict situation changes, the change of which means a change in any of its parameters: the goal, the object of the conflict, opponents (participants, parties), relations object-opponent or opponent-opponent 4 .

Consider options for resolving the most typical role conflicts in the activities of an internal affairs officer. It is quite obvious that the conflict can be considered resolved when the goals of the “enemy” change. But we cannot deny and disregard that the conflict can also be resolved by changing the goals of the police officer. For example, in the case of newly discovered circumstances that changed his ideas about the role of the interrogated.

In role conflicts between the employee and the interrogated object, the right of the police officer to receive information relevant to the crime under investigation most often appears. If the interrogated person recognizes this right to receive the necessary information, the conflict will be resolved. We emphasize that we are talking only about role conflicts. Interpersonal conflicts are generally not resolved by obtaining information, since knowledge of the truth can often intensify rather than resolve interpersonal conflict.

The specifics of the activities of the police officer excludes, as a rule, the possibility of his refusal from the object of the role conflict, since in this case he will not be able to fulfill his professional duties.

The relations “the object of the conflict — the participant in the conflict” fix, first of all, the degree of significance of the object for each of the parties. With regard to conflicts that arise between the employee and the interrogated, it can be said that the significance of the object for both participants will be maximum with a minimum evidence base and vice versa, the more evidence the employee has, the less the significance of the object for the parties will be. The loss of significance of the conflict object for at least one of the participants leads to its resolution.

Changing the participants in the role conflict has an ambiguous effect on its resolution. Changing the interrogated almost always leads to its resolution. But changing the employee for some reason, as a rule, does not lead to the resolution of the role conflict, since in this case the conflict situation will remain. If in such a situation there is a resolution of the existing conflict, then the conflict was not role-based, but interpersonal.

In the relations that develop between the police officer and the interrogated, social-role and personal characteristics are intertwined, while one or the other can dominate. In the process of real interaction on initial stage the socio-role characteristics of relationships prevail, determined by the attitudes and social stereotypes of the participants in the conflict, into which their personal characteristics can be introduced. Socio-role and personal characteristics that determine the behavior and attitudes of the participants in the interaction are not only interconnected, but also actively influence each other.

Some interrogated people intuitively feel this and try either to establish a positive (trusting) relationship with the police officer, or they try to turn the existing business conflict into a positional conflict. But police officers, consciously or not, understand that positive interpersonal relationships able to influence the social-role conflict and lead to its resolution.

An analysis of practice shows that not all conflicts are resolved in the course of the activities of an internal affairs officer, and he often has to act in situations of unresolved conflicts, experiencing opposition from the interrogated and other interested parties. Therefore, we consider it appropriate to talk not only about conflict resolution, but also about the activities of police officers in conflict situations.

The psychological means used by the police officer in situations of conflict can be divided into means of analysis and means of activity. At the same time, we distinguish two types of analysis: analysis of a conflict situation, or the initial situation before the start of interaction, and analysis of conflict interaction (conflict situations).

One of the main means of the investigator's activity is psychological influence.

With regard to the activities of an internal affairs officer, psychological influence is understood as the psychological result of organizing joint activities by an employee with the interrogated person, aimed at establishing the truth in the case, which is manifested in a change in their psychological characteristics and restructuring of behavior. We associate the concept of "psychological impact" with the impact on the semantic sphere of the personality, on the needs, motives, goals, attitudes, semantic formations of the personality.

At the same time, the psychological impact, being a means of activity, is itself realized with the help of certain means. These means can be divided into material (material) and psychological. The most important psychological means of implementing the impact include the following: instrumental (verbal, non-verbal) and internal (empathy and reflection).

Considering the psychological impact as a result of the interaction process, i.e., as a result of not transferring, but exchanging information, practically means that the behavior of the interrogated person is involved in the arsenal of psychological means of the police officer's activity. At the same time, we are talking not only about the simple use, for example, of the emotional states of the interrogated person, but about the possibility of understanding his behavior in order to determine his goals in conflict interaction. This allows us to consider instrumental psychological means both as a means of activity and as a means of analyzing and diagnosing the goals of the behavior of the opposing subject in the process of contact interaction. It is the ability of the employee to “see” in the behavior of the interrogated person the means of influence he uses on the employee that makes it possible to adequately determine his goals. In other words, psychological tools perform two functions: when used to provide psychological impact, they act as a means of activity, and when used to understand the interrogated, these tools act as a means of visual diagnostics.

In order to exert a psychological impact on the interrogated, it is necessary to change his ideas. To do this, the employee must provide him with certain information. And when transmitting information, you need to make sure that these changes have occurred. That is, speaking in the language of cybernetics, it is necessary to obtain information for feedback. And this information is contained both in agreement, and in objections, and in wordless reactions, and in the absence of any visible reactions. In the latter case, the feedback information indicates that the transmitted information was ineffective.

That is why we include empathy as a means of psychological influence - a mechanism for penetrating into inner world a person with the help of sympathy, empathy, empathy with him. The development of empathy among employees is one of the ways to humanize relationships in law enforcement practice. But using empathy without reflection can have certain Negative consequences, since in the mechanism of empathy the main thing is the emotional component, which obscures the rational analysis of the behavior of the interrogated. Therefore, the empathy mechanism should be used together with the reflection mechanism. 5 .

Reflection occupies a special place among the means of implementing psychological impact due to the fact that it performs several functions. First, it is a means of self-knowledge. Secondly, reflection is a means of understanding a communication partner. Thirdly, the phenomenon of reflection underlies the reflexive control of the behavior of the "enemy" in situations of conflict.


In general, it can be noted that there is a dependence of the effectiveness of an employee on the nature of his goals. If it is necessary to establish psychological contact, the goals should be positional, and in a situation of confrontation - only business. At the same time, taciturnity in communication at a business level is a manifestation (demonstration) of strength and self-confidence. When communication is about relationships, a sign of strength and confidence is ease and verbosity. When an employee uses verbal means to diagnose the goals of the interrogated, it is recommended to take into account the following trends in his behavior.

1. In a situation of conflict, the interrogated seeks to connect the content of the information with his own assessment. And the conclusions that he tries to impose on an employee are most often unfounded. Therefore, it is important for an employee to be able to separate the content of the information received from the assessment of it by the interrogated.

2. The active actions of an employee seeking to obtain information force the person being interrogated to give it. But since in a situation of conflict the interests of the interrogated person contradict the interests of the employee, he cannot (does not want) to give out the information that, in his opinion, can harm him. This contradiction is often resolved with the help of certain camouflage actions: with the help of verbal means, the interrogated person gives out insignificant information as the most important, exaggerating its significance, and tries to convey the most important information for the employee as trifling.

3. In a conflict situation, it is typical for the interrogated person to give out such information that can demobilize and demoralize the employee. He resorts either to threats like “you will answer for this”, or tries to give out information that is unpleasant for the employee, sometimes with provocative notes (“Of course, your diligence is understandable. You, being so smart, cannot understand...”), etc.

And finally, it should be noted that any recommendations of this kind inevitably simplify ideas about the real process of conflict interaction between the employee and the interrogated. The complexity of this process is set by the interweaving of individually unique combinations of the means of influence of the interacting parties.

List of used literature

  1. Andreev V.I. Conflictology: The Art of Dispute, Negotiation, Conflict Resolution. M., 2005.
  2. Andreeva G. M. Social Psychology. M., 2004.
  3. Antsupov A. Ya. Shipilov A. I. Conflictology.- M.: UNITI, 2009.
  4. Bolshakov A.G., Nesmelova M. Yu. Conflictology of organizations. Tutorial. - M.: MZ Press, 2001. - 182p.
  5. Matveev, D. D. Organizational methods of resolving a conflict of interest in the performance of employees of internal affairs bodies / D. D. Matveev. // Law and law. -2008. - No. 4. - S. 44 - 45
  6. Fundamentals of conflictology. Proc. Benefit. Under. ed. IN AND. Kudryavtsev. 2007.

1 Shchepansky Ya. Elementary concepts of sociology.—M. 2009. p. 200.

2 Ponomarev I. B. Conflicts in the activities and communication of employees of the internal affairs bodies.—M., 2008 P. 29-40.

3 Radchenko, V.A. The specifics of educational impact and conflict management among employees of internal affairs bodies / V.A. Radchenko // Humanitarian and socio-economic sciences. - Special issue of "Pedago-geek". - No. 4. - 2006. - P. 140-147

4 Ponomarev I. B. Conflicts in the activities and communication of employees of the internal affairs bodies.—M., 2008 P. 29-40.

5 Oleinik A.N. Fundamentals of conflictology. M., 2002.

Starting torque domestic psychology sharply increased practical needs for data on the human psyche, the characteristics of the psyche, have reached a qualitatively new level mental activity mental regulation of behavior that could be taken into account as a human factor in the organization of the activity sphere of society. Legal norms, as well as social, economic, organizational and other regulators of people's behavior, operate in combination with psychological ones. To achieve this goal, it is planned to solve the following ... The purpose of the work is to consider the peculiarity of the manifestation of national attitudes and their consideration in the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs. Tasks of the work: - to study the mechanisms of functioning and manifestation of ethnopsychological phenomena; - consider the concept of a national attitude psychological mechanism national attitudes the impact of national attitudes on people's activities; - to study the originality of the manifestation of national attitudes in the activities of police officers. 3 The peculiarity of the manifestation of national attitudes in the activities of police officers Efficiency ...

Seminar plan(questions for preparation/discussion).

1. general characteristics conflict in the activities of law enforcement agencies (the concept of conflict, its signs and structure, main stages).

2. Typology of conflicts in the activities of the police department.

3. Causes of conflicts in the departments of internal affairs (objective and subjective reasons).

4. Consequences of conflicts in the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs (positive and negative effects).

5. Conflict resolution (the concept of conflict resolution, conditions, stages, methods and techniques of settlement).

6. Conflict prevention (the main ways to prevent conflicts).

1. General characteristics of the conflict in the activities of law enforcement agencies.

In psychology, everything is possible types of interaction are divided into two opposite types: cooperation (collaboration) and competition (conflict).

Cooperation is an interaction that contributes to the organization of joint activities, the achievement of a group goal.

Conflict- this is a collision of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, views of the subjects of interaction.

Traditionally, conflict has been viewed as a negative type of interaction. Currently, there is a lot of research in psychology that reveals the positive aspects of conflict.

Structure of the conflict(elements):

§ an object - the specific reason for the collision of subjects (problem, complex issue, task requiring resolution, research);

§ subjects (two participants or more) - individuals, groups, organizations, states in conflict over some object;

§ incident- a formal occasion for the start of an open confrontation.

Conflict is preceded by conflict situation. These are contradictions that arise between subjects about the object.

Main signs of conflict :

§ the presence of a situation that is perceived by the opposing parties as a conflict;

§ the conflict participants have opposite goals, needs, interests and methods to achieve them;

§ interaction of the conflicting parties;

§ results of conflict interaction;

§ use of pressure and even force.

The main stages of the conflict:

1. Pre-conflict situation - this is the period when the conflicting parties evaluate their resources, forces and consolidate into opposing groups. At the same stage, each of the parties forms its own strategy of behavior and chooses a way to influence the enemy.

2. Direct conflict - this is the active part of the conflict, characterized by the presence of an incident, i.e. social actions aimed at changing the opponent's behavior. The actions themselves are of two types:

§ actions of rivals that are open in nature (verbal debate, physical impact, economic sanctions, etc.);

§ hidden actions of rivals (associated with the desire to deceive, confuse the opponent, impose an unfavorable course of action on him).

The main course of action in a hidden internal conflict is reflective control, meaning that one of the rivals, through "deceptive movements", is trying to get the other person to act in a way that is beneficial to him.

3. Conflict resolution is possible only when the conflict situation is eliminated, and not only when the incident is exhausted. The resolution of the conflict can also occur as a result of the depletion of the resources of the parties or the intervention of a third party, creating an advantage for one of the parties, and, finally, as a result of the complete exhaustion of the opponent.

The most effective change in the conflict situation, which allows to extinguish the conflict, is considered to be: 1) elimination of the cause of the conflict; 2) changing the attitudes of rivals relative to each other; 3) changes in the requirements of one of the parties: the opponent makes concessions and changes the goals of his behavior in the conflict.

Conflict situations are often encountered in the activities of employees of internal affairs bodies. Moreover, the conflicts here are complex and diverse. Insults and violence against a person, hooliganism, robbery, murder, resistance to a representative of the authorities, etc. are all examples of conflicts that police officers are required to deal with.

However, the impact of the economic and political situation, insufficient level of social protection, insufficient level of wages, changes in the mechanism for granting benefits - all this creates an atmosphere of anxiety, irritability, increased conflict in teams, which in turn prevents them from performing their official duties in a quality manner.

Employees involved in the conflict feel worse, there is a feeling of infringement of their personality, dissatisfaction with the service.

The fact that the very nature of the conflict and the conflict situation is changing quite dynamically and is associated with changes in the practical activities of the police department makes the problem particularly acute. There are new types of conflicts and conflict situations that require new forms and methods to prevent and resolve them.

Often in the practice of law enforcement, examples of negative behavior of police officers are recorded - disrespectful attitude towards citizens, colleagues in the service, rudeness, untidy appearance drunkenness, indiscipline.

The variety and complexity of the conflicts that employees of the internal affairs bodies encounter oblige them to have a good understanding of the essence of these phenomena. Knowledge of the possible causes of collisions, the mechanism of their development and methods of prevention and elimination will allow you to determine the most optimal line of your behavior on the way to achieving the intended goal.

2. Typology of conflicts in the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs.

Types of conflicts:
1. by the number of participants in the conflict interaction: § intrapersonal- the state of dissatisfaction of a person with any circumstances of his life, which are associated with the presence of conflicting needs, interests, aspirations and can cause affects; § interpersonal- disagreement between two or more members of one group or several groups; § intergroup- occur between social groups that pursue incompatible goals and interfere with each other with their practical actions;
2. according to the direction of conflict interaction: § horizontal- between people who are not subordinate to each other; § vertical- between people who are subordinate to each other; § mixed- in which both are presented. The most common are vertical and mixed conflicts, averaging 70-80% of all conflicts;
3. by source of occurrence: § objectively determined- caused by objective reasons, which can be eliminated only by changing the objective situation; § subjectively determined- associated with the personal characteristics of conflicting people, as well as with situations that create barriers to satisfying their desires, aspirations, interests;
4. according to their functions: § creative (integrative)- contributing to the renewal, introduction of new structures, policies, leadership; § destructive (disintegrative)- destabilizing social systems;
5. by duration: § short-term- caused by mutual misunderstanding or mistakes of the parties, which are quickly realized; § protracted- associated with deep moral and psychological trauma or with objective difficulties. The duration of the conflict depends both on the subject of the contradiction and on the character traits of the people involved;
6. according to its inner content: § rational- covering the sphere of reasonable, business rivalry, redistribution of resources; § emotional- in which participants act on the basis of personal dislike;
7. According to the ways and means of resolving conflicts, there are: peaceful And armed
8. according to the content of the problems that caused conflict actions, they distinguish: economic, political, family, industrial, spiritual and moral, legal, environmental, ideological and other conflicts

This classification is rather conditional. There is no hard line between different types of conflicts.

As a result, both mixed types of conflicts and other forms not provided for in the proposed typology can arise in the practical activities of law enforcement agencies.

3. Causes of conflicts in the departments of internal affairs.

The study of the nature of conflicts in the teams of employees of the internal affairs bodies made it possible to obtain a fairly complete picture of their causes.

The objective psychological causes of conflicts include:

a) shortcomings in the organization of work;

b) logistics problems;

c) imperfection of some normative acts;

d) difficult conditions of service;

e) the implementation of socially assigned functional role positions (leadership and subordination, control, evaluation of the actions of other employees, the manifestation of exactingness, etc.).

Subjective causes of conflicts:

1. Reasons related to the personal characteristics of the heads of internal affairs bodies:

Painful reactions, difficulty adapting to changing working conditions;

Unpreparedness to work with people;

Deficiencies in education;

Orientation to "suppression" of subordinates;

character flaws;

Inability or unwillingness to admit mistakes made;

Excessive demands;

Inconsistency of the leadership style with the level of development of the team;

Low cultural level;

Shortcomings in the organization of their own work and the service of subordinates.

2. Causes of conflicts related to the characteristics of the team:

Negative group emotional states;


An atmosphere of mutual forgiveness with a low level of work performed;

The presence of microgroups united on the principle of mutual responsibility;

Inertia and passivity in the service;

Unhealthy opinions and moods.

3. The causes of conflicts, depending on the characteristics of the personality of subordinates and the relationship between members of the team:

Social passivity of the individual;

Psychological incompatibility;

The presence in the team of people with a "heavy character";

The presence of "demonstrative" personality types in the team;

Rigidity (lack of flexibility in behavior) of individual members of the team.

Thus, underestimation of knowledge about conflicts and the lack of skills to organize one's behavior in them, as well as in pre-conflict situations, can cause serious difficulties in preventing and eliminating such conflicts, and in some cases, cause them.

4. Consequences of conflicts in the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs.

By their social outcomes conflicts in the activities of police officers can be: positively and negatively directed.

positively directed conflict is a clash of major opinions within the framework of cooperation, united by a common goal.

This situation is often found between operatives involved in solving a crime. There are discrepancies on individual details of the case or versions. However, the ultimate goal is common to all - the successful disclosure of the crime.

Negative Directed Conflict- these are situations of confrontation that do not pursue socially useful goals.

It is impossible to unequivocally assess conflicts in the police department in terms of "good" or "bad".

In any case, conflicts lead to a decrease in performance.

Consequences of conflicts in the activities of the Department of Internal Affairs
Negative Positive
Organizational implications:· decrease in management efficiency, · friction between departments within the organization, · increased psychological distance between employees, · active or passive resistance and suspicion, · disintegration of the ATS team. Psychological consequences: feeling of anger, feeling of humiliation, stress, state of depression. Organizational implications:· Violations of the principles of democratization of society are revealed; · Violations of the principles of social justice are revealed; · Hidden difficulties in work are revealed; · Hidden reserves in work are revealed; · Professional knowledge and skills missing from individual employees are revealed. As a result, the ATS team can come to: awareness of common goals, improvement management methods, improvement vocational training workers, return to previously unresolved issues, statement of new problems, emergence of constructive considerations about the methods of their resolution.

5. Conflict resolution.

The conflict that has arisen in the police department needs to be resolved. Conflict resolution- this is the end of the conflict as a result of finding a mutually acceptable solution to a problem that is of personal importance to the participants. Resolution can occur at the stage of emergence, and at the stage of exacerbation, and at the stage of attenuation of the conflict.

Conditions for successful conflict resolution:

§ timely determination of the causes of the conflict;

§ definition business conflict zone- causes, contradictions, interests, goals of the conflicting parties:

§ mutual desire of the parties to overcome contradictions;

§ joint search for ways to overcome the conflict.

Stages of conflict resolution:

1. Settlement of one's own experiences. Since any conflict is characterized by intense emotional reactions and experiences, the ability of opponents to analyze the situation and make an informed decision is minimal. Therefore, the first step in overcoming conflict is coping with emotions.

2. Analysis of the conflict. Analysis of the conflict involves identifying the subject, its participants, their priorities, interests, fears, circumstances; the choice of a strategy for its resolution based on the forecast of the consequences of various scenarios for the development of events.

3. Implementation of the conflict resolution strategy. Actions are being taken to eliminate the factors hindering activity.

4. Achievement of the goal.

Maybe complete or incomplete resolution of the conflict. When the conflict is fully resolved, the conflict ends as a result of the elimination of the causes and subject of the conflict. In case of incomplete resolution, not all causes of the conflict are eradicated, only a temporary weakening of the conflict occurs, but at any opportunity, the conflict may flare up again.

Depending on the causes of conflicts, the characteristics of its participants, the situation in the team can be used various psychologically effective measures.

Conflict resolution methods can be divided into 3 categories:
Intrapersonal- these are methods of influencing an individual: - the leader conducts an educational conversation (it is considered the most effective form impact); - in the absence of results, disciplinary sanctions are applied; - it is possible to bring the problem to the discussion of the team; - extreme measure - dismissal of the instigator of the conflict and / or its active participants. One of essential conditions the effectiveness of intrapersonal influence - the adoption by the conflicting parties (personalities) of new conditions of interaction, liberation from the burden of the past. interpersonal- methods related to the choice of style of conflict behavior. In conflictology, there are 5 most common ways to resolve conflicts: - evasion; - adaptation; - rivalry; - compromise; - cooperation. Structural- Methods to eliminate organizational conflicts: - clarification of the requirements for work; what results are expected from each employee and department; - the use of coordination and integration mechanisms in the presence of one governing authority for both parties (the principle of unity of command facilitates the use of hierarchy to manage a conflict situation, since the subordinate knows whose decisions he must obey); - establishment of corporate complex goals (to direct the efforts of all participants to achieve common purpose favorable to the entire organization); - use of the reward system (focusing on performance).


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